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词形变化:&过去式和过去分词:taken,took&&现在分词:taking&&复数形式:takes&习惯短语和短句: "At the sectors where accidents are most likely to take place,the trains always travel at a moderate speed." 在事故好发地段,火车总是以中速行驶的 "In many big cities,congestion in the rush hour is so serious that taking a bus proves a dreaded ordeal." 在许多大城市里,高峰时的交通非常拥挤,这时乘公共汽车真是一场可怕的经历 "Last Christmas,the circus owner,Jimmy Gates,decided to take some presents to a children's hospital." 去年圣诞节,马戏团老板吉米.盖茨决定给一家儿童医院送些礼物 "Strange enough,the conception of the book took five minutes,but writing it took a whole year." 说来也怪,构思这本书只用了五分钟,但写这本书却花去了整整一年 "Take a break for a while,"Csikszentmihalyi advises,and give yourself a chance to rejuvenate. 克西曾米哈里建议歇一会儿,让自己有机会调整充实一下 "Take another gander,Bill,"he suggested coldly. 他冷冷地建议说:你再瞧瞧吧,比尔 "The airport was fogbound,so no aircraft could take off." 机场被大雾笼罩着,所以飞机都不能起飞 "They're taking transparency to a whole new level,"Enron spokeswoman Karen Denne joked. 这位名叫卡伦·登内的安然发言人开玩笑说:她们可真的是'透明'到了一定水平 "When she got up,she felt a little sick and took some medicine." 她起来时感到有点不舒服,于是吃了些药 "take and pay"contract {n.}售货即付款合同 "take or pay"contract {n.}售货即付款合同 'The book is yours. Take it. I am happy to be able to restore it to you.' 这本书归您啦,先生,您拿去吧,我很高兴能使这本书物归原主 A camphorated tincture of opium,taken internally for the relief of diarrhea and intestinal pain. 复方樟脑酊,止痛剂一种用于缓解腹泻和肠痛的含樟脑的内服鸦片酊剂 A cashier takes and gives out money in a bank or shop. 出纳员在银行或者商店里收付钱款 A chemical change takes place in any substance when it burns. 物质燃烧时产生化学变化 A long time ago,many black people were taken to America as slaves. 很久以前,许多黑人作为奴隶被掠到美洲 A loser takes all. 以退为进,败中取胜,失败为成功之母 A maid that laughs is half taken. 少女笑口开,婚事成一半 A middle-aged woman whom I took to be his housekeeper was talking to the mailman at the frontdoor. 一个中年妇女,我想是他的管家,正在前门对邮递员说话 A song or chant,especially a nonmetrical hymn with words taken from a biblical text. 圣歌,赞美诗一首歌或吟颂,尤指一段带有取自圣经的文字的赞美诗 A suitcase is enough to take your clothes with you on holiday. 一只手提箱足够装得下度假时替换的衣服 A usually alcoholic drink taken just before bedtime. 睡前饮料在睡前饮用的一种饮料,通常含酒精 Abramson's point is well taken. In addition to Byrne,six city cops died in the line of duty in 1988,five at the hands of gunmen. 艾布拉姆逊说得很有理,除贝恩以上,1988年还有6名[纽约]市警察执行公务时死亡,其中5名死于枪手手中 Academic Risk Taking Scale 学业冒险性行为量表 Accessorize. Scarves or jewelry can change your entire look without taking up too much space. 零碎物品:围巾或首饰会为你打造一个全新的形象,而带上它们又不会占太多地方 Accident which take place at work 工作时发生的意外事件 Actually,that's not very long,compared with the time it took many other visa-appliers. 和许多申请签证的其他人用的时间相比,实际上你等的时间并不算很长 Ad Hoc Committee on the Drafting of a International Convention against the Taking of Hostages {n.}反对劫持人质国际公约特设起草委员会 After a short rest,they took up their knapsacks and went on. 休息了一会儿之后,他们又背起背包上路了 After fifteen years as a barrister,she took silk. 她当了十五年的讼务律师之後,担任了御用律师 After the briefing,we walked around the farm and took pbotographs. 情况简单介绍一下这后,我们在农民场转了转,照了些像片 After the training,each participant will take with them a computer and a set of VBI cards. 培训结束后,每位学员都将得到一台计算机和一些vbi卡 Ajax will take on Juventus in this year's European Cup Final. 在今年的欧洲杯足球决赛中阿贾克斯队将与尤文图斯队比赛 All medals in the women's table tennis singles went to Chen Jing took gold,Li Huifen the silver,and Jiao Zhimin the bronze. 乒乓球女子单打的所有奖牌都归入中国队囊中:陈静得金,李惠芬得银,焦志敏得铜牌 All things take on a new aspect. 万象更新 An act of grace,ie freely given,not taken as a right 恩惠(迳自施予的,并非受者有此权利) An expeditionary force,eg an army sent to take part in a war abroad 远征军 An incision was made into his hand to take out the splinter. 他手上切开了一个口子以便取出那根刺 And necropsies sometimes show that an animal never gets to the surface to take its first breath of air. 有时尸体剖验表明有的动物从来没有达到水面呼吸这第一口空气 Are communes not taking a step backwards? 公社不是在退? Are you going to let down or take up the hem of that dress? 这件衣服你是打算放长还是折短? As aresult,the team that is lea-ding is forced to take a more conservative posture to defend its position. 而被追赶的不想让位,于是变得更保守 Assayed the situation before taking action. 采取行动前先分析形势 Assisted Take Off 助推起飞 B take a hack at 尝试 BEA Flight BE 502 takes off from Heathrow at 0925,and flies direct. bea航空公司be502班机25从希思罗起飞,直达维也纳 Balboa's discovery of the Pacific Ocean took place by accident. 玻尔玻发现太平洋是出于偶然 Be enthusiastic about sth in which one takes an active interest 对某事物很有兴趣,非常喜欢 Beg off from taking part in a discussion 要求不参加讨论 Bill took stock of the situation after Christine cheated on him 在克丽丝汀欺骗了他後,比尔评估一下现状 Britty (Kelly's baby) was taking a nap,stretched out along the back seat. 布瑞蒂正躺在车后座打盹儿 But Worth also took more leisured commissions. 但沃思也接受较为轻松的任务 But in chusing the President,the Votes shall be taken by States,the Representation from each State having one V 但依此法选举总统,应以州为单位,每州之代表共有一票 But taking over legacies and using them as examples must never replace onothing can do that. 但是继承和借鉴决不可以变成替代自己的创造,这是决不能替代的 But we must take note of one condition,namely,that we proceed from actual possibilities. 但这里有个条件,请大家注意,就是要根据可能 By all means,do take it. 当然可以,拿去吧 By then,howeveer,in many places the grass had already taken root. 不过到那时,在很多地方草已长了根 Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountaias that lay below. byrd和他的一行人能够拍摄下面山峦的许多照片 CAI history taking [医]计算机辅助教学病史采取 Can I also take you order for your entrees now? 现在要不要也点主菜? Can't John at least take the trouble to write a note of thanks? 难道约翰连写封感谢信这最起码的事也做不到? Cetaceans reduce the number of breaths they take during rest periods. 鲸类动物在休息时减少它们的呼吸次数 Children are taken care of very well. 孩子们被照料得很好 Chinese take away {n.}中式快餐 City residents complain that migrant workers have threatened to take already scarce urban jobs. 城市居民抱怨民工威胁着本来已很紧张的城市就业机会 Climb highter,and take risks. 爬得再高一些,承担一些风险 Could you please start production ASAP as it takes a long time for goods to arrive here,and I don't wanna run low in stock. 你们可以尽快生产吗?因为货物到达我这里需要挺长时间的,我不想库存叫急 Courses taken 所学课程 Cut along to your mother and take her the book she wants. 快到你妈那去,把她要的书带去 De Valois took lessons from Italian dance master Enrico Cecchiti,and joined Diaghilev's Ballets Russian company for two years. 德瓦卢瓦师从于意大利舞蹈大师恩里科·切凯蒂,并在现代芭蕾创始人佳吉列夫领导的俄罗斯芭蕾舞团效力两年 Dermatitis due to drugs and medicines taken internally [医]内服药物致皮炎 Dermatitis due to food taken internally [医]摄取食物致皮炎 Dermatitis due to substances taken internally [医]内服物质致皮炎 Deuce take it! 真该死 Devil take it 糟糕! 该死! Do eat it a piece of cake sell like hot cakes take the biscuit cakeo appeal to children. 这个广告是针对儿童设计的 Doctors took the strand from the body currently lying in Les Invalides just before the coffin arrived in Paris. 在棺木到达巴黎荣军院之前,医生们从如今被放置在那里的尸体上取下了一缕头发 Don't take any wooden nickels [美俚](临别用语)再见,多加小心,别再上当 Don't take any wooden nickels. (,临别用语)再见[美俚],多加小心,别再上当 Don't take any wooden nickels. ( 临别用语)再见[美俚],多加小心,别再上当 Don't take my remarks about your plan personally. 不要把我对你那计划的评论看作是针对你个人,Don't take everything so personally,不要对所有事情都人个意气 Don't take the job nowkeep your options open until you leave university. 先别接受这份工作--暂时保留选择权,到离开这所大学再说 Each for himself and the devil take the hindmost [谚]争先恐后,落后者遭殃(资产阶级个人主义的准则)。 Early in the morning they took down the tents. 一大早他们就把帐篷拆掉 Esmeralda took the bread and broke a little of it in her hand. Jali ate it. 埃斯梅拉达拿着面包,掰下一小块放在手里,贾利将它吃了 Every time the plane takes off or lands I have the wind up. 每次飞机起飞或降落时,我总有点害怕 Experience,esp one caused by taking a hallucinating drug 体验,(尤指服用致幻剂後的)幻觉体验 Food Firms Take on Dr. Atkins 食品公司挑战减肥宗师 For example,transferring a 10 megabyte file over a 56 Kbps modem takes about 24 例如,通过56kbpsmodem传一份10兆字节的文件需要24分钟 For where a man cannot choose,or vary in particulars,there it is good to take the safest and wa 因为一个人在不能随机应变有所选择的时候,自以取那一般地最安全最谨慎的途径为佳 Frank has taken up with Lucy lately. 弗兰克最近经常与露西往来 Frank's father disowned him when he was caught taking drugs. 弗朗克被发现吸毒后,他的父亲便声明跟他断绝了父子关系 From Beijing,you can take the Beijing-Kunming express passenger train to Huaihua,and from Huaihua take other train to Dayong. 服务员:从北京您可以乘北京-昆明的特快客车到怀化,然后再换车到大庸 Galasawe and his workmates,in helmets and overalls,took time off for the match. 头戴头盔,身穿制服的格勒萨维和他的工友们,特意停工观看这场比赛 Give and Take Trade {n.}互让贸易 Give him an inch and he'll take a yard [mile]. 得寸进尺 Give him an inch and he'll take an ell 得寸进尺 Give him an inch and he'll take an ell. {st.}得寸进尺 Give him aninchand he'll take an ell 得寸进尺。 Greta has got what it takes to become a great actress. 格雷特已具备成为一名大演员的必要条件 Hans took a drop too much,but I'll forgive him,as it happened on Hogmanay. 汉斯喝醉了,但是我会原谅他的,因为事情发生在苏格兰大年夜 Happiness takes no account of time. [谚]欢乐不觉日子过 Hard work always takes your mind off domestic problems. 繁重的工作总使你忘记家庭的问题 Have you passed the examination you took last month? 你上个月参加的考试通过了吗? He felt a bit better after taking the medicine. 他吃了药,觉得好过一点了 He felt a gret weight taken off his mind. 他感到去掉一件大心事 He foresaw that the job would take a long time 他预见到做这件工作需要很长时间 He has been taking this magazine for a long time. 他订阅这种杂志已有很长时间了 He is right in taking the historians to task for slighting this imporatant development. 他对史学家忽略了这重要发展的指责是对的 He made a bargain with his wife 'You take care of the children and I'll cook.' 他跟妻子讲条件'你看好孩子,我做饭,' He takes ground upon his own views. 他坚持自己的意见 He takes the cake for chutzpah! 他的放肆真是超人一等 He takes them out on Saturday aftermoons and Sunday mornings. 戴维星期六下午和星期日上午把他们带走 He tells me to take these pill every four hours. 他告诉我每个4小时吃一次这些药片 He took a course to learn about car maintenance. 他学习了汽车保养的课程 He took a drag from the wine glass. 他从酒杯里喝了一口酒 He took a lot of flak for his stand against abortion. 他因坚持反对堕胎而饱受责难 He took a shellacking in the election. 他在选举中惨败了 He took a step towards the door. 他向门口迈了一步 He took an heiress to wife. 他娶了一位继承大笔财产的女子为妻 He took down with fever and ague. 他患疟疾病倒了 He took me by the hand and wised me to go back. 他拉着我的手,劝我回去 He took me into his library,a littery but considerable collection. 他带我到他的藏书室,里面的藏书虽然杂乱无章,数量却相当可观 He took my best toy just out of spite! 他仅仅出于怨恨拿走了我最好的玩具 He took off his raincoat and took out the key 他脱下雨衣,拿出钥匙 He took refuge from the storm in a hut. 他在一个棚屋里避风暴 He took ritually clean beastsand birds of every kind,and offered whole-offerings on the altar. 他选了各种各样洁净的鸟兽作为供品,放在祭坛上奉献给天主 He took sick and died a week later. 他得了病,一周后就死去了 He took us for lunch to one of the poshest restaurants in town. 他带我们到本城最高档的一家饭馆里吃午餐 He usually works off his frowsiness by taking a brisk walk. 他经常以轻快的散步来消除瞌睡 He was always worrying his father to take him to London. 他老缠着要他爸爸带他到伦敦去 He was astounded when he heard his son had taken drugs. 他听说他儿子吸毒,不禁大为惊讶 He was holing the fence posts to take the crosspieces. 他在栏板上打洞以便装上横档 He was quick to take up the gauntlet thrown down by the opposition 他立刻接受了对方提出的挑战 He was taken aback by her directaess. 她的直率使他吃惊 He was taken hostage by the guerilla 游击队将他扣为人质 He'd take a candy from a baby [美口]他是个贪得无厌的人。 He'd take a candy from a baby. 他是个贪得无厌的人 He's as proud as Lucifer and would rather starve than take a penny from anyone. 他狂妄自大,宁愿挨饿也不愿接受他人的一个便士 His appearance in a shabby dressing gown took somewhat from the impression of stern authority he wished to counvery. 他那简陋家常服的外表减弱了他想给人以严厉的权威的印象 His coach,Fernando Dos Santos,found him as a potential star and took him to play 11-a-side for Social Clube de Ramos. 他的教练fernandodossantos看出他是个有潜力的明星,带他参加拉莫斯社交俱乐部,踢11号边锋 His conscience troubled him after he took the money. 他拿走了钱以后,他的良心使他不安 His leg had to be taken off above the knee. 他的一条腿从膝盖以上截去了 His manners are appalling you can't take him anywhere! 他没有正形--到哪儿都拿不出去 His manners are appallingyou can't take him anywhere! 他没有正形--到哪儿都拿不出去 How can Beth be taken in?She is all there. 贝丝怎么能被骗呢?她是个精明人 How long does it take 要走多久 How long does it take by regular mail? 普通邮件要多少时间? How long does it take him to drive to work? 他开车去上班要用多长时间? How long does it take to 到...需要多长时间 How long does it take to get there? 要多长时间才可以到达那里? How long does it take to go there by bike? 骑自行车去那里要多长时间? How long does it take to go to the hospital by car? 坐小轿车去医院要多长时间? How long does it take to go to the station by car? 坐小轿车去车站要多长时间? How long does it take to repair it? 需多久才能修好它 Humayun took charge of his mini empire of Uzbek soldiers,who claim descent from Genghis Khan,three months ago. 胡马运3个月前接手掌管这个由乌兹别克士兵组成的小王国,他们自称是成吉思汗的后代 Humph,don't tell me you take him at his word! 哼,你信他的 I always take your suggestions seriously. 你的建议我总是认真对待的 I can take nothing you say at face value. 我不会把你说的话当真的 I conciliated her with a promise to take her out to dinner. 我答应带她去吃饭以讨她的欢心 I could have taken oath it had been six. Time stagnates here:we must surely have retired to rest at eight!' 我本来想发誓说已经六点了,时间在这儿停滞不动啦:我们一定是八点钟就睡了 I forbore from taking the money. 我忍住没有拿钱 I have taken a strong dislike of him. 我极不喜欢他 I must say I take my hat off to him I neverthought he would get into the first team. 我得说我对他真是敬佩--我从未想到他能参加甲队 I take a big divot. 我削起一大块草皮 I take goodness in this sense,the affecting of the weal of men,which is that the Grecian 我所采取的关于善的意义,就是旨在利人者,这就是希腊人所谓的爱人(philanthropia) I take my car through the automatic wash,go bird watching or read"Nicholas Nickleby." 我则开车去自动洗车场,出去观鸟,或是读《尼克拉斯·尼科比》 I take out an overdraft to pay for my new car 我用透支来付新汽车的钱 I thank you for all the trouble you have taken in my behalf. 谢谢你为我费了这么多的心 I think Emily must have taken the wrong handbag with her! 我看埃米莉一定是拿错了手提包 I think we should take more exercise. 我看我们得多活动活动 I took a shower and it braced me up a bit. 我洗过淋浴后觉得爽快了一些 I was taken to task for arriving late. 由于迟到我受到了责备 I will not take no for an answer 我不许别人说个不字 I would have taken Philip to theatre,but I hadn't the deedful. 我本来要菲利浦去看戏,但我没钱 I'll take a motorbike. 我要骑摩托车 I'll take one Catchup Deef,one Crisp Chicken,one Pineapple Juice and two Mushroom Soups. 我要一份酱汁牛肉,一份香酥鸡,一杯菠萝汁、两分蘑菇汤 I'll take the two fans with"A Pavilion in Rain"and"The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea"respectively. 我买这两把分别画的雨中亭和八仙过海的扇子 I'll take whoever wants to go. 谁想去我就带谁 I'm a little bit tired. Let's take a short rest. 我有点累了,让我们休息一会儿 Idle folks take the most pains [谚]越懒越不省力。 If 100,000 people take up long-term HRT,they'll suffer 200 of these needless events each year. 如果10万人接受荷尔蒙替代疗法,他们每年便会受到200次不必要的痛苦 If I could just take a little catnap,I think I'd feel much better. 如果可以小睡片刻,我想我就会觉得好多了 If athletes have a balanceddiet,they dot't need to take vitamin pills? 如果运动员有营养均衡的饮食,就不需要吃维生素丸(片) If my husband leaves me,I won't take him back. 如果我的丈夫抛弃我,我就不会再要他 If the enemy attacks,take evasive action. 如果敌人进攻,就避其锋芒 If you're the full?Filofax type,taking a slow?down day can give you a new perspecitve. 如果你要靠备忘记事本来理顺你繁忙的生活节奏,那放慢节奏会让你有一个新的视点 In a surprise attack we took the town of Anshunchang on the west bank. 我们进行突然袭击,攻下了西岸的小镇安顺场 In an intelligence test we take a sample of an individul's ability to solve puzzles and problems of various kinds. 在智力测验中,我们取样于个人解决各种难题和各种问题的能力 In fact,polls taken by geologists in the late 1960's showed that 80% of them agreed with the basic idea of"continentaldrift". 事实上,19世纪60年代对地质学家们所进行的民意测验表明他们当中的80%的人都对大陆漂移的基本观点表示赞成 In the army,the general takes rank of the colonel. 在军队里,将军较上校有优先权 In these years over a million university graduates have taken up posts in vari-ous fields. 这些年中,有100多万大学毕生生走上各种工作岗位 In this business you have to be tough,and the devil takes the hindmost 干这一行必须心狠,谁顾别人谁吃亏 Inflict [take,wreak] vengeance(up) on sb 对...报仇[雪恨] Insurance which will pay when an accident takes place 当事故一发生,就进行赔偿的一种保险 It doesn't look windy,but you'd better play safe and take a windcoat. 看样子天气不像要刮风,你最好慎重些拿一件风衣 It has become quite the thing to send your date a corsage before taking her to any formal dance. 带女朋友参加正式舞会以前先送她胸花,这已成为时尚 It is a matter of great disappointment to me that so much delay has taken place in the sale of beer. 对出售啤酒太迟一事,我们甚感失望 It is better to sleep naturally,without taking medication. 最好是不服用药物自然入睡 It is too serious a matter to be taken lightly 这件事十分重要,不可掉以轻心 It is unmoral to take advantage of the deformities. 捉弄残疾人是不道德的 It takes all sorts (to make a world) 世上的人是形形色色[无奇不有] It takes gumption to quit a good paying job. 要辞去一个待遇很好的工作需要勇气 It takes lot of time to be sentimental. 为要感情丰富,可也颇费一番工夫 It takes many years to efface the unpleasant memories of a war. 许多年后才能冲淡战争的不愉快记忆 It takes two to make a quarrel [谚]孤掌难鸣。 It took a long time for him to repair his health 他过了好长时间才恢复健康 It took him long time to smooth away perplexities. 他花了好长时间才消除了困惑 It took them all day to break the back of the job. 他们干了一整天才把工作的最主要部分完成了 It took them four hours to keep the fire under control. 他们用了4个小时才把火势控制住 It took us all day to reach our destination. 我们花了一整天才到达目的地 It was also at Antwerp that the athlete oath was first taken. 在安特卫普奥运会上,还产生了奥运会运动员誓词 It will take a strong man to lift that weight 身强力壮的人才能举得起那麽重的东西 It will take us till dooms day to clear up all this mess. 我们永远也收拾不完这堆乱七八糟的东西 It would take a long time to go into all the details,but I can give you the facts in 要谈所有的细节需要花很长的时间,但我可以简要地把情况告诉你 It would take far too long to go through all the propositions. 要把全部提案逐条进行审议,需花太多的时间 It'll take her about two hours to bake some cake. 烤蛋糕大约要用她两个小时 It's ahways tough when a competitor takes a customer a way from you,expecially if the account is a big one. 如果竞争对手从你手里抢走了买卖,特别是大买卖,谁遇上了都会不好受 It's just a little below the full nark. It'll take about a quart. 刚好略低于注满标记,需要再加大约1夸脱 It's no easy task to take control of a class of young children. 管住一个班的小孩子可不是件容易的事 It's no good taking over the experience offoreign countries uncritically. 决不可生吞活剥地搬用外国的经验 It's of good quality. I think I'll take it. 这个质量好,我就买它吧 Ivanova got the silver medal,and Dominique Bosshart of Canada took home the bronze medal. 伊万诺娃获得银牌,加拿大的多明尼格·博斯哈特取得铜牌 Jib at taking a cut in wages 拒绝接受削减工资 John takes to mathematics like a duck takes to water. 约翰学起数学来就像鸭子学游水那么容易 Johnson took the ball over on a quarterbacksneak quarterbacksneak for a touchdown. 约翰生带球冲入对方终点,触地得分 Jolyon took refuge in a smile. 乔里恩用微笑支吾过去了 Josephina and Juan Garcia say that taking care of profoundly disabled children is the source of their happiness. 加西亚夫妇(约瑟菲娜和胡安)说,照顾极度残疾的儿童使他们感到幸福 Karin Karner takes us into the future of the Internet to the heart of a 4-year-old project called Internet 2. 嘉伦.卡纳向我们介绍互联网的前景,只有4年历史的项目:互联网第二代 Kids in school take sandwiches,fruit and cookies along with them or eat in school cafeterias. 汤姆:上学的小孩子往往带三明治、水果和小糕点,或在学校自助餐厅吃 Knaphle,at my suggestion,took 依照我的建议,克纳夫参加了反对的那一组,他同意替那家公司辩护 Lady Blankstone has taken a house in Belgrave Square for the London season. 布兰克斯通夫人为了迎接伦敦的社交季节,在贝尔格雷夫广场的豪华住宅区内买下了一幢房子 Lazy folks take the most pains [谚]越懒越不省力。 Let me take your temperature. 让我替你量一下体温 Let the devil take him 见他的鬼去吧 Let's have/take a breather for a few minutes. 让我们休息几分钟 Let's take turns at doing it. 让我们轮流来做吧 Like one possessedbviolently or with great energy,as if taken over by madness or a supernatural spirit 猛烈地,拼命地(如同发疯或有妖魔附体一般) Luckily we took earplug with us,as the traffic outside our room was very noisy. 真幸运,我们带有耳塞,因为房间外面的车辆噪音太大 Mail in your request.ZAV will take it from there. 用邮件发来申请,工作介绍所会从上述地址接收申请 Many changes have took place within the past few months. 过去的几个月之内发生了很多变化 Many people were taken off by the Black Plague. 许多人被黑死病夺去了生命 Many young men choose to take the way out. 许多年轻人选择了轻生这条路 Market takes a turn for the better 市场行情好转 Mary's taken up with a man old enough to be her father. 玛丽和一个年龄大得足以做她父亲的男人混在一起 May damnation take it 混帐! 该死! (咒骂语) May damnation take it! 混帐,该死 May damnation take you etc 混帐! 该死! (咒骂语) Measure taken to force a country to obey international law (迫使某国服从国际法的)处罚措施,制裁 Medicine in powder form held in suspension,ie to be taken by drinking 药粉悬浮剂(口服用) Miss Greenfell... took the mickey out of certain familiar programmes. 格伦费尔小姐将人们所熟悉的某些节目奚落了一番 Miss Ida took her car to the garage to have the engine tuned up. 艾达小姐把车子开到修车厂去调整发动机 More flies are taken with a drop of honey than a tun of vinegar. 粘住苍蝇是一滴蜜,而不是一坛醋 Moved that a vote be taken. 提议采取投票表决 Mr.Pier has taken his son away from boarding school. 皮尔先生已经把他儿子从寄宿学校领走了 Musters were being taken through England in view of wars with Scotland and France. 一群群队伍在带领下正穿过英格兰,期待与苏格兰和法兰西开战 My daughter takes a bath before she goes to bed 我女儿睡觉前要洗个澡 My doctor says it's because I am highlystrung and always unwell:you must take my doctor's word for it.' 我的医生对我说,这是因为我有些神经质,并且总是觉得不舒服的缘故,请相信我医生的话吧 My little brother takes a bath before he goes to bed at night 我的弟弟在晚上睡觉以前洗澡 My sister's marriage took place at ten o'clock today. 我姐姐的婚礼今天10点举行 My son has been pestering me to take him with me. 我儿子一直缠住我要我带他一起走 My take on this is 我对这件事的反应是 Name taken and used by a person or firm for business purposes (商人或商店用的)字号,商号,牌号 NeiI L. Rudenstine took office as Harvard's 26th president in 1991. 内尔·l·瑞丁斯坦是哈佛的第二十六任校长,于1991)年上任 Next morning the old man took Ah Kin to his brother,who ran a baker's shop. 第二天,老人把阿金带到他弟弟那里,他经营的是一家面包店 Nibook for recording sales as they take place,before transferring them later to a ledger (转入总帐之前的)日记帐,流水帐 Ninth-dan Chinese Nie Weiping will take over. 中国的聂卫平九段将出战 No doubt,a new point of view took over at the meeting. 无疑一种新的观点在会上占了上风 No fuss was made in my day if a new writer took from an old one whatever material he found congenial. 在我那个时代,如果一个新作家从一个老作家的作品中摘取了他能用的合适材料,并不受到反对 Not to Be Take Away 不可取走 Nothin' was ever seen so fine...since creation. It takes the rag off quite. 自创世以来......从未见过这么好的东西,它真是盖了帽 Notwithstanding his objections the marriage took place. 尽管他有异议,婚礼还是进行了 Office work-ers who want the rubbish taken out write 'BASURA'instead of 'TRASH' on the boxes. 办公室职员若想让人把垃圾拿走,就得在垃圾桶上写basura(垃圾)而不是trash Olivier had the option to work with her as the leading man in Woterloo Bridge or take the lead in Pride and Prejudice. 奥利弗可以在《魂断蓝桥》或是《傲慢与偏见》之间做选择,出演男主角 On September 1,1998,the company took over 11 routes from CMB. 一九九八年九月一日,城巴接办了中巴11条路线 One takes a limp volume of Lisao,or of Omar Khayyam,and goes away hand in hand with his love to read on a river bank. 他可以拿一本《离骚》或奥玛开俨(omarkhayyam,波斯诗人)的作品,牵着他的爱人的手到河边去读 One was saying,' I learned of your ad from the doorman at the newspaper,the bastard took me for a hundred lira.' 其中一个人说,'我从一个报馆的门卫那里得知你的广告,这家伙向我索取了100里拉,' Opinion as to what action shall be take 劝告,咨询,关于采取什么行动的意见 Over the events taking place in the bedroom the censor drew a discreet viel. 监察官对卧室里发生的事情小心翼翼地避而不谈 Perhaps half of all asthma takes the allergic form,which is associated with a family histonj of the disease. 也许半数的哮喘病以过敏的形式出现,这种情况与患者家庭有哮喘病史有关 Power Take Off 动力起飞 Professor Watson is leaving the academic world to take a job in industry 华森教授将要离开学术界到工业界去工作 Psychosexual therapist Paula Hall agrees."The one with the upper hand is often the person who takes the initia tive." 性心理治疗学家波拉·霍尔赞同说,占上风的常常是采取主动的人 Pulse Taking [医]测脉 Pye-Smith forceps for take instruments out of sterilizers [医]派-史二氏器械(消毒)钳 Raid the larder,ie take food from it,usu between meals 翻柜橱找吃的 Ray took a gulp of coffee and rushed out of the room 雷喝了一大口咖啡,接著便冲出了房间 Remember,when driving a car the goldend rule is never taken both hands off the steering wheel. 记住,驾驶汽车的基本原则是双手从不脱离方向盘 Restrictions have been eased on the amount of currency a British holidaymaker may take abroad with him. 关于英国外出度假的人出国时带的货币其限制已放松了 Robbie Williams is the most known member of former very popular and today not existing boygroup Take That. 罗比·威廉斯是曾红极一时现已解散的男孩组合乐队takethat中最知名的成员 Sam Benton,the local butcher,had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. 当地的屠户萨姆.本顿在带着存款到邮局去的路上把钱包丢失了 Schools Take Steps to Counter Youth Obesity 美国学校采取措施对付青少年肥胖症 She coaxed him to take the medicine. 她哄他吃药 She says if Marjorie Ferrar is not taken by the short hairs,she'll but it across everybody. 她说,假如不对玛乔里·弗拉加以约束的话,她就会把这事闹得尽人皆知 She succeeded the second time she took the examination. 她第二次参加考试时考及格了 She takes great pains with her work. 她竭尽全力工作 She takes in lodgers. 她招收寄宿者 She takes no sass from her pupils. 她不容她的学生顶嘴 She took her father's death in her stride. 她对父亲的去世处以泰然 She took pleasure in prefectly goffering the frill on her father's shirts. 她喜欢在她父亲衬衣上的摺边上做完美的褶绉 She will be leaving the country soon,so if you want to ask her anything you must take time gby the forelock and do it now. 她很快就会离开本国,如果你想向她请求什么就得抓紧时机,立刻行动 She's been taking/on anti-depressants since her baby died. 从她的婴儿死亡以后,她就一直服用抗抑郁药 Silently. Angeta hands me some tissues and takes Millie from me. 安吉拉默默地递给我一些纸巾、把米莉从我身上抱走 So he took time off to write what he calls"the homerun book. 1996年,他出版了一本名为《隔壁的百万富翁》的书 Some homeless people,Mr. Boden said,are quite likely to take advantage of the S.P.C.A. offer. 博登说有些无家可归的人很可能会利用防止虐待动物协会提供的这所高级狗舍 Stamp out communicable diseases by taking environmental health measures 采取环境卫生措施消灭传染病 Strategically we should scorn all diffculties,but tactically we should take full account of them. 战略上我们应该藐视困难,但在战术上我们却应当十分重视它们 TAKE A CLEAR-CUT STAND AGAINST BOURGEOIS LIBERALIZATION 旗帜鲜明地反对资产阶级自由化 THE WHOLE PARTY SHOULD TAKE THE OVERALL INTEREST INTO ACCOUNT AND PUSH THE ECONOMY FORWARD 全党讲大局,把国民经济搞上去 TIt will take you to BOAC genral office,and you'll find yourself in the center of the city 工作人员:这部车子会把你送到英航总办事处,你也就到了市中心 Take Bus Three sevebty five to Xizhimen. 乘375路汽车到直门 Take Johnny with you,I am busy today. 把约翰尼带去,我今天很忙 Take Scott Cook,the founder of Intuit,for examle. 以英图伊特公司创始人斯科特·库克为例 Take Your Pet to See Santa Claus 带上宠物和圣诞老人合个影 Take a census of 做...的调查 Take a change of clothes with you. 把你替换的衣服带去吧 Take a chill pill,man. Please listen to me. 冷静一下,老兄,听我说 Take a deep breath and ask if you can see her privately. 平心静气地想一想你能否私下里去拜访她 Take a hair of the dog that bit you [谚]以毒攻毒 Take a peep at the baby asleep in her cot 悄悄地看看小床里熟睡的孩子 Take a perverse pleasure in upsetting one's parents 以忤逆父母作反常之乐 Take a tough line with offenders 对犯罪分子采取强硬方针 Take a virtual tour {vt.}进行一次虚拟旅行 Take a whackat sth 向...猛击 Take advantage of 利用,趁...之机 Take advantage of her susceptibility 利用她在感情上的脆弱 Take after 与...相像 Take apart 拆卸,拆开 Take away 减去 Take back to 可表示使回想起 Take by surprise [storm] 突然袭击,出其不意[强攻,使轰动] Take care of 照顾,照料 Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves [谚]节约便士,金镑自然会积累起来。,金镑自会积累,积少成多。 Take care of the pence,and the pounds will take care of themselves. 积少自然成多 Take care of the penny and the pounds will take care of themselves 积少自然成多 Take care! 路上小心 Take care,that woman has a bad tongue. 当心,那妇人有张恶嘴 Take charge of 负责(管某事或照顾某人) Take counsel with sb 征求某人意见 Take down a tent,gate,fence 拆掉帐篷、大门、篱笆 Take environmental health measures to keep off communicable diseases 采取措施保护环境卫生以防发生传染性疾病 Take everything but the kitchen sink (出门、旅行时)把所能带的东西都带出来了。 Take felicity in sth 乐于做某事,以做某事为乐 Take felicity to do sth 乐于做某事,以做某事为乐 Take freedoms with sb 对某人放肆 Take heart [fright] 感到鼓舞[惊恐] Take heed will surely speed [谚]小心谨慎是成功的保证。 Take heed will surely speed. [谚]小心谨慎是成功的保证 Take in 欺骗,领会,接受 Take in the breathtaking scenery around Queenstown before flying home from Christchurch. 享受了昆斯敦市的绝佳美景后再由基督城乘飞机回家 Take industrial action,ie strike 采取工业行动(罢工) Take it easy. 别急 Take it into one's head to do sth 突然决定做某事,心血来潮 Take notice that (我)警告你... Take on 承担,呈现,雇用 Take one of these pill three times a day. 这些药片每日三片,每次一片 Take over [inherit] the mantle of sb 继承某人的衣钵 Take pains 努力,尽力,下苦功 Take place 发生,进行,举行 Take power by lawful means 用合法的手段取得权力 Take sb offbimitate or mimic sb in an amusing or satirical way (以诙谐或嘲讽的方式)模仿或假扮某人 Take sb's hand and clasp it when agreeing to sth 紧握某人的手表示同意某事物 Take sb's name in vainbuse a name,esp God's,disrespectfully 滥用(尤指上帝的)名字,亵渎上帝之名 Take sthundertake sth 决定做某事,承担某事 Take the Bakerloo to Pthe District to Notting Hill and then get the Central. 乘贝克罗线到帕丁顿,转区线到诺丁希尔,再转中央线 Take the chair for the papers by Cunin and Cronan. 担任库宁和克罗兰等论文讨论会的主席 Take the conceit out of sb 打消某人的傲气 Take the frills out of sb 杀一杀某人的傲气 Take the medicine regularly three times a day. 一天三次定期服药 Take the mike[mickey,micky] out of sb 取笑某人,戏弄[挖苦]某人,杀某人的威风[英口] Take the piss out of sb 拿某人[事]开玩笑,贬低某人[事][俗] Take the piss out of sth 拿某人[事]开玩笑,贬低某人[事][俗] Take the preemptive opportunities 抢得先机 Take the tuck out of sb 使某人疲惫不堪,使某人丧失斗志,使某人不敢狂妄 Take these letters to the post office. 把这些信送到邮局去 Take thing Cum granosalis. 事事应加斟酌 Take things as they come {pr.}随遇而安 Take this carrying-pole with you.It may come in usefull[handy]. 把这条扁担带着,可能会有用的 Take this gift as a pledge of our friendship. 把这个作为我们友谊象征的礼物收下吧 Take this ring as a pledge of our friendship. 请接受这个戒指作为我们友谊的信物 Take time by the forelock. 要抓住时机 Take time when time cometh,lest time steal away. 时来必须要趁时,不然时去无声息 Take to 开始喜欢,开始从事 Take to drink because of domestic problems 受家庭问题困扰而耽於饮酒 Take to one's heels 逃之夭夭,逃掉 Take two of the tablet three times daily before meals. 每日三次,每次两片,饭前服用 Take up 开始从事,占据 Take upon oneself 亲自[自己]负起某项责任 Take whichever you like. 随你拿哪一个 Take your base {v.}上垒 Take your change out of that (还嘴,报复时)这就是对你的回敬! 自食其果,自作自受。 Take your clothes to the cleaner. 将你的衣服送到洗衣店 Take your mark. 各就各位 Take your marks {v.}各就位 Take your time 你接球,该你接 Taken as pl. 用作复数 Taking Rejection Politely 礼貌地接受拒绝 Taking a deep breath,she listened to this inner voice and said,"Natalie's going to love the flowers." 深吸一口气,她以此宽慰自己说:纳塔利会喜欢这些花的 Taking drygs is also a moral and ethical problem. 用药问题也涉及到伦理道德问题 Taking large doses of vitamin A can improve one's darkadaptation. 服用大量维他命a可改善暗光适应 Taking out some money 掏出一些钱 Taking the socialist public ownership as the mainstay 以社会主义公有制为主体 Taking up the prey in its mandible,the bird is returning to its nest 将被捕食的动物衔在口里,这只鸟正在回自己的窝去 That killjoy ruined the fun by taking our beer away 那个扫兴的家伙把啤酒拿走了 That maths exam I took was a regular brain drain. 绞尽脑汁的数学测验,我真是绞尽了脑汁 That's like taking a candy from a baby [美口]那是举手之劳,那是再容易不过的事。 The 21st Olympiad took place in Montreal. 第21届奥林匹克运动会是在蒙特利尔举行的 The Dutch have taken Holland 老话! 并非新奇! The Japanese have taken over many European ways of life. 日本人已袭用了不少欧洲人的生活方式 The PLA never takes hard measures to POWs. 中国人民解放军从不虐待俘虏 The Three-year Reform and Difficulty Relief Efforts for the SOEs Have Taken a Favorable Turn 国有企业三年改革与脱困出现转折性变化 The Viscount d'Epinoy was the first of several dignitaries to take up the savage girl's cause. 德埃皮努瓦子爵是最早收养这个野女孩的权贵之一 The alterations to your coat will take a week. 你的外衣改一改要花一个星期 The animal takes fright at the sound of the gun 那些动物受到枪声的惊吓 The appellants then took the case to the Privy Council,which handed down judgement in their favour on November 21,1996. 上诉人继而向枢密院提出上诉,枢密院于一九九六年十一月二十一日判上诉人胜诉 The aspirins soon took effect. 服下的阿司匹林药片很快见效了 The attack will take off from our position near the dock. 进攻将从码头附近我们的据点那里开始 The bare narration of the fact took two hours. 单是这事实的叙述就花了两小时 The boxers sparred for a while taking each other's measure. 拳击手彼此冲杀了一会儿,试探对方情况 The brill opening filling is one kind of the tool to take out the bottle cork. 开塞钻是一种用来取出瓶子软木塞的工具 The canals take water to the rice fields. 水渠把水送到稻田里 The carpets had to be taken up when the house was rewired. 这房子重新安装电线时,把地毯都掀了起来 The chameleon can take on the colour of its background 避役可将身体颜色变得与周围环境相同 The child took no nourishment all day. 那孩子整天不吃什么东西 The children are well taken care of in the school. 孩子们在学校受到很好的照顾 The cipher took me three weeks before I hit it. 我费了3个多星期才把这密码解释出来 The civilization of mankind has taken thousands of years. 人类经数千年才文明开化 The criminal was taken into custody. 犯人受到监禁 The criminals held up a van carring a factory payroll and took all the money. 罪犯拦截了一辆运送工厂职工薪金的车辆,抢走了所有的钱 The criminals held up the train and took all the money. 罪犯们拦截火车,抢走了所有的钱财 The development of this industry will take several years. 这项工业的发展要经过几年的时间 The devil takes him 见他的鬼去吧 The devil takes the hindmost 落后者吃亏 The devil takes the hindmost. {st.}落后者吃亏 The doctor asked me to take these pills every four hours. 医生让我每隔四小时服用一次这些药丸 The dumbbells and barbells are of course effective and are able to take effect in a short time. 西方的哑铃、杠铃等固然有效,而且可以短期内见效 The examinatany average pupil should be able to take it in his stride. 考试并不难,任何一个中等水平的学生都应该毫不费力地对付得了 The first assessments took place in 1991. 第一期测试是在1991年实施的 The first lesson is taken from St John's Gospel. 第一段圣经选自《约翰福音》 The fuel oil we took on at Freetown will be enough to get as to Tilbury. 我们在弗里敦加的燃料没够把我们送到蒂尔伯里了 The good news have take a load off my mind. 听了这个好消息我就放心了 The government is taking a tough line on drug abuse. 政府对滥用麻醉药品采取强硬方针 The government takes no step to stay the rise in price. 政府未采取措施抑制物价上涨 The gutter took away the rain-water from the roof. 檐沟把从屋顶流下的雨水带走 The high taxes that I pay takes the gilt off the gingerbread 我缴付的高额税款除去了我大部分的收入 The horsetaketake took the first fence beautifully. 那匹马跨越了第一道障碍,动作十分漂亮 The hunter took aim at the hare. 猎人瞄准了野兔 The injured were taken to hospital by ambulance. 受伤者被救护车送进了医院 The internetphone cost much less than the wired telephone especially when you take the international long distance call. 网际网路电话的费用比有线电话少的多,尤其当你打国际长途时 The journey back takes longer than normal,because the plane can not overfly the war zone 回程用的时间比平时长,因为飞机不能飞越战区 The lively give and take of ideas,ie willingness to make concessions or compromises 活跃的思想交流(乐於迁就或妥协) The monitor was assigned to take notes for the meeting. 班长被分派作会议记录 The mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken [谚]只有一个穴洞的老鼠必然很快被人抓到。 The naturalization of southern plants in the north takes many years 在北方移植南方植物需要好多年 The new governor's assumption of office take place next Tuesday. 新任州长於下星期二就职 The news media also took this opportunity of the cir-cumstances to make a uproar of the public voices. 新闻媒体也乘势鼓噪舆论 The next morning Jimmy took breakfast at the Adamses. 第二天早上,基米在亚当斯家里吃了早饭 The pilot took evasive action to avoid a collision with the enemy aircraft 驾驶员采取规避动作以免与敌机相撞 The plane crashes after take off. 飞机起飞后坠毁了 The police investigation will take weeks. 警察的调查将进行几个星期 The public took me to their heart,right from the first. 公众从一开始就热情地接受了我 The question takes on new meaning with Solaris electric room heaters from Fondis of Thann,France. 对于设在法国坦恩的fondis公司的太阳能室内电热器来说,这个问题还有另外一层意思 The rich man was asked to pay a high ransom for his daughter who was taken away by criminals. 要求这位富人为被罪犯绑架走的女儿付一大笔赎金 The rotation of the earth round the sun takes one year. 地球绕着太阳旋转要一年时间 The shots were taken by Blewett and others at Duanzhou District Welfare Home,Zhaoqing City,Guangdong Province. 这是凯特-布莱维特等人在广东省肇庆市端州区福利院拍摄的 The sick man has taken a turn for the better 病人病情转好 The small shopkeepers realized that the hypermarket will take away some of their trade. 这些小店主们很清楚那个超级市场将会抢走他们的部分生意 The smell of seaweed take him back to his childhood. 海草的气味使他回想起童年时代 The talks will take place in Cienna. 会谈将在维也纳举行 The tran shipment of the cargo have take place at the port. 货物转运在该港办理 The trans shipment of the cargo have take place at the port. 货物转运在该港办理 The vicar preached a short and feefctive sermon,take his text from St. Mark's Gospel. 教区牧师简短而有力的布道是取自圣马克福音 The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated,and measures taken to prevent their depredation. 应该预料到这些抢劫者的侵袭,并制定防范他们抢劫的措施 The whole contract has to be redrafted to take in the objection from the chairman. 为了接受董事长的异议,整个合同都必须重新起草 The young soprano was taken up by a famous conductor. 那年轻的女高音歌手受到一著名指挥家的提携 Then he took the afternoon off. 然后,他休了一个下午假 Then we all three took a bus into the town. 然后我们3个人都坐公共汽车进城了 There are also people who come to take such courses as Chinese traditional medicine,painting,calligraphy and photography. 还有一些人到学校里来是为了学习诸如中医、绘画、书法,摄影等课程 There are two mechanical pilots on the plane to take chage in case the human pilots cannot fly the plane. 飞机上有两部机械自动驾驶仪,一旦驾驶员不能驾驶飞机时,它们能取代人操作 There is no need to take her little boutades seriously. 没有必要去认真对待她的种种怪念头 There's a well-know masseur in this hospital. I'll give him a call and ask him to take care of you. 我们医院有一位有名的按摩师,我给他打个电话,让他帮您按摩一下 Therefore,by taking note of people's New Year resolutions,we can foresee the direction which our society gravitates toward. 所以,把人们的新年决心做个记录,我们就能预见到我们社会前进的方向 These are hypocrisies which have taken fright,and are in haste to make protest and to put themselves under shelter." 现在只因为假面具被揭穿急于申明和掩饰罢了 They are ready to take action regardless of the conse quences. 不管后果如何,他们准备采取行动 They decided to take up a collection and hold a bake sale. 他们决定举办一次烘烤食品义卖进行募捐 They took care of that problem jointly. 他们共同处理了那个问题 They took us to the circus. 他们带我们去看马戏 They were taken by helicopter to the Furstenfeld military airport 25 miles from Munich. 于是他们都被直升飞机送到离慕尼黑25英里的菲尔斯腾费尔德军用飞机场 This bottle takes a litre. 这个瓶能装一升 This iron is taken to the coverter,open-hearth funace or electric furnace to boil off the impurities. 这些铁被送到转炉,平炉或电炉去提纯 This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. 现在不是从容不迫悠然行事或服用渐进主义镇静剂的时候,现在是实现民主诺言的时候 This is only a sort of handout. You may take it with a grain of salt. 这只是一份分发的资料,你大可以不必相信 This open letter by Zhong Xijia is taken from the Internetand is published here with the writer's permission. 本文乃取自网络,经作者同意下发表 Three subjects must be taken,viz.,English,mathematice and history. 三个科目是必修的,即英文,数学和历史 Throughout the following day,Flo's son,Flint,sits beside his mother's lifeless body,occasionally taking her hand and whimpering. 在她死后第二天,福娄的儿子福林特坐在母亲的尸体边,时不时地拉着母亲的手,悲伤地啜泣 To calm his mind he began to take laudanum. 为了镇定自己的神经,他开始服鸦片酊 To make meringues,you first take the whites of several eggs and whisk them up. 做蛋白甜饼,你首先要取几个鸡蛋的蛋白搅拌好 To prevent from taking3 tricks in euchre. 尤克防止连赢三墩牌 To take a holiday or to go on holiday 休假或度假 To take arbitrarily or by force. 任意地或以武力获取 To takeingest. 接受,吞咽 Today's lesson is taken from the St Mark's Gospel. 今日的经文选自《马可福音》 Took a bookish rather than a pragmatic approach in solving the problem. 以书呆子气的而不是务实的态度解决问题 Took insane risks behind the wheel. 在车辆后面极蠢地冒险 True praise takes root and spread [谚]真正的表扬必将生根发芽。 Two chicken curriesand rice to take away,please. 劳驾,要两份外卖的咖喱鸡饭 Use doggy bags to take food home 打包儿 V.Tibetan Studies Are Flourishing,and Tibetan Medicine and Pharmacology Have Taken On a New Lease of Life 五、藏学研究全面展开,藏医藏药重放异彩 Vans used by the police to take prisoners from one place to another 警察用来将囚犯从一个地方运到另一个地方的有篷载重汽车 Wang Huifeng only took the silver,didn't she? 王卉凤只拿了银牌,是吗? Wang Ping:Take Zhu Jianhua for example. 王平:我先说说直冲云霄的朱建华吧 We all took a hand in the harvesting in the neigh bour commune last week. 上星期我们全家参加了邻近公社的收割 We had to be mindful of every step we took on slippery sidewalk. 在很滑的边道行走时,我们每行一步都必须小心 We must not take combustible goods aboard. 我们切不可带易燃物上车 We take the measurements of sth to see how long,tall,or wide it is. 我们量东西以便知道它有多长、多高或多宽 We took a walk an hour ago. 一个小时以前我们在散步 We took adequate food for the holiday. 我们为假期带足食品 We'll take this,as well as the Sweet and Sour Pork Chops. and the Shredded Pork with Garlic Sauce. 我们要一份虫草鸭子,另外还要糖醋排骨和鱼香肉丝 We've taken a fancy to Greek food after having spent our holiday in Grete. 我们在克里特度假后开始喜欢上希腊的食品了 When the Germans invaded Belgium,the Belgians immediately took up arms against them. 当德国入侵比利时时,比利时人立即拿起武器进行反抗 When the fox preaches,take care of your geese [谚]狐狸来说教,当心鹅被盗。 When the fox preaches,take care of your geese. [谚]狐狸来说教,当心鹅被盗 When visiting New York city,the tourist should take a boat ride around Manhatton to familiarize himself with the city. 当参观纽约市时,游客应坐船在曼哈顿转一圈,以便熟悉这个城市 When we are in trouble we can take heart from the ract that things often seem worse than they are. 当我们受到挫折时应看到实上事情并没有那么糟,要自己鼓起勇 When you've finished your meal,you may decide to take aboat-trip around the bay to look at the sights. 餐后,你可能决定乘坐游艇绕着海湾观赏风景 Which line shall sb take to go to 某人该走哪条线去 Which line will sb take to go to 某人将走哪条线去 Why should Chjna take the political and moraI risk of stealing others' military technology or secrets? 我们为什么还要冒政治上和道德上的风险去盗窃什么人的军事机密呢? Without further procrastination the doctor put on his hat and coat,took the candelabra and went off to Uhov's. 医师没有把这件事推到以后去办,他穿上外衣,拿着大烛台,到乌霍夫家去了 Without knowing why,he felt the irresistible wish to climb the mountain,so he took the road that went up...(To be con tinued) 不知为什么,福达感到一股不可抵挡的冲动促使他向山上走,因此他选择了那条上山的道路......(待续) Witness the exchange of propaganda and electronic"duels"that took place between East and West during the Cold War. 冷战时期东西方之间相互进行的宣传和电子交锋就属于这种情况 Would you be kind enough to take a message to him? 拜托您捎个信儿给他 Xiao Wang,who was chairing the meeting,took note in a small red book. 小王主持会议,用一个小红本子做了记录 Yes,I took a can of beer. 拿了一听啤酒 You 'd better apply a photoflash if you take a photo in a room 如果在室内拍照,你最好用一只闪光灯 You can take a horse to the water,but you can not make him drink [谚]你可以把马牵到水边,但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿,强迫无济于事),老牛不喝水,不能强按头。 You can take a horse to the water,but you can not make it drink [谚]你可以把马牵到水边,但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿,强迫无济于事),老牛不喝水,不能强按头。 You can take a horse to water,but you can not make him drink [谚]你可以把马牵到水边,但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿,强迫无济于事),老牛不喝水,不能强按头。 You can take a horse to water,but you can not make it drink [谚]你可以把马牵到水边,但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿,强迫无济于事),老牛不喝水,不能强按头。 You have to transfer. I'll take you to Bloomingdale and Washington. You get off there and transfer to the east-bound No. 19. 司机:你一定要转车的,你可先乘我的车去世bloomingdale和washington,在那里转乘东行的19路车 You may take a horse to the water,but you can not make him drink [谚]你可以把马牵到水边,但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿,强迫无济于事),老牛不喝水,不能强按头。 You may take a horse to the water,but you can not make it drink [谚]你可以把马牵到水边,但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿,强迫无济于事),老牛不喝水,不能强按头。 You may take a horse to water,but you can not make him drink [谚]你可以把马牵到水边,但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿,强迫无济于事),老牛不喝水,不能强按头。 You may take a horse to water,but you can not make it drink [谚]你可以把马牵到水边,但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿,强迫无济于事),老牛不喝水,不能强按头。 You pays your money and takes your choice [谑]碰运气,各取所需。 You pays your money and you takes your choice [谑]碰运气,各取所需。 You should take advantage of it. 你应该好好利用这个机会 Your years in DGS will have prepared you to take them on with confidence and in stride. 你们的母校多年来悉心栽培你们,让你们作好准备,以无比的信心承担重任,大步向前迈进 `Take the road you came,' she answered,ensconcing herself in a chair,with a candle,and the long book open before her. 顺你来的路走回去好啦,她回答,仍然安坐在椅子上,面前一支蜡烛,还有那本摊开的大书 a decision unfavorabhis conclusion took the satisfied with the panel's determination. 这个决定是大家讨论后一致通过的 a drink taken at sundown. 日落后喝的酒 a fox is not taken twice in the same snare 一头狐狸不会两次掉到同一个陷阱里,聪明人不上两回当 a large take of fish 捕到很多的鱼 a maid that laughs is half taken 姑娘露笑容,芳心已半许 a ox is taken by the horns,and a man by the tongue 牛因角被执,人因舌陷身 a photograph taken against a background of drapery 以有皱褶的帷幔为背景拍摄的照片 a pill taken orally 口服的药丸 ability of taking criminal responsibility 刑事责任能力 accept [take] a challenge 应战 actual taking {n.}事实上的取得 agree to take part in {vt.}同意加入 allow for consider deduct remove subtract take into account 反义词 although favoring European unity he was noncommital about the form it should take. 尽管赞成欧洲的联合,他对于这一联合所应采取的形式并无明确意见 amount not taken up==>{n.}未用余额 {} 未用余额
amount of water taken into the plant 植物吸收的水分量 any actions taken in reliance thereon {n.}与此相关的任何行为 application for taking out samples of goods in bond [经]申请从保税仓库内取出样品 as it will take {adv.}随着时间的推移 as the spirit takes one {adv.}随心所欲 as we take it 我们所理解的 assume control overthrow take charge take over 反义词 audit of taking export commodities {n.}出口商品调出审计 bacteriological water taking bottle [医]细菌学检查用采水瓶 base on fact and take law as the criterion {vi.}以事实为根据,法律为准绳 be [be taken] on the strength [军]编入编制内 be able to take it==>{v.}能经受住 {}能忍受得住(痛苦,惩罚,攻击等) be caught [taken] sbred-handed 当场捉住某人 be in a great taking 极为心烦意乱 be not taken ill {v.}不生病 be slow to take sb's meaning {vi.}未能马上领会某人的意思 be taken aback 突然吓了一跳,吃惊,突遇逆风,吓了一跳,大吃一惊,惊得目瞪口呆,(船)突然遇到逆风 be taken as other than {vt.}认为不是 be taken at a disadvantage {vi.}被人乘隙攻击 be taken at bed time 临睡前服 be taken back 大吃一惊,惊得目瞪口呆,吓了一跳,(船)突然遇到逆风 be taken bad {vi.}患病 be taken by 对...很喜爱,被...迷住,被...吸引 be taken by surprise 冷不防被...吓一跳,出其不意地攻击 be taken down 能被拆卸,受困扰,病倒 be taken ill==>{v.}生病 {}生病,染疾,患病 be taken in 受骗 be taken in by 被...所骗 be taken in one's prime 夭亡 be taken in the toils 落网,被迷惑住 be taken into deliberation 被审议 be taken off allocation 取消配给(制度) be taken seriously as {vi.}被真正认为 be taken short==>{vi.}突然觉得要大便 {}突然想解手[大小便],毫无准备,大感意外 be taken to prison 被关入监狱 be taken up with 忙于,全力以赴地从事 be taken with 对...很喜爱,被...迷住,被...吸引 be taken with a fit of anger 勃然大怒 be unable to take one's eyes off 目不转睛地看,看入了迷,羡慕地注视 bear [have,take] a spleen against 恨,怨恨 bear[take] one's share of 负担...的部分,参加 bearing take up 轴承拉紧 begin fire away start take off 反义词 black will take no other hue 黑色难合其他色,道理难喻恶癖人 blood taking needle 采血针 bring to and take from alongside {vi.}船边交货或提货 bring to and taken from alongside [经]船边交货和取货 brought to and taken from alongside {vi.}船边交货或提货 camera taking characteristic 摄像机光谱特性,摄像机拾取特性 can take it 能经受得住 carry/send/take coals to Newcastle 多此一举 case taking [医]病例记录 catapult take off {v.}弹射起飞 catch [have,hold,seize,take] by the throat 扼住咽喉 cause fertilization to take place 使其实现受精 central well down take [化]中心降液管 charge take sale {n.}顾客自携商品赊销 circular of stock taking {n.}点查存货通知 coax a child to take its medicine 哄小孩吃药 collect [take] statistics 进行统计 come to take the situation at hand {vi.}掌握形势 commission to take deposition {n.}录取证言委托书 commissioner to take affidavits {n.}录取证供的官员 commit suicide by taking poison 服毒自杀 condescend to take bribes {vi.}堕落到受贿 condesecend to take bribes [法]降低身份,受贿 confirmation of term-end inventory taking {n.}期末存货结存量的确定 consider carefully before taking action 三思而后行 constructive taking {n.}推定取得 continuous stock taking {n.}连续盘存 contrary taking of decoction [医]反佐法 conversion by taking {n.}转移他人之物的侵占行为 credit taken [经]借入率 crime by taking advantage of duty {n.}职务性犯罪 crime of hostage taking {n.}劫持人质罪 curtain taking two widths of cloth 两幅布宽的窗帘 cbowelless readiness to take advantage. 残酷的竞争,残酷的剥削 data taken signal 取数据信号 date of taking delivery {n.}提货日期 date of taking out of service 列入非运用日期 decoction taken cold [医]冷服 decoction taken hot [医]热服 decoction to be taken cold 饮 deduct discount remove take away withdraw 反义词 delay the taking delivery of the goods {vt.}迟延提货 deposit taking 吸收存款 deposit taking company {n.}接受存款,办理存款业务的公司 deposit taking institution {n.}接受存款机构,吸收存款机构 did you take all your clobber? 你把你所有的衣服都带上了吗 differ disagree take exception 反义词 dig up [raise,take up] the tomahawk 宣战,开战 digitate-leaved hellebore with an offensive odor and irritant qualities when taken internally. 一种嚏根草,具掌状复叶,体内有辛辣恶臭味和刺激性 discount taken {n.}获得折扣,已获得折扣,已取得的折扣 divide their functions,each taking responsibility for its own {vt.}分工负责,互相配合,互相制约 do a double take {vi.}因惊讶而再看一眼,开始因不理解而愣了一下后来才恍然大悟 do not take it amiss {v.}请勿见怪 double take==>{n.}心不在焉后突然注意而恍然大悟,过后才恍然大悟的反应 {}先是不注意接着大吃一惊,先是怔着接着恍然大悟的反应 down take pipe [医]溢流管 drag thebush up,take the rag off the bush 最好的,第一流的 drug taking {n.}吸毒 drug taking behavior [医]用药行为 each taking responsibility for its own work {n.}分工负责,互相配合,互相制约 echogram taken [医]回声图像显示 fabric take off 织物卷取 failure to take delivery [经]未提货 fall taken ill 得病 feel instant relief after taking a dose of medicine 服用一剂药后立即感到轻松 felonious taking {n.}具有重罪性质的窃取 find [have,get,know,take] the length of sb's foot 看出某人的短处,摸透某人以便加以控制 food prohibited on taking medicine [医]服药忌口 form [make,take] a resolution 决心,拿定主意 freight paid and discount taken by customer [经]顾客代付运费并取得拆扣 frequent taking of water [医]饮水不止 gain on inventory taking {n.}盘盈 gas down take 煤气降下管 gas take 滤气阀 gas up take 煤气上升管 gasoline gauge take unit 汽油油位表传感器 get [have,take] a miff 生气,发脾气 get [have,take] a warm 取暖 get [take] a hinge 看一看 get [take] a peek at 偷看一下 get a different olfactory take on {vt.}对...作出不同的嗅觉反应 get rid of the stale and take in the fresh {vt.}吐故纳新 get[have,take] one's revenge on sb for sth 因某事向某人报仇 get[take] a wicket (板球赛)使一个击球员出局 give an undertaking not to take sides 保证不偏袒任何一方 give and take {n.}妥协(平等交换,协凋) give and take in==>{n.}在...相互忍让 {vt.}在...中相互妥协 give and take policy {n.}互通有无政策,平等交换政策 give and take system {n.}求偿制度,相等交换制 give and take trade {n.}平等交换贸易,有取有予贸易,转让贸易 give him a inch and he will take a ell {vt.}他得寸进尺 give him a inch and he will take a mile {vt.}他得寸进尺 give him an inch and he will take a mile {vi.}他得寸进尺 give him an inch and he will take an ell {vi.}他得寸进尺 give or take {v.}允许有...的小误差 go into [put on,take to] mourning 举哀,戴孝,服丧 go on/take the offensive 发动攻势 good will should be taken for part payment 良好的信誉抵得部分的支付 great pains have been taken to {vt.}煞费苦心 handspring forward take off with two legs {n.}鱼跃前手翻双脚落地 handspring forward take off with two legs stretched {n.}鱼跃前手翻双脚落地 happiness takes no account of time 欢乐不觉时光逝,幸福年华似水流 have [get] one's photograph taken 请人拍照 have [take,catch,hold] (sb) at vantage 占(某人)上风,较某人的处境优越,趁某人不注意 have [take] a [one's] share 分担,参加 have [take] a constitutional 做体操,进行养生运动 have [take] a crack at 试一试[口],(在某件事上)试一试自己的能力 have [take] a great liking for cigars 极爱雪茄烟 have [take] a liquor 喝杯酒提提神[俚] have [take] a meal 进餐,吃饭 have [take] a smell at [of] (将...)闻闻看 have [take] a smell at [of] ( 将...)闻闻看,smell out嗅出觉察使充满难闻的气味 have [take] a squint (at) 看一下[口],瞧一瞧 have [take] the scalp of 剥取某人的头皮,向某人报仇,打败(某人),压倒(某)人 have [take] the sulks 绷着脸,生气,心里不高兴 have a photo taken with {vt.}请人给自己和...照合影 have a photo taken with sb 和某人合影 have a photograph taken with 和...合影 have one's photo taken 请人给自己拍照 have one's photograph taken 请人拍照 have one's picture taken (请人给自己)照像 have one's wind taken {v.}被打中胸口而倒下,电影名称专辑 have sth taken off {vt.}把某物从...上卸下来 have the kindness to take note of {vt.}惠请留意 have what it takes 具备取得成功的必要条件 have/take a night off 晚上不工作 have/take pity on 怜悯 have/take precedence of/over 优先于,地位高于 have[get] one's photo taken 请人给自己拍照 he took mind-altering drugs for nonmedicinal reasons. 他为了些非医疗的目的拿了些作用于精神的药物 history taking [医]病史采取 hold [take]the reins 掌权,管辖,有决定权,作领导人 if I take you correctly 如果我对你的意思理解得不错话 illegal original documents take place of cash in hand {n.}白条抵库 image taking speed [医]成像速度 impeach somebody for taking bribes 控告某人受贿 in a great taking 非常烦恼[古],极为心烦意乱,十分激动 in an impulswithout taking cautions. 以冲动的方式,不小心 inflict [take,wreak] vengeance (up) on sb 对...报仇[雪恨] infusion for oral taking [医]冲服,调服 institute [take,start] legal proceedings against 对...提起诉讼,控告 inventory taking {n.}盘存,盘点 it does not take too much stretch of the imagination to realize {vt.}不用多想就可以知道 it takes all sorts 世上的人形形色色,无奇不有 it takes all sorts to make a world 世上的人真是形形色色 it takes one to know one 你们都差不离儿,你们都彼此彼此 it takes two to make a quarrel 一个巴掌拍不响 itemize the sale figures will take about two day 逐条列出销售 just beginning to take shape {adj.}初具规模 keep [take] a sharp [keen] lookout for 密切注视[访备] large intestine takes charge of transportation [医]大肠主传导 lazy folks take the most pains 懒汉做事最感吃力,越懒越不省力 leave taking {n.}告别 legal duty to take care {n.}法定的注意义务 let [take] sb into the secret 将秘密告诉某人 let nature take it course {vt.}让其自然发展 let nature take its course 任其自然发展(尤指爱情发展)[口] let sth take its course 听其自然 licensed deposit taking company {n.}特许接受存款公司 lift [take]a weight off sb's mind 解除某人的心头负担 looked with a jaundiced eye on the grotakes a jaundiced view of societies and clubs. 用有偏见的眼光看着管辖范围的扩大,对社交和俱乐部有一种有偏见的观点 loom take up 织机卷取装置 make [take up] a subscription 募捐[美] make [take] a spring 跳 make [take] a stand against 坚决抵抗,坚持反对 make [take]notes [a note] of 把...记录下来,把...作成笔记或札记 make sb sit up and take notice 使某人大吃一惊,吓某人一跳,使某人痛苦 make sb. sit up and take notice 使某人大吃一惊,吓某人一跳,使某人痛苦 make/take a note of 把...记下来 manner of take off {n.}起跳方式 material piling and taking machine 堆取料机 may damnation take him 该死,混帐 may damnation take it 该死,混帐 may damnation take you 该死,混帐 medical history taking [医]医史收集 method of direct stock taking {n.}直接盘点法 method of stock taking observed {n.}观察盘点法 method of take off {n.}起跳方式 method of taking inventory {n.}盘存法 microliters of oxygen taken up per hour [医]每小时吸收氧的微升数 modesty taken to the extreme be arrogance 谦虚过分就是骄傲 moment taken about the point of fixation 固定力矩 must take us as you find us 我们就是这样,请你将就吧 negative take 负结果 negociate with much give and take. 就平等交换进行谈判 never take one's eyes off 目不转睛地注视着 not take one's eyes off 目不转睛地注视着 not take out {vt.}不抵冲,禁止携出,未扣除 not taken out {vt.}不抵冲,禁止携出,未扣除 not taking any 谢绝[口],不接受,没有那种兴趣去做 not to be taken as an evidence {vi.}不足为证 number of shot taken {n.}投篮次数 oblique take off aircraft 大爬升率起飞飞机 of which kindly take due note 对此请贵公司谅解 on the first take {n.}第一次做某事 on the take 接受贿赂[美俚],敲诈,伺机损人利已 only take place on {vt.}只发生在 oral taking [医]内服 order take away {vt.}叫外卖 order take away from {vt.}从...叫外卖 overage and shortage on inventery taking [经]盘存盈亏 per cent of discount taken [经]销货折扣百分率 percent of discount taken {n.}销货折扣百分率 periodical stock taking method {n.}定期盘点法 permission to take off 允许起飞 person who takes oath {n.}具结者 pick/take up the gauntlet 应战 picture taking lens [医]拍照镜头 picture taking session {n.}可拍照的会谈 picture taking wavelength 摄影波长 place of taking in charge 接受货物负责处理的地点 possession of apparatus fit for use to take dangerous drag {n.}藏有吸毒工具罪 possession of apparatus fit for use to take dangerous drugs {n.}藏有吸毒工具罪 power take off 动力输出 power take off shaft 动力输出轴 practioners are taken by surprise at practising 惊功 precautions could not be taken to 不能采取措施 prescription with the right to take polls and dues {n.}享有通行税和收取费用权而取得长期占有 price [profit] taking 抢帽子(即在交易所中靠买空卖空的差价来获利),套购牟利 price taking 抢帽子(即在交易所中靠买空卖空的差价来获利),套购牟利 price taking market {n.}市价市场 principle of taking facts as the basis and the law as criterion {n.}以事实为根据,以法律为准绳 proceed in taking a deposition {vi.}开始录取证言 proceed to take off one's coat 开始脱衣服 profit taking {n.}获利完成 prop taking 回柱 public servant taking bribery {n.}受贿的公务人员 pull in a take 获得一些收入 pulse taking 脉诊,Taking nuts,吃干果 put on [take off] one's clothes 穿[脱]衣服 rash step to take {n.}轻率的措施 really taken by the little dog 对小狗着了迷 receive [take] punishment 被痛打,受惩罚 refers to village and township enterprises which take root among farmers and grow like wild grass 该解释由词友sindy999提供,仅供参考,免责声明 refusal to take delivery {n.}拒绝提货 refuse to take into consideration {v.


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