英语中blowblow it up是什么意思思

was blowing
every . The
blew away and I had to
after it. A gale-force
had blown the
down. I blew the
off the . I
you wouldn't blow
in my .Ann blew a few
on the . He
just before the
blow a kiss to/at sb
the , blow
into the .A
was blowing.The
had been blown to . sky-high The
更多范例There was an
blew.My hairdrier's
has blown.The
was blown to .So many
everyone and everything being blown to .There was a
of a man whose
had been blown off.
When I got
I blew it all on a
blow to the
更多范例The blow
of his .He
a blow on his opponent's .The
said that it was the blow that had been
from the blow on his , he got up very .She
a blow to the .
Losing his
blow to his . Her
blow to her .
his , but the
the blow.The
of an early
blow to the .
a blow on the
It took him three blows to get all the
out.Shall we go out for a blow?
(blow在的解释 (C)剑桥大学出版社)
blew over a
it down on
Lisa blow out the . We blew 12
up for Charles’ .
blew all the
out. I blew my first
out with my .
blow on the
to the .Her
at twenty was a
blow to her .The
came to blows over
(blow在的解释 (C)剑桥大学出版社)
Central Bank blew $900m of foreign-exchange
in the first two weeks of October alone.
If two of the firm's
hadn't blown the whistle, the
would never have become known.
blew the lid on the
of secrecy surrounding the company's new
of fizzy-drink .
Defeat would blow a
in the club's .
be a blow to sth The
is another blow to the country's
.come as a blow (to sb/sth) Unemployment
will come as a blow to the
as he prepares next week's .deal/deliver a blow (to sb/sth) Rising
threaten to
a blow to the state's billion-dollar
.a major/devastating/bitter blow We have suffered a
If things go wrong there are no
(blow在的解释 (C)剑桥大学出版社)
by katewoodford,
July 8, 2015
mansiona very large, expensive house
November 15, 2017
November 20, 2017
n. 吹,打击,殴打
The wind is blowing hard tonight.
发布人:wangyadan&&发布时间: 10:18:40
发布人:&&发布时间: 13:54:06
哦O 碗w记忆方法:不要用棍子哦,碗会被打破的
发布人:网友提供&&发布时间: 10:19:44
Amidala: Please don’t look at me like that.Anakin: Uh?Amidala: It makes me feel uncomfortable.Anakin: Sorry my lady.A...God works. 上帝的安排。
Not so bad. 不错。
No way! 不可能!
Don't flatter me. 过奖了。
...appreciate others, be appreciated is that people no one to appreciate their ...1A: Did you just move into town?B: I moved in almost a month ago.A: How many children do you have?B: I have one child...1. Thank you for this gift of a whole new day. I am grateful.感谢上苍赐予我全新的一天。我很感...A: Who let the dog inside?谁吧狗带进屋里的?B: I did. What's the problem?我带来的,有什么问题吗?A: He got mud all over the new carpet...A: My car was stolen.B: I am so sorry to hear that.A: Did you happen to see anything suspicious yesterday?B: Well, I ...挪威奥斯陆斯佩克特姆音乐堂21日举行全国悼念日活动,悼念一个月前在奥斯陆市中心爆炸案和于特岛枪击案中的77名遇难者。 请看相关报道: Addressing over 6,000 people who gathered in Oslo'... 第一,要有一个不卑不亢的态度。我们长期闭关锁国,形成了一种特别的心理定势,对待外国人或者卑躬屈膝,或者无端地傲慢,而不是把他们也作为和自己相等的人来看待...1A: Can I help you find something?B: I would like to buy a new fridge.A: Is there one in particular that you like?B: ...你有没有觉得在微波炉里热东西的时候时间过得特别慢?明明选择了30秒,可怎么要等那么久呢?Well, you are not alone. 这个问题好像世界...十年寒窗苦读英语,为谁辛苦为谁忙?当然是用来和老外“侃”喽。那外国人究竟如何看待中国人说的英语,他们说话有没有诀窍呢?记者请教了克里斯多佛?汉普顿――英国驻上海总领事的考官协调。 克里斯多佛开口就指出了国人学英语最大的“软挡”:
...北京同仁医院一位颇受尊敬的耳鼻咽喉科医生,竟然被她施治的病人暴力砍杀,其恶劣程度,令人发指。让人难过的是,在此事件之前,已经连续发生多起&血溅白衣&的事件,医患矛盾亟待解决,悲剧不该重演。 请看《中国日报》的报...不论生活还是工作中,我们有时难免会遇到一些误会,在遇到误会的情况下,我们要怎么样去解释呢?除了I am sorry, 其实还有很多种表达,大家跟我一起来看...A: Excuse me, where can I find a dictionary?打扰了,我在哪里可以找到词典。B: What kind of dictionary would you like?你要什么样的词典。A: A bi... 餐馆是反映一个国家文化的重要窗口。在西餐中,菜肴通常可以分成几大类,如主菜前的开胃食品(starters)、主菜(main dishes)、甜点(des...当前位置: &
音标:[ bləu ]&&发音:&&过去式: blew&&&过去分词: blown&&&现在分词: blowing&&&
中文翻译短语和例子blow1vi.(blew blown )1.(风)吹。2.(汽笛等)叫,鸣,响。3.喘气;吹气;(鲸等)喷水;喷气。4.(轮胎等)爆炸;〔俚语〕发怒;〔美口〕炫弄,夸口,吹牛。5.〔俚语〕走掉,逃掉。6.【电学】(熔丝等)熔断,熔解,熔化。7.(苍蝇)产卵。8.〔美俚〕吸用麻醉品。 blow on one's hands 以手指吹口哨。 It blows. 刮风了。 The whistle was blowing. 汽笛长鸣。 We heard the burgles blowing. 我们听见号角声响。 The old man was puffing and blowing. 这老人气喘吁吁。 He blows too much. 他好吹牛。 blow about one's medals 炫弄自己的奖章。 The rear tire blew out. 后胎炸了。vt.1.吹,吹动,吹成,吹制,吹胀;吹着(火等);使通气。2.鸣(笛等);吹奏(乐器等)。3.使(马)喘气〔常用被动语态〕。4.传播,发布,宣扬。5.挥霍,浪费(钱财)。6.使(轮胎等)爆炸;使(保险丝)熔断;毁坏。7.(蝇等)下子于,产卵于。8.〔俚语〕使自负。9.〔俚语〕背叛。10.【冶金】吹炼。短语和例子Try blowing your nose. 把鼻子擤一擤。 blow glass 吹玻璃〔吹制玻璃器皿〕。 blow out one's cheeks 鼓起腮帮子。 blow a tyre 轮胎放炮。 blow a fuse 烧断保险丝。 blow the rumor about 传谣。 blow an egg 吸蛋〔开小孔吸食〕。 The horse is badly blown. 马骑得喘极了。 the trees blown down by the storm 被风暴吹折的树。 He has blown (in) the whole sum. 他把全部款项都花完了。 I'm blowed if I know. 〔俚语〕畜牲才知道,我知道不算人。 Blow the cost! 价钱真贵! blow town 离开城市。 blow about 吹散;传播。 blow down 1. 吹倒;吹落。 2. (锅炉)喷出(蒸汽)。 blow great guns (and small arms) 刮大风,(风)狂吹。 blow high, blow low 在任何情况下,不管发生什么事。 blow hot and cold 反覆无常,忽褒忽贬,无定见。 blow in 1. 鼓风入(熔铁炉),(风)吹进来。 2. 〔美口〕忽然来访。 3. 〔美口〕乱花,浪费;花光(或几乎用光)。 Blow it! 混蛋!讨厌! blow itself out (风)停。 Blow me down! 〔美口〕真没料到! 一惊;真不坏! blow off 1.vi. 刮掉,吹掉;喷出(蒸汽);〔俚语〕抱怨,诉苦;直言不讳。 2.vt. 放出(锅炉中的水、蒸汽等);(以怒冲冲的谈话等)发泄(不满)〔又作 blow off steam〕。 blow one's bazoo 〔美口〕吹牛,夸口。 blow one's lines 说错(台词)。 blow one's nose 擤鼻子。 blow one's own horn 〔美口〕自吹,自夸。 blow one's own trumpet 自卖自夸,自赞,自大。 blow out 1. 停吹,停止鼓风。 2. (吹)胀;吹破。 3. (灯等)熄灭;把(灯等)吹灭。 4. 〔美俚〕杀掉;(枪等)打穿(脑袋等);(保险丝)烧断。 blow out 〔美俚〕取消。 blow over 1. 经过,走过。 2. (云)吹散,(风)已定;消灭。 3. 被淡忘。 blow sb. to a dinner 〔美俚〕请某人吃饭。 blow sb. up 责备某人。 blow the bellows [the coals, the fire] 〔古语〕挑唆,煽动。 blow the show 〔美俚〕吹掉演出合同。 blow up 1.vi. 炸,炸裂,被炸掉;〔俚语〕失败,被揭穿;起(风),来(风暴),(暴风雨等)更加厉害;〔口语〕发脾气(blow up at sb. over sth. 在某事上对某人发脾气)。 2.vt. 炸掉,炸破,爆破;吹胀;把(某人)捧上天,夸大;毁掉,弄糟;骂,责备;【摄影】〔口语〕放大(照相) (A storm blew up. 起风暴了。 The ship blew up. 船爆炸了。 blow up a bridge 把桥炸掉。 He blew himself up importantly. 他趾高气扬,不可一世)。 blow upon 1.vt. 害,使倒霉;使失信用;使乏味;告密,告发 (His reputation is blown upon. 他名誉扫地了)。 2.n. 吹风,一阵风;暴风,疾风;鼓风;擤鼻涕;吹奏(声);大言不惭的人;(鲸的)喷水;(蝇的)产卵,蝇卵;〔口语〕傲慢;(保险丝)熔断;【冶金】吹炼 (give the fire a blow 吹火。 clean the machinery with a blow 吹风打扫机器。 a few discordant blows by bugler 几声不协调的号声)。n.-er 1. 吹玻璃工人,吹者,吹的东西。 2. 【机械工程】鼓风机,风箱;通风机;增压器;【航空】螺旋桨。 3. 【动物;动物学】鲸;河豚之类。 4. 〔美口〕夸口的人,吹牛家。vi.(blew blown ) (花)开放。vt.使开花;开(花)。n.1.花;开花(状态)。2.绚丽多姿。短语和例子a rich, full blow of color 五彩缤纷。 in full blow(花)盛开。n.1.打,打击,一击;殴打。2.意外的灾害,横祸,不幸。3.奇袭,猛攻。短语和例子a blow to the head 对头部的一击。 a blow with the fist 打来一拳。 a blow to one's pride 对自尊心的打击。 at a (single) blow [at one blow ] 一击就…,一举,一下子。 at blows 在殴打〔格斗〕。 come [fall] to blows 互相打起来;开战。 deal [give] a blow at 打击,给…一击。 exchange blows 互殴,相打。 strike a blow against 抵抗,抗击。 strike a blow for 为…斗争;帮助,支持。 strike a blow to 对…发起攻击,打击…。 without striking a blow 轻轻易易,坐享其成地,兵不血刃地。&&&&一举, 一下子&&&&(活塞环)漏气&&&&开始猛喷产油; 开始猛喷油气; 偶然来访; 突然来到, 突然来访&&&&搞砸了,弄坏了; 请稍候&&&&吹凉; 送风&&&&n. 1.漏气;漏液。 2.(汽车的)废气燃烧器,尾气清理装置。 &&&&涌入&&&&无意中的一击&&&&横打/侧击/庶子&&&&偶然的[间接的]一击。 &&&&极为详尽; 逐一记录&&&&adj. (讲述)极其详细的 (a blow-by-blow account of a debate 对一次论战的极详细叙述)。 &&&&重吹&&&&喷灯,气炬&&&&吹吧,风艾吹吧; 吹呀吹,风儿吹&&&&吹-吹法成形机&&&&吹制机&&&&吹-吹成形法&&&&漏气&&&&开炉&&&&爱情一阵风&&&&毁坏性的打击; 毁来性的打击; 刘关张大破黄巾&&&&致命的打击&&&&初期鼓风; 吹炼不足; 欠吹; 稚吹&&&&互相打起架来&&&&咽部梅核气
例句与用法The note taker blows a piercing blast .作记录的人用力吹了一下哨子。He was badly jarred by the blow .这个打击使他的神经受到很大的刺激。There was a bitterly cold east wind blowing .寒冷的东风呼呼地吹着。Bunkie's arrival was a big blow to me .邦克的到来对我是沉重的打击。She said, and blew smoke from her nostrils .她说着从鼻孔里喷出烟来。Abner now had to suffer a sharper blow .更猛烈的打击正等着艾布纳。Harry himself would probably blow his brains out .哈里本人可能自杀。The wind blew my umbrella wrong side out .风把我的伞吹得翻过去了。The first blow clove her skull .头一下砍下去,就把她的脑袋劈开了。He did not lie prostrate under this blow .他并没有在这一打击下趴下。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释forceful exhalation throu "he gave his nose a loud blow"; "he blew out all the candles with a single puff"同义词:, a powerful stroke with
"a blow on the head"street names for cocaine同义词:, , , , an unpleasant or di "it came as a shock to learn that he was injured"同义词:, an impact (as from a collision); "the bump threw him off the bicycle"同义词:, an unfortunate happening tha something that is thwarting or frustrating同义词:, , , , a s "the tree was bent almost double by the gust"同义词:, ,
"blow on the soup to cool it down"free of obstruction by "blow one''s nose" "The tire blew"; "We blew a tire"melt, break, or becom "The lightbulbs blew out"; "The fuse blew"同义词:, ,
"Blow a glass vase"allow
"blow a horse"show off同义词:, , , , , , , , , cause to be reve "The story blew their cover"; "The double agent was blown by the other side" "certain insects are said to blow" "shove off!"; "The children shoved along"; "Blow now!"同义词:, , be in motion due to some
"The leaves were blowing in the wind"; "the boat drifted on the lake"; "The sailboat was adrift on the open sea"; "the shipwrecked boat drifted away from the shore"同义词:, , , spout moist a "The whales blew"cause to move by mea "The wind blew the leaves around in the yard"cause air to go in, on, "Blow my hair dry"provide sexual gratification through oral stimulation同义词:, , , play or sou "She blew the horn"make "The whistle blew"sound by having air exp "The trumpets blew"spend lavis "He blew a lot of money on his new home theater" "He wasted his inheritance on his insincere friends"; "You squandered the opportunity to get and advanced degree"同义词:, , make a mess of, "I botched the dinner and we had to eat out"; "the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement"同义词:, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , be "The wind blew from the West"
Copyright &
All rights reserved美国俚语大全:blow away是什么意思?
本期向大家介绍blow away常见用法及含义。
1.意思是使某人大吃一惊(to overwhelm a person/ knock somebody off their feet)
The amount of the check blew me away. 支票上的数额让我大吃一惊。
That new exhibit of ancient gold objects at the museum is so amazing, it will blow you away!
I was really blown away by how beautiful the natural scenery was.
2.意思是使某人兴奋起来,给某人带来快乐或者惊喜(to excite a person very much, to cause someone great pleasure or surprise )
The loud noise from the concert blew me away. 演唱会的歌声真的很给力。
Everyone I tell that story to, I mean everyone, is just blown away.
3. 意思是杀害,枪杀(to murder someone, usually by gunfire)
Mr. Smith ordered Tom to blow Bill away.史密斯先生让汤姆杀掉比尔。
4. to defeat someone completely 意思是击败
The Warriors won the game by blowing away Rocket 101-87.
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