X-changge wpf scrollviewer颜色怎么填充颜色

Selina婚后首次与老公恩爱现身 听Hebe唱歌狂飙泪
时间: 12:40
Hebe为演唱会庆功(责任编辑:小甲)Change the attributes of the specified dataset, data plot, or worksheet.
set name [option] [value]
Dataset, data plot or worksheet is specified by name.
If name is a dataset or data plot, only that dataset or data plot is affected.
If name is a worksheet, all datasets on the worksheet are affected.
If a number is provided after the dataset name in a plot, it specifies the datapoint. For example:
set %C 13 -c 2;
//This sets the color of 13th datapoint to Red
This datapoint notation can be applied to the following options:
options: -z , -c , -cse , -csf , -k , -ka , -kf , -lh , -lhc , -lhs , -lhw , -lv , -lvc , -lvs , -lvw
options: -pbc , -pbs , -pbw , -pfb , -pfc , -pfp , -pfw
The option switch determines which attribute is set to value.
(Read these attributes with the
Some of the values have a built-in list in Origin (color, shape, etc.), user can use the index number to complete the set, indicated by value#.
When used in conjunction with , RGB values and HTML hex codes can be used in place of color index values for many plot attributes . See, for instance, the examples shown with .
Syntax: set no option name
Open the Plot Details dialog box for name. For example:
Set %C; //Open Plot Details
Syntax: set name -at value
Do not save the dataset with the project. When name is a dataset and value = 1, the dataset is not saved with the project. When value = 0, the dataset would be saved. This works even you reopen the project.
set book1 -at 1; //workbook &Book1& would not be saved with the project.
Syntax: set name -b value
Set the beginning of the display range on a worksheet or on a data plot (value equals the row index number). Those undisplayed range would shown as blank.
When value = 1, set beginning of display range to Auto.
If name is a worksheet, the display range affects both the worksheet and the data plots of all datasets in the worksheet.
If name is a dataset, only the data plot display range is affected.
range rr = [Book1]Sheet2!B;
set rr -b 3;
//The data in col(B) in Book1 sheet2 starts to display from
//row 3 and first two cells will be shown as blank
Syntax: set name -b3o value
Set the start value from which the 3D Bars are drawn. This option applies to both XYZ/Matrix 3D Bar and XYY 3D Bar. A value of zero means the bars will start at Z = 0 and draw up if positive and down if negative. A value larger than 1 means the bars draw up (+) and down (-) from the From value of the beginning of Z Scale.
set %c -b3o 0; //set the start value of the current selected 3d bar plot to be drawn from 0.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.0 SR0
Syntax: set name -bs value
Temporarily set the beginning of the range of a dataset to the index given by value. This command is used with datasets to allow functions (such as ) to work on a subset of a dataset.
Its temporary effect switches off with any window refresh.
set col(A) -bs 5;
col(B)=sin(col(A)); //set value of col(B) by col(A) with first 4 rows blank
Syntax: set name -dc value
Set the dataset as categorical (0 = data is not categorical, 1 = data is categorical).
Syntax: set name -e value
Set the end of the worksheet display range (value equals row index number). The data outside the end range is not changed, only hidden.
See also -em and -ez.
set [book1]sheet1! -e 10;
Syntax: set name -e -1
Reset the data plot to display full data range. Example:
range r1 = [Graph1]Layer1!1;
set r1 -e -1;
In order to view the effect of this command, some data points should be excluded from display in the data plot. Refer to the
option switch.
Syntax: set name -em value
Set the end of the worksheet display range. When value = 0, set all data to missing values. value equals last index number.
When value = 0, all data are set to missing value.
When value & 0, the data outside the end range is not changed, only hidden.
See also -e and -ez.
//fill book1 sheet1 column with row numbers
set [book1]Sheet1! -em 0; // all data are hidden
set [book1]Sheet1! -em 10; // only 10 rows are show with missing value
Syntax: set name -er value
Set the number of rows available on the named worksheet. This command is used with a worksheet only. Data out of the range is deleted.
set [book1]sheet2! -er 20;
Syntax: set name -es value
Temporarily set the end of the range of a dataset to the index given by value.This command is used with datasets to allow functions (such as sum()) to work on a subset of a dataset. It temporarily switches off with any window refresh.
Syntax: set name -ez value
Set the end of the worksheet display range. When value = 0, set all data to zero.Value equals last index number.
When value = 0, all data is set to zero.
When value & 0, the data outside the end range is not changed, only hidden.
See also -e and -em.
Syntax: set name -f xvalue
Set the corresponding X value for the first data point. Use with set -i to create an associated X dataset.
Syntax: set name -f1 xvalue
Set the function to plot from xvalue.
Syntax: set name -f2 xvalue
Set the function to plot to xvalue. You must call -f2 to clear the Auto X Range check box.
To select the Auto X Range check box, use:
set funcname -f2 (0/0);
Syntax: set name -hbb value
Set the begin value(lower limit) of the histogram bin data.
Syntax: set name -hbe value
Set the end value(upper limit) of the histogram bin data.
Syntax: set name -hbs value
Set the histogram bin size.
Syntax: set name -i xinc
Set the X increment for the dataset. You cannot use this option if there are already X values associated with the dataset.
wks.ncols = 1;
wks.col1.type=1; //new a worksheet with only one Y column
csetvalue formula:=&i& col:=1; //Fill the column with row number
set col(A) -i 3;
set col(A) -f 2; //Set the corresponding X values
worksheet -p <span style="color: #; //Graph a line plot
Syntax: set name -it dataTypeValue
Set the internal data type for the name dataset or matrix to the value dataTypeValue. For example, to set the internal data type of the active dataset held in %C to double, use:
set %C -it 0;
Possible values for dataTypeValue are the same as the values of the constants defined in the oc_const.h Origin C header file (located in the \OriginC\system subfolder):
If&#160;%C is a column in a worksheet, then only a Numeric column is supported and only types FSI_DOUBLE, FSI_REAL, FSI_SHORT, and FSI_LONG are supported.
If&#160;%C is a matrix, then all these constants are supported.
However, FSI_TEXT and FSI_MIXED should be avoided for a matrix.
Syntax: set datasetname -set value
Set Text & Numeric datasets to show numeric values as text elements (value=1) or numeric (value=0).
-set also affect the Never convert text to numeric during data entry checkbox in .
You can type a digit string in column A after the script execute:
set %H_A -set 1;
//The digit string will be shown as text
//&Never convert text to numeric during data entry& will be checked
set %H_A -set 0;
//The digit string will be shown as numeric with scientific notation
//&Never convert text to numeric during data entry& will be unchecked
This command set the format of digit string typed/pasted into column A in current book (current sheet) as text after the command execute. In addition, the command will not change the digit string to text entry at before, only string entry in afterwards.
Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin 2015 SR0
Syntax: set name -a
Set the plot to the animate mode to be used for animation. The data plot automatically removes its own trace when redrawn without generating an update message so that the effect is fully visualized.
Syntax: set name -an value
Turn ON (value=1) or OFF(=0) the animate mode.
Set %C -an 1
Also, see REDRAW_REALTIME_SCOPE and REDRAW_REALTIME_WKS parameters of Update or Append function for Dataset or curvebase.
Syntax: set name -b3c dataset
Set the color map of surface plot to be from another matrix, and use the dataset to specify the values for contour fill
//Set colormap of active surface plot to be from range rr
range rr=&#91;MBook1&#93;MSheet1!1;
set %C -b3
Syntax: set %c -b3t type
Set the fill mode of the 3D surface plot.
1=Fill piece by piece
2=Contour fill from matrix
Minimum Origin Version Required: 2016 SR0
Syntax: set %c -b3cc value
When the fill mode is Fill piece by piece, we can set individual color as 3D surface plot color fill. E.g.., 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc. See the
in the appendix.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 2016 SR0
Syntax: set %c -b3cm dataset
When the fill mode is Fill piece by piece, we can set matrix as 3D surface plot color map.
//Set colormap of active surface plot to be from range rr
range rr=&#91;MBook1&#93;MSheet1!1;
set %c -b3
Minimum Origin Version Required: 2016 SR0
Syntax: set %c -b3cn dataset
When the fill mode is Fill piece by piece, we can set matrix as 3D surface plot color index.
//Set colormap of active surface plot to be from range rr
range rr=&#91;MBook1&#93;MSheet1!1;
set %c -b3
Minimum Origin Version Required: 2016 SR0
Syntax: set %c -b3cr dataset
When the fill mode is Fill piece by piece, we can set matrix as 3D surface plot color with direct RGB. Use
to return the integer value of RGB color.
range rr=&#91;MBook1&#93;MSheet1!1;
set %c -b3
Minimum Origin Version Required: 2016 SR0
Syntax: set name -c value
Set the plot line color and symbol edge color following the color palette. E.g.., 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc. See the
in the appendix. Alternately, value can be the return value of the color() function, when used with RGB or HTML hex values (see ).
To map the symbol edge or line color to a dataset, use ...
set DatasetName -
... where value = 101 + number-of-columns-to-the-right for color index dataset located on the right side of data or value = 524389 + number-of-columns-to-the-left for color index dataset located on the left side of data. For example, to base the symbol edge color on a dataset located two columns to the right of the data plot's Y dataset in the worksheet, use value = 103 (Note:
There is a limit of four columns to the right).
set %c -c 2; // set color to red by index
set %c -c color&#40;&#ff0000&&#41;; // set color to red by HTML hex value
set %c -c color&#40;<span style="color: #,0,0&#41;; // set color to red by RGB value
set %c -c <span style="color: #; // set the next column to the right as a color indexing column
set %c -c <span style="color: #; // set the next column to the left as a color indexing column
Syntax: set name -cf value
Set the fill color (for fill area graphs) following the color palette. E.g.., 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc. See the
in the appendix.
Syntax: set name -ci value
Set the plot line color and symbol edge color to be Increment. Use the value to specify the color index of the starting color.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
Syntax: set name -cl value
Set the plot line color following the color palette.
If the data plot includes lines and symbols, this command will also control the symbol edge color.
E.g.., 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc. See the
in the appendix.
Set the color for level n in a color mapped data plot following the color palette. E.g.., 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc. See the
in the appendix.
Syntax: set name -cli value
Set the plot line color to be Increment, and use the value to specify the color index of the starting color.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.6
Syntax: set name -clm dataset
Set the plot line color to be Colormap, and use the dataset to specify the values for colormap.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.6
Syntax: set name -cn dataset
Set the plot line color and symbol edge color to be Indexing, and use the dataset to specify the values for color indices.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.6
Syntax: set name -cm dataset
Set the plot line color and symbol edge color to be Colormap, and use the dataset to specify the values for colormap.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.6
Syntax: set name -cmc value
Fill to Contour (value=1) or Fill to Grid Lines (=0).
Controls whether color is filled to contour lines or to grid lines on a matrix-derived contour plot. This gives script access to the
on the Plot Details Colormap/Contours tab.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 2016 SR1
Syntax: set name -cmd value
Show Data Points (value=1) or do not Show Data Points (=0).
Display location of XY coordinates on the XYZ contour plot. This gives script access to the
on the Plot Details Colormap/Contours tab.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 2016 SR1
Syntax: set name -cmf value
Enable Color Fill (value=1) or disable Color Fill (=0).
Controls use of Color Fill on contour plots. This gives script access to the
on the Plot Details Colormap/Contours tab.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 2016 SR1
Syntax: set name -cmg value
Show Grid Lines (value=1) or do not Show Grid Lines (=0).
Display the triangulation lines used to generate contours. This gives script access to the
on the Plot Details Colormap/Contours tab.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 2016 SR1
Syntax: set name -cn dataset
Set the plot line color and symbol edge color to be Indexing, and use the dataset to specify the values for color indices.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.6
Syntax: set name -clr dataset
Set the plot line color to be RGB, and use the dataset to specify the RGB values.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.6
Syntax: set name -cpal colorPalette
Set the color palette of a data plot, data matrix, or 8bit image matrix such as contour plot, surface plot, matrix thumbnail, etc. The colorPalette is the name of the color palette file used (without .pal extension), for example:
// set the color palette named mars to the current data plot
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.5.1
Syntax: set name -cr dataset
Set the plot line color and symbol edge color to be RGB, and use the dataset to specify the RGB values.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.6
Syntax: set name -cse value
Set the plot symbol edge color following the color palette. If the data plot includes lines and symbols, this command will break the link (Automatic setting) between the symbol edge color and the line color.
E.g.., 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc. See the
in the appendix. To map the symbol edge or color to a dataset, set value should be "101 + number-of-columns-to-the-right" or "524389 + number-of-columns-to-the-left".
Syntax: set name -csei value
Set the symbol edge color to be Increment, and use the value to specify the color index of the starting color.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.6
Syntax: set name -csem dataset
Set the symbol edge color to be Colormap, and use the dataset to specify the values for colormap.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.6
Syntax: set name -cn dataset
Set the symbol edge color to be Indexing, and use the dataset to specify the values for color indices.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.6
Syntax: set name -cser dataset
Set the symbol edge color to be RGB, and use the dataset to specify the RGB values.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.6
Syntax: set name -cset value
Set the plot symbol edge color pattern, eg. 0 = indexing, 1 = direct RGB, 2 = colormapping. This command should be run after -cse if you want to set the plot be colormapped.
Syntax: set name -csf color
Set the plot symbol fill color following the color palette. E.g.., 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc. See the
in the appendix.
Syntax: set name -csfi value
Set the symbol fill color to be Increment, and use the value to specify the color index of the starting color.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.6
Syntax: set name -csfm dataset
Set the symbol fill color to be Colormap, and use the dataset to specify the values for colormap.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.6
Syntax: set name -cn dataset
Set the symbol fill color to be Indexing, and use the dataset to specify the values for color indices.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.6
Syntax: set name -csfr dataset
Set the symbol fill color to be RGB, and use the dataset to specify the RGB values.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.6
Syntax: set name -cu dataset
When the plot line color, symbol edge color or column/bar color is set to be Increment, and Use Custom Increment List is enabled, use the dataset to specify the color indices of the color list.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
Syntax: set name -cue value
When the plot line/symbol edge/column or bar color is set to be Increment, determine whether to enable Use Custom Increment List. 1 = enable, 0 = disable.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
Syntax: set -czn
Set the Z level for level n in a color mapped data plot.
Syntax: set name -lczm value
When making XYZ Contour/Surface plot, you can choose to skip missing values in Z by using this command. 1 = Enable skipping missing values in Z, 0 (default) = Do not ignore Z missing values.
Syntax: set name -lgcb value
Set colormap for 3D waterfall. 0=Y 3=Z color mapping.
//Y color mapping
plotxy iy:=&#40;1,2:4&#41; plot:=<span style="color: # ogl:=&new template:=glWater3D&;
set %C -LGCB 0;
//Z color mapping
plotxy iy:=&#40;1,2:4&#41; plot:=<span style="color: # ogl:=&new template:=glWater3D&;
set %C -LGCB 3;
Syntax: set name -so value
Access the original plot for 3D scatter or trajectory plots.
Options in
can be applied to the -so in this way:
set %C -so -k 1;
//set cubic as the dataplot shape
set %C -so -c 2;
//set red as the dataplot color
set %C -so -lv 1;
//show drop lines on Y direction
Syntax: set name -spi value;
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
This command only works for 3D openGL-based surface plots created from XYZ data. It is used to specify an index column to create a triangular-shaped patch. The indices in the index column refer to the nth data point in the XYZ columns. Three indices create one triangular face by connecting the three data points. Hence the size of the index column must be a number that is divisible by three.
The name should be the name of data plot and value should be an integer that specifies the column, where 2 denotes the next column, 1 denotes the main column(Z column), 0 means NONE.
Note: When an index column is used to create a triangular patch, contour lines and mesh lines in the surface plot will be disabled.
Syntax: set name -sx value
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.0 SR0
Set the x offset for grouped plots when the X individual offset is enabled. For example:
set %C -sx 10;
Syntax: set name -sx value
Access the YZ projection for 3D scatter or trajectory plots.
Options in
can be applied to the -sx in this way:
set %C -sx -k 1;
//set cubic as the dataplot shape
set %C -sx -c 2;
//set red as the dataplot color
set %C -sx -lv 1;
//show drop lines on Y direction
Syntax: set name -sxs value
Set the scaling factor of X value after stacking for a data plot. For example,
set %c -sxs 10;
//scale the active plot's X value 10 times greater after taking the stack offset.
Syntax: set name -sy value
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.0 SR0
Set the y offset for grouped plots when the Y individual offset is enabled. For example:
set %C -sy 20;
Syntax: set name -sy value
Access the XZ projection for 3D scatter or trajectory plots.
Options in
can be applied to the -sy in this way:
set %C -sy -k 1;
//set cubic as the dataplot shape
set %C -sy -c 2;
//set red as the dataplot color
set %C -sy -lv 1;
//show drop lines on Y direction
Syntax: set name -sys value
Set the scaling factor of Y value after stacking for a data plot. For example,
set %c -sys 10;
//scale the active plot's Y value 10 times greater after taking the stack offset.
Syntax: set name -sz value
Access the XY projection for 3D scatter or trajectory plots.
Options in
can be applied to the -sz in this way:
set %C -sz -k 1;
//set cubic as the dataplot shape
set %C -sz -c 2;
//set red as the dataplot color
set %C -sz -lv 1;
//show drop lines on Y direction
Syntax: set name -k
Set plot symbol shape (built-in symbols). For graphs with symbols, 0 = no symbol, 1 = square, 2 = circle, 3 = up triangle, 4 = down triangle, 5 = diamond, 6 = cross (+), 7 = cross (x), 8 = star (*), 9 = bar (-), 10 = bar (|), 11 = number, 12 = LETTER, 13 = letter, 14 = right arrow, 15 = left triangle, 16 = right triangle, 17 = hexagon, 18 = star, 19 = pentagon, 20 = sphere.
For any numeric values outside of this range (except 56 and 58), no symbol displays.
The numeric values of 56 and 58 display special symbol types:
56 = data markers and 58 = vertical lines that mark the X position of the data point.
To map the symbol shape to a dataset, use:
set DatasetName -
where value = 100 + number-of-columns-to-the-right.
For example, to base the symbol shape on a dataset located two columns to the right of the data plot's Y dataset in the worksheet, use value = 102.
There is a limit of four columns to the right.)
For bar graphs, this option is used to set the color index.
Syntax: set name -ka value#
Set plot symbol shape (user-defined and ASCII). User-defined bitmaps, value# = 0-24. e.g., 0=Geometric symbol, 1=first user-defined symbol, 2=second user-defined symbol, ..., 24=24th user defined symbol.
For ASCII character set, value# = 33-255.
Syntax: set name -kb value
Set plot data labels to bold. For graphs with data labels, display the data labels in bold font style.
1 = bold on, 0 = bold off. This would only effective when symbol is set to alphabetics or number numerics.
Syntax: set name -kf interior#
Set plot symbol interior.
For graphs with symbols, set symbol interior:
0 = solid, 1 = open, 2 = dot center, 3 = hollow, 4 = + center, 5 = x center, 6 = - center, 7 = | center, 8 = half up, 9 = half right, 10 = half down, 11 = half left.
For any numeric values outside of this range, no symbol displays.
To map the symbol interior to a dataset, use:
Draw a scatter plot, default setting is black solid square
set %c -k 2; //Change shape to be circle
set %c -kf 1; //Change interior to be open
set %c -c 2; //Set edge color be red
set %c -csf 3; //Set fill color be green
where value = 100 + number-of-columns-to-the-right.
For example, to base the symbol interior on a dataset located two columns to the right of the data plot's Y dataset in the worksheet, use value = 102.
There is a limit of four columns to the right.)
If shape is Sphere(#20), there are only two kinds of interiors, 1~7 is open, 8~11&0 is solid.
Origin 8 SR4 added option to use interior to control Row Number symbols to allow for using X or Y values instead of Row Numbers. interior = 1 to use X, = 2 to use Y and any other values will use row index.
Syntax: set name -kh value
of the plot symbol. The value should be the desired value of edge thickness. And this can be used to control the symbol edge size.
In order to set the edge thickness back to default, use value = 255.
Syntax: set name -ki value
Set plot data labels to italic. For graphs with data labels, display the data labels in italic font style.
1 = italic on, 0 = italic off. This would only effective when symbol is set to alphabetics or number numerics.
Syntax: set name -kn font
Set plot font for alphanumeric symbols (set DatasetName -k 12 or 13). For graphs with alphanumeric symbols (set DatasetName -k 12; or
set DatasetName -k 13;), select the font.
set DatasetName -kn font(FontName) . For example:
range rr = &#91;Graph1&#93;Layer1!1; // A scatter plot in graph 1 layer 1
set rr -k 12; // Set symbol to be alphabetic
set rr -kn font&#40;Times New Roman&#41;; //Change symbol font to &Times New Roman&
syntax: set name -ku value
Set plot data label to underline. For graphs with data labels, display the data labels with an underline.
1 = underline on, 0 = underline off. This would only effective when symbol is set to alphabetics or number numerics.
Syntax: set name -kt value
SR4 added access to symbol tab Construction details radio choices. 0 = Geometry, 1 = Char, 2 = Increment ABCD, 3 = increment abcd, 4 = Data Value (Row numbers, Y Values, X Values) and 5 = index to User defined symbols. The following code will change a scatter plot (active&#160;%C) to use Y values from the data as symbols:
set %C -kt 4;// row number symbol type
set %C -kf 2;// substitude row number with Y values
Syntax: set name -z value
Set data point symbol size. For data plots with symbols, set the data point symbol size, in points, with 1 point = 1/72 inch.
For data plots with error bars, this option sets the cap width of the error bars.
To map the symbol size to a dataset, use set DatasetName -z value, where value = 100 + number-of-columns-to-the-right.
For example, to base the symbol size on a dataset located two columns to the right of the data plot's Y dataset in the worksheet, use value = 102.
There is a limit of four columns to the right.)
Syntax: set name -ksi
set symbol shape to be increment.
Syntax: set name -ksi
set symbol fill type to be increment.
Syntax: set name -ksn Dataset
set symbol shape to be indexed by a dataset.
Syntax: set name -kfn Dataset
set symbol fill type to be indexed by a dataset.
Syntax: set name -d style#
Set the line style. E.g., 0 = solid, 1 = dash, etc. See in the line style list in the appendix.
Syntax: set name -dn dataset
Set the plot line style to be Indexing, and use dataset to specify the values for line style indices.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 2016 SR0
Syntax: set name -l connection#
Set plot line connection method. Line connection method, numbered in order:
0 = scatter, 1 = line, 2 = segment, 3 = segment3, 8 = Bspline, 9 = spline, 11 = step horz, 12 = step vert, 13 = step center, and 15 = Bezier.
Syntax: set name -lhc value
Set the horizontal drop line color. Follows the color palette:
1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.
Syntax: set name -lhs value
Set the horizontal drop line style. 0 = solid, 1 = dash, etc. as in the line style list.
Syntax: set name -lhw value
Set the horizontal drop line width. 500 = 1 point.
Syntax: set name -lvc value
Set the vertical drop line color. Follows the color palette:
1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.
Syntax: set name -lo value
Show/hide drop lines on XY plane for 3D scatter plot or trajectory plots.
1 = show drop lines, 0 = hide drop lines.
Syntax: set name -lh value
Show/hide horizontal drop lines on 2D plot.
Show/hide drop lines on XZ plane on 3D scatter plot or trajectory plots.
1 = show drop lines, 0 = hide drop lines.
Syntax: set name -lv value
Show/hide horizontal drop lines on 2D plot.
Show/hide drop lines on YZ plane on 3D scatter plot or trajectory plots.
1 = show drop lines, 0 = hide drop lines.
Syntax: set name -lvs value
Set the vertical drop line style. 0 = solid, 1 = dash, etc. as in the line style list.
Syntax: set
name -lvw value
Set the vertical drop line width. 500 = 1 point.
Syntax: set name -wn dataset
Set the line width by using dataset to index width of each segment.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 2016 SR0
Syntax: set name -tf font
Set the text label font. Set the font, where font is the index number in the current font list.
function can be used to convert a text font name into the index number. This and the following text label control would only functional when a label column is plotted together with data which would shown in Plot Details dialog as a separate plot.
Syntax: set name -tj just
Set text label justification. Set the justification, with just = 0 for left, just = 1 for center.
Syntax: set name -tr angle
Set the text rotation in angle
Syntax: set name -ts size
Set text label font size.
Syntax: set name -tts kind
If kind=0: the label text is going to come from x dataset
If kind=1: the label text is going to come from y dataset
If kind=2: the label text is going to be the row number
If kind=3: the label text is going to be come from both x and y dataset as (x,y)
Set text label font size.
Syntax: set name -tx yoffset
Set the Y offset for the plot data label. Yoffset is percent of the label text height.
Syntax: set name -ty xoffset
Set the X offset for the plot data label. Xoffset is percent of the label text height.
Syntax: set name -ue
Update the Excel workbook when you set values in the associated Origin worksheet layer.
Syntax: set name -ui
Update Origin when you type or paste data into an Excel workbook sheet.
Syntax: set name -pbc color#
Set plot bar or column border color. For data plots with bars or columns, set the border color of the bar or column: Follows the color palette:
1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.
Syntax: set name -pbci color#
Set bar or column border color as Increment. The starting color index is defined by the variable color#. The value of the color index follows the default increment list: 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
Syntax: set name -pbcm dataset
Set bar or column border color as Colormap The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for the color map.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
Syntax: set name -pbcn dataset
Set bar or column border color as Indexing. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for color indexing.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
Syntax: set name -pbcr dataset
Set bar or column border color as RGB. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for RGB values.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
Syntax: set name -pbs style#
Set plot bar or column border line style. For data plots with bars or columns, set the border line style of the bar or column:
0 = solid, 1 = dash, etc. as in the line style list.
Syntax: set name -pbw width
Set plot bar or column border line width. For data plots with bars or columns, set the border line width of the bar or column.
Syntax: set name -pfb color#
Set plot bar or column fill color. For data plots with bars or columns, set the background color of the bar or column following the color palette:
1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.
Syntax: set name -pfbi color#
Set bar or column fill color as Increment. The starting color index is defined by the variable color#. The value of the color index follows the default increment list: 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
Syntax: set name -pfbm dataset
Set bar or column fill color as Colormap. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for the color map.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
Syntax: set name -pfbn dataset
Set bar or column fill color as Indexing. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for color indexing.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
Syntax: set name -pfbr dataset
Set bar or column fill color as RGB. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for RGB values.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
Syntax: set name -pfc color#
Set plot bar or column foreground pattern color. For data plots with bars or columns, set the foreground pattern color of the bar or column following the color palette:
1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.
Syntax: set name -pfci color#
Set bar or column pattern color as Increment. The starting color index is defined by the variable color#. The value of the color index follows the default increment list: 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
Syntax: set name -pfcm dataset
Set bar or column pattern color as Colormap. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for the color map.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
Syntax: set name -pfcn dataset
Set bar or column pattern color as Indexing. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for color indexing.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
Syntax: set name -pfcr dataset
Set bar or column pattern color as RGB. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for RGB values.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
Syntax: set name -pffi color#
Set bar or column gradient fill color as Increment. The starting color index is defined by the variable color#. The value of the color index follows the default increment list: 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
Syntax: set name -pffm dataset
Set bar or column gradient fill color as Colormap. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for color map.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
Syntax: set name -pffn dataset
Set bar or column gradient fill color as Indexing. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for color indexing.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
Syntax: set name -pffr dataset
Set bar or column gradient fill color as RGB. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for RGB values.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0
Syntax: set name -pfp fillPattern#;
Set plot bar or column fill pattern. For data plots with bars or columns, set the fill pattern of the bar or column following the pattern drop-down list:
0 = none, 1 = dense, 2 = medium, etc.
Syntax: set name -pfw
Set plot bar or column fill pattern line width. For data plots with bars or columns, set the fill pattern line width, with 500 = 1 point.
Syntax: set name
-vg percentGap
Set the bar and column plot gap.
Syntax: set name
-vw borderWidth
Set the bar and column plot border width (in points).
Syntax: set name -o YDataset
Plot the values in the name dataset as Y error bars for the plotted Ydataset. name must be a plotted dataset.
For example, if column B and column C are displayed as line data plots in the active graph window, the following example displays column C as Y error bars for column B.
range err = &#91;Book1&#93;Sheet1!col&#40;C&#41;;
range line = &#91;Book1&#93;Sheet1!col&#40;B&#41;;
Syntax: set -om YDataset
Plot the values in the name dataset as Y (minus) error bars for the plotted YDataset. name must be a plotted dataset. For example, if column B and column C are displayed as line data plots in the active graph window, the
range rc = [Book1]Sheet1!C;
range rb = [Book1]Sheet1!B;
command displays column C as Y (minus) error bars for column B.
Syntax: set name -op YDataset
Plot the values in the name dataset as Y (plus) error bars for the plotted YDataset. name must be a plotted dataset. For example, if column B and column C are displayed as line data plots in the active graph window, the
range rc = [Book1]Sheet1!C;
range rb = [Book1]Sheet1!B;
command displays column C as Y (plus) error bars for column B.
Syntax: set name -or YDataset
Plot the values in the name dataset as Y error bars (relative) for the plotted YDataset. name must be a plotted dataset.
For example, if column B and column C are displayed as line data plots in the active graph window, the
range rc = [Book1]Sheet1!C;
range rb = [Book1]Sheet1!B;
command displays column C as Y (plus) error bars for column B.
Syntax: set name -ox YDataset
Plot the values in the name dataset as X error bars for the plotted YDataset. name must be a plotted dataset. For example, if column B and column C are displayed as line data plots in the active graph window, the
range rc = [Book1]Sheet1!C;
range rb = [Book1]Sheet1!B;
command displays column C as X error bars for column B.
Syntax: set name -oxm YDataset
Plot the values in the name dataset as X (minus) error bars for the plotted YDataset. name must be a plotted dataset.
For example, if column B and column C are displayed as line data plots in the active graph window, the
range rc = [Book1]Sheet1!C;
range rb = [Book1]Sheet1!B;
command displays column C as X minus error bars for column B.
Syntax: set name -oxp YDataset
Plot the values in the name dataset as X plus (error) bars for the plotted YDataset. name must be a plotted dataset. For example, if column B and column C are displayed as line data plots in the active graph window, the
range rc = [Book1]Sheet1!C;
range rb = [Book1]Sheet1!B;
command displays column C as X plus error bars for column B.
Syntax: set name -lm value
Extend the plot line to full X range when there are missing Y values at the end of a curve.
Where 1 = E and 0 = Not extend.
(This option can be used in Survival Plots)
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.5.0
col&#40;a&#41; = &#123;0, 3, 4, 12, 12, 12&#125;;
col&#40;b&#41; = &#123;1, <span style="color: #, <span style="color: #, NANUM, NANUM, NANUM&#125;; // Data with missing Y values
plotxy 2 <span style="color: #; // Plot a line graph
sec -p 2; // Pause 2 seconds to see the original plot
set %C -lm 1; // Change the setting
layer -a; // Rescale
Syntax: set name -q value
Show or hide data labels along with plotted data. 1 = show data label, 0 = hide data label.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.5.0
Syntax: set name -qa value
When labels are shown in a 3D graph, the orientation of label is Auto Or it is always perpendicular to the viewing direction. 1 = enable Auto Orientation, and 0 = disable Auto Orientation. If Auto Orientation is disabled, the switch -qn (or -qnx, -qny, -qnz) can be used to set the label orientation.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.0 SR0
Syntax: set name -qb value
Set the data label to bold. 1 = enable bold, 0 = disable bold.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.5.1
Syntax: set name -qc value
Set the data label font color. Value follows the color palette: 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.5.0
Syntax: set name -qf value
Set the data label font. Value is the index of the operation system fonts, which can be found from the Font drop-down list of the Label tab in Plot Details dialog. You can also use Origin font function which returns that index:
set %C -qf font&#40;Tahoma&#41;;
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.5.0
Syntax: set name -qi value
Set the data label to italic. 1 = enable italic, 0 = disable italic.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.5.1
Syntax: set name -ql nType
A leader line connects a data point and its associated data label. This command sets the leader line connection type when data labels are enabled for a 3D graph.
Possible value for nType is as following:
1 = Straight L
2 = First approach the data point along with X axis, then connect to it by the shortest distance.
3 = First approach the data point along with Y axis, then connect to it by the shortest distance.
4 = First approach the data point along with Z axis, then connect to it by the shortest distance.
5 = First approach the data point along with X & Y axes, then connect to it by the shortest distance.
6 = First approach the data point along with X & Z axes, then connect to it by the shortest distance.
7 = First approach the data point along with Y & Z axis, then connect to it by the shortest distance.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.0 SR0
Syntax: set name -qlc nColor
Set the color of the leader lines created by the
command. The nColor should be the index number from the .
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.0 SR0
Syntax: set name -qlw dWidth
Set the line width of the leader lines created by the
command. The dWidth value should be in points.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.0 SR0
Syntax: set name -qm value
Set the data label form, where the value can be:
1: X value
2: Y value
3: Row Indices
4: X and Y value
5: User custom form. You can use -qms to set the display string.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.5.0
Syntax: set name -qms str
Use *n to set significant digits.
Use .n to set decimal places.
Use Dnn/Tnn to set date/time format.
Use $(i), $(X), $(Y) to indicate row index and coordinates.
set %c -j -qms &#40;$&#40;x&#41;, $&#40;y,*2&#41;&#41;&#91;$&#40;I&#41;&#93;; // -j switch prevents substitution
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.5.0
Syntax: set name -qn xvalue yvalue zvalue
When you use the -qa switch to disable Auto Orientation for labels in 3D graphs, this switch can be used to specify the normal vector of the plane. Then the label's orientation will be parallel with this plane.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.0 SR0
For example:
set %C -qa 0;
// disable auto orientation
set %C -qn 1 0 0;
// set normal vector {1, 0, 0}
Syntax: set name -qnx xvalue
This switch is similar to the -qn switch, but it will just specify the x component of the normal vector.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.0 SR0
Syntax: set name -qny yvalue
The same as -qnx, but for the y component.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.0 SR0
Syntax: set name -qnz zvalue
The same as -qnx, but for the z component.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.0 SR0
Syntax: set name -qp value
Set the label position. Where 1 = Center, 2 = Left, 3 = Right, 4 = Above and 5 = Below.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.5.0
Syntax: set name -qr value
Set the rotation degree of the data label.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.5.0
Syntax: set name -qs value
Set the font size of the data label.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.5.0
Syntax: set name -qu value
Set underline for the data label. 1 = underline, 0 = no underline.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.5.1
Syntax: set name -qw value
Set whether to use whiteout or not. Where 1 = whiteout and 0 = do not use whiteout.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.5.0
Syntax: set name -qx value
Set the X offset value of the data label.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.5.0
Syntax: set name -qy value
Set the Y offset value of the data label.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.5.0
Syntax: set -j another switch
Disable the use of substitution notation (% and $) in the argument string. By default, the set command substitutes the&#160;% and $ notation.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.5.0
Syntax: set Name -m value
Set the specified data plot as movable/not movable with the cursor. 1 = movable, 0 = not movable (default).
Syntax: set name -n newname
Rename loose dataset.
create lds1 10;
//Create a loose dataset with name lds1
//The loose dataset name is lds1
set lds1 -n LooseD
//Rename dataset from lds1 to LooseDataset
//List all datasets, there will be not dataset with
//name lds1 but LooseDataset
Syntax: set name -pd value
Show/hide vertical drop lines. 1 = show drop lines, 0 = hide drop lines.
(See also the -lh and -lv options.)
Syntax: set name -pf value
Turn the fill area option on or off. 1 = fill area on, 0 = fill area off.
Syntax: set name -pfv fillAreaS
Control the . 1 = normal, 2 = inclusive broken by missing values, and 3 = exclusive broken by missing values.
Syntax: set name -s
Show/hide the data plot. 1 = show, 0 = hide.
Syntax: set name -skip n;
Display every nth symbol in a line+symbol data plot. The drawn line, on the other hand, goes through all points, up to the
display limit.
// Plot a line+scatter with 10 data points (row # for example)
set %c -skip 2; // the symbol is displayed every two points
Syntax: set name -spf
Specify whether to flatten the 3D surface plot. 1 = enable flatten-mode, 0 = disable flatten mode.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.0 SR0
Syntax: set name -spz
Set the z offset by percent of the scale range for 3D surface plot. To set the plot at bottom or top, provide 0 or 100, respectively.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.0 SR0
Syntax: set name -tb
Control the data plot rendering mode. When value = 0, the data plot is rendered from metafile descriptions that are stored in memory.
When value = 1, the data plot is rendered from an internal bitmap.
For large data plots, the "bitmap mode" provides a faster redraw than the "metafile mode".
However, if you resize the graph, the data plot can appear "blocky" in the bitmap mode.
Syntax: set name
Set (update) the current display range for name in the active layer to be true for name in all layers.
Syntax: set name -w width
Set connecting line width. 500 = 1 point.
Syntax: set name -x value
Associate an X dataset with a Y dataset. Name must be the dataset name that provides the X values for the Y dataset value.
A graph window must be the active window.
Name can refer to any dataset, regardless of column plot designation.
Syntax: set -yx
Set the dataset that is plotted in the current layer to be plotted (a) against row number or (b) the X start value and increment as specified using the -f and -i options (or through Format:Set Worksheet X).
The following script sets the beginning of the display range for col(B) to 10.
range rr = &#91;Book1&#93;Sheet1!B;
set rr -b 10;
The next script sets the line width to 2 pts.
range rr = &#91;Book1&#93;Sheet1!B;
set rr -w <span style="color: #;
The next script hides data plot from col(B) in graph.
range rr = &#91;Book1&#93;Sheet1!B;
set rr -s 0;
The following script opens the Plot Details dialog box correspond to active data plot.
The next script sets the active scatter data plot to display row numbers as data point symbols.
set %C -k 11;
The next script adds an XY data plot (col(B) in Book2 sheet1 as Y, col(A) in Book1 sheet1 as X) to the active layer.
range r1 = &#91;Book2&#93;Sheet1!B;
range r2 = &#91;Book1&#93;Sheet1!A;
layer -i r1;
set r2 -x r1;
In the last example, open a new project and import the WIND.DAT file from the Samples\Graphing\ folder.
Select the Month column and then move to Last.
Set this column as a label column.
Select the Power and Month column and select Plot:Scatter.
Then run the following script to set the label data plot display attributes.
ii = font&#40;Arial&#41;;
//use font function to find Arial index #
range rr = &#91;Wind&#93;Wind!A;
set rr -tr 90;
//rotate 90 degrees
set rr -ty 50;
//50% y offset
set rr -tj 0;
//left justify
//set as Arial font
In this example, we first plot a XY line and then add some other dataset into the graph. Then give each dataset different settings.
//New a workbook
string wname$ = page.name$; //Get new workbook's name
wks.ncols=10; //Set column numbers to be 10
int nn = wks.ncols;
csetvalue formula:=&i-1& col:=1;
Loop&#40;ii, 2, nn&#41;
csetvalue formula:=&(i-1)/(2/(ii-1))& col:=$&#40;ii&#41;;
&#125;; //Gave every column values
set %c -em 10; //Only display 10 values
plotxy iy:=&#40;1,2&#41; plot:=<span style="color: #; //Plot a scatter graph with first 2 columns
for&#40;jj=3; jj&= jj++&#41;
range rr = &#91;%&#40;wname$&#41;&#93;sheet1!col&#40;$&#40;jj&#41;&#41;;
string bb$ = %&#40;wname$&#41;_$&#40;jj&#41;;
set %&#40;nameof&#40;rr&#41;$&#41; -n %&#40;bb$&#41;; //change dataset name
layer -i201 %&#40;bb$&#41;; //add new plot to the same layer
int tt = 3;
int tt2 = 1+mod&#40;tt,3&#41;;
set %&#40;wname$&#41;_$&#40;tt&#41; -c $&#40;tt-1&#41;; //set symbol color
set %&#40;wname$&#41;_$&#40;tt&#41; -z $&#40;9+&#40;tt-2&#41;&#41;; //set symbol size
set %&#40;wname$&#41;_$&#40;tt&#41; -k $&#40;tt2&#41;; //set symbol type
In this example, we first plot a XY scatter, set it to be colormapped and then add some other dataset into the graph. Useing the first plot's setting values to modify the others.
string wname$ = page.name$; // Get workbook name
wks.ncols = 5; // Set number of coiumn to be 5
int nn = wks.ncols;
col&#40;1&#41; = &#123;<span style="color: #:<span style="color: #&#125;; // Let the first column be our colormap
Loop&#40;ii, 2, nn&#41;
range rr = &#91;%&#40;wname$&#41;&#93;1!wcol&#40;ii&#41;;
rr = &#123;0:1*&#40;ii-1&#41;:10*&#40;ii-1&#41;&#125;;
plotxy iy:=&#40;2,3&#41; plot:=<span style="color: #; // Plot the first scatter using col(3) and col(2)
set %c -cse $&#40;<span style="color: #+ii-1&#41;; // Set Col(1) be color index
set %c -cset 2; // Set color pattern to be colormapping
else &#123;layer -i201 %&#40;nameof&#40;rr&#41;$&#41;&#125;; // Add the rest to the layer
wks.col$&#40;ii&#41;.type = 4; // Set col(2) to be X for plotting
string pp$ = %&#40;wname$&#41;_%&#40;char&#40;jj+66&#41;$&#41;;
switch &#40;jj&#41;
get %&#40;pp$&#41; -cse t1;
get %&#40;pp$&#41; -cset t2;
get %&#40;pp$&#41; -z t3;
get %&#40;pp$&#41; -k t4; // Get the first plot's setting values
set %&#40;pp$&#41; -cse $&#40;t1+jj-1&#41;;
set %&#40;pp$&#41; -cset t2;
set %&#40;pp$&#41; -z $&#40;jj*t3&#41;;
set %&#40;pp$&#41; -k $&#40;jj+t4-1&#41;; // Make some changes and apply to the other 2 plots
Example 10
Use Increment for symbol color and enable the usage of custom color list:
//Create new workbook, fill data and plot as scatter
col&#40;A&#41; = data&#40;1,12&#41;;
col&#40;B&#41; = col&#40;A&#41;;
plotxy &#40;1,2&#41;;
//Use Increment to define symbol color
set %c -ci 1;
//Enable the usage of custom color
set %c -cue 1;
//Define the color indices in the custom color list
set %c -cu 2 4 6 8;


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