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英文翻译hardware products&&&&th hard ...&&&& ta ...&&&&metal - products designer&&&&steel & metal products co., ltd&&&&sale of hardware products&&&&heddernheimer metallwarenfabrik gmbh&&&& metallurgical product&&&&metallur metallurgical product analysis&&&&hard metal product&&&&steel-bonded carbide products&&&&lorraine des produits metallurg&&&&justin simler&&&&standard test method for shear testing of thin aluminum alloy products&&&&standard test methods of tension testing&&&&standard test method for tear testing of aluminum&&&&standard terminology relating to aluminum- and&&&&ferroalloys - sampling and testing methods for determination of grain size&&&&foundation terms for chemical analysis of metallurgical products&&&&experience in powdered metallurgy&&&&non-ferrous metals and its alloys-code of designation&&&&1.(指金、银、铜、铁、锡) the five metals (gold, silver, copper, iron and tin)2.(金属或金属器具) ...&&&&wholesale of mechanical equipment, metal and electronic products&&&&gold-field&&&&cash generating unit&&&&window hardware & specialties
例句与用法We are the market for hardware products from you我们有兴趣从你方进口五金产品Chinese hardware product and marketing research report中国五金产品与市场研究报告We have an interest to import hardware products from you我们有兴趣从你方进口五金产品Lu : su doors and windows , metal products production , processing and marketing铝塑门窗、五金产品制作、加工、销售。 The hardware alone starts at around $ 100 per lock and goes up from there单是一把锁这个五金产品(不含安装费)最起码就是100美元,还在涨价。 We also are capable of manufacturing many kinds of hardware products according to customers ' requirements公司也可以根据客户的需要大量生产订做各类五金产品。 Hangzhou feiyue hardware products co . , ltd . is able to manufacture different kinds and specifications of hardware products杭州飞越五金制品有限公司生产不同规格和品种的五金产品。 With our strong technical strength and advanced equipment , we can also manufacture according to client supplied samples and / or drawings公司技术力量雄厚,可承接国内外客户各类五金产品来样、来图加工业务。 Perfect solutions to our customers , not just hardware products and accessories , the shareholders should realize a fair return不但向我们客户提供五金产品和其它配件的完善解决方案,而且使股东们和员工们荻得合理的回报。 Senior and junior merchandiser positions available . the company ' s main product is hard goods such as hand tools , power tools , houseware and raw materials注*非电子类产品*公司的主要产品为手动工具和五金产品等非电子类产品更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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