
就是指 一定要有一定的技术 特长 才能养活自己珐单粹竿诔放达虱惮僵 在这个社会中存活下去
They livs very fair, and each had a baby!&quot, t said the other. The next morning they had a quarrel. &Give her my child, and give each woman one half, but don&#39, &quot. So they went to see King Solomon. O cried the other woman in tears, one of the babies died, bright Ks mother. Then King Solomon pointed to the woman in tears and said. &quot. Each one wanted the living baby. There was a very clever king with the name of Soloman, and put it in her own bed instead, &quot. When King Solomon heard their story. &quot,Bring me a knife, he said. &quot. Here is one of them which shows how clever he was, &quot, but no one could tell whom it belonged to, cut the child in two, for she is its mother. There are many stories about him, & said the dead baby&#39!&Give the child to her,t kill the child. Once there were two women, King. Oh, and its mother took the other woman'That'NoThousands of years ago
&quot.&quot. 有很多关於他的故事, 各有一个婴儿;给我一把刀. 从前有两个女人, 其中一个婴儿死了:&quot. &quot, 死的那个才是你;把孩子给她吧,而他妈妈就拿了另外一个妇女的孩子, 她才是他妈妈, 给这两个妇女各一半几千年以前, 就当是她的吧. 有一晚:&quot,&quot. 接著所罗门王指著流著泪的妇女说, 有一个非常聪明的皇帝叫所罗门. 她俩都想要这个生存的孩子, 聪明的皇帝, 但没人能说出到底这孩子真正是属於谁的. 他们住在同一屋子里.&quot. 第二天早上两个女人就争吵起来了, 他说;那很公平:&quot,放在她自己的床上;不, 这是我的孩子;死了婴儿的母亲说;把我的孩子给她吧;另一个说. 皇帝;另一个妇女流著泪哭著说. 所以他们去见所罗门王. 当所罗门王听完他们的故事, 把孩子切成两段, 但不要杀了那孩子;&quot!&quot. 这是其中一个故事说明他有多聪明
几千年前。有一个很聪明的国王的名字所罗门。有很多的故事,关于他的。这里是其中一人,这表明如何聪明,他的。曾经有两女。他们住在同一所房子,每有一个婴儿。有一天晚上,其中一个婴儿死亡,其母亲在另一个女人的孩子,并把它放在自己的床上,而不是。第二天早上,他们发生过争执。 &不,这是我的孩子,死亡的人是你,说: &等。每个人想要的生活婴儿,但没有人能告诉他们它属于。所以他们去看望所罗门王。当所罗门王听到他们的故事,他说: &带我一把刀,降低儿童两部分,并给予每名妇女的一半。 & &这是很公平的,哦,光明的国王! &消息称死亡婴儿的母亲。 &给她我的孩子,让它成为她的,但不要杀孩子。噢,国王! &哭了另一个女人流泪了。然后所罗门王指出,该名女子在哭,说: &给孩子她,因为她是自己的妈妈。 &
Thousands of years ago. There was a very clever king with the name of Soloman. There are many stories about him. Here is one of them which shows how clever he was. Once there were two women. They lived in the same house, and each had a baby. One night, one of the babies died, and its mother took the other woman's child, and put it in her own bed instead. The next morning they had a quarrel. &No, this is my child, the dead one is yours, & said the other. Each one wanted the living baby, but no one could tell whom it belonged to. So they went to see King Solomon. When King Solomon heard their story, he said, &Bring me a knife, cut the child in two, and give each woman one half. & &That's very fair, oh, bright King!& said the dead baby's mother. &Give her my child, let it be hers, but don't kill the child. Oh, King!& cried the other woman in tears. Then King Solomon pointed to the woman in tears and said, &Give the child to her, for she is its mother. & 根据短文内容, 判断正(T)误(F)(10分) 55. The two women in the same house each had a child. ( ) 答案:T 56. One night the two babies died. ( ) 答案:F 57. The two women quarrelled because Solomon killed their babies. ( ) 答案:F 58. Solomon came to see the mothers after their babies died. ( ) 答案:F 59. King Solomon cut the living child in two and gave each woman one half. ( ) 答案:F
1.The luggage has to be measured besides being weighed because size is as important to the airlines as weight 2.If you want to create a life of love ,you have to open your heart and give love3.when i think of the post office,i'm reminded of that awfvl little man who is in charge of the parking lot 4.Your voiceshould be friendly and your mannercourteous,regardless of who ia calling5.his words admirably sum up the impression of all who have witnessed this wonder of China and of all the world6.I guess it is
natural for me to want to go into medicine because i want to practice medicine in my hometown 7.When the climate changes there will be less food in the world
8.Though i may have visited a place time after time,i still manage to get lost on my way there.9.Love melts opposition,creates harmony and heals hurt10.Let yourself explore beyond your immediate career objectives11.I hope that you have gathered by now that going to college means a lot more than earing a grade12.Internet really took off in the early 199订花斥拘俪饺筹邪船矛0S with the arrival of the web ,whicih made it easier to find and view information online13.If you begin a coversation by asking someone about their love life or telling about yours,you're sure to turn them off14.Every city and many smaller towns have a humane society which cares for animals that are found and for animals which people no longer want。15.Usually some pages of the daily paper are devoted to discussing sports events
1.行李不仅要称重计量,因为大小对于航空公司是和重量一样重要的.2.If you want to create a life of love ,you have to open your heart and give love 2 ·如果你想创建充满爱的生活,你必须敞开你的心扉,并爱其他的一切.3.when i think of the post office,i'm reminded of that awfvl little man who is in charge of the parking lot 3,当我想起了邮局,我就想起了负责停车场收费的恶心的小男人4.Your voiceshould be friendly and your manner courteous,regardless of who ia calling不管是谁打电话来,你的语气应该友好些,你的态度应该有礼些.5.his words admirably sum up the impression of all who have witnessed this wonder of China and of all the world 他的话极好地概括性表达了所有目睹中国和所有世界上的奇迹的人的想法.6.I guess it is natural for me to want to go into medicine because i want to practice medicine in my hometown我认为对于我来说想要学医是再自然不过了,因为我想在我的家乡将医药业发展起来.7.When the climate changes there will be less food in the world气候一旦发生变化,世界上的粮食就会损失. 8.Though订花斥拘俪饺筹邪船矛 i may have visited a place time after time,i still manage to get lost on my way there. 即使我曾去过一个地方但是过段时间我再去还是会迷路。9.Love melts opposition,creates harmony and heals hurt 爱能融化对立,创造和谐并能治疗伤害。10.Let yourself explore beyond your immediate career objectives 10.试着让你超越现在的职业障碍,重新探索自己的未来。11.I hope that you have gathered by now that going to college means a lot more than earing a grade 11.I我希望到目前为止你已经准备好,去上大学比听说去上大学要更多的内容。12.Internet really took off in the early 1990S with the arrival of the web ,whicih made it easier to find and view information online 112.因特网真正起飞是在20世纪90年代初是因为Web的到来,人们能更容易查找和查看在线信息。13.If you begin a coversation by asking someone about their love life or telling about yours,you're sure to turn them off 13.如果你开始一个交谈,在交谈中询问某人关于他的充满爱的生活的或对他讲述你的生活,你一定将他们关闭。14.Every city and many smaller towns have a humane society which cares for animals that are found and for animals which people no longer want。 14.每个城市和许多小城镇都有一个人道主义的社会,在那个社会里会关心那些已发现的被人类遗弃的动物。15.Usually some pages of the daily paper are devoted to discussing sports events 15.每日新闻里的一些篇幅经常会致力于讨论体育赛事 。
1,行李要称重计量,原因除了大小重量一样重要的航空公司 2 ·如果你想创建一个热爱生活,你必须敞开你的心扉,让爱 3,当我想起了邮局,我想起了小家伙的awfvl谁在停车场收费 4.Your voiceshould你mannercourteous友好,不管是谁,保险业监督电话 5.his令人钦佩的话总结了谁所有的印象都目睹了这一奇迹的中国和世界上所有的 英译汉想这是很自然的我想学医,因为我想在我的家乡医药实践 有多久以前的气候变化将减少世界粮食
8.Though我可能到过的地方后时间的时候,我还是设法让我路上丢失。 9.Love融化反对,创造和谐,医治受伤 10.Let探索自己的职业目标超出了你眼前 11.I希望你有收集到现在,上大学意味着很多耳钉一年级以上 12.Internet真正起飞,在20世纪90年代初的Web的到来,whicih更容易查找和查看在线信息 13.If您首先询问他们热爱生活的人或对你讲一个coversation,你一定将它们关闭 14.Every许多城市和小城镇有一个人道的社会,对于已发现的动物和动物,人们不再需要关心。 15.Usually日常一些纸页的篇幅订花斥拘俪饺筹邪船矛讨论体育赛事 输入内容已经达到长度限制
Mosquitoes(蚊子)are very important in human history. The Guinness Book of Records says that mosquitoes have caused over 50% of all human deaths since the Stone Age, excluding deaths from war and accidents! Mosquitoes are found all over the world. Female mosquitoes usually feed on the blood of humans and animals. Mosquitoes often carry dangerous disease called malaria, which usually occurs during hot, rainy season. If a mosquito feeds on the blood of a person with malaria, it becomes a carrier of the disease. It injects the disease into the next person it bites. So, for example, a tourist could be infected with malaria during a visit to Indonesia. The same tourist might then visit Thailand where another mosquito may bite him. This mosquito could then bite another person and spread the disease. People have used insecticides(杀虫剂) to kill mosquitoes and their eggs for a long time, but many insects are now resistant to these chemicals. This resistance is a big problem for doctors because it can stop the prevention and treatment of malaria. Also, several of the drugs which doctors use to prevent malaria do not work anymore because mosquitoes are resistant to them. Experts now believe that the world will never be free of malaria, so they tell people to protect themselves from the disease. If you think that you have malaria, see a doctor immediately. Without treatment, malaria kills over 25% of its victims in a maximum of two weeks. After treatment, mosquitoes that bite you will not pass malaria on to other people. Although doctors can treat malaria victims, you must remember: prevention is better than cure.
你好,Mosquitoes(蚊子)are very important in human history. The Guinness Book of
Records says that mosquitoes have caused over 50% of all human deaths
since the Stone Age, excluding deaths from war and accidents! 蚊子在人类历史中是个很重要的动物。吉尼斯记录(照着翻译的)说明了蚊子自石器时代开始就造成了50%的人类死亡,其中包括了战争和意外的死亡!Mosquitoes
are found all over the world. Female mosquitoes usually feed on the
blood of humans and animals. Mosquitoes often carry dangerous disease
called malaria, which usually occurs during hot, rainy season. 蚊子遍布整个世界。雌性蚊子通常都吸食人类和动物的血液。蚊子通常带有一种非常危险的疾病,我们称之为疟疾。疟疾经常出现在热季和雨季。If a
mosquito feeds on the blood of a person with malaria, it becomes a
carrier of the disease. It injects the disease into the next person it
bites. So, for example, a tourist could be infected with malaria during a
visit to Indonesia. The same tourist might then visit Thailand where
another mosquito may bite him. This mosquito could then bite another
person and spread the disease. 如果一只蚊子吸食了患有疟疾的人类的鲜血,那它就会变成疾病的带菌者。它把疾病传染给另一个被它咬的人类。打个比方,一个旅客可能在去印度尼西亚旅行的时候被感染上疟疾。这名旅客下一次可能会去到泰国旅游,然后又有另一只蚊子咬他。那这只蚊子就患有疟疾,并且可以通过咬另一个人来散播这个疾病。People have used insecticides(杀虫剂) to
kill mosquitoes and their eggs for a long time, but many insects are
now resistant to these chemicals. This resistance is a big problem for
doctors because it can stop the prevention and treatment of malaria.
Also, several of the drugs which doctors use to prevent malaria do not
work anymore because mosquitoes are resistant to them. Experts now
believe that the world will never be free of malaria, so they tell
people to protect themselves from the disease. 人类可以用杀虫剂来杀死蚊子和它的卵,不过现在很多虫子都对这些化学物品有抵制能力。这些抵制能力对医生来说是个很大的麻烦(问题),因为它可以阻止治疗或预防疟疾的诊疗。另外,医生也用了不少的药物来预防疟疾,可是这些都没有用、因为蚊子对它们都有抵制能力。专家现在相信世界永远不会少了疟疾这种病症,所以他们告诉人们要多多保护自己,免得患上疟疾。If you think that you
have malaria, see a doctor immediately. Without treatment, malaria
kills over 25% of its victims in a maximum of two weeks. After
treatment, mosquitoes that bite you will not pass malaria on to other
people. Although doctors can treat malaria victims, you must remember:
prevention is better than cure. 如果你觉得你患上了疟疾,请马上去看医生。没有治疗的话,疟疾可以在最多两个星期内杀死25%的受害者。在治疗后,蚊子就算咬了你,也不会将疟疾传染给其他人。就算医生可以治疗疟疾病患,但你一定要记得:预防胜于治疗。如有疑问,欢迎继续追问;如果对我的答案满意,请务必采纳~谢谢O(∩_∩)O
其他回答 (3)
It&s officially the biggest midget in the game.
标准上来说,这是游戏里最大的侏儒 I dunno.
我不知道 Make way for the S.O.V.
为SOV让路吧 [Chorus]
Love me or hate me, its still an obsession.
爱我还是恨我,依旧是个困扰 Love me or hate me, that is the question
If you love me then Thank you!
如果你爱我,那么谢谢 你 If you hate me then fuck you!
如果你恨我 ,那你滚 Love me or hate me, its still an obsession.
爱我还是恨我,仍然是个困扰 Love me or hate me, that is the question
If you love me then Thank you!
If you hate me then fuck you!
I&m fat, I need a diet.
No, in fact i&m just too light
不,事实上,我刚好太轻了 And I ain&t got the biggest breast-s-s, but I write all the best disses.
I got hairy armpits, but I don&t walk around like this.
我有多毛的腋窝,但我不会这样四处地走 I wear a big baggy t-shirt that hides that nasty shit.
我穿一件大而蓬松的T恤,遮住我恶心的缺点 Ugh! 呸。。。 Never had my nails done.
从来不剪指甲 Bite them down until they&re numb.
咬断指甲直到他们(手指)变得麻木 I&m the one with the non-existent bum,
我是个没人注意的(不存在的)流浪汉 Now I dont really give a....Ugh!
现在我一点也不。。。(在乎) 呸 I&m late for my shepherd&s pie
我把Shepherd‘s pie(肉鲜土豆馅饼)给烧焦了 Like a high maintenance chick missin& her diamonds.
I&m missin& my clippers size 我想着我的修剪工具的大小.
Now bow down to your royal highness.
现在向殿下鞠躬 No I dont own a corgi,
Had a hamster, it died cuz I ignored it.
我曾有一个仓鼠,它死了,因为我忽略了它 Go on then, go on report me,
继续啊,继续投诉我 I&m English, try and deport me!
Love me or hate me, its still an obsession.
Love me or hate me, that is the question.
If you love me then Thank you!
If you hate me then fuck you!
Love me or hate me, its still an obsession.
爱我,还是恨我,依旧是个困扰 Love me or hate me, that is the question.
If you love me then Thank you!
If you hate me then fuck you!
I&m that funky little monkey with the tiniest ears.
I don&t like drinkin fancy champy,
我不喜欢 喝昂贵的香槟(champy这个可能有错,Champaign比较合理 )
I’m stick with Heineken beers. 我忠于喜力啤酒 Whoops, might burp in ya face, 哎呀。。可能朝你脸上打嗝了 A little unlady-like, 有点不像淑女(不好意思) What can I say? 我该说什么呢 Well no posh i&m not posh, male (这里有点错,应该是mate,I wear odd socks.
其实,噢 不优雅,我不优雅高贵,伙计,我穿古怪的袜子 I do what i&m doin here ! 我在我想做的事情
So everybody&s entitled to opinions, 所以每个人都有权去做评论 I open my mouth and, shit I got millions.我张开嘴, shit,我说了一大堆。。
I&m the middle kid, the riddle kid, 我是个平凡的小孩,谜一样的小孩 I&ll make you giggle till your sick 我会让你咯咯地笑直到你觉得恶心 my nose jiggles while I spit. 我吐口水时,鼻子会动一下
Yeah I do have some stories 是的,我是有一些故事 And its true I want all the glory. 真的,我想要所有的荣耀 Go on then, come on support me, 继续吧,来支持我吧 I&m English, try and deport me! 我是英格兰人,来啊,把我驱逐出境啊
Love me or hate me, its still an obsession. 爱我还是恨我,依旧是个困扰 Love me or hate me, that is the question. 爱我还是恨我,就是这个问题
If you love me then Thank you! 如果你爱我,那谢谢 If you hate me then fuck you! 如果你恨我,那滚 Love me or hate me, its still an obsession. 爱我,还是恨我,依旧是个困扰 Love me or hate me, that is the question. 爱我还是恨我,就是这个问题 If you love me then Thank you! 如果你爱我,那谢谢 If you hate me then fuck you! 如果你恨我,那就滚
So I cant dance and I really cant sing. 所以我不能跳舞,我真的不能唱歌 I can only do one thing, 我只能做一件事情 And that&s be Lady Sovereign! 就是成为淑女的最高统治者。 So I cant dance and I really cant sing. 所以我不能跳舞,我真的不能唱歌 I can only do one thing, 我只能做一件事情 And that&s be Lady Sovereign! 那就是成为淑女的最高统治者
Love me or hate me, its still an obsession.
爱我还是恨我依旧是个困扰 Love me or hate me, that is the question.
If you love me then Thank you!
If you hate me then fuck you!
Love me or hate me, its still an obsession.
爱我还是恨我依旧是个困扰 Love me or hate me, that is the question.
爱我还是恨我,就是这个问题 If you love me then Thank you!
If you hate me then fuck you!
如果恨我 那滚
phat beats, word!


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