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& && &根据内容的不同,摘要可分为以下三大类:报道性摘要、指示性摘要和报道指示性摘要
(1)报道性摘要(informative abstract):也常称作信息性摘要或资料性摘要,其特点是全面、简要地概括论文的目的、方法、主要数据和结论。通常,这种摘要可以部分地取代阅读全文。
(2)指示性摘要(indicative abstract):也常称为说明性摘要、描述性摘要(descriptive abstract)或论点摘要(topic abstract),一般只用二三句话概括论文的主题,而不涉及论据和结论,多用于综述、会议报告等。该类摘要可用于帮助潜在的读者来决定是否需要阅读全文。
(3)报道-指示性摘要(informative- indicative abstract):以报道性摘要的形式表述一次文献中的信息价值较高的部分,以指示性摘要的形式表述其余部分。
& & 传统的摘要多为一段式,在内容上大致包括引言(Introduction),材料与方法(Materials and Methods),结果(Results)和讨论(Discussion)等主要方面,即IMRAD((Introduction,Methods,Results and Discussion)结构的写作模式。
& & 20世纪80年代中期出现了另一种摘要文体,即“结构式摘要"(structured abstract),该摘要实质上是报道性摘要的结构化表达。
1 摘要主要讲述本论文的要点。
2 结论写完以后再写摘要.
3 摘要给人第一口苹果的品尝效果.
4 审稿人一般用15分钟看摘要和引言.如果第一印象不好,他/她会去寻找理由建议主编退稿.
5 摘要的读者面比论文全文的读者面大得多。
6 不要用第一人称。
第一句话: 讲一下你这篇文章的研究意义(但是有的杂志不需要这句话)
第二句话: 以 To eluicdatie the mechanism..., To investigate.... ,或者for the purpose of ....开头来讲述你这样研究的目的。
第三句话:.... was carried out .... with ...treatment. 讲述你研究的内容,研究的方法,
第四句话: The resulted showed that ......, 讲述你这样研究得出的主要研究结果。
第五句话: The result of the present work implied that... 讲述由你的研究结果得出的结论。
另外,在摘要中不要用到参考文献,如果一定要用的话,那么一定要讲全部的细节写出来。要始终记住一点,Abstract 是一个独立的部分,换句话说,别人不看你的文章,只看你的Abstract 就能了解你的研究工作
目的 主要说明作者写作此文的目的或本文主要解决的问题。一篇好的英文摘要,一开头就应该把作者写作本文的目的或要解决的主要问题交待清楚,且要极其简练。应避免在摘要的第一句话重复使用题目或题目的一部分。
过程与方法 在英文摘要中,过程与方法的阐述起着承前启后的作用。它们主要说明作者主要工作过程及所用的方法,也应包括众多的边界条件、使用的主要设备和仪器。可以结合(指向)论文中的公式、实验框图等来进行阐述,这样既可以给读者一个清晰的思路,又给那些看不懂中文的英文读者一种可信的感觉。
结果和结论 代表着文章的主要成就和贡献。论文有没有价值,值不值得读者阅读,主要取决于你所获得的结果和所得出的结论。因此,在写作结果和结论部分时,一般都要尽量结合实验结果或仿真结果的图、表、曲线等加以说明,使结论部分言之有物,有根有据;如有可能,在结尾部分还可以将论文的结果和他人最新的研究结果进行比较,以突出论文的主要贡献和创新、独到之处。期末写作课堂:如何写好一篇英语论文
You need some help? Some people say essays are . Here are some helpful hints to make them less difficult.你需要帮助吗?有人说,论文很难写。这里有一些有用的提示,可帮助你克服写作中的困难。
1. Take your prompt and pick it apart! Understand exactly what it is asking you to do. If it says , then you conclude, if it says to compare or contrast then do that. Take notes!1. 抓住主题,深刻领会!准确理解它要求你做什么。如果说是写评价,那么你就得出结论,如果说是比较或对比,那么就照此去做。务必要作好笔记!
2. Look over whatever the prompt addresses and begin to pick that apart based on what your prompt is asking for, and do not discriminate yet, take all of it. Take notes on ideas for the prompt, and mark pages in any literature you may be using.2. 认真审核主题到底要说明什么,然后根据你的主题要求开始提炼选材,但选材不拘一格,多多益善。为主题观点做好笔记,并标记出你可能使用的任何文献的章页。
3. Look at the prompt and the information you've gathered and begin to group ideas together so you can create a working thesis. The working thesis will give your essay a focus so you don't digress in the middle of your writing.3. 根据主题和你收集的信息,开始将观点组合在一起,这样你就可以创建一个写作大纲。写作大纲将突出你的重点,以便你在写作中不会偏离主题。
4. Continue your brain-storming and write the topic sentence for your first body paragraph. Make sure it provides a focus for your paragraph and it isn't general. Find examples from life (direct quotes, paraphrasing, etc.) or from the topic literature that you can use in your first body paragraph. Make sure it follows your working thesis, but don't actually write the paragraph yet.4. 开动脑筋精益求精,写出第一个主体段的总起句。确保它成为你第一个主体段的重点,而不是泛泛而论。从生活中(直接引用,转述等)或同一主题文献中找到可以用在你第一个主体段的的范例。确保它与你的写作大纲一致,但先不要正式写这个段落。
5. Do the same for the other body paragraphs.5. 依次处理其他主体段落。
6. Write your concluding statements for each paragraph. Please note that it is a CONCLUDING statement, meaning you need to bluntly say what point you are trying to make and lead it into your next body paragraph.6. 写出每个段落的总结性语句。请注意,这是总结语句,也就是说你要直截了当地说明你想阐述的观点,并将其引入下一个主体段。
7. Brain-storm for your introductory paragraph. Start by either addressing a theme or a topic you've researched that is relevant to your essay. Now look at your working thesis. What parts of it look like a summary? Take those out and put them into your intro. Look at your working thesis again. You need a fact or some sort of event which is relevant to your topic, to put into that thesis. Paraphrase it, and add in whatever point you are trying to make to it.7. 仔细斟酌你的引言段落。开始可先确定一个与论文相关的研究主题或标题。现在看看你的写作大纲。它的哪些部分看起来像总结?把这些部分提出放入你的引言。再看你的写作大纲。你需要找到与你主题相关需加入论文的某个事实或事件。加以解述,并添加你想证明的观点。
8. Read whatever notes you took for your body paragraphs and look at your thesis for your concluding paragraph. You need to reiterate all the points you make in your body paragraph and relate them briefly to your thesis to show how they are all connected.8. 读一读你为主体段落所做的笔记,并审看一下你总结性段落的主旨。你需要重申在你在主体段中提出的所有观点,将其与你的论文简洁联系起来,以说明它们之间是何种关系。
9. Write. This is the easiest part after you've outlined it all already.9. 写下来。当你列出所有这些主线,写作就是轻而易举的事情。
10. Look for grammatical mistakes. Look it over today, and see if you can pick anything out that is really obvious.10. 寻找语法错误。当天过一遍目,看看你是否能挑出什么特别明显的错误。
11. Look at your essay once again on the next day and fix it.
it. Make sure it is grammatically perfect. Read it out loud to see if anything sounds awkward, and fix it.11. 第二天再看一遍论文,并作修改。校订论文。确保它在语法上无懈可击。大声地朗读,看看有没有什么听起来格外别扭的地方,并加以修改。
Make sure your writing is logical. Don't just throw ideas together and hope they make sense.确保你的写作合乎逻辑。不能只是将观点罗列在一起,指望他们自行说明意义。
Don't worry too much about grammatical mistakes, or synonyms for words you have just used in the sentence before. Just
or highlight it and then go over it in your second draft. The important thing is to get it all down in the first place.不必过于担心语法错误,或担心你刚用在前句中的同义词。只要用下划线或高亮将其突出显示出来,然后在第二稿中仔细推敲。最重要的是先把写作完成。
If you don't need the internet, disconnect! Nothing is more distracting than the internet when you're typing up your essay and are feeling extremely bored.如果你不需要互联网,那就断开!当你正在键入文章并倍感无聊时,没有什么比互联网更让人分心的啦。
and a dictionary handy at all times, especially if you have the habit of using words whose meanings you are not completely sure of.手头要始终有一个同义词词典和一本字典,尤其是如果你习惯于使用你不能完全确定含义的字词。&
http://i1./topic/zhishi.png怎样写好一篇英语作文 How to Write a Good Composition
Many students
complain that it is hard to write a composition, because they meet many
difficulties during the writing. Today, I would like to talk about how to write
a good composition.
To begin with,
make clear what you can write in your mind. Think about what message you want
to inform or what stories or events your want to talk about. In order to get
the ideas quickly, you need to do lots of reading in your daily life. Remember
that the view you hold comes from what you see. In addition, make an outline in
the paper. Don’t be afraid that writing an outline will waste lots of time. A
good outline will help your compose your article and remind you what should be
written. What’s more, it will keep your written hold to the subject. Finally,
start to compound your composition according to the outline. Use proper words
and mind the tense, voice and so on. Properly using complex sentence and
conjunction will make your essay better.
If you follow the
steps above, I believe you will make progress in composition writing.
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