谁有contents of the rapeofthedead攻略 man's pockets 的译文啊 jack finney写的 急求

The Fear of Oblivion Essay - 645 Words
The Fear of Oblivion
The Fear of Oblivion
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: October 16, 2014
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Hannah Ernst
Mrs. Radavich
English 10
6 October 2014
The Cruelty of Oblivion
If one is constantly bombarded with strenuous tasks, they may resort to desperate measures. The main character, Tom Benecke goes to the extremes to prove himself for his job. He spends the majority of his time trying to be productive, and sedulous, but will soon learn that work is not the major priority in life. In “The Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket,” by Jack Finney, Tom is faced with many internal and external conflicts in his stressful life. There are battles in which he is fighting within himself and against the world. The fate of Tom is determined by allowing his pride to consume him or letting it go.
The internal conflict Benecke is facing is the struggle of balancing work with his daily life. In the city of New York, the competition of advancement is fierce. His job notwithstanding, it is not a valid reason to be oblivious to the main priority in his life which is his wife, Clare. She stated, “You work too much, though, Tom” (Finney). The importance of having a job to provide for one should be significant but not to the extent of missing every event in a person’s life. Clare requests Tom to go to the theatre alongside her, and yet again he is distracted by his own projects for work. “Smelling the perfume she had used, he was tempted to go with her” (Finney).
Nonetheless, Tom is engulfed in his endeavor, and is unaware of his wife renouncing him gradually.
Benecke faces external conflict when an important piece of information slowly drifts astray. A yellow piece of paper crucial to the arrangement he was working on casually wanders out the window.
Being the determined man he is, Tom debates on retrieving the paper. “The mental picture of him sidling along the ledge outside was absurd- it was actually comical- and he smiled” (Finney). Insanely, he comes up with the idea to inch along the sides of the building to retrieve this paper. His...
...Dictation by Fear
As the Twin Towers fell to the ground, mass chaos spread throughout the United States. Among many other overwhelming feelings, many Americans were left in question and accusations. The motives of the terrorists were unknown and many Americans’ fear overtook a sense of logic. With fear fueling the minds of many Americans, many began to take illogical and unjustified actions. A stereotype developed amongst the Muslim society,
which has still shrugged them from American society to this day. 9/11 instilled a fear in Americans that strung a chord in each person that disregarded a sense of logic or morals. Arthur Miller sets a scene of mass chaos and paranoia in the 1600’s in an area much like Salem, Mass.. A fear of witchcraft, that could quite possibly overtake the holy lifestyle in the Puritan society, created a spiraling downfall. In Arthur Millers multithematic play “The Crucible”, fear directs the decisions and course of life.
The deep rooted fear Reverend Parris feels stems from the reputation he must uphold as reverend of the holy community. In desperation, Parris allows his fear to contradict himself as he defends his niece, Abigail. Although Parris knows that Abigail is lying when she says she is not involved in witchcraft, Parris defends her in hopes it will secure his reputation and position in the community. As reverend, it is not...
As the instructor put me in that choke hold on my second to last day of swim instruction I knew I broke the one rule I tried
so hard not to. “Get the hell out of my pool” he yelled. I dangled there in the middle of the pool wondering how this man could hold me in a chokehold while keeping both of us afloat. “You weak bitch, get the fuck out of my pool”. As those words echoed through the empty olympic sized
pool room I was let go, left to reach the side of the deep
end under my own power.
Already a month and a half in Marine Corps boot camp I was use to the abuse. This was different, I could handle all the physical punishment on the land. The countless push ups, and being forced to roll around in sand pits at 5 am before breakfast. Being in the best shape of my life at the time there was only one thing that could bring this fear over me. Up until boot camp I could count
my exposure to bodies of water on one hand. Growing up in the middle of Queens, NY I rarely encountered a pool. Although my family moved to upstate New York, to a high school that did have its own pool, I wasn't forced to use it.
At the end of my senior year of high school while most of my friends were visiting and picking colleges I was preparing for boot camp. Everyday I ran countless miles and did numerous pushups getting my body ready for the three months of pain I was about to endure. Not being the biggest or strongest kid in high school most of my friends...
...1970. Choose a character from a novel or play of recognized literary merit and write an essay in which you (a) briefly describe the standards of the fictional society in which the character exists and (b) show how the character is affected by and responds to those standards. In your essay do not merely summarize the plot.
1974. Choose a work of literature written before 1900. Write an essay in which you present arguments for and against the work’s relevance for a person in 1974. Your own
position should emerge in the course of your essay. You may refer to works of literature written after 1900 for the purpose of contrast or comparison.
1976. The conflict created when the will of an individual opposes the will of the majority is the recurring theme of many novels, plays, and essays. Select the work of an essayist who is in opposition t or from a work of recognized literary merit, select a fictional character who is in opposition to his or her society. In a critical essay, analyze the conflict and discuss the moral and ethical implications for both the individual and the society. Do not summarize the plot or action of the work you choose.
1987. Some novels and plays seem to advocate changes in social or political attitudes or in traditions. Choose such a novel or play and note briefly the particular attitudes or traditions that the author apparently wishes to modify. Then analyze the techniques the author uses to influence the reader’s or audience’s...
...Living in Oblivion
This movie, directed by Tom DiCillo, is a humorous look at the making of a low-budget independent film. It includes cleverly blended dream sequences that make use of shifts from color to black and white which symbolize what is reality and what is not. In addition, casting for this movie really makes the film stand out as a great piece of film art. Steve Buscemi as film director “Nick? does a great job playing the roll of an over stressed indie filmmaker
with doubts about his ability to ever make a successful movie. Catherine Keener is also great in this film as she plays the star actress of the film dealing with her own doubts of ever becoming a huge movie star. Overall, this movie is an excellent satirical look at independent film making from many points of view.
The film consists of three major parts that make up the movies overall story. We first start out witnessing everyone arriving on scene at 4am to get ready for that days shoot. At this point, the film is in black and white and as soon as they start filming the movie is suddenly in color. This illustrates what is real and what is not to the viewer. Problems start to occur which include the boom microphone showing up in the frame, cameras going out of focus, and li
Living in Oblivion
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Living in Oblivion
Living in Oblivion theatrical poster
Directed by
Tom DiCillo...
Skiing into oblivion
The issue of whether or not our lifestyles are environmentally and economically sustainable has been the source of an ongoing debate and prompted an opinionative piece with an accompanying photograph by Paul Evans, “Skiing into Oblivion” (March, 2008). Contending in a predominately concerned and passionate tone, Evans argues that our consumption of the planet’s resources is irresponsible
and that we are becoming increasingly motivated by the need to attain unrealistic lifestyles driven by consumerism. However, he also encourages his audience to take action through the use of emotive language, saying that “it is still possible to change direction and take a conservationist route.”
Upon commencement, Evans explores the notion of “skiing” as a metaphor for the unsustainable “route” we are taking in his title, “Skiing into oblivion.” Along with the negative connotations associated with the term “oblivion”, Evans aims to alert readers that we are on a road the road to doom and destruction but are still not taking responsibility and making changes. The term also establishes within the readers’ minds a sense of urgency and appeals to their sense of fear. Followed by the juxtaposition of a “wry” anecdote of baby boomers ‘SKIing’ with the reality of people today ‘”indulging and enjoying” luxurious lifestyles, readers are made to realise how...
...November, 2012
Fear essay
When we grow up we learn to fear such things as drugs, alcohol and strangers. These fears are taught to us by our parents trying to help us grow to be safe, healthy individuals. While learning to avoid these dangers, we also experience hardships and traumas that teach us to be afraid of whatever it is we went through. But one of the most influential cause of fears is that which we
witness in movies, shows and in the news. This is because we see these highly exaggerated scenes, which only teach us the worst case scenarios. This causes our brain to react by permanently marking that experience as something that we would never want to go through, something fearful. In other words, although people have noticed that past experiences and learned fears are huge causes of fear, a careful examination suggests that the media plays an extreme role in the cause of fear in human behaviors.
In the 1970s, Steven Spielberg created the movie “Jaws”, with a blood thirsty shark as the main character. Although sharks were already a widely feared animal, this movie made shark-phobia one of the most common fears of people. Actual shark attacks at beaches became more publicized in the news and it was not uncommon to hear people referencing to the movie while at the beach. Although there is a small chance of being attacked by...
...What is true love? True love is a personal decision to commit oneself to another and to work through any conflicts instead of giving up. For better or for worse, it’s the act of devotion and passion within a deeper understanding of each other. True love is a power like none other, it has a power over the senses and it can change one’s life. True love is not only about romance, there is also love between friends and family. Humans crave love. Therefore, we obsess over it, we
dissect it, we romanticize it, and we ponder its meaning. True love can also be found in love at first sight, fatal events and over exaggerations. In the play, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare suggests that true love is one of the most powerful effects on our human nature.
In the beginning of the play, William Shakespeare conveys that love at first sight is a true possibility. Some people say that love at first sight is not true love because true love can’t be recognized immediately. William Shakespeare suggests otherwise by making reference to Romeo and Juliet as star crossed lovers. He’s saying that destiny is pulling them together from the very beginning. The very first time Romeo laid his eyes on Juliet he knew he was in love. Romeo fell in love because he was heartbroken and seeing Juliet healed his heart. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Romeo asks himself if he had loved until now while approaching Juliet. Although she denies him at first Juliet later allows him...
...Eugene Cooper
Mrs. Jones
English 5-B
November 5, 2013
Everyone in this world, from a six-year old child to an eighty-year old man, has something to fear. Fear can be very difficult to handle at times. Although fears might also change throughout a lifetime, most people do remain scared of something. I am no different. Fear is dangerous because it limits the hero’s confidence, and without a confidence no one will
believe in you so you wouldn’t be considered a hero to society.
Fear is a predominantly a dangerous monster because takes all the hero’s confidence away forcing a lot of depression and low self-esteem. A hero always overcomes his fears and confronts any challenge head on. So once a hero starts to fear they soon start doubting very slowly. When the hero starts doubting his or her abilities then there is a small chance one will reach that certain goal that’s trying to be achieved. A hero is not born, he is self-made.
Fear has been a problem for the longest with me in which I can’t seem to control. It all started in the summer when I was kicked off the basketball team. This caused a lot of fear deep down in my heart because I have been training all summer for this upcoming season and now I feel as though all that time and energy I put into Basketball was a waste. I’m afraid that this one decision I...
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Contents of the Dead Mans Pockets
Contents of the Dead Mans Pockets
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3秒自动关闭窗口Summary Bibliography: Jack Finney
Summary Bibliography: Jack Finney
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This work is licensed under a .
Author: Jack Finney
Author Record # 279
Legal Name: Finney, Walter Braden
Birthplace: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Birthdate: 2 October 1911
Deathdate: 14 November 1995
Language: English
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Fiction Series
also appeared as:
[German] (1981)
[Italian] (1990)
[French] (1993)
[German] (2008)
also appeared as:
[French] (1995)
[German] (2008)
also appeared as:
[Japanese] (1957)
[German] (1962)
[Dutch] (1969)
[Swedish] (1973)
[Italian] (1977)
[Italian] (2003)
[Italian] (1956)
also appeared as:
[French] (1995)
[Italian] (1995)
also appeared as:
[French] (1996)
[Italian] (1995)
also appeared as:
[French] (2000)
also appeared as:
also appeared as:
[Italian] (1975)
[French] (1988)
(1987) [O]
[German] (2008) [O]
Short Fiction
also appeared as:
[French] (1964)
also appeared as:
[French] (1955)
[Italian] (1965)
[Spanish] (1973)
[French] (1975)
[Croatian] (1982)
[Italian] (1998)
also appeared as:
[French] (1988)
also appeared as:
[French] (1976)
also appeared as:
[Dutch] (1957)
[Croatian] (1984)
[French] (1988)
only appeared as:
[Italian] (1975)
also appeared as:
[French] (1955)
[Italian] (2014)
also appeared as:
[Dutch] (1961)
[Dutch] (1971)
[French] (1974)
[French] (1988)
only appeared as:
[Italian] (1975)
also appeared as:
[Italian] (1975)
[French] (1992)
[Italian] (2015)
also appeared as:
[Italian] (1975)
also appeared as:
[Italian] (1975)
[French] (1988)
only appeared as:
[Italian] (1975)
also appeared as:
[Italian] (1975)
also appeared as:
[Italian] (1975)
also appeared as:
[Italian] (1975)
[French] (1988)
also appeared as:
[Dutch] (1969)
[Polish] (1971)
[Italian] (1975)
[French] (1988)
[German] (1981)
also appeared as:
[French] (1995)
Non-Genre Titles
Short Fiction
also appeared as:
[Dutch] (1962)
[Italian] (1977)
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Al von Ruff.
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