
tell each other what &quality of life& is and how it can be improved?
A:Hi,Mike,what do you think of "quality of life"?
B:Oh,it depends...Someone think that the simpler the life is ,the better the life will be.However,someone think differently.They think that they should lead a very happy life even luxury.
A:Yeah,i agree with the first one.I don't like to compete with others.Just be myself!And I like simple life.SO I choose to live in the country.I think my quality of life will be improved if I keep peace with others and there will be no "war"in the world.
A:Hi,Mike,what do you think of "quality of life"?
B:Oh,it depends...Someone think that the simpler the life is ,the better the life will be.However,someone think differently.They think that they should lead a very happy life even luxury.
A:Yeah,i agree with the first one.I don't like to compete with others.Just be myself!And I like simple life.SO I choose to live in the country.I think my quality of life will be improved if I keep peace with others and there will be no "war"in the world.
B:Joy,i know that you want everything the simple way.But I can't agree with you.I think you should catch with the others so that you won't fall behind.The quality of life will be improved if you make prograsses.So we should make every effort to make life better.I don't think keep in space is a good way.
A:Mike,anyway,I won't say that you are wrong.People should respect each other's opinion,but i will stick to my idea.
B:Yes,you are right.Oh,my favorite TV play begins,I will go back home and see it.Bye!
B:You are the so_called TV fan.Well,I will go back home.too.See you !
—— Elena彤
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初中英语的对话教学是一种崭新的教学模式,这种教学模式的主要特征是具有较强的沟通性,是为了适应《新课程标准》提出的一种新的教学模式,主要目标是要更好地培养学生的积极性、主动性和创造性。在初中英语教学活动开展的过程中,对话所包含的对象是极为复杂的,不但包括教学活动的人为要素,还包括计算机以及一切人化的知识等。对话教学法的内容与范围也是极为广泛的,既包括师生之间的平等交流,也包括人与文本、人与自我的对话或理解。& 一、初中英语对话教学法的实施要求和标准& 初中英语课堂教学有其独特之处,也有其难点,这是一个学生不断学习的过程,需要在对话过程中实现。这一过程的实现主要是通过英语学习和课堂实践活动,所要达到的目标是提高学生的基本英语学习与应用技能,提高英语语言的实际应用能力。在此过程中,学生的情操、意志以及发散思维能力也会得到很好地培养。&在《新课程标准》的要求下,初中英语教学的目标发生了巨大变化,从单纯知识能力目标的培养向着综合能力与素质的方向发展,更加强调教学过程中对于学生学习兴趣和认知水平的培养,更加倡导和提倡学生之间的合作学习与自主学习和交流。对话教学是实现这些教学目标较为重要的途径和方法。相关的理论认为教学活动应该是在师生平等基础上的对话式交流,对话式交流的主体是学生,&&在此基础上可以激发学生的创造性和质疑的精神。对话式教学将会对我国的教育模式产生一定的影响,将会给初中英语的教学带来新的变革和新的气象。& 二、对话式教学在初中英语课堂中的实际应用&1.&强调学生在对话教学中的主体地位& 对话教学包含的各种关系,其中最主要的一种便是师生之间的关系。构建初中英语对话教学的崭新模式所要解决的一个重要问题便是寻找和凸显有效的对话主体。教师对于对话式教学的理解与把握从很大程度上关系到对话式教学的课堂实施效果,关系到教学目标是否能够很好地实现。在过去的课堂教学中,教师一直都是课堂的主体,学生处于被动接受的地位,对话教学的实施受到严重限制。对话式教学便打破了这种限制,将教师与学生的课堂地位进行了重新定位。& 2.&营造有利于对话式教学的课堂氛围& 课堂氛围也是一个影响对话式教学开展效果的重要因素。初中英语课堂要想真正地达成对话,就必须以宽松与和谐的课堂环境作为基础,为学生提供开发创造性和思维能力的条件。教师在对话式教学中所起的主要是引导作用,要鼓励学生进行思考与交流,尊重和理解学生的不同意见,给学生发挥主动性与创造性的足够空间。另外,教师还应该用心与学生进行对话与交流。宽松与和谐课堂环境下的倾听也是对话式教学对于教师所提出的一个基本要求。&3.&积极地调整对话内容,充分体现和运用对话式教学&初中英语对话式教学中的对话指的不仅是人与人之间以口头形式展开的对话,还包括课堂中的其他要素以其他形式发生的对话,即还包括人与周围、人与文本、人与自身的思维之间发生的包括口头言语、书面言语和内部语言等多种形式的对话。初中英语对话式教学的内容设计应该根据实际的教材内容、学生可以接受的方式、学生的爱好等各个方面出发,使对话教学的内容设置更加合理,更加有效。& 四、对话式教学的基本原则和基本规范&1.&充分地调动学生的积极性& 《初中英语新课程标准》指出:&学生的课堂的主体,是学习与发展的主体。&初中英语对话式教学应该着力于引导学生探究自己感兴趣的问题,并且要运用自己的智慧和方法解决问题。学生主体地位的发挥不但应该体现在课堂上,也应该在课外有所体现。学生在课堂之外搜集资料与团结协作的过程也是对话的一种表现形式,也会获得能力的培养与提升。学生的主体地位与教师的主导地位相结合是对话式教学的一个基本内涵要求,这是给学生创造学习机会、培养学生思维能力以及动手能力的有效途径,可以提高对话式教学的效果,有利于对话式教学目标的实现。&2.&坚持实现认知目标与情感目标的教学&认知目标和情感目标是初中英语教学的两个基本培养目标。在实施对话教学过程中,教师应该充分注意到认知能力和情感能力的培养是两个相辅相成和相互促进的方面。师生之间的情感关系会影响到情感教学目标的实现,因此,教师要加强师生之间的情感沟通。&五、现状分析& 初中英语的对话式教学还存在一定问题。对话式教学虽然给了学生较大的自由发挥与自由创造的余地,并具有很强的动态生成性和不可预测性,但却给教师带来更多的突发问题需要处理。在这种情况下,教师必须提高自身的素质以应变一切可能的变化,对话式的课堂教学才能够真正实现。对话式的课堂教学使得教育者和受教育者只有获取与加工更多的信息,才能为对话提供更多的素材。师生在通过对话、沟通与合作的过程中,实现了对于各种信息的分析、加工、综合,实现了知识与能力的协调促进。但是,从目前的教育体制、考试体制来看,教学方式的改变必须面对考试的现实压力。另外,学生必然存在着认知水平上的差距。因此,如何让对话式教学能兼顾到不同水平的学生,尽可能地照顾到所有学生的认知水平,是我们需要考虑的问题
帮忙设计个4个人的英语对话,最好是初高中的词汇、语法。每个人说2、3句就行了。 4个人分别用ABCD表示.急求!
do B:What
matter ?A: We
week , but
I don't
test .C :Maybe I
words .D:I
.B: Perhaps
with .D:Yes ,I
OK .A: Enn,Thanks
much !B、C、D : You
A:What a gorgeous day today!
B: Yes, But for me. I feel a little bit cold. I miss the climate in my hometown.
A: Oh? What's the kind of climate in your hometown?
B: My hometown is in Kaiping Guangdong. There are four very obvious seasons in it. But generally speaking, it's not that cold as here.
A: Yeah, usually the climate in south China is warm. So what is your favorite season?
B: I like autumn the most. Because it's not cold or hot. And I like the leaves change color and the cool wind blow on my face. I feel good in this weather.
A: Yes, I like that climate, too. By the way, have you noticed that the weather change quickly and extremely last time?
B: Of course, months ago, the storm and the heavy rain, right?
A: Yes, that's the one.
B: There was raining cats and dogs that day. And the weather change to so cold immediately. And there were flood in some areas.
A: Yes, you're right.
B是的,但我觉得有点冷, 我怀念我家乡的天气
A哦? 你家乡是哪种天气呢?
A是的,我也喜欢那样的天气.顺便问一下, 你注意到上次天气转变的非常快,非常的极端吗?
B当然,是几个月以前, 那个暴风雨,对吧?
B那天简直是大雨倾盆呀!而且天气一下就变冷了. 有些地区甚至发了洪水.
it‘s about the climate inhometown!呵呵 do you think its fit you??(it’s troubleso to me ,so from the internet!)
A: What a gorgeous day today!B:&& Yes, But for me. I feel a little bit cold. I miss the climate in my hometown.A: Oh? What's the& kind of climate in your hometown?B: My hometown is in Kaiping Guangdong. There are four very obvious seasons in it. But generally speaking, it's not that cold as here.A: Yeah, usually the climate in south China is warm. So what is your favorite season?B: I like autumn the most. Because it's not cold or hot. And I like the leaves change color and the cool wind blow on my face. I feel good in this weather.A: Yes, I like that climate, too. By the way, have you noticed that the weather change quickly and extremely last time?B: Of course, months ago, the storm and the heavy rain, right?A: Yes, that's the one.B: There was raining cats and dogs that day. And the weather change to so cold immediately. And there were flood in some areas.A: Yes, you're right.&
at last,best wish for you!
Weather Weather changes with seasons--cold with snow in winter, hot with rain in summer and mild with sunlight in spring and autumn.I like the weather with sunshine because sunny weather make people pleasant and happy. But I really don't like the weather in Beijing very much for it is very dry and windy in autumn, and this is the city's typical weather. Yet the weather I like most in Beijing is spring and summer. In spring flowers bloom and trees turn green and everything are full of vigor.In summer the city is decorated with flowers and green coverings almost everywhere.I think the best weather for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is the season of late summer and early autumn. So I hope it is going to be held in this season.I also agree that usually sunny weather can make people happy while rainy or cloudy or windy weather can make people in low-spirit for people tend to be more active and comfortable in sunny weather.So nobody really likes windy and rainly weather and instead almost all like sunny one. 翻译:天气 天气随季节变化,冬天寒冷下雪,夏天炎热下雨,春秋温和而阳光充足。我喜欢晴朗的天气因为明媚的阳光使人心情舒畅。但我却不太喜欢北京的秋天,干燥而风大是北京的典型天气。我最喜欢北京的春天和夏天。春天,百花盛开,树木变绿,一切都充满了生机活力。夏天,整个北京到处点缀着鲜花和绿地。我认为2008年北京举办奥运会的最好季节是夏秋之交,真希望能在这个时候举办盛会。我同意这样的观点:晴朗的天气使人愉悦,而阴天,下雨或刮风的天气使人心情压抑,因为晴朗的天气里人们会觉得活跃和舒适。因此,没有人喜欢刮风下雨天,而是都喜欢阳光明媚的天气。
读人数:3357人页数:3页WeatherA:Oh,It is a cloudy day.It has been cloudy for ages.I can’t stand it . B:Yeah.Althou I’m a local in Guangxi ,I can’t stand it too.A:How long will it takes to sunny ?B:Maybe a month or more .It takes a lot of inconveniencet to us .


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