足球尤物 迅雷知名怎么样,哪里好?

(C)2017 列表网&琼ICP备号-12&增值电信业务经营许可证B2-&《足球尤物》6:一个漂亮的女孩_网易教育
-Sebastian&s file.
-Headmaster. So very pleased to meet you. So very, very pleased.
-Hello, sir. Heard you wanted to see me.
-I&d like to say welcome. I just wanted to have you in to say welcome.
See how you&re doing.
-Yeah, I&m doing great, you know? Just... busy being a guy.
-Let&s take a look at your file, Sebastian. And...
-OK, you&re busted.
-You don&t wanna talk to the headmaster. But I won&t take no for an answer. Now, have a sit in the headmaster&s chair. Come on,have a sit.How do you like campus? You&ve been inspired by the charcoal black and candy apple red?
-You know, Sebastian, I was a transfer student myself... once upon a time. Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth. So I keep a special interest in the transfer students that come to this school.Act as a... unofficial big brother.
-Don&t be surprised if I just pop in unannounced just to check up.
-Yeah, I look forward to it.
be inspired by
Hope you&ll be inspired by these beautiful apps.
adj. 突然的;未经宣布的;未通知的
Britain&s Prime Minister David Cameron made an unannounced stop in Afghanistan Tuesday.
check up和check-up 用法的区别
1.check up 是动词
(1) 核对;检验&的精确性
(2) 检查;调查;审查
(3) 检查;核实;查对
We checked up and found everything was right.
I have yet to check up some doubtful points.
2.Check-up 是名词. 检查;核实;查对&
-Getting to know the opposite sex, are we? Male-female dynamics. All that sexual tension. It&s all part of the high school experience. So continue. Please. But keep it clean, though. OK. Abstinence is key. Abstinence is... The best way to not is to not.
-Is he always that friendly?
-Are you kidding? That&s him being rude.
-All right. Cute shoes.
-No way! They have shoes there?
-Oh, yeah. Right by the accessories.
-You think so? I got them at Anthropologie.
1. 表示继续做某事,其后既可接动名词也可接不定式,且意义相同。如:
They continued to meet [meeting] daily. 他们继续每天都见面。
He continued to write [writing] while in hospital. 他住院时他继续写作。
2. 表示继续维持某一情况时,其后可直接跟名词作宾语,也可先接介词with 再接宾语。如:
We will continue (with) the payments for another year. 我们这样的报酬还要维持1年。
3. 按传统语法,表示中断以后再继续,其后通常只能是story, speech, journey, strike 这样的名词,而不能接不定式或动名词,但现代已打破此规则。如:
We continued working [to work] after the break. 休息后我们继续工作。
4. 由于可用于及物或不及物动词,所以有时用主动语态和被动语态意思差不多。如:
The story continues [is continued] in the next issue of the magazine. 这个故事在该杂志的下一期里继续刊载。
5. 比较 continue doing sth 与 continue by doing sth:前者表示&继续做某事&,后者表示&接着做某事&。如:
He continued reading (=to read) all night. 他通宵在看书。
He talked about Keats, and continued by reading us a poem. 他谈了济慈,接着给我们朗诵了一首诗。
6. continued on page 15与continued from page 15 所用介词不同,意思也不同:前者指&下续第15页&,后者指&上接第15页&。
7. 可用作连系动词,其后可接形容词、介词短语等。如:
We hope the weather will continue fine. 我们希望天气继续很好。
Mother continues in weak health. 母亲身体仍然很虚弱。&
分享至好友和朋友圈比较文学论文 韦丽 足球尤物_百度文库
比较文学论文 韦丽 足球尤物
Justin: She shoots, she scores! Goal!&
Viola: What? That’s right! Give it!&
Justin: Nice kick. Very nice
kick.&& (好球。踢得妙。)
Viola: Give me the
ball!&& (球给我!)
Viola: Drop… Put me down!&
Justin: OK. Down like
….Goodness.&& (好。像这样….真是的。)
Viola: Hey. (嘿)
Justin: OK. You are really getting
good.& (真的。你越来越棒了。)
Viola: You too. ... I mean, when we first started going
out, you couldn’t kiss at all.
Justin: I meant at soccer. (我那在说踢球。)
Viola: Really?& (真的?)
Justin: Absolutely. You’re … probably already better than
half the guys on my team.
Viola: Probably more than half.&
Justin: What do you mean, I cluldn’t kiss at all?
Viola: Don’t worry. I’ve taught you well.
Viola: I know.& (我知道。)
Viola: OK. But seriously. Don’t you think you’d get more
playing time at a school
like Michigan (好了,认真点,你不觉得你在校练习时间越来越长,以为自己在密西根州了吗?)
Girl: Maybe. But it’s always been about being a Tar Heel
Viola: I’m gonna wear that Carolina
blue.& (那我穿卡罗来纳蓝队服)
Girl: Yeah?& (是吗?)
Viola: Yeah, baby!&&
Viola: OK. What is the lacrosse team doint on our
Girl: The school cut our team.&
Viola: Wait.
Girl: Not enough girls signed
up.&& (队员人数不够。)
Viola: So they just cut us?&
Girl: They can’t do
that.&& (他们不能这么做。)
Viola: OK. That’s not
Coach: Hi, girls. I heard the bad
news.&& (嗨,姑娘们,我听说了那坏消息。)
Viola: “Bad”? It’s a
disaster.&& (“坏”?根本就是灾难!)
Viola: Now college scouts won’t even get to see us
Coach: I know. If there’s anything I can do, just say the
Viola: As a matter of fact, there is. We wanna try out
with the boys team.&
Coach: Anything besides
that.&& (唯独这个不行。)
Viola: Coach, come on! You know that we’re good
enough.&& (拜托,教练。你知道我们的实力。)
Coach: I don’t know that that’s a thing that I
know.& (我不知道,不知道你们有什么实力。)
Viola: What? …All we’re asking for is one
shot.&& (什么?…就给我们一次机会吧。)
Girls: Yeah.
Coach: Girls, we have two weeks before the school starts.
Then we open against
Illyria. A rivalry game. We have to
Viola: We can help you
win.&& (我们可以帮你们获胜。)
Justin: Hey.
Viola: Hey.
Justin: What’s going on,
coach?&& (怎么了,教练?)
Coach: Girls here want to try out for the
team.&& (这几位姑娘想考验我们队。)
Justin: You’re not
serious.&& (你说笑吧。)
Coach: All right, all right. You’re all excellent
playersb, but girls aren’t as fast as
Coach: Or as strong. Or as athletic. This is not me
talking. It’s a scientific fatc.Girls
can’t beat boys. It’s as simple as fact.&
Viola: OK. Justin, you’re the team captain. What do you
think about it?&
Justin: I think the coach said it all.&
Viola: Yesterday you told me that I was better than half
guys on your team.&
Boys: What?
Justin: I never said
that.&& (我从没说过。)
Viola: What are you talking about? Why are you
lying?& (你胡说什么呢?你为什么要撒谎?)
Justin: Viola. End of
discussion.&& (维奥拉,讨论结束。)
Boys: Yeah. Tell her, man.
Viola: Fine. End of
relationship.&& (那好。我们也结束了。)
Viola: Come on, let’s
go.&& (好了,我们走吧。)
Justin: Baby, don’t be like that. I …I just don’t want to
see you get hurt.
Viola: You are so full of … (你真会扯…)
Coach: Back to
Scene Three
Monique: Sebastian… Sebastian?!... Sebastian!
Monique: It’s you. God, you and your brother look scary
alike from the back. I think&
your total lack of curves.
Viola: Hi, Monique. It’s so good to see you
too.& (你好,摩尼琪。真高兴见到你。)
Monique: I’m looking for Sebastian. Where is he?
Viola: I don’t know.&&
Monique: Just remind your brother how lucky he is to be
in my life. And tell him to
give me a call if he wants to stay in it. OK?
Viola: OK. Does he have your number?
Viola: She will do great
things.&& (她会耍更多花样的。)
Mother: I have a surprise for
Viola: And this is why I don’t bring friends
over.&& (所以我才不带朋友过来。)
Viola: Mom, not now. I have a really bad day, so
…& (妈,现在不行,我今天很不顺,所以….
Mother: This is just the thing to just perk you
up.& (那正是让你打起精神的时机。)
Viola: Hold on.&&
Mother: OK? Keep your eyes closed. Eyes closed, closed,
closed, closed.
Viola: They are closed.& (闭紧了。)
Mother: All right. Surprise?... Beautiful gowns for my
darling debutante. (好了。惊喜来了。… 我宝贝初次亮相的华美礼服。)
Viola: Mom, have I not told you a thousand times? I have
no interest in being a debutante.
It’s totally archaic.&&
Mother: How could I wind up with a daughter who only
wants to kick a muddy ball around a
field all day?&&
Viola: Well, the world has been set right, Mom. They cut
my team.&&
Mother: What? No
soccer?&& (什么?不踢球了?)
Viola: Yeah, that’s right. No
Mother: How
Viola: Yeah, I can see you’re all torn
up.&& (是啊,我知道你悲痛欲绝。)
Mother: Well, Justin gonna love you in
this.&& (但,贾斯丁会喜欢你穿这个的。)
Viola: Yet another reason not to wear it. I dumped
him.& (这理由也不成立了。我把他甩了。)
Mother: What? Why?&&
Viola: I don’t wanna talk about
it.&& (我不想说。)
Mother: He is so handsome and rugged and chiseled and
Viola: Then why don’t you date him,
Mom?&& (那你怎么不约他,老妈?)
Mother: No. I
couldn’t.&& (不,我不行。)
Viola: Hey. Sebastian.
Sebastian: Hey.
Viola: You OK? Monique was looking for you. Why do you
even date her, anyway?
Sebastian: She’s hot. It’s a guy thing.&
Viola: But she’s so
Viola: Hey, you know, you can use the front
door.&& (喂,你知道你可以用前门。)
Sebastian: And Mom can’t see me. She thinks I’m staying
at Dad’s. Dad thinks I’m
In two days they both think I’m going away to school. That’s the
Viola: Where are you
going?&& (你要去哪里?)
Sebastian: London for a couple of
weeks.&& (去伦敦几个礼拜。)
Viola: As in London,
England?&& (你指的是英格兰的伦敦吗?)
Sebastian: Yeah, my band got a slot in a music festival
Viola: OK. What are you gonna do about
school?& (那学校怎么办?)
Sebastian: Yeah, I was kind of hoping you could help me
with that. Could you just,
pretend bo be Mom, call Illyria, tell them I’m sick. Something that
sound like it
would last for two weeks, like mad cow.
Viola: Sebastian, you just got kicked out of Cornwell for
skipping. This is not exactly
the&way you want to start
Sebastian: I want to be a musician. Last time, I heard
they don’t need to know
trigonometry. Besides, if you want to chase your dream, sometimes
you gonna break the
rules, right? (我要成为音乐家。上一次我听到的是他们不想知道什么三角琴。另外,如果你要
Viola: You know the percentage of bands that make it to a
Sebastian: Probably the same as female soccer players.
I’ll see you in two weeks.
Viola: Sebastian. Sebastian!
Mother: Were you talking to your
brother?& (你刚刚在和你哥哥说话吗?)
Viola: No. Yes. On the phone. He’s at Dad’s. Bye,
Mother: Picture this: we’re at the country club, they
call your name, and you imerge in
this. (想象一下:我们在乡间俱乐部,他们报道你的名字,你穿这身出场。)
Viola: No. Sorry, Mom. I have a strict no-ruffles
Moterh: Sometimes I just think you just might as well be
your brother.&
Viola: You know what? If you can’t join them, beat


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