the break upon the sky 可以...

1. 新增扫二维码功能,可直接扫 VeryCD 网站影片页面的二维码,便能在应用上打开;
2. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
1. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
2. 在影片封面上展示在线视频的清晰度;
这个必须要支持啊 哈哈
这个必须要支持啊 哈哈
网络一卡 就重复了= =真是不好意思漫画追很久了 感谢幻樱
引用(w4tcy @ -20, 09:15 PM) 我才不是来支持的啦,人家,对,人家只是路过而已啦~?? 你的这句话
引用(小秀哥 @ -25, 11:22 PM) 引用(w4tcy @ -20, 09:15 PM) 我才不是来支持的啦,人家,对,人家只是路过而已啦~?? 你的这句话
语病。-________-'' 昨天有点抽风,你就果断的无视吧……
要是OVA完了 能出2季就好了
引用(timewanderer @ -01, 10:26 AM) 说实在的,天上天下的动画就是毁原著的。也不知这次飞轮少年的能不能有点进步。怎么有点像那个战国啊。。。
竟然不知道有這套ova的, 我還真失敗呢~ 謝謝分享
引用(drxiaoteng @ -22, 10:48 AM) 看完了有点小失望
字幕对不上请用 终极解码 1.11.0223 或者 mpc-hc+ffdshow+Haail+vobsub2.39组合播放,完美解码什么的 各种悲剧。
我试试 引用(幻樱字幕组 @ -22, 06:46 PM) 引用(drxiaoteng @ -22, 10:48 AM) 看完了有点小失望
字幕对不上请用 终极解码 1.11.0223 或者 mpc-hc+ffdshow+Haail+vobsub2.39组合播放,完美解码什么的 各种悲剧。
OAD的质量勉强还可以 基本跟得上漫画的感觉 TV的太次了 基本毁掉原作!
引用(pianhai @ -24, 10:13 PM) OAD的质量勉强还可以 基本跟得上漫画的感觉 TV的太次了 基本毁掉原作! 这个还没看 昨天看了TV真是很渣。。。画的太丑了。。。大暮维人画的MM都很赞的说。。。
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Title: Sky Break
Genre: , , , ,
Release Date: 22 Oct, 2015
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&Sky Break is an important project for us and we absolutely want to get players involve in its development. Keeping track of your feedback will allow us to make the necessary adjustments
to make the game as good as possible.&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&The full release is planned for approximately October 2016.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&The game is approaching the final release date. Here are the features to expect during Early Access v4.x:
- More mecas
- Better Fx
- XBox controller support
- Cinematics
- Improvements, optimizations & fixes
- Minor updates
- Translation to additional languages
Please keep in mind that this list could change and that you can only trust in the current state of the game.&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&Everything announced in the description is currently available within the game.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&The final price of the game will be set accordingly to the final content within the game. It will be the same or a bit higher.&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&We mainly use the Steam forum page to keep track of your feedback and share our guideline.&
Buy Sky Break
Recent updates
The v4.2 update is now available. It focuses on a new mecha, the weather system and fixes.
The new mecha
A new mecha is now available: the bear mecha. It has two variants: head attack or blaster attack from the distance. It has a high level of shield and is hard to stun, but have a low life level. Its attack deals high damage. It can only be found in the ice island.
The weather system
The tempest is now dynamic, and has an effect on mechas. A new indicator is visible next to the corner map, showing the tempest level.
As time passes, the tempest gets stronger.
After the first level, all mecha shields are reduced by one.
After the second level, all mecha shields are reduced by two and the heavy fog prevents the use of any localization system.
To calm the tempest, interact with a weather controller or use an air ionizer.
As we are taking some days off during the summer, we won't be able to work on the game and the next update will come a bit later than usually. We should release the EA v4.3 around August 23.
Meanwhile, we wish you a nice summer!
New features
bear mecha for the ice biome
shield mecha skill
weather evolution system. As the time passes, the tempest get stronger
air ionizer item. Useful to calm the tempest level
remove help indications option
direct previous and next ammo selection for mouse/keyboard (already existing with gamepad)
pause order. Face your mecha and press the fire button to make it stand still
hacked mecha teloportation fx
Updated features
increased inventory size
life bar only shown when aiming at the mecha
the drone does not collide with the player anymore
switching to the blaster when shooting any last ammo type
crafting item quantity shows how many items can be crafted at once
mecha attack speed is now fixed and does not depend on its attack level
improved combat AI
mecha jittering animation when walking
player idle animation jitter
mecha running when station moving
&escape& button instead of gamepad mapping on dead screen
stamina used when holding the run button without moving
bird not falling
cursor not correctly placed on map while moving
door sounds cut when station is moving
visual elements moving away when station is moving
fog on sky element not correctly set
missile collision with trigger colliders
interaction UI indicator visible when facing the opposite direction
gamepad loading slots compatibility
pause effect volume not set according to volume options
stamina UI over inventory UI
can now take back control with keyboard over gamepad if a key is pressed
The v4.1 update is now available. It focuses on the controller support, the combat system and fixes.
The combat system
From your suggestions and some play testings, we realized that the combat system needed more depth, though without ading too much complexity. It also needed to be cleaned to avoid mechas going inside each other at a same spot during combat.
Now the mechas own a shield (several shield bars actually). When it is hurt, only the shield is affected at first. If a shield bar goes to zero, the mecha is stunned for a few seconds and damage will affect its life.
This mechanics also affects your mechas, but you can help them to retrieve their shield instantly. You blaster has been updated, there is no heat limitation anymore. You can charge your blaster and shoot a full charge that will have different effects depending on the mecha aimed:
- if it is a hacked mecha in a stunned state, it will regenerate its last shield bar
- if it is an enemy, it deals high damage
Mechas orders have been limited to only group orders. Indeed, giving individual attack orders can easily break the combat flow. It is more convenient to give orders to the group, and to change special attacks system to respond either to special conditions or chances.
We created new types of enemies which are variants of the existing ones. New enemies will come in the next updates.
Controller support
The game is now working with many controller devices, such as Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, AirFlo PS3, Steam Controller, Logitech F310/F510/F710, and NVidia Shield controller.
New features
controller support
new assets for the ice biome
north indication on corner minimap
oil spots to drone radar
shield system on mechas
feline distance enemy
ostrich distance enemy
scorpion closed enemy
main button indications in the left bottom corner of the screen
mini map navigation indications
remove minimap cursor ability
help indication windows while playing
Updated features
ship radar only show useful ships pieces of information (oil, weather controllers, station docks)
quest &find the others& has now a marker on the map to indicate the origin of the signal
mechas idle behaviour when aggressive
mecha special attacks
main menu look & feel
inverted object and raw resources order in inventory
improved mecha AI in combat
blaster system. Can now charge the blaster for high damage or shield regeneration
windmill and oil spot map icons
mecha individual orders
removed beacon on the last island
mouse input in control menu
linux blanking cursor in the middle of the screen
loud mecha scream sounds
issue with internal timer making plants and resources grow too slowly in loaded games
hacked mecha spawning under the sky lift when leaving the station
player not dying underwater
jittering above water under special conditions
screen ratio compatibility (tested with 5:4, 4:3, 3:2, 16:10 and 16:9)
Report bugs and leave feedback for this game on the discussion boards
About This Game
Humanity is threatened. A deadly virus awoke, and it is spreading quickly.
The particular flora of Arcania, a planet used to prepare humans for space colonization, may help in the creation of a cure. But it is now abandoned since working mechas turned against humans.
A group of researchers is sent to this planet to find a solution. You are one of them.
But as you arrived, your spaceship crashed…
Mechas are wild and are used to living in the storm. You must fight some of them for your survival, but they are often stronger than you are.
Your best chance of survival is to hack some of those mechas and use them as allies to defeat the others.
The more combats you win, the more fragments you earn. They can be used to evolve your mechas' strength and skills. But you can also find some during exploration.
Your character can also improve its capabilities.
The weather is an important threat. You must face lightning strikes, tornadoes, and other elements in order to make your way through the storm.
You will be able to activate old installations used to ionize the air and stop the tempest within an area. And thankfully an old station above the clouds, left over by humans, provides good shelter.
You have access to your spaceship early in the game, but you do not have enough fuel to leave the planet.
It is impossible to land within the tempest, but once you have unlocked some weather controllers, you will be able to travel quickly over the map and save a lot of time.
Find several resources along the journey and use them to craft useful items.
You can also decide to create a greenhouse directly inside your station if you want to grow and farm plants by yourself.
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Windows 7
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Graphics: Radeon HD6970, Nvidia GT 750
DirectX: Version 9.0
Storage: 2 GB available space
OS: Windows 10
Memory: 4 GB RAM
DirectX: Version 11
OS: OS X Lion 10.7
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Graphics: Radeon HD6970, Nvidia GT 750
Storage: 2 GB available space
OS: OS X Yosemite
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Graphics: Radeon HD6970, Nvidia GT 750
Storage: 2 GB available space
Memory: 4 GB RAM
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Very Positive
(63 reviews)
Early Access Review
So far really awesome game quite a bit of stuff to explore and do and they seemd to do a great job at listing to the community and updating
Early Access Review
very nice. But controller support is very bad. Please fix
controller support.
Early Access Review
I spent my first hour and a half running around all the islands discovering things, but could not complete the &find the others& quest. Waste of time and money.
Early Access Review
It took me about 11 hours to complete the 4.0 version of the game, so don't expect to play a skyrim clone, this game is more so about objective completetion, than a sandbox. The world is actually rather vivid and the music is enjoyably calming as you explore the terrain, however it is an indie, early access game, so you can't help but feel that its incomplete, because it is. The game currently has little replayable value since the content upgrades are on a zero to max scale, meaning you can get everything on the first try. It's not like a AAA title where you get three options and you have to pick one and deal with it, or at least not yet (its still early access). To be fair, I think they do a good job on designing character, the mechas, and even the HQ. I even took a special liking to the ship's design.What's also striking about this game is that the combat system is actually rather stable. It does still feel choppy at times, and the lack of variety in the types of mechas can make it feel a little repetitive, but overall it's not half bad. So, I guess I would give this a 6/10.
Early Access Review
I gave this game a short try. And it seems to run very smoothly, the graphics look clean and amazing for the environment for what they were going for. And one thing I love is the design of your character. Now as that being said, I did run into some weirds things. With enemies teleporting further away near the 2nd relay tower from time to time.And as it stands the story seems somewhat uninteresting but to be honest I can't blame them with how many different people in the world today are writing the same stories over and over. Your gun overheats too fast even after a level 1 upgrade to reduce it's head build up. I under stand it's an EA game but as it stands I'll return this and wait for more to come. I hope that it does get some expansions in due time...I want to be more drawn into this world. That has beautiful visual but the lack of audio and an ambiance slightly kills the mood. I can't wait to see this game expand and hopefully the keep updating this game. I like the upgrading system so your character can grow. With that also appling to your drones you hack.I'll come back later to see it's progress.
Early Access Review
fun game, but can be pretty buggy (teleporting drones, forgetting prgress after you save, losing all your fragments somehowq, etc.) I will probably be returning this just because of the bugs but it's a really fun and beautiful game and I do recommend it. P.S. Why do the feline drones howl?!?!?!?!?!?
Early Access Review
I was interested in this game after seeing a number of videos over the past year but only got around to playing it the past few days. What I've found is that reaching the end of the supposed 4.0 contents is a game that's been stripped of a lot of content that had interested me, including the modular space station (something I wanted).The main problem comes from the lack not of contents but rather, the lack of &reason& to keep exploring the islands, collect resources or currently replay value. There's not much choice in gear upgrades (your weapon or suit) and there's only 4 mechas (pet robot-animals) to kill/tame. There's no caves to delve, no bases to build, not even an &investigation& in to the reason you're suddenly stranded on the planet (other then the small &vague& story).I guess I was looking forward to more of a Subnautica-esc game but felt like it was just another generic and bland shooter in the end.Unless they plan to add more features, contents and a reason to keep exploring, I would have to give this game a &NO& until there is more substance to this game. It's still an Early Access game but I feel that it really needs to be fleshed out more to warrant a better review.
Early Access Review
I like this just wished there was a manual or something I know it's an early development.
But any help on how to make an extractor.
Or stay away from the tornados.. That kill instantly..
Early Access Review
Got it on sale.Have a number of survival games, some on early access.No fun.Pros:Graphics are clean.Cons:You start the game with a bunch of stuff in play: armour guns, first aid kits, space stations etc. but no explanation for what anything is, why its there, or hy you care.Fragments? what's that? do i want it? is it impotant?You can make pets of enemy mechs, but you don't get told how.Sound is very... empty? There's a very hollow feel to everything. nothing feels real. thunder, lightning, tornadoes. All there, and none of it has any impact. a tornado drifted past about 1 foot from me and i just sat and watched it go by. like, 'oh hey. look.'This whole thing feels dreamlike. Which would make an interesting level for a game, but here it just says 'unfinished.'And yes, i know it's in early access.Refunding.Don't get it now.i might try again when it's finished.
Early Access Review
In its current state there's about 10 hrs of gameplay in the unfinished story. The art style of the enviroment is nice and while other objects could use some polish they're fairly well made. A lot of potential here, worth $10 even currently.
Early Access Review
Wow. I did I short run and I'm amazed by the quality of this product.The game is unique and beautiful, so much that I'd like to touch it...I'd like to touch every surface inside this world.It is clearly a work of love. And what's most important, the Developers are present and actively
I have seen myself some of my suggestion implemented, and this even before I purchased this product.The art style, the effects, the immersion...are wonderful, and the software runs nice and smooth even in its alpha state.Join us in this stormy world, because this is truly one of the few offers that ennoble the concept of Early Access.
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2 people found this review funny
Early Access Review
Solid and polished foundation for a game that is similiar to other sandboxy games, however providing you with actual goals.
The controls feel tight and responsive, no real bugs and it runs pretty smooth. However there's an infurating stuttering that happens when the world chunks are being loaded and it somewhat persists even if they're loaded into the ram, otherwise the world generally loads really quickly (2 seconds). The combat system has some depth to it that doesn't just make it a simple button smasher, supported by the skill system that lets you put chips into some sort of memory bank that serve as skills that you can execute if you don't lose your combo, including a stealth system to avoid enemies.The only real &issue& it has, is the lack of content, which should not be a suprise if you're reading the statement on the store page. Otherwise the game pretty much feels complete. You won't see any placeholders and it generally has decently high quality models, sound and music. So all the developers really have to do is add quests, blueprints and enemy variety.
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Early Access Review
The backstory of the game is &You are the last hero, who can save your planet from total destruction caused by a disease. So you need to explore the terrain to find the cure&At this moment in time I've explored a large chunk of the map. The only gameplay that exists is a limited crafting system (which you collect from the terrain and robots)To upgrade your character you aquire &Chips& these permanently upgrade your character using &slots&.The start of the game is interesting... until you learn the only things that exist are &1 ship per island&, X batteries per island for the beacon. Endless respawning robots. Nodes that respawn over a limited amount of time.The games asthetics are amazing... just at this current time.This isn't a game that lasts over a couple of hours.Though i give them respect for the game mechanics... just that the game needs more substance.Only buy the game if you want to support the developers make something special.Beyond that don't buy the game if you are expecting a complete game.Treat this like you are &Kickstarting& the game :PUpdate: With the recent release of the PERMANENT storm (ugh...) the game has become more of a task to play. In the past the storm was something that would pass over after a small amount of time. Sure it adds to the challenge, but it makes the game a lesser shell of what it once was.
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Early Access Review
I feel really mixed about this game, and while I am refunding it myself (most likely), I will still recommend it to others, and here's why, broken down into a list of Pros and Cons:PROS:-Seemingly huge open world-You can hack mechas and make them your pets for combat, along with upgrading their strength, abilities, and passive-The environmental weather hazards put a nice twist on the game as you're exploring-You start with your ship, which is your main base of operations, also where you upgrade your characters' stats-Pretty solid graphics for a game of this type, not AAA, but still good imo-The concept of the game is solid, I love the idea of an open-world, pet training and collective RPGish game-The devs have pushed out updates continuously over the course of months, which surprises me greatly.
There's only 36 reviews at the time of writing this, which probably means maybe over 200 copies sold.
The devs have stood their ground and devoted their time to this project, even with such a tiny following.
As much as I like games like this, I've never heard of this one, or found it on Steam until now.
Even the reviews are outdated which is why I'm writing one.CONS:-The gathering and crafting system seems pretty unfinished, and super basic.
You walk up to resources and grab them, which in turn gives you progress towards unlocking other craftable items, but there's only 10 or so things to craft.-Doesn't seem like you can customize your gear or armor at all, which sort of takes away from the RPG aspect.
You can only put points into your character to upgrade their stats, and there's only 5-6 upgrades to chose from.
No talents, no skills, nothing.-The storage chest in your ship is broken.
You tell it to place 1 item in the chest and it deposits them all anyway.-The grammar on the main page may or may not detract people from the game.
It's quite possible that English isn't the devs first language, but you can tell he's at least trying.
Hiring someone or getting a friend to rewrite the main page so the English doesn't sound broken may help attract people.-Switching weapons/tools is annoying.
You can't just scroll with your mouse, you have to press Q which pauses the game, select your item from a UI, then unpause the game and continue with what you're doing.(may or may not be a con for some people but)-This game is not multiplayer, as of this build.
It's 100% solo.
I was under the impression it was a multiplayer game, but it's not, so keep that in mind when considering a purchase.OVERALL:
The game isn't bad, and like I said in the beginning, I will recommend it to others, it's just not for me.
But kudos to the devs for sticking with their game, even with no publicity and a small following.6/10
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Early Access Review
It's easy to review this title with the following words:-On new planet-Find your robot budy-Activate robot buddy-Find a skylift station-Activate skylift station and go up-Heal-up, save, and go back down-Find ship-Explore-Eat some cookies while crafting items-Shoot robot animals to play a puzzle game to have a companion-Explore the world with your new best friend, nothing else matters.-Easy 10/10 Chimichanga's.
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Early Access Review
It is a good game however nothing is obvious (such as where you need to go, what to get in order to upgrade items or how to grow things in the greenhouse etc). It has a very steep learning curve, once you figure out what is meant to be happening it is an enjoyable game. A couple of negatives - some of the places you need to access are almost impossible to reach without upgrading your oxygen levels, and finding the items to do this can be difficult (especially when you dont know what you are looking for or where to find it on the map); and in the storms you can be hit by things which kill you almost instantly, which I think is silly given it is difficult enough to get through the storms and avoid the bad machines all whilst having enough oxygen to get back to the station. It is also not always obvious what is killing you. All in all though I like this game and am looking forward to the future developments.
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Early Access Review
Here' a link to my review video:Hello Ladies and Gents! So far this is just an okay game but it has a really good foundation and concept to build on. I'm giving it a 3/5, it's still in early access and a work in progress but I can see it becoming a good game. Humanity is threatened by a virus and you have to travel to the planet Arcania where some of the flora may be able to save mankind. The planet has been abandoned since the working drones turned against humans. You crash land and have to find the others. During your search you gather plants and resources to do some crafting and improve your station. Within the last month in a half or so I've seen a couple updates that have fixed things that seriously annoyed me. The lightning was the worst thing EVER! It did not act like lightning and instead followed you in a chain of about 6 lightning strikes. They have changed it to where lightning strikes randomly and not in chains so if you get out of it's way your safe. Thank you, thank you, thank you. They also made the haze in between the tempest and your weather controlled areas thinner and the fog less thick and less blue so you can see where you're going better. In one of the last updates they changed the drones to look more animal-like which is nice since there's a little more variety in how they look and how they attack. You are also able to tame some of the drones now which is cool. However, they took out the working drones so the story makes less sense.
The story doesn't seem to be complete yet so hopefully that'll become clearer in later updates. Some of the controls are kinda funky and the interface could use some work. Being able to see the names of items and maybe a short description when you hover over them would be great. Since it's in early access your bound to come across some bugs. Some are kind of amusing, like leaves fluttering through my station above the clouds, and others are annoying, like my equipped items saying their equipped after I collect them off of my dead body but not being visible on my hotbar (Unequipping one item and re-equipping it seems to make all of them visible again). I would recommend getting the game to support the developers or if it's on sale because it looks promising, but it's just not there yet.Have Fun Gamers!
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5 people found this review funny
Early Access Review
While Sky Break is in an early stage of Early Access, I see a lot of potential in the game. Most of the main game mechanics appear to be in the game and they work well for the most part. While the combat could use a little more variety, it works well for the most part even though I think the robots are a little too powerful to start the game. The other mechanics work well together and could develop into a good game. The art style/graphics are also quite nice for this stage in Early Access.The only real issue with the game right now is the lack of story content. Very little of the story appears to be in the game at this time. This means that there isn't much structure to the game. For the most part you just explore the planet looking for materials to craft things with. The game also has quite a bit of grinding right now. Since I had quite a bit of fun with the game, when the developers add more content I think the game will get quite a bit better.If the concept interests you and you are willing to explore the planet while waiting for new content to be added, I think you can have some fun with the game. Otherwise if you have any interest in the game's concept I would at least keep an eye on the game's development. Note: I received a free review copy from the developer.
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Early Access Review
Early Access :Cool game with interesting features.Lack a bit of story at the moment to guide through but the systme is nice and the whole atmosphere of the game is to be appreciate!Can wait for the rest of the content
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Early Access Review
the game is very promising, love the concepts, but at their current state, they need lots of work to do.
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