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How was your school trip 6
你可能喜欢How To Train A Horse Without Force
Forming a Profound Relationship With Your Horse
How To Train A Horse Without Force Part 1 is a progressive and comprehensive e-book which presents a detailed philosophy of holistic horse training and describes precisely how to put it into practice.
A Deeper Look At Training Horses
Learning how to train a horse successfully is both demanding and highly fulfilling. Different ideas and techniques come and go, but does the wheel really need to be reinvented? Maybe real knowledge and horse wisdom has existed wherever compassionate people have shared their lives with horses. Modern horse owners have the advantage of being less constrained to unhelpful traditions, but also have less time to work every day with horses and learn first hand. It is certainly educational and interesting reading those books which describe the perfect scenario between horse and rider, but how does that translate into your personal experience in attempting to train your horse if you are a nervous rider for example, or your horse doesn't fit easily into the 'talented' mould?
I know that I spent many hours as a teenager, poring over book after book, enthusiastic to do what was right with my horses and become the best rider I could be. Looking back on that time, I can see that the gap between the ideas presented in the book and actually putting it into practice was mostly too wide for me to bridge, simply because the actual process was only hinted at. How to Train a Horse Without Force Part 1 does not assume knowledge, it describes the subject from as many different angles as possible to try to reach everyone who is interested in working sympathetically and safely with their horse.
How to Train a Horse Without Force Part 1 is not a system made up of rigid rules. Instead it gives you an approach which offers the tools to make your own path into horse training - we all have our own unique skills to offer after all. This is a holistic, multidimensional approach, which is explained comprehensively in its philosophical context, as well as being described in precise practical detail. How to Train a Horse Without Force Part 1 is illustrated with relevant photographs and further explained through many real-life anecdotes and stories from my own experiences and those of others I have worked with.
Who Is How To Train A Horse Without Force For?
How many of us have been told they would need to buy a better horse to succeed? Or heard this said to another rider during a training clinic or a competition? That may be fair enough if your only ambition is to succeed in the competition ring, although time and effort put into rider skill might be better spent.
However some of us - and I believe many of us - love the horse we have for his or her own sake. They might not be super-talented or problem free, but they are our unique friend and we care about what we can achieve with them. Many of us also know that a horse can be as talented as you like, but without a good trainer and rider, their full potential will never be realised.
How to Train a Horse Without Force Part 1 has not been written for elite horses or riders, it is for anyone with any horse. That is not to say that it is not aiming high. I believe that there is no greater accomplishment than to create a strong enough bond with a horse so they will trust you enough to give you their physical power. This accomplishment is certainly not restricted to perfect equine or human specimens, or the fashionable horse breeds of the time.
This training approach is not about quick-fixes and superficial solutions. It offers an opportunity to explore the reality of your training relationship with your horse, right from the basics of handling through to the gymnastic preparation for ridden work.
Real Training, Not Quick-Fixes
How to Train a Horse Without Force Part 1 does not claim that you can train a horse in five minutes, or even five months. Training a horse to gymnastic perfection takes a lifetime. Training yourself is also a never-ending process. That is the fun and the beauty of it. Ideally we commit to a horse for as long as they live, and we never stop learning from each other.
Why is it necessary to climb onto our horse in half an hour when we could be riding them for twenty years?
How To Train A Horse Without Force describes how to train a horse from his first encounter with people, through to being ready to be ridden in both his body and his mind. It covers in detail how to introduce all of the first handling skills such as leading and tying up, and continues to explain the crucial gymnastic preparation of a young horse before the rider gets on. Incorporating over 150 colour photographs and over sixty thousand words, the book is both a good read and highly instructive. There is much background information about horse management, healing and trauma therapy included.
Correct gymnastic preparation on the lunge with a young horse (left) leads to successful backing and ridden work (below) because the basis of engagement on the 'ring' has already been established. How To Train A HorseWithout Force will show you how to go about this.
A Unique Holistic Approach
Most books on this subject describe how to train a horse from either the traditional horsemanship viewpoint of or a natural horsemanship outlook.
This eBook is a rare combination, taking a genuinely holistic stance. It explores the value of keeping horses in as natural and stress-free an environment as possible, as well as providing a profound explanation of the correct biomechanical preparation of a horse for the rider. Part 2 of How To Train A Horse Without Force will go on to address the training of the horse under saddle.
I believe that the right way for everyone is to follow their own intuition wherever it leads. This book shares the results of the journey I have made along with my sister and our twenty or so horses over a period of twenty five years. We have devoted our time and attention not only to good training, but to the entire question of domesticating horses and asking them to work with us.
We have come to believe that with the right intention, fundamental truths do exist. The 'right' intention as we see it, is to put our love for each individual horse first, in every situation we encounter.
How to Train a Horse Without Force Part 1 gives you:
A way of relating to your horse in all situations that gains his trust and resolves tension
An understanding of the foundations and goals of successful training
How to make the first steps with a young horse, such as leading, loading, tying, and introducing tack without resorting to force
The techniques of in-hand work that introduce your horse correctly to the aids
Everything you need to know to be able to lunge your horse in the way that develops balance, bending and engagement
How to deal with difficult situations in the course of training
An introduction to how to access your horse on an energetic level
In summary, this book is a unique combination of philosophy and practical know-how to help you get the best out of your relationship with your horse
Free Bonus Supplement on Horse Trauma:
When you buy How To Train A Horse Without Force you will receive a free download of Camille Dareau's unique study of Equine Trauma.
This cutting-edge understanding of equine trauma explores its causes, how to recognize it and ways of handling and healing it. Although you might never have even considered the existance of horse trauma, this supplement, with over 11 000 words, is likely to change profoundly your understanding of how horses are affected by the everyday demands we make of them. It is an ideal accompaniment to this ebook on horse training because it addresses many of the circumstances that cause our relations with horses to go wrong and prevent successful training.
To look at the contents page of this e-book before purchasing, and see the full list of subjects covered in it, click
to download it as a pdf.
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We are fully confident in the value of our publications, and the benefits that you will gain from this e-Book, but if you are not satisfied with your purchase we offer a full refund.
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AudioRide is a series of exercises designed to listen to while you ride.
Audio descriptions guide you through each step of developing a balanced, dynamic connection with the horse through your position.
This truly innovative learning tool gives you a whole new way of being guided in your riding, in a calm, clear, step-by-step way.
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The Gymnastic Rider eBook
Now available exclusively from HHT! A unique, comprehensive guide to practical rider biomechanics. This professionally produced eBook takes the rider through the process of developing their body in the specific way that brings the horse's movement into harmony and balance - without force and constraint. Click
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Ten Top Tips To Instantly Improve Your Connection With Your Horse.
Train Your Horse The Holistic Way
How To Train A Horse Without Force is a unique guide to training horses through energetic connection and gymnastic training. Part 1 covers everything on the ground, from handling to the lungeing technique that develops strength, straightness and engagement. Comes with a free eBook supplement on Horse Trauma. Click
for more details.
What people say about the eBook:
"OMG! I'm BLOWN AWAY by this text [...] It's one of the best horse training texts I've ever read." - Wendy Kendall
"I realized that I haven't yet written you about the impact that your training e-book has had on me, and I want to let you know how inspiring and helpful I found it.
As a student of Zen Buddhism for nearly three decades, I've often wondered when someone was going to write the book on Zen and the art of horsemanship, and I think that your emphasis on mindfulness and energy connection gets right at the heart of the matter.
It has certainly deepened the way that I relate to and communicate with my horses.
I am reasonably sensitive to horses' body language and mood, but new to me was the idea of feeling their energy in a more subtle way - including their connection with me even when I am not directly working with the them.
I have made myself more aware of this communication, and it's pretty amazing.
I have started grooming differently, too, treating a grooming session as a time to mindfully listen to my horse instead of a way to dust out an old rug (OK, I wasn't quite that bad, but you get the idea). Additionally, I have made myself more open to how I actually feel about the horses themselves - very enlightening.
Overall, I think that you are saying something that no one else is saying but that everyone ought to hear." - Tess Lloyd
Do You Have A Horse Story To Share On HHT?
So many people have been through wonderful experiences with horses, whether in training or otherwise. If you've made a change in a horse's life - or one has made a change in yours - tell us about it .
Learn How To Trim Your Own Horse's Feet
The Simple Seven-Step Natural Trim is a comprehensive step-by-step guide to a cutting-edge barefoot trim. Click
to find out more.
What people say about HHT:
"The riding instruction is outstanding, if instructors in the UK taught this way there would be a lot of happy riders and horses."
"The riding tuition exceeded my hopes and expect giving me an exciting new facet to horsemanship which is lighter. more subtle, more elegant and more meaningful. It is as if a new door has opened bringing more sunlight and air."
"My goodness - what a change has taken place in my riding. I think that I'm starting to sit 'into' the horse rather than on top of him. I felt my horse's movements in a way that has almost never happened before"英语学案6年级2班日_中华文本库
班级:昆明市盘龙区建华学校六年级2班 学生姓名:
Where did you go? SectionA
Main scene、Let’s talk
二、1、Show the pictures and Go over the phrases buy(过去式)____________
of Unit 2. S1:watched TV S2: I watched TV S3: I watched TV last weekend. 同 样 的 方 法 复 习
cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, were(原形)________
巩固和加强学习过去时态的用法;学会谈论过去事件。 (1) 能够掌握单词及词组:went, camp, rode, bought,rode a bike, went camping, went fishing并熟练朗读 和运用。
(2) 通过对话学习能够掌握主要句型:Where did you go? Did you go to Turpan? How did you get there? We went there by plane. What happened? 等,并能熟练运用于实际交流 中。
(3) 学会用英文写关于自己去过哪里及做了什么的句型 二、学习过程:
一、Class opening and review
Review “ past tense” and “ future tense” verbs with a game. Write three columns of words on the blackboard and ask for volunteers to match them
correctly. As each student makes a match, he or she says “Yesterday I___. Today I___. Tomorrow I am going to__.
read a book, saw a film, had a cold and slept.
2. Free talk. --- What did you do last weekend? --- I watched TV./ ...
1. 教学短语 (1)Show the picture of ride a horse.
教读短语 T: ride a horse I often ride a horse. (学生跟读) Go camping, hurt my foot,go fishing.(用同样的方 法复习这些词组) (2) 呈现句子 T: I rode a horse last weekend. 同样的方法教学短语 rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot,went fishing. (3)T: What did you do last weekend? Ss: I rode a horse/ went camping …(学生多操练)
2. T: Where did you go last Saturday? I went to a forest park. 三、课堂练习
)1.Where did Mr Guo go last Saturday? ______
A. He went to a park.
B.He went hiking.
)2.What ____you_____there?
We saw lots of grapes.
)3.______did you go with?
My parents and me.
)4.Did you go to Beijing last week?
A.Yes, I do.
B.Yes,we did.
)5.How did MeiMei go to the zoo?
A.She went on foot.
B.She went to Hainan.
三、读问句,选答语,并将序号填入括号中。 (
)1.Where did you go on your holiday?
A、I’m ok now.
)2.Did she go to Xinjiang?
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Unit11 How was your school trip Section A课件
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Look at the picture. This is a farm. Last week Carol and his classmates had a school trip. They went to the farm.What did they do on the farm?
How was their school trip?What did he do on the farm?He rode a horse.Did he ride a horse? Yes, he did.Did he milk a cow? Yes, he did. He milked a cow.Past过去Present现在 ride a horse feed chickens do homework go to a countryside pick strawberries milk a cow rode a horse fed chickens did homework went to a countryside picked strawberries milked a cow1a Match the phrases with the pictures. went for a walk
milked a cow
rode a horse
fed chickens
talked with a farmer
took some photosebacfdDid he ride a horse? No, he didn’t.Did he feed chickens?Yes, he did. He fed chickens.Did he go to the zoo? No, he didn’t. He went to a farm.Did he see any cows?Yes, he did. He saw quite a lot.Did they pick any strawberries on the farm?Yes, they did.How were the strawberries?They were delicious.Were the strawberries good?Yes, they were.No, they weren’t.How was their school trip?It was great.quiet a lot 相当多+of+可数或不可数, 也可以单独使用。 quite a little 相当多+不可数名词 quite a few 相当多+可数名词1. Did you see any cows?
Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot.e.g. 我们喝了不少酒。
We drank quite a lot of wine.
I saw quite a lot of cows.
I play tennis quite a lot in the summer.
Quite a few students were late.take与photo, picture等词搭配时,表示“拍摄,摄影”。表示“拍摄某物或人”,就要在短语后面接介词“of”引入所拍摄的对象。e.g. The girl likes to take photos of herself
with her cell phone. 2. Did Carol take any photos?
卡罗尔拍照片了吗?1b Listen and circle the three things
Carol did on her school trip in 1a.went for a walk
milked a cow
rode a horse
fed chickens
talked with a farmer
took some photosA: Did Carol take any photos?B: Yes, she did.A: Did Carol ride a horse?B: A: Did Carol talk with the farmer?B: 1c Ask and answer questions
about Carol’s school trip.What did the farmer say?
Did you grow any apples?What did you see?
Do they grow apples?Did you learn anything?
Did you eat them?Did you ask him any questions?
Were they good?2a
Listen and check the questions you hear.√√√√ 1 The farmer showed Carol around the farm.
F 2 Carol learned a lot about farming. T
F 3 The farmers grow strawberries from December
F 4 The farmers don’t grow apples.
F 5 Carol picked some strawberries
and took them home.
F2b Listen again. Circle T for true or F for false.2c Ask and answer questions about
Carol’s visit to the farm.
A: What did Carol do?
B: She picked some strawberries.A: How was your school trip?B: It was … (boring/interesting/good/great…)A: What did you do on the school trip?B: I went for a walk with my classmates.went for a walkmilked a cowrode a horsefed chickenstalked with a farmertook some photosPeter: Hi, Eric. How was your trip
last week?Eric: It was excellent. I visited my
grandparents in the countryside.Peter: Oh, nice. What did you do?Eric: I went fishing every day.
And I fed the chickens with my
grandpa. It was so much fun.2d
Role-play the conversation.
Peter: Sounds good. How was the weather there?Eric: It was great, and the air was so
clean. I watched the stars at night.
They were so beautiful.Peter: Lucky you.GroupworkMake a survey. Ask your partners what they did last week. Then give a reporter.A: Hi, Carol. What did you do last
weekend?B: I watched TV, and then I went fishing
with my father.A: How was your last weekend?B: It was boring.
In my group, Carol watched TV and went fishing. His weekend was boring. Peter…fun表示“有趣的事情”,为不可数名词。e.g. Look, Peter. The children are having
so much fun. 1. It was so much fun. 2. Lucky you! 你真幸运!这是一句非正式口语,相当于You’re so lucky. Lucky之后的人称还可以改为me, him。规则动词过去式的构成规则动词过去式词尾-ed的读音清念 /t/, 元浊/d/; /t/ /d/ 之后念/id/知识结构动词的过去式1. 表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。2. 表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。yesterdaylast night/week/ time..… days agoOn Sunday morning一般过去时 am(is) →was
are →were陈述句:He was at home yesterday.否定句:He wasn’t at home yesterday.疑问句:Was he at home yesterday?
Yes, he was./No, he wasn’t.陈述句:主语+动词过去式+其它I go to the movie. →I went to the movie.否定句:主语+助动词didn’t+动词原形+其它I don’t go to school today. →I didn’t go to school.一般疑问句:Did +主语+动词原形+其它?Do you have breakfast? →Did you have breakfast?Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.动词一般过去时,表示过去发生事;be用was或用were, have, has变had;谓语动词过去式,过去时间坐标志;一般动词加-ed,若是特殊得硬记。否定句很简单,主语之后didn’t添;疑问句也不难,did放在主语前;如果谓语之前有did,谓语动词需还原;动词若是was,were,否定就把not添。 巧记一般过去时 go ride do
see写出下列动词的过去式, 找出规则动词过去式的构成。 pick
play live stop
went rode did
saw picked
visited watched climbed studied
worried played lived stopped 规则动词不规则动词
3a Here is Jim’s and Bill’s letters.
Let’s help them to complete the letters.Dear Bill,How ___ (is) your school trip yesterday? ___ (Do) you ___ (go) to the zoo? ___ (do) you take any photos? ___ (Do) you ___ (see) any interesting animals? I ____ (go) to the zoo last year and it ____ (is) a lot of fun.
Jim was Did goDidDidseewentwasDear Jim,My school trip ___ (is) great! We ___ (have) so much fun! We ____ (go) to Green Park. We _______ (climb) the mountains there and ____ (see) a lot of flowers. We ___ (eat) our lunch under some trees and ______ (play) some games after that. But at about two o’clock, it ____ (get) very cloudy and we _______ (worry) it would rain. Luckily, it _____ (do not), and the sun _____ (come) out again!
Billwas hadwent climbedsawateplayedgotworrieddidn’tcameMy school trip was great! We had so much ____! We went to Green Park. We climbed the __________ there and saw a lot of ________. funmountainsflowersLook at pictures and fill in the blanks. Then read it and try to recite it.We ___ our lunch under some trees and ______ some games after that.But at about two o’clock, it got very ______ and we worried it could _____. Luckily, it didn’t, and the sun _____ out again!cloudyrainateplayedcameLast week I visited my aunt’s house._______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________Make up a story. Each student adds a sentence. The weather was beautiful.We went fishing.I. 用适当的词填空1. How ___ your school trip? It was great.2. How _____ you yesterday?3. Today is Monday. Yesterday ___ Sunday.4. What ___ you do the day before yesterday?____ you ride a horse last week? was were was did Did6.
____ he see any cows on the farm? Yes, he did.7. Did he milk a cow on the farm? No, he ______.8. Were the strawberries good? Yes, they _______.9. Did you see any cows?
Yes, I did. I ___ quite a lot.10. I ___ the chickens last week. Did didn’t were saw fedII. 汉译英1. 他上周在农场骑马。2. 他上个月爬山了。3. 他一小时前喂了小鸡。Last week he rode a horse on the farm.He climbed the mountain last month.He fed chickens an hour ago.4. 你昨天去了动物园吗?没有,我去了农场。5. 你在农场看到一些奶牛吗?看到了,看到了相当多地奶牛。Did you go to the zoo? No, I didn’t. I went to the farm.Did you see any cows? Yes I did. I saw quite a lot.III. 写出下列单词的过去式 talk
milked were rode took
IV. 译出下列短语去散步去购物去钓鱼 挤奶牛 骑马 骑自行车 喂小鸡 和某人谈话 拍照go for a walk go shoppinggo fishingmilk a cowride a horseride a bikefeed chickenstalk with …
take photos1. She often ____ (go) to the park on
weekends, but yesterday she ____ (go) to
the zoo.2. Last week she ___ (have) fun on a farm.3. What ___ they __ (do) on the school trip?
They ____ (ride) horses and _______
(climb) the mountains.I. 填入适当的词。 goeswenthaddid
climbed4. How ____ their school trip?
It ___ interesting.
___ she __ (go) fishing? Yes, she did.5. ___ Li Ming ____ (pick) any strawberries? No, he didn’t. was Did
pick was1. 我们在那儿爬山, 看到了很多花。2. 我们在树下吃了午餐,之后又玩游戏。3. 太阳半小时前又出来了。We climbed the mountains there and saw a lot of flowers.We ate our lunch under trees and played some games after that.The sun came out again half an hour.II. 翻译下列句子。4. 昨天我们担心天会下雨。5. 几分钟前,天变阴了。6. 你拍了一些照片吗?Yesterday we worried it would rain.A few minutes ago, it got cloudy.Did you take any photos?1. Lucy did her homework at home. (改否定句)
Lucy ______ __ her homework at home.2. His father worked all day last Monday.(改一般疑问句) ____ his father _____ all day last Monday? didn’t
workIII. 完成下列句子。3. I was very busy last week. (改否定
I ______ very busy last week.
_____ you very busy last week?4. There was some orange in the cup.
_____ there ____ orange in the cup? wasn’tWereWasany


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