unionville high noonsch...

Unionville High School_多伦多吧_百度贴吧
Unionville High School收藏
我是Unionville High School的 ,我现在是住在homestay,但是我现在想搬出去租房子,可我爸说这Unionville High School 的条件好像必须是要住在这个校区并且房东是监护人是不是这样?我想出去租房子不知道可不可以。求明白人啊,有校方的官网或者email吗
多伦多 自助游攻略 丰富选择,超值享受.自由行行程任选,省钱又省心.立即预订!携程让您旅游更快乐,旅行更简单!
各位亲,有谁知道约克教育局的unionville high school 明年招不招国际生
你们讨论的这个Unionville High School好么。。。。。。
年龄不到18需要监护人,不过可以搬来我家住,我UHS刚毕业的孩子,也是UHS QQ群群主,有照应
都是坑爹 自己直接出去住好了 我三年前也是被骗了 他们什么监护人学校什么的都是连着的
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或加拿大最好的高中是哪个?_百度知道unionville high school怎么样。。听说是所艺术校。_百度知道此页面上的内容需要较新版本的 Adobe Flash Player。
加拿大尤宁维尔高中Unionville High School
加拿大尤宁维尔高中Unionville High School,Unionville High School尤宁维尔高中位于Markham市政府办公大楼及剧院旁边,里面设有专门为音乐、美术、戏剧及舞蹈而设的教室。
  Unionville High School尤宁维尔高中位于Markham市政府办公大楼及剧院旁边,里面设有专门为音乐、美术、戏剧及舞蹈而设的教室。它的建造,原意就是作为约克区的艺术项目发展场所。结果Unionvill High School不但独能负上这个任务,而且能栽培出学术成绩优异的学生。
  Unionville High School尤宁维尔高中擅长英语,科学,数学方面的教学,在科学技术教育方面处于领先地位。学校现有在册学生2000多名,每个班平均是28个人,学校的92%毕业生升入了高校接受进一步的教育。
  Unionville High School尤宁维尔高中的所有课程都是为学生更深入的学习为目标,所有老师都是经过严格考核上岗的,徐军龙在这里学生有很好的学习二外的环境。(但是本校华人率很高,50%以上)
  高中课程:英语,法语,数学,化学,物理,加拿大历史,加拿大地理,艺术(戏曲 ,音乐,视觉艺术),理工,健康,体育,道德教育, 事业教育,商业。
  在课余活动组织方面,一般学术及体育会,例如读书会、羽毛球会、等自然少不得,还有一些与学生族裔背景有关系的组织,例如:希腊传统会、多元文化会及华人文化会等,这些学会可以加深学生对本身文化的兴趣及认识。学校更鼓励学生参加由外界举办,但与族裔文化相关的活动。例如由研言堂举办的中学生中文辩论比赛,就经常有Unionville High School的学生代表队参加,而且成绩骄人。Unionvill High School一项最值得自豪的课程就是Arts Unionville (原名 Arts York),这个课程专门为艺术天分高的学生而设。课程中有四大艺术项目,包括舞蹈、戏剧、音乐、及视觉艺术(Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Arts) ,学生要经过面试和评审,才会被录取。而面试或评审会每年定于一月的最后一个月的最后一个星期内举行,想入读Arts Unionville的学生,必须在会上尽情发挥自己的天份。获取录取,学生要在四年高中课程中,在其主修的艺术课程中,共修八个专门科目,即每年修读两科。学生除通过这些学科,进一步钻研及学习本科艺术外,每年还会有机会和艺术界成功人士或专业导师,一起合作,例如到社区表演,或者到国外其他地方交流,磨炼造诣。
  Unionvill High School的宗旨是发掘学生在艺术及课本方面的潜能,鼓励他们在参加艺术创作的同时,亦不断提高他们的学术成绩。
地址:北京市海淀区中关村丹棱街3号 中国电子大厦B座15层
版权所有:北京环球百利教育科技有限公司电话: 010-工作时间:周一至周日(8:30-21:30)
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Bailitop Education. All Right Reserved 备案许可证号:京ICP备号 | 京公网安备40Unionville High School Class of 1968 Alumni Site
October 4th, 5th and 6th: Our 45th High School
Thinking back on our
and about our upcoming 45th made me think of the first verse of a song
written by Scottish poet Robert Burns, asking the question, &Should auld
acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? &
I can assure you
after attending the last reunion my answer to his question is again a
resounding NO.
I was thrilled to see so many of our classmates attend
our reunion events last time.
It was interesting to talk to many of
them who I&d barely known in high school, and others that I&d gone
through twelve years of school with.
Of course I couldn&t help but play
the &what if& game when meeting a couple &old& sweethearts again after
so many years apart.
There were so many people I wanted to talk to, to
hear that they had done well, that they were happy and healthy.
had suspected, most classmates (not me of course) showed the usual signs
of aging, weight gain, gray or &lost& hair, wrinkles.
A lucky few
seemed to gracefully mature.
People talked of surviving divorce, career
changes (sometimes by choice), health challenges, children and
We solemnly remembered many of our classmates and
teachers in memoriam.
The reunion committee had worked for months to put together a
full weekend with a Kickoff event on Friday night at the Reunion hotel, a
picnic that ended up being rained out on Saturday, the BIG dinner event
at the Stone Barn on Saturday night and a farewell brunch on Sunday to
wish everyone good health and the hope of seeing them at the next
Who knew that would be the last goodbye for some? Still not
sure if you will come?
I think it&s natural to feel a little nervous
about attending a high school reunion.
If you have doubts or anxiety,
please stop speculating about what &might& happen, about comparing
yourself to other classmates and what they might have accomplished.
Come and decide to have fun!.
We all believed that we would change the
world with our great works and deeds. In fact, each of us HAS changed
the world in which we live.
As we prophesized in our yearboo &Scattered pieces merged, Designs were constantly changed and
new patterns appeared. Pieces fell in place, blurred patterns focused
and we became adults, parents, and now for many lucky ones, changing the world in which we now live and influencing
worlds to come.
Plan to attend with a positive attitude and outlook toward
Celebrate with us all we have to celebrate.
We are all
unique and have all been successful in the kaleidoscope of our lives.
am looking forward to seeing you again at our 45th High School Class
Reunion the weekend of October 4th, 5th and 6th.
Barbara Gillespie-Marshall
UHS45th Reunion Committee
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