be well offreceived 是什...

be well accepted 和 be wel received 有什么不同?_百度作业帮
be well accepted 和 be wel received 有什么不同?
主要是accept 和receive的不同accept 是接受意见,邀请等receive 是接收到信件...礼物..等比较具体的东西
accept含有主动的意思,多指“乐意接受”,“认为好所以采纳”receive是被动的“收到”,不含主观色彩例如,“他接受了我的请求”,“这个观点大家都很认同”就用accept“他收到了我寄的信”就用receive一般就是这样,那么,be well accepted应该侧重于收到者的主观感受,而be well received应该侧重于“安全收到”,侧重于运...
发布时间: 11:01:59
“我会极力推荐这家医院给任何想要在南京生宝宝的人”——来自美国客户丹尼尔的推荐信(附中文)&2015年元旦这天,华世佳宝妇产医院的国际医疗保险负责人Vivian收到一封特殊的推荐信,写信人Daniel是美国人,任教于南京市外国语学校6、7年级,他的妻子近日在华世佳宝顺利分娩了宝宝。夫妻两“在经历了产后护理后决定写这一封推荐信,整个经历对我们来说是无以言表的满意。”小编特地转发此文与亲们分享。但由于篇幅有限,微信仅上中文翻译,英文原文请亲们登陆华世佳宝官网新闻阅读(来自美国客户丹尼尔的推荐信:/news/98.html)。推荐信给所有需要的人看,&我希望和你分享我和太太在华世佳宝妇产医院的经验。我会先说说我们选择华世佳宝产检,生产和产后护理曾经的担忧。总的来说,我们非常满意在华世佳宝得到的精心照顾,我会极力推荐这家医院给任何想要在南京生宝宝的人。&曾经的担忧:&私立医院&当我太太第一次推荐去华世佳宝的时候,我很担心,因为这是一家私立医院,我总以为私立医院只是想赚钱,我当时是大错特错。现在回头看看和郑主任和Vivian小姐一起的经历,我感受到华世佳宝的员工关注的是什么对病人最好。&沟通&我的太太是中国人,她没有任何沟通上的问题,但是我却无法流利地用中文沟通。幸运的是,Vivian小姐和郑主任都会说英语,虽然她们在沟通上有些单词不是很流利,但是她们总是尽量通过翻译,字典还有和其他同事来让我更好的理解。虽然我不能完全了解整个过程中的所有事情,但是我知道我们会被很好地照顾。&&&保险&我们和之前的保险公司有过不快的经历,所以这次对我们新的保险公司(平安),我们特别小心。我们当时不确定我们的套餐哪些保险是赔付的,哪些是不赔付的。刘念小姐总是和保险公司沟通,确定我们在华世佳宝得到的服务是在保险公司报销的范围。他们按照保险公司的要求出具发票,保证保险公司会全额报销所有的费用。我很感激她和平安保险公司之间积极的沟通。&&&产检&我们在华世佳宝国际医疗中心(VIP)的经历一直是很愉快的。那里的护士都认识我们,每次我们去那里,她们总是叫我们的名字,跟我们问好。我们的每次到那里产检,不用排队等待,很快就会被安排开始20分钟的胎心监护和其他检查,然后会和医生会面。虽然有时候医生办公室外面会有一些做四维的孕妇等待(一般1-2个,最多4-5个),我们总是很快就能见到医生。在和医生会面的过程中,我们的隐私得到尊重,郑主任总是表现得友好又专业。虽然和她的沟通不是像在美国看病时那样完全流利,但是已经足够让我了解我们下一步要做什么和原因。&&作为一个新爸爸,我当时有很多的不确定,所以我总是会在我太太产检后和我母亲讨论。通过和她的讨论让我感受到虽然我们在华世佳宝的经验和在美国的医院会有一些不同,但是华世佳宝和美国的医院一样的专业,不同的只是文化的差异和做事的方法。&产后护理&我们是在经历了产后护理后决定写这一封推荐信的,整个经历对我们来说是无以言表的满意。我的太太是剖宫产,郑主任的手术非常成功。手术之前,她和我在走廊碰头,告诉我手术会怎样进行,让我对太太的手术感觉到很放心。我太太的刀口非常干净,缝得很好。唯一的遗憾是在手术的过程中我不能在手术室陪伴太太,郑主任和我开玩笑说,这是因为医院只有足够的医生来照顾我太太,如果我晕了没有人照顾我。&&作为新爸爸,新妈妈,我们完全不知道怎么照顾新生儿。术后的前两晚,我们有护士24小时照顾我太太和宝宝。所有的护士都受过专业的训练,非常友好,非常有条理性。没有任何时候有任何的犹豫和不确定。护士们不能流利的说英文,但是她们很乐意和我说话,教我怎样换尿布,抚触和抱宝宝。 医院还给了我们一些小小的惊喜。护士会在床上帮我太太洗头,在我女儿一个星期大的时候她们帮她办了一个生日party ,还有一个非常训练有素的母婴维养师一直和我们待在一起。&&&王阿姨是我们在手术后得到的最珍贵的帮助,因为她教了我们很多照顾宝宝的知识。我发誓她有宝宝魔法。有的时候,我太太在做理疗,但是宝宝又很饿,她有办法让宝宝平静又开心地等待一个半小时。王阿姨非常耐心,总是想要确保我们知道要做什么。她不会说很多英文,但是这完全没有关系,她给我们提供了我们所能想到的最好的帮助和支持。我的朋友们经常跟我说,当你把宝宝带回家的时候,你会盯着她但是却不知道要怎么办。我可以很诚实地说,因为我们受到的训练,这不会发生在我们身上。王阿姨是我在中国见到的性格最好的人,有她培训我,我觉得自己很幸运。&& &问好,&Daniel &M.号华世佳宝妇产医院秉承中国、国际JCI双重安全质量标准,为您提供安全、舒适、便捷的妇产科和新生儿科医疗服务,36个国家、20个国际商业保险机构可在我院直付。有关国际医保问题,欢迎致电。(8:00-24:00英文咨询及预约)附英文全文:Review of HSCYBelle&&To whom it may concern,&&I would like to share my experience regarding the HSCYBelle Women’s Maternity Hospital. &I&start with concerns I had choosing HSCYBelle, pre-natal care and post natal care. &To&summarize, I am extremely happy with the care I received and would wholeheartedly&recommend this hospital to anyone thinking of having their baby in Nanjing.&&Prior Concerns:&Private Hospital&When my wife ?rst suggested going to HSCYBelle I was nervous about it being a private&hospital. In the back of my mind I always was thinking that the hospital and its staff are just after&our money, I couldn’t have been more wrong. &Looking back on my experience working with&Vivian and Dr. Zheng, I realize that the staff was always focused on our best interests. &&&Communication&My wife is Chinese and has no problems communicating but I on the other hand would be&unable to. &Fortunately Vivian and Dr. Zheng both speak English. &Though their communication&isn’t ?uent, they always accommodated their explanations with translations, dictionaries and&following up with other colleagues. &Though I didn’t understand everything that happened in the process I know now that we were always in good hands.&&Health Insurance&My wife and I have had very bad experiences with our health insurance and we approached our&new healthcare provider (Ping An) with caution. &We were never quite sure what exactly would&be covered and wouldn’t be covered under our plan. &Vivian was always available to&communicate with the insurance company to make sure that the services provided by&HSCYBelle would be covered by the insurance company. &They made sure to write the Fapiao&so that the insurance company would cover the procedure in full. &I appreciate her always being&on top of communication with Ping An.&&Pre-natal Care:&The VIP ward in the hospital was always a joyful experience. &The nurses learned our names&and we were greeted by name each time we entered. &We would quickly be seen for our&appointment which would start off with a 20 minute recording of the baby’s heart beat and then&a discussion with the doctor. &Though there was a line of people waiting outside for the doctor&(1-2 usually, 4-5 at most) we were always seen in a timely manner. &Our privacy was respected&and the Dr. Zhen was always friendly and professional. &Again, her communication wasn't ?uent&in English but it is good enough to know what is being done and why.&&As a ?rst time father I didn’t know what to expect and would always discuss with my mother&what happened during the examinations. &Though the experience was different then what would happen in a US hospital, I in no way feel that it was any less professional, just a difference in culture and way of doing things.&&Post-natal Care:&I decided after going through the post-natal care that I would write this review. &I was blown&away by the entire experience. &My wife needed to have a C-Section and Dr. Zhen did awonderful job. &Prior to the surgery she met me in the hall to discuss what was going to happen and made me feel that my wife was in good hands. &The cut is very clean and stitched well. &The only downside was I couldn’t be in the room with my wife during the operation. &Dr. Zhen joked saying the hospital only has enough doctors to look after my wife and not me when I faint. &&Being a ?rst time father and mother, we were clueless about how to handle our child. On our&?rst two nights we had nurses stay with use 24 hours a day to look after the baby and my wife.&All the nurses were well trained, extremely friendly, and well organized. &I never felt there was a&time when they were unsure what was happening or about to happen. &None of the nurses&spoke English, but they were still willing to talk to me and show me how to do things like change&a diaper, do massages and the correct way to carry the baby. &&&Finally, there were some small surprises that provided to be well received. &A nurse came to&wash my wife’s hair in bed, they provided a small party and birthday cake for our daughter and&?nally had an extremely well trained Ayi stay with us once she was available. &&&Wang Ayi was the greatest asset we had after the surgery because she walked us through&everything to do with the baby. &I swear she has baby magic. &During times when my wife was&receiving treatments and the baby was hungry, she was able to keep the baby calm and happy&for over an hour and a half. &Wang Ayi is extremely patient and wanted to make sure we knew&what to do. &It didn’t matter that she didn’t speak English, she was able to provide the best&possible experience for us. &My friends often told me when you take the baby home you will&stare at the baby and have no clue what to do. &I can honestly say I feel this isn’t going to&happen because of the training I received. &She had the best personality I have ever seen here&in China and I feel blessed to have trained under her. &&&Regards,&Daniel Mazz&November 8th 2014南京华世佳宝妇产医院【JCI认证·医保定点】 热线咨询:025- QQ咨询: 咨询挂号:/swt/ 地址:南京市水西门大街文体西路9号 网  址:南京华世佳宝妇产医院
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