“ clear up ” hold是什么意思思?

overcast 在《军事术语英语词典》APP的缩略释义:
the state of the sky when it is covered by clouds
gloomy semidarkness caused by cloud cover
a long whipstitch or overhand stitch overlying an edge to prevent raveling
a cast that falls beyond the intended spot
filled or abounding with clouds
"Fall weather often overcasts our beaches"
sew over the edge of with long slanting wide stitches
sew with an overcast stitch from one
"overcast books"
用作名词 (n.)
Overcast mornings are the sure forerunners of steady rain.
He felt the sun starting to burn through the overcast.
出自:B. F. Conners
It was a cold, slightly overcast December day.
出自:W. C. Williams
Week after week of zinc-gray overcast skies.
出自:R. Banks
Bronze was overcasting the salt bush foliage.
出自:D. C. Peattie
The threat of just such a surrender..overcast Guy.
出自:E. Waugh
Sunshine started to pierce the clouds that had long overcast his days.
出自:D. Cecil
overcast 在《外研社英语词典》APP的缩略释义:
(天空)阴的 ... &&
overcast:overcast n. 覆盖, 多云的天adj. 阴天的, 阴暗的, 愁闷的, 忧郁的vt. 使阴暗vi. 阴暗起来 英英解释:名词overcast:1. the state of the sky w…
相关词典网站:to count the cost的意思
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to count the cost是什么意思: 计算代价
The town is now counting the cost of its failure to provide adequate flood protection.
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拼音qū jiě 注音ㄑㄩ ㄐㄧㄝˇ词性近义词基本解释◎ 曲解 qūjiě(1) [(deliberately)twist]∶不顾客观事实或歪曲原意,作错误的解释曲解原话(2) [clear up slightly]∶稍稍消解不能曲解引证解释1. 不顾客观事实或歪曲原意,作错误的解释。 明 李介 《天香阁随笔》卷一:“乃 安成 刘氏 注《唐风》,求 首阳 不得,以意度之曰:即古之 雷首 。夫 雷首 可以为 首阳 耶?不核实以证误,而反曲解以就舛。 宋 儒之陋,何可据也!” 萧乾 《一本褪色的相册》十二:“条文要尽可能做到明白无误,不容曲解。”2. 谓稍稍消解。 清 方苞 《兄子道希墓志铭》:“﹝ 道希 ﹞始成童,丧余妻,啼号如失怙恃。大母及余设辞多方,不能曲解也。”古乐府一节称一解,因以泛指乐曲。 北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·杂艺》:“今世曲解,虽变於古,犹足以畅神情也。” 王利器 集解:“曲,琴曲歌辞;解,歌辞段数。琴一曲曰曲,一段曰解。” 唐 王建 《寻橦歌》:“斯须改变曲解新,贵欲欢他平地人。”相关汉字、||
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&2015  京ICP备号-6 单词:fire         
['faiə]n.火, 失火, 炉火, 开火, 热情 v.开火, 解雇, 点燃, 急速地连续说
The engine is only firing on three cylinders.
The house is on fire!
The government is under fire from all sides on its economic policy.
A cigarette thrown into the woods in dry weather may start a fire.
She fired her gun at them.
He was fired by his boss.
英英解释:名词 fire:
the event of something burning (often destructive)
the process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke
the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy
a fireplace in which a relatively small fire is burning
intense adverse criticism
feelings of great warmth and intensity
once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)
a severe trial
动词 fire:
start firing a weapon
cause to go off
bake in a kiln so as to harden
terminate the employment of
go off or discharge
drive out or away by or as if by fire
call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
destroy by fire
provide with fuel
firefireD.J.:[&#712fai&#601]K.K.:[fa&#618r]n.1.■火Paper is apt to catch fire.纸容易着火。2.■火灾; 炉火, 火堆A fire broke out.发生了一场火灾。3.■射击, 炮火, 火力4.■热情, 怒火, 热心vt. & vi.1.■开火; 射击He ordered his men to fire.他命令他的士兵开枪。vt.1.■〈口〉解雇The manager fired Bob because he was always late for work.鲍勃因上班总迟到而被经理解雇。
fire 在牛津词典中的解释
firenoun[mass noun]combustion or burning, in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke火his house was destroyed by fire.他的房子被烧毁了。■one of the four elements in ancient and medieval philosophy and in astrology (considered essential to the nature of the signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius)火(古代和中世纪哲学以及占星术中的四大元素之一,在白羊宫、狮子宫和人马宫的天性中必不可少)[as modifier]a fire sign.火宫。■[count noun]a destructive burning of something火灾a fire at a hotel.酒店的火灾。■[count noun]a collection of fuel, especially coal or wood, burnt in a controlled way to provide heat or a means for cooking(尤指烧煤或木柴的)炉火,灶火we had a bath in a tin tub by the fire.我们在炉火旁的锡制浴缸里洗了澡。■[count noun](Brit). short for electric fire or gas fire(英)。 electric fire 或 gas fire的简称■[count noun]a burning sensation in the body火辣辣的感觉the whisky lit a fire in the back of his throat.威士忌让他的喉咙深处火辣辣的。■fervent or passionate emotion or enthusiasm激情,热情the fire of their religious conviction.他们笃信宗教的热情。■(poetic/literary) glow(诗/文)光明,光辉;光亮their soft smiles light the air like a star's fire.他们温柔的微笑如星光一般照亮了天空。the shooting of projectiles from weapons, especially bullets from guns(武器)发射,射击,开火(尤指开枪)a burst of machine-gun fire.一阵机枪扫射。■strong criticism or antagonism猛烈的批评;悍然对抗he directed his fire against policies promoting American capital flight.他猛烈抨击了鼓励美国资本外流的政策。verb[with obj.]discharge a gun or other weapon in order to explosively propel (a bullet or projectile)发射(子弹,抛射体)he fired a shot at the retreating prisoners.他朝着后退中的囚犯开了一枪。they fired off a few rounds.他们打了几轮枪。■discharge (a gun or other weapon)开(枪等武器)another gang fired a pistol through the window of a hostel.另一帮人朝一家客栈的窗户里打了一手枪。[no obj.]troops fired on crowds.军队朝人群开火。■[no obj.](of a gun) be discharged(枪)开火■direct (questions or statements, especially unwelcome ones) towards someone in rapid succession向某人连珠炮似的提(问题,尤指令人不快的问题);接二连三向某人作(陈述,尤指令人不快的陈述)they fired questions at me for what seemed like ages.他们没完没了地向我连连发问。■(fire something off)send a message aggressively, especially as one of a series奋笔疾书;疾言厉色地连连说话he fired off a letter informing her that he regarded the matter with the utmost seriousness.他奋笔书信一封,告诉她自己对此事极为重视。(informal)dismiss (an employee) from a job(非正式)解雇having to fire men who've been with me for years.只得解雇跟随我多年的人。you're fired!.你被解雇了!。supply (a furnace, engine, boiler, or power station) with fuel给(熔炉,引擎,锅炉,发电站)加燃料■[no obj.](of an internal-combustion engine, or a cylinder in one) undergo ignition of its fuel when started(内置内燃机及其汽缸)点火,点燃the engine fired and she pushed her foot down on the accelerator.发动机点火后,她踩下油门。■(archaic)set fire to(古)点燃I fired the straw.我点燃了稻草。stimulate or excite (the imagination or an emotion)刺激,激发,唤起(想像,情感)India fired my imagination.印度让我浮想联翩。■fill (someone) with enthusiasm使充满热情;激励he was fired up for last season's FA Cup final.上一季的足协杯决赛令他激动不已。■[no obj.](fire up)(archaic)show sudden anger(古)突然发怒If I were to hear anyone speak slightingly of you, I should fire up in a moment.如果我听见谁言语间瞧不起你,我会立刻火冒三丈。bake or dry (pottery, bricks, etc.) in a kiln烧制(陶器、砖等)常用词组breathe firebe extremely angry盛怒,暴怒I don't want an indignant boyfriend on my doorstep breathing fire.我可不想要一位愤愤不平的男朋友在我门阶上大发脾气。catch firebegin to burn开始燃烧,着火■(figurative)become interesting or exciting(喻)吸引人,引起兴趣;激动人心the show never caught fire.这个演出从来都不吸引人。fire and brimstonethe supposed torments of hell地狱的磨难his father was preaching fire and brimstone sermons.他父亲在作有关地狱磨难的说教。fire away(informal)used to give someone permission to begin speaking, typically to ask questions(非正式)[用以表示许可]说吧,讲吧;问吧"I want to clear up some questions which have been puzzling me." "Fire away."."我想弄清一些一直让我困惑的问题。""问吧。"。fire in the (或 one's) bellya powerful sense of ambition or determination雄心壮志;坚定的决心firing on all four cylindersworking or functioning at a peak level开足马力;鼓足干劲go on fire(Scottish & Irish) catch fire(苏格兰,爱尔兰)开始燃烧;着火go through fire (and water)face any peril赴汤蹈火light a fire under someone(N. Amer.)stimulate someone to work or act more quickly or enthusiastically(北美)激励,鼓舞,鞭策on fire burning起火,着火;在燃烧■in a state of excitement激动,兴奋Wright is now on fire with confidence.赖特现在情绪高涨,信心十足。set fire to (或 set something on fire) ignite点燃,使着火;使燃烧set the world (或 英 Thames) on firedo something remarkable or sensational引起轰动;惊世骇俗the film hasn't exactly set the world on fire.这部影片并没有真正引起轰动。take firestart to burn开始燃烧;着火under firebeing shot at遭射击;受攻击observers sent to look for the men came under heavy fire.派去寻找那些人的侦察员遭遇了一场枪林弹雨。■being rigorously criticized遭到猛烈批评the president was under fire from all sides.校长遭到了各方的猛烈批评。where's the fire?(informal)used to ask someone why they are in such a hurry or state of excitement(非正式)干吗这么慌张(或兴奋)派生firelessadjectivefirernoun语源Old English f?r (noun), f?rian supply with material for a fire, of West G related to Dutch vuur and German Feuer
fire 在给力大辞典中的解释
firen.1. 火[U]Do you know horses are afraid of fire?你知道马怕火吗?2. 炉火; 篝火[C]The old men sat round the fire chatting.老人们围坐在炉火旁聊天。3. (电或煤气)取暖器[C]4. 射击; 炮火; 火力[U]The enemy retreated under our heavy artillery fire.敌人在我们的重炮轰击下撤退了。5. 火灾[C][U]In case of fire ring the bell.万一起火, 请按铃。A forest fire left hundreds of people homeless.一场森林大火使数百人无家可归。6. 热情; 激情[U]The boy is full of fire and courage.这男孩充满激情和勇气。7. 磨难; 苦难[U]vt.1. 开(枪、炮); 将……射向[(+at)]We fired our guns at the enemy.我们向敌人开火。2. 【口】解雇, 开除He was fired on the spot.他被当场解雇。3. 激起; 使激动[(+with)]Stories of adventure fire Tom's imagination.冒险故事激发了汤姆的想像力。4. 烘制Bricks are fired in a kiln.砖是在窑中烧制的。5. 给(炉子等)加添燃料Would you please fire the furnace?你去给炉子加点燃料好吗?6. 点燃vi.1. 开火; 射击[(+at)]They fired at the robbers.他们向强盗开枪。2. 起火; 燃烧Damp wood will not fire.潮湿的木头不会燃烧。3. 激动; 突然发怒He fired up at the remark.他一听这话突然发怒了。
短语词组:a running fire1. 一连串的抨击The new policy received a running fire.新政策遭到了一连串的抨击。between two fires1. 遭两面夹击I'm caught between two fires.我腹背受敌。blow (up) a fire1. 煽动; 把火吹旺He tried to blow up a fire. The fire died out, instead.他试图把火吹旺, 谁知火却熄了。catch fire1. 着火Paper catches fire easily.纸易燃。fire and brimstone1. 地狱里的磨难She thinks that one will suffer fire and brimstone after death if he has done wrong.她认为一个人要是做了坏事, 死后就得遭受地狱里的磨难。fire and sword1. 大肆烧杀破坏War always brings fire and sword.战争总是带来烧杀毁灭。fire away1. 继续开枪They were firing away at each other.他们互相开火。2. 开始说话或做事It's useless to fire away with such trivial details.喋喋不休地谈这些琐碎的细节是无用的。fire up1. 激发; 煽动The teacher is good at firing up the imagination of his pupils.这位教师很善于激发学生们的想像力。go through fire and water1. 赴汤蹈火He'd go through fire and water for her.他愿为她赴汤蹈火。hang fire1. 迟疑不决; 进展过于缓慢The issue has been hanging fire for years.这个问题多年来一直未予解决。make a fire1. 生火They made a fire to prepare for supper.他们生火做晚饭。on fire1. 着火; 燃烧着The house was on fire.房子着火了。2. (感情、愤怒等)如火燃烧open fire1. 开火The enemy opened fire.敌人开火了。play with fire1. 玩火She was playing with fire by secretly borrowing office funds.她暗中挪用公款简直是玩火。He knew he was playing with fire by dating a student.他知道跟学生约会是玩火。He who plays with fire gets burned.玩火者必自焚。pull out of the fire1. 使转危为安They just pulled the game out of the fire.他们好不容易赢了比赛。set on fire1. 放火烧He was crazy and set the house on fire.他疯了, 放火烧了房子。strike fire1. 打火At that time they had learned to strike fire from flint.那时他们已学会了用燧石打火。under fire1. 受到攻击The Government's decision is under heavy fire.政府的决定受到了猛烈的攻击。
词义辨析:同义:vt.点燃; 加热; 燃烧igniteheatkindlevt.解雇; 开除dismissdischargeexpelreleaselay offvt.激起; 使激动arouseexciteinflamestirprovokeagitatevt.射击; 排出shootdischargeblast同义参见:rocket1cashier2blaze1burn1animate1conflagrationroastpop1awakenvigortragedyburninggunfeelingfurytrigger
fire 在现代词典中的解释
firefire[&#712fai&#601]n.1.■火, 火焰; 燃烧2.■炉火; 烽火3.■火灾, 火警, 失火4.■发光[炽热]体; 闪光; 火花; 光辉5.■热烈, 热情; 激情; 生气; (诗等的)灵感6.■炮火, 射击; 火力7.■发烧; 发热; 炎症8.■火刑; 磨难; 苦难; 迫害9.■[诗]星the fire of a diamond钻石的光辉the fire of lightning闪电光the fire of love热烈的爱a speech lacking fire缺乏热情的演说ground fire地面火力the fires of persecution残酷的迫害liquid fire[口]烈性酒A burnt child dreads the fire.[谚]烧伤过的孩子怕火(惊弓之鸟, 格外胆小)。He who plays with fire gets burned.玩火者必自焚。词性变化fire[&#712fai&#601]vt.1.■烧, 点燃2.■烧制(砖瓦等); 焙, 烘制(茶叶等)3.■给(炉子等) 加燃料; 给...生火4.■使发光辉; 使发亮5.■放(枪、炮等); 射出(子弹)6.■激起; 激动; 激发热情7.■[美口]猛地发出; 猛力投掷8.■[口]解雇, 开除9.■【兽】(用烙铁)烧灼fire a furnace给炉子生火fire a salute放礼炮fire questions at sb.向某人提 出(许多)质问fire sb. with anger激怒某人The boss fired him with one week's notice.经理通知他一个星期后解雇。fire[&#712fai&#601]vi.1.■着火; 燃烧2.■激动; 突然发怒3.■开火; (枪等)射击4.■[口]扔石头等5.■司炉fire back in self-defence自卫还击The ship's firemen went on strike and there was no one to fire.船上的司炉工人在闹罢工, 以致没有人司炉。继承用法fire-alarmn.1.■火灾报警器firearm[&#712fa&#618&#601r&#593:m]n.1.■[常用复]火器, 手枪, 步枪, 轻武器fireback[&#712fa&#618&#601b&#230k]n.1.■(反射炉火的)背壁fireball[&#712fa&#618&#601b&#596:l]n.1.■火球, 流星2.■燃烧弹3.■精力充沛的人fire-barn.1.■加热条, 炉条firebase[&#712fa&#618&#601be&#618s]n.1.■火力基地, 重火力点firebird[&#712fa&#618&#601b&#604:d]n.1.■火红鸟2.■无线电信管fireboat[&#712fa&#618&#601b&#601&#650t]n.1.■消防艇, 救火船firebomb[&#712fa&#618&#601b&#596m]n.1.■燃烧弹firebossn.1.■瓦斯检查员; 通风员firebrand[&#712fa&#618&#601br&#230nd]n.1.■火把, 放火者, 煽动叛乱者, 挑动争执者firebreak[&#712fa&#618rbre&#618k]n.1.■森林的防火线firebrick[&#712fa&#618&#601br&#618k]n.1.■(耐)火砖, 粘土质耐火砖firebug[&#712fa&#618&#601b&#652&#609]n.1.■消防巡逻员2.■[美]萤火虫3.■[美口]放火者, 纵火狂fire-coatn.1.■氧化膜fire-controln.1.■【军】射击指挥, 火力控制2.■消防firecracker[&#712fa&#618&#601kr&#230k&#601(r)]n.1.■爆竹, 鞭炮2.■沙丁鱼幼鱼3.■爆竹花fire-cracksn.1.■烧裂; 退火裂纹fire-crackingn.1.■【冶】热裂fire-curevt.1.■用烟熏(烟草等)fire-dampn.1.■【化】(煤矿内的)碳化氢, 沼气fire-diken.1.■防火堤firedog[&#712fa&#618&#601d&#596&#609]n.1.■(炉中的)柴架, 炭架firedrake[&#712fai&#601dre&#618k]n.1.■(北欧神话中的)喷火龙dragon[&#712dr&#230&#609&#601n]n.1.■(北欧神话中的)喷火龙fireeatern.1.■吞火魔术师, 爱打架的人fire-eatingadj.1.■强暴的, 好战的, 咄咄逼人的fire-enginen.1.■救火车, 消防车fire-escapen.1.■太平梯, 安全出口firefindern.1.■火灾寻视器fire-floatn.1.■消防艇fireflood[&#712fa&#618&#601fl&#652d]n.1.■注火法(一种石油开采程序)firefly[&#712fa&#618&#601fla&#618]n.1.■火萤firegraten.1.■炉篦[条]fireguard[&#712fa&#618&#601&#609&#593:d]n.1.■灭火炉fire-hazardousadj.1.■易着火的fire-holen.1.■(钢)坩埚炉firehouse[&#712fa&#618&#601ha&#650s]n.1.■消防马车fire-hydrantn.1.■消防栓, 消防龙头fire-insurancen.1.■火灾保险fire-lanen.1.■防火隔离线firelight[&#712fa&#618&#601la&#618t]n.1.■炉火光firelightern.1.■引火物firelock[&#712fa&#618&#601l&#596k]n.1.■(采用缓燃导火索点燃火药的)装药炮闩fireman[&#712fa&#618&#601m&#601n]n.1.■煤矿井下检查员; 爆破工; 烧火工, 消防队员fire-marshaln.1.■[美]防火部门主管人firemastern.1.■消防队长firenewadj.1.■崭新的fire-outn.1.■发射, 起动fire-pann.1.■[英]火炬, 火铲, 火盆2.■灰槽fire-patroln.1.■火灾巡查, 火灾巡逻队fireplace[&#712fa&#618&#601ple&#618s]n.1.■壁炉fireplug[&#712fa&#618&#601pl&#652&#609]n.1.■消火栓fire-polishingn.1.■烧边(玻璃), 火琢firepotn.1.■火罐, 坩埚, 火盂2.■炉膛, 内燃烧室firepowern.1.■【军】火力fireproof[&#712fa&#618&#601pru:f]adj.1.■耐火的, 耐热的fireproofing[&#712fa&#618&#601pru:f&#618&#331]n., adj.1.■防火(的), 耐火材料(的)fire-raisingn.1.■[英]纵火罪fireresistantadj.1.■耐高温的fireretardantadj.1.■防[耐]火的fireroom[&#712fa&#618&#601ru:m]n.1.■锅炉房, 锅炉间fireside[&#712fa&#618&#601sa&#618d]n.1.■炉边, 家, 家庭fire-stationn.1.■消防站firestone[&#712fa&#618&#601st&#601&#650n]n.1.■燧石, 耐火岩土, 耐火粘土, 黄金矿fire-stoppern.1.■灭火器firestoppingn.1.■挡火系统firestorm[&#712fa&#618&#601st&#596:m]n.1.■(原子弹爆炸等引起的)风暴性大火firetailn.1.■火尾鸡fireteazern.1.■[英]烧炉员fire-tendern.1.■救火机fire-tracen.1.■防火带, 火烧控制线firetrap[&#712fa&#618&#601tr&#230p]n.1.■无太平门的建筑物, 易遭火灾的建筑物fire-walkingn.1.■【宗】渡火(一种宗教仪式)firewarden[&#712fa&#618&#601&#716w&#596:d?n]n.1.■[美]防火检查员; 防火了望员fire-watchern.1.■火灾警戒员firewater[&#712fa&#618&#601w&#596:t&#601(r)]n.1.■[口]烈酒, 烧酒fireweed[&#712fa&#618&#601wi:d]n.1.■(火烧过后长出的杂草)火草; 野莴苣firewomann.1.■女消队防员firewoodn.1.■木柴; [英]柴火fireworkn.1.■[pl.]焰火, 鞭炮2.■【军】烟火信号弹3.■[常用复]激情的表现4.■才气横溢fireless[&#712fa&#618&#601l&#618s]adj.1.■无火的习惯用语A little fire is quickly trodden out.1.■[谚]星星之火, 容易踩灭。altar fire1.■真挚的爱, 神圣的爱sacred fire1.■真挚的爱, 神圣的爱amid fire and thunder1.■轰轰烈烈a running fire1.■连发, 连射; 一连串的批评[指责, 发问](as) hot as fire1.■象火一样热(as)red as fire1.■火红, 通红(as) salt as fire1.■极咸be fired (out)1.■[俚]被解雇between two fires1.■腹背受敌; 在两面夹攻中; 进退维谷, 左右为难blow the fire1.■(用风箱, 鼓风机等)吹火; [喻]挑唆, 煽动brush fire1.■灌木丛火灾(以别于森林大火)2.■突然爆发的; 小规模的; 局部的build a fire under sb.1.■迫使某人行动起来by fire and sword1.■杀人放火, 使用残暴方法carry fire in one hand and water in the other1.■两面三刀, 口不应心catch
fire1.■着火take fire1.■着火cease fire1.■停火draw the fire of sb. (=draw sb.'s fire)1.■【军】吸引敌方火力2.■招致某人攻击fight fire with fire1.■以火攻火, 以毒攻毒flash fire1.■眼中冒火, 怒目相对shoot fire1.■眼中冒火, 怒目相对go on fire1.■[苏, 爱]开始燃烧go through fire and water1.■赴汤蹈火, 历尽艰险hang fire1.■(火器)发射不出, 迟缓发射; (作事)犹豫不决耽搁时间hold fire1.■忍着, 不表态; 不采取行动Kentish fire1.■长时间鼓掌2.■一片反对、嘲笑声lay a fire1.■准备生火lift the fire1.■【军】延伸射击; 中止射击like fire1.■飞快地liquid fire1.■[军]液体燃烧剂2.■[俚]劣等的威士忌酒make a fire1.■生火make up a fire1.■添燃料使火烧旺miss fire1.■(枪炮)打不响; 没有产生预期效果nurse a fire1.■看管火; 烤火2.■照看着不让火熄灭on fire1.■燃烧着; 兴奋着; 热中on the fire1.■[美俚]在考虑[审议]中One fire burns out another's burning.1.■[谚]新火可以扑灭旧火; 新的爱情可以赶走旧的爱情。open fire1.■开火; 开始; 首先发音, 先开口play with fire1.■玩火, 干危险的事pull out of the fire1.■把...从危难中抢救出来, 使转败为胜snatch out of the fire1.■把...从危难中抢救出来, 使转败为胜Promethean fire1.■生命之火; 活力, 元气put to fire and sword1.■又烧又杀save sth. out of the fire1.■把东西从火中抢救出set fire to1.■放火烧, 使燃烧; 使兴奋, 使激动set on fire1.■放火烧, 使燃烧; 使兴奋, 使激动show sth. the fire1.■把某物稍稍热一下Soft fire makes sweet malt.1.■[谚]慢工出细活。stand fire1.■耐热, 耐高温, 冒着炮火; 忍受批评stir the fire1.■拨火strike fire1.■(用火石)打火, (用火柴)划火2.■激起热情take fire1.■着火燃烧; 激动起来; 对...发生兴趣The fire which lights us at a distance will burn us when near.1.■[谚]远火照明, 近火灼人。The fire which warms us at a distance will burn us when near.1.■[谚]远火照明, 近火灼人。No fire without smoke.1.■[谚]有烟必有火; 无风不起浪。There is no fire without smoke.1.■[谚]有烟必有火; 无风不起浪。under fire1.■在炮火下; 受到攻击[批评, 责怪]Where's the fire?1.■[谑]哪儿着火啦? 干吗这么急?with fire and sword1.■用火与剑, 用武力fire and brimstone1.■地狱里的磨难; (发出)愤怒的恫吓2.■见鬼!fire and fag(g)ot1.■火刑fire and fury1.■炽烈奔放[激怒]的感情Fire and water are good servants, but bad masters.1.■[谚]水火无情。fire at1.■对... 开枪, 向... 射击fire on1.■对... 开枪, 向... 射击fire away1.■继续射击; [口]开始连珠炮般地谈话或提问; 拍照fire in the
belly1.■抱负, 推动力, 积极性fire in one's
belly1.■抱负, 推动力, 积极性fire off1.■开炮; 发射; [口]发生一连串提问[责难]; 打完, 放完, (问题等)提完fire out1.■[美]用火把...烤出来; 撵走, 解雇Fire that's closest kept burns most of all.1.■[谚]压住的火烧得更旺(一般指抑制情欲)。fire up(ing)1.■发动(机器); 生火; 突然发怒fires of heaven1.■[诗]星星heavenly fires1.■[诗]星星特殊用法all-round fire1.■玩火; 四周射击St. Anthony's fire1.■丹毒antiaircraft fire1.■防空火力area fire1.■面积射击banked fire1.■(锅炉)压火barrage fire1.■高射炮火网beacon fire1.■烽火building fire1.■装配用火, 焊接用火; 熏鱼文火(熏鱼的第二阶段)St. Elmo's fire1.■桅顶(飞机翼尖、塔尖等的)电辉火burst fire1.■点射cleaning fire1.■清炉collective fire1.■协同发射的火力converging fire1.■集中射击covering fire1.■掩护射击creeping fire1.■伏地火, 漫延火crown fire1.■树冠火decorating fire1.■彩烤, 彩烧, 烤花decoy fire1.■诱引火力deliberate fire1.■减速射击director fire1.■指挥仪瞄准射击drying fire1.■直接火烘干(熏鱼的第一阶段)exposure fire1.■曝热起火flanking fire1.■侧面火quartering fire1.■侧面火flash-back fire1.■反闪火焰, 回火frontal fire1.■正面射击glost fire1.■烧釉grazing fire1.■低伸火力ground fire1.■地表火hard fire1.■大火, 高温烧成head fire1.■顺风火, 头火high-angle fire1.■高角射击; 对空射击knobbling fire1.■搅铁炉ladder fire1.■梯次射击low fire1.■微火mild fire1.■文火naked fire1.■明火(头)observed fire1.■观察射击percussion fire1.■着发射击radar fire1.■雷达火力ricochet fire1.■跳弹射击ring fire1.■圆火花, (集电环)整圈打火running fire1.■凶(烈)火, 速行火searching fire1.■纵深射击sharp fire1.■急火, 烈焰(有过量空气燃烧成的短火焰)single fire1.■单烧, 一次烧成slash fire1.■残火smoky fire1.■烟熏火smoke-producing fire1.■烟熏火soft fire1.■文火(空气不足的火焰)spontaneous fire1.■自然火spreading fire1.■火力扩展surface fire1.■地表火time fire1.■定时引爆trial fire1.■试射unregulated fire1.■任意点火velocity fire1.■速度试验射击volley fire1.■群射zone fire1.■区域射击
fire 在21世纪词典中的解释
fire['fai&#601]n.1.■火2.■燃烧物(如炉中的燃料);炉火3.■火灾,失火4.■闪光;亮火;火花;发光(或炽热)体5.■6.■火一般的东西,似火物7.■(火一般的)光辉8.■火刑;(火刑)拷问9.■严峻考验;磨难;苦难10.■发烧,发热,发炎11.■激情,热情;热忱,强烈的感情12.■生动的想像,丰富的想像力13.■14.■炮火;射击;火力15.■连珠炮似的东西;猛烈批评16.■(酒精饮料的)烈性17.■[文学用语]发光体;星18.■[古语]闪光,闪电19.■[古语]焰火vt.1.■放火烧,使燃烧;点燃;点火于:to fire a building放火烧一建筑物2.■给(炉子等)加添燃料;给…烧火,司…的炉:to fire a furnace给炉子添燃料3.■(在窑中)烧制(砖、陶器等),烧成;烘烤:Before we could build we had to fire bricks and carry timber from the forests.在我们建房前我们必须烧制砖块,从森林中采伐木材。4.■烘干,焙,焙制(茶叶等):to fire tea焙制茶叶5.■使明亮;使发光;使光辉灿烂6.■7.■激励,激发;使充满热情8.■刺激,使兴奋,使激动:The speaker fired the crowd into marching to Parliament with their de-mands.演讲者激起了群众拥向议会去提要求。9.■10.■射出(子弹);放(枪、炮等):The gunman fired three bul-lets at the police.持枪歹徒向警察开了三枪。11.■(点燃…)使爆炸,爆破12.■[口语]猛投,抛,猛掷:to fire a rock猛掷石头13.■猛烈地发出:The crowd fired questions at the speaker for over an hour.群众向演讲者一连提了一个多小时的问题。14.■[美国口语]解雇,解聘,开除:He was fired from his job.他被解雇了。vi.1.■(开始)燃烧,发出火焰;着火:Damp gunpowder will not fire.潮湿的火药不会起火。2.■烧火,司炉:The factory's firemen went on strike, and there was no one to
fire for them.工厂的司炉工在闹罢工,没有人替他们烧火。3.■变得激动;激怒,发怒;充满激情:He
fired inwardly at these sarcasms.他对那些讽刺深感愤慨。4.■(在窑中燃烧而)引起反应,发生变化:a glaze that
fires bright blue燃烧后变淡蓝色的釉面5.■开火6.■(枪、炮等)射击:They
fired at a fleeting enemy.他们向正在逃跑的敌人开火。7.■(如谷物等植物叶子)过早地变黄8.■(指内燃机)空气燃料混合物在汽缸内燃烧9.■投掷a running fire【军事】(枪炮等)连续的射击一连串的抨击或发问altar (或 sacred) fire[古语]真挚(或神圣)的爱(as) hot as fire像火一样地热(as) red as fire火红,像火一样地通红(as) salt as fire极咸between two fires遭两面夹攻,腹背受敌;左右为难blow the fire(用风箱等)吹火[废语]煽风点火,挑拨离间build a fire under someone督促(或强迫)某人行动;激起carry fire in one hand and water in the other口是心非;施展两面手法catch (on) fire(用火石)打火;(用火柴)擦火对…产生很深影响激起热情cease fire停火draw the fire of someone【军事】吸引敌方火力招致某人的攻击[亦作 darw someone's fire]fight fire with fire以牙还牙,以其人之道还治其人之身fire ahead[口语]开始;开始说,开始问fire and brimstone地狱里的磨难严厉的惩罚fire and sword火与剑;杀人放火,烧杀破坏fire go on[苏格兰、爱尔兰英语]开始燃烧fire in one's belly力量,推动力,劲头go through fire and water赴汤蹈火,历尽艰难hang fire(枪、炮)发射不出;迟缓发射(做事)迟缓;(行动或事情发生的)延迟;犹豫不决,悬而未决have too many irons in the fire见ironkeep coals of fire on someone's head见 coalhold (one's) fire不露真情,忍着不说keep the home fires burning(在某人离开时) 照常料理家务;在家迎接lay a (或 the ) fire(把燃料放入炉中)准备生火lift the fire【军事】延缓射击,中止射击like fire飞快地,迅速地make a fire生火make up a fire添燃料使火烧旺miss fire(枪、炮)不发火;哑火不成功;落空;达不到预期目的nurse the fire烤火,靠火坐着照看火on fire燃烧,起火,失火非常激动,充满热情,情绪激昂;狂热;盛怒on the fire[美国俚语]悬而未决的,在考虑中;在准备中open fire开火,开枪开始;先开口,先发言play with fire玩火,做(不必要的)危险事;在危险面前掉以轻心pull (或 snatch ) out of the fire使转败为胜;把…从危难中解救出来sacred fire[古语]真挚(或神圣)的爱天才save something out of the fire把东西抢救出来,使…不致毁灭set fire to点燃,使燃烧;付之一炬激动,使激动set on fire点燃,使燃烧;付之一炬使情绪激昂set the world on fire一举成名,一鸣惊人show something the fire把某物稍热一下stand fire冒着炮火(而不退却);经得住考验耐高温;耐热stir the fire拨火[亦作 give the fire a stir]strike fire着火,(开始)燃烧[亦作catch fire]激动起来,兴奋起来;恼火(对…)产生兴趣take fire着火,烧着激动,兴奋异常兴趣(或范围、成就等)大大增加,发生兴趣;突然获得成功under fire遭到炮火射击,冒着枪林弹雨受到抨击(或批评、责难等)with fire and sword用火与剑,用武力,用残酷的镇压手段变形vt.firedfiring


