if you want to crywarn so...

- a detailed listing of EVERYTHING here.
- A solid beginner's javascript course
- Fight Spam!
- Basic Style Sheets 101
- Learn about META tags and effective search engine ranking strategies
- cool password protection with javascript that anyone can use
- learn to make javascript mouseovers
- a listing of quality resources useful to any web author... graphics, javascripts, cgi, etc.
So, you want to make a
This tutorial is one in a series of HTMLisEasy tutorials
and is also . Learn in the comfort and
privacy of your own home. No salesman will visit.
Hello. My name is Joe
and I'm going to give you a few simple lessons on how to make a Web Page. I must warn you though, this is for "all wet behinda ears" Newbies. If you're at all experienced at this sort of thing, you'll probably find this tutorial a bit of a yawner.
You'll be happy to learn that it's really pretty simple. The basic idea is this... A web page is nothing more than a file, a HTML file to be exact. It's called HTML because web page documents have the file extension .html or .htm. HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. (If you are unclear about this file extension stuff, then you really are newbie!! Take a
for a few ramblings on the subject).
Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know how much I enjoyed your tutorials.
After reading your tutorials, I bailed on my old web site which was done with **** and started my own from scratch with Notepad.
It was like crawling out of a 5 gallon bucket.
I now can do exactly what I want.
get started. First, if you have any of them fancy HTML editors and have an inkling to break em in now... forget it. The worst way to learn is to use one of those things. (Although there are a few that you will find helpful, they'll only help you once you learn the basics, so don't even worry about it now.) What's the best way to learn HTML??
Notepad. I know, I know, you got this 9 megabyte Wunder Wizzard that says it's gonna make putting up a web page as easy as scratching your head. Just trust me on this one. K? K.
FAQ: What the heck is Notepad and where do I get it?
A: Notepad is the default Windows text editor. On most Windows systems, click your Start button and choose Programs then Accessories. It should be a little blue notebook. For our purposes, ANY text editor will do nicely. You can go to most any shareware/freeware site and pick yourself up a zippy new text editor, many of them being free. For the time being though, Notepad will do quite nicely.
Right from the outset, you will be doing yourself a very big favor if you pick yourself up a free copy of . It can be used as a simple Notepad replacement, or with a little fiddling, can be one of the most powerful text manipulation tools in the world. I give this wonderful free editor my personal "two-thumbs-up" and wholeheartedly encourage you to try it out and and learn how to use it. I've tried quite a few editors and their Pro version is what I use every day.
Mac Users: SimpleText is the default text editor on the Mac. Mac users eventually might want to download , a more powerful, and free mac text editor.
And one more thing (again) at least while you're learning... put away Composer, put away Front Page, put away Sooper Dooper Web Page Cruncher. Just follow along with Notepad. Trust me. Would I lie? ;-)
Another tool you'll need is a
web browser to view your web pages. You're using a web browser right now to view these pages. The most widely used is Microsoft's Internet Explorer because it's the default browser that comes with most new computers. As an improvement, I very highly recommend
. It's absolutely free, it's an excellent alternative to Internet Explorer, and it contains tools that are especially useful to web developers... especially if you're going to do any Javascripting. I use it all the time and I enthusiastically recommend you download it and give it a whirl. Even if you decide to stick with Explorer, it will at least give you a second browser to check your pages with... which is a very useful thing for a web developer to do.
If you use a service such as AOL or MSN your browser is whatever you use to browse web pages. (Of course you're not resticted to what they give you... you can use any browser you wish.)
Speaking of which, if you're using an online service such as AOL, MSN etc, you can still easily make a web page using these tutorials. The lessons are applicable no matter what you are using. Also, just because you're using AOL (or some other online service), that doesn't mean you have to use their tools... you are welcome to use whatever you want. WebTV'ers - I don't know much about WebTV, but I do know that people have been able to make web pages with it and WebTV'ers have made good use of these lessons. You might want to look for some WebTV specific sites to learn how they do it. Then you can come back here and go through these lessons.
With that out of the way I can say with confidence that you are less than 5 minutes away from making your first web page! So... off to Lesson 1.You want to warn someone to be careful.What do you say?
be careful.watch out?
扫描下载二维码So you want to create a home page?
So you want to create a&home&page?
I wrote this because I saw
so many ambitious home page projects
into which people have invested a lot of time and effort but
which have failed miserably.
I've seen a lot of
Usenet news articles
saying "I just finished creating a cool home page, please visit it
and send me comments and suggestions on improving it".
Sometimes they get some answers, but they get answers (typically
wrong answers by the way) to wrong questions, since they asked
wrong questions. Do they really expect knowledgeable persons to
visit and study a particular page in the sea of millions of pages,
announcement says nothing more than "this is my cool home page"?
"Well, yes... a cool one... how?"
A home page on the Web, your cool personal presence in the worldwide
hypermedia, that's what you want, isn't it?
I have written an introductory document
an extensive document
about the technical details of
writing a Web page, and there are several other
documents about that on the Web. You will have to consult people
or local documents at your site to know exactly how to do the dirty
work of putting your files somewhere, setting up protections, and so on.
We will not discuss such things here. The document at hand is about
what and why,
not about how, about
being cool, not about being technically
correct, about aims, not tools. I will assume that you have been
netsurfing already, looking at other people's home pages, so that you have
at least some vague idea of what the Web is. (You wouldn't dream of
writing a book before having read a book, or perhaps several
books, would you?)
So, the first question you ask yourself shouldn't be about technicalities.
Let other people start from HTML techniques or visual design techniques.
They won' most probably they won't even manage to master
HTML or visual design, but they will have to claim very aggressively
that they do.
Your audience
Thus, you will start from something that might be called thought, although
thinking is not so easy and comfortable. Your first question should be the
why on earth should any soul in the universe be interested
in my home page?
Well, you might count on yourself, perhaps your mother,
and theoretically your Significant Other, too. But that's about all
you can imagine that will visit your home page just because it's yours.
Creating a home page just for yourself (and your mom and SO) could be
a good idea. Nothing wrong about it, provided that you know what you're
doing. It might be useful
possibly a lot cheaper than
becoming the patient of a psychoanalyst. Painting
yourself only) or writing a diary or singing alone can help in minor
psychic problems, which we all have, and form one part of therapy
so can Web page creation. If that's essentially what
you are going to do, good luck, sorry about bothering you,
and welcome back if you come to other thoughts.
Addressing a stranger
From now on, I will assume that you want to create a home page to be
visited by other people, generally by people unknown to you. Let us
stop here for a moment. There are several millions of people who can
access your home page, and the number - the actual number is not known,
we have just some very rough estimates - continues to grow. It doesn't
really matter how big the number is. (Some people say that the number
of Internet users will soon exceed the total population of the earth.)
You won't ever realize how big it is, and neither will I. Or did you
ever see just one million human persons at a glance?
A key point is that
no matter how specialized
area of interest you take, the odds are that
sooner or later you will find people on the
with the same interest.
This is one of the really exciting things about the Internet,
much more exciting than TCP/IP, RFCs or HTML.
You can't predict
who will visit your home page. I have got messages
from people all over the world - Brazil, New Zealand, and even Finland -
and I still keep wondering how they found my pages. What they write
to me is important and encouraging, even if it's just a few positive
words and even if the short E-mail message is the only personal contact
between us ever. What I had produced may have been something just at
the edge of publication according to m yet, someone
liked it or made some use of it, and that's really all that matters.
What a wonderful world.
Just a short remark about universality.
You don't know where a visitor
comes from.
You might share an intensive interest - and nothing else.
You don't know what kind of Web browser he uses. He might
live in a world that looks like extraterrestrial to you. He might
have a connection as fast as one can get today, or he might have a very slow
modem in a country with horrible telephone lines.
His computer and his screen will almost certainly differ
from yours. So in order to welcome him or her you should be pretty
generic. But this is really about technicalities, about using portable
and standard-conforming HTML. I just wanted to make it clear that this
human face of conforming to standards.
By writing, say,
Netscape enhanced, designed for at least 19" display
pages you are
to a lot of people.
Naturally, your pages should clearly identify themselves as your
pages by containing at least your name. But emphasize content,
not authorship. Consider the following example. When looking for
some information, using the popular Web search engine
, one gets
lists (often very large lists) of documents with short excerpts, formed
by AltaVista on the basis of the beginning of the document.
Reports like the following appear quite often:
Welcome to my home page ! You are visitor number. since 12/30/1995. Hello out there ! Thanks for trying out my home page. My name is ...
Would you feel excited to take a look at such a page, among the
1136 or so pages the search engine found for you?
Now, what have you got to give to a total stranger? Who knows. It
depends on you. The point is that we are not talking about you.
We are talking about something which you can give and are willing
to give to others. Remember that nobody is really interested in you
for your own sake. More exactly, if there are such people - and I hope
there are - they are some very personal relatives or friends of yours.
The Web is for other kinds of contacts. (You might, by chance, make
real friends on the net, but probably not by intensive attempts to
make friends.)
Most people avoid the question. Typically they start collecting
links to Web documents about things they are interested in, and they
create Web pages which essentially contain
lists of links
nothing more. They expect that other people interested in similar
issues - say, a particular type of music or literature - will find
the link list interesting. This is comparable to sharing your personal
notebo in fact, a published link list is usually
something that works fine as the person's
own bookmark list (or hotlist
or whatever your browser vendor calls it, to make a difference) and no more.
Again, if you are happy with that, no problem.
But you should not think you have made a contribution. In most areas
which human beings might conceivably be interested in, link lists abound
on the net.
Your list might, of course, be exceptionally good, but how
do you expect total strangers to find this out? Moreover, link lists tend
to become out-of- a list which contains the best links
today might be worse than useless after half a year. (It could easily make
people read outdated material instead of using search engines to
find what's really available.)
An annotated link list might be truly valuable. If you have taken the
effort of investigating a large number of Web documents and ranked them,
you may have done something that other people might be interested in.
If your ranking is just your subjective opinions in some scale, quantitative
or qualitative, there is little reason to believe that other people would
take you seriously. But if you have done some real work, explaining
the starting points and criteria of your judgements, really studying
the documents in question and their validity and suitability to some
specific purposes, and presented the results saying why some documents
are good and others are not, your work might be really valuable.
If you are explicit about your criteria, people visiting your page
can decide whether their interests match yours sufficiently well to
make your investigation relevant to them.
Yet, what you should really
aim at is giving
your own contribution, something
that you have created, a work of your own. But creativity is not a goal
what really matters is not what
you put into the work but
what others get from it.
At this point, you might wish to read a good satire:
by Scott Oglesby.
Sharing what you have...
Evidently, if you have a report on original and important
scientific work by you, or an excellent novel written by you,
or wonderful photographs taken by you, or a useful and
well-documented computer program
written by you, and you wish to give it for free, then the Web is
an excellent tool for you.
(I am assuming that you haven't given rights to your work to someone else.
If your text has been published as a book, for example, you must check
the contract typically implies that you need the publisher's
permission to distribute the work on the Web.)
is what you have,
and the next important thing is to write a few
descriptive words,
to be used as the title and headings, to help other people to find
your contribution. You should describe your work
simply and clearly.
You can't really add much value to it using fancy animations and
blinking red texts on your W they would just make it more
difficult to find the beef, your contribution. (If people have to wait
minutes to get big images loaded, they may well decide not to wait and
go elsewhere, so they may never see your text, which would have been
loaded in a few seconds.)
Of course, if your work itself is visual art (or music), you need to
put it onto Web in digital image (or sound) format. You should additionally
write a textual description, as a separate document with a link
to the image (or with the image embedded).
If you have several pictures, then about the worst thing
you can do
is to embed
them into a single document. People will notice that it takes too long time
to load the monster. Write a document which contains, as a simple list
or as a sequence of paragraphs, descriptions of and links to the pictures.
Perhaps you could put a few small images there, so that they act
as "thumbnails" and links to the full-size images, but don't go too far.
I suppose you realize
that nobody is going to
pay you a cent for
publishing your work on the Web.
On the contrary,
you have to pay for Internet connection, disk space, and other
resources. Even if you get them for free, you have to pay in terms
of your own time. Sharing your work without asking for money
is your choice. In my opinion, it is often a good choice, for many
reasons. One of the reasons is that by sharing good works by
you now you may gain some reputation which may help you later, and you
may have something to refer to when applying for a job, for instance.
(And of course it is conceivable, although possibly not very realistic,
that you try to make some money by asking for shareware fees.)
It is possible, to some people under some circumstances,
to earn one's living by creating Web pages, but I suggest that even if
that is your intended career, you practice first with less financial aims.
As another warning, you should expect anyone to see your work.
It could your old aunt or your future employer - or anyone.
Even your current or future children,
those little monsters, might find it some day.
It isn't so serious that someone in some cases,
it might even mean that the work serves the intended purpose.
Writing nasty things about other people, for instance, might be an
enti it might strike back some day.
Be brave, but don't be stupid.
... and creating things to be shared
Obviously, if you are
still reading this, you haven't got such a great
contribution to share. (If you had, you would right now be putting
it onto the Web.) Relax. Some day you will. Meanwhile, work on something
less ambitious, yet useful or entertaining to other people.
It might be just a good presentation of some ideas you have read about,
like your own two-page explanation of the basic contents of a
500-page book. A lot of people might benefit from it, for various reasons.
(Consider reasons why
you might appreciate a good summary.) Or it might
be a simple record - in tabular or prose or photograph form, for example - of
some experience or observations by you. If you, for some odd reason, have
made observations of the behavior of blackbirds on your backyard during
a few years, someone else might, for some odd reason, be carrying a serious
research on blackbird behavior in the world, find your Web page about your
observations, and perhaps find out some striking differences in blackbird
behavior between his country and yours.
This may sound unrealistic, but in any case the Web page finding
part requires no miracle. (You would of course have included the scientific
name of the species into the title of your page, wouldn't you? And you
would expect a scientist use the scientific name among the keywords
when searching for interesting pages.)
Assuming you have something to share, you should primarily make it
accessible via the Web
and forget the idea of doing it in some cool way.
Let coolness be in the contents.
Of course you don't want to share garbage,
so you should check that the information is correct and presented in
a manner which satisfies some minimal requirements. Worry about
polishing later.
Keep it simple; do what has to be done to put the stuff
meaningfully onto the Web.
If you have a picture or drawing, you will
have to scan it, perhaps process the scanned image to produce a GIF or
JPEG file, and you will need to write a minimal HTML page containing
information about and link to the picture. If you have text, you have
to create an HTML file containing it plus some simple tags indicating
structural features like paragraph breaks and headings.
If you have recorded your observations in tabular form, you will
create an HTML table. If you have a program, you will design a
distribution kit (or kits, for various computers) and a description it.
But keep things
simple, for two very good reasons. In most cases, a simple Web page
is considerable improvement over all enhancements to it. And you have
other things to do, such as some other contribution to work on,
or a nice sunset to enjoy.
Giving birth to a page to be abandoned?
It makes little sense to create a page and then forget it.
Children often
ask for a pet but might rather soon neglect it
if they got it. You should be a good, thinking parent to the child
within you.
Suppose, for example, that you have put some bus timetables onto the Web
and then forgotten them. People will find your document,
find information in it, and find the information out-of-date, perhaps
with very sad consequences. Even if you have put a time stamp there and
indicated the period of validity of the timetables, many people won't
take a note - before it is too late.
Timetables are essentially transient information, so you should
not even think about putting them onto the Web unless you will commit
yourself to maintaining it, or at the very least to
removing it as soon as it is out of date.
Remember now that you are not going to remember. And it is extremely
improbable that you will be more enthusiastic - rather, a lot less -
about updating a page
than you are now enthusiastic about creating it.
Try to find some external reminders, such as a calendar into
which you can wri it should work well for documents
like timetables or documents which have to be updated at the beginning
of each month, for example.
Of course, pages are different. There are pages which are not expected
to change after they have been completed, except if someone finds an
error. For example, a travel report or a research report is often
such a page, an essentially immutable page. You should even
resist the temptation to fix such pages. If you have published your
master's thesis on the Web, you should not improve it later, because
this would give false impressions. (Instead you can, of course, add
links to separate documents describing your later results.)
Most pages are neither immutable nor transient with predictable
date of expiry (or need for update). Most pages should be checked once in
a while to see what needs to be updated. This is one reason why you should
have a document which
at the same time it serves
your users (which may have found one of your lovely pages and are eager
to see more of them).
But the most essential thing is that you must be willing and capable
of really maintaining your pages.
It is better to start from
one or a few well-designed documents
and maintaining them
than to write a lot of documents which will not be maintained.
When you have really maintained a document for a few months, you are
getting a realistic picture of what it takes, and then you may consider
creating additional documents.
This emphasizes the importance of
selecting carefully the purposes and themes of your first documents.
"Under construction"
Don't apologize. If something is not worth being made public,
don't make it public.
Occasionally, it makes sense to warn your readers that a document
is only partly written. For example, you might have
headings only for some section but you might still wish to make the
document public, because you assume that the existing sections are
useful. Alternatively, you might have completed the first half of
your document while the rest is preliminary, unchecked and possibly
confusing. Since the beginning looks pretty well written, readers may
assume that the rest is, too, and get annoyed.
So sometimes a word of warning is needed. But don't use the words
Under construction, since on the Web they are the common way
of indicating that the author has not yet taken his job seriously
and probably never will. The same applies to common
signs for Under construction.
Use simple, short but descriptive sentences if you need to inform
readers about the status or incompleteness of your documents.
For example,
if you haven't yet written a section about the economic prerequisites
of your proposals, you might add the following warning (possibly
within a STRONG element) at the beginning of your document:
Warning: I haven't yet estimated how much money it would cost
to implement my proposal.
Or you might include a warning which lists those sections which are
not written yet or for which you have just
this will also be a useful to-do list for you, won't it?
If you have followed my advice, you might be amazed by people
finding your page. In a sense, providing a good title and perhaps
keywords is the the author's (that's you) job, making good queries
is the educated Web user's job, and making the good query to find
the well-documented document is the job of a search engine.
There are, however, things which you can do to speed up the process.
If you have, for instance, written a collection of good example programs
in a particular programming language, you could and you should
it in a Usenet newsgroup devoted to that language. (Don't even think of
sending it to a large number of groups to get more publicity.
You will get publicity that way, but you surely won't like it!)
Additionally, if you know a good and popular collection of links
(preferably, of selected links) on the subject area of
your document, you should inform its author of your new product.
And there are all kinds of things you might consider, such as writing
about the document into some printed publication which might be interested,
or appending the Web address of the document into your Usenet news
articles (when relevant, and provided that you keep such things short
and avoid egocentric signatures).
If the document is of wide general interest - and please remember that
you regard your work as much more important than other people do&- then
you may check, for instance, the
advice about getting indexed by search engines in
of WDG's .
Getting noticed
People may visit your Web pages through many different routes.
They might see your announcement about the page, but
more probably they are either following a link somewhere or
investigating the addresses returned by a search engine.
may have some idea of what to expect, or he may arrive
in a rather random fashion, with empty mind.
Especially in the latter case you have about ten seconds or less
of his time to convince him to look at your page seriously.
Diane Wilson has
written a brilliant essay about this:
As described above, you should
in your headings and other key parts of your page. If a small image
helps in telling the visitor what you have on the page and why it
might be important to him, put the image there. (Large images are
seldom useful for that. It might take time before the visitor sees them,
even more than the ten seconds you've got.)
Relax, and wait for feedback
If you get feedback, you can consider improvements. You will learn
from other people's comments what you should work on, such as make
your text more understandable, or explain some issues in more detail,
or draw more pictures, or add a few nice features into your program.
You will know that you are not improving your contribution in vain,
for its own sake, in search of perfection, but because other people
Yes, feedback is important. If you don't get it, consider making some
other contribution. And don't be disappointed. Some people may have
found your work and found it useful, they just didn't bother to send
perhaps it was so good that they need not ask for any
You can ask for feedback on your page, of course.
posting an article to Usenet news just to get feedback isn't such
a great idea. It isn't important what you get but what others get,
so asking for feedback is asking the wrong question. Of course,
when posting a good announcement to a relevant (to the subject)
newsgroup, you may for instance tell that you intend to do some more
work with the document and would like to know which parts of it should
be elaborated on. If that really is the case.
(I am referring to "page access counters" which
are claimed to keep record of the number of accesses to a Web page.)
Second, even if they
correctly counted visitors - which they do not - they would not
count people who liked your work or benefited from it. Third, the
most common use of counters is to make them show the counter value
to visitors, and this alone is a clear indication
of what the true motives of using counters are. Your aim should be
to serve people, not to count them, even less to impress them by
telling them how many people have accessed your page (as if you could know).
You may ask: if I don't use counters, how can I know which of my
pages are the most useful ones to other people so that I can concentrate
on those pages (and pages with similar themes)? You may think, not without
justification, that only a small minority of people sends any
constructive comments - or any comments at all.
But first, counters don't
actually solve or even address this problem. And second, rest assured
that if a considerable number of people find your page attractive,
some of them will tell it to you.
What about putting other people's work onto the Web?
Perhaps you are so interested in, say, a
novel writer or a composer or a cartoonist
that you would like to do a favor: to make his works accessible on the Web.
For example, you might wish to scan some pictures from printed sources
and put them onto your Web pages.
Forget it. Don't. Stop thinking about it. It violates the rights of the author.
You might or might not be caught and prosecuted, but in
any case you would really have
acted against
the author and other fans, not for them. Authors typically live on
income they get from royalties.
Other fans might first love to get works of the author for free, but
would they like him to starve?
Even if the author is horribly rich and could live without any royalties,
it's none of your business
to copy and distribute his works without his permission.
Admittedly, you might
ask and get a permission.
In most cases, asking for a permission is just waste of time -
your time and the author's time. If and when the author or his publisher decides
to put some works or excerpts from them onto the Web, for some purpose,
they will do it themselves
or hire some professionals do the job.
If you do ask for a permission, it is bad policy to begin with
I'd like to do so-and-so. Start with a suggestion for putting
some works onto the Web, and present yourself as a volunteer, should the
author decide to adopt the idea.
"So should the work be my home page?"
Now, suppose you have one contribution to be put onto the Web.
Should you create a home page containing it - say, a few good recipes from you?
Yes and no. The concept of
home page is vague, and people use it to denote
very different things.
It can mean a Web document
which tells about a particular person - sort of digital business card.
Alternatively, it can denote any Web document in somebody's personal area,
a personal creation. It can also denote a document such as a "company home page",
which is in some sense the top-level document in the hierarchy of
a company, sort of main entry to them. To confuse things more, the word
sometimes used to denote a home page in one of those meanings, or in some other
meaning, although it should basically be used to denote the entire collection of
Web pages of a company or institution, residing on a Web server.
Luckily you can mostly just ignore that confusion.
Just make each work of yours a separate Web document, equip it with a title and
headings and your own name. And make your name in each document
a link to your home page in the business card sense.
This simple model is easily extendible or, as computer specialists say,
scalable. If you have lots of documents, each of them can contain just
your name which is a link to your home page.
Moreover, since people who come to your home page via such links might
be interested in other works by you, you should put a list of your works
onto your home page. The list may grow and you may need to consider
making it separate document, even dividing it into sections, etc.
Anyway, stay cool. For each document, put just the title (acting as a link)
into the list in your home page, plus in rare cases a few explanatory words.
Let the l if it short so far, it makes no good to
put buttons and images and frames around it, on the contrary.
The ultimate home page
Your home page proper, the digital business card,
simply tell the basic facts about you - the kind of information about you which
other people might be interested in after seeing some work of yours.
it should contain your E-mail address (if you are willing to get E-mail, of course).
Typically, other relevant information might be about your country,
status like
"student of ... at ..." or "employed as ... by ...", and perhaps your age and sex - if
you wish to tell them. The point is that people will (and usually should) take
texts differently according to such things. (If you read an interesting text on the
dangers of nuclear reactors, you would probably like to know whether the writer
is a 16-year old schoolgirl, or a professor of physics, or Mr. H. Simpson working
in a nuclear power plant. As an intelligent person, you would of course still consider
the facts and arguments if they seem reasonable,
but if it turned out that they are valid, you would esteem the
author more if she was a schoolgirl.)
The rest is up to you, but don't try to be artistic here. A good photograph from
which you can be recognized might be useful to some people.
But that's about all illustration that should be put onto a home
page proper. If you are able to produce visual art that pleases other people,
you can, and perhaps should, establish an art exhibition on the Web,
but art deserves a better place than a digital business card can provide.
If you wish to provide detailed information about yourself, such as a
curriculum vitae, put it into separate documents, and have just links
to them in your home page proper.
But what about being cool?
If you additionally wish to create a truly personal home page with all kinds of
personal stuff on it, from photos of you as a baby to impressive Java code by
you as more or less adult, well, why not. Link the two home pages together and
allow others decide whether they want to have a very personal look
at you (on your terms) or not.
To tell you a secret, it's no more cool to be cool.
Be warm to people, in the cool way of giving them something they like,
without making a fuss about it.
But basically we have reached the conclusion that you can forget the home page idea,
in the sense of a personal home page about you as a person.
Or, more exactly,
we have reduced it to the idea of having a simple document, a little more than
a business card in digital form, to be used - via the marvelous hypertext concept -
as a footnote to really interesting
documents by you, not about you.
Originally written:
Last update: .


