这里到底发生了什么 专业用英语怎么说说

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英文翻译百科解释 carry through firmly (to the end); hold on stick it out:&&&& up ...:&&&& to the finish
例句与用法1.You 've only a few pages to go .你还有几页书就看完了,坚持到底吧。2.Although all warnings , he persisted .尽管有各方警告,他仍坚持到底。3.I gritted my teeth and stayed there to the end .我咬紧牙关坚持到底。4.If you insist then i'll endure it .假如你要坚持到底,那么我也将奉陪。5.It was plain that the island would persevere to the end .这个岛国显然要坚持到底。6.I hope to do a great deal more than stick it out .我所希望做的,不仅仅是坚持到底。7.I do not think he is sufficiently dedicated to stay the course .我认为他不够坚定,不会坚持到底的。8.However short life might be, it was necessary to sustain it .无论生命多么短促,坚持到底总是必要的。9.Having now carried his point and insisted on it, he left off .现在他贯彻了自己的主张,并且坚持到底,然后他才放开手。10.He is good at initiating projects but rarely follows through with anything .他颇能提方案,但干什么事情都很少坚持到底。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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相关词典网站:我他妈到底怎么了 用英语怎么说_百度作业帮
我他妈到底怎么了 用英语怎么说
简单得要死问题,然后一堆人回答,但有安排到我的问题栏里,回答吧,都是对的,不回答吧,但是既然点进来了就回答吧.比尖端问题都难得分.So,你的分要不要给我?what's the fucking wrong with me
下面那句is放错地方了应该是what's the fuck wrong with me.wrong 去掉会更地道些。
what's the fucking wrong with me才是平时口语上的说法
what the hell is wrong with me?
我他妈到底怎么了 用英语怎么说 What's the damned matter with me ? What's the damned wrong with me ? What is on earth the matter with me ? What's on the hell wrong with me ?
I fuck what!望采纳哦!
我他妈到底怎么了what the fuck is wrong with me!!!!


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