
14-02-08 &
声明:本文所涉及所面试或笔试题目均为求职无忧网与深圳的森林经由互联网搜集整理得来,各具体题目版权归各出题公司所有,深圳的森林进行分析整理的目的在于为求职者提供一个相对全面的参考,欢迎网上转载,转载请注明出处:求职无忧 整理者:深圳的森林。46家企业名单:微软
宝洁公司(P&G) 飞利浦
Hongkong Bank
A.T. Keaney
普华永道 德勤 扬智科技 高通 威盛
汉王 信威通信 中金 国泰君安 Briny 广东北电
明基 网易 广州日报微软智力题1.烧一根不均匀的绳子,从头烧到尾总共需要1个小时,问如何用烧绳子的方法来确定半小时的时间呢?2.10个海盗抢到了100颗宝石,每一颗都一样大小且价值连城。他们决定这么分:(1)抽签决定自己的号码(1~10);(2)首先,由1号提出分配方案,然后大家表决,当且仅当超过半数的人同意时,按照他的方案进行分配,否则将被扔进大海喂鲨鱼;(3)如果1号死后,再由2号提出分配方案,然后剩下的4个人进行表决,当且仅当超过半数的人同意时,按照他的方案进行分配,否则将被扔入大海喂鲨鱼;(4)依此类推……条件:每个海盗都是很聪明的人,都能很理智地做出判断,从而做出选择。问题:第一个海盗提出怎样的分配方案才能使自己的收益最大化?3.为什么下水道的盖子是圆的?4.中国有多少辆汽车?5.你让工人为你工作7天,回报是一根金条,这根金条平分成相连的7段,你必须在每天结束的时候给他们一段金条。如果只允许你两次把金条弄断,你如何给你的工人付费?6.有一辆火车以每小时15公里的速度离开北京直奔广州,同时另一辆火车以每小时20公里的速度从广州开往北京。如果有一只鸟,以30公里每小时的速度和两辆火车同时启动,从北京出发,碰到另一辆车后就向相反的方向返回去飞,就这样依次在两辆火车之间来回地飞,直到两辆火车相遇。请问,这只鸟共飞行了多长的距离?7.你有两个罐子以及50个红色弹球和50个蓝色弹球,随机选出一个罐子,随机选出一个弹球放入罐子,怎样给出红色弹球最大的选中机会?在你的计划里,得到红球的几率是多少?8.想像你站在镜子前,请问,为什么镜子中的影像可以左右颠倒,却不能上下颠倒呢?9.如果你有无穷多的水,一个3公升的提捅,一个5公升的提捅,两只提捅形状上下都不均匀,问你如何才能准确称出4公升的水?10.你有一桶果冻,其中有黄色、绿色、红色三种,闭上眼睛抓取同种颜色的两个。抓取多少次就可以确定你肯定有两个同一颜色的果冻?11.连续整数之和为1000的共有几组?12.从同一地点出发的相同型号的飞机,可是每架飞机装满油只能绕地球飞半周,飞机之间可以加油,加完油的飞机必须回到起点。问至少要多少架次,才能满足有一架绕地球一周。参考答案:1.两边一起烧。2.96,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0。3.因为口是圆的。4.很多。5.分1,2,4。6.6/7北京到广州的距离。7.100%。8.平面镜成像原理(或者是“眼睛是左右长的”)。9.3先装满,倒在5里,再把3装满,倒进5里。把5里的水倒掉,把3里剩下的水倒进5里,再把3装满,倒进5里,ok!10.一次。11.首先1000为一个解。连续数的平均值设为x,1000必须是x的整数倍。假如连续数的个数为偶数个,x就不是整数了。x的2倍只能是5,25,125才行。因为平均值为12.5,要连续80个达不到。125/2&#是可以的。即62,63,61,64,等等。连续数的个数为奇数时,平均值为整数。1000为平均值的奇数倍。;2×2×2×5×5×5;x可以为2,4,8,40,200排除后剩下40和200是可以的。所以答案为平均值为62.5,40,200,1000的4组整数。12.答案是5架次。一般的解法可以分为如下两个部分:(1)直线飞行一架飞机载满油飞行距离为1,n架飞机最远能飞多远?在不是兜圈没有迎头接应的情况,这问题就是n架飞机能飞多远?存在的极值问题是不要重复飞行,比如两架飞机同时给一架飞机加油且同时飞回来即可认为是重复,或者换句话说,离出发点越远,在飞的飞机就越少,这个极值条件是显然的,因为n架飞机带的油是一定的,如重复,则浪费的油就越多。比如最后肯定是只有一架飞机全程飞行,注意“全程”这两个字,也就是不要重复的极值条件。如果是两架飞机的话,肯定是一架给另一架加满油,并使剩下的油刚好能回去,就说第二架飞机带的油耗在3倍于从出发到加油的路程上,有三架飞机第三架带的油耗在5倍于从出发到其加油的路程上,所以n架飞机最远能飞行的距离为s&#/3+…+1/(2n+1)这个级数是发散的,所以理论上只要飞机足够多最终可以使一架飞机飞到无穷远,当然实际上不可能一架飞机在飞行1/(2n+1)时间内同时给n&#61485;1个飞机加油。(2)可以迎头接应加油一架飞机载满油飞行距离为1/2,最少几架飞机能飞行距离1?也是根据不要重复飞行的极值条件,得出最远处肯定是只有一架飞机飞行,这样得出由1/2处对称两边1/4肯定是一架飞机飞行,用上面的公式即可知道一边至少需要两架飞机支持,(1/3+1/5)/2>1/4(左边除以2是一架飞机飞行距离为1/2),但是有一点点剩余,所以想像为一个滑轮(中间一个飞机是个绳子,两边两架飞机是个棒)的话,可以滑动一点距离,就说加油地点可以在一定距离内变动(很容易算出来每架飞机的加油地点和加油数量,等等)数学篇1.1000!有几位数,为什么?2.F(n)&#61501;1 n>8 n<12F(n)&#61501;2 n<2F(n)&#61501;3 n&#61501;6F(n)&#61501;4 n&#61501;other使用+ &#61485; * /和sign(n)函数组合出F(n)函数sign(n)&#61501;0 n&#61501;0sign(n)&#61501;&#61485;1 n<0sign(n)&#61501;1 n>03.编一个程序求质数的和,例如F(7)&#+5+7+11+13 +17&#61501;57。逻辑推理题1.此题源于1981年柏林的德国逻辑思考学院,98%的测验者无法解答此题。有五间房屋排成一列;所有房屋的外表颜色都不一样;所有的屋主来自不同的国家;所有的屋主都养不同的宠物;喝不同的饮料;抽不同的香烟。(1)英国人住在红色房屋里;(2)瑞典人养了一只狗;(3)丹麦人喝茶;(4)绿色的房子在白色的房子的左边;(5)绿色房屋的屋主喝咖啡;(6)吸Pall Mall香烟的屋主养鸟;(7)黄色屋主吸Dunhill香烟;(8)位于最中间的屋主喝牛奶;(9)挪威人住在第一间房屋里;(10)吸Blend香烟的人住在养猫人家的隔壁;(11)养马的屋主在吸Dunhill香烟的人家的隔壁;(12)吸Blue Master香烟的屋主喝啤酒;(13)德国人吸Prince香烟;(14)挪威人住在蓝色房子隔壁;(15)只喝开水的人住在吸Blend香烟的人的隔壁问:谁养鱼?&#61676; 提示:首先确定房子颜色:红、黄、绿、白、蓝 Color 1 2 3 4 5国籍:英、瑞、丹、挪、德=> Nationality 1 2 3 4 5饮料:茶、咖、奶、酒、水=> Drink 1 2 3 4 5烟:PM、DH、BM、PR、混=> Tobacco 1 2 3 4 5宠物:狗、鸟、马、猫、鱼=> Pet 1 2 3 4 5然后有:(9)=>N1=挪威(14)=>C2=蓝(4)=>如C3=绿,C4=白,则(8)和(5)矛盾,所以C4=绿,C5=白剩下红黄只能为C1,C3(1)=>C3=红,N3=英国,C1=黄(8)=>D3=牛奶(5)=>D4=咖啡(7)=>T1=DH(11)=>P2=马那么:挪威 ? 英国 ? ?黄 蓝 红 绿 白? ? 牛奶 咖啡 ?DH ? ? ? ?? 马 ? ? ?(12)=>啤酒只能为D2或D5,BM只能为T2或T5=>D1=矿泉水(3)=>茶只能为D2或D5,丹麦只能为N2或N5(15)=>T2=混合烟=>BM=T5,所以剩下啤酒=D5,茶=T2=>丹麦=D2然后:挪威 丹麦 英国 ? ?黄 蓝 红 绿 白矿泉水 茶 牛奶 咖啡 啤酒DH 混合烟 ? ? BM? 马 ? ? ?(13)=>德国=N4,PR=T4所以,瑞典=N5,PM=T3(2)=>狗=P5(6)=>鸟=P3(10)=>猫=P1得到:挪威 丹麦 英国 德国 瑞典黄 蓝 红 绿 白矿泉水 茶 牛奶 咖啡 啤酒DH 混合烟 PM PR BM猫 马 鸟 ? 狗所以,最后剩下的鱼只能由德国人养了。2.&#61591;
&#61591;请仅用一笔画四根直线,将上图9个点全部连接。3.对一批编号为1~100全部开关朝上(开)的灯进行以下操作:凡是1的倍数反方向拨一次开关;2的倍数反方向又拨一次开关;3的倍数反方向又拨一次开关……问:最后为关熄状态的灯的编号。微软招聘总经理助理的三道面试题1.某手机厂家由于设计失误,有可能造成电池寿命比原来设计的寿命短一半(不是冲放电时间),解决方案就是更换电池或给50元购买该厂家新手机的折换券。请给所有已购买的用户写信告诉解决方案。2.一高层领导在参观某博物馆时,向博物馆馆员小王要了一块明代的城砖作为纪念,按国家规定,任何人不得将博物馆收藏品变为私有。博物馆馆长需要如何写信给这位领导,将城砖取回?3.王小姐由于工作失误,将2万元的笔记本电脑以1.2万元错卖给李先生,王小姐的经理应该怎么写信给李先生将钱要回?英文面试题目1. Algorithms* What’s the difference between a linked list and an array?* Implement an algorithm to sort a linked list. Why did you pick the method you did?* Implement an algorithm to sort an array. Why did you pick the method you did?* Implement strstr() (or some other string library function).* Reverse a string. Optimize for speed. Optimize for space.* Count the number of set bits in a number. Now optimize for speed. Now optimize for size.* How would you find a cycle in a linked list?* Give me an algorithm to shuffle a deck of cards, given that the cards are stored in an array of ints.* Write a function that takes in a string parameter and checks to see whether or not it is an integer, and if it is then return the integer value.* Write a function to print all of the permutations of a string.* Implement malloc.* Write a function to print the Fibonacci numbers.* Write a function to copy two strings, A and B. The last few bytes of string A overlap the first few bytes of string B.* How would you print out the data in a binary tree, level by level, starting at the top?2. Applications* How can computer technology be integrated in an elevator system for a hundred story office building? How do you optimize for availability? How would variation of traffic over a typical work week or floor or time of day affect this?* How would you redesign an ATM?* Suppose we wanted to run a microwave oven from the computer. What kind of software would you write to do this?* How would you design a coffee-machine for an automobile.3. Thinkers* How are M&Ms made?* If you had to learn a new computer language, how would you go about doing it?* If MS told you we were willing to invest $5 million in a start up of your choice, what business would you start? Why?* If you could gather all of the computer manufacturers in the world together into one room and then tell them one thing that they would be compelled to do,what would it be?* Explain a scenario for testing a salt shaker.* If you are going to receive an award in 5 years, what is it for and who is the audience?* How would you explain how to use Microsoft Excel to your grandma?* Why is it that when you turn on the hot water in any hotel, for example, the hot water comes pouring out almost instantaneously?微软亚洲技术支持中心面试题目1.进程和线程的差别。2.Heap与stack的差别。3.Windows下的内存是如何管理的?4.介绍.Net和.Net的安全性。5.客户端如何访问.Net组件实现Web Service?6.C/C++编译器中虚表是如何完成的?7.谈谈COM的线程模型。然后讨论进程内/外组件的差别。8.谈谈IA32下的分页机制。9.给两个变量,如何找出一个带环单链表中是什么地方出现环的?10.在IA32中一共有多少种办法从用户态跳到内核态?11.如果只想让程序有一个实例运行,不能运行两个。像winamp一样,只能开一个窗口,怎样实现?12.如何截取键盘的响应,让所有的‘a’变成‘b’?13.Apartment在COM中有什么用?为什么要引入?14.存储过程是什么?有什么用?有什么优点?15.Template有什么特点?什么时候用?16.谈谈Windows DNA结构的特点和优点。微软研究院笔试题目1.#include #include class CBuffer{
char * m_pB
int m_publc:
void Allocte(int size)
m_pBuffer= new char[size];
void Free()
delete m_pB
void SaveString(const char* pText) const
strcpy(m_pBuffer, pText);
GetBuffer() const
return m_pB
void main (int argc, char* argv[])
cBuffer buffer1;
}}找出Allocate, SaveString, main的错误。2.打印“Welcome MSR Asia”#include #include char * GetName (void){
//To return “MSR Asia” String
char name[]=“MSR Asia”;
}void main(int argc, char* argv[]){
char name[32];
//Fill in zeros into name
for(int i=0;i<=32;i++)
//copy “Welcome” to name
//Append a blank char
//Append string to name
//print out
printf(name);}找出程序中的错误。3.#include class A{public:
void FuncA()
printf(“FuncA called\n”);
virtual void FuncB()
printf(“FuncB called\n”);
}};class B: public A{public:
void FuncA()
printf(“FuncAB called\n”);
virtual void FuncB()
printf(“FuncBB called\n”);
}};void main(void){
A *pa2=new A;
delete pa2;}What is the output of the above program?4.#include #include int FindSubString(char* pch){
int count=0;
int count2=
return 0;}void ModifyString(char* pText){
char* p1=pT
char* p2=p1;
int count=FindSubString(p1);
sprintf(p2, “%I”, count);
while(*p2!= ‘\0’)
}}void main(void){
char text[32]=“XYBCDCBABABA”;
printf(text);}In the main() function, after ModifyString(text) is called, what’s the value of ‘text’?微创笔试题目(微创,微软在中国的合资公司)1.上海的苏州河由于遭受多年的工业污染,一直是条臭水沟。上海市政府下了很大决心清理苏州河,你觉得需要几年能让河水变清?你的依据是什么?2.找出字符串A中包含的字符可以进行的所有不同组合。例如:abccd中,ab,ac,bc,cc,abd等都是可能的组合。(请用C/C++编程,不允许上机操作)3.请估算月球的体积。4.经常去的技术网站,请举例。5.对软件开发过程的理解。6.上海有多少外籍和港澳台人士?你的依据是什么?(不得引用政府和调研机构数据)7.字符串A是由n个小写英文字母(a ~ z)构成的,定义为char A[n]。你能用更少的空间表示这个字符串吗?请写出从char A[n]到你的新的储存格式的转换函数。(请用C/C++编程,不允许上机操作)8.哈希表和数组的定义,区别,优缺点。9.用递归实现菲波列数列。10.用dhtml写页面。11.一楼到十楼的每层电梯门口都放着一颗钻石,钻石大小不一。你乘坐电梯从一楼到十楼,每层楼电梯门都会打开一次,只能拿一次钻石,问怎样才能拿到最大的一颗?   (去年应聘到微创的S小姐面试遇到的就是这道智力题。她的回答是:选择前五层楼都不拿,观察各层钻石的大小,做到心中有数。后五层楼再选择,选择大小接近前五层楼出现过最大钻石大小的钻石。她至今也不知道这道题的准确答案,“也许就没有准确答案,就是考一下你的思路,”她如是说。) 12.U2合唱团在17分钟内得赶到演唱会场,途中必需跨过一座桥,四个人从桥的同一端出发,你得帮助他们到达另一端,天色很暗,而他们只有一只手电筒。一次同时最多可以有两人一起过桥,而过桥的时候必须持有手电筒,所以就得有人把手电筒带来带去,来回桥两端。手电筒是不能用丢的方式来传递的。四个人的步行速度各不同,若两人同行则以较慢者的速度为准。Bono需花1分钟过桥,Edge需花2分钟过桥,Adam需花5分钟过桥,Larry需花10分钟过桥。他们要如何在17分钟内过桥呢?(有个同济的学生写文章说他当时在微软面试时就是碰到了这道题,最短只能做出在19分钟内过桥,微软的人对他讲这样的结果已经是不错的了!) 13.烧一根不均匀的绳要用一个小时,如何用它来判断半个小时?(参考答案:两边一起烧) 14.为什么下水道的盖子是圆的?(从复旦大学一位计算机系教授那里听来的答案:因为如果是方的、长方的或椭圆的,那无聊之徒拎起来它就可以直接扔进地下道啦!但圆形的盖子嘛,就可以避免这种情况了) 15.有7克、2克砝码各一个,天平一只,如何只用这些物品三次将140克的盐分成50、90克各一份?Intel笔试面试题目智力题1.每天中午从法国塞纳河畔的勒阿佛有一艘轮船驶往美国纽约,在同一时刻纽约也有一艘轮船驶往勒阿佛。已知横渡一次的时间是7天7夜,轮船匀速航行,在同一航线,轮船近距离可见。请问今天中午从勒阿佛开出的船会遇到几艘从纽约来的船?2.巴拿赫病故于日。他的出生年份恰好是他在世时某年年龄的平方,问:他是哪年出生的?答案: 设他在世时某年年龄为x,则x的平方<1945,且x为自然数。其出生年份x的平方&#61485;x&#61501;x(x&#61485;1),他在世年龄;x(x&#61485;1)。1945的平方根&#,则x应为44或略小于此的数。而x&#61501;44时,x(x&#61485;1)&#&#,算得其在世年龄为;;53;又x&#61501;43时,x(x&#61485;1)&#&#,得其在世年龄为;;139;若x再取小,其在世年龄越大,显然不妥。故x&#61501;44,即他出生于1892年,终年53岁。3.
。A. quick sortB. buble sortC. merge sort9.哪种结构平均来讲获取一个值最快?
。A. binary treeB. hash tableC. stack10.#include “stdafx.h”#include struct bit{
int c:3;};int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
char *c = (char*)&s;
*c = 0x99;
cout << s.a <<endl <<s.b<<endl<<s.c<<
return 0;}Output:?11.挑bug,在linux下运行:#include char *reverse(char* str){
int len=0, i=0;
char *pstr=str, *ptemp,*
char string[40]= “Hello World!”;
char *pstr=
printf(“%s”, pstr);
printf(“%s”, reverse(pstr));}实验室笔试题1.写出下列信号的奈亏斯特频率(1)f(t)&#483;cos(2000pait)&#61483;sin(4000pait)(2)f(t)&#61501;sin(4000pait)/pait(3)f(t)&#61501;(sin(4000pait)的平方)/pait2.有两个线程void producer(){
}}void customer(){
}}(1)有没有其他方法可以提高程序的性能(2)可不可以不使用信号之类的机制来实现上述的功能3.优化下面的程序(0)sum&#61501;0(1)I&#61501;1(2)T1&#61501;4*I(3)T2&#61501;address(A)&#61485;4(4)T3&#6](5)T4&#61501;address(B)&#61485;4(6)T5&#61501;4*I(7)T6&#6](8)T7&#6(9)sum&#61501;sum+T6(10)I&#61501;I+1(11)IF I<20 GOTO (2)面试题目1.下面这段代码不符合Pipeline要求,请你改动一下
i&#61501;1;2.对于运行在ring3上的这个指令,请你指出CPU和操作系统分别参与了哪部分操作?mov eax, [0x]3.如果有一个芯片,只是裸机,如何写它的操作系统?最难的部分在哪儿?如何解决?4.如何写一个主板的BIOS?5.没有操作系统来给你完成它的一些初始化工作,如何写出PCI的driver?Intel 2004北京笔试题问答题1.你觉得C程序中为什么会有main(),有没有想过exit,return,或什么都不做也可以让程序正常终止?2.TOTAL个人围一圈,从1开始数到N,谁数到N出圈,下一个人继续从1开始数,返回最后一个出局的人。#define TOTAL 15;
int xxxx(int N){
int ring[TOTAL] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1} //全是1
int nextstart = 0, counter=0;
for (i =1; i<TOTAL; i++){
counter = 0;
while(counter <N) {
if (_______________)
return nextstart +1;}3.列举Intel四种架构4.概率题(1)x, y为随机变量,联合概率密度f(x,y) &#61501; intig(0,1)* dx*intig(0,x)*k*dy,k为常数,求k&#61501;? E(xy) &#61501;?注:intig(a,b)为a到b的定积分。(2)A,B为随机事件,以下哪个正确
。A.P(A U B)*p(AB) <&#61501; P(A)P(B)B.P(A U B)*p(AB) >&#61501; P(A)P(B)C.P(A U B)*p(AB) <&#61501; P(A) + P(B)D.P(A U B)*p(AB) >&#61501; P(A) + P(B)5.信道带宽200kHz,信噪比10dB,求信道波特率?6.以下代码运行结果是
。int main(){
int a,b,c,abc = 0;
abc = a*b+c;
printf(“%d,%d”, abc, c);
return 0;}7.给出了从纽约出发和到达洛杉机的各种航班信息,写出找到一条从纽约到洛杉机的最短距离的航班组合的代码。8.从计算机图形上截取某个物体边缘的若干个坐标,求这个物体的面积,并判断是方形还是圆形,说明原因。9.离散卷机与DFT的区别与关系。快速求出不满足2^N长度的离散傅立叶变换的方法有哪些?如何用fft求N*M点的离散卷机?10.给出fir和iir的优缺点。11.如何计算线性标量量化器的量化噪声?需要哪些假设?IBMIBM笔试题目
(一) (二) (三) (四) (五)1 a b c d e2 b c a e d3 c b e a d4 c e d b a5 e d a c b回答以下问题。(1)将第一行和第四行交换后,第一行第四个字母下面的左边的下面的右边的字母是
最大①第1列 ②第2列 ③第3列 ④第4列 ⑤第五列(4)从左上角的字母开始,顺时针沿矩阵外围,第4次出现的字母是
⑤e智力题1.有50家人家,每家一条狗。有一天警察通知,50条狗当中有病狗,行为和正常狗不一样。每人只能通过观察别人家的狗来判断自己家的狗是否生病,而不能看自己家的狗,如果判断出自己家的狗病了,就必须当天一枪打死自己家的狗。结果,第一天没有枪声,第二天没有枪声,第三天开始一阵枪响,问:一共死了几条狗?2.已知两个数字为1~30之间的数字,甲知道两数之和,乙知道两数之积,甲问乙:“你知道是哪两个数吗?”乙说:“不知道”。乙问甲:“你知道是哪两个数吗?”甲说:“也不知道”。于是,乙说:“那我知道了”,随后甲也说:“那我也知道了”,这两个数是什么?3.一个经理有三个女儿,三个女儿的年龄加起来等于13,三个女儿的年龄乘起来等于经理自己的年龄。有一个下属已知道经理的年龄,但仍不能确定经理的三个女儿的年龄,这时经理说只有一个女儿的头发是黑的,然后这个下属就知道了经理的三个女儿的年龄。请问三个女儿的年龄分别是多少?为什么?答案:1.死了3条(第几天枪响就有几条)。简单分析:从有一条不正常的狗开始,显然第一天将会听到一声枪响。这里的要点是你只需站在那条不正常狗的主人的角度考虑。有两条的话思路继续,只考虑有两条不正常狗的人,其余人无需考虑。通过第一天他们了解了对方的信息。第二天杀死自己的狗。换句话说每个人需要一天的时间证明自己的狗是正常的。有三条的话,同样只考虑那三个人,其中每一个人需要两天的时间证明自己的狗是正常的狗。2.1和4,或者4和7。3.分别是2,2,9。简单分析:1 1 11 11 伪穷举,呵呵1 2 10 20
1 3 9 27 1 4 8 32 1 5 7 35 1 6 6 36 在所有的可能性中,只有这两个相同,如果经理的年龄为其他,则他下属就可以确定三个人分别为几岁了2 2 9 36 所以只有两种可能:1,6,6或者2,2,9。如果是1,6,6的话,那么两个同样大的6岁的孩子应该都是黑头发2 3 8 40 所以只有2,2,9比较合理,大的那个是黑头发,另外两个是黄毛丫头2 4 7 56
2 5 6 60 3 3 7 42
3 5 5 75 4 4 5 80 社会招聘笔试题 1.一个粗细均匀的长直管子,两端开口,里面有4个白球和4个黑球,球的直径、两端开口的直径等于管子的内径,现在白球和黑球的排列是wwwwbbbb,要求不取出任何一个球,使得排列变为bbwwwwbb。2.一只蜗牛从井底爬到井口,每天白天蜗牛要睡觉,晚上才出来活动,一个晚上蜗牛可以向上爬3尺,但是白天睡觉的时候会往下滑2尺,井深10尺,问蜗牛几天可以爬出来?3.在一个平面上画1999条直线最多能将这一平面划分成多少个部分?4.在太平洋的一个小岛上生活着土人,他们不愿意被外人打扰,一天,一个探险家到了岛上,被土人抓住,土人的祭司告诉他,你临死前还可以有一个机会留下一句话,如果这句话是真的,你将被烧死,是假的,你将被五马分尸,可怜的探险家如何才能活下来?5.怎样种四棵树使得任意两棵树的距离相等。6.27个小运动员在参加完比赛后,口渴难耐,去小店买饮料,饮料店搞促销,凭三个空瓶可以再换一瓶,他们最少买多少瓶饮料才能保证一人一瓶?7.有一座山,山上有座庙,只有一条路可以从山上的庙到山脚,每周一早上8点,有一个聪明的小和尚去山下化缘,周二早上8点从山脚回山上的庙里,小和尚的上下山的速度是任意的,在每个往返中,他总是能在周一和周二的同一钟点到达山路上的同一点。例如,有一次他发现星期一的8点30和星期二的8点30他都到了山路靠山脚的3/4的地方,问这是为什么?8.有两根不均匀分布的香,每根香烧完的时间是一个小时,你能用什么方法来确定一段15分钟的时间?英文面试题目1. Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5 years?2. What are your short & long term career objectives? What do you think is the most ideal job for you?3. Why do you want to join IBM? What do you think you can contribute to IBM?宝洁公司(P&G)面试题目宝洁公司招聘题号称由高级人力资源专家设计,无论您如实或编造回答,都能反应您某一方面的能力。核心部分的题目如下:Please provide concise examples that will help us better understand your capabilities.1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion.2. Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.3. Describe a situation where you had to seek out relevant information, define key issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results.4. Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others.5. Give an examples of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result.6. Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project.7. Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities.8. Provide and example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application解答范例:1. Demnding Goal: To design a musical and dramatic show to celebrate the centennial Anniversary of Tianjin University.The person who reach this goal: Chairman of Tianjin University Student Union What I learned from this observation: It is not necessary for a true leader to be an expert in such or such field of his career. But he must possessthe charismatic and the capacity to drive different people, who have diverging opinions, or even conflicting interests, to proceed togother to the sameorganizational goal.2. The activity I initiated: To organize a group to sing English anthems on Charistmas Eve, visit all domitories in university and send christmas gifts on behalf of our English Association The desired result: To broaden the students’ horizons about Western culture.My leading role: Combine the representatitives’ suggestions with my idea and draw the decision on:* What songs to play?* Who could attend the choir?* Which spots we performed on?The result: Many students said that they felt the warmness we sent to them and they hoped we would hold such activities next Charistmas.3. Background: I organized the first activity after the establishment of the Management School English Association.The desired result: To help the freshmen and the sophomores with their English while publicizing our group.Key issue:* What aspect of the students’ English abilities needed refining? Relevant Information:* What kind of entertainment was popular among students and also offered chances for them to learn English most effectively?* Which foreign teacher was suitable for this position?* When was our member free?* Whch place was convenient for most attendances?* Other related factors, such as the availibility of facilities and the layout of the spots.4. Background: I advanced a plan to found an English Garden in collaboration with fraternal association in neighboring university.The disagreement:* The authority of our school may dissent.* The cost was expensive, and we had no enough human resoure to carry on this project.* There were too many English corners. Another one was unneccessaty. The facts I made use:* Our dean approved this proposal.* Our partner was willing to provide financial assistantship. And our members volunteered to design the details of the plan and implement it.* The poll showed that the current English corners did not meet the students’ requirement and lacked uniqueness. The result: Others were convinced and we founded the English Garden successfully.5. Background: In the military training, we hold a Military Songs Competition.Working procedure:Design: I cooperated with my collegues to figure out the climax of the performance, the musical accompaniment of the songs and the whole arrnagement ofthe narrative poem.Rehearsal: I worked together with those who were in charge of the lights, sounds and scenes to create the perfect artistic effect.On stage: I reminded my fellows with gestures and eye expressions. Also, we coped with an emergency coherently.The result: Our military team won the second prize in this competition.6. Activity: To hold the Perspective Entrepreneur Contest.The innovative idea I produced: To simulat a board meeting of a company, in which our candidates debated the feasibility of selling modern fitness equipment according to the market information they collected.The result: The contest was hold based on my proposal.7. Background: On one morning when our promotion month first began, I found that the inventories in some department stores were not adequate.My assessment of the situation: The four promoting stores were not very far from each other, and the time they opened was not the same. It was possible to fetch some stock from another store and made up for it later.The priorities: To satisfy the stocking demand of the store which had the largest number of customers.8. Background: In the inverstigation of customers’ opinions about the taste of a new kind of beer, I found that the questionnaire form was out of date and limited the freedom of the responsers’ choices.Technical skills: The scientific arrangement of questionnaire formThe result: With the help the converted form, our company obtained more objective and effective information.飞利浦笔试试题1.用逻辑门和cmos电路实现ab+cd。2.用一个二选一mux和一个inv实现异或。3.给了reg的setup和hold时间,求中间组合逻辑的delay范围。4.如何解决亚稳态。5.用Verilog/VHDL写一个fifo控制器。6.用Verilog/VDDL检测stream中的特定字符串。阿尔卡特(中国)的面试题目全部用C语言完成:1.自己定义数据结构,写出程序:在一个单向链表中,往I位置插入一个节点。2.自己定义数据结构,写出程序:二叉树的前序遍历。3.不允许使用系统时间,写出一个随机数生成函数。Google这次是连环游戏,每一题的答案将在下一题中用到。 1、{first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits e}.com. e中出现的连续的第一个10个数字组成的质数。 2、.com Congratulations,Youve made it to level 2. Go to www.Linux.org and enter Bobsyouruncle as the login and the answer to this equation as the password. f(1)= f(2)= f(3)= f(4)= f(5)=__________ update:提示:f(1)到f(4)是e中连续的10个数字满足总和等于49的前4个,f(5)当然是让你搜索第5个咯,编个小程序吧。 答案: 3、www.Linux.org 4、www.google.com/labjobs/ via: Google recruits eggheads with mystery billboard Mysterious Billboard May Be Google Recruitment Ad Myserious billboard Google is behind mystery geek trap 写一句俳句来描述搜索流量季节性预测的可能方法。 用三种颜色为一个二十面体涂颜色,每面都要覆盖,你能够用多少种不同的涂法?你将选择哪三种颜色? 这是一个我们故意留给你你空白,请填充一些你喜欢的东西。戴尔I.Choose one question and write down the trouble shooting steps in English ( 4-5 steps )  1.Customer report his computer cannot start after sudden power lost. How will you trouble shoot and find out the cause of the failure.  2.One computer was used normally last day, but today, the user cannot connect to internet via dial-up networking.  3.Customer complain the system send out great noise. What’s the detail action to identify the faulty part?  4.My computer was suddenly disconnected from LAN, how to trouble shoot?  5.My computer was hung up. After reboot, only one cursor blinked on the upper-left corner. How to fix this problem.II. Reading and translation:  Passage 1.  Customer called in and reported the battery weren’t charging, System LED indicator was in yellow.   1.Suggested customer remove the battery from the battery bay by sliding the latch at the bottom of Notebook. Checked the battery power level by pressing the check button on the battery. It indicated no power.   2.Suggested customer remove the CD ROM off the Media bay, then plug the Battery to the media bay, it was still same result.   3.Suggested customer try with other battery, in the battery bay and media bay, it was ok. Battery could be charged.   4.Requested customer provide the DSN number from the fail battery. CN-05H980-GB.     Informed customer that we would send a replaced battery to her.  Passage 2.  Customer bought a Notebook 20 day ago, then discovered that when she adjusted the Brightness of the LCD, the LCD would turn to very dim. She must reboot the Notebook few times before the LCD might display normally.   1.Suggested her try gently apply pressure above the keyboard near the LEDS and power button.   2.Suggested her swivel the LCD back and forth and lightly tap the plastic back of LCD.   3.Suggested her gently apply pressure on the bezel surrounding the screen. the problem persisted, after these testing.  4.Requested customer to update BIOS and alter the LCD Brightness control setting in the BIOS. After checking BIOS the problem persisted.   I told customer we would have engineer onsite replace the LCD Panel.   Computer communications  Different kinds of computers use different methods, or protocols, to communicate with each other. Macintosh computers use the AppleTalk protocol. Macintosh as well as PCs can use TCP/IP to share information on the Internet. Some PCs require a Network Operating System (NOS) to communicate. For example, Novell Netware is a popular NOS with PC users.意法半导体软件试题A Test for The C Programming LanguageI. History1. C was originally designed for and implemented on the (what)
operating system on the DEC PDP-11, by (who)
.2. The most recently approved ANSI/ISO C standard was issued in (when)
, and single line comments notation “//” is or isn’t a feature of C89.II. Syntax and Semantics1. In a runtime C program, auto variables are stored in
, static variables are stored in
, and function parameters are stored in
c. neither stack nor heap2. The statement “” is a
, and the keyword extern is used during
.a. variable declaration
b. variable definitionc. compilation time
d. runtime3. There is a complicated declaration: void ( * signal (int, void (*)(int)) ) (int);If a statement “typedef void (*p) (int);” is given, please rewrite this complicated declaration.
4. The following code is a segment of C program...........void func(int *p){...........}..........main(){
int num=0;
........}..........Here, the function argument “&num” is passed
.a. by value
b. by referenceIII. PracticeCreate a tree, which has h (h>0) layers, and its each node has w (w>0) sub-nodes.Please complete the following incomplete solution.#include #include struct tree{
p_ //link to sub-nodes};// allocate memory and initiatevoid dnode ( struct tree* tmp ){
malloc( sizeof (struct tree) );
= NULL;}struct tree *dtree (struct tree* subtree, int height, int width){
if ( !subtree )
//if necessary, allocte memory for subtree
if ( height == 1 )
else if ( height == 2 ) {
struct tree *leaf = NULL;
for ( i=0; i< i++ ) {
leaf = NULL;
for ( i=0; i< i++ ) {
struct tree *root = NULL;
root = dtree (root, h, w) ; // h and w are integers get from input
.........}Sony笔试题1.完成下列程序**.*.*..*..*..*...*...*...*...*....*....*....*....*....*.....*.....*.....*.....*.....*.....*......*......*......*......*......*......*......*.......*.......*.......*.......*.......*.......*.......*.......#include #define N 8int main(){
return 0;}2.完成程序,实现对数组的降序排序#include void sort(
);int main(){
int array[]={45,56,76,234,1,34,23,2,3}; //数字任//意给出
return 0;}void sort(
|-----------------------------------------------------|}3.费波那其数列,1,1,2,3,5……编写程序求第十项。可以用递归,也可以用其他方法,但要说明你选择的理由。#include int Pheponatch(int);int main(){
printf("The 10th is %d",Pheponatch(10));
return 0;}int Pheponatch(int N){--------------------------------|
|--------------------------------}4.下列程序运行时会崩溃,请找出错误并改正,并且说明原因。#include #include typedef struct{
TNode*} TNTNode* root=NULL;void append(int N);int main(){
append(17); // Again, 数字任意给出}void append(int N){ TNode* NewNode=(TNode *)malloc(sizeof(TNode)); NewNode->value=N;
if(root==NULL) {
root=NewN } else {
while((N>=temp.value && temp.left!=NULL) || (N<temp. value && temp. right!=NULL))
while(N>=temp.value && temp.left!=NULL)
while(N<temp.value && temp.right!=NULL)
}}华为笔试题1.请你分别画出OSI的七层网络结构图和TCP/IP的五层结构图。2.请你详细地解释一下IP协议的定义,在哪个层上面?主要有什么作用?TCP与UDP呢?3.请问交换机和路由器各自的实现原理是什么?分别在哪个层次上面实现的?4.请问C++的类和C里面的struct有什么区别?5.请讲一讲析构函数和虚函数的用法和作用。6.全局变量和局部变量有什么区别?是怎么实现的?操作系统和编译器是怎么知道的?7.8086是多少位的系统?在数据总线上是怎么实现的?联想笔试题1.设计函数 int atoi(char *s)。2.int i=(j=4,k=8,l=16,m=32); printf(“%d”, i); 输出是多少?3.解释局部变量、全局变量和静态变量的含义。4.解释堆和栈的区别。5.论述含参数的宏与函数的优缺点。普天C++笔试题1.实现双向链表删除一个节点P,在节点P后插入一个节点,写出这两个函数。2.写一个函数,将其中的\t都转换成4个空格。3.Windows程序的入口是哪里?写出Windows消息机制的流程。4.如何定义和实现一个类的成员函数为回调函数?5.C++里面是不是所有的动作都是main()引起的?如果不是,请举例。6.C++里面如何声明const void f(void)函数为C程序中的库函数?7.下列哪两个是等同的A const int* a = &b;B const* int a = &b;C const int* const a = &b;D int const* const a = &b;8.内联函数在编译时是否做参数类型检查?void g(base & b){
b.}void main(){
。A 手表和新闻里的时间一样B 手表比新闻里的时间慢C 手表比新闻里的时间快7.王先生看到一则招聘启事,发现两个公司除了以下条件不同外,其他条件都相同A 半年年薪50万,每半年涨5万B 一年年薪100万,每一年涨20万王先生想去一家待遇比较优厚的公司,他会去哪家?10.问哪个袋子里有金子?A袋子上的标签是这样写的:B袋子上的话是对的,金子在A袋子。B袋子上的标签是这样写的:A袋子上的话是错的,金子在A袋子里。11.3个人住酒店30块钱,经理找回5块钱,服务生从中藏了2块钱,找给每人1块钱,3×(10&#61485;1)+2=29,问这是怎么回事?12.三篇写作,均为书信形式。(1)一片中文的祝贺信,祝贺某男当了某公司xx(2)两篇英文的,一是说有事不能应邀,派别人去;另一篇是讨债的,7天不给钱就走人(主要考business letter格式)。大唐面试试题1.什么是中断?中断发生时CPU做什么工作?2.CPU在上电后,进入操作系统的main()之前必须做什么工作?3.简述ISO OSI的物理层Layer1,链路层Layer2,网络层Layer3的任务。4.有线电话和无线电话有何区别?无线电话特别需要注意的是什么?5.软件开发五个主要step是什么?6.你在开发软件的时候,这5个step分别占用的时间百分比是多少?7.makefile文件的作用是什么?8.UNIX显示文件夹中,文件名的命令是什么?能使文件内容显示在屏幕的命令是什么?9.(选做)手机用户在从一个基站漫游到另一个基站的过程中,都会发生什么?网通笔试题选择题(每题5分,只有一个正确答案)1.中国1号信令协议属于
的协议。A ccs
D atm2.isdnpri协议全称是
。A 综合业务模拟网基速协议B 综合业务模拟网模拟协议C 综合业务数字网基率协议D 综合业务数字网基次协议3.路由协议中,
协议是用距离作为向量的。A ospf
D rip4.中国智能网中,ssp与scp间最上层的ss7协议是
D inap5.dtmf全称是
。A 双音多频
C (delta)M
D atm8.普通电话线接口专业称呼是
D bnc9.现有的公共数据网都采用
D spb简答题(每题10分)1.简述普通电话与IP电话的区别。2.简述随路信令与公路信令的根本区别。3.说明掩码的主要作用。4.ss7协议中,有三大要素决定其具体定位,哪三大要素?5.描述ss7的基本通话过程。6.简述通信网的组成结构。7.面向连接与面向非连接各有何利弊?8.写出爱尔兰的基本计算公式。9.数据网主要有哪些设备?10.中国一号协议是如何在被叫号码中插入主叫号码的?东信笔试题目笔试:30分钟。1.压控振荡器的英文缩写。2.动态随机存储器的英文缩写。3.选择电阻时要考虑什么?4.单片机上电后没有运转,首先要检查什么?5.计算机的基本组成部分及其各自的作用。6.怎样用D触发器、与或非门组成二分频电路?中软融鑫笔试题1.关于工作(1) 你对未来的工作生活是怎样憧憬的?为何选择我公司作为求职公司?(2)请用不超过30个字给出一个最能让我们录用你的理由。(3)你认为比较理想的工作环境是怎样的?(4)你个人的中长期的职业发展目标是怎样的?2.关于社会(1)如果你是杨利伟,你在太空中向祖国人民说的第一句话是什么?(2)宋美龄女士于2003年10月谢世,对这位著名人士在西安事变中的态度和作用,你是如何看待的?(不超过300字)(3)北京政府颁布的对拾金不昧者,失主要奖励相当于财产20%奖金的公告,你是如何看的?(4)如果给你50万元人民币,你将会用这些钱做什么?(5)在美国,男、女卫生间(厕所)的正确称呼为什么?请用英语写出答案。(6)你认为麦当劳是世界最大的汉堡生产商吗?如果不是,请说出你的观点。3.教育背景(1)你受过哪些正规的教育或培训?(自高中毕业起)(2)在校期间进行过哪些社会活动?Delphi笔试题目机械类笔试试题1. Briefly describe what is blanking(cutting), forming, coining and embossing in stamping process.2. What is metal clading?3. What is the purpose of adding glass fiber to thermoplastic material?4. In contrast with metal and thermoplastic material,which has a higher coefficient of thermal expansion(CTE).5. The most suitable material for a integral hinge design (typical plastic thickness=0.25 to 0.5mm at hinge)6. Can a bending load makes both compressive and tensile stress in a member?7. What is the design criteria used in plastics catch/snap?8. What is FEA?9. Why is natural frequency important in vibration analysis?10. What is the deflection equation of a cantilever beam fixed at one edge?EE笔试试题1. Name 3 Vehicle Buses.2. Name 2 possible sources of Electromagnetic interference on Electronics Circuit ASM.3. Wavelength for 12MHz frequency signal is____4. Name 2 important considerations for car radio performan -ce related to audio signal processing under multipath condition?5. What is the typical FM receiver RF signal strength to achieve 30dB S/N for car radio?6. When a radio is tuned to 98.1 MHz & with a LO of 108.8 MHz, what is the image frequency?7. For a system with a matched impedance, what is the Reflection Coefficient and SWR?8. Which property of the output capacitor is the primary cause of Low Drop Out(LDO) regulator loop instability?(1)Equivalent series resistance(ESR)(2)Effective series inductance(ESL)(3)Capacitance value(4)Dielectric material9. The switching regulator is capable of:(1)Higher power conversion efficiency(2)Providing an output voltage that is higher than the input(3)Generating an output boltage oppsite in polarity to the input(4)All of the above10. A linear regulator op Vin(max) = 10v, Vout(min) = 4.8v, Iout(max) = 2.5mA, Iq(max) = 2.5mA, Ta(max) = 8.5摄氏度,The regulator is available in 3 packages.Each package has the following thermal characteristics:Package
52Choose the most suitable package to handle the power dissipation requirement without a heat sink and why.软件笔试题1. How do you code an infinite loop in C?2. Volatile:(1)What does the keyword volatile mean? Give an example(2)Can a parameter be both const and volatile? Give an example(3)Can a pointer be volatile? Give an example3. What are the values of a, b, and c after the following instructions:int a=5, b=7,c = a+++b;4. What do the following declarations mean?(1)(2)(3)const int *a;(4)int *(5)int const *5. Which of the following statements describe the use of the keyword static?(1)Within the body of a function: A static variable maintains its value between function revocations(2)Within a module: A static variable is accessible by all functions within that module(3)Within a module: A static function can only be called by other functions within that module6. Embedded systems always require the user to manipulate bits in registers or variables. Given an integer variable a, write two code fragments.The first should set bit 5 of a. The second shnuld clear bit 5 of a. In both cases, the remaining bits should be unmodified.7. What does the following function return?char foo(void){
unsigned int a = 6;
iht b = -20;
(a+b > 6) ? (c=1): (c=0);}8. What will be the output of the following C code?main(){
int k, num= 30;
k =(num > 5 ? (num <=10 ? 100:200): 500);
printf(“%d”, k);}9. What will the following C code do?int *ptr =(int *)Ox67a9;*ptr = Oxaa55;10. What will be the output of the follow C code?#define product(x) (x*x)main(){
int i = 3, j,
j = product(i++);
k = product(++i);
printf(“%d %d”,j,k);}11. Simplify the following Boolean expression!((i ==12) || (j > 15))12. How many flip-flop circuits are needed to divide by 16?13. Provides 3 properties that make an OS, a RTOS?14. What is pre-emption?15. Assume the BC register value is 8538H, and the DE register value is 62A5H.Find the value of register BC after the following assembly operations:MOV A,CSUB EMOV C,AMOV A,BSBB DMOV B,A16. In the Assembly code shown belowLOOP: MVI C,78H
HLTHow many times is the DCR C Operation executed?17. Describe the most efficient way (in term of execution time and code size) to divide a number by 4 in assembly language18. what value is stored in m in the following assembly language code fragment if n=7?
L1LABEL2: CLRALABEL3: STAA #m19. What is the state of a process if a resource is not available?#define a 365*24*60*6020. Using the #define statement, how would you declare a manifest constant that returns the number of seconds in a year? Disregard leap years in your answer.21. Interrupts are an important part of embedded systems. Consequently, many compiler vendors offer an extension to standard C to support interrupts. Typically, the keyword is __interrupt. The following routine (ISR). Point out problems in the code.__interrupt double compute_area (double radius){
double area = PI * radius *
printf(“\nArea = %f”, area); }Hongkong Bank笔试题1. Please state why you chose to follow these activities and how they have contributed to your personal development. You may wish to give details of your role whether anyone else was involved and any difficulties you encountered.2. Please state how you have benefited from your work experience.3. How much is your present monthly salary including allowances.4. Do you need to compensate your present employer if you resign? If so, please give details.5. Other than academic success, what has been your greatest achievement to date? What do you see as your personal strength, why?6. Please state why the position you have applied for is Why you have selected HongKong Bank and what your career objectives are.A.T. Keaney笔试题1. Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5 years?2. What are your short-term and long-term career objectives? What do you think is the most ideal job for you?3. Why do you want to join A.T kearney? What do you think you can contribute to A.T kearney?4. Why are you applying for a position at Arthur Anderson?5. What are your expectations of our firm.6. Describe your hobbies and interests.Shell company笔试题1. How wold your colleagues/classmates describe you in five words? On what evidence would they base this assessment.2. If you are asked to recruit the best graduates for shell, what would you do to attract them? What would you do to select them?3. Please describe a new activity that you have initiated and implemented.Please highlight your role out.4. Please describe your outstanding non-academic achieve- ments.5. Please describe any other significant activities you have been involved in including organizing people.6. Imagine that Shell has found oil in an inland province of China, near a large river. You are responsible for planning how to transport the oil to the coast thousands of miles away. What are the main issue you would consider, and what would you do?KPMG笔试题“The big economic difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power stations is that nuclear reactors are more expensive to build and decommission, but cheaper to sun. So disputes over the relative efficiency of the two systems revolve not just around prices of coal and uranium today and tomorrow, but also around the way in which future income should be compared with current income.”1. The main difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power stations is an economic one.TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY2. The price of coal is not relevant to discussions about the relative efficiency of nuclear reactors.TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY3. If nuclear reactors were cheaper to build and decommission than fossil-fuelled power stations, they would definitely have the economic advantage.TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY“At any given moment we are being bombarded by physical and psychological stimuli competing for our attention. Although our eyes are capable of handling more than 5 million bits of data per second, our brain are capable of interpreting only about 500 bits per second. With similar disparities between each of the other senses and the brain, it is easy to see that we must select the visual, auditory, or tactile stimuli that we wish to compute at any specific time.”4. Physical stimuli usually win in the competition for our attention.TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY5. The capacity of the human brain is sufficient to interpret nearly all the stimuli the senses can register under optimum conditions.TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY6. Eyes are able to cope with a greater input of information than ears.TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAYVERBAL ANSWER:(1)C CANNOT SAY(2)B UNTRUE(3)A TRUE(4)C CANNOT SAY(5)B UNTRUE(6)C CANNOT SAYPartII NUMERCAL TEST1.Which country had the highest number of people aged 60 or over at the start of 1985?A. UKB. FranceC. ItalyD. W.GermanyE. Spain2.What percentage of the total 15mm button production was classed as sub-standard in September?AA 10.5% BB 13% CC 15% DD 17.5% EE 20% AB 23.5% AC 25%AD 27.5% AE 28% BC 30.5%3. How many live births occurred in 1985 in Spain and Italy together (to the nearest 1000)?A. 104 000B. 840 000C. 1 044 000D. 8 400 000E. 10 440 0004. What was the net effect on the UK population of the live birth and death rates in 1985?A. Decrease of 66 700B. Increase of 752 780C. Increase of 84 900D. Cannot SayE. Increase of 85 2705. By how much did the total sales value of November‘s button production vary from October‘s?A. 8.50 (Decrease)B. 42.50 (Decrease)C. 85.00 (Increase)D. 27.50 (Decrease)E. No change6. What was the loss in potential sales revenue attributable to the production of sub-standard (as opposed to standard) buttons over the 6 month period?A. 13.75B. 27.50C. 137.50D. 280.00E. 275.00香港电信笔试题1. Based on your understanding of the following java related technologies: servlets, JavaServerPage, JavaBeans, Enterprise JavaBeans, how do you think these technologies are work together or are applied in the development of an internet-based application (25marks).2. In your opinion ,what do you think are the advantages or benefitsof using an object-oriented approach to software development? how do you think those benefits can be achieved or realized? (15marks).3. In designing your classes, given the choice between inheritance and aggregation which do you choose (15marks).4. How would you work around the lack of multiple inheritance feature in Java (15marks).5. What would you consider to be the hardest part of OO analysis and design and why (10marks).6. How do you keep yourself up to date with the latest in software techonogy, especially in the field of software development (10marks).7. What si your career aspiration? Why do you think this E-Commerce Development Center can help you in achieving your career goals (10marks) (1hr, answer in English).L\'OR&EAL的笔试题1. Would you please describe yourself in 3-4 lines? (limited in 500 words)2. Could you tell us why we should choose you as a Loreal Person, and what makes you unique? (limited in 500 words)3. What is your short-term and long-term career plan? (limited in 500 words)4. What kind of group activities are you interested in and what type of role do you often play? (limited in 500 words)5. Please use one sentence to give a definition of ‘Beauty’, and describe the most beautiful thing in your life. (limited in 500 words)维尔VERITAS软件笔试题1. A class B network on the internet has a subnet mask of, what is the maximum number of hosts per subnet
d. 655342. What is the difference: between o(log n) and o(log n^2), where both logarithems have base 2
.a. o(log n^2) is bigger
b. o(log n) is biggerc. no difference3. For a class what would happen if we call a class’s constructor from with the same class’s constructor
.a. compilation error
b. linking errorc. stack overflow
d. none of the above4. “new” in c++ is a:
.a. library function like malloc in cb. key word
c. operatord. none of the above5. Which of the following information is not contained in an inode
.a. file owner
b. file sizec. file name
d. disk address6. What’s the number of comparisons in the worst case to merge two sorted lists containing n elements each
d.2n-27. Time complexity of n algorithm T(n), where n is the input size ,is T(n)=T(n-1)+1/n if n>1 otherwise 1 the order of this algorithm is
.a. log (n)
d. n^n8. The number of 1’s in the binary representation of 3*+5*16+3 are
d. 12百威啤酒(武汉公司)面试题1,为什么申请来百威?2,将来有什么打算?3,有没有社会活动经历?4,有没有当众演讲的经历?5,经常使用那些软件?6,喜欢哪些课程?7,你认为工作中的什么因素对你来说最重要?8,什么时候可以来上班?可以在这里工作多久?9,八点上班,要加班和出差,能不能做到?星巴克面试题1、 您是一家咖啡店的店经理,你发现店内同时出现下列状况: 1)许多张桌子桌面上有客人离去后留下的空杯未清理,桌面不干净待整理。 2)有客人正在询问店内卖哪些品种,他不知如何点咖啡菜单。 3)已有客人点完成咖啡,正在收银机旁等待结帐。 4)有厂商正准备要进货,需要店经理签收。  请问,针对上述同时发生的情况,你要如何排定处理之先后顺序,为什么2、 有一位甲员工脾气不好以致在前三家店因为与店内其他同事相处不佳而屡屡调动,现在甲被调到你的店里面来,请问身为店经理的你,将如何应对??3、 你是店经理,本周五结帐后,发现门市总销售额较上周五减少30%,请问可能原因会是哪几种,各原因如何应对?凹凸电子软件笔试题1. Select ONE of the following projects to discuss:a. Signal Filtering: You are given a sampled realtime waveform consisting of a sensor reading mixed with highly periodic impulses and high frequency noise.The desired output is the realtime filtered sensor signal with the impulses and noise removed, and a readout of the impulse period. The FFT may not be used.b. Interrupt Processing.A headware register consisting of eight independent edge triggered latches is used to record external asynchronous interrupt requests. When any of the request bits are latched, a software interrupt is generated. The software may read the latch to see which interrupt(s) occurred. Writing a one to any latch bit will clear the latch. How does that software assure that no interrupt request is ever missed?c. User Interface: a prototype MP3 player interface consisting of a playlist display and a few control buttons is given to you. How would you make the interface “skinnable”,with user selected graphics, options, and control button placement?Each project description is incomplete. What questions would you ask to completely specify the project? What development tools would you prefer to use? What algorithm /data structures/design would you use?2. What program(s) have you coded for you own enjoyment (not part of a school project,not for pay). What type of software project would you most enjoy working on?3. Have you participated in a team programming project? What is the hardest part of programming as a team, as opposed to programming alone?Avant! 微电子EE笔试题1.名词解释:VLSI,CMOS,EDA,VHDL,Verilog,HDL,ROM,RAM,DRC,LVS。2.简述CMOS工艺流程。3.画出CMOS与非门的电路,并画出波形图简述其功能。4.画出N沟道增强型MOSFET的剖面图。5.简述ESD和latch-up的含义。6.简述三极管与MOS管的区别。7.简述MOORE模型和MEALY模型。8.简述堆栈与队列的区别。奇码数字信息有限公司笔试题1.画出NMOS的特性曲线(指明饱和区,截至区,线性区,击穿区和C-V曲线)2.2.2um工艺下,Kn=3Kp,设计一个反相器,说出器件尺寸。3.说出制作N-well的工艺流程。4.雪崩击穿和齐纳击穿的机理和区别。5.用CMOS画一个D触发器(clk,d,q,q-)。友立资讯笔试题目1.一堆鸡蛋,3个3个数剩余2个,5个5个数剩余1个,7个7个数剩余3个,问这堆鸡蛋最少有多少个?并给出通解。2.列举五岳,及其所在省份。3.何为四书。4.按顺序默写24节气。5.默写于谦的《吟石灰》。6.英语翻译约300字。7.作文一篇:求职有感。普华永道PWC笔试题目(作文)1.最近10年来中国媒体的变化。2.你认为发展汽车产业和公共交通哪个更重要?3.如何理解风险投资?4.如何理解广告的消极作用和积极作用?德勤笔试题五个人来自不同地方,住不同房子,养不同动物,吸不同牌子香烟,喝不同饮料,喜欢不同食物。根据以下线索确定谁是养猫的人。(1)红房子在蓝房子的右边,白房子的左边(不一定紧邻)(2)黄房子的主人来自香港,而且他的房子不在最左边。(3)爱吃比萨饼的人住在爱喝矿泉水的人的隔壁。(4)来自北京的人爱喝茅台,住在来自上海的人的隔壁。(5)吸希尔顿香烟的人住在养马的人右边隔壁。(6)爱喝啤酒的人也爱吃鸡。(7)绿房子的人养狗。(8)爱吃面条的人住在养蛇的人的隔壁。(9)来自天津的人的邻居(紧邻)一个爱吃牛肉,另一个来自
成都。(10)养鱼的人住在最右边的房子里。(11)吸万宝路香烟的人住在吸希尔顿香烟的人和吸“555”香烟的人的中间(紧邻)(12)红房子的人爱喝茶。(13)爱喝葡萄酒的人住在爱吃豆腐的人的右边隔壁。(14)吸红塔山香烟的人既不住在吸健牌香烟的人的隔壁,也不与来自上海的人相邻。(15)来自上海的人住在左数第二间房子里。(16)爱喝矿泉水的人住在最中间的房子里。(17)爱吃面条的人也爱喝葡萄酒。(18)吸“555”香烟的人比吸希尔顿香烟的人住的靠右。扬智(科技)笔试题目软件题目1. Queue is a useful structure* What is a queue? * Write 5 operations or functions, without details, that can be done on a queue.2. Insert a sequence fo keys(24,49,13,20,59,23,90,35) into a data structure, which has no keys initially. Depict the data structure after these insertions, if it is:* a heap tree* an AVL tree3. * What is a synchronous I/O bus?* What is an asnchronous I/O bus?* Compare the advantages and disadvantages of synchronous and a synchronous I/O bus.4. Explain the following terminology:* Baud rate * Handshaking * Memory mapped I/O 5. Explain the key issues in supporting a real-time operation system for embedded system.6. Explain the mapping of visual addresses to real addresses under paging by * direct mapping* associative mapping * combined direct/associated mapping7. Please explain what is “write-back” and “write-through”, and discuss the advantage and disadvantage about these two methods.8. Explain the concept and benefit of threads9. What is hardware interrupt? What is software interrupt? What is exception? Please tell me all you know about interrupt.10. Write a recursive function that tests wether a string is a palindrome. A palindrome is s string such as “abcba” or “otto” that reads the same in both directions.If you can write this function recursively,you can write an iterative version of this function instead.11.什么是进程(Process)和线程(Thread)?有何区别?12.MFC和SDK有何区别?13.IRP是什么?有何作用?14.Windows 2000操作系统下用户模式和内核模式下编程有何区别?15.驱动程序的BUFFER能swap到磁盘上去吗?为什么?16.试编写3个函数实现(1)建立一个双向链表(2)插入一个节点(3)删除一个节点17.简述Hardware interrupt和software中断的区别,简述其应用。18.试编写一个函数,计算一个字符串中A的个数。19.画出其相应流程图并编写一个函数实现一个整数到二进制数的转换,如输入6,输出110。20.(1)编写一个递归函数,删除一个目录。(2)编写一个非递归函数,删除一个目录。并比较其性能。21.附加题:简单叙述编程经历硬件题目1.用mos管搭出一个二输入与非门。2.集成电路前段设计流程,写出相关的工具。3.解释名词IRQ,BIOS,USB,VHDL,SDR。4.简述如下Unix命令cp -r, rm,uname。5.用波形表示D触发器的功能。6.写异步D触发器的verilog module。7.What is PC Chipset?8.用传输门和倒向器搭一个边沿触发器。9.画状态机,接受1,2,5分钱的卖报机,每份报纸5分钱。DSP题目1.H(n)&#61501;&#61485;a*h(n&#61485;1)+b*δ(n)(1)求h(n)的z变换(2)该系统是否为稳定系统(3)写出FIR数字滤波器的差分方程2.写出下面模拟信号所需的最小采样带宽(1)模拟信号的频率范围是0~4kHz(2)模拟信号的频率范围是2~4kHz3.名词解释(1)量化误差(2)直方图(3)白平衡(4)MMX4.写出下面几种格式中用到的压缩技术(1)JPEG(2)MPEG2(3)MP3高通笔试题1. Can you describe the trend of wireless mobile communication industry? (2000 letters)2. Compare the major third generation technologies.(2000 letters)3. Describe the characteristics of Walsh function. Explain how to generate Walsh Function. (2000 letters)4. List factors that will affect the capacity of forward and reverse links of a CDMA system. (2000 letters)5. What are the differences between IS-95 A/B and cdma2000 1X? (2000 letters)威盛笔试试题2002年软件笔试题1.三组程序,找出你认为的错误。(1)a.c long temp[255];b.c extern *(2)a.c long temp[255];b.c extern temp[256];(3)a.c long temp[255];b.c extern temp[];2.在第一个声明处编译出了奇怪的错误,为什么?#include #include “myfun1.h”#include “myfun2.h”int myInt1;int myInt2;3.printf(“0x%x”, (&0)[&#61485;1]); 请问打印了什么?4.汇编,用ax,bx,cx,dx,求/30(四舍五入),结果放在ax中。5.编最优化Bubble(int *pIntArray,int L),要求:交换元素不能用临时变量,如果有序需要最优。6.用任意一种编程语言写n!的算法。2003 Asic部分1.一个四级的Mux,其中第二级信号为关键信号,如何改善timing?2.一个状态机的题目用Verilog实现。3.Asic中的design flow的实现。4.用逻辑门画出D触发器。5.给出某个一般时序电路的图,有Tsetup,Tdelay,Tck&#61485;>q还有clock的delay,写出决定最大时钟的因素,同时给出表达式。6.用C语言实现统计某个cell在某.v文件调用的次数。7.Cache的主要部分。2003 EE笔试题目1.写出电流公式。2.写出平板电容公式。3.电阻R和电容C串联,输入电压为R和C之间的电压,输出电压分别为C上电压和R上电压,要求绘制这两种电路输入电压的频谱,判断这两种电路何为高通滤波器,何为低通滤波器。当RC<<T时,给出输入电压波形图,绘制两种电路的输出波形图。4.给出时域信号,求其直流分量。5.给出一时域信号,要求写出频率分量,并写出其傅立叶变换级数。当波形经过低通滤波器滤掉高次谐波而只保留一次谐波时,画出滤波后的输出波形。6.有一时域信号S=V0sin(2pif0t)+V1cos(2pif1t)+V2sin(2pif3t+90),写出当其通过低通、带通、高通滤波器后的信号表示方式。7.给出一差分电路,告诉其输出电压Y+和Y&#61485;,求共模分量和差模分量。8.一电源和一段传输线相连(长度为L,传输时间为T),画出终端处波形,考虑传输线无损耗。给出电源电压波形图,要求绘制终端波形图。9.求锁相环的输出频率,给了一个锁相环的结构图。10.给出一个堆栈的结构,求中断后显示结果,主要是考堆栈压入返回地址存放在低端地址还是高端。2003 Graphic笔试题目1.问答题(1)texture mapping是什么?为什么要用filter?(2)用float和int表示一个数,比如2,说明优点和缺点。(3)在MPEG哪部分可以加速硬件?(4)解释cubic和B-spline的差别,写出各自函数。(5)写出几个Win API中的OpenGL函数。(6)说出固定小数表示和浮点小数表示的优缺点。(7)说出显卡可以优化哪些MPEG中的计算?(8)说出Bezier和B-Spline曲线的区别。2.用最简单的方法判断一个数是否是2的指数次幂。3.S23E8和S10E5两种浮点数表示方法分析,表示0.25写一个类S10E5,实现从S23E8转换。4.用模版的方式实现三个量取最大值。5.题目告诉你IEEE 16和32浮点数表示的规范,要求将&#分别用IEEE 16和32表示并写一个C++函数将输入的IEEE 16表示转化为IEEE 32的表示。6.用C语言写一个函数f(x)&#61501; x * 0.5要求只能用整数操作。2003 Software Engineer笔试题1. Describe x86 PC’s architecture in a diagram cpu,core chipset, Cache,DRAM, IO-subsystem, IO-Bus2. SWI instruction is often called a “supervisor call”, describe the actions in detail
* Save the address of the instruction after the SWI in rl4_svc.* Save the CPSR in SPSR_svc.* Enter supervisor mode and disable IRQs.* Set the PC to 08 and begin executing the instruction there.3.* What is PIO operation? advantage and disadvantage?* DMA operation? advantage and disadvantage?* Scatter/Gather DMA engine? how does it operate?4. MP3 decoder related. (a flow chart of decoding is presented)* advantages of Huffman encoding?* why the aliasing reduction is necessary?* analytical expression in mathematics of the IMDCT?* which block in the flow chart is suitable for the software implementation and which for the hardware? why?5. Assembly codes -> C language (about 15 lines).6. Graduation thesis description.汉王笔试题高级研究人员(模式识别、图像处理类)招聘试题说明:可能您的专业并不完全符合本试题所涉及的领域。因此,并非所有的问题都需要回答,您可以只回答你所熟悉和能够回答的问题。允许参考任意的资料,但请独立完成此试题,我们更欣赏您独立的思考和创新的精神。本试题并非我们录用或者不录用您的惟一依据。应聘高级研究人员者请回答这部分问题。1.人工智能与模式识别的研究已有多年,但似乎公认的观点认为它仍然非常困难。试对你所熟悉的任一方向(如指纹识别、人像识别、语音识别、字符识别、自然语言理解等)的发展状况进行描述。并设想如果你将从事该方向的研究,你打算如何着手,以建立有效的识别理论和方法;或者你认为现在的理论和方法有何缺陷,有什么办法来进行改进?(500字以内即可,不要太长)2.简述下面任一主题的主要理论框架或主要观点(500字以内即可,不要太长)(1)David Marr的视觉计算理论框架(2)格式塔(Gestalt)心理学派的主要观点(3)Bayes决策理论(4)人工神经网络中的BP网络、自组织网络和联想记忆网络的主要内容(5)基因算法(6)小波分析(7)目前流行的有损静态图像压缩方法3.设想你要设计一个算法,检测给定的图像中是否有矩形结构。所要检测的矩形可能有多种形态,试提出你的算法框架。要求你的算法至少能检测出样本中的矩形,而拒绝其他的任意非矩形结构。矩形的大小、位置和方向未知,要求你的算法能确定这些参数。如果你认为这个问题太难而不能解决,请说明理由。高级软件开发人员招聘试题说明:可能您的专业并不完全符合本试题所涉及的领域。因此,并非所有的问题都需要回答,您可以只回答你所熟悉和能够回答的问题。允许参考任意的资料,但请独立完成此试题,我们更欣赏您独立的思考和创新的精神。本试题并非我们录用或者不录用您的惟一依据。应聘高级软件开发人员者请回答这部分问题。1.数据的逻辑存储结构(如数组,队列,树等)对于软件开发具有十分重要的影响,试对你所了解的各种存储结构从运行速度、存储效率和适用场合等方面进行简要地分析。2.数据库技术是计算机系统中一个非常重要的领域,几乎所有的计算机应用中都或多或少地用到了数据库。试简要地谈谈数据库设计中应当注意哪些问题,以及如何解决?给出两种你所熟悉的DBMS,要求一种适用于小型应用,另一种适用于大型应用,给出你做出选择的理由。3.某公司的主要业务是提供WWW和E-mail服务,出于安全考虑,该公司要求我公司提供一套网络指纹登录系统,该系统要求能够利用指纹替代E-mail中常用的密码,并对所提供的部分网页通过指纹认证后才能访问,请利用你所学过的知识对该系统进行分析设计,你可以指定网络的配置(包括协议),但必须保证邮件用户既可通过网页(http方式)收取信件,也可通过Outlook收取信件。请分析该系统的可行性,可行时给出系统结构和主要的存储结构,指出系统中的难点和解决方法。(假设指纹识别的问题已经解决)高级硬件开发人员招聘试题说明:可能您的专业并不完全符合本试题所涉及的领域。因此,并非所有的问题都需要回答,您可以只回答你所熟悉和能够回答的问题。允许参考任意的资料,但请独立完成此试题,我们更欣赏您独立的思考和创新的精神。本试题并非我们录用或者不录用您的惟一依据。应聘高级硬件开发人员者请回答这部分问题


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