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yellow: [ 'jeləu ]& &a. 黄色的n. 黄色词形变化:形容词比较级:yellower 最高级:yellowest 名词:yellowness 动词过去式:yellowed 过去分词:yellowed 现在分词:yellowing 第三人称单数:yellows &例句与用法:1.The leaves of the book had yellowed with age.&书页因年久而变黄。2.The leaves turn yellow in autumn.&秋天时叶子变黄。3.I always suspected he was yellow.&我总怀疑他很胆小.4.I bought her a brunch of marigolds with yellow flowers.&我给她买了一束黄色的万寿菊。5.Sunflowers are large flowers with yellow petals.&向日葵是长着黄色花瓣的大花。6.She opened the door, and the yellow light from inside rimmed about her.&她打开门,里面射出的灯光在她的身影四周镶了一圈黄色的边。7.She wore yellow ribbons in her hair.&她头发上戴着黄色缎带。8.She wore on her head a yellow kerchief.&她头上带着一块黄色的头巾。 英英解释:名词yellow:1. yel the chromatic color resembling the hue of sunflowers or ripe lemons同义词:yellowness动词yellow:1. turn yellow形容词yellow:1. of the color intermediate between green and orange i of something resembling the color of an egg yolk同义词:yellowish, xanthous2. easily frightened同义词:chicken, chickenhearted, lily-livered, white-livered, yellow-bellied3. changed to a yellowish color by age同义词:yellowed4. typical of tabloids同义词:scandalmongering, sensationalistic5. cowardly or treacherous6. affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin etc同义词:jaundiced, icteric
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