请教下面这句英文game over中的“over”是什么意思?谢谢

  Art  The concept of what art is has continuously changed over centuries. Perhaps the most concise definition is its broadest------arts refer to all creative human endeavors. Man use arts to convey their emotion and imagination, to reflect their views of the world, to outlet their ideas about the relations between this world and human beings. Put the definition into simple words, the arts is the organic product of knowledge and emotion. It reflect the realistic and spiritual world of the human beings.     Great Leap Forward--大跃进     thought processes思维方式       strike a deep chord in the hearts of the people.  给你几个例句参考一下:  Peaceful reunification has taken root in the hearts of the people.和平统一已经深入人心。  New ideas are slowly filtering into people's minds. 新思想逐渐深入人心。  The Chinese reform and open policies have won popular support.中国改革开放政策深入人心。  84.Re: “表面上地”怎么说?  在不同的情况下,表达也不太一样。给你几个常用的表达参考一下:  表面上不情愿be seemingly reluctant 表面上生气apparent anger 表面上相似superficia  l  resemblance 流于表面上的检查superficial inspection 受表面现象迷惑be misled by th  e  externals 从表面上看outwardly 他表面文静,其实脾气很暴躁。Beneath that ostensiba  l  calmness is a man of fierce temper.  85.Re: &对某事抱太高的希望&用英语怎么说?put one's expectations too high  86.Re: 右下角怎么说? lower right-hand corner  87.Re: 请问“外因还要通过内因起作用”该怎么说?  External causes become operative through internal causes.  88.Re: 农作物的产量怎么说?(crops) output/production  89.Re: 浓郁的人文环境怎么翻译啊  可以用“浓郁的人文环境”这种说法,英文中这样表达:strongly humanistic atmosphere  90.Re: 请问“贞观之治“如何翻译?谢谢!  Golden Years of Zhenguan, marked by peace, prosperity, openness, and efficient government  91.Re: 请教:违约金怎么说的亚penalty/liquidated damages  92.Re: 请教大家:良药苦口怎么说阿  good me bitter pills have wholesome effects.  常用翻译:良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。 Just as bitter medicine cures sickness, unpalatable advice benefits conduct.  93.Re: 居里夫人发现镭这个事情怎么用英文阐述?  Madame Curie discovered the element radium.  94.Re: 有没有中东问题相应的翻译The Mideast  95.因材施教  teach students in accordance  modify one's way of teaching to suit the special requir  offer an individualized quality education for every student  英雄所见略同gre heroes have similar views  96.Re: 请问,可持续发展怎么说sustainable development  常用的表达:  推动国民经济的可持续发展  further the sustainable development of the national economy  97.Re: 文化的传承???怎么说  impart impart and pass on culture  100.Re: 请问,交换苹果和交换思想是谁说的呀?  Bernard Shaw  &If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then  you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an  idea  and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.&  101.Re: 请问“不胜枚举”及“合理统一”该怎么说?  不胜枚举too many to enumerate/ unable to mention individually。 合理统一 这个词语的翻译得给出完整的句子。  rational/proper unity/uniformity...?  102.Re: “占据越来越大的比例”该怎么说?hold/account for a growing proportion of  103.Re: 请教“快节奏的”怎么说?  He was not quite used to the quick pace of life there.  104.Re: 眼光只停留在表面现象上怎么翻译呢?  我觉得用remain/stay on the surface of比较自然一些吧,个人观点。  105.Re: 请问一下圣赫勒拿岛怎么说?Saint Helena Island  106.Re: 动荡
请问怎么讲?social turbulence/turmoil/agitation/unrest  107.Re: 问一些翻译。关于道德法律,圣诞老人。谢谢指教!  道德败坏b be immoral  不道德的思想 也可以用unethical表达  严厉的惩罚
severe punishment可以,用动词表达会好一些,severely punish
punishme nt  作“惩罚;惩处” 不可数,作“刑罚;处罚”可数  限制节目内容place/im+programme(ite m)  提高价格的幅度raise margins of price fluctuation  归根结底 in the final/last/boil down  轻视法律的作用 underestimate the roles of law  圣诞老人 Father C Santa Claus 这两个比较通用,前一个用得比较多。  108.Re: There is no perpetual law是Jeffison说的吗  我原来学英美概况时候背过,Thomas Jefferson说的好像是:  No society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law.  109.Re: “代表性”怎么说?  都可以,representative是形容词, representation是名词。  这里,建议你用形容词  110.Re: 知识爆炸的时代怎么说呀?Knowledge explosion times  111.Re: 花边新闻,绯闻如何翻译?花边新闻news of illicit love  绯闻ruamorous affair  112.Re: 富贵病如何翻译呢?co  rich man's disease (one that calls for a long period of rest and and expensive t  reatment )  113. Re: 请教“分工日益细化”怎么说?increasingly compartmentalised  114.Re: 【问】生化武器怎么说啊?biochemical weapons  115.Re: 请问“无可厚非”该怎么说呀?give no cause for criticism  无可厚非的行为 irreproachable conduct  116.Re: 请问世界足球先生,日心说怎么说,谢谢!  世界足球先生World Player 日心说Heliocentric Theory  117.Re: 请问“多元化”怎么说?  用多元化文化吧:multiculture  多元化:become pluralistic  多元multivariable  118.Re: 请问对什么什么的认识怎么说  the knowledge about...  We have greatly advanced in our knowledge about outer space.  我们对外层空间的认识有了很大进展。  awareness of...  This incident have sharpened public awareness of the economic crisis.  这件事提高了公众对经济危机的认识。  insight...  Often we have found agreement.But even when we have not,we have gained insight  and we have learned to appreciate the other's perspectives on th  e world.  我们常常达成一致意见,即使不能达成一致意见,我们也能加深对彼此的认识,理解对方对 世界事  务的看法。  119.Re: 迫于生活的压力——怎么说?under the stress/pressure of...  120. Re: “审美情趣”该怎么说呀?aesthetic sentiment  121.Re: 北朝鲜核危机如何用英语描述呢?North Korea Nuclear Crisis 122.实现理想和现实的统一achieve/bring about unity of ideal and reality 123. 审美情趣aesthetic sentiment  124.脱离实际be d lose touch/contact with reality  125.经受时间考验 stand the test of time  126.形象思维thinking in (terms of) images or symbols  127.就是民族与民族之间的冲突不可消除.战争无法避免,源于人骨子里的。。。( 不记得后面是虾米东西了)关于这些方面的,如何组织语言呢?  Conflicts among nations are by no means preventable, thus wars are not  able to be eradicated. Yet all these originate in the human nature.  128.请问素质,节奏(pace的同义词),疾病一般比较地道的说法是什么? “素质”在英语中有很多表达,常见的地道表达有:  (1) true disposition (2) markings (3) diathesis (医学上专用) “节奏” 可以用(1)rhythm(2)tempo  “疾病”  129.“换汤不换药”怎么说啊?有没有地道的表达啊?  有的。  old same medicin same old stuff wi change in form but not in content.  130.请问知名度,实习生,怎么说?谢谢!  知名度popularity  常用表达:  保持知名度 keep /maintain/retain one's popularity 失去知名度lose popularity 提高知名度enhance/heighten/increase one's popularity  享有很高知名度enjoy high popularity知名度上升one's popularity increases 知名度下降one's popularity descends/declines/wanes/drops实习生 trainee/intern 131.Re: how to say'知识的广度和深度',width and depth of (sb's) knowledge 132.Re: ask a translation 2 价铁divalent iron
3 价铁trivalent iron  133.Re: 请问适龄儿童,民主党,共和党,日益严峻的怎么说?多谢!  适龄儿童children of school age
e.g. enrolment rate for children age 适龄儿童入 学率  民主党Democratic Party
e.g. Democrat民主党党员  共和党Republican Party
e.g. Republican共和党党员  日益严峻的 get/become + worse/deteriorating/worsening + day by day  或直接用动词deteriorate increasingly/day by day来表达。  134.Re: “弊端”怎么表达  用abuse表达“弊端”是可以的,一般我们要在不同语境选择不同的词语。 常用的有: pitfall  常用的表达有,供参考:  e.g.  avoid the rise of malpractices and evils 避免弊端redress social abuses矫正社会弊  端  wipe out political abuses根除政治弊端 ills of higher education高等教育的弊端 pitfalls of the system体制中的弊端  135.Re: “生活保障”怎么说呀?  living allowances/subsistence allowances  e.g.  &two guarantees& (guaranteeing that the for workers laid off from state-owned  enterprises and that the pensions of retirees are paid on time and in full)  &两个确保&(确保国有企业下岗职工的基本生活,确保离退休人员的基本生活, 保证按时足额发放基本养老金)  subsistence allowances for the urban poor  城市居民最低生活保障  136.Re: 请指教“英法百年战争”和“法国大革命”怎么表达呢。多谢  Hundred Years' War
French Revolution  137.Re: 请指教“新德里”和“旧德里”怎么表达呢。多谢  新德里New Delhi 旧德里Old Delhi  138. Re: 请指教“模拟电视”和“数字电视”怎么表达呢。多谢  模拟电视Analog Television 数字电视Digital Television  139.Re: 请指教“电脑远程会议”和“网上专家会诊”怎么表达呢。多谢  电脑远程会议remote meetings (share a remote computer during a meeting)  网上专家会诊expert's (group) consultation on internet  140.Re: 请指教“被胜利冲昏头脑”怎么表达呢。多谢  为方便表达,我统一用he/his,给你几个常用表达参考一下,因为我打字比较慢, 只能先打几个常用的:)  Success turned his head.
He became dizzy with success.  He was carried away by success.
He was puffed up by his victory.  141.Re: 请指教“公共意识”和“社会责任感”怎么表达呢。多谢  公共意识public consciousness 社会责任感The Sense of Responsibility in Society 142.Re: 填空那个的“空”(noun.)英文怎么说?  具体问题具体分析了,常用表达:  (1)fill in the blanks,考试中的填空,正规表达&填空题&Colze Test  (2)fill(up) fill a vacant position.  143.Re: [请问]古代皇帝名怎么写  可以,处理古代皇帝姓名翻译的时候,我们都是采用这样的原则。  e.g. Tang Dynasty was established by Li Yuan and his son Li Shimin.  144.Re: 生物用creature可否?用living thing/being吧,我们通常用这两个。 一个关于生物的常用表达,经常有人问我,我顺便说一下,呵呵  protect biological diversty 保护生物的多样性  145.Re: 详细的逻辑评估怎么说? detailed logical evaluation  146.Re: ==“有代表性的”怎么说呀?==  representative  e.g. I think this view is representative.我认为这种看法很有代表性。  147.Re: 请问一下“乐圣”用英语怎么说? master of music同理,画圣master of painti ng  148.Re: 问一个表达。因果关系颠倒了,请问纯正的说法是什么?  invert cause and effect颠倒因果 causal inversion因果关系的颠倒  149.Re: 请指教“凡高”怎么表达,谢谢 Vincent van Gogh  150.Re: 请指教“清朝”和“商朝”怎么表达,谢谢  Qing Dynasty();Shang Dynasty(BC)  151.Re: 请指教“相对论”怎么表达,谢谢  相对论 pritheory of relativity.  152.Re: 请指教“逻辑思维”怎么表达,谢谢logical thinking  153.Re: 请指教:牛顿说的“如果说我比别人看得更远一些,那是因为我站?  If I have seen further (than you and Descartes), it is by standing upon the  shoulders of giants.  154.Re: 世界文化遗产该如何说 World Cultural Heritage  155.Re: 请问饰演和阿碦硫斯怎么说?就是Iliad里面的英雄  饰演play the role/act e.g. play a villain饰演坏蛋  阿碦硫斯Achilles  156.请教几个翻译  这恰恰证明了It exactly proves that  这家公司的业务范围是This company/corporation's business scope is  157.那critical thinking到底是指什么呢?  思辨性思考,批判思考,它是一种产生疑问、合理思考、分析、评估,以解决争议和下结论 的  过程(process)。  158.Re: &现场录象&如何翻译 field television video recording  159.Re: 再问一个表达。有相当(多, 大)一部分的××  给你几个常用表达,最近头脑混乱,就想起这几个了:)  相当多quite a few 获得相当大的报酬be handsomely rewarded  造成相当大的破坏cause considerable damage to  相当大的利润/高的价格/好的运气 handsome profit/price/fortune  一笔相当可观的钱 a considerable sum of money  160.Re: 请问“划定一个区域作为。。。”怎么说?divide...for...或者fix  呵呵,用“选定、建立”好不好呢?  e.g. establish a special economic zone  Shenzhen and Zhuhai were made into special economic zones in the 1980s.  161.Re: 请问“这项支出在人们收入中所占的比例”怎么说?  This ... expenditure has constituted... proportion of ... income.  162.Re: 表示“后代/前辈”有哪些词啊?  后辈  (1)younger generation.  e.g. We, the younger generation, should make greater contributions to the mother  land  than our elders.  (2)descendants.  e.g. Quite a few of his descendants were eminent scientists.  前辈senior(person);predecessor  革命前辈revolutionary predecessor 同行中的老前辈senior of a profession  163.Re: 既然高人在,我就问几个弱问题到底是human being还是human beings,evidence没 有复数  形式吧?  我打字比较慢,请见谅啊:)  可以用human beings,human being是可数名词,但是如果把它看作整体,一般就用hunman b eing  就可以了,看几个例子:  e.g.  (1) This is a book on how to get on with your fellow human beings.  (2)He is a detestable human being.  evidence一般做不可数名词,但也有特例:e.g. evidences of prosperity繁荣的迹象 There are evidences that somebody has been living here. 迹象表明有人一直住在这儿 。  164.“毕业生就业率”怎么说 graduate employment rate  165.社会保障体系怎么说?social security system  166.Re: 浅海鱼类 远洋捕捞 等如何翻译?  浅海鱼类fish in shallow marine water
远洋捕捞pelagian/deep-sea  fishing  深海区abyssal region
捕鱼船fishing boat/vessel  167.Re: 请问 巴士底狱 怎么说?the Bastille  168.Re: 请问决定权怎么说决定权decision-making power  常用表达,有最后决定权 have the final say  169.Re: 请教几个翻译  红潮red tide
酸雨acid rain 周庄 (Ancient Township of) Zhou Zhuang  170.Re: ==请教,中国出现的韩流怎么翻译?==South Korea trend  171.Re: 问“通货膨胀”和“供过于求”的表达方法?  通货膨胀inflation  供过于求,可以用很多表达方式,用单词可以用glut/surplus e.g. There is a glut/surpl us  of eggs on the market.  用短语:supply exceeds/ have an excess of supply over demand  172.标
题: Re: 基因工程
纳米技术如何翻译?  基因工程genetic engineering
纳米技术nanotechnology  173.Re: 请问达芬奇的那幅“蒙娜丽莎”该怎么说?  Mona Lisa  174.Re: 中有好些词组不会写,还有一些语法问题如何改正呢?  社会稳定social stability  经济条件fineconomic conditions  商业环境business climate  175.Re: 请问“取得专利”和“占领市场”怎么翻译  (1)关于专利:取得专利obtain/  购买专利buy a patent转让专利sell a patent申请专利apply for a patent  拥有专利hold a patent on...专利鉴定patent examination  专利商品patented commercial articles专利说明书patent specification  专利许可证patent licence专利药物patented drugs/medicines  本国专利domestic/national patent发明专利patent for invention  有效专利valid patent  (2)占领市场 dominate the market  176.Re: 基础设施建设如何说?infrastructural construction  177.Re: 生活日益电脑化网络化?  Life is becoming computerized and cyberized day by day.  178.Re: cognition和acknowledgement有复数吗?  cognition一般做不可数名词处理,没有复数形式。  e.g. We have little evidence about how the brain functions in cognition.  acknowledgement当其在作下列意思用的时候,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。  1.承认;2.打招呼;3.(表示已收到信函的)确认通知、回音;4.答谢、鸣谢。  当acknowledgement作“回信,回条”的时候是可数名词,可以用复数形式,尤其应当指出 ,  一般用The acknowledgements放在书或文章前后的谢辞、致谢。  179.Re: 经济基础决定上层建筑如何说啊?  The economic base determines the superstructure.  180.Re: help  登月manned lunar landing贫富分化polarization between the rich and the poor  181.诺贝尔和平奖应该是nobel prize for peace还是nobel prize in peace??  Nobel Peace Prize  182.ivory是什么意思?象牙  183. 盛大的狂欢节怎么表达呢?grand carnival  184. 热情奔放的性格怎么表达呢?  be bubbling with enthusiasm(我觉得这里性格不要翻上去比较自然)  185.真理越辩越明怎么表达呢?Truth becomes clearer through debate.  186. 哈佛商学院Harvard Business School  187. 恶性竞争 vicious competition  188.急功近利 be eager for quick success seek instant  success and quick profits  189.以偏概全take generalize(about sth) from isolated  incidents  190. Re: ==请教:从众心理怎么说?==group psychology  191.Re: 请问文艺复兴怎么说Renaissance  192.Re: 请教“男生和女生的”怎么翻译  从你问的问题出发,比较:  boy's and girl's rooms = boy's room and girl's 男生女生各自的房间  boy and girl's rooms男生女生共有的房间  我建议你表达时候用复数:  the boys and girls' rooms  应当指出:the boys' and girls' rooms一些语法学家认为也可以接受,但是没有前者好。 193.Re: ==请问:音乐世家怎么翻译?==family of musicians  194.Re: ==因为这样或那样的原因,怎么说?==for one reason or another  195. Re: ==还有挂在嘴边怎么翻译??==  (1)...has become one's pet phrase.  (2) tend to mention/refer to/speak of/talk about...in one's speech  (3) hold … in the tongue  196.Re: 感谢上帝如何说? thanks god?  Give thanks to God.
Thank Heaven!
Thank God!  197.:)大虾,问一下,哥白尼的天体运行论怎么说  Celestial Navigation Theory  198.是公正的,会给每个人一个公正的判断History will judge one fairly.  199.Re: 问大牛一个问题  we have/see reason(s)/ground(s) to believe...  没有理由不相信 we have/see no reason to disbelieve...  200.Re: &历史离我们很遥远& 谢谢Historical figures are distant history.  201.Re: 急问一个问题,请大牛解答!!  The survey appears to suffer from several statistical problems, any of which ren  ders  the survey's results unreliable.  我们从这个句子中可以看出,any of which renders the survey's results unreliable 是一个非限定性定语从句,它对不对呢?我们一起来看一下:  从句的主语应该是 any of which, which 指代的是problems,还原一下,可以看得清楚, 其实就是:any of problems renders the survey's results unreliable.意思就是其中  任何一个问题都致使 the survey's results unreliable.  所以,我的观点是,这句话在语法功能上是对的。如果把any of 去掉,有两点不妥:  (1)语法错误,前面指代的是problems,后面动词renders应该是render;  (2)语气上弱了很多,不能表达问题的严重性,任何一个问题都可以致使the survey's resu lts  unreliable。  202.Re:什么起很大作用,除了 play a great role in ,还有什么常用表达
其他词组 就想起几个: play a part in... fulfil a function  呵呵 我还想起一个“不起作用”cut no ice :)  203.Re: 问xmsand翻译  焚书坑儒burning books and burying Confucion scholars alive  (by Qing Shihuang, the first emperor of Qing Dynasty)  204.Re: “子不教,父之过”如何翻译?If a son is uneducated, his dad is to blame.     205.Re: 求教:&国民素质&&发挥才华&怎么翻译?  &国民素质&national quality &发挥才华&bring one'  release one' give one's play to one's talent  206. Re: 我也请教xmsand 一个翻译,呵呵,科普读物怎么说阿?  popular science book/reader  常用表达:  科普science popularization科普工作science popularization work  科普工作者popularizer of science  207.Re: 人既有社会性,也有自然性,怎么说啊?  Man is a natural as well as social creature/being.  208.Re: ==请问:巴黎公社怎么翻译?==Paris Commune  209.Re: ==共产党宣言怎么翻译呀?==Communist Manifesto  210.Research is also the chief means by which we seek after the truth, 发现新的  物?,  探索新的领域,从而使人类能更好地发挥自身的能力,创造更多的财富,促进社会、人的进 步  怎么 翻译 阿 ?  To seek truth, make new discoveries, explore new areas, thus to tap man's greate  r  potential to procure more wealth, and finally speed the mutual progress of the  entire humanity, the major means is still the scientific research.  211.Re: 请问才华横溢怎么说  
have superb talent.  常用表达:才华横溢的人man of person of exuberant talent  他是个才华横溢的学者。He is a scholar of superb talent.  212.Re: 万有引力和日心说呢  日心说Hheliocentric theory  万有引力(universal)gravity  213.Re: 告别旧时代是congee the old age?  用farewell to old times 吧:)  214.Re: 阳春白雪和曲高和寡呢  阳春白雪Spring Snow(melodies of the élite in the State of Chu) —— highbrow  art and literature. e.g. Many of the writer's books are considered caviar to     the general public.  这位作家的许多作品被认为是阳春白雪,读者很少。  曲高和寡highbrow songs find few singers —— be so highbrow that few people can enjoy or understand  215.Re: 社会性怎么说啊,比如人是有社会性的sociality  216.找到迷宫的出口,怎么说啊?find the maze exit  217. 必经之路only path/way  e.g. only road to economic development经济发展的必经之路  218. 吸取经验和教训extract experience and draw a lesson from...  219.Re: 社会性怎么说啊,比如人是有社会性的 sociality  220.Re: 宇宙大爆炸理论怎么说的?BiBang?the Big Bang  221.Re: 呵呵,郑板桥的“难得糊涂”怎么译比较好?谢谢先  Where ignorance is a bliss, it's folly to be wise.  222.Re: 请教翻译“获得奥运会主办权”怎么说啊  win the bid for the Olympic Games  223.Re: &淳朴的民风民俗保持的比较好&怎么说?  Local traits and customs(,which are simple and honest,) are in fair preservation .  224.Re: 问一下:“埋没人才”该怎么翻译?  fail to do justic stifle/suppress real talents  常用表达:His talent for painting was neglected.  225.Re: 请教一个说法,谢谢!  “离某人做什么还有很长一段距离”,中的距离如果做“时间”的意思讲:  (1)There are...left before sb ... (2) sth is/are still ...away.  如果做“水平,能力要求”的意思讲:...be far from the requirement 226.Re: 怎么翻译“有所得必有所失”  发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Sun Aug
1 18:19:48 2004), 站内  (1)One can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.  (2)When there is gain,there is loss.  顺便说一下,有失则有得:You have to make a sacrifice to get what you want. 227.Re: 请教“消费能力”怎么翻译Consumption Power  228.Re: xmsand大牛在的话就指教一下吧  memorize的用法比较简单:  vt.  1.记住;熟记;背熟:memorize the alphabet  2.(古)用文字记录以表示纪念;纪念  vi.默记:These children can memorize easily.  至于remember,用法比较多,我就讲一些和memorize相近意思的用法吧: 它在表示“记”的意思时:  vt.1.记得;回想起:Did you remember his name?  2.牢记;记住;不忘记:I remember long passages of Shakespeare.  3.纪念;记下,留下:remember the dead of the wars  4.(技)记忆,凭记忆恢复或重现:They bend on impact instead of breaking but the material remembers its original picture  without loss of detail.  5.(古)使??记起,提醒:I remember me of that day.  vi.1.记住;有记忆力:Please remember!  2.记得;回忆:If I remember correctly, he wasn't there at the time.  3.(技)记忆:Such metal has a retention technique to remember.  4.(古)记起:I remember of him.  229.Re: 请教个词语翻译:18世纪的欧洲怎么说?Europe in the 18th century 230.Re: “一天又一天”是day by day?day after day  231.Re: [请教翻译]《理想国〉欧文 圣西门 傅立叶  《理想国》Republic欧文Irving圣西门St. Simon  傅立叶Fourier 空想社会主义utopian socialism(肯定正确的说法)  切格瓦拉 Che Guevara  232.Re: 请教几个翻译,谢谢!  枪击案school shooting,性观念淡漠The sexual sence of ... is weak. 少年犯罪率juvenile delinquency rate  233.Re: 请教一个句子的表达! A比B病的更严重,怎么表达比较好一些?  A is more seriously ill than B.  234.Re: 请问&纵向/横向对比&怎么翻译  纵向对比longitudinal/lengthwise comparison 横向对比parallel comparison 235.Re: 与其说。。。倒不如。。。  rather than  常用表达  1.Rather than lose money,it would be better to close up the business.与其赔钱, 不如停业。  2.She is more mad than stupid.与其说她愚蠢,还不如说她疯狂。  3.Rather than he do it, I'd prefer to do the job myself.与其让他去干这件事情, 不如我自己动手干。  236.Re: 请问开普勒的英文怎么写? 谢谢Johannes Kepler  237.Re: 科学无国界怎么说呀Science knows no boundaries.  238.Re: 最近的扫黄行动翻成英文如何说啊?  常用的有两种:  (1)ca (2)anti-porn drive  239.Re: 请问伽利略的自由落体定律怎么说?Galileo's law of falling bodies 240.Re: 请教富人和穷人有娜几种表达方式?  富人man of means  穷人the poor/have-nots  富人和穷人tthe haves and the have-nots  250.Re: 请问课,价值观,自杀率,家庭暴力怎么说?  应该是“心理学辅导课”吧:)psychology tutorial  价值观values自杀率Suicide Rate(s) 家庭暴力family/domestic violence  251.Re: 请教“众人拾柴火焰高”怎么说?//bow  (1)the flames rise high when everybody adds fuel to it —— the more people,  (2)many hands make light work  252.Re: ==技术工人怎么翻译呀?==  skilled workers
technical personnel/staff(技术人员)  纯体力劳动的工人physical/manul labourer/worker  253.Re: 集中请教几种说法  (具有同样药效的药怎么表达?)  参考表达:medicine with equal effect/potence  (拥有某方面的美好愿望?)  参考表达:conceive/cherish/embrace a desire to...  (面对来自??的严重挑战)  参考表达:be confronted/faced a challange...;face /meet change a challenge...;  rise to a chllange...  顺便说一句,在...愿望,...挑战,既然有详细的内容说明了,我觉得就不要加形容词修饰 了,  觉得有些中式英语:)  254. Re: 请问关于股市涨跌之类的该怎么说?  普通涨跌就用rise,fall就行了:)  The stock jumped 100 points.股市暴涨100点。Stock market tumbled.股市猛跌。  255.Re: xmsand孙子兵法?Art of War by Sun Wu  256.Re: 请教“优质服务”怎么翻 啊  first-rate service  e.g. render first-rate service提供优质服务 Quality Service Month优质服务月  257.Re: 冷门的专业怎么说?谢谢!less popular discipline/major/subject  258.Re: 耗费了大量人力物力怎么翻译,谢谢了  consume (massive,enormous) manpower and material resources  259.Re: only开头的句子,都得倒装吧?  当only+状语,位于句首表示强调时用倒装,如不在句首或虽然在句首但不修饰状语时用正 常语序。  260.Re: 请问“家庭和睦”怎么说family harmony  261.Re: 再次请教贝多芬的几个交响曲怎么翻译啊  英雄变奏曲Eroica variations 命运交响曲Fate symphony  262.Re: 循环论证怎么翻译?circular argument  263.Re: 请教“四大发明”怎么翻译 啊  four great inventions (in ancient China)  [i.e. the compass,gunpowder,paper-making,and printing]  264.Re: &地球绕着太阳转&的正确说法是什么?  The earth goes/revolves round the sun.  265.Re: 需要时间验证/考验怎么说?need time to bear?need/entail the test of time  266.Re: 集体活动怎么说?集体活动collective activities  267.Re: 心理暗示怎么说呀 maybe &psychological suggestion&  268.Re: 请问《西西弗斯的神话》英语应该怎么讲?The Myth of Sisyphus 269.Re: 含量怎么说啊?content  270.Re: 请教,在历史的长河中,如何翻译?during/in the long process of history 271.Re: 请问莫奈怎么拼?Claude Monet  272.Re: “在文中的两个地方”该怎么翻译??There are two same mistakes in the art icle.  有些时候不太好字字对照的,如果真想表示“地方”,可以用part  e.g. Parts of the book are too exaggerated to be true.这本书有的地方写得夸张不实 。  273.Re: 请问莫奈怎么拼?  印象派画家可以用impressionistic painter  光影的应用shade and shadow application  274.Re: 非暴力不合作计划,关于Gandhi的  Gandhi:the Non-Violence Movement  275.Re: 还有一个
因为什么的罪名 怎么翻译  accuse...of...;charge...with...  276.中国经济的落后性:China's backward economy  277.落后:V.fall/lag/be behind N.backwardbehind the times  278.社会混乱:social chaos/unrest  279.核试验:nuclear test  280.克隆技术触犯了社会的伦理底线,会导致道德危机  Cloning technology may violate moral principles, which lead to moral crisis.     281. relevant relative有什么区别啊?  relative作为形容词是的基本用法有:  1)比较的:  the relative costs of building in stone and in brick石块建筑与砖块建筑的比较造 价  They are living in relative comfort.他们生活得比较舒适。  2)相对(性)的:All human values are relative.人类的一切价值标准都是相对的。  3)有关的,相关的:relative proof 相关证据  4)(级别等)相当的,对应的:relative ranks (不同军种的)相应军衔  relevant作为形容词:  1)有关的,切题的,确当的,适宜的:  the relevant authorities有关当局  His remakrs are not relavant to our discussion.他的话不切合我们的话题  2)相关联的,相称的:make one's life relevant to the needs of the country使得个 活与国家需要挂钩起来  3)有重大关系的,有意义的,目的明确的:  public relative role举足轻重的社会作用  282.思想陈旧have
out-of-date/outdated/stale/old-  have an antiquated mind  283.不仅仅是要如此, 更要。。。。怎么表达呢?  not only...but also...
what is more important...
...;moreover,...  284.不适合时代的要求或潮流cannot keep abreast of the times  285.叶利钦:Boris Yeltsin  286.普京:Vladimir Putin  287.气质:qualities  288.底层人民:people in the bottom of sciety  289.闭关锁国:cut off one's country frclose the country to external world闭关政策closed-closed-doorism  290.强大的国家:powerful/strong nation  291. 打破迷信(应该是破除迷信吧)abolish superstition  292. 麦哲伦Magellan  293.退休的几种说法(因年龄,被迫)?  可以用retire  294.这个事件为后来人敲响了警钟  This incident served as a wake-up call.  This incident sounded the alarm for us.  不要写后来人了吧,翻出来,挺中式英语的:)  295.引以为戒learn lessons from...; take warning  296. 这使人们开始对这些领导人的个人品质产生怀疑  A doubt about the leader's character arises among the public.  297.法律里面的章(article)条(section)款(clause)  298.基地组织 al-Qaeda group 塔利班 Taliban  299.媒体的大肆渲染  (1)The media + blow sth up o e play up
...  (2)media hype  300.人口居住密集densely reside/live人口密集地区 densely/thickly populated area 301.近朱者赤,近墨者黑  提供4种常用常用表达:  (1)one who nears vermilion becomes red and one who nears ink becomes black-one takes on the colour of one'  (2)one who keeps company with the wolf wi  (3)one who lies with dogs   (4)one who lives with cripples learns to limp  302.地球环绕太阳转The earth goes/revolves round the sun.地动说C the heliocentric theory  303.经营状况 (bonus vary with the) income of the venture  不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。  (1)You won't see the rainbow unless you have gone through the thunder and storm.  (2)No cross, no crown.  (3)How can we see the rainbows without seeing the rains a storm?  304.冲红灯:go through/run/ shoot traffic lights  305.精神素养mental culture  306.人的品味taste  e.g. be of elegant/cultivated(bad/poor/vulgar) taste品味高(低)  person of taste有品味的人  307.素质 makings  308.投毒(一个词),和arson, robbery等并列时用poison  309.减肥产品;weight-losing products  310.感情色彩: sentiment  311.再现 还原:return to the original condition/  restore  312.恶的根源:the parent (origin/root)  313.学历:academic/ed record  formal academic credentials  314.军事装备:military equipment  315.资金: capital  316.从历史和理性的角度看 from a historical and rational perspective  317.前后相承的关系:come down in can be traced to the same origin  318.灭亡: be wiped out  319.垃圾(指的是工业里dump的那种)industrial refuse  320.海明威: 老人与海Ernest Hemingway: The Old Man and the Sea (斜体字) 321.快捷的交通:fast traffic/communication  322.后天的(不是ingenerate): nurtured  323.Re: 请问,教育内容多元化
该怎么讲  educational content... become(s) pluralistic  pluralistic educational content  324.Re: 问一下一个句式任何人做...都会冒着被认为是...的风险,就是“去做...是...的 ”  的意思Anyone who...will risk being perceived as....  325.Re: conserve,reserve,preserve有什么区别啊~  conserve,reserve,preserve 均有“保护、保存、保留”之意,  conserve侧重“为了减少浪费”而进行的保护;  reserve则是为“留作后用”的保留、预订。  preserve侧重“为了不至于灭绝、损坏”而进行的保护;  另外,还有一个observe则是对“传统、习惯”的保护、遵守。  326.Re: 请问 基因工程 如何表达?  genetic engineering  327.“基因重组”应该是gene recombination  328.Re: 请问衡量国家实力的那几个指标叫什么?  国民生产总值gross national product(GNP)国民财富总额gross national wealth (GNW) 国民总收入gross national income(GNI)国民总支出gross national expenditure(GNE) 国民福利总额gross national welfare(GNW)国民待遇national treatment(NT)  国内生产总值gross domestic product(GDP)国内生产净值net domestic product(NDP)  329.Re: 某个团体的成分因该用什么词,composition吗?比如说这些学生有一部分住校, 有一部分不住校,学生中住校的人占的成分有多大,  Resident students constitute a proportion of ....  The ratio of resident students and day students in this school is ....  330.Re: 请教一个翻译阶段性的成果staged achievement/gain  331.Re: 请问 豆腐渣工程 如何说jerry- bean-dregs project  332.Re: 请问社会分工越来越细应该怎么说?  Society is increasingly compartmentalised.  333.Re: 请问“沦落到社会的底层”应该怎么表达?  be reduced to living at the bottom of society  334.Re: 改革开放怎么说啊?   reform and opening to the outside world  335.Re: 请问:“牛顿的力学三定律”怎么表达,谢谢Newtonian mechanics laws 336.Re: 请问:“生活质量”怎么表达,谢谢quality of life  337.Re: 请问:“快速的生活节奏”怎么表达,谢谢  看个句子感觉一下吧:)He was not quite used to the quick pace of life there.  338. Re: 请问:“心理素质”怎么表达,谢谢psycological quality  339.Re: 请问:“慈善事业”怎么表达,谢谢  charitable venture/philanthropic undertaking.  340.Re: 请问:“吸取教训”怎么表达,谢谢learn one'draw a lesson  341. Re: 请问:“有害物质”怎么表达,谢谢harmful/noxious substances  342.Re: 请问:“中国女足”怎么表达,谢谢the Chinese National Women's Football Te am  343. Re: 问大牛“存在着不可逾越的鸿沟”怎么说?  There is...unbridgeable/impassable gap...(impassable chasm)  344.Re: 请问经济特区怎么说?special economic zone  345.优质 and 劣质(作品):outstanding
inferior  346.鱼饵:bait  347.风土人情:local conditions and customs  348.自然和人文景观:natural scenery and anthropological spectacle  349.身临其境:be personally on the scene—experience personally  e.g. You can get the facts only by investigating on the scene.  350.女权运动 movement for women's rights 351.Re: “仁者见仁,智者见智.” 怎么翻译?  the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom  --- different people have different views/opinions of the same thing 352.Re: 在过去的连续三年里
怎么说啊  in the past three straight/consectutive years  353.Re: 推动社会进步怎么说啊?  promote/propel (all-round) social progress  354.Re: 请问心理平衡,开设专版怎么说,谢谢!  mental/psychological balance  open/set up/establish a special board (for...)  355.水壶盖怎么说?:Pkettle lid  356.Re: “民族聚集区”“民族自治区”怎么说?  民族聚集区--&少数民族聚居地区  regions inhabited by ethnic groups in compact communities  民族自治区autonomous minority nationality area  357.Re: 问大牛“过于纷繁芜杂”怎么说?  numerous and complicated;mixed and disorderly;jumbled. 358.Re: 于百忙之中,该怎样翻译?   be fully engaged.  常用表达:感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间接待我。  Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to receive me. 359.Re: 荷马史诗 和 历史考证 如何翻译  《荷马史诗》Homer  另外几个常用的:  The Iliad 《伊利亚特》The Odyssey 《奥德修记》  Aesop's Fables 《伊索寓言》 The Arabian Nights 《一千零一夜》 The Adventures of Pinocchio 《木偶奇遇记》  历史考证 make textual criticism/research on history  360.Re: 双刃剑该怎么翻译啊?double-edged sword  361.经济技术开发区 economic and technological development zone 362.聚众 gather a mob  363.不择手段:b unscrupulously 364.受力分析:force analysis  365.无法比拟:beyond/past/ incomparable  366.娱乐圈:entertainment circle  367.炒做:enhance the popularity by media hype 368.知识储备:knowledge reserve  369.地域差别:geographical difference  370.宽容tolerant  371.超前消费:overconsuming, excessive consumption  372.学科越加细分,研究越加深入  ...the more compartmentalised the subject is, the more thorough the research is.  ..  373.涉及。。什么领域:involve ... domain  374.廉洁:probity  375.辉煌的成就:brilliant/outstanding achievement  376.交易和买卖:trade-o  ff  377.具有威慑的作用:be a strong deterrent to  378.劣根性:deep-rooted/innate/inherent weakness  379.Re: 翻译: A与B只是时间上的巧合,并没有直接的因果联系  Instead of direct causality, there is just a time coincidence between A and B.  380.Re: 请问“日益加剧的竞争”怎么说Competition is getting tough/heating up.  381.Re: 请问“即将步入社会”怎么说on the point of stepping into society  382.Re: 过犹不及 怎么说?  too much is going beyond is just as wrong as not going far  enough  383.Re: “在过去的一百年里,人类创造的比过去几千年所创造的都要多”  用中文应该是“资产阶级在它的不到一百年的阶级统治中所创造生产力,比过去一切世代创 造的  全部生产力还要多,还要大”吧:)  The bourgeoisie, during its rule of scarce one-hundred years, has created more m  assive  and more colossal productive forces than have all preceding generations together  .  ---Karl Marx  384.Re: “试想一下,如果。。。”怎么翻译??大牛解答  just think/imagine  e.g. Just think who else can do this?  385. Re: 请问工作性质,体质,运动强度,非处方药怎么说,谢谢!  工作性质working nature体质constitution运动强度exercise intensity  非处方药nonprescription drugs, over the counter drugs, OTC drugs  386.Re: 请问“面对面的交流”Face-to-Face Communication  387.艺术品artistic work  388.艺术领域domain of art  389.Re: 请问“人民不是完全被动的”  人民不是完全被动的The people are not completely passive/inactive.  390.Re: 高雅艺术怎么说呀高雅艺术 high art  391.Re: 盖棺论定怎么议  (1)only when the lid is laid on a person's coffin, can the final judgement be pa  ssed  on him  (2)no final verdict can be pronounced on a man u  (3)no judgement on a person can be finalized until his death.  392.Re: 问一下:math和maths,究竟怎么回事??  要看你表达什么意思了,我建议你在写作文中不要用这两个词。  math(1)在美国口语中使用,等于mathematics  (2)在英式英语中,表示“收割;收割的庄稼”  (3)印度教僧侣的一种等级:马思  maths 在英国口语中使用, 等于mathematics  所以,在作文(书面语)中,要表示“数学”,还是统一用mathematics吧。  393.深得民意怎么说?  深得民意 be very popular  e.g. The government enjoys strong popular support.  394.Re: 怎么表达&一厢情愿&的看法?  (1)one's own wishful thinking
(2)one-  (3)a wish expressed by one side
e.g. This is just your own wishful thinking.  395.化学让我们了解人造橡胶的制造过程。  Chemistry acquaints us with the manufacturing process of artificial/synthetic ru  bber.  396.不仅仅是要如此, 更要。。。。not only...but also...  what is more important...
...;moreover,...  397.学习科学知识不仅仅是开阔我们的眼界,更重要的是改造世界使它更加有利于人类的生 存和发展。  Scientific knowledge learning not only expands our minds, but also remoulds the  world  beneficial to human survival and development.  398.奴隶制度使奴隶们没有人生自由,他们别无选择得听从他们的主人使唤。  (1)如果下一句讲的重点是奴隶制度:  The slavery deprives slaves of their
personal freedom, and thus compels slaves  to obey their owner's will.  (2)如果下一句讲的重点是奴隶:  Deprived of their personal freedom, slaves have to obey their owner's will.  399.爱民如子(of an emperor)love one's subjects as one loves one's children  400.“交通不便”怎么翻译?^_^  交通不便have poor
be inconvenient located  401.请问,“不知所措”怎么翻译啊?  be at a loss (what to do);be in lose one's bea  rings  402.“根本利益”和“切身利益”怎么表达呢?  根本利益fundamental interests 切身利益immediate interests  403.学习成绩奖学金fellowship  404.师傅领进门,修行在个人,用英语怎末说?  (1)the master initiates the apprentices, but their skill depends on their own ef forts  (2)the master teaches the trade, but the apprentice's skill is self-made  405.请问“凡事都要有个度”怎么说Bind the sack before it be full.  406.问语法The author makes conclusion relying on the assumption that there is no
other  choice but (make or making) a decision.  是make还是making?have no other choice/no alternative but to do... 407.请问,革命果实被袁世凯窃取怎么说?还有辛亥革命  grab/seize the fruits of revolution 辛亥革命 the Revolution of 1911  [led by Dr Sun Yat-sen which overthrew the Qing Dynasty]  408.Re: 请问几个英文名词  费雯丽Vivien Leigh
斯佳丽Scarlett Johansson  409.以偏概全怎么说啊?  tak generalize(about...) from isolated incidents  410.浮力咋讲?flotage  411.“改革开放政策”怎么说?reform and open policies  e.g. The Chinese reform and open policies have won popular support.  中国改革开放政策深入人心。  412.请问&感性认识& 和&理性认识& 怎讲?   rational knowledge  e.g. leap from perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge  从感性认识到理性认识的飞跃  413.收视率怎么说? television viewing rating  414.“问题现在变为”应该怎么说...varies from... to...  415.请问“招商引资”怎么说?attract investments from overseas  416.argument中“自相矛盾”怎么表达?   be self- argue against oneself  417.请教经济状况,生活节奏,抵触情绪,剧烈运动怎么说?  经济状况economic conditions 生活节奏 pace of life  抵触情绪antipathy 剧烈运动strenuous exercises 418.请问那个君民关系就象舟和水的谚语怎么说的?  水能载舟,亦能覆舟。  (1)waters can carry a boat and may also overturn it--people can consolidate a go vernment  and can overthrow it as well  (2)popular support is of overriding importance to a government  419.《竞选州长》 怎么说?  Running for Governor  420.请问:“更不用说”怎么说?  let...not to speak of ... 421.请问充满荆棘的道路怎么说  给你看一个书名的翻译^_^《光荣的荆棘路》The Thorny Road of Honor 422.一份耕耘一份收获?  (1) better ploughing and weding results in better crops--no pains, no gains  (2) no gains without gains(3) as a man sows, so he shall reap  423.用眼怎么说use one's eye  424.受教育程度怎么说?谢谢!level of education  425.国家二级濒危植物endangered species under second-grade state protection 426.问大牛社会分工怎么说?  social division of labour  427.表示“**地方没有人光顾过”怎么说好啊?  This ... enjoy(s) no patronage.
People never give their patronage to .... 428. 请教rather than的用法?  (1)Rather than lose money,it would be better to close up the business. 与其赔钱,不如停业。  (2)She is more mad than stupid.与其说她愚蠢,还不如说她疯狂。  (3)Rather than he do it, I'd prefer to do the job myself.  与其让他去干这件事情,不如我自己动手干。  429.问大牛&价值规律&怎么说law of value  430.标
题: as...as, if not more..., than  a is as beneficial as, is not more benedicial than, b.这样讲对吗?谢谢! be equally beneficial  431.标
题: 问几个翻译,xmsand dd好像不再了:(  提高机器效率,提高工人素质,加强管理  提高机器效率improve/increase/raise (machine) efficiency  提高工人素质enhance the quality of workers  加强管理energize the management  432.工作不分高低贵贱之分。怎么表达啊?  No profession should be discriminated.  433.请问终身制,抵触情绪,光杆司令,连任,任期怎么说,谢谢! 终身制lifelong tenure抵触情绪 antipathy  光杆司令general without an army-- leader without a following  连任renew one' be repointed/reelected consecutively 任期term/tenure of office  434.阶级斗争,怎么说啊? class struggle  435.请问 通讯技术的发展大大增进了人们的交流怎么说?  Communication technology has greatly promoted human exchange.  436.请问和尚遇见兵,有理说不清  应该是“秀才/书生遇见兵,有理说不清”吧:)  (lit) When a scholar encounters a soldier, he may have reason or right on his si  de,  but is not able to express it.  (fig) Reason is helpless before force.  437.“在中国清朝时”如何说?In the Qing Dynasty of China 还是In China of Qing Dy nasty  还是其它的表达方式?In the Chinese Qing Dynasty  438.在某人的任职期间怎么说?谢谢!during one's term/tenure of office  439.Re: 埃及法老 怎么说呀?Egyptian pharaohs  440.Re: 请问巴尔扎克,人间喜剧怎么翻译  巴尔扎克Honore de Balzac人间喜剧The Human Comedy 悲惨世界Les Misérables 441.急需某件事情或东西的被动说法是不是可以这样... is/are in dire need.不知道这种 说法地道否?  havhunger   be in urgent/pressing/be in instant/dire/urgent need of  442.标
题: 生于忧患死于安乐怎么说呢He that lives in court dies upon straw. 443.请问正当防卫,防卫过当怎么说?谢谢!  正当防卫 legitimate defense  防卫过当unjustifiable self-defense  444.干细胞怎么说?stem cell  445.==请问:不完全同意某人的看法,怎么说?==  don't wholly/entirely
agree with ...
wouldn't go so far as to say that...  isn't in complete agreement with...  另外,完全同意unqualified agreement  446.Re: 沙尘暴怎么说来着?duststorm  447.Re: 科技,以人为本怎么说的,呵呵Human Oriented Technology  448.含量超标the content of ... exceed the provided/set standard  449.人口过剩overpopulation  450.Re: “宇称不守恒定律”和“英国王妃”怎么说呢?  宇称不守恒parity nonconservation 英国王妃princess/queen/ranee/rani  451.Re: 问一个短语  more often than not=as often as not“常常”。  During foggy weather the trains are late more often than not.(有雾时火车常常误点 。)  452. Re: 表示一类人应该用the old还是用the olds?  用the old:)  看到olds,想到了“奥尔兹”,呵呵,汽车制造商,首创流水线装配法:)  453.Re: 请问“边缘学科”和“交叉学科”怎么说?  interdisciplinary ,英文表达是同一个单词:)  454.Re: “患者在第一时间得到救治”怎么说?Patients will be given prompt treatmen t.  455. Re: 请问野生动物保护区怎么说啊wild animals refuge area  456.Re: 请问扼杀在摇篮中怎么讲?stifle sth in the cradle  457.Re: 请问&三权分立&的英文怎么讲?separation of powers  458.Re: 请问医疗保障的 保障 用哪个词?medical security  459.Re: 请问 茶余饭后怎么说  (1)leis (2)over a cup of tea or after a meal --- at one's l  eisure  time  e.g. This best-seller has become a hot topic during people's leisure.  这本畅销书已经成为人们茶余饭后的话题。  460.Re: 请问大牛B超怎么表达啊?Type-B
ultrasonic diagnosis
B  461.Re: &不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中&怎么翻译/  fail to see the truth of the matter, just because one is involved in it.  462.Re: 请问“发烧友”是fervor吗? fan e.g. music buff/fancier 463.Re: 抗日战争怎么说??War of Resistance Against Japan ()  464.Re: 数据增长的基数怎么说阿  统计上的我们用base 数学上的我们用cardinal number  465.Re: 请问伏尔加河上的纤夫以及他的作者列宾怎么说啊  &Volga Boatmen& or &Volga Barge-Haulers& by Ilya Repin  466.Re: 请问票房惨败该怎么讲?  (experience) a complete/miserable/ an abject failure at the box office  467.Re: 请教大虾牛顿的一句话 烦请贴出牛顿说的捡贝壳的那段名言  我背过,我不知道全不全:)  I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore. I have amused mysel f now  and then finding a smooth pebble or a pretty shell, but the great ocean of truth
still  lies before me unknown and unexpected.  468.Re: 问大牛“执法机构”“法律监督机构”怎么说?  执法机构enforcement agency 法律监督机构legal supervisory organ  执法人员 law enforcement officer/official/personnel  469.Re: 又是一个问题,足球流氓怎么说?football hooligans  470.Re: 请问赖床应该怎么说?  (1)be feeling too la (2)linger in bed after waking up.  e.g. He has developed a lazy habit of staying in bed after waking up.  他养成了赖床的坏毛病。  471.Re: 望而却步该怎么讲?  (1)flinch/shrink back at the sight of (sth dangerous or difficult); (2)stand in  awe  e.g. The house looked as if it would collapse, and we all hung bear in fear.  472.操作规则operating discipline  473.收听率(of radio programmes, etc) rating  e.g.(1)rating of a radio programme电台节目收听率  (2) The popularity of a television or radio program as estimated by a poll of se  gments  of the audience. 收听率/收视率通过对听众和观众的调查得出的电视或广播节目的受欢迎 程度.  474.Re: 请问高端市场应该如何译?high-end market  475. Re: 请问&既对立又统一&怎么说?unity of opposites  476.人人生而平等All men are created equal. / born equal.  477. 精神寄托spiritual sustenance/inner resources  478.《要使科学造福于人类》  The creations of our mind shall be a blessing and not a curse to mankind.  出自:  It is not enough that you should understand about applied science in order that  your work  may increase man’s blessings. Concern for the man himself and his fate must alw  ays form  the chief interest of all concern for the great unsolved pr  oblems of  the organization of labor and the distribution of goods in order that the creati  ons of our  mind shall be a blessing and not a curse to mankind. Never forget this in the mi  dst of your  diagrams and equations.  479.潘多拉的盒子Pandora's box  480.Re: 保健品如何翻译?health (care) products  481.文化底蕴:cultural inside information  482.变化趋势:the winds of change(或直接用tendency,trend,inclination)  483.在车祸中是被迫的,被撞的那种怎么表达啊?  aggrieved party in the accident/ the injured  484.价值取向 value orientation  485.污染程度不同?pollution? differ in degree  486.经济萧条 inflationary r ecession  487.通货膨胀 expansion of   i inflation factor  488.从而导致消费者购买力不足  and thus lead to/bring about/result in/cause/give rise/trigger lack of purchasin  g power  (lower/ cut down….)  489.市场上的货物积压overstock commodities
(guard against overstocking)  490.物价下跌sag  491.环境恶化environmental deterioration  492.天气恶劣bad weather (foul weather)  493.缺乏食物be on short commons  be/ be deficient/wanting/lacking (in)  494.天敌骚扰 be constantly harassed by natural enemy  495.高速列车high speed train  496.磁悬浮列车magnetically levitated train  Maglev train(magnetically levitated train)
magnetic suspension train  497.师资力量:faculty 就可以了  498.(学校的)硬件:material conditions  499.(学校的)软件:quality of personnel, management and service, etc  500.Re: 请教大虾“犯罪率”怎么说? incidence of crime  501.Re: 请问品牌效应该怎么说啊?谢谢。 brand effect  502.Re: 什么时候定语从句的引导词只能使which/that?  (1)当先行词是all,much,anything,something,nothing,everything,little,none等不定代 词,  关系代词一般只用that,不用which(但something,everything,anything后也偶尔用which)  (2)如果先行词被形容词最高级以及first,last,any,only,few,much,no,some,very等词修饰 的时候,关系代词用that,不用which,who或whom。  (3)非限定性定语从句用which不用that.  就记得这些了:)  503.Re: 某人的学生时代怎么说?   school times  504.Re: 请问:“分工-合作”的工作模式怎么表达?  就“分工合作”来说,是cooperate with due division of labour  我觉得你可以用“流水作业法”来表达:st streamlined method o f work  505.Re: 使用价值和交换价值怎么说啊!希望高手不吝赐教!  使用价值use- useful value  交换价值   commercial value  506.Re: &最大程度的满足&应该怎么说 meet the need of ... to the maximum.  507.Re: 中转站怎么说?谢谢!transfer station  508.Re: 弱弱的问一声:全球化怎么说来着?globalism  509.Re: 请问“形成正确的价值观”怎么说set/form/develop correct values  510.Re: 安乐死 尊老爱幼怎么翻 多谢  安乐死 mercy means  尊老爱幼respect the aged and love the young  511.Re: 请问“具体情况具体分析”怎么说make a concrete analysis of a concrete pro  blem  512.Re: 问问表达“让步”的词有那些?  只记得20个句式了,供你参考吧^_^  (1) Though/ Although...,(yet/still/nevertheless)....(2) ...,yet/still/neverthles s....  (3) (Even)if/Even though....(4) ...,but....(5) True,/It is true that...but...  (6) Yes/Indeed/Certainly/I admit,...but/yet/and yet....  (7) ...not + so/such+adj/adv + but....  (8) Whether...or.../...or...+让步从句+主句。(9)倒装式让步:  表语+as+主语(代词)+系词  表语+as+系词+主语(名词)
+ 主句  动词+as+主语+助动词  (10)(让步从句)Were/Had/Should+主语+其他成分,+主句(虚拟式)  (11)由动词命令式表示的让步:  a.Be + 主语+表语,+主句  b.动词原形/Let + ...be + 疑问词 + 代/名词 + may/will等,+ 主句 c.Be + 主语/ Let...be +ever so + adj, + 主句  (12)疑问词+ever引出让步从句+主句  (13)No matter wh-疑问词+让步从句+主句  (14)It is a + adj + n + that  (15)主语+谓语+(让步状语)in spite of/regardless of/disregarding + 名词  (16)For all/ With all+ one's...+主语+谓语  (17)For all+从句  (18)Notwithstanding that(从句)/名词(让步状语)+主句  (19) 主语+谓语+albeit引出的让步状语  (20)...+at any rate/at any cost/at any event/at all risks/in any case.  513.Re: 请问“举重若轻&怎么说?急  handle complicated matters with great ease  514.Re: 询问:请问“公共事业管理”用英文怎么说?public administration 515.Re: 运动员的爆发力怎么说?explosive force  516.Re: =问一个翻译:人体的特异功能怎么说?==extrasensory perception (ESP) 517.物以稀为貴  我提供三种常用表达,供你参考:  (1) a thing is highly priced if it is rare-- the rarer a thing is, the more it i    (2)when a thing is scarce,  (3)the more scarce, the more precious.  518.Re: 戊戌变法是不是Wuxu political reform?  Reform Movement of 1898, also known as the Hundred Days Reform  [led by Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao and Tan Sitong]  519.Re: 自然保护区怎么说?nature preservation zone  520.Re: 请教,理论物理和实验物理怎么说?  理论物理 theoretical physics 实验物理 experimental physics  521.Re: 问:起决定作用的还是。。。怎么说?^_^  play a decisive/final role in...e.g. His opinion is decisive on the question.  522.Re: 日本侵略者怎么说啊?the Japanese invaders/ aggresors  523.Re: 侵略者,广大人民群众怎么说??  侵略者invader 广大人民群众the general public  524.Re: 在一定范围内 怎么说?within limits  525.Re: 脱离群众怎么说?  (1)cut/alienate oneself(2)be divorced from the masses.  526.Re: 请问“工作情绪”怎么说阿?working mood  527.Re: 请教“就??而言”用英语怎么表达?as for/to...  528. 世贸大厦 World Trade Centre  529.圆明园 Y the Old Summer Palace  530.历史遗留下来的建筑 historic building  531.红军 Red Army  532.改革开放 reform and opening to the outside world 对外开放 open door
opening to the outside world  533.牛顿定律newton laws  534.Re: 请问个翻译  在古代 in the ancient/in antiquity  在古时候in ancient times  535.Re: 请教罗马教廷宗教裁判所和主流思想的英文表达  罗马教廷宗教裁判所inquisition  A tribunal of the Roman Curia having jurisdiction in matters relating to penance ,  dispensations,and papal absolutions.
主流思想mainstrem ...thinking  536.Re: 发挥最大潜能,加重了(社会的)不稳定性如何表达?  发挥最大潜能develop/realize one's (enormous/great) develop the latent
powers  另外,挖掘潜力tap latent potential  加重了(社会的)不稳定性endanger social stability 占着位子不换 hold on to a post 537.Re: 正常的教学秩序怎么说?the normal order of teaching  记得哦,维持/破坏正常的教学秩序用maintain/disturb  538.Re: 课外活动是不是可以这样说?3x!  extracurricular (activities); after-school activities.  539.Re: 请教“就??而言”用英语怎么表达?  as to/for.  540.Re: 比赛的解说员
应该怎么说?narrator.  541.Re: 请教“有很大差距”怎么翻译?  there is an enormous gap in ... between ... and ...在...上,...和...有很大差距。  542.Re: 再问个proverb
One man's meat is another man's poison.  三种常用翻译,供参考^_^  (1)萝卜青菜,各有所爱。(2)人各有所好。(3)百人有百好。  543.Re: Every rose has its thorn表达的是什么意思啊  没有没刺的玫瑰。/每朵玫瑰都有刺。  544.Re: 请问:产品包装怎么说?谢谢 packaging of products 545.Re: 请问:“商业情报”怎么说阿?business intelligence  545. Re: 请教capped teeth是什么意思?假牙  546.Re: “从这个意义上来说”用英语怎么表达In this sense,...  547.Re: 请问:怎样形容一个人执着的做某事  (1)headstrong.(2) persevering.  e.g. devote oneself consistly to the cause of education 执著地献身于教育事业 548.Re: 欧元是Euro吗?谢谢(内空) Eurodollar  549.Re: &玛丽莲梦露&.&猫王&,&披头四&&前车之鉴&怎么翻译?谢谢!  &玛丽莲梦露&Marilyn Monroe
&猫王&Elvis Presley &披头四&The beatles  &前车之鉴& lessons drawn from others' mistakes  550.Re: 请xmsand大牛帮忙,《汤姆叔叔的小屋》及林肯说的那句话:写了一本书, 酿成了一场大战的小妇人  Uncle Tom's Cabin & The Little Lady who started the War!&  551.Re: 请问“名列前茅”“公开课”“获得优秀实习生称号”“竞争力”怎么说啊? 名列前茅 figure forem be in the  first/ head the list of successful   leave all the others behind  e.g.考试名列前茅 rank high in the test  他在班上名列前茅。 He heads the class./ He is at the head of his class.  公开课open class  获得优秀实习生称号gain/earn/win the title of Excellent T obtain the  appellation of Excellent Trainee  竞争力 compatitive ability/edge/power  e.g. 提高/增强竞争力 sharpen one's compatitive edge  552.Re: “权宜之计”如何表达  expedient(measure);makeshift(device);measure of expediency  553.Re: 因材施教
孔子 怎么写  因材施教teach students in accordence  modify one's way of teaching to suit the special requir  offer an individulized quality education for every student  孔子 Confucius  554.Re: 形容穿着随意怎么说啊?be informally dressed  555.Re: 请问什么什么不能作为什么的借口怎么说  there's mo excuse not to be with...; ...cannot practise (as)...; ...is  no excuse (to) ...  556.Re: 人类胚胎干细胞研究
怎么翻  人类胚胎干细胞研究Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research  前景无限好a brilliant/promising future  557.Re: 请教几个翻译  1)达到资源的最优配置optimize the allocation of resources  2)兴奋剂stimulatere ...3)器官移植organ transplantation  4)伏尔加河上的纤夫 &Volga Boatmen& or &Volga Barge-Haulers&
(by Ilya Repin)  558.Re: 请问“前总统”怎么说?ex-president  559.Re: 请问按照。。。。。的意愿怎么说?谢谢!(act) after (one's) will  560.Re: 公害咋个说 谢谢  1)pollution nuisance2)public nuisance/hazard/plague  561.凡高活着时只卖出一幅400法郎的画,死后那些画都卖到了上千万美元。怎么说?  主要是卖到上千万怎么说?  【 在 brok (snail) 的大作中提到: 】
Van Gogh's certain painting worthy only 400 franc while he's alive is now  priced over ten million.  嗬嗬,我水平差xmsand很远,随便翻的你看好不好  我觉得很不错啊^_^  建议有个地方稍微调整一下,个人观点^_^  A painting of Van Gogh's that worthed only 400 francs when he was alive  is now priced over ten million.  562.跻身与一流强国之列  rank among the great powers
enter into the ranks  563.(河)对岸opposite bank/ the other side of the river  564.更何况what'moreover  565.只有....才能....only...(状语),can ...  566.发动群众mobilize the masses  567.碰壁run one'srun/touch up   bump against the wall--  enco  suffer a setback  568.虽然称不上是 ,...not to say...,...  569.升旗/降旗 raise(uprise) a flag/abase(lower) a flag  570.推广promote  571. 螺丝钉screw spike  572.螺母screw nut  573.Re: 请问精简政府机构怎么说,谢谢!  streamline/simplify the administration/administrative structure  574.Re: 请问市场营销怎么说,谢谢!marketing  575.Re: 请教翻译,帮忙看一下对不对,谢谢!!!  市场竞争激烈Competition is so fierce in the ... market  经济萧条inflationary recession  576.Re: 请教:自然和人文景观(资源)怎么说?  natural and human landscape  577.Re: 请问这句话是什么意思,3x  Speak n sit not when others stand, and walk not when others  stop.  他人讲话时不要讲话;他人站立时不要坐着;他人驻足时不要行走。  578.Re: &受伤程度&怎么说?  Degree of injury (minor, medium, serious)  579.Re: argument中的“时效性”怎么表示?Timeliness  580.Re: xmsand请进,谢谢!!!  谢谢你的翻译,问一下要用一个句子表达“经济萧条”怎么说?  the economy may be depressed不行吗?我见到别人这么用,但没把握!  另外市场饱和这样行吗: the market may be sturation in sth。??  我进来了,^_^  我觉得用the economy may be depressed有些别扭,要用一个句子来表达啊,让我想想哦, 用 the market may slip/OR the market may enter a slump.  市场饱和...the market has reached the saturation point. OR ...the market has  become saturated. OR ...the market is nearing saturation.  581.Re: 请问 lay-off可以表示失业工人吗?  layoff合在一起,作名词,一般表示“裁员”的意思,复数直接加S,表示失业者用 “the jobless/unemployed”表示吧^_^  582.Re: 还有 就业压力?the pressure of employment  583.Re: 请教xmsand大牛!  这个mass该怎么用啊,比如说很多是masses of吗?还有人民大众用mass怎么表达啊 不要叫大牛了吧,叫我sand就好了^_^  mass表示很多,用a mass of (masses of),和lot相似^_^,不同的就是mass可以单独做形容 词,  表示“大量的”,  所以也可以说mass arrests。大众,用 the masses就可以了^_^  584.Re: 请教xmsand大牛!  说从过去的事情当中历史教训可不可以这么说阿As a result, it is necessary to dr aw  histories and
lessons from them.  用draw lessons from history吧^_^  585.Re: 请问计划经济用这个表示可以么?  计划经济planned economy市场经济exchange economy;market economy  586.Re: 问argu中一个翻译  调查是用电话的形式进行的(即采用电话调查telephon survey)用一句话怎么说? field ... survey by telephone to (sb)  587.Re: 两位大牛看过来^_^  今天我要问个够^_^ 表示最后总结性质的话有哪些  ^_^ 我只记得几个了^_^  in conclusion/ to conclude, ...  ....come to/reach/ draw a/the conclusion...  a conclusion be reached/arrived at...;...conclude/sum up...  all in all...; in a word,...; to sum up,...; the conclusion...be...; the final p oint ...   in brief/in short/ on the whole  588. Re: 问几个翻译..  1) 因经济不景气而裁人to layoff staff due to the economic recession  2) 知足者长乐contentmenough i happiness consists in contentment  3) 维护领导者的威信uphold the prestige of the leaders  589.Re: 自动洗碗机和吸尘器是不是这样说?谢谢!  自动洗碗机dishwasher;washer  吸尘器 cleaner;dust collector  590.Re: 请问,法国的启蒙运动怎么讲?  the Enlightenment(the 18th century Enlightenment)  591.Re: 再问一下,大航海时代应该怎么讲?  (1)the big navigation century;(2)great era of navigation  592.Re: 请问,普朗克怎么说?Planck  593.Re: 请教一下“经济的快速增长”和“人民生活水平的提高”该怎么翻? “经济的快速增长”rapid economic growth  “人民生活水平的提高”improvement in living standard(s) (of the people) 594.Re: 请问知其然,还要知其所以然怎么说,谢谢!  (1)Know the hows and also the whys.  (2)To know truly is to know by cause.  595.Re: 请问主观能动性怎么翻译啊?  主观能动性subjective activity/initiative  596.Re: 写完发现漏了一点,想说“补充说明一点”改怎么讲?  I (have+done)... about this a lot,but I want to put in that...  For ..., I would add that...  597.Re: 问一个:query whether 什么个用法?  好像美国英语里用得比较多,表示“问,询问”的意思^_^  e.g. He queried whether she could dance.他问她会不会跳舞。  598.Re: 谁合适做什么怎么翻译?one is cut out to be...  599.Re: income是可数还是不可数名词?  做“收入、所得、收益”的意思时,是可数名词。  600.Re: 肥裤子怎么说?baggy trousers  601.Re: xmsand 请问激励政策怎么说?encouraging policy  602.Re: 请问“防民之口,甚于防川”怎么说  It is more difficult to stop the people's mouths than to block a river.  (fig) Public opinion cannot be stopped.  603.Re: 垃圾邮件是rubbish mail 吗?Spam  604.Re: 请问人工降雨怎么说,谢谢!  人工降雨和人工降水不一样哦^_^  人工降水artificial/man-made precipitation 人工降雨 simulate  rain  605.Re: 请教几个词的翻译  印象派 impressionism 黑人音乐Black M The Music of Black  发行量amquantity issued 计量经济学Econometrics 606.Re: 跪求高手:这个语法对否?(在线等)  关于“定语从句同先行词的割裂”  两种情况:  (1)如果主语的先行词跟有一个较长的定语从句和一个较短的谓语,为平衡句子结构, 要把谓语动词放在先行词和定语从句之间,这种关系代词同先行词的割裂为正确结构; e.g. He won't live long who smokes three or four packs of cigarettes every  day for many years.  (2)如果做宾语的先行词跟有一个较长的定语从句和一个较短的宾语补足语(或状语), 为平衡句子结构,要把补足语(或状语)放在先行词和定语从句之间。  e.g. She considered the dictionary valuable which was complied by first-rate  scholars from countries.  607.Re: 罗斯福的“新政”怎么说the New Deal  608.日月运动lunisolar motion  609.潮水涨落ebb and flow  610.物体的坠落drop  611.Re: help: 人定胜天?  man is bou  man will  man's will, not heaven, decides  612.Re: 毫无例外怎么说?with no exception可以吗?  awwithout exception  613.Re: 阿甘正传
怎么说?Forrest Gump  614.Re: 请问武侠怎么说呀?鞠躬,谢谢!  kung fu novel  e.g. enjoy reading martial arts novels爱读武侠小说  另外,武侠片swordsman/ chopsocky  615.历史数据 historical data  616.Re: 前瞻性研究怎么说?谢谢!Foresighting research  617.Re: 请教下,“融入社会&应该用哪个词?integrate onself into society  618.Re: 促销活动怎么说sales promotion  619.Re: 请问阿波罗登月计划该怎么说?Apollo'Apollo Program 620.Re: 请问“内在素质&?inner quality  621.Re: &确切的说&怎么说?to be exact/precise  e.g. The flight arrives at about seven-- 7:05 to be exact/precise.  622.Re: 请问尺有所短,寸有所长怎么说,谢谢!  sometimes a foot may prove short while an inch may prove long-- everybody has his strenths and weakness  623.Re: 指挥打仗用哪个动词(1)(2)(3)lead 624.Re: how to say 价值观还不成熟?immature values  625.Re: 请问孝敬父母怎么说?  孝敬父母  (1)show one's filial respect to one'treat one's parents  (2)give a present to..  孝顺父母  be filial to one'practice filial prety towards one's parents  626.Re: 格鲁吉亚英语怎么说?Georgian (English)  627.Re: 在不同的历史时期怎么说at various periods;at different ages 628.请问era是怎么用的  era表示:  (1)时代,历史时期,某一重要历史事件后的年代;e.g. the Romantic era  (2)纪元;  (3)标志着新时期开始的重要日子和重大事件  629.Re: 请问&相辅相成&怎么说?complement each other  630.Re: 问一个翻译:偷换概念怎么说?  replace /substitute disguised replacement of a concept. 631.Re: to name a few ?什么意思?and so on?
adv.仅举几个例子  632.Re: “独立思考”大家提供些好的表达方式吧!谢拉先~~~!  独立思考 do
think things out of onesel f  633.Re: 请问“四大文明古国”该如何表达?  four countries with an ancient civilization  634.Re: as well as和along with后可以接从句吗?  as well as和along with后可以接从句吗?  一般做&介词使用&,后面一般不引导从句  635.Re: 请教大家一些翻译  加里波第Giuseppe Garibaldi
那不勒斯 Naples/Neaples  斯巴达克Spartacus 李斯特Liszt
塞尚Cézanne 真理verity 636.Re: 化合物中的“结合水”怎么说?  bound water, combined water  637.R


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