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There have been an increasing number of
from iPhone users running
is proving slow or unreliable. The issue was first spotted by
earlier this week.
The complaints are similar: users running iOS 9.1 find Touch ID either refuses to recognise a user’s fingerprint, has become highly unreliable or doesn’t even register a fingerprint pressed against it. Users have tried hard resets (holding in the power and home button for 10 seconds) and complete factory resets without any success.
The issue appears to be affecting a small minority of users, but enough to suggest that it is more than coincidence …
Apple was last year forced to
after reports of problems with both Touch ID and cellular connectivity.
Separately, some users – myself included – are regularly being required to enter our passcodes to unlock our phones, a message saying this is required after 48 hours. Apple’s support page says that a passcode unlock is a requirement when the phone hasn’t been unlocked at all for more than 48 hours, but iOS 9.1 seems to have introduced a bug for some where Touch ID unlocks are not being counted.
A very old Apple Support Communities thread dating back to an unrelated issue with profiles has been
with reports of this latest bug.
An Apple patent for using Touch ID as a ‘‘ was published yesterday.
About the Author
Ben Lovejoy is a British technology writer and EU Editor for 9to5Mac. He’s known for his op-eds and diary pieces, exploring his experience of Apple products over time, for a more rounded review. He also writes fiction, with two technothriller novels, a couple of SF shorts and a rom-com!
Ben Lovejoy's favorite gear
Connecting to %sSlow - definition of slow by The Free Dictionary https://www.thefreedictionary.com/slow
slow Also found in: , , , , , , .
(slō)adj. slow·er, slow·est 1. a.
Not moving or
proceeding at a low speed:
slow walkers.b.
Marked by a retarded tempo: a slow waltz.2. a.
Taking or requiring a long time: the slow job of making bread.b.
Taking more time than is usual:
slow progress in the peace negotiations.3.
Allowing movement or action only at a low speed:
a slow infield.4.
Registering a time or rate behind or below the correct one: a slow clock.5.
Lacking in promp not precipitate: They were slow to accept our invitation.6.
Characterized by a low volume of sales or transactions: Business was slow today.7.
Lacking li boring: a slow party.8.
Not having or exhibiting intellectual or mental quickness: a slow learner.9.
O low: a slow oven.adv. slower, slowest 1.
So as to fall behind the correct time or rate: The watch runs slow.2.
At a low speed: Go slow!v. slowed, slow·ing, slows v.tr.1.
To make slow or slower.2.
T retard.v.intr. To become slow or slower.[Middle English, from Old English slāw, obtuse, sluggish, dim-witted; akin to Dutch slee, blunt, dull, and Old Norse sljór, blunt, dim-witted.]slow′ly adv.slow′ness n.Synonyms:
These adjectives mean taking more time than is usual or necessary. Slow is the least specific:
slow to anger. Dilatory implies lack of promptness caused by delay, procrastination, or indifference: paid a late fee because I was dilatory in paying the bill. Leisurely suggests a relaxed lack of haste: went for a leisurely walk by the river. Laggard implies hanging back or falling behind: "the horses' laggard pace" (Rudyard Kipling).slow (sl??) adj1. performed or occurring during a comparatively long interval of time2. lasting a comparatively long time: a slow journey. 3. characterized by lack of speed: a slow walker. 4.
(prenominal) adapted to or productive of slow movement: the slow lane of a motorway. 5.
(Horology) (of a clock, etc) indicating a time earlier than the correct time6. given to or characterized by a leisurely or lazy existence: a slow town. 7. not readily respo intellectually unreceptive: a slow mind. 8. dull or uninteresting: the play was very slow. 9. not easily aroused: a slow temperament. 10. lacking promptness or immediacy: a slow answer. 11. unwilling to perform an action or enter into a state: slow to anger. 12. behind the times13.
(Commerce) (of trade, etc) slack14. (of a fire) burning weakly15.
(Cookery) (of an oven) cool16.
(Photography) photog requiring a relatively long time of exposure to produce a given density: a slow lens. 17.
(General Sporting Terms) sport (of a track, etc) tending to reduce the speed of the ball or the competitors18.
(Cricket) cricket (of a bowler, etc) delivering the ball slowly, usually with spinadvin a manner characteri slowlyvb (often foll by: up or down) to decrease or cause to decrease in speed, efficiency, etc[Old English slāw related to Old High German slēo dull, Old Norse sl?r, Dutch sleeuw slow] 'slowly adv 'slowness nslow
slow•er, slow•est,
moving or proceeding with little or less than usual speed:
a slow train.
characterized by lack of speed:
a slow pace.
taking or requiring a comparatively long time.
slow growth.
mentally dull:
a slow child.
not readily disposed (usu. fol. by to or an infinitive):
slow to anger.
burning or heating with little intensity:
a slow oven.
a slow stock market.
progressing or allowing progress at less than the usual or desired rate of speed:
a slow road.
running at less than the proper rate of speed, as a clock.
dull or tedious:
a slow party.
Photog. requiring long exposure, as by having a small lens diameter or low film sensitivity.
(of the surface of a race track) sticky from a recent rain and in the process of drying out.
Drive slow.
to make slow or slower (often fol. by up or down).
to reduce the progress of.
to slacken in speed (often fol. by up or down).
[before 900; Middle E Old English slāw, c. Frisian sleau, Old Saxon slēu, Old High German slēo, Old Norse slǣr; compare ]
slow′ly, adv.
slow′ness, n.
mean unhurried or not happening rapidly.
means acting or moving without haste: a slow procession of cars.
implies the slowness that marks careful consideration: a deliberate and calculating manner.
suggests the slowness of something that advances one step at a time: a gradual improvement.
means moving with the slowness allowed by ample time or the absence of pressure: a leisurely stroll.
usage: As an adverb,
has two forms,
and slowly, and both are standard today.
is informal, now used chiefly in imperative constructions with short verbs of motion (Drive slow. Don't walk so slow.), more commonly in speech than in writing, though it occurs widely on traffic and road signs.
also combines with present participles in forming adjectives: slow- slow-moving. slowly is by far the more common form of the adverb in writing. In both speech and writing it is the usual form following verbs that are not imperatives: He drove slowly down the street. See also quick, sure. slowPast participle: slowedGerund: slowingImperativePresentPreteritePresent ContinuousPresent PerfectPast ContinuousPast PerfectFutureFuture PerfectFuture ContinuousPresent Perfect ContinuousFuture Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect ContinuousConditionalPast ConditionalImperativeslowslowPresentI slowyou slowhe/she/it slowswe slowyou slowthey slowPreteriteI slowedyou slowedhe/she/it slowedwe slowedyou slowedthey slowedPresent ContinuousI am slowingyou are slowinghe/she/it is slowingwe are slowingyou are slowingthey are slowingPresent PerfectI have slowedyou have slowedhe/she/it has slowedwe have slowedyou have slowedthey have slowedPast ContinuousI was slowingyou were slowinghe/she/it was slowingwe were slowingyou were slowingthey were slowingPast PerfectI had slowedyou had slowedhe/she/it had slowedwe had slowedyou had slowedthey had slowedFutureI will slowyou will slowhe/she/it will slowwe will slowyou will slowthey will slowFuture PerfectI will have slowedyou will have slowedhe/she/it will have slowedwe will have slowedyou will have slowedthey will have slowedFuture ContinuousI will be slowingyou will be slowinghe/she/it will be slowingwe will be slowingyou will be slowingthey will be slowingPresent Perfect ContinuousI have been slowingyou have been slowinghe/she/it has been slowingwe have been slowingyou have been slowingthey have been slowingFuture Perfect ContinuousI will have been slowingyou will have been slowinghe/she/it will have been slowingwe will have been slowingyou will have been slowingthey will have been slowingPast Perfect ContinuousI had been slowingyou had been slowinghe/she/it had been slowingwe had been slowingyou had been slowingthey had been slowingConditionalI would slowyou would slowhe/she/it would slowwe would slowyou would slowthey would slowPast ConditionalI would have slowedyou would have slowedhe/she/it would have slowedwe would have slowedyou would have slowedthey would have slowed
Switch to Verb1.slow - "The car decelerated", , , , , ,
- decrease in size, extent, "The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester"; "The cabin pressure fell dramatically"; "her weight fell to under a hundred pounds"; "his voice fell to a whisper", ,
- cause to "The illness slowed him down", ,
- cause to be sl "Traffic was delayed by the bad weather"; "she delayed the work that she didn't want to perform"2.slow - b "Production slowed", , ,
- "The prisoner's resistance weakened after seven days"3.slow - cause to "The illness slowed him down", ,
- cause to sl "The vote would bog down the house", , , ,
- "The car decelerated",
- impede with a clog
"The market is being clogged by these operations"; "My mind is constipated today"Adj.1.slow - taking a com "a slow walker"; "the slow lane of traffic"; "her steps were slow"; "he was slow in reacting to the news"; "slow but steady growth" - procee "a gradual increase in prices" - r wi "people strolling about in an unhurried way"; "an unhurried walk"; "spoke in a calm and unhurried voice" - acting or moving or capable of acti "fast film"; "on the fast track in school"; "set a fast pace"; "a fast car"2.slow - "the band played a slow waltz" - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner - "the band played a fast fox trot"3.slow - slow to lacking "so dense he never understands anything I say to him"; "never met anyone quite so dim"; "although dull at classical learning, at mathematics he was uncommonly quick"- T "dumb officials make some really dumb decisions"; "he was either normally stupid or being deliberately obtuse"; "worked with the slow students", , , ,
- lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity4.slow - (used of timepieces) indicating a time earlier t "the clock is slow" - (used of timepieces) indicating a time ahead of or later t "my watch is fast"5.slow - so lacking in interest as to ca "a boring evening with uninteresting people"; "the deadening effect of some routine tasks"; "a dull play"; "his competent but dull performance"; "a ho-hum speaker who couldn't capture their attention"; "what an irksome task the writing of long letters is"- Edmund B "tedious days on the train"; "the tiresome chirping of a cricket"- Mark T "other people's dreams are dreadfully wearisome", , , , , , ,
- arousing no interest or attention or cur "a very uninteresting account of her trip"6.slow - (of business) "business is dull (or slow)"; "a sluggish market", , ,
- the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial an "computers are now widely used in business" -
"an inactive mine"; "inactive accounts"; "inactive machinery"Adv.1.slow - without speed (`slow' is sometimes used informally for `slowly'); "he spoke slowly"; "go easy here--the road is slippery"; "glaciers move tardily"; "please go slow so I can see the sights", ,
- a c characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech2.slow - "the clock is almost an hour slow"; "my watch is running behind"slowadjective1. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
He moved in a slow, unhurried way. unhurried , , , , , , , , , , ,
(informal), quick-moving2. , , , , ,
The distribution of passports has been a slow process.3. unwilling to, reluctant to, loath to, averse to, hesitant to, , indisposed to He was not slow to take up the offer.4. , , , ,
My watch is slow.5. , , , ,
They have been slow in responding.6. , , , , ,
(informal), , ,
(Brit. informal), , ,
(informal), , ,
He got hit in the head and he's been a bit slow since. stupid , , , , , , , 7. , , , , , , , , , , , ,
(informal), , , ,
Island life is too slow for her liking. dull , , , , , verb1. (often with down) , ,
The car slowed down as they passed customs.2. (often with down) , , , , , , , , ,
Damage to the turbine slowed the work down. delay , , , , , , , slow down , , , ,
(slang, chiefly U.S.), , slacken (off),
(slang), ,
(S. African) You will need to slow down for a while.slowadjective1. Proceeding at a rate less than usual or desired:, , , , , .Informal:
.Idiom: .2. Characterized by reduced economic activity:, , , , , .3. Having only a limited ability to learn and understand:, , , , .Informal:
, , , .adverbSo as to fall behind schedule:, , .Idiom: .verbTo cause to be later or slower than expected or desired.Down or up:, , , , , , , .
?????????? ????????????????????????pomal?zpomalitzpo??ující selangsombagudhidasj?t?tt??sporlassúnehéz felfogásúhaegja á sérhaegurof seinntregur遅い??l?t?til?tintil?tumasnegabusnenuovokuslēnsneap?ērīgsnesteidzīgssamazināt ātrumuvēlākstreigme?ka?pomal?po?asenupo?asnitil?ngsam???yava?la makgü? ??renench?m ch?pslow [sləʊ] (slower (compar) (slowest (superl)))A. ADJ1. (= not speedy) [vehicle, music, progress, death, pulse] → putting them all in order is slow work → es un
ponerlos todos this car is slower than my old one → este
anteshe's a slow eater →
to be slow in doing sth →
or (LAm) demorar en hacer algoshe wasn't slow in taking up their offer → no
su extra lessons for slow learners →
extra para
de it has a slow puncture → está
he's a slow reader →
after a slow start, he managed to end up in third place →
en tercer to be slow to do sth →
or (LAm) demorar en hacer algothey were slow to act →
en he's slow to learn →
mucho en to be slow to anger →
mucho see also
A1see also
2 A6see also
12. [clock, watch] → my watch is 20 minutes slow → mi
3. (= mentally sluggish) → , he's a bit slow at maths → es algo
para las 4. (= boring, dull) [match, game, film, plot] → , ; [party, evening] → , business is slow → hay poco
(en el negocio)life here is slow →
or 5. (Culin) cook over a slow heat →
bake for two hours in a slow oven →
6. (Sport) [pitch, track, surface] → 7. (Phot) [film] → B. ADV → , , I began to walk slower and slower →
or how slow would you like me to play? → ?cómo de
que ?to go slow [driver] →
; (in industrial dispute) →
(Sp)C. VT (also slow down, slow up) [+ person] → ; [+ progress] →
de; [+ engine, machine] →
de; [+ reactions] → ; [+ economy] → ; [+ development] → he slowed his car before turning in at the gate →
por el they want to slow the pace of reform → quieren
as she approached, she slowed her pace →
we slowed our speed to 30 miles an hour →
a 30 that car is slowing (up or down) the traffic → aquel
la D. VI [vehicle, runner] →
la ; [driver] →
or la ; [growth] → ; [breathing] →
production has slowed to almost nothing → la
a he slowed to a walk →
a the car slowed to a stop → el
hasta the flow of refugees has slowed to a trickle → el
a un E. CPD slow burn N (US) he did a slow burn → fue poniéndose
slow cooker N →
slow fuse N →
f slow handclap N (Brit) (by audience) →
fpl he was given a slow handclap →
slow lane N (Brit) (Aut) →
m ; (most countries) →
slow motion N (Cine) in slow motion → a or (LAm) en cámara lentasee also
slow train N (Brit) tren que para en todas las estacionesslow downA. VI + ADV1. (= go slower) [engine, vehicle, runner] →
la ; [driver] →
or la slow down, I can't keep up with you (to sb running) → no
tanto, no puedo seguirte; (to sb speaking) → no
, que no te 2. (= work less) you must slow down or you'll make yourself ill →
B. VT + ADV1. (= reduce speed of) [+ vehicle] →
dehis injury slowed him down → su
2. (= cause delay to) → all these interruptions have slowed us down → todas estas
nos han slow off VI + ADV =
Dslow up VI + ADV & VT + ADV = slow [ˈsləʊ] adj [movement, progress] → (e); [person] → (e)He's a slow driverBUT Il conduit lentement.at a slow speed → à
"slow" (road sign) → "ralentir" (in learning, understanding) → (e)He's a bit slow → Il
.to be slow to do sth → être (e) à
qchThe government has been slow to act → Le
à .Don't worry if your child is slow to learn to walk → Ne vous
pas si votre
. [watch] to be slow → My watch is 20 minutes slow → Ma
de 20 . to be slow [business, trade] →
Business is slow →
au . adv → Drive slower! →
plus !to go slow [driver] →
; [workers] →
vt [+ production] → to slow one's speed [driver] →
vi (= get slower) → slow down vi → Slow down, you're driving too fast! → , tu
! vt sep [+ car]She slowed the car down to 10 miles per hour → Elle a
jusqu'à ne plus
15 km/h.slow-acting [&#x2sləʊˈæktɪŋ] adj → qui
slow adj (+er) → ; it’s slow work → das braucht seine Zeit; he’s a slow learner/reader → er / ; it was slow going → es
; to get off to a slow start (race) →
; (project) → nur
; at (a) slow speed → mit
; this method is slow but sure → dieses
ist , aber ; to be slow to do something → sich (dat) → mit
; to be slow in doing something → sich (dat) → Zeit damit ,
zu ; not to be slow to do something or in doing something →
; he is slow to make up his mind → er braucht , um sich zu ; he is slow to anger → er
; they were slow to act → sie
sich (dat) → Zeit; to be (20 minutes) slow (clock) → (20 Minuten)
(= stupid) person → ,
(= dull) person, place, event →
(Comm: = slack) → ; business is slow → das
(= unhurried) → ; life there is slow → das
(= slowing down movement) surface, track, pitch → ; (because of rain etc) → ; (= slow-burning) fire →
; bake in a slow oven → bei
adv (+er) → ; to go slow (driver) →
; (workers) → einen
; slow-spoken →
; “slow” (on sign) → ,, “ vi → sich ; (= drive/walk more slowly) →
/; (inflation) → ; to slow to a stop/standstill →
vt → ; he slowed his horse to a walk → er
; he slowed his speed to 30 miles an hour → er
auf 30 slow: slow-acting adj poison →
; (Tech also) →
(ansprechend); medicine, therapy →
slow-burning adj candle →
herunterbrennend; fire also →
; (fig) rage, anger → ; slow stove → Dauerbrandofen m slowcoach n (Brit inf) → (in) m(f); (mentally) →
f (inf) slow cooker n → Reiskocher m slowdown n (= slowing) →
f (→ in, of +gen) (US: = go-slow) →
m slow film n →
slow food n (Cook) → Slow Food nt slow fuse n →
f slow handclap n →
(zum Zeichen des Protests); to give somebody the/a slow → durch
slow lane n (Aut) →
f; life in the slow (fig) → das
slow: slow march n →
m slow match n (Mil Hist) →
f, →
f slow motion n →
f; in slow → in
slow-motion adj a slow shot → eine
slow-moving adj → sich (nur)
; traffic → ; river →
; bureaucracy → , ; plot → ; film → slow: slow poison n →
slowpoke n (US inf) =
slow puncture n (esp Brit) →
nt → in einem
slow train n (Brit) →
m, →
m (inf) slow virus n → Slow-Virus m slow-witted adj → ,
slowworm n →
fslow [sləʊ] (-er (comp) (-est (superl)))1. adja. (gen) → lento/aat a slow speed → a
she's a slow worker →
this car is slower than my old one → questa
di quella che avevothe slow lane → la
to be slow to act/decide → essere /a ad /a to be slow to anger (liter) → non
b. (of clock) to be slow → essere or my watch is 20 minutes slow →
è indietro di 20 c. (person, stupid) → lento/a, tardo/aslow to understand/notice → /a a /he's a bit slow at maths → fa
in d. (boring, dull, film, play) → lento/a; (party) → poco /life here is slow →
the game is very slow → il
è molto business is slow (Comm) → gli
e. (slowing down movement, pitch, track, surface) → bake for two hours in a slow oven →
nel forno a
2. adv → to go slow (driver) →
(in industrial dispute) →
(be cautious) → andare con i "(go) slow" → "rallentare"3. vt (also slow down, slow up) (progress, machine) → ; (person) →
; (pace of novel) →
più /athe interruptions have slowed us down → le
that car slows up the traffic → quella
il 4. vi (also slow down, slow up) → production has slowed to almost nothing → la
slow (sl?u)
taking a long time.
The service at that res He was very slow to offer help. traag
????, ????, ?????
spor, polagan
(?? ??) ??
lē nesteidzīgs
perlahan , ,
?? (??? ?? ??? ??): ???? ????: ??????? ????? ???? (??? ????): ?? ??????? ???
медленный, неспешный
l?ngsam, sakta
пов?льний, нешвидкий
???? ?????
ch?m ch?p 2.
(of a clock etc) showing a time earlier
behind in time. My watch is five minutes slow. agter
zpo??ující se
που π?ει π?σω (για ρολ?ι)
taga, (kell) j??b maha
???????????, ???????, ?????????
koji kasni, koji zaostaje (sat)
of seinn ,
(?? ??) ??
Mans pulkstenis atpaliek par piecām minūtēm.
biti u zaostatku
l?ngsam, sen
такий, що в?дста?
??? ?? ????
ch?m (th?i gian)
(钟表等)慢了的 3.
not quick at learning. He's particularly slow at arithmetic. stadig, traag
????? ???????
langsom , ,
aeglase taibuga, pikaldane
?????, ?????
glup, koji te?ko shva?a
nehéz felfogású
kurang cerdas
negabus, nenuovokus
neap?ērī lēns
?? (??? ?? ??? ??)
несообразительный, тупой
l?ngsam, tr?g
gü? ??renen,
trì ??n , kh?ng nhanh trí
verb to make, or become slower. The car slowed to take the corner. stadiger ry
намалям (скорост)
saette farten ned
επιβραδ?νω/κ?βω ταχ?τητα , ,
??? ??????? ????
????-???? ???? ?? ?????
smanjiti brzinu, usporiti
haegja á sér
pristabdyti, suma?inti greit?
palēnināt; samazināt ātrumu
vaart (doen) minderen
zmniejsza? szybko??,
a ?ncetini
????? ???? ?? ????
làm ch?m l?i, ?i ch?m l?i 'slowly adverbHe sl He drove home slowly. stadig
????? ?????
sporo, polako
dengan perlahan ,
???? ?? ?????
l?ngsamt, sakta
???????? , a??r a??r
????? ?????
ch?m 'slowness noun stadigheid
die Langsamkeit
lassúság, késés
perlahannya ,
powolno??, t?pota
???? ???: ??????? ??? ????
lentoare, ?ncetineal?
s? ch?m ch?p slow motion movement which is slower than normal or actual movement especially as a special effect in films. Let's watch it, in slow motion. stadige aksie
??????? ???????
забавен кадър
c?mera lenta
zpomalen? pohyb
die Zeitlupe
αργ? κ?νηση
????? ?????
?????????? ??????
usporen, usporeno snimljen
lassított (felvétel)
gerak lambat
sem er s?ndur haegt
(?? ??) ?? ??
sul?tintas tempas
palēnināts (filmas) demonstrējums
gerakan perlahan
vertraagde beweging
sakte kino/film
zwolnione t?po
???? ???????
c?mara lenta
la ralanti
замедленная съёмка
spomalen? pohyb
po?asen posnetek
usporen snimak
slow motion, ultrarapid
????????????? ?
a??r ?ekim
спов?льнене в?дтворення
????? ???? ???? ???? ????? ????
ph??ng pháp quay ch?m slow down/up to make or become slower. The police were warning
The fog was slowing up the traffic. stadiger maak
забавям (се)
sagtne , κ?βω ταχ?τητα
ir más despacio, reducir la velocidad, aminorar el paso
????? ????
smanjiti brzinu, polak?e hodati ili voziti
(su)l?tinti (greit?), (su)l?t?ti
samazināt ā []kavēt kustību/virzību
vaart (doen) minderen ;
zmniejsza? szybko??,
снижать скорость
[f? att] sakta ner
????????? , a??rla?mak
????? ???? ?? ????
làm ch?m l?i slow →
pomal? langsom
l?ngsam ???
ch?m ch?p slow a. lento-a, pausado-a, despacioso-a; [clock] atrasado,
adv. lentamente, pausadamente, má v. to ___ down → ir más despacio; tener más calma. slow adj lento
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A FLY sat on the axle-tree of a chariot, and addressing the Draught-Mule said, "How slow you are As a measure of economy, however, I put some of the heavier baggage on the shoreward parts, to go as slow freight. At the moment of speaking her hat had blown off into the road, their present speed on the upland being by no means slow. Many of the old slow ways survived, the ways that were fast enough in the days of the stage-coach and the tinder-box. But I hear only slow death preached, and patience with all that is "earthly. This man he got merely to play simple airs in slow time, so that the assistants could keep the time and the air and pull the wires accordingly. Brittles always was a slow boy, ma'am,' replied the attendant. The fat, black horses went in a slow, measured trot, notwithstanding constant urging on the part of the fat, black coachman. While in the devil devil houses the devil devil doctors set to work curing the many heads over slow for, along with the boat's crew there were a round dozen of No-ola return boys and several Malu boys which Van Horn had not yet delivered. I took one slow step at a time and there warn't a sound, only I thought I could hear my heart. Every movement was supple, slow, and apparently considered. It was evidently a slow poison, and not too strong, that the bushmen used, for the wounded Poonga-Poonga man was still alive, and though his swollen shoulder was enormous, the inflammation had already begun to go down.
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