
相视一笑是什么意思 相视一笑在线翻译 相视一笑什么意思 相视一笑的意思 相视一笑的翻译 相视一笑的解释 相视一笑的发音
相视一笑 双语例句1. 他们相视而笑,我也冲他们微微一笑,我感到他们也在朝我微笑。&&&&They smile at each other, I smile at them, I feel they are smiling at me.2. 当硬币落到罐底发出快乐的脆响时,我们就相视咧嘴一笑。&&&&As they rattled8 around with a brief, happy jingle, we grinned at each other.3. 3. 与几个人目光对接,也只是相视一笑,没人尴尬或是嫌恶地躲开视线。&&&&When met some people and stare eye to eye, just smile, no one feel embrassed and ward off.4. 4. 幽默是人类生命的冬青树,他好像化学反应中的酸碱中和,常可以化干戈为玉帛,使剑拔驽张的双方相视一笑,握手言和。&&&&Humor is a holly tree of human life, he is just like a chemical reaction of the acid-base and often can turn hostility into friendship, so that Zhang Jian inferior horse out of both sides, as the smile, shake hands.5. 5. 我和搬运工相视一笑,接著,他说了什麼,这回我听懂了。&&&&The porter and I looked at each other and smiled. Then he said something and Iunderstood it.6. 相视一笑的意思6. 我们大家相视一笑。&&&&We look at each other as soon as to smile.7. 但在那最后的时刻相伴于你身边的人当是你真正的朋友,彼此间相视一笑,便胜过千言万语。&&&&When ay last it no longer exists the one who still stands by you then will be a friend indeed.8. 有时候朋友的朋友会像滚雪球一样越滚越大,形成一个蔚为壮观的圈子,圈子往往给人以错觉言。,误以为圈子中人都是朋友,但随着生活的变故和时光的流逝,这雪球开始融化和缩小,直至最后不复存在,但在最后时刻伴于你身边的人才是真正的朋友,彼此间相视一笑,便胜过万语千&&&&The one who still stands by you then will be a friend indeed.9. 他或者通过品牌创立人独具人格魅力的形象代言,给目标受众以鲜明的品牌个性和信心;或者通过影视明星、社会名人极具亲和力的广告代言,令品牌产品迅速对目标消费群的购买施加影响;或者通过虚构人物演绎品牌叙事,传达品牌理念与价值取向,赢得目标受众的认同;或者通过漫画式卡通动物的形象代言,塑造活泼可爱、耳目一新的品牌形象,让人在相视一笑中对品牌产生美好的联想和印象。&&&&His image having personality charm alone possibly by the fact that the brand founds person replaces a word, distinct brand individuality and confidence are used by
The affinity advertisement replaces a word or by the fact that the movie and TV star, the society celebrity pole have, the purchase making brand product prompt to target consumption group exerts one' Or narrate by the fact that the fiction personage deduces a brand, idea and value take the janitor brand face, win a target accep Or by the fact that image of dyadic cartoon cartoon animal replaces a word, mold lively the brand image lovable, finding everything fresh and new, lets person produce fine association and impression in looking at one each other laughing at to the brand.10. danci.911cha.com10. 与几个人目光对接,也只是相视一笑,没人尴尬或是嫌恶地躲开视线。&&&&Touched some people's singht with a simle, no one embarrass or escape the sight with abhorrer11. 相视一笑的翻译11. 我们相视一笑回家了。&&&&&&We smiled vis-a-vis and returned home.12. 我和搬运工相视一笑。&&&&&&Then he saidsomething and I understood it.13. 我和方相视一笑,都低下了头。&&&&&&Her Mum wants her to marry earlier, so she could be able to see14. 他和她匆匆相视一笑,然后走进了电梯。&&&&&&He exchanged a quick smile with her then entered the lift.15. 分享彼此的糗事后相视一笑。&&&&&&Sharing a laugh over an embarrassing incident.16. 隔着琥珀色的液体,两人相视一笑,交谈也逐渐变得愉快而轻松了。&&&&&&Through the amber liquid, they looked at each other smiling, and the conversation became light and pleasant.17. 费雷德和多丽丝相视一笑。&&&&&&Fred and Doris smiled at each other.18. 伊萨故意逗他,他们相视一笑,开始享受着柠檬汁。&&&&&&They shared a smile and drank the lemonade.19. 接着她赞美真主,我恭敬的重复了她的话,相视一笑;戴头巾的女性皈依教徒并不多见,这我明白。&&&&&&She praised God, and I dutifully repeated her words, I understood that a convert in a head scarf was unusual.20. 费雷德和多丽丝相视一笑。谢谢你,幸运仙女。我们非常健康快乐。虽然说我们老了,我们仍每天在田里劳动。&&&&&&Then Fred said, 'Thank you, Luck Fairy. We're very healthy and happy'Although we're old, we still work in the fields every day, 'said Doris.相视一笑是什么意思,相视一笑在线翻译,相视一笑什么意思,相视一笑的意思,相视一笑的翻译,相视一笑的解释,相视一笑的发音,相视一笑的同义词,相视一笑的反义词,相视一笑的例句,相视一笑的相关词组,相视一笑意思是什么,相视一笑怎么翻译,单词相视一笑是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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中文翻译adj.1.话的,言语(上)的;文字的;字句的,用字上的;口头的 (opp. written )。2.(翻译等)逐字的。3.【语法】(出自)动词的。短语和例子a verbal picture of a scene 某一场面的文字描述。 a verbal note 便条,字条;【外交】不署名备忘录,口头照会。 a purely verbal criticism 纯言语上的批评。 a verbal agreement [contract] 口头协议[约定]。 a verbal dispute 口头争论,舌战。 verbal evidence 口头证据。 a verbal message 口信。 a verbal translation 逐字翻译,直译。n.【语法】1.非限定动词 〔gerund, infinitive, participle〕。2.〔罕用语〕 = verbal noun.3.〔美口〕口供。n.-ism 言语表现,措词;咬文嚼字;赘语;措词?嗦[冗长]。n.-ist 善于措词用句的人;咬文嚼字的人;措词?嗦的人。-ize1.vt. 把…变成动词;用言语表现。2.vi. 措词冗长。adv.-ly 1. 口头(上);用语言文字。 2. 逐字地。 3. 作为动词。&&&&内部沟通与外部沟通&&&&言辞与非言辞的沟通&&&&言语之争&&&&语言行为&&&&非言语; 非用言语的&&&&报告书&&&&名词化的动名词&&&&舌战&&&&要施放一个具有言语成分&&&&言语能力&&&&出语伤人; 说粗话,用污言秽语; 言语虐待; 用污言秽语&&&&口头接受&&&&口头控告&&&&口头的&&&&口头劝告&&&&构词性书写不能; 构字性书写不能&&&&口头协定; 口头协议; 口头协助&&&&语性失读&&&&词语遗忘; 言语健忘; 遗忘性失语症, 语词遗忘; 语词遗忘&&&&语音通知&&&&词汇性失语症&&&&词汇性失用症; 言语失用&&&&覆面算&&&&口头警告&&&&口头契约&&&&韦尔鲍伊
例句与用法For that reason my instructions are verbal .因此,我只给你下口头命令。They threw a lot of verbal bouquets at him .他们大肆赞扬他。He had dull his craving for verbal truth .他对于口头上的真话的渴求已经淡漠。Fermi's suggestion was more than a verbal hypothesis .费密的见解不仅是词句上的假设。A mere verbal statement is of no help .空言无补。Verbal statements are no guarantee .口说无凭。Object description: this may be simple classification or verbal description .物体描述:可能是简单分类,或者是一般语言描述。The campaign, however, soon turned into a verbal duel between roosevelt and wilson .可是,竞选很快变成罗斯福与威尔逊之间的一场舌战。There were memoranda, minutes of meetings, officialfiles, notes of verbal discussions .有备忘录,会议记录,官方档案,口头讨论的手记。Though eleanor gave no verbal assent to this, she did not express dissent .爱莉娜对这件事虽然口头上没有表示同意,却也没有表示不同意。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释relating to or having facility "a good poet is a verbal artist"; "a merely verbal writer who sacrifices content to sound"; "verbal aptitude"of or relating to o "verbal adjectives like `running'' in `hot and cold running water''"of or relating to or formed f "verbal ability"communicated
"verbal imagery"; "a verbal protest" "you put me to forget a lady''s manners by being so verbal"- Shakespeareexpre "a verbal contract"
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