no pain and gainno gain 求感想

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No Pain,No Gain,No Life
1.&&&&&& "I stepped on the bodies to the boat."said Gao Binghan.
&&&&&&&&&& More than 100,000 people were waiting on the beachofKinmen. Here came two boats and each could hold no more than 10,000 people. He was only 13 years old, standing in the crowd with a stick to support his broken leg. He didn’t know where it was, neither where to go. He had been away from his hometown to flee from the calamity for six months. His mother told him to follow the crowd and to survive in the world.
When there came the first sight of sunshine, the landing boats were finally in shore. People flooded to the boat, but at first, no one could get into and stopped up the doorway. “If you couldn’t rush into the boat, trample all underfoot. Then the boat was crowed with people.”
He felt something pressed heavily upon his shoulder. There was a soldier making efforts to put his gunstock on the child’s shoulder, ready for stepping on him to board. An officer shot the soldier down and saved him. “I boarded without shoes on both of my feet. The shoes were lost very early and I stepped on people all around. I was shoved into the boat instead of walking myself. You had nothing to do but walking.”
The door was going to close, but there were still many people around the door closed, some people were cut down from the neck suddenly while some people lost their legs. Compared to that scene, the sound made children feel more scared—the sound that people hadn’t boarded shouted out with the leaving of the boat. “That sounded like ghost shouting, loudly. I couldn’t hear clearly, everyone was shouting.”
The soldiers on the bank shot those on board. Many people on the deck died under the gun. It was bloody everywhere. A bomb fell on the boat which killed lots of people again. If it were a strong bomb, the boat would sunk to the bottom.
He hid in the toilet of the cabin where was already filled with seven or eight people. “There was no space to move, I stood here unmoved until I arrived inTaiwan.”
It was in 1949 that the last landing boat sailed toTaiwan.
2.&&&&&& &&&&Gao’s grandfather is Song Shaotang, one of the last group of students abroad at public expense in later Qing Dynasty. He joined in the TungMeng Hui following with Sun Zhongshan inJapan, becoming one of the senior statesman of the Kuomintang. Later, he acted as the leader of Dong Chang Fu.
Gao’s mother is Song Shuyu, established the modern primary school with her husband in the country of Heze, Shandong Province, developing the education in the country. In 1948, the fierce civil war caused the divorce of the family, Gao’s father, the headmaster of the school, was shot dead in regional conflicts while his sister was missing at that time. They know that she had gone to YanAn after a long time. “When my father died, my sister was shouting the slogans loudly. Mao Zedong awarded her as the model of young women.”
The mother was worried about his thirteen-year-old son. With 20silver coins, a string found in his father’s body and the certificate of new Junior middle school student in his bag, his mother asked him to leave here to the school for refugees inNanjingfor help after kowtowing three times in front of his father’s tomb.
His mother sent him to the east gate to take the coach, which was made of a plank and two tyres, with about twenty students sitting on their own luggages. By this time it was daybreak. His mother gave him a pinch in his ear to make him keep in mind, “Follow with the army whose caps were designed with sun patterns. You can’t come back until they are back. If you came back earlier, you would die, like your father, you know?”
The pomegranates are ripe on September. His grandmother picked one for him. The pomegranate in his hand was so ripe that the boy could see the bright red and shining fruit. He couldn’t help eating a bit and at that moment, his classmate shoved him, “Your mother called you.”
He turned round but the coach had already turned the corner. He couldn’t see his mother any more.
The 77-year-old man said, “I haven’t eaten any pomegranates evermore.”
3.&&&&&& &&&&He rolled up his trousers. There are all black scars on his shanks. He couldn’t wear shorts along his life and never went to the swimming pool. Knowing that they are old scars, I’m still afraid of touching up and down but cover on it. There are bits of black skin instead of meat. He smiled, “They were eaten up by worms.”
Sixty years ago, the school inNanjingwas dismissed. The students broke up in an uproar. He had nowhere to go, and was afraid of returning home. He had to follow the crowd to walk more than 2,000 miles through six provinces. The rice field were also crowded with people, cars, horses and hinnies, injured soldiers and refugees…When the army encamped to cook, he picked a plantain leaf to hold some gruel. He queued after two soldiers who had got the hot gruel. “The Communist Party is coming,” someone shouted suddenly. The former turned round in a hurry, a crock of gruel all splashed on his legs. Then the later knocked in him and the gruel on his hand was splashed again. Nobody cared about this, he had to run away with them.
It was very cold. There was slowly himself left in the remote mountains. The army had gone, so did the refugees. He walked alone with the light rain and the sounds made by monkeys and wild boars on the mountains. He walked with a stick, wearing a straw rain cape which was made of palm leaves. His legs were filled with maggots. He wrapped with feet by rags instead of shoes. The rain became heavier. He found and entered into a temple. He fumbled around and found a person asleep. He lay next to him. The next day, he woke up before daybreak. The mice were running across him and eating the ears of the person next to him. That was a body.
He occurred to meet with a soldier carry a red-cross bag on his way. There were cliffs besides mountains, and a river along the meandering road. “He drew me aside and said that come here, boy, washed my legs, I am washing the worms away for you. Then he bound up with bandages. I observed his cap carefully, it’s a star, he’s communist.”
A week later, the suppuration and the body temperature made the bandage become a plastered armor which couldn’t open. He met with another soldier with the sun pattern cap who used the bayonet to tease out it. It had been putrid already. I asked him that whether he had missed his mother on the way. He said no, he only thought of surviving. I live for my mother.
4. &&&&He moved toTaiwanwith more than two million people. With so many people crashed into the self-sufficient and self-contained rural island, there was no place for them. No one cared about him. He slept on the seats in the railway station, walked lamely and snatched food with pi-dogs from the rubbish dump. The herd of pi-dogs would bully children. He had to wait for the moment that there was only a pi-dog, and then drove it away from the peels of watermelons.
He said, “No future at that time. I didn’t know how to survive, how to live out today nor tomorrow.” He looked at me, “Can you feel about that time? There was really no another day.” I can only say powerlessly, “I know that but I can’t understand about the feeling…”
He shook his head, talked to himself, “There was no tomorrow.”
He survived depending on the certificate of new Junior middle school student his mother put in his luggage.
That is a piece of cotton paper. He showed to me and let me feel about it, thin and soft. It’s amazing that it isn’t broken. He lost all his luggage on his way . once he got on a military car, the officer ordered the soldier to throw him away. The soldier said that he would die if he was thrown down on the cobblestone street. While the car passed by a river, two soldier pushed him down. He fell into the river and was wet through. However, the cotton paper is kept completely all the way. He couldn’t remember now and had no idea about this. Because of this paper, Gao Binghan had the chance to take the exam and become a student of law major of “National Defense andManageCollege” when he was a peddler at the Railway Administration. After graduated in 1963, he was asked to act as a judge in Kinmen.
I asked him, “How did you spend your holiday when you first arrived here and lived alone?”
“On the morning of the first day of new year, I would go up the mountain on my own before daybreak. Cry loudly to the river mouth of fresh water and mainland. I never cry in normal times. The weak will cry, so I wouldn’t come to tears. I would just shout loudly.”
“What did you shout?”
“Mum, I shouted loudly, Mum, Mum, I miss you.”
He speak mandarin all along, but when saying this sentence, he spoke in his broad accent ofShandong.
5.&& The first case he dealt with was about a deserter in Kinmen. A soldier surnamed Zheng run risks to try to swim back to his home in Xiamen through the Kinmen Straits with a tyre on duty.he eventually landed on the early morning the next day, raised his hands up and said to the people nearing with guns. “Don’t kill me, I’m back to seem y mother.” He didn’t know that he was washed back to Kinmen because of the backflow through he had seen swimming overnight.
&&&&&& The deserter wasn’t a soldier in those years. He was a fisherman inXiamenand was enforced to join the army when he was out to buy medicines for his mother suffering from hemiplegia. To fill up to full strength, the army of the Kuomintang took away 13,000 people from the areas around Zhoushan and four thousand people from Daishan with a population of more than 20,000 during the four days in 1950 when they were withdrawn from Zhoushan. Knowing clearly of the danger, the fisherman still wanted to run away because he could see the roofs of his village from his post on the fine days.
&&&&&&& According to the 97th item of the Law of Land, Sea and Air Force inTaiwan, he was sentenced to death.
&&&&&&& I asked Gao, “Had you asked yourself that what would you do if you were him when you passed the death judgment on him?”
&&&&&&& He said without hesitation, “I would run away more quickly and earlier than him.”
&&&&&&& The soldier surrounded Zheng told him that he wished to be shot to death earlier, “He said that his soul would see his mother sooner if shot earlier.”
&&&&&&& Before dearth sentence, the deserter handed over the medicines he bought more than ten years ago to Gao Binghan, wishing that Gao could bring this to his mother one day, if couldn’t then put the medicines into a bottle, write “Zheng He Shi” on it and set it adrift on the sea. Maybe it would float to his hometown. These tablets had almost become powder, Gao& took the medicine home, couldn’t help crying. “I have become a …I killed the one who wanted to go back home to see his mother.”
&&&&&&& There was a detail before the sentence that Gao has never told to others as he feels broken-hearted when he reminds this at every turn.
6.&&&&&&&&&& &&&&In 1979, Gao went abroad to participate in a meeting which the representatives of mainland also took part in. he wrote a letter to his family, intended to but dared not asking a favor of them to deliver this letter, “We were requested to follow six rules at that time, no contacting, no communication, no photographing…And these people went tighter had to keep watch on the movements of each other.” The letter was finally sent to Song Shuyu at Xiao Gao village, 35 miles North-western away from Heze, inShandongprovince acrossEnglandand American in the help of his classmates. It was said in the letter, “Mum, I still have the will to live till now through the several decades for seeing you in the end. Mum, you must wait for me.”
On the 12nd of May the next year, Gao received the first letter from his hometown. His mother was died for one year when the letter arrived. His little brother said, “There was almost no laughing at home since you left. Mum ate little for supper on the New Year’s Eve. Her face was covered with tears. There was a bowl and a pair of chopsticks for you beside mum, Chun Sheng, no matter you are alive or died, have a dinner with mum on the Spring Festival.”
There were two things found under her pillow after her death. One is a small photo of him in his childhood. The other is a cotton-padded jacket made for him.
Gao sang the melody which his mother often sang while making this jacket to me. “The wind is so cold, the rain is so heavy. The one on the tramp needs a cotton-padded jacket.”
“Why you still remember this?” I asked.
“I need a jacket, I need my mother. The jacket stands for my mother, doesn’t it? The cold wind and rain mean the shock of the times. I need warm, I need my mother.”
The old man near 80 years old called “Mum” in the tone of children own only.
7.&&&&&&&&&& &&&&Gao had to project his own thoughts and feelings in his hometown without mother. He said, “Jiang Jieshi announced to launch a counterattack against the mainland at first, but later it seemed to be hopeless. He thought that he would never go back so he decided to create a family inTaiwanand the condition of marriage was to find a woman who had a life long job. I can’t understand this.” He explained, “I was worried about wars at that time. I& might die at all times. I had to find a woman with a stable job who could bring the child up on her own.”
He wrote 25 diaries for his later generation which described everything he remember in his childhood: Bai ma niao ( a traditional Chinese medicine ), twitch- grass, Yang jiao mi ( a dessert ), the rabbits’ favorite flower, the black dog next door, the magpie in the tree in the front of the door, the best friend Fen Chazi in his childhood—The reason he was called Fen Chazi was that he liked to eat mulberries secretly most and his face always covered with honeydew which would be stuck with soil mixed with the wind and attracted flies around his black mouth, run around to skip being by his grandmother.
His fellow-townsmen read his diaries carefully. Later it was destroyed in the flood. Many of his fellow-townsmen moved toTaiwanwithout receiving any education, living skills nor family. Some of them set up “North steamed Bread Bar” or “He Nan Beef Noodle”. They live on the flavor of hometown.
In the early 1980s, there was a fellow-townsman who migrated toArgentinaback to visit his relatives. By way ofTaiwan, he bought and divided some soil and snacks of hometown to more than 100 fellow-townsmen. Each could got a little of the three kilograms of soil. Gao was so fear of thieves stealing away his treasure carelessly that he kept half of the soil packed with plastic cloth in the coffer and the other was made drinks with water in seven times. “The water got into through my mouth, but at the same time I burst into tears. The tears are more than seven pots. The poet in Yuan Dynasty said that Sunset heartbroken people in the end of the world. Only those who are wandering here and there and hopeless to go back would feel heartbroken.”
It has been 28 years that the package ofShandongsesame sugars and the bag of Hulatang are still kept in his fridge. He is unwilling to eat them while his children don’t want to eat. They are tough as stones now.
8.&&&&&&&&&& &&&&On the 15th of October, 1987, the authorities ofTaiwanannounced that Taiwanese could go to mainland to visit their relatives. Gao Binghan went back to his hometown in May, 1991. he stopped at the entrance to the village alone for half an hour. He couldn’t walk in. “I was afraid, afraid of going into. I couldn’t described the feeling in words. Now nearing home, timid I grow. The ancestor was so great that he described this emotion vividly.”
An old man standing at the entrance asked him, “Who are you looking for, Sir?” He answered “ Gao Chunsheng.” That’s his childhood name.
“Ah Gao Chunsheng has died for many years. He died in other places several decades ago.”
He didn’t recognize that the man talking was his playmate in his childhood until now. he asked that “Is Fen Chazi still here?” there was a man walking towards him with a limp with a walking stick far away, calling “Chunsheng brother.” He embraced his white-haired playmate, said, “Fen Chazi, I wouldn’t dislike you because of your bad smell.” The two old men mingled feelings of joy and sorrow.
The houses are not here and his relatives are also away from the village. He saw that the old tree was still there and picked a handful of the fruits of elm like green copper cash on the tree, whose flavor kept fresh, bitter and astringent. The more than 60-year-old man, left his hometown in his thirteen, burst out tears in front of his mother’s tomb at last.
I asked him, “She wished that you could survive at that time and you can do this later what do you think about your mother’s expectation to you?”
“In my opinion, as a daughter of a big family, she taught in the countryside to make it brighter in the darkness. So she would expect me to do the same thing. I think that she would hate. This time made me cry and injured a lot, didn’t it? But I survived. I had been rushed to the bank. I want to give as much light as the heat can produce, and do my best. I want to make the person feel less painful without hate.”
He is the president of the association of fellow-townsmen. He is a lawyer and he is the youngest. The old friends passed away one by one and said before death, “If Taiwan had launched a successful counterattack,” he could bring their cremains back. Since 1992, he started to took these old friends’ cremains back fromHuaLianCemetery. Sometimes, he couldn’t go downhill because of the strong typhoon. Then he would squat down in the air-leaking pavilion of the cemetery with the cremains in his arms. “That’s ok. If there was ghost, he would fight for me.” And he would be saved by the helicopter the next day.
The pots of cremains were made of marble, seven or eight jins each. He weighed only 44 kilograms. He took two pots back every year in his draw-bar frame on air. The airport security doubted of him carrying drugs and asked him to open his draw-bar frame to check up. He had to explain each time.
There are 40 to 50 pots of cremains and there is no enough place to put them. He put them in his office, then brought them home. His family have some scruples about this. He moved the pots into the basement where his mother’s remains were also kept in. he put a small bed and a desk here and lives here, painting or writing, together with them or chatting with them sometimes. He woke up from the dreams in which he met them he would close his eyes and try to go back to his dreams—there are his family and friends on the most intimate terms.
9.&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&Most of the owners of the cremains he took back to the mainland had no relatives here. He would find the big pagoda trees or corn fields in the village, talking to them while strewing, “I bring you here, you should be relieved after buried.”
The men living in the village said that the old man was crazy.
I asked him, “Is the dream so important?”
“To us, the man without crying in the darkness have no right to talk about life. Because we had wandered here and there, and cried in the dark night. Our lives are different from others’. Maybe that’s home of our heart.”
He named his first grandfather after Youxuan, which means to bless his mother, and his second grandfather is called You He. If there would be another grandfather, she would be You Hua. I wondered that why a common person would have the emotion of the country and family. He said, “That’s equal to a dog owning a new house with electrical equipment and air conditioned a beautiful house, be at ease, it would turn back to his original house. Why? He smelled, and that isn’t his smell.”
He said, “The motherland is one’s house.”
10.&&&&&& &&&&From the beginning to the end of the program, there are countless things which reminded me of Mr.Gao’s words: “Don’t ask that whether it is worthwhile or not. There is no way discussing about the value, that’s intuition. My mother’s presbyopic glasses are under efflorescence . are they worth? They are my treasures.”
At the end of the video, he put the blue-green gold-gided breastpin, small jade earrings, presbyopic glasses under efflorescence, the pot pounding garlic to pieces into a box, kept with him. Hr toughed the green rust of the breastpin, worried about rubbing it off.
A lake blue silk cloth his mother worse is hanging on the flank in the basement, always here. There is a spot left on the lappet in those years. He never washes it to prevent lose of a stalk of silk.
He said, “I do go to the basement to tough my brother’s cloth on my head everyday. It seems to stay in her arms. I’m an old man near 80 years old, I still act as a child.”
Lao Fan set Homesickness of Luo Danyou here. It sang after a soft sign, “Give me a sweet-smelling Meratia, the smell like mother. The smell of mother is that of homesickness. Give me a sweet-smelling Meratia…”
There is no need to ask whether it is worthy of many things. You just need to ask, does it seem to be the treasure of you?
(O Come Back Home, Chief Editor Fan Ming, Editor Guo Xiaolong, Plotter Yu Ashui, Guide TianShu, Musiv Xie Weijing: The variation of cello and piano of Homesickness in the video is played by her.)
Copyright & 2014
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