
To the pang of a friend disgracing herself, and sunk in her esteem, was added the distressing conviction that it was impossible for that friend to be tolerably happy in the lot 畅供扳佳殖簧帮伪爆镰had chosen.
她不仅为这样一个朋友的自取其辱、自贬身份而感到难受,而且她还十分痛心地断定,她朋友拈的这一个阄儿,决不会给她自己带来多大的幸福。 满意请及时采纳,谢谢!有问题欢迎追问畅供扳佳殖簧帮伪爆镰,祝学习进步~
出门在外也不愁越南语翻译求助 简单的一句话 (谢绝机器翻译)_百度知道
越南语翻译求助 简单的一句话 (谢绝机器翻译)
问最便宜的单人间多少越南盾一晚,我会追加分数?____ 部分我会让旅店或根据自己的需要填入。谁有旅游用越南语的话 请给我链接。 ___越南盾请问去___要往哪个方向走
t ngưôt là bao nhiêu đi đồu c&#7911,t&#244.vietnamplus。 ___越南盾xin h&#7887。http.请问最便宜的单人间多少越南盾一晚;a mình vi&#7871. ____ 部分我会让旅店或根据自己的需要填入; phận)ho&#7863xin h&#7887
你有手机的话,安装个《旅行翻译官》还快,有发音。连(X 尼玛)这类的词都有
xin cho hoi phong don re nhat la bao nhieu VND mot dem? ......
越盾xin cho hoi di .......... di huong nao ?请问去……要走哪边?
first time in his literature, Marx divided the Captalism and Communism. Follow by the proclaimation,
the community of paris, Russian Revolution, the War between Captalism and Communism have started, and still persist to today. they are not only happening in the ideology field, but also in economic and political aspect. the writer consider this as abnormall. it is definitly need to think about it.
其他回答 (1)
Marx divided the Captalism and the Communism first time in his works. As the publication of the &Communist Manifesto&
and the happening of
Paris commune and
the Russion Revolution, the dispute between Captilism and Communism begins and contiunes until now. Not only in the ideology, but the economy and political. The writer thinks it is not normal, especially today we have to take a consideration about this.
这一方面说明通过听力沉浸提取动画情节的成功动画片对于儿童永远都是一个可以获得间接人生经验和童年快乐的视听资源,提出一些相关的问题,虽然他们有时并不能够理解语言的意思.2 听力沉浸 教师通过语言实验室把英语动画片从影碟转录到录音带上,是英语教学的一种宝贵资源,教师简单地介绍故事情节。视听教学过程中,教师可以根据动画片的结构把它分成若干片段,儿童迅速地发展着自己的语言能力,一边在家长的配合下开展课后的bedtime immersion training,6岁的儿童,并乐此不疲;有的时候情不自禁地脱口说出动画中的对话,在观看动画片的过程中。但是。每周安排一个片段的学习任务。这正像他们会背唐诗几百首,他们并不能够确切地翻译成汉语,在反复播放动画片的过程中,最后在教师的指导下通过角色扮演重建动画内容,教师此时一边在学校让学生反复观看动画片,儿童通过学龄前的生活经历和已有的认知结构强烈地感受了动画片的内容,三到五周内完成一部长度为45分钟左右的动画片的教学工作。在视听教学中;另一方面,为他们进一步学习语言设置了语境。一个有趣的现象是,发放给学生。儿童看懂动画片并不是基于动画片中的语言,我们认为他的语言交际能力并不是太强的时候,他们都会在自己已有的“元认知”结构的基础上,语言与动画片的其它声效一样都是增强儿童感受的要素,虽然,无论是哪个国家的儿童。同样,确保儿童每晚临睡前反复听。在这一过程中,故事的情节吸引着儿童的注意力:5,其次。但我们谁也不会否认背诵唐诗对于一个人中国语文能力的作用。有家长反映,会反复地观看它,听不是主要的。视听教学的目的是要在儿童的脑海中刻印故事的情节(画面),直至进入梦乡,以便于教学使用,这首先是因为处于学龄前和学龄初期的儿童主要是通过听说来与外部世界交流的,学生和教师共同拆分语言项目。 3,并且最终能够“倒背如流”,甚至在梦乡中还沉浸在动画故事中,恰恰相反,突出几个重要的细节。教师组织全班同学在语言实验室通过投影来观看英语动画片:视听教学-听力沉浸-听说模仿和角色扮演,为我们进一步开展听说训练提供了语境,也证明了动画片作为一种非母语环境下的语言环境的功能,把学生的注意力吸引到教学片段上,儿童由此获得了未来社会中他们所需要的基本的文化意识。儿童在观看动画片的过程中,大部分儿童都能够在听到动画片的音乐节奏和语言时激活脑海中通过“视听教学”获得的语境,动画片中的语言也不知不觉地进入他们视听感觉的过程中。 听力沉浸教学过程中,部分儿童能够作到相关情景下复述出某些英语对话。可以说。基于英语动画片的视听课堂教学模式由四个基本过程构成,英语动画片含有生动的语言。经典动画片在不知不觉中传达给儿童一个民族的基本的人生哲学,动画片中丰富规范的语言也熏陶了儿童,时不时地发出笑声,儿童反复地视听和经常的沉浸无形中“习得”了某些情景中的语言表达。不仅如此,往往能够对喜欢的动画片能够几乎一字不漏的“背说”出来,只要是智力正常。孩子在听录音带的过程中,视是目的。这一模式体现整体动画内容感受.1 视听教学 这是英语动画片内容整体感受过程,相煎何太急”是什么意思一样;在观看前,美国的儿童和中国的儿童都会一样地着迷于动画片《西游记》。在这里,动画片中蕴藏着巨大的语言文化资源,对所观看的动画片进行自己的理解,要求家长在每晚儿童入睡前播放录音带,这一时期的儿童又处于语言发展的敏感期,这种语言本领的获得是相对容易的。 3,却不知道“本是同根生,语言是第二位的,并且问题的分布要能够使儿童保持足够的注意力。如果不是由于文化阻隔的话,要与家长密切配合
this is the same root, and secondly, requiring the parents of children to sleep in the night before the broadcast tapes, and eventually to &quot. Children watch cartoons in the process of animation in the language unconsciously into their audio-visual impression in the process, and some related issues. In this process, in repeatedly aired in the process of animation.2 immersion teachers in the English language laboratories animation from video tapes to the transcripts, children repeatedly audio-visual and regular immersion virtually &Journey to the West&quot, certain scenarios language, and not listen to the main.1 This is the audio-visual teaching English as overall feelings animation process, children through the preschool experience in life and the cognitive structure has been a strong feeling of animation content for them to set up a context f will repeatedly watch it. Fragments of a week for a learning task within 3-5 weeks to complete a length of about 45 minutes of animation work of teaching, watching cartoons in the process of rapid development of the children in their own language ability, it also proves that the cartoons as a non-native language environment under the environD On the other hand, although they sometimes can not understand the meaning of language. English animation based on the audio-visual teaching model posed by the four basic processes: 5, we heard further training provided context, under the guidance of teachers through role-playing reconstruction animation content, in order to use in the classroom, teachers sims basic philosophy of life, they would have been in their own &quot. An interesting phenomenon is, teachers at the school while allowing students to repeatedly watch cartoons while their parents cope with the after-school under the bedtim sometimes can not help but to say where he blurted out his animation in the dialogue, as is the goalAnimation for children is always an indirect life experience can be a happy childhood and audio-metacognition&quot. Children understand cartoon animation is not based on the language, although they can not be accurately translated into Chinese, done some children can repeat scenarios related to certain English dialogue, as long as they are of normal intelligence, the future of children resulting in the community they need the basic cultural awareness, highlighted several important details. However, in rich animation standardized language will also nurture the children, the story of a plot to attract children' watched ago, the language is secondary. But no one will deny that we recite Tang poetry for a man to the role of Chinese language proficiency, to attract the attention of students to teaching fragment. Children listen to the tape in the process of laughter issued from time to time, the language of animation and other sound like the feelings of the children are enhanced elements, most children are able to hear the music and animation language activation through the mind of the &quot. Ss attention. Audio-visual teaching process, fratricide&quot, because in the preschool and early school-age children is heard through to the exchange with the outside world, with great animation in the language of cultural resources, teachers can structure its animation divided i out. 3, released to the students. This pattern reflects the overall animation content feelings: audio-visual teaching - Listening immersion - heard that imitate and role-playing. Listening 3. Audio-visual teaching is aimed at embedded in the minds of children the story of the circumstances (screens); access to context, in the first place.&quot. Not only that, the language skills are relatively easy to obtain,6-year-back&quot. If it is not because of the cultural barrier, they often can be almost like a cartoon word not to miss the & on the basis of the structure, we think that his language communication abiliAcquisition& Classic cartoons unwittingly conveyed to the children of a nation&#39. This shows through immersion hearing cases from the success of animation. Listening immersion process of teaching, by watching cartoons for their understanding and enthusiastic, regardless of their country of children. It can be said, and even in dreamland also immersed in the animation story. As this will be their first Beitangshi hundreds. In the audio-visual teaching, this period of children is in a sensitive period of language development, it is necessary to closely cooperate with parents to ensure that children listen every night临睡前repeatedly until entering dreamland, and the distribution of children to be able to maintain sufficient attention. Teacher organizations in the language lab whole class to watch English projecti What is theaudio-visual teaching&quot. Here, the children would like to fascinate children in the cartoon &quot. Parents reflect, does not know &quot, the teaching of English is a precious resource, the English animation containing vivid language, on the contrary, students and teachers split common language projects, the United States and China
, the English cartoons
contaiss vivid language resources.Similarly,firstlybecause the children in or before school age mainly communicate with the outside world with listening and speaking and and secondly these children are in a sensitive period of
and repeatedly watch it untill recite some lines of it. Classic cartoons unconsciously conveyed to the children
basic life philosophy of a nation and enable then to get the knowledge needed in the future这年头不自己自觉的人还真的挺多. when they are watching the language unconsciously into their audio-visual impression.;metacognition&quot, any child with normal intelligence are capable of enjoying their own understanding in cartoons on the basis of their own &quot. regardless of their nationalities. the language skills are relatively easy to obtain .In addition. There is an interesting phenomenon ,6-year-old children who are not surposed to have good language ability can recite their favourite cartoons correctly. If there is no cultural barrier, both
American and Chinese children would indulge in the cartoon &quot.Cartoos are always good audio-visual resources for children to get indirect life experiecne t fully understand the meaning: 5. Children have developed their langeuage ability greatly Journey to the West&quot, though they don&#39, the abundent and standardized language in cartoons has also nurture the children. We can say that cartoons contain tremendous amount of language resources, which are precious for E
The animated cartoon is resource forever all to children one can gain indirect life experience and happy seeing and hearing of childhood , they may disregarding which country's children to being, as long as being intelligence is regular, on self architectural already some &basic cognition & basis, carry out self understanding on what be watched animated cartoon, and always enjoy it. If being not words since culture cuts off, American children is fascinated same as Chinese children city in the animated cartoon &Pilgrimage to the West&, be able to watch it again and again , can moreover ultimately &can even recite sth. backwards fluently&. Classics animated cartoon fundamental philosophy of life communicating to a children nation in imperceptible middle, culture needed by them is aware of children in having gained future society from this. Rich standard language has also edified children not only so, in the animated cartoon, in the process watching an animated cartoon, the prompt field of children is developing self linguistic competence. Can say animated cartoon middle is containing gigantic language culture resource. Amusing one phenomenon is: 5 , 6-year-old children, sometimes be able to be able to come out almost the &back that one character does not leave out says & to delighted animated cartoon when we think that his language social intercourse ability is really not very strong,meaning understanding language's though they can not sometimes, this language ability acquisition is relatively easy , this is to it is said that the children who comes to expect that with the external world exchange's , secondary , this period of time is in the sensitive scheduled time that language develops because of being in preschool sum school age initial stage children is to pass mainly first. In the children process in watching an animated cartoon, language in animated cartoon enters their seeing and hearing also unconsciously in the process feeling that. By the same token, the English animated cartoon contains vivid language , is one kind of precious resource of English teaching. Owing to English animated cartoon seeing and hearing, the classroom teaching pattern is composed of fundamental four process: Audio-visual instruction- hearing immerses- hearing of imitation and the role play. This one pattern embodies overall animated cartoon content feel , the student and the teacher dismantle mark of language project commonly , plays the content rebuilding an animated cartoon finally guided by teacher by the role. 3.1 audio-visual instruction this is that the English animated cartoon content entirety experiences process. The teacher organizes whole class coming to watch the English animated cartoon passing projection in the And in watching front, the teacher introduces story line simplely , bring forward a few pertinent problems , lay stress on important several detail on the fragment student's attention is attracted to teaching,the problem distribution needs to be able to make children keep sufficient attention. The story circumstance is attracting children's attention in audio-visual instruction process, being not to main , look at can is purpose. The audio-visual instruction purpose is to want circumstance being hit by the mint-mark story in children's mind (tableau). In this one process, key element being to strengthen children feel like language and other animated cartoon sound effect. That children is looked at knowing an animated cartoon has been really not language owing to that in the animated cartoon , the children content by the fact that preschool life experience and already some cognition structure have experienced animated cartoon intensely, has interposed a context on the contrary, for they study language further. In audio-visual instruction, language is second. But, in process broadcasting an animated cartoon in relapse, part children is able to accomplish a relevance retel out some English conversation under the scene, though, they are not able to translate able Chinese definitely. That this is resembling them is able to carry several hundreds Tang poetry on the back , does not know &being originally with the life but, frying He Tai
each other urgently & is what meaning is the same. But we who also can not deny saying the Tang poetry effect to one people Chinese language and literature ability by heart. 3.2 hearing immerses the teacher gives a student by the fact that the language laboratory gives out on the English animated cartoon being transcribed from the video disk to tape, the teacher lets a student watch an animated cartoon again and again at the same time in school now , carry out at the same time bedtime after class immersion training under parents's composition , require that parents broadcasts tape before every late children falls asleep, most children all is able to activate the context gaining in the mind by &audio-visual instruction & when hearing animated cartoon music rhythm and language. Have parents report. Frequently make laughter in the child process in listening to tape,; Some moment escapes from conversation in telling an animated cartoon in the grip of passion. This explains the success extracting animated cartoon circumstance's by the fact that hearing immerses on one hand , it is said that training has provided a context for
Have testified the animated cartoon function as lower language of one kind of mistake mother tongue environment environment on the other hand , also , children again and again seeing and hearing and frequent language in immersing &having exercised some scenes imperceptibly have been expressed. Hearing immerses the teacher can divide it into some fragments according to the animated cartoon structure , be put into use with teaching easy to in teaching process. Lay on a fragment studying a mission weekly, three work to animated cartoon teaching accomplishing one minister within five cycles being controlled by 45 minutes degree. In here, be going to act in close coordination with parents , ensure children to listen to every time lately just before sleep again and again, until falling asleep , immerse in dreamland even middle in animated cartoon story.
The animated cartoon forever is one may obtain the indirect life experience and the childhood joyful seeing and hearing resources regarding the child, regardless of which national child is, so long as is the intelligence is normal, they can in themselves existing “a Yuan cognition” in the structure foundation, to the animated cartoon which watches carries on own understanding, and always enjoys. If is not as a result of cultural impediment, US's children and China's children can be in a stew equally in the animated cartoon &Monkey&, will watch it repeatedly, and can “know by heart” finally. The classical animated cartoon transmitted for the child in unconscious a nationality's basic philosophy of life, the child has obtained the basic cultural consciousness which from this in the future society they will need. Not only that in the animated cartoon the rich standard's language has also gradually influenced the child, in the onlooking animated cartoon's process, the child is developing own verbal skill rapidly. It can be said that in the animated cartoon is containing the huge language culture resources. An interesting phenomenon is: 5,6 year-old child, we thought that his language human relations ability is not too strong, often can the animated cartoon which likes be able nearly not to omit a single word “the back to say” comes out, although sometimes they cannot understand that the language the meaning, this language ability's acquisition is relatively easy, this first is because before being in the school age, and the school age initial period child is mainly through heard with the outside world exchange, next, this time's child is in the language development the sensitive time. The child in the onlooking animated cartoon's process, in the animated cartoon language also unconscious enters their seeing and hearing feeling in the process. Similarly, English animated cartoon includes the vivid language, is the English teaching one precious resources. constitutes based on English animated cartoon's seeing and hearing classroom instruction pattern by four unit processes: The seeing and hearing teaching - hearing immersion - hears the imitation and the roll play. This pattern manifests the overall animation content feeling, the student and the teacher analyzes the language project together, finally under teacher's instruction through roll play reconstruction animation content. 3.1 seeing and hearing teaching this is English animated cartoon content whole feeling process. The teacher organizes all personnel schoolmate to watch English animated cartoon in the language laboratory th Before the onlooking, the teacher introduces the plot simply, proposed that some related questions, attract student's attention to the teaching fragment, prominent several important details, and the question distribution must be able to cause the child maintains the enough attention. In the seeing and hearing teaching process, the story plot is attracting child's attention, listens is not main, regards is the goal. The seeing and hearing teaching's goal is needs to engrave the story in child's mind the plot (picture). In this process, the language and animated cartoon other effect equally strengthen the essential factor which the child feels. The child understands the animated cartoon is not based on the animated cartoon in language, just the opposite, child's has felt the animated cartoon content intensely before school age life experience and the existing cognitive structure, has established the linguistic environment for their further learning language. In the seeing and hearing teaching, the language is second. But, in broadcasts the animated cartoon repeatedly in the process, the partial children can do under the related scene to repeat certain English to talk, although, they cannot translate Chinese accurately. This direct positive they can carry Tang poem several hundred, actually did not know that “originally is lives with the root, fries He Taiji” is any meaning is the same. But our can nobody be resigned to one's fate reads aloud the Tang poem regarding a person China linguistic skills function. 3.2 hearing immersion teacher copies through the language laboratory English animated cartoon from the video disk to the recording tape on, provides gives the student, the teacher this time one side lets the student in the school watch the animated cartoon repeatedly, at the same time develops the class after guardian's coordination bedtime immersion training, requests the guardian to go to sleep before each night child broadcasts the recording tape, the majority of children can when hears the animated cartoon music rhythm and the language in the activation mind adopt the linguistic environment which “the seeing and hearing teaching” obtains. Some guardians reflected. The child in listens to recording tape's process, exudes the laugh Sometimes escapes unrestrainedly gives an oral account in the animation dialog. On the one hand this explained that through the hearing immersion extraction animation plot's success, further develops for us heard the training has provided the li On the other hand, also had proven the animated cartoon took under one kind of non-mother tongue environment the language environment function, the child repeatedly seeing and hearing and the frequent immersion imperceptibly “the custom” in certain scene language performance. in the hearing immersion teaching process, the teacher may divide into according to the animated cartoon structure it certain fragments, is advantageous for the teaching use. Every week arranges a fragment the study duty, in three to five weeks completes a length is 45 minute about animated cartoon teaching profession. In here, must coordinate with the guardian, to guarantee that closely before the child just before going to sleep, repeatedly listens every night, until goes off to sleep, even also immerses in the dreamland in the animation story.
Animation for children is always an indirect life experience can be a happy childhood and audio-visual resources, regardless of their country of children, as long as they are of normal intelligence, they would have been in their own &metacognition& on the basis of the structure, by watching cartoons for their understanding and enthusiastic. If it is not because of the cultural barrier, the United States and China, the children would like to fascinate children in the cartoon &Journey to the West& will repeatedly watch it, and eventually to &Daobeiruliu.& Classic cartoons unwittingly conveyed to the children of a nation's basic philosophy of life, the future of children resulting in the community they need the basic cultural awareness. Not only that, in rich animation standardized language will also nurture the children, watching cartoons in the process of rapid development of the children in their own language ability. It can be said, with great animation in the language of cultural resources. An interesting phenomenon is: 5,6-year-old children, we think that his language communication ability is not too strong, they often can be almost like a cartoon word not to miss the &back& out, although they sometimes can not understand the meaning of language, the language skills are relatively easy to obtain, in the first place, because in the preschool and early school-age children is heard through to the exchange with the outside world, and secondly, this period of children is in a sensitive period of language development. Children watch cartoons in the process of animation in the language unconsciously into their audio-visual impression in the process. Similarly, the English animation containing vivid language, the teaching of English is a precious resource. English animation based on the audio-visual teaching model posed by the four basic processes: audio-visual teaching - Listening immersion - heard that imitate and role-playing. This pattern reflects the overall animation content feelings, students and teachers split common language projects, in the end, under the guidance of teachers through role-playing reconstruction animation content. 3.1 This is the audio-visual teaching English as overall feelings animation process. Teacher organizations in the language lab whole class to watch English projecti watched ago, teachers simply introduced story, and some related issues, to attract the attention of students to teaching fragment, highlighted several important details, and the distribution of children to be able to maintain sufficient attention. Audio-visual teaching process, the story of a plot to attract children's attention, and not listen to the main, as is the goal. Audio-visual teaching is aimed at embedded in the minds of children the story of the circumstances (screens). In this process, the language of animation and other sound like the feelings of the children are enhanced elements. Children understand cartoon animation is not based on the language, on the contrary, children through the preschool experience in life and the cognitive structure has been a strong feeling of animation content for them to set up a context for language learning. In the audio-visual teaching, the language is secondary. However, in repeatedly aired in the process of animation, done some children can repeat scenarios related to certain English dialogue, although they can not be accurately translated into Chinese. As this will be their first Beitangshi hundreds, does not know &this is the same root, fratricide& What is the meaning of the same. But no one will deny that we recite Tang poetry for a man to the role of Chinese language proficiency. Listening 3.2 immersion teachers in the English language laboratories animation from video tapes to the transcripts, released to the students, teachers at the school while allowing students to repeatedly watch cartoons while their parents cope with the after-school under the bedtime immersion training, requiring the parents of children to sleep in the night before the broadcast tapes, most children are able to hear the music and animation language activation through the mind of the &audio-visual teaching& access to context. Parents reflect. Children listen to the tape in the process of laughter issu sometimes can not help but to say where he blurted out his animation in the dialogue. This shows through immersion hearing cases from the success of animation, we heard further train On the other hand, it also proves that the cartoons as a non-native language environment under the environment of the function, children repeatedly audio-visual and regular immersion virtually &Acquisition& certain scenarios language. Listening immersion process of teaching, teachers can structure its animation divided into several segments, in order to use in the classroom. Fragments of a week for a learning task within 3-5 weeks to complete a length of about 45 minutes of animation work of teaching. Here, it is necessary to closely cooperate with parents to ensure that children listen every nightrepeatedly until entering dreamland, and even in dreamland also immersed in the animation story.
翻译了几个小时,太长了 Animation for children is always an indirect life experience can be a happy childhood and audio-visual resources, regardless of their country of children, as long as they are of normal intelligence, they would have been in their own &metacognition& on the basis of the structure, by watching cartoons for their understanding and enthusiastic. If it is not because of the cultural barrier, the United States and China, the children would like to fascinate children in the cartoon &Journey to the West& will repeatedly watch it, and eventually to &Daobeiruliu.& Classic cartoons unwittingly conveyed to the children of a nation's basic philosophy of life, the future of children resulting in the community they need the basic cultural awareness. Not only that, in rich animation standardized language will also nurture the children, watching cartoons in the process of rapid development of the children in their own language ability. It can be said, with great animation in the language of cultural resources. An interesting phenomenon is: 5,6-year-old children, we think that his language communication ability is not too strong, they often can be almost like a cartoon word not to miss the &back& out, although they sometimes can not understand the meaning of language, the language skills are relatively easy to obtain, in the first place, because in the preschool and early school-age children is heard through to the exchange with the outside world, and secondly, this period of children is in a sensitive period of language development. Children watch cartoons in the process of animation in the language unconsciously into their audio-visual impression in the process. Similarly, the English animation containing vivid language, the teaching of English is a precious resource. English animation based on the audio-visual teaching model posed by the four basic processes: audio-visual teaching - Listening immersion - heard that imitate and role-playing. This pattern reflects the overall animation content feelings, students and teachers split common language projects, in the end, under the guidance of teachers through role-playing reconstruction animation content. 3.1 This is the audio-visual teaching English as overall feelings animation process. Teacher organizations in the language lab whole class to watch English projecti watched ago, teachers simply introduced story, and some related issues, to attract the attention of students to teaching fragment, highlighted several important details, and the distribution of children to be able to maintain sufficient attention. Audio-visual teaching process, the story of a plot to attract children's attention, and not listen to the main, as is the goal. Audio-visual teaching is aimed at embedded in the minds of children the story of the circumstances (screens). In this process, the language of animation and other sound like the feelings of the children are enhanced elements. Children understand cartoon animation is not based on the language, on the contrary, children through the preschool experience in life and the cognitive structure has been a strong feeling of animation content for them to set up a context for language learning. In the audio-visual teaching, the language is secondary. However, in repeatedly aired in the process of animation, done some children can repeat scenarios related to certain English dialogue, although they can not be accurately translated into Chinese. As this will be their first Beitangshi hundreds, does not know &this is the same root, fratricide& What is the meaning of the same. But no one will deny that we recite Tang poetry for a man to the role of Chinese language proficiency. Listening 3.2 immersion teachers in the English language laboratories animation from video tapes to the transcripts, released to the students, teachers at the school while allowing students to repeatedly watch cartoons while their parents cope with the after-school under the bedtime immersion training, requiring the parents of children to sleep in the night before the broadcast tapes, most children are able to hear the music and animation language activation through the mind of the &audio-visual teaching& access to context. Parents reflect. Children listen to the tape in the process of laughter issu sometimes can not help but to say where he blurted out his animation in the dialogue. This shows through immersion hearing cases from the success of animation, we heard further train On the other hand, it also proves that the cartoons as a non-native language environment under the environment of the function, children repeatedly audio-visual and regular immersion virtually &Acquisition& certain scenarios language. Listening immersion process of teaching, teachers can structure its animation divided into several segments, in order to use in the classroom. Fragments of a week for a learning task within 3-5 weeks to complete a length of about 45 minutes of animation work of teaching. Here, it is necessary to closely cooperate with parents to ensure that children listen every nightrepeatedly until entering dreamland, and even in dreamland also immersed in the animation story.


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