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计算机科学综述 computer science an overview PDF版
内容包括326个种和品种,以“怎么办”的形式,深入浅出、简明扼要地直接进行了回答,力求做到全面性、科学性、新疑性和实用性相结合,对花卉生产者也有参考指导作主板维修从入门到精通(全彩典藏)》由资深主板维修培训师精心编写,以最新主板为基础,全面、系统、深入地讲解了主板元器件的识别和检测、主板各种单元电路的结构原理、单《浪潮之巅》 近一百多年来,总有一些公司很幸运地、有意识或无意识地站在技术革命的浪尖之上。在长达十年甚至几十年的时间里,它们代表着科技的浪潮,直到下一波浪潮的来网络存储是一个涉及计算机硬件以及网络协议技术、操作系统以及专业软件等各方面综合知识的领域。目前国内阐述网络存储的书籍少之又少,大部分是国外作品,对存储系统底层细本书主要介绍计算机单机系统的组成原理及内部工作机制,包括计算机各大部件的工作原理、逻辑实现、设计方法及其互连构成计算机整机的技术本草纲目是一部具有世界性影响的博物学著作,作者李时珍,这是它的电子版本,以《本草纲目金陵版》为基础,按药物的“正名”、“释名”、“气味”、“主治”、“附方”分为《计算机组成与体系结构:性能设计(原书第8版)》以intel x86和arm两个处理器系列为例,结合当代计算机系统性能设计问题,介绍了计算机体系结构的主流技术和最新技术哈利波特1-7中文版全集全新高清PDF版,新奇魔法世界,值得珍藏一生的经典lua中文教程,原名:programming in lua
0.1 序言..........1
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计算机科学综述 computer science an overview PDF版
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o 推荐:& &《Computer Science: An Overview: Global Edition》 Glenn Brookshear, Dennis Brylow【摘要 书评 试读】图书
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出版社: Pearson Education L 12th edition (日)
平装: 640页
语种: 英语
20.4 x 2 x 25.4 cm
图书商品里排第1,891,620名 ()
For the Introduction to Computer Science course Computer Science: An Overview uses broad coverage and clear exposition to present a complete picture of the dynamic computer science field. Accessible to students from all backgrounds, Glenn Brookshear uses a language-independent context to encourage the development of a practical, realistic understanding of the field. An overview of each of the important areas of Computer Science provides students with a general level of proficiency for future courses. Teaching and Learning Experience
This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience-for you and your students. It will help: *Develop a Practical, Realistic Understanding of Computer Science: A language-independent overview of each of the important areas of Computer Science prepares students for future courses.
*Fit your Course Preferences: Individual chapters are independent and can be covered in an order that suits your course.
*Reinforce Core Concepts: More than 1000 Questions and Exercises, Chapter Review Problems, and Social Issues questions give students the opportunity to apply concepts.
此商品在美国亚马逊上最有用的商品评论 (beta)
6/6 人认为此评论有用Highly commended with two warnings for newbies
- 已在美国亚马逊上发表版本: 平装
I only have 4th edition so I can't comment on the 12th. And yeah, the 4th is certainly old regarding computers (1994).However, if you are interested in finding out about how computers actually work then this is a good book. It is a good introduction to a lot of important stuff and you should, by the end, have a much better idea of how computers do what they do.But yes -- two warnings. First, you should know something about computers before hand. There is not much point reading this unless you are deeply interested in computers and want to know how they work. You should also actually have attempted to program computers, and the more familiar you are, the better. Because a lot of what he talks about is difficult to understand if you have no context. Unfortunately there isn't much Glenn can do about this because this is the nature of this puzzlingly and interesting field. The second warning is that I wouldn't try to read this in one go. There is too much to get from it, and it is tough going. I just read it whenever I have time, a little bit here and there if my curiosity is piqued.I think those two warnings explain a lot of the negative reviews here.But overall, it is a great book for those who want to broaden their knowledge, and I highly recommend this book. I have benefited from it a lot.If you are looking for something lighter and you are newer to this area, I would suggest the book 'Code' by Petzold before this one. I actually only got half way through but it is much more grounded in its approach and it works from very simple pieces upwards. Plus it is written for a much wider audience and is more interesting to a lay person than this book.If you are looking for something more simple than 'Code' - which I admit is certainly hard at times too! - I don't have any suggestions yet. Sorry!
2/2 人认为此评论有用Wait 2 weeks, if you can stand it!
Tuesday Jones
- 已在美国亚马逊上发表版本: 平装
It's a pretty decent book, i mean it's required for my coursework so I can't complain. The biggest thing I'd recommend this book for school late as possible, and then buying the book two weeks after classes have started. Originally, it would've been like $45, but I got it for $15 by waiting the school prices out.
I got it with prime 2-day shipping, so I ordered on Friday and got it on Sunday.
5/8 人认为此评论有用I plan to keep this one handy in case I am ever troubled by insomnia
Jason Venter
- 已在美国亚马逊上发表版本: 平装
If you don't have to read Computer Science: An Overview (12th Edition) for a college class (as I do), then I recommend that you don't read it at all.I'm most of my way through an AA degree, which means I still have a long way to go, but I've never encountered a text as dull as this one. I can be absolutely wired on coffee and positive energy, and then I sit down and try to read a chapter in this torture device and I find myself falling asleep within a few pages.What might be the reason for that? Every page has 4 or 5 new terms that may or may not actually be useful, and there's a bunch of discussion also about formulas and algorithms and such. This you would expect from a book on computer science, a topic that actually does interest me, but here it is presented dryly and the goal doesn't seem to be to provide the promised overview. Instead, the authors seem to be attempting to cover every element of computer science with a few sentences devoted to each topic before moving onto the next concept. There's no time for anything to sink in before you're moving onto the next awful clump of sentences. Often, the author will waste time describing something, then say "But don't worry about that until chapter 12" or whatever.I've built dynamic web sites using HTML and PHP (which to me feels more intuitive than the Python used here), and even so, the paragraphs introducing relatively basic concepts such as recursive algorithms nearly induced a coma without providing much of the enlightenment you might hope for. In summary, there's a lot of good information here, but good luck caring about it--let alone retaining much of it--the way it is presented.
7/10 人认为此评论有用Google-fu
Emily Clark
- 已在美国亚马逊上发表版本: 平装
Although the textbook details information in it's chapters in a way that is easy to understand, many of the chapter review questions contain information that cannot be easily found within the chapter in question, if its been discussed in the book prior at all. This book teaches you why computers do certain things, and then expects the student to be able to fathom the how and execution with minimal to no help.
4/7 人认为此评论有用Meh.
- 已在美国亚马逊上发表版本: 平装
An overview book like this is good to have and see the roadmap what CS education looks like. But it's a snoozer. Topic selection is bad. Definitions are bad. Word choice are bad. Explanations are non-existent or inadequate, lathers on buzz words upon buzz words with no explanation. No breaking down ideas into their core fundamentals, building back it, telling the how and why, and its applications and related topics (section on Multilayer Perceptrons/ANN and blabbering about dendrites was insulting). Not a cohesive text. Haphazard. This book is like a junkyard mechanic. What's really desired is an F1 team. Does not explain notation, uses big-Theta notation only without comparing to big-Oh (which is standard for CS), and big-Omega/small-X.
Computer Science: An Overview: Global Edition [平装]
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