新世纪九年级英语unit3教程3 unit3 P88 ...

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  Unit One Colors
  Part One Warm—up Activities
  Part Two 0ral Practice
  I.Useful Expressions of Greetings
  II.A Dialogue
  Part Three Listening Comprehension
新世纪英语教程 -
  What is the sentence about?一Automobiles
  What do the automobiles do?——Offer safety features
  What is the nmin idea of the sentence?--automobiles offer safety features.
  A recent issue of Time magazine contained an article about attempts by
  environmental groups to stop the worldwide slaughter of whales.
  Time reported on the efforts to save whales.
  one.some.0ther.the former,the latter,the same等。
  代动词:d0,doit,dothat,do SO等。
  What does“it”refertoinline 37
  AS used in line 14.the WOrd“cousins”refers to…
  In the last sentence of the passage.the phrase‘‘these tools”refers to…
  To which of the following is the phrase“in its own right”in line 8 closest in meaning?
  1)Once a person believes that it is dangerous to drink too much liquor.he or she is almost required to drink less.
  it指代后面的不定式to drink too much liquor,he or she指代“person。
  2)When a person is successful,we seldom ask what that means.
  that指代“person is successful这一事实。
最近更新时间: 22:27:39
贡献光荣榜新世纪大学英语综合教程2 unit3 单词讲解_图文_百度文库
新世纪大学英语综合教程2 unit3 单词讲解
货、、员和顾客“”抢劫犯和他们的头儿”等游戏。、一天,我回家时后面跟了一帮“朋友” ,妈妈吓坏了。她冲我直嚷嚷,我只好答应她以后再也不带它们回家了。可是后来有一次,她又发现我在自己屋里和好几只狗一起玩“合唱队与乐团”的游戏。奥尔加俄罗斯 小时候,我们没钱买玩具。有一天,我们没花一分钱就得到了一个大玩具。一架俄罗斯飞机因为燃油耗尽迫降在操场的沙地上,这对我们这个只有几百号人的寂静的小村庄来说可是个激动人心的消息。因为以前没见过飞机,全村的人都到操场围观。我父亲和镇公所的几个官员逮捕了飞行员,那架飞机则永远地留在了沙地里,成了我们最喜爱的玩具。我们常坐在驾驶座上,好像自己与那位糟糕的俄罗斯飞行员不同,是世界上最棒的飞行员。意德兹 土耳其 Unit3 Active reading 1 我们是怎样听音乐的 我们都按照各自不同的能力来听音乐。 但为了便于分析,如果 把听的整个过程分成几个组成部分, 那么这个过程会更清晰一些。 从 某种意义上来说,我们听音乐有三个不同的层次。 由于缺乏更好的 术语,我们姑且把它们命名为: (1)感官层次; (2)表现层次; (3) 纯音乐层次。 把听的过程机械地分割为以上三个假想的层次,唯一 的好处是让我们更清楚地了解自己是怎样听音乐的。 听音乐最简单的方式是为了去获取乐声带来的纯粹的愉悦感, 这 是音乐的感官层次。 在这个层次上,我们只是听音乐,不做任何思 考。 我们打开收音机,一边做着其他的事情,一边心不在焉地沉浸 在音乐中。 乐声本身的魅力带我们进入一种无需思考的美妙心境。 令人意外的是, 许多自认为是合格的音乐爱好者在听音乐时过多 地使用了这一层次。 他们去听音乐会是为了忘却自我。 他们把音乐 当成一种慰藉,一种逃避,由此他们进入了一个可以忘却日常生活的 理想世界。 当然, 他们也没有在思考音乐。 音乐允许他们离开现实, 到另一个地方去做梦,因为音乐而做梦,做有关音乐的梦,却从没有 真正欣赏过音乐。 的确,乐声的魅力是一种强大而原始的力量,但是你不该让它占 据你过多的兴趣空间。 感官层次是音乐的一个重要层次,非常重要, 但并不是音乐的全部。 音乐存在的第二个层次就是我所说的表现层次。 一提到这个问 题,我们马上就进入到一个颇具争议的领域。 作曲家总是设法避开 有关音乐表现方面的讨论。 斯特拉温斯基不是曾经声称他的音乐是 一个“物体” ,是一件有自我生命的“东西” ,除了纯音乐性的存在之 外没有任何别的含意吗?斯特拉温斯基这种不妥协的态度可能源于 这样的一个事实: 有那么多的人尝试着从众多的音乐作品中读出完全 不同的含意。 确实,要准确地说出一部音乐作品的含意已经很难了, 要肯定并确定地说出来,还要使每个人对你的解释都感到满意,是难 上加难。 但我们不该因此走到另一个极端,不能去剥夺音乐“表现” 的权利。 可能的话,你不妨听听巴赫的《平均律钢琴曲集》中的 48 个赋 格主题。 依次地、一个个地听听其中的每一个主题,你很快就会意 识到每个主题都反映了一个不同的情感世界, 你很快也会意识到你越
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Unit One Neighbors and Friends
Part One Warm-Up Activities
Part Two Oral Practice
I . Useful Expressions of Agreeing and Disagreeing
II. A Dialogue
Part Three Listening Comprehension
I. A Passage
II. Statements
Ⅲ . Conversations
Part Four Reading Comprehension
Notes to the Text
Translation of the Text
Notes to the Extra Reading Passage
Translation of the Extra Reading Passage
Part Five After-Class Activities
Part Six Speaking and Writing SkillsUnit Two Friends for Life
Part One Warm-Up Activities
Part Two Oral Practice
I. Usetul Expressions of Request and Command
II. A DialoguePart Three Listening Comprehension
I. Passages
lI t Statements
HI. ConversationsPart Four Reading Comprehension
Notes to the Text
Translation of the Text
Notes to the Extra Reading Passage
Translation of the Extra Reading PassagePart Five After-Class ActivitiesPart Six Speaking and Writing SkillsUnit Three
Part One Warm-Up Activities
Part Two Oral Practice
I. Useful Expressions of Warning and Reminding
Ⅱ. A Dialogue
Part Three Listening Comprehension
I . Passages
Ⅱ. Statements
Ⅲ. Conversations
Part Four Reading Comprehension
Notes to the Text
Translation of the Text
Notes to the Extra Reading Passage
Translation of the Extra Reading Passage
Part Five After-Class Activities
Part Six Speaking and Writing Sills……
2. Here is a list of taboos in China for your reference
You should not send clocks to your friends or relatives, for the word
"clock" has a
funeral connotation of the end of life.
You should avoid the number 4 because the pronunciation of it sounds like "death" in
You should not comb your hair at the same time with two combs, because that means
one will marry more than one husband.
You shouldn't give people turtles or green hats, for that means the husband or wifeis unfaithful.
You should avoid the colors white and black, for both colors symbolize death in
Chinese culture. The colors red and gold are lucky.
You should not throw anything away on the first day of the New Year, for NewYear is a lucky time and throwing anything away at this time means throwing away thegood luck.
You should not separate pears for that stands for parting.
You should not break mirrors, for that means 7 years of bad luck.
Don't stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl for it is equivalent to wishing death upon a person at the table.
Don't tap on your bowl with your chopsticks. Beggars tap on their bowls, so it is not polite.
Make sure the spout of the teapot is not facing anyone. It is impolite to set the teapot down where the spout is facing towards somebody.
Oral Practyice
I.Useful Expressions of Warning and Reminding
Exercise 1
Directions:Work in pairs .lmagine you meet your sister later at nighe .Compose a
dialogue to remindyour sister ofan importantdate.
A:Oh,Susan.today is October 15 and it’S Friday.
B:Yeah.absolutely right.So what?
A:I guess you must have forgotten something.
B:Forget what?
A:Tomorrow,October 1 6 w.1l be our beloved grandma’S biflhdav.
B:0h,my god.It’s too bad that I’ve completely forgotten.I’Ill too busy
A:Why not send a dozen of roses to her tomorrow?
B:Thank you very much for reminding me in time.
Exercise 2
Directions:Work in pairs.Imagine yourfriend smokes too much,which has affected his health.Compose a dialogue by giving your warning to your friend.
A:I couldn’t stop coughing these days.
B:It’S probably because you smoke too much.
A:I guess SO.
B:So,quit smoking.It’S good for your health.
A:1 know,I’d like to take your advice,but…
B:But what?
A:But it’S hard,as I’ve ever tried.but I failed.
B:I’m warning you:if I see you smoking again,we’11 not be friends any more.
Ⅱ.A Dialogue
Jane Blackwell,a Norwegian,has lived in China for J0 years She met WangTong,a Chinese,one day,and began to talk with him.Thefollowingis their dialogue.
J:Hello。Wang Tong.
J:After all these years in China,I find I still have difficulties in soeializing with the
Chinese.Besides the language,the difference in culture is the real problem.
W:Oh?What’S the problem this time?
J:Well,yesterday,a friend suddenly came without any warning.When I asked if there
was anything I could do for him,he said he was just calling to see how 1 was
getting ON.Obviously it was just a friendly call.So I made him welcome and offered
him a drink.He refused the drink but he certainly made himself welcome.
W:Sowhat happened afterthat?
J:NOthing happened,and that was the trouble,if you know what I mean.He just
stayed on and on and didn’t seeln to know when or how to take leave.We had long
nln 0ut 0f common topics.
At last I found the long silence between US most
W:How did you get rid of himinthe end?
J:Of course,I didn’t want to be rude and make him lose face.Luckily it was near
dinnertime.so I asked him whether he would like to stay for dinner.He thanked
me and said no as I had expected and hoped,and then took leave.So that was that.W:I think he reaIIv meant well.He was,as he said,just being friendly.It has long
been the Chinese custom for friends,relatives and neighbors to drop in on each
0ther without any invitation or prior notice.And many westerners suffer from this c
ulture shock from time to time in China.
Exercise 1
1.warning 2.getting
3.welcome 4.awkward
7.unaccustomed/unused 8.socializing 9.relationship 10.strong
Exercise 2
Kelly:Hello,Xu Wei.
Xu Wei:Hello,Kelly.
Kelly:Living in a strange land is really difficult for me.Besides the language,the
culture is also a real problem.
Xu Wei:Oh?What’S the problem this time?
Kellv:Well,vesterday a Chinese friend asked me to attend her birthday dinner in
home next Saturdav.But I don’t know what I should do for the dinner.When should I get there?
Kelly:When will the dinner begin?
XuWei:At 6 p.m.
Kelly:You may get there a bit early.In fact,it doesn’t matter how early you get
there.The Chinese appreciate early arrival.We think it's polite.But don’t
arrive later than the time,or the host and other guests will wait for you.
Xu Wei:I see.What kind of birthday present should I buy?……书摘1
本系列教材的练习相对来说不多,这与我们的教学理念不无关系。我们从多年的教学实践中深刻体会到,练习只是英语教学中的一个环节。大量的练习在一定情况下(如为了参加某种考试)是有效的,但要想真正提高语言应用能力,还是要把时间和精力花在语言本身,即大量地接触所学语言上。我们希望读者把更多的时间用在听英语(课文、广播、电视节目、VCD等)上,用在广泛地阅读原文上,并在可能的情况下,多说英语,多进行英语写作和翻译训练,从而提高英语应用能力。在学习本套教材时,读者应把更多的时间放在课文学习中,通过反复朗读,直至可以背诵课文来学习英语,以培养起良好的语感。持之以恒,必见成效。 ……
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