ananya vinay 是怎样在美国斯克里普斯全国阿基拉和拼字比赛资源 中获得冠军 中文

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VOA慢速英语:12岁的Ananya Vinay赢得美国拼写比赛
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拼字大赛的最早文献记录是在1825年,然而有证据显示在此之前已曾有拼字比赛举行。此项比赛最初是因诺亚·韦伯斯特(Noah Webster,即著名美国《韦氏词典》的始创者)的拼字读本出版而形成,这本书于1786年首版,被俗称为“蓝皮拼字书”(The Blue-backed Speller)。于美国,韦氏的拼字读本连续被五代人用作儿童基础教育的课程组成部份。美国电影《Bee Season》、益智游戏《Spelling Challenges and More!》都是以其为题材创作。
  历史拼字比赛的最早文献记录是在1825年,然而有证据显示在此之前已曾有拼字比赛举行。此项比赛最初是因诺亚·韦伯斯特(Noah Webster,即著名美国《》的始创者)的拼字读本出版而形成,这本书于1786年首版,被俗称为“蓝皮拼字书”(The Blue-backed Speller)。于美国,韦氏的拼字读本连续被五代人用作儿童基础教育的课程组成部份。   美国的全国拼字比赛(National Spelling Bee)于1925年由路易斯维尔市的《信使日报》(Courier-Journal)发起,1941年开始比赛改由斯克里普斯·霍华德新闻社(Scripps Howard News Service)赞助。加拿大拼字比赛(Spelling Bee of Canada)于1987年在多伦多开始,最初只是一个地区性比赛,至1996年方加入其他省份的参赛者。   至于为何拼字比赛的英文名会叫作“拼字蜜蜂”,至今尚不清楚。其中一个可信的说法,是历史上在美国这一类为某种目的而聚集的社会活动多会被冠以“蜜蜂”称号,衍生为“群作聚会”、“蜂拥而上的行动”之意,与汉语的“集体劳动”相若。如19世纪初农民集体壳的活动就被称作“去壳蜜蜂”(husking bee),拼字比赛相信也是因类似情况而被称作“拼字蜜蜂”。
  比赛形式的基本规则是,当念出一个词,参赛者就要开始把字母口述拼出来。参赛者可以重新再拼,但已念出的字母或字母顺序不可再更改。只要参赛者拼错了一个词,他就会立刻被。比赛以回合制举行,直至淘汰到最后一位参赛者为止。   在美国,斯克里普斯全国拼字比赛每年都由地区赛一直举行至全国总决赛,胜出者可获得现金奖项。此项比赛得到了不少英文报章及教育基金会的赞助,同时由ESPN转播。于2005年,这比赛的参赛者分别来自美国、、、关岛、美属处女群岛、美属萨摩亚、加拿大、、,及德国的美军军事基地,其中加拿大和新西兰是首次有参赛者加入。   于欧洲一些国家(如荷兰),都曾推出以拼字为主的电视游戏节目,虽然加入了其他娱乐元素,形式与美国的全国大赛不太一样,但其概念明显是来自美国全国拼字大赛的。   于2002年获提名最佳纪录长片奖的电影《拼字比赛》(Spellbound)就纪录了1999年度美国全国拼字比赛的情况,讲述8名来自不同地区、不同家庭背景的儿童,在这有多达9千万个参赛者的比赛中的经历。此外,拼字比赛也曾经被用作小说和的题材。
  以下是历年美国全国拼字比赛使总冠军赢得比赛的最后一个字条:   1926年 - abrogate(vt.废除)   1931年 - foulard(n.法式软薄绸)   1939年 - canonical(adj.根据教会法的、权威的、规范的)   1942年 - sacrilegious(adj.亵渎神明的、该受的)   1946年 - semaphore(n.信号,旗语)   1951年 - insouciant(adj.漫不经心的)   1955年 - crustaceology(n.甲壳类动物学)   1963年 - equipage(n.[探险队或军用]装备、及侍从)   1967年 - chihuahua(n.狗)   1979年 - maculature(n.废页)   1980年 - elucubrate(vt.努力作出,精心表达出)   1981年 - sarcophagus(n.石棺)   1982年 - psoriasis(n.牛皮癣)   1983年 - Purim(n.[节]普珥节)   1984年 - luge(n.仰卧滑行小雪橇)   1985年 - milieu(n.环境、背景)   1986年 - odontalgia(n.牙痛)   1987年 - staphylococci(葡萄球菌)   1988年 - elegiacal(adj.挽歌的、哀悼的)   1989年 - spoliator(n.抢劫者,掠夺者)   1990年 - fibranne(n.[纺]黏胶短纤维(织物))   1991年 - antipyretic(adj.退热的;n.退热剂)   1992年 - lyceum(n.演讲厅)   1993年 - kamikaze(n.[神风敢死队])   1994年 - antediluvian(adj.《》所载大洪水前的、远古的;n.大洪水以前的人,很老的人,老古董)   1995年 - xanthosis(n.黄变症)   1996年 - vivisepulture   1997年 - euonym(卫矛属植物)   1998年 - chiaroscurist(n.明暗对法画家或木刻家)   1999年 - logorrhea(n.多语症,速语症)   2000年 - demarche(n.手段、外交方针)   2001年 - succedaneum(n.替代品,代理者,代用药)   2002年 - prospicience   2003年 - pococurante(adj.漠不关心的、冷漠的;n.漠不关心的人)   2004年 - autochthonous(adj.土著的,现地形成的[岩石])   2005年 - appoggiatura(n.装饰音之一种,花音,倚音)   2006年 - Ursprache (n.原始语)   2007年 - serrefine(【医】小弹簧镊)   2008年 - guerdon(n.【诗】报酬,奖赏;vt.【诗】酬劳,奖赏,)   2009年 - laodicean (adj.冷淡的;n. 冷淡的人)   2010年 - stromuhr(n.血流速度计)
  今日有不少人批评拼字比赛智才,因为参赛者多数要拼的字在他们毕生的日常生活中都不会用得上,但他们却把大量的时间投入在背单词之中,而这些时间本来可以用于其他更具价值的地方。然而支持者却反驳说这种比赛能令儿童学会忍耐和坚强,及如何在巨大的压力前处变不惊。   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  中文名称:拼字大赛  英文名称:Bee Season   别名:/   资源类型:DVDRip   版本:   发行时间:2005年   电影导演:Scott McGehee   David Siegel   电影演员:Richard Gere .... Saul Naumann   Juliette Binoche .... Miriam Naumann   Flora Cross .... Eliza Naumann   地区:美国   语言:英语   简介:   【片名】Bee Season   【译名】拼字大赛/蜂王季/集会季节   【年代】2005   【国家】美国   【片长】104Mins   【类别】剧情   【语言】英语   【】外挂英/法/西班牙文   【ctrl1评分】5.8/10 (436 votes)   【格式】XviD + MP3   【尺寸】640 X 272   【大小】1CD 49 X 15M   【导演】Scott McGehee   David Siegel   【主演】Richard Gere .... Saul Naumann   Juliette Binoche .... Miriam Naumann   Flora Cross .... Eliza Naumann   Max Minghella .... Aaron Naumann   Kate Bosworth .... Chali   Corey Fischer .... National Spelling Bee Pronouncer   Sam Zuckerman .... National Spelling Bee Judge   Joan Mankin .... Ms. Bergermeyer   Piers Mackenzie .... Dr. Morris (as Piers McKenzie)   Lorri Holt .... Ms. Rai   Brian Leonard .... Mr. Julien   Jamal Thornes .... Wiseacre Boy&s Mate   Kathy McGraw .... Regional Bee Pronouncer   John Evans .... Regional Bee Judge   Alisha Mullally .... Young Miriam
  中文片名   阿基拉和拼字大赛    原片名   Akeelah and the Bee    影片类型   剧情    片长   USA:112 min    国家/地区   美国    对白语言   英语    色彩   彩色    评级   Rated PG for some language.    级别   USA:PG级(粗口)    拍摄日期   日
   导演   道格·亚特奇森 Doug Atchison    编剧   道格·亚特奇森 Doug Atchison .....(written by)    演员   Angela Bassett .....Tanya Anderson   Keke Palmer .....Akeelah Anderson   Laurence Fishburne .....Dr. Joshua Larabee   · Curtis Armstrong .....Mr. Welch   Sean Michael Afable.................Dylan   Kahlil Ashanti .....Postman   Corina Boettger .....Red Headed Winner (attached)   Janet Borrus .....Mom of Spike Haired Boy   Courtney Taylor Burness .....Additional ()   D.T. Carney    制作人   Jaki Brown   Marc Butan .....executive producer   Mark Cuban .....executive producer   劳伦斯·菲什伯恩 Laurence Fishburne .....producer
   摄影机   Panavision Cameras and Lenses    摄制格式   35 mm (Kodak)    制作处理方法   Panavision (anamorphic)    洗印格式   35 mm    幅面       制作公司   Spelling Bee Productions Inc. [美国]   2929 Productions [美国]   Cinema Gypsy Productions [美国]   Lions Gate Films [美国]   Out of the Blue... Entertainment [美国]   Reactor Films [美国]    其它公司   Chapman/Leonard Studio Equipment [美国] .....
and dollies   Entertainment Clearances Inc. [美国] ..... rights and clearances    上映日期   德国   Germany   日 ..... (European Film Market)   美国   USA   日
  在天才哥哥艾伦(麦克思·明格拉 Max Minghella 饰)的阴影下,艾吉拉(弗劳拉·克罗斯 Flora Cross 饰)觉得自己简直没有一点长处,父亲索尔(理查·基尔 Richard Gere 饰)和母亲米利亚姆(朱丽叶·比诺什 Juliette Binoche 饰)显然更喜欢的是聪明伶俐的艾伦,而在他们之间,亦有着根深蒂固无法解决的问题。   在一次拼字大赛上,艾吉拉意外的展现出了令人惊叹的天赋,在赢得比赛的同时,她也获得了走向世界的机会。可是,对于艾吉拉的成功,一家人并没有表现出应有的高兴与自豪,因为随着艾吉拉的出名,一个埋藏在家族中多年的秘密即将被公之于众。眼看着家庭陷入了危机之中,艾吉拉明白,她必须依靠自己的力量,重新将家人凝聚在一起。
  Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.   Our deepest fear is that we are powerful
measure.   It is our light, not our darkness   That most frightens us.   We ask ourselves   Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?   Actually, who are you not to be?   You are a child of God.   Your playing small   Does not serve the world.   There&s nothing enlightened about shrinking   So that other people won&t feel insecure around you.   We are all meant to shine,   As children do.   We were born to make manifest   The glory of God that is within us.   It&s no   It&s in everyone.   And as we let our own light shine,   We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.   As we&re liberated from our own fear,   Our presence automatically liberates others.   我们最深刻的恐惧,不是我们无能;我们最深刻的恐惧,是我们的力量无边无际;我们自问,如此的才华与美貌、天赋与异禀,我们会成为怎样一个人?但问题是,我们能不能做那样的人?我们生来个性张扬,并赐予上帝的荣光,当我们让自己散发光芒的时候,我们摆脱了自己的恐惧,而我们的存在,也解放了别人。 Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same
Best Young Actress (提名)
弗劳拉·克罗斯Abeille épelante
<div id="correct" title="在法汉-汉法词典中发现10个解释错误,并通过审核,将获赠《法语助手》授权一个">有奖纠错
拼字比赛(英语:Spelling Bee),又译作拼字大赛、拼字蜜蜂、拼字狂等,是一种流行于地区,以儿童为对象的英语拼字竞技游戏。
拼字比赛的最早文献记录是在1825年,然而有证据显示在此之前已曾有拼字比赛举行。此项比赛最初是因(Noah Webster,即著名美国《》的始创者)的拼字读本出版而形成,这本书于1786年首版,被俗称为「蓝皮拼字书」(The Blue-backed Speller)。于,韦氏的拼字读本连续被五代人用作儿童基础教育的课程组成部份。
美国的于1925年由市的《信使日报》(Courier-Journal)发起,1941年开始比赛改由斯克里普斯·霍华德新闻社(Scripps Howard News Service)赞助。加拿大拼字比赛(Spelling Bee of Canada)于1987年在多伦多开始,最初只是一个地区性比赛,至1996年方加入其他省份的参赛者。
至于为何拼字比赛的英文名会叫作「拼字蜜蜂」,至今尚不清楚。其中一个可信的说法,是历史上在美国这一类为某种目的而聚集的社会活动多会被冠以「蜜蜂」称号,衍生为「群作聚会」、「蜂拥而上的行动」之意,与的「集体劳动」相若。如19世纪初农民集体剥玉米壳的活动就被称作「去壳蜜蜂」(husking bee),拼字比赛相信也是因类似情况而被称作「拼字蜜蜂」。
1926年 - (vt.废除)
1931年 - (n.法式软薄绸)
1939年 - (adj.根据教会法的、权威的、规范的)
1942年 - (adj.亵渎神明的、该受天谴的)
1946年 - (n.信号,旗语)
1951年 - (adj.漫不经心的)
1955年 - (n.甲壳类动物学)
1963年 - (n.[探险队或军用]装备、马车及侍从)
1967年 - (n.狗)
1979年 - (n.废页)
1980年 - (vt.努力作出,精心表达出)
1981年 - (n.石棺)
1982年 - (n.牛皮癣)
1983年 - (n.[犹太教节]普珥节)
1984年 - (n.仰卧滑行小雪橇)
1985年 - (n.环境、背景)
1986年 - (n.牙痛)
1987年 - (葡萄球菌)
1988年 - (adj.挽歌的、哀悼的)
1989年 - (n.抢劫者,掠夺者)
1990年 - (n.[纺]黏胶短纤维(织物))
1991年 - (adj.退热的;n.退热剂)
1992年 - (n.演讲厅)
1993年 - (n.,自日语「神风」)
1994年 - (adj.《圣经》所载大洪水前的、远古的;n.大洪水以前的人,很老的人,老古董)
1995年 - (n.黄变症)
1997年 - (卫矛属植物)
1998年 - (n.明暗对法画家或木刻家)
1999年 - (n.多语症,语速症)
2000年 - (n.手段、外交方针)
2001年 - (n.替代品,代理者,代用药)
2003年 - (adj.漠不关心的、冷漠的;n.漠不关心的人)
2004年 - (adj.土着的,现地形成的[岩石])
2005年 - (n.装饰音之一种,花音,)
2007年 - (n.装饰音之一种,花音)
2008年 - (n.【诗】报酬,奖赏;vt.【诗】酬劳,奖赏)
2009年 - (adj.& n.【尤指对宗教、政治等】不热心的(人),冷淡的(人))
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VOA慢速英语[娱乐报道] 12岁女孩Ananya Vinay 赢得全美拼字比赛冠军
Ananya Vinay, 12, Wins National Spelling Bee&
Ananya Vinay never looked all that impressed by any of the words she was given in the final competition of the 90th Scripps National Spelling Bee.
The 12-year-old from Fresno, California, showed little emotion and needed little time as she correctly spelled word after word. Sometimes she would ask the official bee pronouncer, Dr. Jacques Bailly, all the important questions, such as &Part of speech?& and &PLanguage of origin?& Sometimes, though, she did not even do that.
Ananya seized her chance at victory when her only remaining opponent, Rohan Rajeev, misspelled a word. It was a simple-looking but rarely used Scandinavian word, &marram,& a beach grass.
Ananya then calmly spelled two words in a row. Her winning word was &marocain,& a clothing fabric.
&I knew them all,& Ananya later said.
Ananya hardly smiled even when her parents and younger brother hurried onto the stage to hug her as colorful confetti fell. She took time to comfort Rohan, who remained in his seat, rubbing tears from his eyes.
&It&s like a dream come true,& Ananya said. &I&m so happy right now.&
She will take home more than $40,000 in cash and prizes.
Ananya is the 13th Indian-American in a row to win the bee. Like most other Indian-American winners, she prepared by taking part in highly competitive bees that are limited to Indian-Americans. However, she did not win those competitions.
Bee Background
More than 290 spellers traveled to Washington, D.C., earlier this week to take part in the Scripps National Spelling Bee. They qualified for the event by winning their regional or local spelling competitions.
Most of the competitors are in middle school. This year&s oldest competitor was 15. The youngest speller, Edith Fuller, just turned six. Bee organizers believe she is the youngest person ever to qualify for the national spelling bee.
After qualifying in March, Edith became famous across the nation. On Wednesday, in between rounds of competition, she held her own press conference.
&Edith, how does it feel to be the youngest speller in history?&
&It feels really exciting.&
&Do you hope to come back to the bee next year?&
&I do, if I don&t win this time.&
After her press conference, Edith correctly spelled &tapas& in the third round. But, her score on a written vocabulary test was not high enough to move her forward to the final on Thursday.
Preparing for the Bee
All bee words come from the more than 490,000 entries in Webster&s Third New International Dictionary.
Bee qualifiers study for many hours each day. They learn language patterns and the roots of words. A root is a word from which other words are formed.
Successful spellers know much about Latin, French, Greek and Sanskrit roots and rules. In the finals Thursday, spellers faced words including &choucroute& and &tulsi.& &Choucroute& is a French word for a kind of vegetable served with meat. &Tulsi& is a kind of herb. That word entered the Hindi language from Sanskrit.
While some of this year&s bee words were recognizable to the average American, most were not. Almost all entered English from other languages. But a few & such as McMansion, shopaholic and webisode & were new words in American popular culture.
A few were even trademarked names, like &Klydonograph.& That word, a photographic device, meant dismissal for competitor Erin Howard in the final rounds. The word has no known roots or language of origin.
Last year&s winners
Nihar Janga was 11 years old when he tied with then-13-year-old Jairam Hathwar at the 2016 National Spelling Bee. They were the final two spellers left for 25 rounds, before judges declared them both winners.
Because of bee rules, they are not permitted to take part in future spelling bees. But, both Nihar and Jairam came to Washington this year to watch.
Jairam says his life has been busy in the past year.
&It was very packed at the beginning with a lot of media tours and events and meeting a lot of people. After that it started to die down.&
Nihar and Jairam were the third co-champions in a row. This year, bee organizers added a tiebreaker test.
The Bee&s final day
Melodie Loya is 12 years old. She is a small, quiet girl from New York. She was one of the 40 spellers who made it to the final rounds on Thursday.
Melodie, who is home-schooled, said she studied up to four hours each day to prepare for the national bee.
&I like with spelling that every word is made of roots, so certain languages are spelled a certain way and I think that&s really cool.&
She covered the walls of her bedroom with the words she misspelled while preparing.
Melodie made it to the sixth round of competition. Fewer than 30 spellers remained. Then, the bee&s pronouncer, Dr. Bailly, asked her to spell the word &subauditur.&
Melodie took her time. She asked Dr. Bailly all the permitted questions: part of speech, and alternate pronunciations.
Then, she began to spell.
She paused before continuing.
A bee official rang a bell. That meant Melodie had not given the correct spelling. She said &thank you& and walked off the stage to the area where competitors who have lost wait for their parents. Television cameras capture it all up close. Melodie&s eyes filled with tears as she hugged her mother.
Rohan Sachdev, 14, was the next speller up after Melodie&s dismissal. It was his second time competing at nationals. But he said it was his third year to attend the event.
&I was here in the sixth grade, and then last year my brother beat me in the county and so I still came here&I still knew much more than my brother, it&s just I got a tougher word than him. But he&s a pretty good speller, too.&
Sachdev easily made it through round six, and then round seven and eight. And by Thursday afternoon, he was one of 15 spellers left. He finished Thursday night in a tie for 12th place.
The American sports network ESPN carried the final spelling rounds live, just as they do with major sports events. The hashtag #SpellingBee trended on social media.
ESPN&s bee experts had not predicted Ananya Vinay&s win. They favored Texan Shourav Dasari as victor. He was one of four spellers remaining Thursday night when he got the word &Mogollon.&
Without asking Dr. Bailly for any information about the word, Shourav spelled the word in just six seconds. He then returned to his seat before officials even announced he was right.
Social media users said the moment was more exciting than anything in the NBA finals, which were airing at the same time as the bee.&
Later, though, Shourav misspelled &Struldbrug,& a word created by Jonathan Swift in his novel &Gulliver&s Travels.& It had no recognizable roots or language patterns to fall back on.
This was Shourav's final year of bee eligibility.
&I was honestly, absolutely shocked. It was stunning,& former speller Jacob Williamson said. &Shourav is one of the greatest spellers of all time and he&s probably the best speller that never won.
I&m Ashley Thompson.
And I&m Caty Weaver.
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