thethe new doctorr abvised ...

Stressed out? Burned out? Struggling to move forward in some area of your life? Meditation can activate power in your life – even the genetic power of our DNA. Learn to unleash the power of meditation in the upcoming course at the City College of New York. Class
starts Tuesday, Oct. 14 at 6:30 p.m. .
Recent Harvard studies show that meditation can turn off your “stress gene” and has the power to positively affect gene expression .What would you do with the power to transform yourself at such a deep and profound level?
Think about this for a moment…
Your DNA informs and instructs your cells on how to build you. From the metaphysical perspective, what informs DNA (and what informs the unfolding of your life) is consciousness.
To change the blueprint of your life, change the blueprint of your consciousness.
This is Meditation Unleashed!
Register now for a special 6-week Meditation Unleashed program:
Meditation & Mindful Living at The City College of New York,
and learn to turn of tune in to your inner compass, and
to live in your sweet spot. Class
starts Tuesday, Oct. 14 at 6:30 p.m. | Tuition $189
Online: Go to the City College
By Phone: Call City College at (212) 650-7312
Robin Williams’ death has a lot of people questioning a lot of things. On a number of spiritual discussion threads I read on LinkedIn, people were trying to wrap their heads around the spiritual energy surrounding it. One woman pondered how what happened could have been possible given the Law of Attraction. “I thought the Law of Attraction said that everything you put out comes back to you,” she said. Everyone who knew Williams had nothing but great things to say about him. He was so kind. He was so generous. “He always put other people first. So how did this happen?”
Sitting cross-legged while chanting with your fingers in a certain position is not the only way to meditate.
There are many different meditation practices and techniques designed to help you arrive at meditation and to clarify and rarefy your energy. One such practice is laughing meditation…which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Laughter as medicine is not just a folk saying. Laughter produces numerous .
The Cancer Treatment Centers of America includes
among its treatment option. Laughter boosts the immune and circulatory systems, improves overall attitude and relieves stress and pain among other things. On the energetic level, laughter creates a huge spike in spiritual energy. Prolonged laughter, like what you experience in laughter meditation also shifts and purges dense and negative energies within you, some of which may have been buried very deeply for a long time.
Join us at our exciting bazaars in New York and meet the wonderful holistic community of our city. Connect & network with holistic healers, natural doctors, organic product, essential oil therapists and our awesome raw food and chocolate chefs. Sample delicious treats, tea and smoothies. And don’t miss out on the $ 1.00 a minute massages (I
can’t wait to get my reflexology foot massage)! I’ll have a table there, so stop by and say hi if you’re in the neighborhood.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
New York Open Center
22 East 30th Street New York, NY 10016
Are you …
stressed out, freaked out, burned out or under too much pressure?
feeling disconnected, overwhelmed, scattered or powerless?
struggling to get clear and stay focused on your goals…and to stop sabotaging your progress?
having a hard time managing your life, mind and emotions?
trying to harness the power of meditation, but can’t make it work fully in your everyday life?
Learn to unleash the power of meditation!
In this six week course, you won’t just learn how to meditate. You’ll learn to embody and unleash the power of meditation to evolve in every way—from how you lead to how you live to how you love.
Learn more in 6 weeks than what other take years to discover.
Play Dr. M's Unique Conversation & Self Discovery Game
- Create bigger shifts in people's lives
- Take your work deeper
- Create fun experiences that transform
- Cultivate the confidence to change
- Build stronger community
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Dr. Antonia Martinez, PhD (Dr. M) “The Inner Power Doctor”
- Spiritual Life Coach
- Program Planning & Development Consultant
- Organizational Mindfulness & Wellness Conslt
Dr. Antonia Martinez, PhD is on a mission is to energize the
seeds of a New Humanity. She believes our destiny is to move forward,
not around in circles and is ready to push boundaries to make that
happen. What Dr. M does best is empower people to evolve, move forward
and manifest in areas where they have been chronically stuck, stagnant,
and stifled in their lives, work and relationships. She has presented
and developed innovative transformational programs for a number of
organizations, including a Meditation & Mindful Living program at
the City College of New York.
Dr. M is the author of several books,
games, audio seminars, and online courses, including the , the , and
among others. An expert in the field of metaphysical science, Dr. M is
currently studying forensic psychology. She is a featured expert in the
documentary, The Ultimate Answer, which explores the science and spirituality of transformation and personal evolution.
for weekly tips, lessons and special offers if you're ready to push boundaries in your life!
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