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Teaching Kids the Value of Money
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My husband and I have a 12-year-old daughter who wanted to go to a winter retreat with her church youth group last year. Price of trip - $45. I told her I'd talk to her dad about it. "HOW much is it?" he asked, "didn't she just go somewhere with the youth group?" "Yes," I replied, "and also to two friends' birthday parties. Another one is coming up this weekend." We both agreed that was a lot of money for us to spend for our daughter to have fun with her friends.But the retreat was a church activity. So we should have forked out the money for her go, right? Well, maybe. In the past year or so our daughter had made a lot of new friends and had been asked to be involved in a lot of new social activities. Last summer was the first year we could afford to let her go to summer camp for a week. It pleased me more than anything to tell her she could go.The more we've let our daughter go do things with her friends, the more she takes those things for granted, and expects more. She then resents doing something so menial as her household chores. So now we make sure her chores are done before she goes anywhere. "Room's not clean, laundry not started? Better hurry and do them before you go do something with your friends. Don't have time? Then I guess you're out of luck." But that was only the start. Whenever the attitude starts in she's given a warning and then privileges start being taken away, one by one.You have to figure out what works for you. You may have to teach each child individually, because each is motivated differently. If your children cheerfully hand over their allowance every time they don't take out the garbage, you should take some other privilege away.Resist the urge to give your children too much allowance. Don't buy them things that they can save money for themselves, like designer clothes, CD's, magazines, make up, video games, etc. Even young children can be taught to save for small things. Almost nothing makes me more sad than seeing children who take their allowances for granted and never have to work for it. Parents aren't doing their children any favors by teaching them to expect everything to be handed to them. We sacrifice, and they don't appreciate it. Why should they? They don't have anything to lose.So did our daughter get to go on her retreat? We decided she could go if she paid $20 of the $45. She was not happy about it. She only gets $3 a week allowance, and she was saving her money for a new CD. She stewed about it for awhile, and then forked over what money she had. We worked out a payment schedule for her to come up with the rest of the money before the weekend of the retreat, and we let her do extra chores to earn a few more dollars. Are we guilty of child abuse? Our daughter thinks so, but her dad and I know better.About The AuthorRachel Paxton is a freelance writer and mom of four.
For moreinspirational articles and tips for everyday living, visit herweb sites at
taken from the NTU Confessions' Facebook page: I'm a final year student who has ... and more, but his parents refuse to, in order to teach their kids the value of money. He has ...
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of money for us to spend for our daughter to have fun with her friends. But the retreat was ... and never have to work for it. Parents aren't doing their children any favors by teaching ...
&&&& Teaching,Kids,the,Value,of,Money_Life_保健短文_英语短文,the value of life,the value of money,time value of money之外的更多信息,请访问:10句充满启发的财富英语
昨天看朋友圈大家都在接财神,迎财神,祝大家新年财运旺。黄老师昨天收集了一些与财富有关的英语资料,供大家在拜年之余学习。The 5th day of the Chinese New Year celebration:初五The God of Wealth:&财神May the New Year bring you wealth and prosperity:&恭喜发财!10 inspiring quotes about money & wealth10句充满启发的财富英语#1#1. Make money: 赚钱#2. Use the money to make more money: 用赚来的钱赚更多的钱#3. Repeat: 重复1和2Virtuous cycle: 良性循环#2Work until your bank account looks like a phone number: 工作,直到你的银行存款看上去像电话号码Especially a Chinese cell phone number: 最好是中国的手机号码It has 11 digits: 因为有11 位数!形容有钱,还常用fat:Fat bank account: 富得流油、账户里全是钱Fat wallet: 荷包满满#3Think like a billionaire, hustle like you're broke: 富人的思维方式,穷人的工作态度Billionaire: 亿万富翁Broke: 破产、没钱注意哦,说到“没钱”,不是broken,是broke。比如“2 Broke Girls”什么是hustle?比如温州商人就很会hustle.&Hustle (动词): 四处找机会、永不停歇Hustler (名词):一个永远在hustle的人#4电影Wolf of Wall Street 《华尔街之狼》的台词:&Money is the oxygen of capitalism and I wanna breathe more than any man alive: 钱是资本主义的氧气,我要比世界上任何人都吸得更多!股神来啦!#5If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die: 如果你睡觉的时候想不出赚钱的方法,那醒着的时候就会一辈子打工Warren Buffet is like the God of wealth: 巴菲特就像美国的财神美国人不叫他“stock market God"(股神), 而叫他:The Oracle of Omaha: 奥马哈的先知Omaha是巴菲特的家乡Value investing:&价值投资#6Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful: 人人大胆的时候,你要谨慎;人人谨慎的时候,你要大胆The market is overheated: 市场过热Bubble: 泡沫Bubble burst: 泡沫破裂Buy low, sell high: 逢低吸纳,逢高卖出美国理财专家的金句图中的Dave Ramsey是美国著名的理财专家,专给老百姓提供接地气的理财建议;而且金句百出。#7You've got to tell your money what to do or it will leave: 你得告诉自己的钱要做什么,不然它会离开你钱贬值,怎么说?书面:DepreciateDevalue口语:Money will lose its value#8Stop buying things you don't need to impress people you don't even like: 别买你不需要的东西,给你根本不喜欢的人看这句话来自女版Dave Ramsey:&Suze Orman英语俗话说:Keeping up with the Joneses: 别人有什么,我也要有最快让资产翻倍的方式是......#9The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket: 最快让资产翻倍的方法是把钱对折,然后放回口袋Tongue-in-cheek: 俏皮、幽默脱口秀女王奥普拉说的好#10What you want is money and meaning: 要追求钱和意义You want your work to be meaningful, because meaning is what brings the real richness to your life: 有意义的工作,才会给人生带来真正丰盛的财富最后送大家非常简单却极富真理的三句话Work hard. Stay humble. Dream big: 努力工作、谦虚待人、怀抱梦想长按关注拓普公众号 每天英语多一点
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Copyright & , All rights reserved.牛哥网 , 传播文明正能量,做有文艺范的青年喜爱网站。【图文】全新版大学英语听说教程4unit7_百度文库
Recently, a professor of philosophy in the United States has written a book called Money and the Meaning of Life.He has discovered that how we deal with money in our day-to-day life has more meaning than we usually think.One of the exercises he asked his students to do is to keep a record of every penny they spend for a week.From the way they spend their money, they can see what they really value in life. He says our relation with others often become clearly defined when money enters the picture.You might have wonderful friendship with somebody and you think that you are very good friends.But you’ll know him only when you ask to lend you some money.If he does, it brings something to the relationship that seems stranger than ever before.Or it can suddenly weaken the relationship if he doesn’t.This person may say that he has a certain feeling, but if it is not carried out in the money world, there is something less real about it. Since money is important to us, we consider those who possess a lot of it to be very important.The author interviewed some millionaires in researching his book. Answer: The most surprising thing is why people give me so much respect.I’m nothing.I don’t know much.All I am is rich. People just have an idea of making more and more money, but what is it for? How much do I need for any given purposes in my life? In this book, the professor uncovered an important ne to bring back the idea that money is an instrument rather than the end.Money plays an important role in the modern world, but expecting money to give happiness may be missing the meaning of life.【小题1】According to the first paragraph, people haven’t realized important money is in their day-to-day life- P. K& L% `1 O1 B9 i, N3 @$ L one spends money shows what is important to him; L+ f* f, _3 @) g# @! d C.that money is more important than their philosophy of life- _5 j3 U# Z, V+ F- Z1 Q D.that their understanding of life is more important than money; a" S) S- j) j
U% G2 Z, J3 F 【小题2】What can we learn about the millionaire from his answer in the interview is that&&&&&&&&&.A.he does not feel that he is well -educated; H# \* [: ^/ [# ? B.he does not consider himself to be very successful$ \0 ]- ]/ i( T! R: \ C.he does not think that he is a very important person" Q8 R6 j
A( V: Y$ D D.he does not think being rich deserves so much attention6 P8 H0 ]7 U( J6 @ 【小题3】What does the American professor of philosophy want to explain in his book?A.Money is a means.' ]. [; h4 \8 S) J B.Money is everything.
Q7 N/ T3 \9 I$ i C.Money is an end.( @+ @5 C, Z( j D.Money is unimportant.9 e/ ], T; R5 I
^" J8 S- g( P 【小题4】Which of the following might the author disagree?A.Money is important in modern society.( _8 K0 g# [+ g9 b7 [5 ?5 E. ]+ X B.Wealth will surely bring the owner happiness.
[* S# f2 M0 X/ Q2 E. _3 b C.The meaning of life doesn’t completely lie in money.. _% J' a2 D* O0 E+ f* g$ R" ^ D.Happiness is not necessarily the result of wealth.% i8 N" Q, M, b$ L% g! `


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