stay with me damon、 alway...

飞儿乐团Kiss goodbye
陶喆I will be there
陶喆 还有京剧呢不得不爱
潘玮柏 弦子其实还有很多,暂时想不起来了。中文带法语多希望你在
明天你是否依然爱我 童安格
喜欢你 Beyond
挥着翅膀的女孩 容祖儿
2NIGHT.藏爱 陶喆《太平盛世》专辑
世界只有我们 黄立行
天使(For My Angel) 羽泉
happy 许慧欣(还有个同名的歌,顺子唱的)
happy hours 苏慧伦
序号 歌曲名称 歌手 播放 送歌
1 secret love 第26届 女侠简恩主题曲
2 only when i sleep the corrs(可儿家族)
3 so good 妙极了 李玟
4 杀手 林俊杰
5 american life madonna(麦当娜)
6 toxic britney spears(布兰妮)
7 十分钟 李孝利
8 两个人 蔡妍
9 case of the ex mya
10 black or white michael jackson(迈克尔.杰克逊)
11 wish you were here rednex
12 网络综合症 周嘉杨...
happy hours
happy hours 不会再有谁来打搅我
爱过我 dadala dadala dadala.....
happy hours 不会再有谁来打搅我 ho....
给我 happy hours 火上加油加速带我走
带我走 dadala dadala dadala.....
happy hours 不会再有谁来打搅我
happy hours... happy hours...
os:咦?现在几点了 sorry我忘了带表我正在等人呢!等一个神秘的人....
喜欢你就是起点 make a wish 梦会实现
蔡旻佑 阿姆斯壮 stay with me头号人物 I believe in love南拳妈妈 泡沫温力铭 想和你跳舞
潘玮柏的how are you 萧亚轩的u make me wannasuperjuniormd的me 、U
I Belive 孙楠 喜欢你 Beyond 挥着翅膀的女孩 容祖儿 CATHERINE 陶喆 2NIGHT.藏爱 陶喆世界只有我们 黄立行 天使(For My Angel) 羽泉 happy 许慧欣(还有个同名的歌,顺子唱的) happy hours 苏慧伦
Girlfriend 中文版听,艾薇儿の天籁之音。一个外国性感女人,唱的。挑战8国语言!~
明天你是否依然爱我 童安格
I Belive 孙楠
喜欢你 Beyond
挥着翅膀的女孩 容祖儿
CATHERINE 陶喆《太平盛世》专辑
2NIGHT.藏爱 陶喆《太平盛世》专辑
世界只有我们 黄立行
天使(For My Angel) 羽泉
happy 许慧欣(还有个同名的歌,顺子唱的)
happy hours 苏慧伦
序号 歌曲名称 歌手 播放 送歌
1 secret love 第26届 女侠简恩主题曲
2 only when i sleep the corrs(可儿家族)
3 so good 妙极了 李玟
4 杀手 林俊杰
5 american life madonna(麦当娜)
6 toxic britney spears(布兰妮)
7 十分钟 李孝利
8 两个人 蔡妍
9 case of the ex mya
10 black or white michael jackson(迈克尔.杰克逊)
11 wish you were here rednex
12 网络综合症 周嘉杨
13 还记得...
周杰伦和蔡依林的布拉格广场李玟的“baby 对不起”张力尹的“心愿I will&
分开旅行 黄立行和刘若英I still believe
容祖儿 世上只有麻吉弟弟
I need you孙燕姿
咕叽咕叽曹格 Super woman
&在那遥远的地方&&星座&&竹林深处&&放开你的心&&改变自己&&华人万岁&&cockney girl&以上都是力宏的
序号 歌曲名称 歌手 播放 送歌 1 secret love 第26届 女侠简恩主题曲 2 only when i sleep the corrs(可儿家族) 3 so good 妙极了 李玟 4 杀手 林俊杰 5 american life madonna(麦当娜) 6 toxic britney spears(布兰妮) 7 十分钟 李孝利 8 两个人 蔡妍 9 case of the ex mya 10 black or white michael jackson(迈克尔.杰克逊) 11 wish you were here rednex
对不起,我只知道一首,但还是跟你说说吧!不过是奥运的歌:We are ready!
今天我要嫁给你陷入爱里面can u feel my worldkiss goodbye天黑黑一起遨游小夫妻lalala爱情密码way back to lovedont say goodbyelove song 入围金曲奖tonightgive me love 有小综我们唱的歌 bobocrystal plane歌虽然不多 但保证都很经典
&&Make me a fool&&,,棒棒堂里的小煜独唱的,,摇滚风格的!,,
If I Can’t Have You 还有
Tell me 南拳妈妈的
4 in love-再见中国海4 in love-fallinlove
你说夹杂的英文系一句还是一个单词啊??如果一两个单词的!有陶喆的“MELODY”!我个人觉得还蛮好听的!FIR的“Forever Green”!
陈奕迅 《阿士匹灵》 live版本还有冤家
happy歌手:许慧欣 happy hours歌手:苏慧伦
出门在外也不愁Knowing When to Walk Away from Unrequited Love
Announcement: Wish you could change the past? Learn to let go and create a life you love with !
“Love does not o it obeys our intentions.” ~Lloyd Strom
To say that love hasn’t obeyed my expectations would be the understatement of the century.
I have not been lucky in love. I’ve been blessed with some amazing moments over the years, but somehow have managed to choose partners who did not want what I wanted, did not feel what I felt, and did not want to walk beside me into a future together.
I have really had to sit with this and try and figure out what part of this was my doing, and how to change it, because this year I once again chose a partner who was not walking with me. Except this time not only was he not walking with me but he was subtly trying to kick my feet from under me every chance he got.
I once again entered into a relationship desperate to find love and instead found a beautiful disaster. Love is a blessing, this we know. Unrequited love is toxic, and it can eat you alive.
Falling in love can be a slippery slope, regardless of any protective barriers we may have built. It can ease in like a light a mist that settles itself beautifully over your life, or it can blindside you.
Often we fall in love with a person before we have fully gotten to know them. By this point it’s too late—you’ve already stretched your heart for someone capable of bruising it. This is what love requires:
and trust. Hopes and expectations rise along with the awareness that it can slip away.
I suggest we do our best to live in the moment. Love is elastic. It stretches and retracts and changes shape constantly. It is very uncertain. One day you are over the moon and the next disillusioned.
The elastic can break. You can re-tie it, but there is now a knot. Suddenly that perfect perception of the other person is a little bit tainted. Something rocked the pedestal. Sometimes we can recover from this, sometimes we can’t.
Loyalty and commitment teach us that we are not to walk away from people that we love. Buddhism teaches us to love without expectation. There are a lot of belief systems about love and I question them often. If your love is shared and you are both happy I assume you wouldn’t have to question love at all.
But if your relationship, be it friendship or romantic love, is unbalanced and one person is hurting, how much is enough? How many pieces are supposed to break and how damaged can we allow ourselves to get before we throw these belief systems out the window and accept that this type of love isn’t healthy?
How do we do what is best for ourselves without damaging the heart and mind of someone else in the process?
Love and relationships require work and responsibility. We have to learn when to stretch and when to break.
For those of you who have been blessed to find a romantic love that is equally shared, I truly admire this and I have set the intention to find it one day. I think it all starts with being aware, open, and ready.
For a long time I didn’t believe I would find love so I subconsciously chose partners who I knew would be a challenge. I am no longer interested in this challenge. I told myself when my last relationship failed that I would never put myself in a situation where I didn’t know where I stood in someone’ where I felt unsteady and unloved.
Unfortunately I did it again this year and I can promise you that it was the last time. I now know what I would like my relationship with my future partner to feel like, and that is the first step towards being open to receiving this gift. Love is a gift.
I have been tested often this year and with this came the opportunity to learn lessons. I have lived my life openly. I have experienced love and trusted the process. I fell in love, watched it grow, watched it change, and watched it .
I felt the pain, and still continue to recover from it. My
and that is a slow process, but it was necessary to hurt to have learned what I learned. For this I am grateful. I’m also grateful to my friends and family who helped me to pick up the pieces when I didn’t have the energy to do it alone.
8 things I have learned about relationships so far:
1. If there is a feeling better than love, I have not felt it. Take the risk and dive in with everything you have.
2. Enjoy the good times together as they are happening and be grateful for them.
3. Stay out of the future and in the moment. Now is certain.
4. Protect both your heart and your partner’s, whether the love is still there or not. We are human and we deserve kindness. We don’t need to add to the burdens we already carry by hurting others. Trust me, it doesn’t make things better.
5. If your relationship starts to crumble, know when to put it down and let it be. Don’t grind it into dust.
6. You cannot continue to give to another person when you
when you are so broken, so beaten down that you have no energy left. When talking has failed and words no longer have meaning, this is when you know it is over. When you feel like this, you have to do what is best for the relationship and for each other and wave the white flag to avoid further damage.
7. Some things just won’t work, no matter how badly we wish they would. Sometimes the match that felt so right just isn’t. Please don’t do more damage to your heart by trying to fix something that has passed its expiration date. It will leave you raw.
8. It is okay to walk away from something that hurts you. It doesn’t require blame or justification. It just requires you to stop fanning the flames. You will find love again, and next time it will feel better.
Life isn’t easy. Some things build us up and some tear us down. Our hearts expand and break and rebuild—repeatedly. We are constantly learning and changing and growing. If in love you find yourself in a sticky situation like I was, please stop picking at scabs.
Nothing good has ever come from this. Stop the cycle, and let your heart heal so you can find pure love. Surround yourself with loving relationships. Something beautiful is out there waiting for you. If you feel it on the inside, you’ll find it out there.
About Kelly lives in Ontario, Canada. She writes to share the lessons she has learned with others, and to re-read them as a reminder when she gets stuck. You can read more on her personal blog at . |
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