
RCS tuesday but.....😣 - BabyCenter
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RCS tuesday but.....😣
Posted 09/07/2016
I have a Schedule C/S
(cesarean section) on tuesday.. super Nervous...
But i been having super painful contractions since week 35wk (i was d off from work since i they were too extreme and having a previous c/s)..
Today in the morning i was making my self breakfast and i had a leak of water run down my legs.. (bladder was empty)
Not sure if it was fluid or not.. but it didnt keep going.. however the contractions are just there continuously, some painful some manageable...
I been drinking lots of water more than usual..
Doc said if the contractions keep going they wont wait till Tuesday ..
What should i do...
I need to call my ride 2hrs before since i live alone.. *single mother of a 5yrs old as well**...
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