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经验分享:二战101 给每次做TPO阅读都错10个的你
来源:  15:26:18 【】 
  每次都是26分。除了经典加试要好好看之外(我每次的加试都是听力经典加试。每次都是大王花),scientific american 60s绝对是你的好伙伴。每天听1到2个段子,一直听直到听懂为止(切忌只重数量不重质量),坚持一周时间,我保证你的听力高分。
  然后,每个人(至少我身边的人都是)在考T前都有曾想要退考,正常的,坚持下来就是胜利。TPO做的不好没关系,你的考试分数和你的TPO模拟分数没有任何直接的联系。1&&  相关推荐:
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版主和正在准备考试的考生们,大家对TPO和真实托福考试的描述都是越来越难。尤其 是现阶段的托福考试几乎难度呈现指数型增长。也有人暗示我以前对于IBT阅读备考方法
和解题分析已经部分的不再适用于今天的考试了。然而据我所知,ETS并没有对IBT考试 进行改革,同时针对语言应用能力化的考核的领域中也没有彰显出任何实质化改革的效
果。于是最近这些日子,我便抽空把TPO 19的阅读自己做了下,想看看现在的考试和
再次叹息:ETS的一贯的“战略战术”并没有改变,只不过换了个“背景”,从而继续演出他 那早已老掉牙的木偶戏了。
  下面我依旧使用我曾在Saavedro’s Authentic Guide For TOEFL-iBT Reading Section中所
讲述过的方法和策略继续“破解”这个号称难度颇高的TPO19阅读的其中一篇文章。(后续 的文章我会陆续分析,在这里仅举一例说明)
  Saavedro再论TOEFL-iBT阅读做题方法论 (附上TPO19第一篇阅读题目详细分析)
  在开始分析前,我把Saavedro’s Authentic Guide For TOEFL-iBT Reading Section中我曾
对IBT阅读做题方法和解决策略的部分复制过来,以供未曾看过Saavedro’s Authentic Guide For TOEFL-iBT Reading
但这种游戏的规则看似复杂无穷,其实道理非常简单。我把最简单,但是最重要的规则再 次说明如下:
乱拼凑以颠倒是非,混淆逻辑;或从语义上歪曲句意。前者是改写后混淆逻辑,但语言意 义上可能正确;后者是虽然逻辑关系正确,但是语言本意被严重歪曲。我发现在
念抽象,所以大家开始叫苦不迭了。但是大家完全没有必要因此而自乱阵脚。ETS虽然诡 计多端,但是大道至简,真理往往是最简单的。那么真理是什么呢?
写。需要注意的是,这种改写不是句式完全的相同或者词汇完全重复的就一定是正确答 案。正确答案一般经过ETS进行同义词汇的替换,或者进行句式的改写和转述。所以正确
断,而是必须精确对应到原文中的一句话,然后正确答案是针对这句话的同义改写。ETS 的改写手法很简单:使用同义词汇替换关键词汇;变换句式加大句式复杂度以迷惑考生,
  后面TPO19真题分析上,我会详细讲述如何运用上述两个原则辨别答案选项的真伪,从 而提高做题的正确率。
接选择正确答案。或单词题,指代题等直接选择答案。第二种叫做:排除法——直选法不 能做的时候则立即使用此法。排除法需要你阅读信息量远远大于直选法。只有你阅读到足
够多的信息支持,才能够使用排除法排除错误选项,进而选出正确选项。前面已经分析过 错误选项的特点了,排除法的成功使用除了建立在一个较好的阅读基本能力上外,还需要
越来越难了,题目迷惑性强,读懂文章却不会做题找不到答案等等。根本原因就在这里, 很多时候你需要的是用你已掌握的信息去排除那些错误选项,而掌握信息量的大小则是你
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13:25:53 来源:新东方在线整理
  Planets in Our Solar System  The Sun is the hub of a huge rotating system consisting of nine planets, their satellites, and numerous small bodies, including asteroids, comets, and meteoroids. An estimated 99.85 percent of the mass of our solar system is contained within the Sun, while the planets collectively make up most of the remaining 0.15 percent. The planets, in order of their distance from the Sun, are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Under the control of the Sun's gravitational force, each planet maintains an elliptical orbit and all of them travel in the same direction.  The planets in our solar system fall into two groups: the terrestrial (Earth-like) planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) and the Jovian (Jupiter-like) planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune). Pluto is not included in either category, because its great distance from Earth and its small size make this planet's true nature a mystery.  The most obvious difference between the terrestrial and the Jovian planets is their size. The largest terrestrial planet, Earth has a diameter only one quarter as great as the diameter of the smallest Jovian planet, Neptune, and its mass is only one seventeenth as great. Hence, the Jovian planets are often called giants. Also, because of their relative locations, the four Jovian planets are known as the outer planets, while the terrestrial planets are known as the inner planets. There appears to be a correlation between the positions of these planets and their sizes.  Other dimensions along which the two groups differ markedly are density and composition. The densities of the terrestrial planets average about 5 times the density of water, whereas the Jovian planets have densities that average only 1.5 times the density of water. One of the outer planets, Saturn, has a density of only 0.7 that of water, which means that Saturn would float in water. Variations in the composition of the planets are largely responsible for the density differences. The substances that make up both groups of planets are divided into three groups—gases, rocks, and ices—based on their melting points. The terrestrial planets are mostly rocks: dense rocky and metallic material, with minor amounts of gases. The Jovian planets, on the other hand, contain a large percentage of the gases hydrogen and helium, with varying amounts of ices: mostly water, ammonia, and methane ices.  The Jovian planets have very thick atmospheres consisting of varying amounts of hydrogen, helium, methane, and ammonia. By comparison, the terrestrial planets have meager atmospheres at best. A planet's ability to retain an atmosphere depends on its temperature and mass. Simply stated, a gas molecule can &evaporate& from a planet if it reaches a speed known as the escape velocity. For Earth, this velocity is 11 kilometers per second. Any material, including a rocket, must reach this speed before it can leave Earth and go into space. The Jovian planets, because of their greater masses and thus higher surface gravities, have higher escape velocities (21-60 kilometers per second) than the terrestrial planets. Consequently, it is more difficult for gases to &evaporate& from them. Also, because the molecular motion of a gas depends on temperature, at the low temperatures of the Jovian planets even the lightest gases are unlikely to acquire the speed needed to escape. On the other hand, a comparatively warm body with a small surface gravity, like Earth's moon, is unable to hold even the heaviest gas and thus lacks an atmosphere. The slightly larger terrestrial planets Earth, Venus, and Mars retain some heavy gases like carbon dioxide, but even their atmospheres make up only an infinitesimally small portion of their total mass.  The orderly nature of our solar system leads most astronomers to conclude that the planets formed at essentially the same time and from the same material as the Sun. It is hypothesized that the primordial cloud of dust and gas from which all the planets are thought to have condensed had a composition somewhat similar to that of Jupiter. However, unlike Jupiter, the terrestrial planets today are nearly void of light gases and ices. The explanation may be that the terrestrial planets were once much larger and richer in these materials but eventually lost them because of these bodies' relative closeness to the Sun, which meant that their temperatures were relatively high.  1. According to the passage, each of the following statements comparing terrestrial planets with Jovian planets is true EXCEPT:  ○Terrestrial planets are closer to the Sun than Jovian planets.  ○Terrestrial planets have smaller diameters than Jovian planets.  ○Terrestrial planets have smaller masses than Jovian planets.  ○Terrestrial planets travel in a different direction than Jovian planets do.  Paragraph 4: Other dimensions along which the two groups differ markedly are density and composition. The densities of the terrestrial planets average about 5 times the density of water, whereas the Jovian planets have densities that average only 1.5 times the density of water. One of the outer planets, Saturn, has a density of only 0.7 that of water, which means that Saturn would float in water. Variations in the composition of the planets are largely responsible for the density differences. The substances that make up both groups of planets are divided into three groups—gases, rocks, and ices—based on their melting points. The terrestrial planets are mostly rocks: dense rocky and metallic material, with minor amounts of gases. The Jovian planets, on the other hand, contain a large percentage of the gases hydrogen and helium, with varying amounts of ices: mostly water, ammonia, and methane ices.  2. The word markedly in the passage is closest in meaning to  ○Essentially  ○Typically  ○Consistently  ○noticeably  3. Paragraph 4 mentions which of the following as a reason why terrestrial planets are dense?  ○They are made up of three groups of substances.  ○They are composed mainly of rocky and metallic materials.  ○They contain more ice than Jovian planets.  ○They contain relatively small amounts of water.  4. Paragraph 4 supports each of the following statements about Saturn EXCEPT:  ○It is less dense than any of the terrestrial planets.  ○It contains no rocky material.  ○It contains ices.  ○It contains a large percentage of gases.  Paragraph 5: The Jovian planets have very thick atmospheres consisting of varying amounts of hydrogen, helium, methane, and ammonia. By comparison, the terrestrial planets have meager atmospheres at best. A planet's ability to retain an atmosphere depends on its temperature and mass. Simply stated, a gas molecule can &evaporate& from a planet if it reaches a speed known as the escape velocity. For Earth, this velocity is 11 kilometers per second. Any material, including a rocket, must reach this speed before it can leave Earth and go into space. The Jovian planets, because of their greater masses and thus higher surface gravities, have higher escape velocities (21-60 kilometers per second) than the terrestrial planets. Consequently, it is more difficult for gases to &evaporate& from them. Also, because the molecular motion of a gas depends on temperature, at the low temperatures of the Jovian planets even the lightest gases are unlikely to acquire the speed needed to escape. On the other hand, a comparatively warm body with a small surface gravity, like Earth's moon, is unable to hold even the heaviest gas and thus lacks an atmosphere. The slightly larger terrestrial planets Earth, Venus, and Mars retain some heavy gases like carbon dioxide, but even their atmospheres make up only an infinitesimally small portion of their total mass.  5. The word meager in the passage is closest in meaning to  ○rich  ○thin  ○unique  ○complex  6. According to paragraph 5, which of the following statements is true of both Jovian and terrestrial planets?  ○ The thicker the atmosphere, the smaller the planet’s mass  ○ The more varied the gases in the atmosphere, the higher the temperature  ○ The higher the surface gravity, the higher the escape velocity  ○ The less the atmosphere contributes to the total mass, the lower the temperature  7. According to paragraph 5, what is a major reason that Jovian planets have much thicker atmospheres than terrestrial planets do?  ○ Jovian planets have lower surface gravities  ○ Jovian planets have lower temperatures  ○ Jovian planets have lower escape velocities  ○Jovian planets’ gas molecules have higher average speeds  8. Paragraph 5 supports which of the following statements about the ability of planets to retain gases?  ○More-massive planets are less able to retain gases than less-massive ones.  ○Planets are more likely to retain heavy gases than light gases.  ○Jovian planets are unlikely to retain the lightest gases.  ○Only terrestrial planets have been able to retain carbon dioxide.  Paragraph 6: The orderly nature of our solar system leads most astronomers to conclude that the planets formed at essentially the same time and from the same material as the Sun. It is hypothesized that the primordial cloud of dust and gas from which all the planets are thought to have condensed had a composition somewhat similar to that of Jupiter. However, unlike Jupiter, the terrestrial planets today are nearly void of light gases and ices. The explanation may be that the terrestrial planets were once much larger and richer in these materials but eventually lost them because of these bodies' relative closeness to the Sun, which meant that their temperatures were relatively high.  9. In calling the cloud of gas and dust from which the Sun and all the planets are thought to have condensed &primordial,' the author means that the cloud was  ○immense in size  ○composed of similar particles  ○present at the very beginning of our solar system's formation  ○created from a great variety of different materials  10. The word eventually in the passage is closest in meaning to  ○over time  ○long ago  ○simply  ○certainly  11. According to paragraph 6, what is a possible explanation for the lack of light gases and ices on terrestrial planets?  ○The location of terrestrial planets caused them to lose some of the materials they once contained.  ○Terrestrial planets were formed much later than Jovian planets.  ○The composition of terrestrial planets was different from that of Jupiter.  ○Terrestrial planets were formed out of different material than the Sun was.  Paragraph 4: Other dimensions along which the two groups differ markedly are density and composition. The densities of the terrestrial planets average about 5 times the density of water, whereas the Jovian planets have densities that average only 1.5 times the density of water. One of the outer planets, Saturn, has a density of only 0.7 that of water, which means that Saturn would float in water. Variations in the composition of the planets are largely responsible for the density differences. ■The substances that make up both groups of planets are divided into three groups—gases, rocks, and ices—based on their melting points. ■The terrestrial planets are mostly rocks: dense rocky and metallic material, with minor amounts of gases. ■The Jovian planets, on the other hand, contain a large percentage of the gases hydrogen and helium, with varying amounts of ices: mostly water, ammonia, and methane ices. ■  12. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.  This explains their relatively low densities.  Where would the sentence best fit?  10. Directions: From the seven answer choices below, select the two phrases that correctly characterize the terrestrial planets and the three phrases that correctly characterize the Jovian planets. Drag each phrase you select into the appropriate column of the table. Two of the phrases will NOT be used. This question is worth 3 points.  terrestrial planetsJovian planets  ●  ●●  ●  ●  Answer Choices  1. Have relatively small sizes  2. Are grouped in the same category as Pluto  3. Contain relatively high proportions of ices  4. Have relatively high temperatures  5. Have densities that are generally lower than the density of water  6. Have relatively high escape velocities  7. Have a composition closer to that of the cloud from which they condensed terrestrial  参考答案:  1. ○4  2. ○4  3. ○2  4. ○2  5. ○2  6. ○3  7. ○2  8.○2  9. ○3  10. ○1  11. ○1  12. ○4  13. ○1,4 ○3, 6,7  上面是托福TPO16阅读第一篇的文本,备考TPO真题的同学一定要认真的看题、做题,多研究积累才能实现自我提升,预祝各位考生都取得理想的成绩。
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新东方在线托福名师,集团培训师、演讲师,获新东方优秀教师称号。美国ETS 认证教师,赴英国剑桥大学、...
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