怎样成为好学生一个好学生 300个单词啊

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/etc/nginx/nginx.conf.学英语,好记忆不如好方法!苦背9年单词不如熟用300个词缀! - 今日头条()
背单词从一个学生开始学英语的时候就不断的苦恼。单词记不住、单词记住又忘了、单词太难,种种问题都构成了学生学英语的障碍。但是,英语的学习却离不开单词,做选择题要会认识单词,做阅读需要知道单词,写作文更需要大量的单词。所以,不管是小学、初中,还是高中,学习英语都离不开一个事,记!单!词!但是,单词记不住怎么办?回想学习多年英语,记住了多少个,又有多少个是自己还能写下的。结果是记住的单词竟然不到曾经学习单词的一半的数量。所以,苦记这么多年单词有什么用呢,还不如找一个好方法去学习单词。学习单词的方法里面很有效的就是寻找单词的组合规律,一个词根加上前缀或后缀,记一个词缀就可以记下很多个单词,是不是很有用。下面是英语单词词缀300个,相信记住这些词缀可以节省孩子记单词的好多时间。英语单词前缀:英语单词后缀:您觉得怎样?如果您觉得有用,为你自己或者为孩子收藏起来,有朝一日肯定会派上用场的。学习是一个不断积累的过程! 我一直坚信,没有学不好的孩子,只有不会学的孩子!想教孩子不一样的学习法,快速提高成绩,请添加我的私人微信号:danaoxs178(长按可复制)报名即可免费听课,希望能够家长们能够多支持。
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(C) 2016 今日头条 违法和不良信息举报电话:010-公司名称:北京字节跳动科技有限公司学英语,好记忆不如好方法!苦背9年单词不如熟用300个词缀!
TA的最新馆藏一本英文读物的读后感读书笔记 200-300个单词
要求小学生水平 最好是大家都知道的英文书
After Reading “Aesop’s Fables”
When I was young, people around me of the told me the story “The Shepherd’s Boy and the Wolf “ in order to educate me to be an honest person. At that age, in my opinion, it was just a story written by my parents or other people I knew to frighten me. As I grow older, I get to know that it is a fable from a very famous book “Aesop’s Fables”.
The book “Aesop’s Fables” wasn’t written by Aesop but was collected and anthologized by him. The working people created the stories in the book in ancient times. They created the stories using their living experiences and imagination, and then handed them down from generation to generation.
The book one of the precious cultural heritages. There’re more than one hundred fables in the book. The protagonists of most of the fables are animals or plants, which are depicted like human beings. This writing technique is called personification that is often used in fables and fairy tales.
Each fable that is short and understandable tells us a philosophy. There are two stories that impress me most. The first one is “ The tortoise and the Eagle”. A tortoise was complaining of her hard fate that no one would teach her to fly when an eagle hovered bear. He heard her lamentation and promised to take her a lift and float her in the air if she could give him some rewards. And then he carried her up in the sky suddenly he let her go. The poor tortoise fell down on a mountain. At the moment of death she cried:” I have deserved my present fates for what had I to do with wings and clouds, and who can with difficulty move about on the earth?” The story tells us if men had all they wished, they would be ruined. I quite agree with it. Take our personal lives for example. Everyone has his own merit and demerit. One is good at singing while another is good at dancing. Nobody can have all the skills that can be imagined. This is the reason why some people are fit for making decision while other people are suitable for carrying out the decision. So it is no need for us to be jealous of others as we have our own feature, which other haven’t.
The second one is “The Bear and the two Travelers”. It tells us that misfortune tests the sincerity of friends. People live among a group of friends of whom some are true friends while some are untrue friends. When you are in trouble, observe your friends attitude towards you, you’ll find who are your true friends and who are not.
“Aesop’s Fables” is a nice book for us to learn more philosophy of life and more useful new words.


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