
&&&&&&&&时间: 11:12:04&&&&&&&&稿源:安徽农网
&&& 目前,内蒙古自治区鄂托克前旗&绒山羊增绒饲养&专利技术得到了大面积推广,该技术在大幅提高羊绒产量的同时,既改变了荒漠化草原绒山羊养殖生产方式,又达到了草牧场良好的生态效益和农牧民经济效益的双丰收。
( 来源:农业科技报 )
柴享贤, 袁帅, 武晓东, 付和平, 岳闯, 卢志宏, 乌云嘎. 草甸草原割草地植物群落α多样性与草原鼢鼠种群密度的关系. 草业科学, ):778-784
Chai Xiang-xian, Yuan Shuai, Wu Xiao-dong, Fu He-ping, Yue Chuang, Lu Zhi-hong, Wuyunga. Relation of α-diversity in plant community with population abundance of
Myospalax aspalax in clipping ground of meadow steppe . Pratacultural Science,): 778-784&&
1.内蒙古农业大学生态环境学院, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010019
2.草业与草地资源教育部重点实验室, 内蒙古 呼和浩特010019
3.阿拉善左旗草原工作站,内蒙古 巴彦浩特750306
基金: 农业部公益行业项目(); 内蒙古科技计划项目()
为探究植物群落α多样性与草原鼢鼠( Myospalax aspalax)种群密度的关系,本研究于年,在内蒙古锡林浩特市白银库伦牧场的天然割草地内定点布设3个平行固定样方(50 m×20 m),连续3年在野外进行了植物样方与草原鼢鼠土丘数的测定。以单位公顷新土丘个数代表当季草原鼢鼠种群的相对密度,通过Margalef指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou指数来确定植物群落的α多样性。结果显示,1)草原鼢鼠的活动会对植物群落多样性造成影响,但未达到显著水平( P&#x)。2)草原鼢鼠种群数量与植物群落多样性的互作关系中,草原鼢鼠对植物群落多样性的影响更强。其中,草原鼢鼠种群数量对植物群落的均匀度影响最大,而植物群落的物种丰富度与草原鼢鼠种群密度的相关性最大。
doi: 10.11829/j.issn.15-0481
Relation of α-diversity in plant community with population abundance of
Myospalax aspalax in clipping ground of meadow steppe
Chai Xiang-xian1,2,
Yuan Shuai1,2,
Wu Xiao-dong1,2,
Fu He-ping1,2,
Yue Chuang1,2,
Lu Zhi-hong1,2,
1.College of Ecology and Environmental Science, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010019, China
2.Key Laboratory of Prataculture and Grassland Resource, Ministry of Education, Hohhot 010019, China
3.The Grassland Research Station of Alashan, Bayehot 750306, China
Corresponding author: Wu Xiao-dong E-mail:
The experiment with three fixed quadrates (50 m×20 m) was conducted to investigate the relationships between α diversity of plant community and the number of soil mound of Myospalax aspalax in the natural clipping ground in Baiyinkulun pasture, Xilinguole, Inner Mongolia. We investigated the plant community diversity and the population abundance of M. aspalax ranged from 2012 to 2014. The plant community diversity included Margalef index, Shannon-Wiener index and Pielou index. The population abundance was represented by the number of new soil mound of M. aspalax. The results showed that, 1) The movement of M. aspalax had no significant influence on plant community in the research area ( P&#x), and the influence of plant community diversity on M. aspalax was higher than that of M. aspalax on plant 2) M. aspalax population abundance had the strongest effect on evenness index of plant community, while the plant species richness index had the strongest correlation with M. aspalax population abundance.
Myospalax aspalax;
plant diversity;
soil mound
生物多样性一般由基因、物种、生态系统、景观这4个水平构成[], 其中物种多样性是指一定空间范围内物种的数量和分布特征[]。α 多样性则是在物种水平下的一种研究方法, 代表群落或生境内部物种的多样性[]。植物多样性往往与食草动物的采食密切相关, 食草动物的采食行为使得植物的生境出现了异质性, 而存在生境异质性的环境又会反过来作用动物, 进而影响到动物群落的多样性[, , ]。目前, 关于动物与植物多样性“ 互作” 关系的研究主要集中于了解大型家畜类和啮齿动物种群与植物群落多样性间关系, 以地表活动的啮齿类动物居多。关于地下啮齿动物的研究相对较少, 但是对地下啮齿动物种群与植物群落间“ 互作” 关系进行研究可以深化人们对生态系统中动物与植物间“ 双向反馈” 的理解[, ]。草原鼢鼠(Myospalax aspalax)属于仓鼠科鼢鼠亚科, 常年营地下生活, 以植物的根茎为主要食物来源。其主要分布于我国内蒙古、东北、河北、山西北部, 在国外常见于蒙古和俄罗斯西伯利亚。其拱出的土丘不仅给机械化打草带来不便, 还严重制约着土丘附近植被的生长[, , ]。本研究通过对天然割草地中草原鼢鼠的自然种群数量与植物群落多样性进行分析, 旨在探讨草原鼢鼠种群数量与植物群落α 多样性间的关系, 以期为草地生态系统“ 鼠-草” 平衡提供生态学依据。1 研究区概况与研究方法1.1 研究区概况研究区位于锡林浩特市南部白银库伦牧场宝格达图分牧场的割草地, 地理位置116° 14' E、43° 26' N。年均气温1.7 ℃, 年均降水量295 mm, 年均风速3.5 m· s-1, 属于草甸草原。植被主要以羊草(Leymus chinensis)、无芒雀麦(Bromus inermis)、苔草(Carex tristachya)、披碱草(Elymus dahuricus)为主, 其次为蓬子菜(Galium verum)、二裂委陵菜(Potentilla bifurca)、草地早熟禾(Poa pratensis)等。土壤为黑钙土。1.2 研究方法本研究于年, 在宝格达图割草地内选择一处有草原鼢鼠活动的坡面, 按山坡走向, 设置3处等间距固定样地(间距100 m), 样方面积为50 m× 20 m。割草地内不进行放牧和灭鼠活动, 仅每年8月中旬打草一次。野外调查于每年的7月和9月中旬进行。调查内容包括植物种类、“ 四度一量” (高度、盖度、密度、频度和生物量)及草原鼢鼠地面新土丘数。调查时在每个固定样方中草原鼢鼠的洞道上方与非洞道上方各随机设置5个50 cm× 50 cm的植物样方, 共设置30个植物样方。试验所指的洞道为地下20 cm左右草原鼢鼠活动的洞道。草原鼢鼠的洞道通过铁钎(Φ =10 mm)在新土丘附近寻找, 而设置非洞道上方的植物样方时距洞道上方的样方距离不超过5 m, 且通过铁钎排除其下方存在洞道的可能性。试验中新土丘的确定以何俊龄等[]对新土丘的定义为准。由于研究区每年8月中旬进行打草, 使得该研究区仅每年7月的植物数据具有代表性。但也有研究发现, 夏季鼢鼠挖掘活动强度下降, 致使土丘数减少, 同时还有新个体的加入, 以及此时幼鼠还没有和亲鼠分窝等原因, 不宜采用土丘计数法对其种群数量进行调查。且研究区处于草甸草原割草地, 7月正值植被生长期, 茂密的植被也会对鼢鼠新土丘数的统计造成影响, 进而影响统计结果[, ]。由此, 本研究选择同年度9月中旬调查的鼢鼠新土丘数据。对植物群落多样性指标采取以下方法测度[, ]:丰富度指数(Richness index)采用Margalef指数, 计算公式为:R=(S-1)/lnN.式中, R为群落物种丰富度指数, S为物种数, N为群落中所有的物种个体数。群落多样性指数(Diversity index)采用Shannon-Wiener指数。H=- ∑i=1SPi ln Pi.式中, H为多样性指数, Pi表示第i个种的多度比例, Pi=Ni/N.均匀度指数(Evenness index)采用Pielou指数。E=H/lnS.式中, E为均匀度指数, H为多样性指数, S为物种数。以新土丘个数的多寡作为草原鼢鼠种群数量大小的相对指标[]。1.3 分析方法试验数据经Excel 2010整理后, 最终由灰色系统建模软件(GTMS V6.0)[, ]对草原鼢鼠种群数量与植物群落多样性指标进行关联度分析。使用SAS 9.2对Margalef指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou指数的年际变化和洞道存在与否进行双因素方差分析。本研究所采用的灰色关联度分析是将反映草原鼢鼠种群数量的新土丘数与反映植物群落多样性的物种数、Margalef指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou指数视为一个整体, 构成一个灰色系统。将草原鼢鼠种群数量设为参考序列X0, 记作:X0={X0(1), X0(2), X0(3), …, X0(n)}, 植物群落的多样性指标分别设定为比较序列X1-Xi, 记作:Xi={Xi(1), Xi(2), …Xi(n)}, (i=1, 2…, n), n为植物群落多样性指标数。第1步求各序列的初值像(或均值像)。令Xi'=Xi/Xi(1)=[Xi'(1), Xi'(2), …, Xi'(n)], i=0, 1, 2, …, m。第2步求差序列。记Δ i (k)=|x0'(k)-xi'(k)|, Δ i=[Δ i(1), Δ i(2), …, Δ i(n)], i=0, 1, 2, …, m。第3步求两极最大差与最小差。记M=maxi maxkΔ i(k), m=mini minkΔ i(k)。第4步求关联数。γ 0i(k)=(m+&#x003 M)/[Δ i (k)+&#x003 M], &#x003 ∈ (0, 1), k=1, 2, …, n; i=1, 2, …, m。第5步计算关联度。γ 0i=1/n
∑k=1nγ 0i(k), i=1, 2, …, m。所以, γ 0i即为序列X0与某个多样性指标间关联性的度量。2 结果2.1 研究区植被组成本研究于年在试验样地共记录57种植物, 分别属于23个科()。2012年非洞道上方植物分属于13个科, 其中以禾本科、蔷薇科、菊科居多。但洞道上方植物仅属于11个科, 除禾本科植物占30.4%外, 其余植物较均匀的分布于其余10个科。2013年非洞道与洞道上方植物种数存在差异的科为百合科、禾本科、菊科、牦牛儿苗科, 其中以百合科差异最大, 为两种。2014年菊科植物种数最多, 禾本科植物种数次之, 且非洞道与洞道上方种数没有变化。表1Table 1表1(Table 1)
表1 研究区植物群落的组成
Table 1 The species composition of plant community in research area科名 Family2012年Year2013年Year2014年Year非洞道Non-cave road洞道Cave road非洞道Non-cave road洞道Cave road非洞道Non-cave road洞道Cave road百合科Liliaceae113146唇形科Labiatae221111豆科Leguminosae212244禾本科Gramineae777855菊科Compositae323276藜科Chenopodiaceae121100毛茛科Ranunculaceae222233牻牛儿苗科Geraniaceae001011鸭拓草科Commelinaceae010011茜草科Rubiaceae111111蔷薇科Rosaceae433333伞形科Umbelliferae000001莎草科Cyperaceae111100石竹科Caryophyllaceae100021玄参科Scrophulariaceae001100旋花科Convolvulaceae001100鸢尾科Iridaceae101111桔梗科Campanulaceae000011景天科Crassulaceae102212蓼科Polygonaceae000011列当科Orobanchaceae000001大戟科Euphorbiaceae001110
表1 研究区植物群落的组成
Table 1 The species composition of plant community in research area2.2 研究区草原鼢鼠新土丘数量变化经统计可知, 年, 草原鼢鼠新土丘个数呈连续减少的趋势。2012年草原鼢鼠新土丘数为1 067个· hm-2; 2013年新土丘个数为247个· hm-2, 比2012年减少了76.9%; 2014年的新土丘个数为70个· hm-2, 与2012年相比下降了93.4%()。图1Fig.1 图1 草原鼢鼠地面新土丘数量的年度变化Fig.1 Annual change in the number of new soil mound of Myospalax aspalax2.3 植物群落α 多样性分析对Margelep指数的分析结果表明, 双因素方差分析线性模型检验显著(P< 0.05)。对年份、洞道、年份与洞道的交互作用进一步分析发现, 仅年份间的Margelef指数存在极显著差异(P< 0.01), 但年份与洞道交互作用下的P值为0.079 7()。因此, 有必要对丰富度指数的差异进行多重比较分析。首先将洞道与非洞道作为一个整体, 分析其年度间的差异; 其次将洞道与非洞道分组, 分析各自的年度差异, 最后分析同一年度的洞道与非洞道差异。结果表明, 2014年的植物丰富度显著高于其它年份(P< 0.05)()。表2Table 2表2(Table 2)
表2 Margelef指数的双因素方差分析结果
Table 2 The index of Margelef in two-way analysis of variance变异来源 Source自由度df平方和Sum of squares均方Mean squareFP模型Model53.293 70.658 713.290.000 2年份Year22.973 51.486 729.99< 0.000 1洞道Cave road10.008 40.008 40.170.688 5年份Year× 洞道Cave road20.311 90.155 93.150.079 7误差Error120.594 90.049 6总变异Sum of source173.888 6
表2 Margelef指数的双因素方差分析结果
Table 2 The index of Margelef in two-way analysis of variance图2Fig.2 图2 非洞道与洞道上方植物群落的Margalef指数的年度变化Fig.2 The cave road and non-cave road of plant community Margalef index above the annual changes对Shannon-Wiener指数的分析表明, 双因素方差分析线性模型检验不显著(P> 0.05), 对年份、洞道、年份与洞道的交互作用的检验均不显著(P> 0.05)()。对Shannon-Wiener指数进行多重比较分析后, 指标也均为达到显著性水平。说明不同年份和是否存在洞道对植物多样性无显著影响。表3Table 3表3(Table 3)
表3 Shannon-Wiener指数的双因素方差分析结果
Table 3 The index of Shannon-Wiener in two-way analysis of variance变异来源 Source自由度平方和Sum of squares均方Mean squareFP模型Model50.127 60.025 50.690.638 2年份Year20.082 70.041 31.120.357 2洞道Cave road10.017 40.017 40.470.504 6年份Year× 洞道Cave road20.027 50.013 80.370.695 6误差Error120.441 70.036 8总变异Sum of source170.569 4
表3 Shannon-Wiener指数的双因素方差分析结果
Table 3 The index of Shannon-Wiener in two-way analysis of variance对Pielou指数的分析表明, 双因素方差分析线性模型检验不显著(P> 0.05), 对年份、洞道、年份与洞道的交互作用的检验均不显著(P> 0.05)()。对Pielou指数进行多重比较分析后, 除洞道上方2014年的均匀度指数与其它两年达到显著差异(P< 0.05), 其余指标均未达到显著水平(P> 0.05)。表4Table 4表4(Table 4)
表4 Pielou指数的双因素方差分析结果
Table 4 The index of Pielou in two-way analysis of variance变异来源 Source自由度df平方和Sum of squares均方Mean squareFP模型Model50.042 40.008 51.560.243 7年份Year20.021 40.010 71.970.182 0洞道Cave road10.000 20.000 20.030.870 6年份Year× 洞道Cave road20.020 80.010 41.920.188 9误差Error120.065 10.005 4总变异Sum of source170.107 5
表4 Pielou指数的双因素方差分析结果
Table 4 The index of Pielou in two-way analysis of variance2.4 植物群落α 多样性与草原鼢鼠的灰色关联度分析将代表草原鼢鼠相对种群数量的新土丘个数与反映植被种群多样性的物种数、Margalef指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou指数进行灰色关联度分析(其中分辨系数ρ =0.6)()。洞道与非洞道上方的植物指数均不相等, 说明草原鼢鼠的活动是可以对植物群落多样性产生影响。草原鼢鼠种群数量对各个植物群落多样性指数的关联度普遍大于各个植物群落多样性指数对草原鼢鼠种群数量的关联度, 说明草原鼢鼠种群数量与植物群落多样性的关系要比植物群落多样性与草原鼢鼠种群数量的关系更为紧密。在全部植物群落多样性指数中, 草原鼢鼠对植物Pielou指数的影响最大, 关联度为0.731 2。而植物群落的Margalef指数, 即物种丰富度与草原鼢鼠种群数量的关联度最紧密, 二者的关联度为0.646 1。表5Table 5表5(Table 5)
表5 植物群落多样性与草原鼢鼠种群数量的灰色关联度分析
Table 5 Grey relational analysis between plant community diversity and quantity of M. aspalaxs’ population类项ItemⅠ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ A0.629 90.646 10.609 00.607 50.597 70.642 5B0.703 50.673 40.695 30.712 90.706 40.731 2Note:A, The degree of grey relation in plant community diversity and M aspalaxs’ B, The degree of grey relation in M aspalaxs’ population quantity and plant community diversityⅠ and Ⅱ , The index of Margalef on non-cav Ⅲ and Ⅳ , The index of Shannon-Wiener on non-cav Ⅴ and Ⅵ , The index of Pielou on non-cave road and cave road.注:A, 各植物群落多样性指标与草原鼢鼠种群数量间的关联度; B, 草原鼢鼠种群数量和各植物多样性指标间的关联度。Ⅰ 和Ⅱ , 非洞道和洞道上方Margalef指数; Ⅲ 和Ⅳ , 非洞道和洞道上方Shannon-Wiener指数; Ⅴ 和Ⅵ , 非洞道和洞道上方Pielou指数。
表5 植物群落多样性与草原鼢鼠种群数量的灰色关联度分析
Table 5 Grey relational analysis between plant community diversity and quantity of M. aspalaxs’ population3 讨论鼢鼠对植物喜食程度的差异, 使得植物多样性受其食性影响。同样, 植物多样性导致的采食环境异质性, 亦会影响鼢鼠对栖息环境的选择。因此, 研究明确二者间的互作关系, 对探讨地下啮齿动物和植物群落多样性的稳定性及持久性具有深远意义。本研究表明, 现有密度下的草原鼢鼠种群数量会对植物群落的结构产生影响, 但不显著。通过灰色关联度分析发现, 草原鼢鼠种群数量对植物群落多样性的影响要强于植物群落多样性对草原鼢鼠种群数量的影响。具体表现为, 草原鼢鼠对植物群落均匀度的改变最大, 而组成植物群落的物种丰富度则与草原鼢鼠的种群数量关系最为紧密。本研究结果与王德利和王岭[]的观点相似, 他们认为植物为食草动物提供了其日常生活所需的食物及栖息环境, 动物又通过自身的日常活动影响周围的植物生长。新土丘数的多少往往可以反映出鼢鼠相对种群数量的大小[]。研究区中草原鼢鼠的新土丘数量3年连续下降, 说明草原鼢鼠的数量呈连年下降的趋势。根据已有的关于鼢鼠土丘系数的研究结果[, ]和内蒙古农业大学啮齿动物研究团队对东北鼢鼠(Myospalax psiluru)土丘系数的调查(数据未发表)可知, 研究区中草原鼢鼠的种群数量最多不超过10只· hm-2, 可见研究区中草原鼢鼠的种群基础数量值较低, 使得其对植物群落的影响有限, 致使与之相对应的植物丰富度指数、多样性指数的变化均未达到显著性水平(P> 0.05)。研究区内的植物物种在2012年时以禾本科最多, 但当2014年时, 菊科植物达到最多, 从对高原鼢鼠食性的相关研究结果来看, 研究区内减少的禾本科植物, 是鼢鼠不喜食的物种[], 加之研究区内禁止放牧, 使得草原鼢鼠的食物来源十分丰富。但其种群数量却连续3年下降, 那么是什么原因致使其种群数量下降?笔者推测可能是人为打草活动会对草原鼢鼠的正常作息形成干扰, 致使其种群数量下降。亦或是本就处于种群数量偏低的草原鼢鼠, 其种群年龄结构也处于衰退期。但这些推论是否正确还需进行深入的研究才可验证。致谢:本研究的数据分析得到了内蒙古农业大学吕世杰老师的指导, 在野外工作中得到了内蒙古锡林浩特市盟草原工作站包祥、袁伟同志、硕士生刘凯和包达尔罕等的帮助, 在此一并表示感谢!
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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... 生物多样性一般由基因、物种、生态系统、景观这4个水平构成[1],其中物种多样性是指一定空间范围内物种的数量和分布特征[2] ...
试论生物多样性的概念. , 1993, 1(1): 20-22.
... 生物多样性一般由基因、物种、生态系统、景观这4个水平构成[1],其中物种多样性是指一定空间范围内物种的数量和分布特征[2] ...
... 多样性则是在物种水平下的一种研究方法,代表群落或生境内部物种的多样性[3] ...
... 植物多样性往往与食草动物的采食密切相关,食草动物的采食行为使得植物的生境出现了异质性,而存在生境异质性的环境又会反过来作用动物,进而影响到动物群落的多样性[4,5,6] ...
... 植物多样性往往与食草动物的采食密切相关,食草动物的采食行为使得植物的生境出现了异质性,而存在生境异质性的环境又会反过来作用动物,进而影响到动物群落的多样性[4,5,6] ...
植物与草食动物之间的协同适应及进化. , 2004, 24(11): 2641-2648. Wang D L.
Progress in the coadaptation and
coevolution between plants and
herbivores. , 2004, 24(11): 2641-2647. ( )
Many evolutionary biologists, ecologists, and geneticists etc. are focusing on the biological phenomenon derived from evolutionary relationships and past interactions-the coadaptation and coevolution between plants and herbivores in the natural world. It was assumed that this phenomenon or problem would be the study endpoint (crossing point) of many biological science branches such as evolution, ecology, and genetics etc. though unifying all branches under an evolutionary theme is still difficult. The purpo...
通常协同进化是指一个物种 (或种群 )的遗传结构由于回应于另一个物种 (或种群 )遗传结构的变化而发生的相应改变。广义的理解 ,协同进化是相互作用的物种之间的互惠进化。生物之间、特别是植物与草食动物之间的协同适应与进化 ,已经成为生物进化、生态、遗传等学科十分关注的问题 ,可能成为生物学中各学科研究的交汇点或结点。作者具体阐述了 :(1)生物之间协同进化的研究意义 ,包括对生物学与生态学的价值 ;(2 )生物之间协同进化研究的限制或困难 ,诸如时间、研究对象、进化等级尺度和研究方法的限制 ;(3)植物与草食动物之间协同进化的主要研究对象 (系统 ) ,即昆虫传粉系统、昆虫诱导植物反应系统、种子散布系统、以及大型草食动物采食与植物反应系统 ;(4 )植物与草食动物之间协同进化的主要研究内容 ,包括适应特征 (性状 )——物种的可塑性 ,以及适应机制——物种适应过程与策略两个方面 ;(5 )植物与草食动物之间协同进化研究的存在问题及研究方向。
... 植物多样性往往与食草动物的采食密切相关,食草动物的采食行为使得植物的生境出现了异质性,而存在生境异质性的环境又会反过来作用动物,进而影响到动物群落的多样性[4,5,6] ...
蒙旭辉, 李向林, 辛晓平, 周尧治.
不同放牧强度下羊草草甸草原群落特征及多样性分析. , 2009, 17(2): 239-244. Meng X H, Li X L, Xin X P, Zhou Y Z.
Study on community characteristics and
α diversity under different grazing intensity on Leymus chinensis(Trin. )Tzvel. meadow steppe of Hulunbeier. , 2009, 17(2): 239-244. (in Chinese)
Research on the relationship between grazing intensity and the diversity of plant communities has an important significance on reasonable grassland utilization and community stability maintenance.Through the comparison experiments with different grazing intensities,this paper studied the community characteristics,grassland productivity dynamics,and αdiversity in the Hulunbeier temperate meadow of Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region and also analyzed the correlation between productivity and diversity in order to provide a theoretical basis for the reasonable stocking rate.The results show that the community held the highest biodiversity under moderate grazing intensity.Along with the increasing of grazing intensity,the concomitant species( Potentilla bifuica L.)became the subordinate dominant species.If heavy grazing continued,L.chinensis might be replaced by P.bifuica and Carex siderosticta Hance,and then the grassland degenerated.
1. Department of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou Province, 730020, C 2. Institute of Animal Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, 100193, C 3. Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, 100081, China
研究放牧强度对群落植物多样性的影响对草原合理利用维持其群落稳定具有重要意义。通过不同放牧强度的比较试验,研究不同放牧强度下内蒙古呼伦贝尔温带草甸草原群落物种重要值的变化,并比较生产力和α多样性指数的变化,分析生产力与多样性之间的关系,为制定合理的放牧率提供理论依据。结果表明:群落在中度放牧强度条件下能够维持较高的多样性;随着放牧强度的增加,伴生种二裂委陵菜( Potentilla bifuica )成为次优势种;如果持续过度放牧,羊草( Leymus chinensis (Trin.)Tzvel.)可能被二裂委陵菜和苔草( Carex siderosticta Hance)等杂类草代替,草场退化。
... 的理解[7,8] ...
武晓东, 阿娟, 付和平, 金珩.
人为不同干扰条件下荒漠啮齿动物群落格局的动态特征——动物与植物群落的典型相关分析. , 2008, 28(12): 5999-6017. Wu X D,
A J, Fu H P, Jin Y. Desert rodent communities patterns under different disturbances the canonical correlation analysis of rodent and
plant communities. , 2008, 28(12): 5999-6017. (in Chinese)
Four site types, under different kinds of disturbed habitats, were selected in the typical region of the Alashan Desert of Inner M this selection dates back from April to October
and 2004 respectively, i.e. a farmland area, a rotational-grazing area, a over-grazing area and a prohibited-grazing area. The rodent communities? fluctuating tendency was studied by using mark-recapture and trap-day methods. The four kinds of mark-recapture sites and that of line sites were taken in different disturbance areas. The area of the mark-recapturing site was 0.95 hm2 and the line site 10 km2. The samples were collected every month in the mark-recapturing sites for 4 consecutive days and in line sites in April, July, and October every year. The variable matrix was composed of captured numbers of the rodent communities. The relationship between rodent communities and plant ones was analyzed with Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) under different disturbances.The results shows that the relation between the rodent communities variables and herbage ones of plant communities is significant, on two scales in three years, under different disturbances excepting over-grazing area of marking sites, where 7 of the 8 sites analyzed are closer with herbage in two scales. The relation between the rodent community′s variables and the coverage, biomass above ground of herbage ones is negative. This shows that the coverage and biomass above ground of herbage took a key effect to pattern and dynamics of rodent communities under 4 different disturbances in desert ecosystem. The coverage values and biomass above ground of herbage are higher, and those of richness and biomass of rodent communities composition species are lower. Under the same disturbance, on two scales, the main characteristic of mutuality between rodent communities and plants is as follows: In farmland and prohibited areas, the mutuality between hydrophilic species (Cricetulus barabensis and Spermophilus dauricus) and vegetation is significant. In rotational-grazing and over-grazing areas, the mutuality between xerophilic species (Dipus sagitta and Phodopus roborovskii) and vegetation is very indicative. And above mutuality between animal species and herbage of vegetation is negative.
... 的理解[7,8] ...
... 其拱出的土丘不仅给机械化打草带来不便,还严重制约着土丘附近植被的生长[9,10,11] ...
... 其拱出的土丘不仅给机械化打草带来不便,还严重制约着土丘附近植被的生长[9,10,11] ...
史献明, 王强, 高文林, 吴晓明, 宁智波, 王卫东, 王治宇.
草原鼢鼠实验室饵料筛选试验. , 2011, 22(6): 538-540. Shi X M, Wang Q, Gao W L, Wu X M, Ning Z B, Wang W D, Wang Z Y.
Selective tests on Myospalax aspalax baits in laboratory. , 2011, 22(6): 538-540. (in Chinese)
Objective To identify palatable baits for Myospalax aspalax for the basis of poisonous baits during the pairing season. Methods
M. aspalax were fed with different baits such as carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corns, peanuts and naked oats in laboratory for comparison of palatability. Results The palatability index of carrots to potatoes, sweet potatoes, corns, peanuts and naked oats were 0.65, 0.36, 0.39, 0.25 and 0.44 when feeding alone, and 0.50, 0.90, 0.01, 0.21 and 0.13 when group feeding, respectively. Carrots were the best bait, followed by potatoes and sweet potatoes, while corns, peanuts and naked oats were of poor palatability. Conclusion Carrots, potatoes and sweet potatoes are good ingredients for the preparation of poisonous baits for killing M. aspalax .
Anti-Plague Institute of Hebei Province, Zhangjiakou 075000, Hebei Province, China
目的 寻找对草原鼢鼠适口性好的饵料以配制毒饵,在草原鼢鼠交尾的高峰期进行防治。 方法 以当地常见的饵料胡萝卜、马铃薯、红薯、玉米、花生米、莜麦分别做适口性对比。 结果 胡萝卜对其他饵料摄食系数单独对比为0.65、0.36、0.39、0.25和0.44,群饲对比为0.50、0.90、0.01、0.21和0.13,以胡萝卜适口性最佳,马铃薯、红薯的适口性也较好,玉米、花生米、莜麦适口性差,群饲摄食系数均<0.30。 结论 防治草原鼢鼠以含水量较高的胡萝卜、马铃薯、红薯作为饵料配制毒饵为佳。
... 其拱出的土丘不仅给机械化打草带来不便,还严重制约着土丘附近植被的生长[9,10,11] ...
... 试验中新土丘的确定以何俊龄等[12]对新土丘的定义为准 ...
王权业, 樊乃昌. 高原鼢鼠(
Myospalax baileyi)的挖掘活动及其种群数量统计方法的探讨. , 1987, 7(4): 283-290. Wang Q Y, Fan N C.
Studies on the digging activities and
exploration about the method of number estimation of plateau zokor. , 1987, 7(4): 283-290. (in Chinese)
In 1985, at Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Research Station of Menyuan county, Qinghai Province, the relationship between the annual rhythms in digging activities of the Zokor and the environmental factors of climate, plants biomass of underground part and phenology were studied. The daily rhythms of digging activities in different seasons were analysed and compared. In accordance with the activity rules, we approach the possibility to estimate the Zokor number by soil mounds.1. The starting and the stopping of digging activities had something to do with the degrees of thawing and freezing of the earth surface and was indirectly affected by temperature.2. The weight of soil pushed up above the surface by Zokor during the green up period 89 days was 1024 kg per Zokor, account for 30.75% of the annual digging quantity and exuberance period (82 days) 6.32%, withering period (57 days)62.92%.3. The digging activities occurred day and night, but more frequent at night than in the daytime, and hardly occurred during the hot summer days. Two peaks were found, one was almost simultaneous the other varied slightly with the different seasons.But generally, they occurred at about midnight.4. The digging quantity had close relations with special weathers. It could be checked by snowfall, snows and more intense irradiation of sunlight. Frequent activities occurred after a cloudy day, a mild or fine rainy day.5. The size of mound was affected by the degree of thawing, freezing of earth surface as well as the age structure of the Zokor population etc.6. During the two frequent digging seasons spring and autumn, the method of estimating the numbers of the Zokor population by soil mounds is simple and reliable.
Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology, Academia Sinica
... 且研究区处于草甸草原割草地,7月正值植被生长期,茂密的植被也会对鼢鼠新土丘数的统计造成影响,进而影响统计结果[13,14] ...
... 且研究区处于草甸草原割草地,7月正值植被生长期,茂密的植被也会对鼢鼠新土丘数的统计造成影响,进而影响统计结果[13,14] ...
张巧凤, 刘桂香, 于红博, 包玉海.
锡林郭勒草原主要植被群落变化. , 2015, 32(9): 1381-1391. Zhang Q F, Liu G X, Yu H B, Bao Y H.
The changes of main plant communities in Xilingol grassland . , 2015, 32(9): 1381-1391. (in Chinese)
Vegetation survey with fixed?location has important significance to reveal the influence of the climate change and human activities on vegetation. In order to provide reference for the protection and rational utilization of meadow steppe, the field investigation data in 1983 and 2014 which had 31 years interval were analyzed using the methods of summed dominance ratio, relative height, relative coverage, relative abundance, relative frequency, relative weight, community diversity and similarity indices to real the main vegetation communities change in Xilingol meadow steppe under free grazing condition. The results showed that the meadow steppe adjacent to typical steppe shrunk to the east and Xilingol meadow steppe area decreased. The biggest change happened in Filifolium sibiricum steppe whose area decreased and transformed to Stipa baicalensis steppe and Leymus chinense steppe. The tested indices of Gramineae plants representing by S. baicalensis, L. chinense and Cleistogenes squarrosa including dominance, relative height, relative coverage, relative abundance, relative frequency and relative weight increased obviously whereas those of Compositae plants representing by F. sibiricum decreased obviously. There were no significant changes in Margarlef index and the number of families, genera and species. Simpson index, Pielou index and Similarity coefficient significantly decreased (P
1.Institute of Grassland Research of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hohhot 010010, C2.College of Geographical Science, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot 010022, C3.Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing and Geography Information System, Hohhot 010022, China
定点植被调查对于揭示气候变化和人类活动等因素对植被的影响具有重要意义,本研究以间隔31年(1983年和2014年)的两期野外调查数据为基础,采用综合优势比、植被相对高度、相对盖度、相对多度、相对频度、相对重量、群落多样性和相似性指标,分析自由放牧状态下锡林郭勒草甸草原主要群落的植被变化,以期为草甸草原的保护与合理利用提供借鉴。结果表明,1)与典型草原邻近地段的草甸草原向东收缩,锡林郭勒草甸草原面积减小,变化最大的线叶菊(Filifolium sibiricum)草原转为贝加尔针茅(Stipa baicalensis)草原和羊草(Leymus chinense)草原,线叶菊草原面积减小。2)以贝加尔针茅、羊草和糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)为代表的禾本科植物的优势度、相对高度、相对盖度、相对多度、相对频度和相对重量均明显增加,以线叶菊为代表的菊科植物各指标均明显减小,其他科植物变化较小。3)Margarlef丰富度指数和植物科、属、种数目均无显著变化(P>0.05),Simpson指数、Pielou均匀度指数和相似性系数均显著降低(P
... 对植物群落多样性指标采取以下方法测度[15,16]: ...
... 新土丘数的多少往往可以反映出鼢鼠相对种群数量的大小[15] ...
韩路, 潘伯荣, 王绍明, 王建成.
适度放牧对林间草原植物形态特征及生物多样性的影响. , 2015, 32(9): 1405-1412. Han L, Pan B R, Wang S M, Wang J C.
Effects of grazing on the morphological characteristics and
biodiversity of the forest steppe in Yili. , 2015, 32(9): 1405-1412. (in Chinese)
In order to evaluate the influence of grazing on the plant biodiversity of grassland ecosystems, the quadrats with or without grazing in the forest steppe were investigate in Gongliu County, Yili. Six morphological characteristics indices including lifespan, height, growth form, spinescence, stem nature and leaf size were recorded and four biodiversity indices including Simpson, Shannon-Wiener, Brillouin and Fager index were calculated. The results showed that the number of species in the grazing plots increased compared with no grazing plots, especially the number of Medium, Erect, None Spinescence, Herbaceous and Woody significantly increased (P
1.Institute of Life Sciences, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832003, China;2.Key Laboratory of Biogeography and Bioresources in Arid Land, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, C 3.Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography ,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, China
本研究通过对伊犁巩留县东部保护区适度放牧和无放牧的山地草本植物群落样方的调查,对植株生长周期、株高、生长型、是否有刺、茎性质、叶大小6个形态特征植物的数量进行统计,并计算4个多样性指数:Simpson指数,Shannon?Wiener指数,Brillouin指数和Fager指数,从而得到适度放牧对该山区草地生态系统生物多样性的影响。结果表明,(1) 适度放牧样地内,各种形态性状植物的数量都较无牧样地有所提高,其中中等型、直立、无刺、草本以及木本植物数量显著增多(P=0.048,P=0.017,P=0.019,P=0.016,P=0.045),其余性状植物的数量增加不显著。 (2)适度放牧条件下低海拔植被的丰富度,多度较无牧样地均有所提高,Simpson指数和 Shannon?wiener指数均有显著的提高(P=0.028,P=0.003)。综上所述,本研究结果能为西天山国家级自然保护区的建设管理提供一定理论参考。
... 对植物群落多样性指标采取以下方法测度[15,16]: ...
... 以新土丘个数的多寡作为草原鼢鼠种群数量大小的相对指标[17] ...
包俊江, 武晓东, 付和平, 张福顺, 李颖, 班晓瑞.
啮齿动物种群数量与年降水量的灰色关联度分析. , 2011, 28(4): 642-647. Bao J J, Wu X D, Fu H P, Zhang F S, Li Y, Ban X R.
The grey correlative degree analysis of rodent population number and
annual precipitation. , 2011, 28(4): 642-647. (in Chinese)
Rotational grazing is a main utilization types in the Alxa desert grasslands. The live trap method was used to investigate the rodent population in the rotational grazing grassland area of Jiaergelesaihan town during 2002 to 2008. The field survey was carried out at the beginning of April, July, and October in every year. Four sample plots with the size of 10 ha were randomly chosen every time. 500 clips were put in the each plot with 100 clips in a line, and the distance between clips was 5 m and the distance between lines was 50 m. The grey correlative degree was applied to determine the relationship between the capture rate of main rodent species and annual precipitation. This study showed that total capture rate of rodent was significant positive correlation with annual precipitation (r=0.390 5, P
年,在内蒙古阿拉善左旗嘉尔格勒赛汗镇天然荒漠草地中,采用铗日法对划区轮牧样地的啮齿动物种群数量进行调查。每年的4、7、10月的上旬进行野外调查取样,每次取样时随机选择4个铗捕样方,每个样方10 hm2,布设500铗日,每铗线100铗,铗距5 m,铗线距50 m。利用灰色关联度法对群落中主要鼠种的捕获率与年降水量的关联度进行分析。结果表明,各年度的啮齿动物捕获率与年降水量显著正相关(r=0.390 5,P
... 0)[18,19]对草原鼢鼠种群数量与植物群落多样性指标进行关联度分析 ...
... 0)[18,19]对草原鼢鼠种群数量与植物群落多样性指标进行关联度分析 ...
王德利, 王岭.
草食动物与草地植物多样性的互作关系研究进展. , 2011, 19(4): 699-704. Wang D L, Wang L.
Interactions between herbivores and
plant diversity(Review). , 2011, 19(4): 699-704. (in Chinese)
Interactions between herbivore and plants are central issues in grassland ecology.Biodiversity is critical and the sensitive factor of plant-animal-interface in grassland grazing system.Therefore,study on herbivore-plant diversity interactions is necessary to understand the mechanisms of stability and sustainability of the grassland ecosystem.The effects of herbivore on plant diversity and the manner of altered plant diversity on performance,abundance and diversity as well as its influencing factors and intrinsic mechanisms,are reviewed in this paper.Prospects of future research are presented here.The reviewer suggests that the effects of diverse herbivore assemblages on plant diversity should be further well understood in the future and more research should be conducted on feedback effects of plant diversity on herbivore especially for large mammalian herbivore.Herbivore foraging behavior in response to altered plant diversity and behavioral adaptive mechanisms should be studied in depth.The dynamic interacting feedback between herbivore and plant diversity,as well as its influence on ecosystem process and function should be emphasized in any future study.
Institute of Grassland Science, Northeast Normal University, Key Laboratory of Vegetation Ecology, Ministry of Education, Changchun, Jilin Province 130024, China
... 本研究结果与王德利和王岭[20]的观点相似,他们认为植物为食草动物提供了其日常生活所需的食物及栖息环境,动物又通过自身的日常活动影响周围的植物生长 ...
... 根据已有的关于鼢鼠土丘系数的研究结果[21,22]和内蒙古农业大学啮齿动物研究团队对东北鼢鼠(Myospalax psiluru)土丘系数的调查(数据未发表)可知,研究区中草原鼢鼠的种群数量最多不超过10只#cod#x000b7 ...
... 根据已有的关于鼢鼠土丘系数的研究结果[21,22]和内蒙古农业大学啮齿动物研究团队对东北鼢鼠(Myospalax psiluru)土丘系数的调查(数据未发表)可知,研究区中草原鼢鼠的种群数量最多不超过10只#cod#x000b7 ...
... 研究区内的植物物种在2012年时以禾本科最多,但当2014年时,菊科植物达到最多,从对高原鼢鼠食性的相关研究结果来看,研究区内减少的禾本科植物,是鼢鼠不喜食的物种[23],加之研究区内禁止放牧,使得草原鼢鼠的食物来源十分丰富 ...
[柴享贤1,2, 袁帅1,2, 武晓东1,2, 付和平1,2, 岳闯1,2, 卢志宏1,2, 乌云嘎3]


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