ret light读音英语怎么读音

ret?na reatachment
my friend's daughter is 12 years old would you tell me can she have an operation for ret?na reattachment .now she can see just the light please help her to recovery her s?ght. tanks
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Yes,&&young patient will recover vision for many years.&&It is best to fix it.
Yes,&&young patient will recover vision for many years.&&It is best to fix it.
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ret?na reatachment
my friend's daughter is 12 years old would you tell me can she have an operation for ret?na reattachment .now she can see just the light please help her to recovery her s?ght. tanks
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Objective To detect ret mutations in two Chinese families with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A(MEN2A).
Objective To identify the genotype of RET gene in one multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN2A) kindred.
目的明确一个多发性内分泌腺瘤2A型(MEN2A)家系致病基因RET 的基因型。
Conclusion Hand injuries occurred mostly in the youth. Industrial hand injuries we ret he most frequent type. The prevention should be emphasized on these people.
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ret.ret. 双语例句1. Results: 48 h after treatment, most of the patients had a marked improvement in irf and ret (p<0.05), and irf showed a more significant increase. moreover, the value before treatment and 48 h after treatment o irf and ret were further increased after 1 after 12 weeks irf%, hct, ret, rbc and hb were significantly increased than before treatment, bone marrow erythrocytic series proliferation was more active than that before treatment, each kind of erythroblast ratio and the percentage of total erythrocytic series were significantly increased, especially late erythroblasts proliferation.&&&&结果:治疗过程中大部分患者在epo注射48 h后irf、ret升高(p.05),irf升高更为显著,且irf在给药前和给药48 h后的数值无重叠区,1周后irf、ret进一步升高,12周时irf、hct、ret、rbc、hb均比用药前显著增高,骨髓红系增生较治疗前明显活跃,各类幼红细胞比率及总红系所占百分数均显著升高,其中以晚幼红细胞增生最为明显。2. At the time I said that it was true.&&&&大意是說,盡管我們改動了懲戒,比如修復了正義復仇的BUG和加強了神圣風暴的傷害,讓RET的PVE DPS看起來稍微好看點,但是我們還是會保持對RET的關注,不過你們這些家伙別因為DPS比不上皮卡丘和移動榮譽就自動的去怪在我們頭上。3. 3. Test eax, eax jz +$03 mov eax, [eax-$04] ret If a nil pointer is passed to LStrLen in eax nothing is done but returning.&&&&如果给 LStrLen 的 eax 传入了一个 nil 指针,除了返回之外,什么也不做。4. Ret: I am small. Those rabbits are big. You can get a big&&&&one。(老鼠:我是小的,那些兔子是大的,你能得到一个大的呀。5. I st U. ied for five years in the U. S.. When I completed, my st U. y there, I ret U. ned to China.&&&&我在美国学习了5年,学业完成之后我就回到了中国。6. Jaghar monterat lambdasonden i avgasr ret ochjusteratsekund rluftkretsen.&&&&我兰布达探头安装在排气管和调整二次风电路。7. He won't it's not going to happen because that would expose their nerfs for what they are a total gimp of the ret pally class.&&&&他不会告诉你的,放心吧。因为那样就会暴露出他们真正削弱惩戒的那颗被纱布层层包裹得险恶用心。好问题啊!8. Every method has to contain at least one ret instruction.&&&&每个方法必须包含至少一个RET指令。9. ret.的解释9. Sheathe is a Ret talent. If we wanted Holy to be able to go grab it, we would have put it a lot higher up in the tree.&&&&圣光之鞘是一个惩戒天赋,如果我们想让神圣得到他,我们会把他放在浅层。10. I don't have a lot of faith that the implementation on the PTR is the one we'll go with for a couple of reasons, but our overall goal is to make Ret less tanky and the Holy tree feel like it's the right one to focus on for healing. I would expect a Sacred Shield change of some kind though.&&&&我并不确定现在的修改就是我们所希望的,但最终我们的目标是削弱惩戒圣骑的坦克能力,并让神圣圣骑更专精于治疗,但就我个人而言我仍希望神圣护盾能作出其他方式的修改。11. She didn't mean to tell our sec
it was a slip of the lip.&&&&&&她无意泄漏我们的秘密,她是不小心说漏了嘴。12. 12. To date, germ-line genetic testing has become the basis for therapeutic decisions in MEN 2 affected patients and can facilitate the early presymptomatic detections of gene carriers.&&&&&&所以,我们的分析结果显示,所有的MTC患者都应该接受RET原致癌基因的筛检,以便利用分子生物检验法来侦测潜在或de novo的MEN 2或家族性MTC。13. We couldn't keep Ret as it was just to avoid hurting Holy and Protection dps.&&&&&&我们不能让惩戒太NB了只是为了不想让神圣和防护骑士的DPS太跌眼镜。14. I'm intent on tentative ret ention of potential patents.&&&&&&我热衷于潜在专利权的暂时保留。15. 15. At present It is believed that van der Thani treatment of medullary thyroid carcinoma a major role in the tumor cell target RET tyrosine kinase, RET can promote tumor cell growth and survival, 40% of sporadic and 100% of hereditary medullary thyroid carcinoma are RET gene over-expression.&&&&&&目前人们认为,凡德他尼治疗甲状腺髓样癌主要作用于肿瘤细胞靶点RET酪氨酸激酶,RET可促进肿瘤细胞生长和存活,40%的散发性和100%遗传性甲状腺髓样癌有RET基因的过表达。16. You did get hurt by the Ret nerfs, and as I said, we intend to compensate you for that.&&&&&&正如我所说的,我们将在下一个补丁,也许是3.1补丁补偿你们。17. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to ret urn to his country.&&&&&&二人人有权离开任何国家,包括其本国在内,并有权返回他的国家。18. Objective This study attempts to elucidate the relationship between RET oncogene and Chinese patients with Hirschsprung's disease.&&&&&&目的 从分子水平探讨先天性巨结肠的发病机理,了解中国人群HD发病与酪氨酸激酶受体基因突变的关系。19. ret.19. RESULTS(1) The mean level of Hb and Ret in treatment groups are higher significantly than that of control group.&&&&&&结果(1)治疗组Hb、Ret值在治疗后持续显著高于对照组。20. ret.什么意思20. We don't actually like Holy and Ret having SA.&&&&&&对于神圣和惩戒,我们并不希望他们有这一技能。ret.是什么意思,ret.在线翻译,ret.什么意思,ret.的意思,ret.的翻译,ret.的解释,ret.的发音,ret.的同义词,ret.的反义词,ret.的例句,ret.的相关词组,ret.意思是什么,ret.怎么翻译,单词ret.是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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