Followingfootball is ann exc...

CTAN: tex-archive/support/excel2latex
Direc&tory tex-archive/support/excel2latex
It's difficult to create tables in LaTeX, especially if some columns are calculated.
Excel2LaTeX allows you to transform the current selection from Excel to LaTeX.
Text formatting (bold, italic), alignment (left, right, centered), and rotation of cell
contents is retained.
Cells spanning multiple columns and/or rows are supported.
Border lines can be retained at the level of individual cells, or replaced with the
style of formatting recommended by the booktabs package.
The generated LaTeX
code can also be placed in a floating table environment.
The LaTeX code can be copied to the clipboard or saved as a LaTeX file, which
then can be included in an existing LaTeX document using the \input command.
You can also specify which ranges of your Excel workbook you want to convert
into LaTeX, and convert them all at once as individual .tex files.
This Excel add-in works best in Microsoft Office 2000 and later (on Windows).
It also works in Office:mac (on Mac OS X), but see the &Known issues& section.
The development repository and the bug tracker for this package is hosted at .
Just open the file Excel2LaTeX.xla in Excel.
Then you will have two additional
menu items in your &Tools& menu and a new toolbar with two buttons on it.
Excel 2007 and later, you will have two new buttons in the &Add-Ins& ribbon.
you plan to use the program frequently, you can save it in your addin directory
and add it with Tools/Add-in.
This way it will be loaded whenever Excel is
Just select the table to convert and hit the button &Convert table to LaTeX&.
will be given the option to save the result to a .tex file, or send it to the clipboard
(so you can paste it into your LaTeX editor).
Hit the &Store& button to store the
current settings so you can &Load& them later or &Export all& to LaTeX.
* Bold and italic are recognized as long as whole cell is in bold or italic.
* Alignment formats (right, left, center) will be recognized for individual cells.
* Cell border lines will be recognized for individual cells (with certain restrictions).
* Font sizes are not supported, because they are handled completely different in
* Cells spanning multiple columns and/or rows are supported.
For this you have to
merge the cells in Excel using the format/cells menu and selecting the alignment
* The characters %, &, and # are automatically replaced by LaTeX macros
(e.g. \%), while \, $, _, and ^ can optionally be replaced.
* You can put additional LaTeX formatting commands in the Excel cells, so you
don't have to edit the output, if you want some special chars or formats.
* The default file name for export is the name of the selected range (if it has
one), otherwise it will be the name of the active Excel worksheet.
* Stored tables: It is possible to store the Excel ranges that you want to convert
into LaTeX, together with one set of options per range, in the
Internally, the &list of stored tables& is kept on a hidden worksheet
named &Excel2LaTeX&, and hence is saved whenever you save your
The table ranges corresponding to the stored tables are recorded as
relative references in the hidden worksheet &Excel2LaTeX&; extensions,
contractions or movements of a &stored table& will be reflected
A list view containing the stored tables is shown on the right side of the main
A double click on an item in the list of stored tab
alternatively, you can select the item and hit &Load&.
The buttons &Store& and
&Overwrite& allow inserting a new or overwriting an existing stored table.
&Delete& button deletes a selected stored table without prompt.
&Export all& button converts all selected ranges to LaTeX and writes one .tex
file -- don't forget to configure file names properly!
In addition, the new
toolbar button and menu item &Convert all stored tables to LaTeX& call the
macro LaTeXAllToFiles that also triggers this process.
Copyright , , ,
by Kirill M&ller,
Andrew Hawryluk, and Joachim Marder.
This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX
Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any
later version.
The latest version of this license is in
and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
The Current Maintainer of this work is Kirill M&ller.
This work consists of the file Excel2LaTeX.xla.
Office Mac: &Copy to clipboard& appends extra null (\0) characters.
Office Mac: Performance is worse than in Windows, converting large ranges might
take minutes or hours.
Office Mac: The functionality is accessible only through the &Format& menu.
Office Mac: The dialog is modal (Windows: modeless).
All: Color not (yet) supported.
Please report bugs via the bug tracker at .
Version 3.3: Released on 27 Sep 2012
* Bug fix: Doesn't crash when trying to start conversion when an entire line is
* Bug fix: Better conversion of backslashes: '\textbackslash{}' instead of
'\textbackslash '
* Performance: Improvements by avoiding unnecessary calls to Excel objects
Version 3.2: Released on 26 Mar 2012
* Bug fix: Finally restored compatibility with Office Mac
* Bug fix: Do not add extra alignment tab after \multicolumn{}{}
Version 3.1: Released on 19 May 2011
* If the column width is set to 0, each cell occupies a separate line in the output file
* In booktabs mode, no vertical space is inserted before the top row anymore
* Bug fix: Restored compatibility with Office 2000 and Office Mac
* Bug fix: Form is protected against erroneous entries
Version 3.0: Released on 17 Nov 2010
* CAVEAT: The toolbar buttons and menu items from previous versions of
Excel2LaTeX are not deleted automatically.
* CAVEAT: Depending on the formatting of your table, you might require the
following packages not required before:
- bigstrut
- rotating
- multirow
* Stored tables: See annotations above.
* More cell formatting options are used in the converted table.
- Cells with rotated contents are supported.
Requires the &rotating& package.
- Multirow and multirow-multicolumn cells are supported.
Requires the &multirow&
- A cell formatted as bold and containing inline math formulae is typeset in bold
using \boldmath and \unboldmath.
* More precise typesetting of cell borders in non-booktabs mode.
- A column is assumed to have a vertical border if there is a border in any row
of this column.
Cells with a vertical border different from the default or
without vertical border are typeset using the \multicol command, specifying
the border type for this cell.
If both single and double lines are present in
one column, a double line is assumed as default for this column.
- Horizontal rules are typeset using \cline if they do not go straight through
from left to right.
Double horizontal lines are converted to single lines in
this case.
- \bigstrut commands are inserted where appropriate.
The number of struts
required for a multirow cell is computed correctly.
Requires the &bigstrut&
* Bug fix: The type of the left border of a multicolumn cell is determined correctly
(in non-booktabs mode).
* Improved file name handling.
- The target .tex file will be stored in the directory of the Excel worksheet by
- If the target .tex file resides in the directory of the worksheet or in a
subdirectory, a relative path to the file is stored.
* The main form is now modeless.
The worksheet can be edited while the form is
- Changes to the contents of the selection are tracked, the LaTeX table in the
text box is updated automatically. Changes to cell formatting (font style,
borders) are not tracked.
- The current selection can be set as source range for the current conversion to
LaTeX by hitting the large button at the top of the dialog.
* The main form shows up always, even if no range or a multi-area range is
Version 2.3: Released on 16 Nov 2010
* Bug fix: In Office 2007, no error is raised after opening a document anymore.
* Bug fix: When writing the TeX file, no additional newline is appended.
Spurious spaces may produce unwanted results.
Version 2.2: Released on 29 Sep 2010
* Save and load settings to/from registry.
* Bug fix: do not add two command buttons to the ribbons in Excel 2007 and
* Bug fix: use \textbf and \textit instead of \bf and \it.
* Bug fix: do not use vertical borders for multicolumn environment for
booktabs tables.
* Bug fix: correctly determine LaTeX column borders if Excel cell borders
are set only for the top and/or left border.
* Internal: avoid copying the range to a hidden worksheet before converting
it to LaTeX.
* Internal: various code refactorings.
Version 2.1: Released on 18 Sep 2008
* Better character replacement: the previous version only replaced the first
occurrence of $ or % in a cell.
* Optionally generate a table environment, format the table in the style of the
'booktabs' LaTeX package, and/or add extra leading indent spaces.
* Better interactivtiy (no refresh button required).
* Bug fix: the previous version would damage formulas that referred to cells
outside the selection.
Version 2.0: Released on 21 Jul 2001
This version is based on modifications by Germ&n Ria&o
* Graphical user interface
* The LaTeX code can be copied to clipboard and then pasted into you editor.
* Better handling of multicolum cells
* doublelines on top border are now handled
Version 1.2: Published on 22 Nov 1998
* The characters % and $ are now converted to the correspondig LaTeX makros
Version 1.1: Published on 12 Apr 1997
* Some small changes to make it run with Excel 97 too
Version 1.0: First published version, Oct 22 1996
To access older releases of this add-on, please visit . Releses of version 2.2 and later
can be downloaded directly from URLs like
(susbtitute 2.2 for the version number).
the con&tents of this pack&age in one zip archive
Ex&cel-to-LaTeX & Con&vert Ex&cel spread&sheets to LaTeX ta&bles
It's hard to make ta&bles in LaTeX es&pe&cially if some columns are
This Ex&cel-To-LaTeX con&verter ex&ports the cur&rent
se&lec&tion as a LaTeX file which can be in&cluded via the \in&put
com&mand in an ex&ist&ing LaTeX doc&u&ment.
Nearly all for&mat&ting is
sup&ported (bold, italic, bor&der lines, mul&ti&col&umn cells,
Works with Ex&cel up to Ex&cel 2010.
Pack&age De&tails
Copy&right09,12 Kir&ill M&ller, An&drew Hawry&luk, Joachim Marder
Main&tainer (in&ac&tive)By Debra Dalgleish, on September 18th, 2009
You've probably used an , where you can click the arrow, and select an item to fill the cell. In the worksheet shown below, you can select a month from the drop down, and it overwrites any previous selection in that cell.
Select Multiple Items From the Drop Down List
Instead of limiting users to a single selection, you can use a bit of programming, combined with the data validation list, and allow multiple selections. You can display all the selected items across a row, or down a column, or keep them in the same cell.
Keep reading, to see some examples of this technique, and how it works. There is also a video that shows the multiple selection drop down list. To try it for yourself, follow the download link for the sample file, near the end of this article.
More Articles on Select Multiple Items
[Update]: Since posting this article on selecting multiple items from an Excel drop down list, I've added more articles on this topic. Here are a few links to updates:
in multiple selection column
from an Excel drop down list
You can find the full list on the main page for this technique:
Multiple Selection Options
In the sample file, there are different examples of the code, with options for where the selected items are placed. You might want all the items in a single cell, or in adjacent rows or columns.
Fill Across a Row
For example, each item selected in this drop down list fills the next empty cell at the right. You could use this technique to fill player names across a list of innings, or employee names for days of the week.
Fill Down a Column
In some worksheets, you might prefer to fill down, instead of across.
Add Values To the Same Cell
Instead of filling other cells, you can keep all the selections in the same cell, separated by commas.
Use Programming to Add Multiple Values
The code to allow multiple selections runs automatically when you make a change on the worksheet. To see the code for the SameCell sheet, in the sample file, you can right-click the sheet tab, and click on View Code.
In the code shown below, column 3 is the only one where the change will occur. In your workbook, you could change the 3 to a different number. Or, if you don't want to limit the code to a specific column, you could delete the two rows that are marked with a red circle.
Download the Sample Data Validation File
To experiment with this technique, you can download the zipped sample file from the Contextures website, on the
NOTE: In some of the code, you might have to change the range names or the sheet names, if you copy the code to a different workbook. Some code examples refer to a specific row or column number, and you might also need to adjust those.
In the sample file, a macro runs automatically when the workbook opens, to protect the "SameCell" worksheet. If you do not need that code, you can remove it from the ThisWorkbook module. If you remove or rename the SameCell sheet, without deleting the Workbook_Open code, you will see an error message when the file opens.
Buy the Premium Version
There is a premium version of this technique, and you can see the details here: . Instead of selecting from the drop down, a list box appears when you click the cell.
It automatically selects any items that are already in the cell. It also has buttons to Clear all the selections, and select all the items.
The premium version works with dependent lists too, and runs on a protected worksheet. There is also an option of showing a multi-select listbox, or a single-select version (this is helpful when working with dependent lists -- you don't want multiple items selected in the main columns).
The kit has 3 sample files, and a user guide, with details and screen shots, on how to add this technique to your own workbooks. Click here for details: .
Watch the Data Validation Video
To see these techniques, and a few other multiple selection examples, you can watch this short video.
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