外甥打灯笼歇后语语 Chinese allegories

Chinese allegories 歇后语:杀鸡给猴看 – 杀一儆百 - 【每日英语谚语】 -
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& Chinese allegories 歇后语:杀鸡给猴看 – 杀一儆百
UID184929&帖子1710&积分2775&学分20497 个&金币114 个&性别女&在线时间807 小时&
Chinese allegories 歇后语:杀鸡给猴看 – 杀一儆百
杀鸡给猴看 – 杀一儆百
Kill the chicken to frighten the monkey – Punish someone as a warning to others.
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UID15248&帖子19328&积分58475&学分177677 个&金币1000 个&性别男&在线时间20080 小时&
Kill the chicken to frighten the monkey
[通过 QQ、MSN 分享给朋友]电影世界_Chinese Allegories_沪江英语
歇后语(xiēh&uyǔ)&Chinese Allegories
Two-part allegorical saying, of which the first part, always stated, is descriptive, while the second part, often unstated, carries the message.
Bāyu& sh& w? de yu&liang---zh&ngd&guāngm&ng
八月十五的月亮---正大光明The moon on Mid-Autumn Festival---fair and square
Bāyu& sh& w? k&n gu&huā---huāh?oyu&yu&n
八月十五看桂花---花好月圆 Enjoying the osmanthus on Mid-Autumn Festival---perfect conjugal bliss
N& p&sa gu&h& --- z&shēnn&nb?o
泥菩萨过河 --- 自身难保Just like a clay idol crossing a river --- one is hardly able to save oneself, much less help others.
Māo kū h&ozi --- ji? c&bēi
猫 哭 耗 子---假 慈 悲 The cat cries for mouse---pretending to be kind
Wūyā xi&o zhū --- guāng k&n bi&r&n hēi, b& ji&n z&j? hēi
乌 鸦 笑 猪---光 看 别 人 黑,不 见 自 己 黑The cow laughs at the pig---just seeing other's black, not his black
Y?ba chī hu&ngli&n --- y?u k? shuō b& chū
哑 巴 吃 黄 连---有 苦 说 不 出The mused eats coptis root--- cannot speak out the bitter
Xi?ocōng b&n d&ufu --- yīqīng&rb&i
小 葱 拌 豆 腐 --- 一 清 二 白White bean curd and green scallions --- as clear as daylight
G?u n& h&ozi --- duōgu?nxi&nsh&
狗 拿 耗 子 --- 多 管 闲 事Dog trying to catch mice --- meddling in other people's business
Bīngt&ng zh? hu&ngli&n --- t&nggāng&ngk?
冰糖煮黄莲---同甘共苦 Crystallized sugar is boiled with coptis root --- through thick and thin.
Zhūb&ji& zh&o j&ngzi --- l?w&i b&sh& r&n
猪八戒照镜子---里外不是人Pig Zhu Bajie looks in the mirror--not the people inside and outside.&chinese allegories - Bing 词典网络歇后语1.歇后语FAQ & Tianyan Chinese language... ... 成语故事 Idioms 歇后语 Chinese Allegories 流行语 Popular Chinese Expressions ... |必应词典应用准确权威无广告下 载 手 机 版 必 应 词 典体 验 P C 版 必 应 词 典英语作文大全_Chinese Allegories_沪江英语
歇后语(xiēh&uyǔ)&Chinese Allegories
Two-part allegorical saying, of which the first part, always stated, is descriptive, while the second part, often unstated, carries the message.
Bāyu& sh& w? de yu&liang---zh&ngd&guāngm&ng
八月十五的月亮---正大光明The moon on Mid-Autumn Festival---fair and square
Bāyu& sh& w? k&n gu&huā---huāh?oyu&yu&n
八月十五看桂花---花好月圆 Enjoying the osmanthus on Mid-Autumn Festival---perfect conjugal bliss
N& p&sa gu&h& --- z&shēnn&nb?o
泥菩萨过河 --- 自身难保Just like a clay idol crossing a river --- one is hardly able to save oneself, much less help others.
Māo kū h&ozi --- ji? c&bēi
猫 哭 耗 子---假 慈 悲 The cat cries for mouse---pretending to be kind
Wūyā xi&o zhū --- guāng k&n bi&r&n hēi, b& ji&n z&j? hēi
乌 鸦 笑 猪---光 看 别 人 黑,不 见 自 己 黑The cow laughs at the pig---just seeing other's black, not his black
Y?ba chī hu&ngli&n --- y?u k? shuō b& chū
哑 巴 吃 黄 连---有 苦 说 不 出The mused eats coptis root--- cannot speak out the bitter
Xi?ocōng b&n d&ufu --- yīqīng&rb&i
小 葱 拌 豆 腐 --- 一 清 二 白White bean curd and green scallions --- as clear as daylight
G?u n& h&ozi --- duōgu?nxi&nsh&
狗 拿 耗 子 --- 多 管 闲 事Dog trying to catch mice --- meddling in other people's business
Bīngt&ng zh? hu&ngli&n --- t&nggāng&ngk?
冰糖煮黄莲---同甘共苦 Crystallized sugar is boiled with coptis root --- through thick and thin.
Zhūb&ji& zh&o j&ngzi --- l?w&i b&sh& r&n
猪八戒照镜子---里外不是人Pig Zhu Bajie looks in the mirror--not the people inside and outside.&These are two-part allegorical sayings. The first part, which is always stated,
is the literal meaning of the expression. The second part is the unstated, implied
meaning of the expression.
guān qǐlai dă luo - ming shēng zai wai
关起门来打锣 - 名声在外
Close the door to beat gongs - be well-known
han dōng la yue de mă fēng wō - kōng kōng dong dong
寒冬腊月的马蜂窝 - 空空洞洞
A hornet's nest in severe winter - devoid of substance
hăo mă zāo biān dă - rěn rŭ fu zhong
好马遭鞭打 - 忍辱负重
A hardworking horse is whipped - show great fortitude under humiliating circumstances
hou ban ye zuo měi meng&&- hăo jĭng bu chang
后半夜做美梦 - 好景不长
Have a beautiful dream after midnight - good times don' pleasant hours
gŭ dŏng dian lăo băn - yăn lĭshi huo
古董店老板 - 眼里识货
An antique shopkeeper - a person wh a knowledgeable person
guān yīn pu sa xia du shŏu - mian shan xīn bu shan
观音菩萨下毒手 -&&面善心不善
Guanyin, goddess of mercy, lays murderous hands - have a merciful face but a wolfish
qian tang jiāng zhăng chao - da qĭda luo
钱塘江涨潮 - 大起大落
The Qiantang River tides are on the flow - sharp rise and
qian yŏu qiang di hou yŏu zhuī bīng - jin tui liăng nan
前有强敌后有追兵 - 进退两难
There are intercepting troops in front and pursuing troops behind - find it difficult
t be in a dilemma
发表于:12-05-15 16:54
发表于:12-05-15 16:55
发表于:12-05-15 19:04
发表于:12-05-15 19:06
回复 第3楼 的 快乐小猪妈咪:
哎呀& 哪里像啦
发表于:12-05-15 20:26


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