forget about itt是什么意思及反义词

antithetical是什么意思 antithetical在线翻译 antithetical什么意思 antithetical的意思 antithetical的翻译 antithetical的解释 antithetical的发音
antithetical英 [?aent?'θet?kl] 美 [?aent?'θ?t?k?l] antithetical 基本解释正相反的,对立的;骈;antithetical 网络解释1. 与...背道而驰的:12. expediency权宜之计 | 13. antithetical与...背道而驰的 | 14. over-commercialized过渡商业化的2. 正相反的:antithetic 正相反的 | antithetical 正相反的 | antitone 反序3. 3. 对照的:对照.校对collation | 对照的antithetical | 对照法的antithetic4. 对立的:hunch 直觉 | antithetical 对立的 | annihilation 灭绝antithetical 双语例句1. What's more, on basis of the rank of Chinses word and sentence, we can divide some hackneyed rhetoric which are familiar in antithetical couplet into some Chinese character's sound related rhetoric such as, include Analyse word, with near, inlay word, leakage word, reduplication, the sound of layer upon layer and double meaning, return writing and thimble etc.&&&&最后,在上述例析的基础上,对对联中修辞格运用的规律进行了初步的总结和归纳,可以找出对联创作中修辞格成功运用的一些规律:讲究言简意深、对仗工整、平仄协调,充分利用字形、语音和语义的有利因素等。2. antithetical的解释2. The stone engraving is a classical creation in the calligraphy, also expressed the feeling of descendant's respect of Wang Xizhi. Everybody sees this antithetical couplet well:...&&&&大家看这幅对联写得好:(继永和雅兴集欧柳颜赵众家风范衍祺裘勿忘先贤,续淳化遗韵汇苏黄米蔡诸体精粹刊碑帖以昭后众)。3. The Xuan Paper products cover a complete range of specifications, including albums of painting and calligraphy, albums of seal impressions, letter papers, pseudo-archaic antithetical couplets, and high-ranking folding fans, etc., all of which have ready markets home and abroad.&&&&宣纸制品有册页、印谱、信笺、仿古对联和高级宣纸折扇等。4. Set up a hydrant at least in the fire prevention subarea, and fire prevention from Fen region with preventing fires is rolled up the antithetical couplet door separating.&&&&在防火分区里至少设置一个消防栓,防火分区间用防火卷联门隔开。5. While Yü Sin shows how supple he can be in spite of the cramping antithetical style of the Fu, Su succeeds in softening and thawing this rigid style, smoothing over its angularity and making the sharp points of the riming antitheses melt into one another.&&&&如果说庾信向人们展示了如何在词赋的严苛对偶格式下体现出婉转优美的话,苏东坡则成功地柔化和融解了这种僵硬的骈偶形式,磨光了其棱角,使生硬的对偶调和无间。6. It's completely antithetical to the spirit of science.&&&&这是完全违背了科学精神的。7. antithetical的翻译7. That`s antithetical to effective prevention programs.&&&&这和有效的防治计划背道而驰。8. I was looking for something antithetical from that role in a lot of ways because I`m an actor.&&&&我在找对立的不同风格的角色,因为我是一个演员。9. 9. Antithetical couplet is a kind of traditional literature form, which has a long history.&&&&摘 要:对联是一种传统的文学形式,有着悠久的历史渊源。10. So it seems antithetical to talk about habits in the same context as creativity and innovation.&&&&因此,似乎在同一背景下谈论习惯的创造力和创新看起来是对立的。11. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD11. Good luck. NASDAQ's success rests on an approach that is antithetical to China's.&&&&&&真好运!纳斯达克的成功为中国提供了相应解决方案。12. This antithetical couplet is my father's handwriting.&&&&&&这幅对联是父亲的亲笔。13. An opponent of orthodox Confucianism, Han Yu strongly advocated the old prose, that is, the prose of the early Qin and the two Han dynasties, opposed the antithetical, high-flown style of literature and upheld the unity of literature with Confucian morality.&&&&&&韩愈是儒家道统的维护者,在文学上大力提倡古文,也就是先秦两汉的散文,反对骈偶浮靡的文风,主张文道合一。14. Each family will clean up the house and put up an antithetical couplet on each side of the door.&&&&&&最重要的是,春节是一个合家欢聚的日子,出门在外的人总要想方设法在除夕夜到来之前赶15. Furthermore, it also indicates the unique, Profound aesthetic educational function of Xiushan antithetical couplet.&&&&&&也揭示出通海秀山楹联于当代教育的独特而深刻的美育功能。16. 16. Hasn't the valentine day to, what had to deliver well, delivers antithetical couplet.&&&&&&情人节到了,没啥好送的,就送对联一副。17. It explains the aesthetic meaning of Xiushan antithetical couplet and it` influences upon the tourists` aesthetic psychology.&&&&&&进而诠释了通海秀山楹联的审美意味以及其对游人的审美心理的影响。18. 18. First analyzes this performance form and the characteristic to the Audio-visual related historical vein, picks up the life review the narrative therapy, by the antithetical couplet thought that experience's each kind of research discussion reorganization material takes in the creation the reference, enables the author more accurate to grasp the video and music creation tools.&&&&&&首先对Audio-visual的相关历史脉络分析该表演形式与特色,撷取生命回顾的叙事疗法,透过对联觉经验的各种研究探讨整理资料来作为创作上的参考,使笔者能更精准的掌握影音创作工具。19. It is also well to keep in mind that nomos and physis had not been antithetical in Greek ethnography.&&&&&&以希腊民族志来看,铭记规则和自然并不是对立也是正确的。20. 20. Nomos and physis were not purely antithetical as it was for Parmenides and his school.&&&&&&对巴门尼德和他的学派来说,规则和自然不完全对立。antithetical 单语例句1. Do you know anything about " dui lian, " the double sentences or antithetical couplet?2. The meaningful antithetical couplet on the balcony was written by Wu Guanzhong.3. Men and children tear up old antithetical couplets and door paintings and post up new ones with central scrolls and New Year pictures.4. Our subterranean experience seemed antithetical to the hours we had spent clamoring toward towering mountaintops.5. Some are interesting, such as the search for an antithetical phrase to a given phrase.antithetical 英英释义adj1. sharply contrasted in character or purpose&&&&e.g. practices entirely antithetical to her professed beliefs&&&&&&&&&&&hope is antithetic to despair&&&&Synonym: antithetical是什么意思,antithetical在线翻译,antithetical什么意思,antithetical的意思,antithetical的翻译,antithetical的解释,antithetical的发音,antithetical的同义词,antithetical的反义词,antithetical的例句,antithetical的相关词组,antithetical意思是什么,antithetical怎么翻译,单词antithetical是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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leave sb with sth是什么意思及反义词
沪江词库精选leave sb with sth是什么意思、英语单词推荐
Badger sb(with/for sth);badger sb(into doing sth);pester sb nag sb persistently
Bad for sb/ hurtful or injurious to sb/sth
Cling to sb/ stay close to sb/sth
No thanks to sb/sth despite sb/sth
Put sb. in mind of sb. or sth.
Chain (sb.) to (sth.)
Be merciless to sth.[sB.]
Chase sb/sth away,off,out,etc force sb/sth to run away,drive sb/sth away,etc
Aname sb foappoint sb
Clash(with sb/sth)(on/over sth);clash (between sb and sb)(on/over sth)argument
使有幸得到, 使具有,保佑
【医】 生长激素
【医】 体力测量法
【化】 防水处理
abbr. something
壮健; 有力
a. 精力旺盛的,亢进性的,兴奋的
phr. 隆头鱼
phr. 锯盖鱼科的典型属
节日包裹焦虑症(指因为没收到本该在圣诞节前送到的某件网购物品而感到焦虑不安的心理。)forget about it是什么意思_forget about it在线翻译、解释、发音、同义词、反义词_英语单词大全_911查询
forget about it是什么意思
forget about it是什么意思 forget about it在线翻译 forget about it什么意思 forget about it的意思 forget about it的翻译 forget about it的解释
forget about itforget about it 双语例句1. Forget about it, I am cool down and low down, t's smart now to lie down, you need some, but no now.&&&&忘了这件事,我现在已经冷静下来了,现在能躺下来歇着是一个聪明的选择。2. After breaking-up, you will probably find yourself sulking in a dark and desolate corner. do your best to forget about it because you need to move beyond the feeling of despair to become a new and better person.&&&&3离开以后想到的定是落寞的画面,但请你忘记它。一个人总要有个新的开始,别让过去把你栓在悲哀的殿堂。3. You can toss your quartz watch in the drawer and forget about it for a few months.&&&&你可以把你的石英表扔在抽屉里,几个月不管它。4. 4. It is better to invest and save in something secure so you can forget about it and not worry endlessly.&&&&这是更好的投资和保存在安全的东西,因此您可以把它抛在脑后,而无需担心 endlessly.2 。5. 5. Hmph. I don't know what you've heard, but you'd better forget about it.&&&&我不晓得你听说了什麼,不过你还是趁早忘掉此事比较好。6. 6. Well, you're not going, so forget about it.&&&&啊,你可不是要去,那就免谈。7. You haven't forget about it, ave you?&&&&你还记得这件事,是吗8. Can we just try to forget about it?&&&&我们能不能把它忘了?9. I read about it on TA before the trip but I totally forget about pitfalls once I arrived.&&&&我出发之前在到到网上读到过关于它的评论,但是我一到那里就把这些忘得一干二净了。10. I'm taking a moment just imaginin'that I'm dancin'with you I'm your pole and all you're wearing is your shoes You got soul, you know what to do to turn me on until I write a song about you And you have your own engaging style And you've got the knack to vivify And you make my slacks a little tight, you may unfasten them if you like That's if you crash and spend the night But you don't fold, you don't fade You've got everything you need, especially me Sister you've got it all You make the call to make my day In your message say my name Your talk is all the talk, sister you've got it all Curl your upper lip up and let me look around Ride your tongue along your bottom lip and bite down And bend your back and ask those hips if I can touch Because they're the perfect jumping off point of getting closer to your Butterfly Well you float on by Oh kiss me with your eyelashes tonight Or Eskimo your nose real close to mine And let's mood the lights and finally make it right But you don't fold, you don't fade, you've got everything you need Especially me Sister you've got it all You make the call to make my day In you message say my name Your talk is all the talk sister you've got it all You've got it all, you've got it all, you've got it all (2x) Doll I need to see you pull your knee socks up Let me feel you up side, down slide, in slide, out slide, over here Climb in my mouth now child Butterfly, well you landed on my mind Dammit you landed on my ear and then you crawled inside Now I see you perfectly behind closed eyes I wanna fly with you and I don't wanna lie to you Cause I, cause I can't recall a better days I'm coming to shine on the occasion You're an open minded lady You've got it all And I never forget a face If I'm making my own I have my days Let's face the fact here, it's you that's got it all You know that fortune favors the brave Well let me get paid while I make you breakfast The rest is up to you, you make the call You make the call to make my day In your message say my name Your talk is all the talk, sister you've got it all Cause I can't recall a better day I'm coming to shine on the occasion You're a sophisticated lady, oh you've got it all You've got it all, you've got it all, you've got it all (3x) You've got it all, you've got it all….&&&&我是在一窝窝成像一刻',我是丹霉素'你我是你的杆位和所有你穿你的鞋你有灵魂,你知道该怎么做,我就打开直到我写一首歌曲和你有自己的风格进行和你一把刷子为维维风云你打我的裤子有点紧,你可以解开他们,如果你喜欢这是如果你发生碰撞过夜但是,你不能折叠,你不褪色你有你需要的一切,尤其是我妹妹你有这一切您拨打电话让我的一天在您的邮件说我的名字你说是大家都在谈论,姐姐你有这一切你的上唇卷曲起来,让我环顾四周凑凑热闹你的下嘴唇咬自己的舌头,下和弯曲你的背部和臀部的要求,如果我可以触摸因为他们的完美跳的越来越近点的轻便铁路蝴蝶站那么你就浮动噢亲吻你今晚我的睫毛你的鼻子或爱斯基摩人真正接近我让心情的灯光,终于使正确但是,你不能折叠,你不褪色,你有你需要的一切尤其是我妹妹你有这一切您拨打电话让我的一天在你的信息说我的名字你说是大家都在谈论你妹妹了这一切你有这一切,你有这一切,你有这一切(2倍)娃娃我要看到你拉你的膝盖袜子了让我觉得你边上,向下滑动,在幻灯片,幻灯片出在这里,在我的嘴里攀登现在的孩子蝴蝶,以及你降落在我的脑海就叫你落在我的耳朵,然后里面爬现在我看到完全不公开你的眼睛我想和你飞,我不想骗你原因一,原因我不记得一个更好的日子我来照留念你是一个开放的态度夫人你有这一切我永远不会忘记的面孔如果我做我自己我有我的天让我们面对事实,在这里,是你的了一切你知道财富的勇敢的主张那么让我得到报酬,而我让你早餐接下来就看你,你拨打电话您拨打电话让我的一天在您的邮件说我的名字你说是大家都在谈论,姐姐你有这一切原因我不记得一个更好的一天我来照留念你是一个复杂的夫人,哦,你有这一切你有这一切,你有这一切,你有这一切(3倍)你有这一切,你有这一切。。。。11. A:Don't you think it's wrong to forget about your relationship and run after another girl?&&&&&&我并没有追求她,上周我还参加他们的婚礼,我没告诉你吗?12. Although we all know about the Golden Rule, often we forget to apply it to our daily lives.&&&&&&虽然我们都知道为人准则,但是我们常常忘了在日常生活中遵守它。13. Geek in the pink Well let the geek in the pink take a stab at it If you like the way I'm thinkin'baby wink at it I may be skinny at times but I'm fat fulla rhymes Pass me the mic and I'm a grab at it well isn't it delicious crazy way that I'm kissin'Cause baby listen to this don't wanna miss it while it's hittin'Sometimes you gotta fit in to get in But don't ever quit cause soon I'm gonna let you in but see I don't care what you might think about me You'll get by without me if you want I could be the one to take you home Baby we could rock the night alone If we never get down it wouldn't be a let down But sugar don't forget what you already know I could be the one to turn you out We could be the talk across the town Don't judge it by the color, confuse it for another You might regret what you let slip away Like the geek in the pink pink pink Like the geek in the pink yeah Well this relationship fodder don't mean to bother nobody But Cupid's automatic musta fired multiple shots at her Because she fall in love too often that's whats the matter At least I talk about it keep a pattern of flattery and She was starin'through the doorframe and eyeing me down like already a bad boyfriend Well she can get her toys outta the drawer then Cause I ain't comin'home I don't need that attention, see I don't care what she might think about me she'll get by without me if she want I could be the one to take her home Baby we could rock the night alone If we never get down it wouldn't be a let down But sugar don't forget what you already know I could be the one to turn you out We could be the talk across the town Don't judge it by the color, confuse it for another You might regret what you let slip away Hey baby look at me go From zero to hero You better take it from a geek like me I can save you from unoriginal dum-dums Who wouldn't care if you com...plete him or not So what I've got a short attention span A coke in my hand Because I'd rather have the afternoon, relax and understand My hip hop and flip-flops well it don't stop with the light rock A shot to mock you kinda puts me in the tight spot The hype is nothing more than hoo-ha so I'm Developing a language and I'm callin'it my own So take a peek into the speaker and you'll see what I mean That on the other side the grass is greener I don't care what you might think about me You'll get by without me if you want I could be the one to take you home Baby we could rock the night alone If we never get down it wouldn't be a let down But sugar don't forget what you already know I could be the one to turn you out We could be the talk across the town Don't judge it by the color, confuse it for another You might regret what you let slip away&&&&&&怪胎的粉红色那么让怪胎的粉红色就在它刺伤如果你喜欢的方式我thinkin '婴儿在这眨眼我可能有时瘦,但我胖fulla韵我的通行证麦克风和我是一个抓住它以及是不是疯了美味的方式,我基辛'原因婴儿收听此不想错过它,而它的hittin '有时候,你总得适应进入但是,不要任何时候都很快退出事业我一定让你看到的,但我不在乎你们可能认为我你会得到的没有我如果你想我可以是一个带您回家宝贝我们可以岩夜间单独如果我们永远不会下跌不会是一个放下但是,糖不要忘记你已经知道我可以是一个把你我们可以谈论整个镇不要判断它的颜色,它混淆另一你可能会感到遗憾的是你让溜走像怪胎的粉红粉红粉红像怪胎在粉红色的是那么这种关系的饲料并不意味着没有人打扰但丘比特的自动穆斯塔发射多种拍摄她因为她爱上往往是什么问题至少我谈论这件事保持一贯奉承和她starin '通过门框和关注我已经想了一个坏男友那么她可以让她的玩具outta然后抽屉原因我不是comin家里我不需要注意,见我不在乎什么,她可能认为我她会没有我的,如果她想我可以是一个带她回家宝贝我们可以岩夜间单独如果我们永远不会下跌不会是一个放下但是,糖不要忘记你已经知道我可以是一个把你我们可以谈论整个镇不要判断它的颜色,它混淆另一你可能会感到遗憾的是你让溜走喂婴儿看我走从零到英雄您是否可以更好地从一个像我这样的怪胎我可以为您节省来自非独创的达姆,dums 谁不会关心你的COM 。。。他完全或不所以我有一个短期注意跨度焦炭在我的手因为我宁愿有下午,放松和理解我的嘻哈和触发器以及它不停止与轻摇滚一杆嘲笑你有点儿让我在紧张的现场宣传只不过是豪哈所以我开发的一种语言,我callin '但我自己因此,需要看到的发言,你会明白我的意思这在另一边的草绿色我不在乎你们可能认为我你会得到的没有我如果你想我可以是一个带您回家宝贝我们可以岩夜间单独如果我们永远不会下跌不会是一个放下但是,糖不要忘记你已经知道我可以是一个把你我们可以谈论整个镇不要判断它的颜色,它混淆另一你可能会感到遗憾的是你让溜走14. In order to prove that I am not feeling you how deep it has been reluctant to open up to you, but there are too many more moments of happiness always linger, let me stop, I decided that you forget to think about maybe one day I really have forgotten the look of your face, forget that we have ridiculed the tone you say, but each thought that we fall in love like a happy, smiling mouth hangs from time to time, then smiled and memory perhaps will always remain in my heart, I know that I am not forgotten, because you lost the fear of losing his love, then I do not want to abandon Desperate Love, the site into a devil, only hope that one day will be your shadow slowly from my life faded, the total in the night curled up in bed listening to songs, the nose of the acid, but the stubborn and do not allow their tears.&&&&&&并不是为了证明我对你的感情有多深才迟迟不肯将你放开,只是有太多幸福多瞬间总是萦绕,让我欲罢不能,我决定了将你忘记,想想也许到了某一天,我真的忘记了你的样子,忘了了我们曾经嘲笑你说的调调,但是,每次想到我们恋爱时那幸福的模样,嘴角时常会挂起微笑,那微笑和记忆也许会永远留在我的心底,我知道,是我不肯遗忘,是因为怕丢掉了你就丢掉了自己的爱情,我不想从此绝情弃爱,立地成魔,只希望有一天你的影子会慢慢从我的生命中淡去,总在深夜里蜷在被窝听着歌,鼻子酸酸的,但倔强地不允许自己流泪。15. She did tell me about her address, but I forget all about it.&&&&&&她确实告诉过我她的通讯地址,但我忘了。16. It is important not regret one, and we have to forget about the wind and rain Streams of Jiancheng.&&&&&&重要的是不要因为一次遗憾,而忘却了我们人要风雨兼程的行旅。17. forget about it的解释17. It is not about tomorrow, Forget about today&&&&&&不是有部情桃六月花么?18. 18. I look at you Please don't walk away I see you're about to There is just something I'd really like to say So please don't walk away I know that you're there Still you pretend you're not Yes I know it hurts I have also felt the pain So should it matter What I do or what I've done As long as in my heart You're still the only one I hear you say it But I don't think you understand I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can It's been a year A memory from my past I know what I did wrong I wish to change Just to make it last But I guess it's been to long Easy to move on To forget about it all Is that what you do, hoping I will be gone So should it matter What I do or what I've done As long as in my heart You're still the only one I hear you say it But I don't think you understand I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can If you got to know me again Maybe then - maybe then We could see what we should do But that's all up to you I'll be waiting for you So should it matter What I do or what I've done As long as in my heart You're still the only one I hear you say it But I don't think you understand I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can I hear you say it But I don't think you understand I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can&&&&&&已经改正一些错误:我看着你请不要走开我看到你即将离去有一件事我真心想说所以请不要走开我知道你在这里还是你假装你不在这里是的我知道它伤害了你我也感到疼痛所以这关系到我将要做或什么我已经做了只要在我心中你仍然是我的唯一一我听到你说了这个但我相信你不会明白的我可以信任的现在,我发誓,你我可以已经一年过去了我的记忆开始淡化我知道我所做的是错误的我想改变这一切就像去年到现在一样短暂但我估计它是长久的感动是一件简单的事情忘记这一切是你应该做的,我希望我也做到了这一点因此,问题应该是我这样做或什么我已经做了只要在我心中您仍然是唯一一我听到你说这个但我不相信你已经明白我可以信任的,现在,我发誓,你我可以假如一天你再一次认识我也许,然后-也许,然后我们可以看到我们应该做的事情但是,这一切取决于您我将等着你。19. Now I always wash my lunch box by myself. Sometimes I forget about it, and Dad will wash it for me when he's doing the dishes.&&&&&&我现在都自己清洗餐袋,有时忘记了,爸爸也会在洗碗时顺便帮我清洗。20. So one day Maddux told Young to forget about the runners, that it wasn't the big deal everybody else was making it out to be.&&&&&&某日Maddux要Chris Young忘掉垒上的跑者,虽然大家都试著看住跑者,但是那不是一件重要的事。forget about it 单语例句1. The only difference is you could drop a cigarette and forget about it, but the woman can always come back.2. Forget about " Bretton Woods II, " or anything even close to it.3. " Forget all the prurient press speculation about Harry Potter's private parts, " it said.4. Forget whatever it was Tom Cruise told Diane Sawyer about his relationship with Katie Holmes'parents.5. We want you to just sit back and forget about it all and just have a great time.6. It bothers me that we always talk about those guys and we seem to forget about the guys who didn't cheat.7. The phrase " forget about it " was spat out quickly so it became one word.8. Just forget about it and know you're going into a whole different basketball game.9. " It's a nice way to forget about the loss to the US, " Spain coach Vicente del Bosque said.10. But the ordinary Afghanis Zhao met are so friendly that it makes him forget about the war.forget about it是什么意思,forget about it在线翻译,forget about it什么意思,forget about it的意思,forget about it的翻译,forget about it的解释,forget about it的发音,forget about it的同义词,forget about it的反义词,forget about it的例句,forget about it的相关词组,forget about it意思是什么,forget about it怎么翻译,单词forget about it是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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