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Navy.mil The Official Website of the United States Navy: Home Page
Navy News Service Top Stories
The Navy joins the nation in celebrating American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage throughout the month of November.
October 31, 2016
Five Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II aircraft landed on amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6) Oct. 28.
October 31, 2016
This week, the Navy's top personnel officer is visiting Sailors assigned to the Navy's U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations in the Middle East.
October 29, 2016
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Hide Caption商务英语写作3.Read this short extract from a production department meeting and write a report about it.Note that not all the sentences have to be reported in full:some parts can be summarised.Chair:OK then.Item 3 on the Agenda is the cutting machine.John,could you tell us the background to this?John:Yes,well,as most people know,the cutting machine keeps breaking down.We’ve tried to get it repaired,but it’s an old machine.Basically what we need is a new machine.Everyone:Yes!Definitely!Chair:OK.But should we get another machine of the same type?Perhaps this type is unreliable.Would it be a good idea to see what other machines are available?Alice:Yes –models on the market now.P There are some new erhaps we could actually I’ve done a little research,and there are several possibilities.consider one of those?Chair:Do you have any details about them?How much do they cost?Are they reliable?Alice:I have asked the manufacturers for some information but I haven’t received any replies yet.Chair:Well,when you get the information,can you prepare a short report on it?Alice:Yes,I can do that.Chair:Good,then we can take a decision at our next meeting.Alice:All right.Chair:So – the next item on the Agenda ….
The cutting machine keeps breaking down and it would be a good idea to see what other machines are available.Alice has done some research on the models on the market now.After receiving some details of the machines from the manufacturers,she will submit a short report on it to Chair.
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