The opening ceremony...

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during the opening ceremony
opening ceremony was held at the , also known as the Bird's Nest. It was began at 20:00
() on Friday, 8 August 2008, as the number 8 is considered to be auspicious. The
in . The artistic part of the ceremony comprised two parts titled "Brilliant Civilization" and "Glorious Era" respectively. The first part highlighted the Chinese civilization and the second part exhibited modern China and its dream of harmony between the people of the world. The stadium was full to its 91,000 capacity according to organizers.
The ceremony was directed by
filmmaker , who was the chief director and was assisted by Chinese choreographers
and Chen Weiya. The director of music for the ceremony was composer Chen Qigang. It was noted for its focus on ancient , and for its creativity, as well as being the first to use
technology to prevent rainfall. The final ascent to the torch featured Olympic gymnast , who appeared to run through air around the membrane of the stadium. Featuring 15,000 performers, the ceremony lasted over four hours and was reported to have cost over US$100 million to produce. The opening ceremony was lauded by spectators and various international presses as spectacular and spellbinding and by many accounts "the greatest ever".
More than 100 heads of state, heads of government and sovereigns attended the opening ceremony. The number of heads of state who attended the opening ceremony was by far the largest in Olympic history.
List of heads of states and dignitaries
  – President
  – Prime Minister
  – President
  – Head of Government
  – President
  – President
  – Prime Minister
  – President
  – Chief of Army Staff, General
  – President
  – President
  – President
  – Sultan
  – President
  – President
  – King
  – Foreign Minister , State minister , and British Columbia Premier
  – Prime Minister
  – President
and , former President , and the entire
  – Former Minister of the Interior , former Vice President , former Governor of Taiwan Province
  – President
  – Head of State
  – President
  – President
  – Prime Minister
  – Interim Prime Minister Commodore
  – Prime Minister
  – President
and son Louis, , and
  – President
  – Former Chancellor
  – President
  – Foreign minister , Michael Liapis, former King
and his wife,
  – Governor
  – Prime Minister
  – Chief Executive
and Financial Secretary
  – President
  – President
  – President of the Indian National Congress (INC) , General Secretary of the INC , and Chief Election Commissioner
  – Sports Minister
  – President
  – Foreign Minister
  – Prime Minister
  – President
  – Vice President
  – Chairman of the Presidium Supreme Assembly
  – President
and wife Kim Yoon-ok
  – President
  – President
  – President
  – , and
  – President
  – King
  – President
  – President
  – President
  – Head of State , and his partner
  – President
  – President
and wife Svetlana
  – President
  – President
and his wife , and Prime Minister
  – Governor General
  – Prime Minister
  – President
and husband
  – President
  – Prime Minister
  – Head of State
and husband, and
  – President
and Foreign Minister
  – President
  – President
  – President
  – Sports Minister
  – President
and , and Foreign Minister
  – President
and wife Shiranthi
  – Prime Minister
and Culture Minister
   – President
and wife Brigitte
  – President
and Prime Minister
  – President
  – President
  – Crown Prince
  – President
  – President
(Prime Minister
to attend closing ceremony)
  – President
and wife , Former President
and wife , and Former Secretary of State
  – President
  – President
and wife and Prime Minister
  – President
The welcoming ceremony began by a flame and an ancient Chinese sundial, awakened by the light of time from sky, lights up 2008 bronze Fou drums. The drums, running like time machine, form giant digits (in both Arabic and Chinese numerals) to countdown the final seconds letter as "10/十, 9/九, 8/八, 7/七, 6/六, 5/五, 4/四, 3/三, 2/ 二, 1/一" voice over "Shi, Jiu, Ba, Qi, Liu, Wu, Si, San, Er, Yi" to the Games and herald the start of the officially opening time at 20:00:00
The 2008 drummers play the bronze Fou drums and sing the quote from The Analects of Confucius written 2000 years ago: "Isn’t it delightful to have friends coming from afar?” to welcome friends from all over the world.
The firework footprints were set off at the rate of 1 every second, each represented one of the 29 Olympiads, signifying the Beijing Olympics as the XXIX Olympiad of the modern era. The 29th footprint arrived Bird's Nest and transformed into Star Olympic Rings. Next, the rings was lift up by twenty "Dunhuang fairies" (Buddhist apsaras of the Mogao Caves)
China's national flag carried into the National Stadium
Attention was then turned to 56 young children representing the , and donning respective costumes. They marched in the
as a young girl in red, 9-year-old Lin Miaoke (林妙可 Lín Miàokě), was seen performing , while miming to the voice of . Only one-third of Ode to the Motherland was sung to save time. The flag of the People's Republic of China was then handed over to eight well-dressed
soldiers who carried the flag in a slow,
march over to the flag podium and the Chinese national anthem
was sung by a 224-member choir while the flag was raised.
Dancers painting on the scroll
The disciples of Confucius chanted a famous quote from the , translated as "All those within the four seas can be considered his brothers".
At the prelude to the section, Beautiful Olympics, a short film was screened depicting the making of , another of the , ending with a rolled up
to set the stage for the next segment. ,
vessels and other
artifacts were beamed on a giant
, representing the first of the
of China, , and displaying animated graphics, slowly unfurling. At its center was a piece of white canvas paper, which then ushered in a performance of black-costumed dancers whose hands hid brushes that had been dipped in ink. They performed a dance while leaving their trails on the block of white paper, reminiscent of Chinese . This was accompanied by the sounds of the , China's ancient 7-string zither, as played by Chen Leiji (S: 陈雷激, T: 陳雷激, P: Chén Léijī). The LED scroll then showed an old, rare painting by .
The giant scroll was then moved aside to show a fluid array 897
blocks that formed three variations of the character 和 (Hé "harmony"), representing the third great Chinese invention: the
. The character was shown, consecutively, in ,
(Modern Chinese Script). Performers in -era clothing representing the "", carrying , recited excerpts from the : "Isn't it great to have friends coming from afar?" and "All men are brothers within the ." The blocks changed into a small version of the , which then sprouted peach blossoms, the Chinese symbol for openness. At the end of the sequence the tops of the movable type blocks came off to reveal 897 performers, who waved vigorously to the crowds, indicating that the individual pieces of type block were not computer controlled and synchronized, but rather the combined efforts of 897 perfectly in sync performers.
A scene of
The next segment saw ancient
and , followed by a
puppetry performance. The Wusheng type of Beijing opera performers was also enacted.
fairy dances on the paper,which has become golden desert under the projection,held by hundreds of men in clothing of ancient diplomatic envoys. On the giant scroll is a depiction of ancient
on the land.. This was followed by a procession of men, in blue costumes, who with huge oars formed formations of , symbolizing the expeditions of . A performer holding another great Chinese invention, the , in its ancient form a metal spoon floating in a fluid suspensible vessel, danced in the center of the giant LED scroll that showed images of sailing
and maps of Zheng He's
on Maritime Silk Road in .
Actors' performance on top of a
A musician playing
Ending segment of the first half "Brilliant Civilization" before the second half "Glorious Era"
The segment represents the prosperity of ancient China as “ The State of Li and Yue”. Accompanied by the music of Kunqu, one of the oldest extant Chinese operas, the giant scroll expands and shows several beautiful classic ancient paintings from Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. At this point, two rows of huge royal dragon pillars called huabiao (S: 华表, T: 華表, P: Huábiǎo) emerged and stretched skyward, with the performers dancing to the ancient tune
(春江花月夜), as pink and orange fireworks were set off overhead.
playing together with five-year-old Li Muzi on a white
Then followed the modern segment where pianist
and five-year-old Li Muzi performed a melody from the .[] Around the pianists a sea of rainbow-coloured luminescent performers swayed in wave-like unison to suggest the flow of the . The illuminated performers, symbolizing modern-day China, then arranged themselves in the shape of the Dove of Peace, which wings were then set into motion as the performers moved about. They formed the bird's nest shape of the . When a young girl flew a
– also a Chinese invention – above them in mid-air, the performers' lights flickered in an intricate pattern.
performance by 2,008 masters showed the fluid movements achieved when in harmony with nature. They demonstrated martial arts while combining to form geometric mass human formations. A skit was shown with schoolchildren drawing and coloring on the paper scroll and chanting poetry. These were the same children representing the 56 ethnic groups of China. They symbolized a Green Olympics (to protect the world). As their sequence drew to an end, the giant white paper was lifted vertically to reveal a drawing of mountains and waters with a smiling face as the sun. Then, there was a light presentation showing brightly coloured flying birds, symbolizing the rebirth of the
and the bird-nest stadium itself.
Performers dance on the surface of an illuminated sphere in the middle of the National Stadium
The next segment was a celestial show and the arrival of
symbolizing , with a gigantic, 60-foot, 16-tonned ball structure representing the . 58 acrobats tumbled rightside up, sideways or upside down on its surface, which was then transformed into a giant glowing Chinese .
Chinese singer
and British singer
stood on the central platform and sang the 2008 Olympic theme song:
under 204-countries of region of around the world.
2,008 performers then held out parasols with smiling faces of young children. This was followed by red and orange fireworks in the form of . The representatives from the 56 ethnic groups danced a vigorous folk dance.
The athletes taking part in the 29th Olympiad parade of nations marched out to the centre of the Stadium.
In accordance with Olympic tradition, the national team of , which hosted the , in , entered first, in honor of Greece's status as the birthplace of the O while the host country came last. Traditionally nations are ordered in
of the national language of the host country (or if there is more than one, the more dominant of the languages of the host city); as
is not alphabetic, the teams paraded by
of the first character of their respective countries' names in .
Countries with the same number of strokes in the first character are sorted by the order of the five basic strokes in Chinese characters (一,丨,丿,丶 and 乙). If the name of two or more countries has the same first character, then they are ordered according to the stroke order of the second character. For example, Latvia (: 拉脱维亚), Great Britain (: 英国), and British Virgin Islands (: 英属维尔京群岛) were the 114th,115th and 116th to enter respectively while the first characters of their names are all 8 strokes. However, the strokes order of Latvia's first character (拉) is 一丨一丶一丶丿一 while that of Great Britain is 一丨丨丨乙一丿丶. Latvia's 3rd stroke (一) is before that of Great Britain (丨), which gave Latvia precedence to Great Britain. Great Britain and the British Virgin Islands share the same first character, 英. However the second one in Great Britain's name is 国, which has 8 strokes, while the second in British Virgin Islands is 属, which has 12 strokes. Thus Great Britain entered before British Virgin Islands.
(: 几内亚) was the second country to enter following Greece as it only takes two strokes to write the first character in the country's name (几).
(: 澳大利亚) marched 202nd, just ahead of
(: 赞比亚), which was the last country to march before China. The first characters of these countries' names ( and ) are written with 15 and 16 strokes respectively.
Announcers in the stadium read off the names of the marching nations in ,
(the official languages of the Olympics), and
with music accompanying the athletes as they marched into the stadium. The leading signs of delegations, carried by young Chinese women in red dresses, had their names printed in these three languages: the Chinese ver and above it in the other two languages, using a Roman alphabetic typeface that mimicked brush calligraphy. Chinese names of most states were condensed to their short form when possible. For example,
(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那) entered as 波黑 Bohei in Chinese, while
(沙特阿拉伯) entered as simply 沙特 Shate. The exception was the , which entered in Chinese as its full designation (前南斯拉夫马其顿共和国) because of the . China entered as People's Republic of China/République populaire de Chine in English and French, but simply as 中国 Zhongguo in Chinese, .
The athletes marched along the tracks toward the center of the stadium, which was encircled by white-capped Chinese cheerleaders welcoming each contingent. As they did so, they would step on colored ink before treading on the Chinese painting done earlier by the children and the performance artists.
Throughout the entire Parade of Nations, the Olympic athletes were treated to live traditional music ensembles, hand-picked by the Chinese Olympic committee from around the world. Each ensemble represented a continent from the five Olympic rings. The groups included Chinese orchestra, Scottish bagpipers Mains of Fintry Pipe Band (), Aboriginal musicians and dancers from Australia (William Barton), South African drummers (Drum Cafe), and North American mariachi group Mariachi Mujer 2000.
Unlike in previous years, North and South Korea did not their athletes marched in separately as
(South Korea, : 韩国) and the
(North Korea, : 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国). Taiwan marched under the name "" (: 中华台北) per a 1989 agreement – and the Chinese media has seemed to follow suit, referring to Taiwan as Zhonghua Taibei (: 中華台北).
The Chinese contingent, which was last, was led by
and , the 9-year-old
student who had rescued two schoolmates during the .
, the head of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee, gave a speech in
welcoming the athletes.
, the , followed with a speech in , praising the Chinese for their warm reception and effort. The
urged the athletes to "have fun" and to reject doping and performance enhancement drugs. This reminder was reiterated in . Afterward, , the , formally announced the opening of the
by speaking in Mandarin:
On behalf of the 29th Olympiad, I officially declare these Olympic Games of Beijing ... open.
Afterward, the
was carried in by eight former athletes from China. They were:
(Everest mountaineer)
(short track speed skating)
They then passed on the flag to the soldiers of the
(the PLA) and the
played while the flag was being raised. A multinational chorus of 80 children sang the Olympic Anthem in Greek. Chinese
and arbiter
took the Olympic oath, representing athletes and officials respectively.
There was a short dance presentation, followed by bright yellow fireworks – representing the release of doves of peace.
Lighting of the cauldron
At this point, the Olympic flame entered the stadium as a . The Olympic torch was relayed around the stadium by 7 athletes, and was finally passed on to , the former Olympic gymnast champion, the 8th and final athlete.
The eight athletes were, in order:
(shooting, China's first Olympic gold medalist in any event, 1984)
(diving, China's first repeat Olympic gold medalist in any event, 1988 and 1992)
(gymnastics, China's first gymnastics all-around World Champion and Olympic gold medalist, 1992 and 1996)
(weightlifting, China's first double Olympic gold medalist in weightlifting, 1996 and 2000)
(badminton, double Olympic gold medalist in mixed doubles badminton, 2000 and 2004)
(taekwondo, China's first and double taekwondo gold medalist, 2000 and 2004)
(volleyball, member of team that won China's first major championship in a team sport)
(gymnastics, China's most decorated athlete at its first Olympics, 1984)
Li Ning, who was suspended by wires, then appeared to run horizontally along the walls of the stadium through to the , which at this moment was still not shown. As he ran along the upper wall of the stadium, the projection displayed a scroll opening ahead of him, on which was beamed footages of previous
around the world. At the final moment, a spotlight revealed the final resting place of the Olympics flame, which had appeared during the torch run. A colossal torch situated at the top of the stadium was lit by a proportionately large .
A flurry of spectacular fireworks of various colours and shapes, some projecting , others forming hoops, flower outwards, fountain or float down, accompanied the ending of the ceremony. The ceremony ended at 12:09 am, 9 August 2008 , which was later than the time originally planned: 11:30 pm, 8 August.
As the audience started to exit the stadium, singers from Mainland China and Hong Kong came onto the stage to provide music as a way to stall the audience from leaving all at once. , , , and
(孙楠) sang the first song, "Stand Up"; while , , , , , and
sang the second song, "Cheering for Life". Since the ceremony was already overtime by then, this portion was not televised.
The creative team for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Games consisted of a roster of renowned individuals. The artistic performance of the Opening Ceremony, titled the "Beautiful Olympics", had the internationally acclaimed filmmaker
as General Director, and
as Deputy General Directors. Its core planning team comprised some of the best artists and technology experts in the world, including , , , , British stagecraft designer , , , Japanese designer , , , and .
In 2006, the
initially chose American filmmaker , , head of the French entertainment group , and
opening ceremony director
as special consultants.
After working in collaboration with Artistic Director Zhang Yimou on his original creative and production proposal to BOCOG, David Zolkwer, Project Director for the Athens 2004 Olympic Games ceremonies was formally commissioned to provide ongoing Creative and Production consultancy for the Opening Ceremony directly to BOCOG along with colleagues Mik Auckland (Technical) and Celia Smith (Production) – all of whom worked for Jack Morton Worldwide at the time.
In February 2008, Spielberg pulled out of his role as advisor in protest over China's alleged continuing support of the Sudanese government and the ongoing violence in the
region. American composer
offered to write a theme tune for the 2008 Beijing Olympics and decided to stay on and contribute to the Beijing Olympics. Chinese filmmaker
was also part of the team creating the opening and closing ceremonies of the Games.
was originally scheduled to be a performer at the opening ceremony, but due to the , director Zhang Yimou replaced her and her partner,
(not involved in the photo incident) with
act . A-One was not a part of the performances on 8 August.
, one of China’s top classical Chinese dancers, fell from a three-metre high platform during practice on 27 July 2008 and sustained severe spinal injuries. She was paralyzed waist-down after a six-hour operation. Despite her not performing in the ceremony proper, deputy director
ensured Liu's name was written in the programme as the lead dancer.
In an interview after visiting Liu Yan in the hospital, Director
said, "I feel sorry for Liu Yan, my heart is full of regrets, I’m deeply sorry. Liu Yan is a heroine. She sacrificed a lot for the Olympics, for me, for the opening ceremony." Shortly after the opening ceremony, in an earlier media interview, Zhang expressed: "I regret many things, many details of this performance, many things I could have done better. For example, there are performers who were injured. I blame myself for that."
(SBS) secretly filmed
of the opening ceremony and leaked parts of it, violating a prohibition by the Organizing Committee. The video was uploaded at
on 30 July 2008, but was deleted soon after its upload. However, several additional videos have been uploaded by other users. The Organizing Committee investigated the unauthorized filming, and on 6 August 2008, banned SBS cameras inside the
during the ceremony as reprisals for the leak.
The song "" appeared to be sung by
at the ceremony, but it emerged she had mimed her performance to a recording by another girl, . It was a last minute decision to use lip-synching, following a Politburo member's objection to Lin's voice. International Olympic Committee executive director Gilbert Felli defended the use of a more photogenic double. Although the names of both Lin Miaoke and Yang Peiyi appeared in the programme notes, the vast majority who watched the broadcast did not realise Yang Peiyi's role until several days later when music director Chen Qigang acknowledged it.
Performers at previous Olympic opening ceremonies had occasionally synched to recordings of their own performance, such as the tenor
in , due to his . Then nine-year-old Eleonora Benetti also lip-synched to a previous recording of the . The
appeared to perform at the
in Sydney, but the music spectators heard was entirely pre-recorded, with some of the music pre-recorded by the .
Television coverage of the fireworks show which displayed the 29 firework "footprints" outside the stadium was simulated by computer animation. Twenty-nine sets of fireworks in the shape of a footprint did actually go off, but it was decided that it would be difficult and dangerous to get a good shot from helicopters capturing all 29 of the footsteps (which went off every two seconds), so a CGI of 27 of the footprints was made for television broadcasts, and only the last two were filmed live. The 55 seconds of display took the
a year to choreograph. The substitution of CGI footage was mentioned during the time-delayed U.S. broadcast of the ceremony on
by announcers
On 15 August, Wang Wei, the vice president of the , confirmed that children who appeared in the opening ceremony in the costumes of the 56 ethnic groups of modern China did not belong to the ethnic minorities their costumes indicated, as described in publicity materials, but instead all or most were members of the majority . Wang said it was "traditional" and not unusual for actors in China to wear different ethnic costumes.
, , described the ceremony as "spectacular" and an "unforgettable and moving ceremony that celebrated the imagination, originality and energy of the Beijing Games." He furthermore hailed the Beijing National Stadium as "one of the world's new wonders" and a "fitting setting for an amazing Opening Ceremony." Hein Verbruggen, IOC Member and Chairman of the Coordination Commission for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad, called the ceremony "a night to remember", "a breathtaking culmination of seven years of planning and preparation" and "an unprecedented and grand success" that exceeded all his expectations.
called it "a spectacular opening ceremony." The
concurred by calling it a dazzling and spectacular show in Beijing. The
praised the show as spectacular with an extravaganza of pageantry and "interlude of fervor and magic" as well as being "spellbinding" and noted the show steered clear of modern politics. The
described it as an exhilarating display of China's thousands of years of traditions of art and culture, and the Art Daily stated it was a celebration of China's ancient history, along with sumptuous costumes from different imperial dynasties.
commented that "the scope, precision and beauty of the production was, you will agree, astonishing." The Spanish media were impressed by the opening ceremony, with
describing the ceremony as "an astonishing effort," while
called it "awesome and impressive."
said it was "the most dramatic Olympic opening ceremony ever." Germany's
also praised it as a spectacular and a firecracker of a show, and a trip through China's rich history.
called the show "an unforgettable spectacle" and "arguably the grandest spectacle of the new millennium." At the end of 2008, the
selected the coverage of the 2008 Summer Olympics opening ceremony as one of their "Eight Moments of Significance" of the year of 2008, and states: "The opening ceremony, directed and staged by acclaimed Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimou, marked the most significant live event of the year" and it described the opening ceremony as "staged with breathtaking poetry."
World leaders were also impressed by the opening ceremony. U.S. President
described the ceremony as "spectacular and successful". Former
called it "the spectacular to end all spectaculars and probably can never be bettered."
While praise for the opening ceremony was widespread amongst the world's media, the Singaporean newspaper
described some western media reactions as "cynical" and "hostile".
had a column with title "The iron hand behind the magic show", some questioned the "heavy military theme". , although praising the show as "stunning opening ceremony ... with its panoply of color, painstaking choreography and sweeping portrait of Chinese culture and history" referred to the games as one devoid of "fun" in its article headlined "Awe (but no laughter) in Beijing".
Estimates of the global television audience varied: "around one billion" (); "experts estimated ... more than two billion" (); "2.3 billion" (); "Billions ... probably the largest live television audience in history" (); "3 billion" (); "nearly 4 billion" (); "as many as 4 billion" (); "estimated 4 billion" (). This included an estimated 842 million viewers watching on host Chinese broadcaster
(CCTV), with polls ranging from 63 and 69 percent of the Chinese viewing population, exceeding that of the 51–58 percent who watch the network's annual
reported five million viewers in the United Kingdom, the
had 7.8 million viewers in Australia,
said 4.4 million in France watched the ceremony, the
estimated 7.72 million viewers in Germany, while in Italy,
had 5.5 million viewers, and in Spain,
obtained 4 million viewers. In the United States, the
network delayed its telecast by 12 hours for evening primetime viewing, though Americans in markets bordering
could watch it on , and others watched clips of it earlier on
and other online video websites. Still, it managed to capture an average of 34.2 million viewers and a total of 69.9 million viewers. The ceremony, therefore, became the most watched Olympic Opening Ceremony ever held in a non-U.S. city by American audience, a record previously held by the . It was the biggest television event in the U.S. in 2008 since the , and it also surpassed the ratings for the
ceremony and that year's finale of .
In the United States, NBC concluded its broadcast with a message saying that their coverage of the opening ceremony was dedicated in memory of , longtime Olympics broadcaster with rival , who died on 7 June. ABC "loaned" McKay to NBC to serve as a special correspondent during their coverage of the .
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made mention of the alteration as it aired. 'You’re looking at a cinematic device employed by
here,' Lauer said. 'This is actually almost animation. A footstep a second, 29 in all, to signify the 29 Olympiads.' Costas responded, 'We said earlier that aspects of this Opening Ceremony are almost like cinema in real time. Well this is quite literally cinematic.'
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