clock latch signalno input signal在电路中是什么意思

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中文翻译锁存器&&&&adj. (flipper, flippest) 〔美俚 ...&&&&vi. 获得;抓住;占有;理解 (on to)。 &&&&或倒装闩函数,或倒装锁存功能&&&&vi. (-pp-) 1.用指头弹;轻轻打。 2.(用鞭子等)抽。 3.叭嗒 ...&&&&n. 1.闩,插销。 2.碰锁,弹簧锁。 3.【机械工程】档器,击子,活门。 ...&&&&抓住, 占有, 理解&&&&(门)关着但不上锁&&&&后空翻&&&&反手传球法&&&&白兰地菲丽普; 翻转白兰地&&&&egg flip =egghead 〔讽俚〕知识份子。 &&&&蛋酒,蛋黄酒; 弗利普)蛋黄酒(一种由葡萄酒加香料、牛奶、蛋黄等调配而成的热 ...&&&&免掀盖音乐播放面版&&&&手指拔球&&&&三氯乙烯商名
例句与用法In this paper design of some circuit including in a / d circuit is also analyzed , such as front analog circuit , sample clock circuit and data flip - latch circuit同时对高速转换器件及转换电路中包括前端模拟电路、采样时钟、后端数据锁存等辅助电路设计进行了分析。 In details , some methods such as double peak value demodulation , double d trigger flip - latch , multi - cycle of synchronization frequency test , digital pid arithmetic are all adopted in my project在单片微机测控系统的设计中,采用划分多个功能模块的办法,使得硬件和软件的设计思路清晰,调试方便。 In this dissertation , the part of signal acquisition of the four fold - frequency subdivision 、 direction - judgment 、 counting and flip - latch of the data which come from the six encorders is investigated in detail本文详细的研究了能够同时对多路光电编码器脉冲信号进行细分、计数以及传输的数据采集处理系统。 The four fold - frequency subdivision 、 direction - judgment 、 counting and flip - latch of the data which come from the six encorders are totally transacted in the fpga chip . the final data are sent to the pc through the serial interface of the fpga坐标测量仪的六个编码器所传出的数据完全在fpga芯片中进行细分、辨向、计数以及锁存传输处理,最后所得的数据以串行通讯的方式传送到pc机。 After that , the hardware circuit , especially some of the key parts , is investigated in detail . the following processes are also investigated in detail : empoldering the four fold - frequency subdivision 、 direction - judgment 、 counting and flip - latch of the data with vhdl ( very high speed integrated circuit hardware description language ) ; empoldering the serial interface and the data collection software in pc with borland c + + builder接下来详细介绍了使用vhdl语言开发fpga芯片的细分、辨向、计数、锁存以及串行传输处理等全部功能;用borlandc + + builder开发了pc机上的串行接口、数据采集软件;设计并制作了fpga芯片及其外围电路的电路板。 In addition , make out in detail the design on inner combination logic and time logic of fpga , including series - parallel conversion , data selector , counter , flip - latch , timer , encoder , etc . at one time , not only pursuit flow of the data gathering system is illuminated , but also make use of in reason and effectively inner ram resource of fpga and build it in ping - pong framework另外,详细的介绍了fpga内部的组合逻辑和时序逻辑的设计方案,包括串并转换、数据选择器、计数器、锁存器、定时器、译码器等。并阐述了数据采集系统的工作流程,而且合理有效地使用了fpga内部的ram资源,将其构建成乒乓式结构。 &&
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All rights reservedFigure 3 shows the propagation delay between the latch and the output signals. When input signal VINN & VINP and the VLATCH is high, output signal SWM is in the rising state and output signal SWP is in the falling state. The simulated result shows that during the rising edge of the SWP maximum propagation delay between the VLATCH and SWP signal is about 4.2 nS.Join ResearchGate to access over 30 million figures and 100+ million publications – all in one place.Copy referenceCopy captionEmbed figurePublished in
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Article & Jul 2014
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&...In 2014, a high speed low offset dynamic comparator was presented by Rahman [14]. But, this circuit works only if clock frequency and data frequency is same. ...&
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Clock Gating&
Clock tree consume more than 50 % of dynamic power. The components of this power are:
1) Power consumed by combinatorial logic whose values are changing on each clock edge&
2) Power consumed by flip-flops and&
3) The power consumed by the clock buffer tree in the design.
It is good design idea to turn off the clock when it is not needed. Automatic clock gating is supported by modern EDA tools. They identify the circuits where clock gating can be inserted.
RTL clock gating works by identifying groups of flip-flops which share a common enable control signal. Traditional methodologies use this enable term to control the select on a multiplexer connected to the D port of the flip-flop or to control the clock enable
pin on a flip-flop with clock enable capabilities. RTL clock gating uses this enable signal to control a clock gating circuit which is connected to the clock ports of all of the flip-flops with the common enable term. Therefore, if a bank of flip-flops which
share a common enable term have RTL clock gating implemented, the flip-flops will consume zero dynamic power as long as this enable signal is false.
There are two types of clock gating styles available. They are:
1) Latch-based clock gating&
2) Latch-free clock gating.
Latch free clock gating
The latch-free clock gating style uses a simple AND or OR gate (depending on the edge on which flip-flops are triggered). Here if enable signal goes inactive in between the clock pulse or if it multiple times then gated clock output either can terminate prematurely
or generate multiple clock pulses. This restriction makes the latch-free clock gating style inappropriate for our single-clock flip-flop based design.
Latch free clock gating
Latch based clock gating
The latch-based clock gating style adds a level-sensitive latch to the design to hold the enable signal from the active edge of the clock until the inactive edge of the clock. Since the latch captures the state of the enable signal and holds it until the complete
clock pulse has been generated, the enable signal need only be stable around the rising edge of the clock, just as in the traditional ungated design style.
Latch based clock gating
Specific clock gating cells are required in library to be utilized by the synthesis tools. Availability of clock gating cells and automatic insertion by the EDA tools makes it simpler method of low power technique. Advantage of this method is that clock gating
does not require modifications to RTL description.
[1] Frank Emnett and Mark Biegel, “Power Reduction Through RTL Clock Gating”, SNUG, San Jose, 2000
[2] PrimeTime User Guide
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(1)(3)(4)(12)(6)high - speed clock signal
关键词 :印刷电路板仿真 ;高速时钟电路 ;信号噪声分析软件 ;传输线 ;阻抗匹配
[gap=735]KEYWORDS :PCB High - speed clock signal ;SigN T Impedance matching
This paper introduces IBIS model and its applications in the design of computer high-speed system, and gives the waveform of clock signal simulation in detail.
The Chip-Sync technology has been used to ensure the latch of high-speed signal, and we use high accuracy clock management chips and design reasonable clock way to strict control the clock jitter.
- 来自原声例句
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