
补充:“疑问词 + ever”是近年来高考英语的一个考查热点,在各版本的中学英语教材中出现频率较高,而且是学生理解和掌握的一个难点.从不同角度论述这方面内容的文章很多,本文试图别辟蹊径,简单明了地归纳讲解这一问题.“疑问词 + ever ”可分为两类,“疑问代词 + ever ”:whatever / whichever / whoever (宾格 whomever )和“疑问副词 + ever ”:wherever / whenever / however.不论是“疑问代词 + ever ”还是“疑问副词 + ever ”,其意义都是“不管 / 无论 + 该疑问词的本义”.1.“疑问代词 + ever”可引导两种类型的从句,即让步状语从句和名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句).(1)引导让步状语从句.此时 whatever / whoever / whichever 分别等于“ no matter + what / who / which”.例如:Whatever happened,he wouldn't say a word.= No matter what happened,he wouldn't say a word.Whoever says so,it is wrong.= No matter who says so,it is wrong.Whichever dictionary you (may) take,you will have to pay at least 20 dollars.= No matter which dictionary you (may) take,you will have to pay at least 20 dollars.注意:这类从句中应用一般现在时表将来,从句中也常用情态动词 may / might .(2)引导名词性从句.例如:Whoever smokes here will be punished.(主语从句) Beggars will eat whatever they are given.(宾语从句) Whichever he likes will be given to him.(主语从句) You may invite whoever / whomever you like.(常用 whoever 代替 whomever) 此时它们都不能换成“ no matter + 疑问词”的形式,但 whoever 等于 anyone who,whatever 等于 anything that.2.“疑问副词 +ever ”:wherever / whenever / however 一般只能引导一种类型的从句,即让步状语从句,此时它们分别等于“ no matter + where / when / how ”.例如:Wherever he goes (may go).I'll follow him.= No matter where he goes (may go),I'll follow him.Whenever I wisited him,he was always busy working.= No matter when I visited him,he was always busy working.However late he is,his mother will wait for him to have dinner together.= No matter how late he is,his mother will wait for him to have dinner together.注意:当 however 用作连接副词时也可引导名词性从句,而 whenever/ wherever 则不能引导名词性从句.例如:I'll give you however much money you need.(宾语从句,此时 however 不能改成 no matter how ).3.另外,whatever / whichever / whoever 与 whenever / wherever / however 分别可相当于 what / which / who 与 when / where / how 的强调式,引起的特殊疑问句往往是简单句,与原疑问词的意思、用法完全相同,只是表达的语气更为强烈,翻译时可加上“到底;究竟”等.例如:What(ever) are you doing 你(到底)在干什么?Which(ever) do you want to buy 你(究竟)要买哪一个?Who(ever) told you such a foolish story?(究竟)是谁讲给你这么蠢的事?When(ever) can I enjoy a long vacation?(究竟)什么时候才能给我放个长假呢?Where(ever) did you leave your dictionary?你(究竟)把词典放哪儿了?How(ever) did you collect so much money?你(到底)是怎样筹到这么多钱的?
英音 [ 'ev?'preznt ] ; 美音 [ 'ev?'preznt ] 副词 经常存在的
being present always
adj. 千变万化
2. 永远,始终;总是
1.(构成形容词)表示“永远”,“持续”(如:ever-increasing, ever-present)
vi. 结果为,终于发生,发生
adv. 终于,最后
n. 不测的事,可能发生的事,可能性
a. 最终发生的,最后的,结果的
2016ever-present是什么意思由沪江网提供。ever的具体用法是怎么用?will ever be able to_百度知道
ever的具体用法是怎么用?will ever be able to
will ever be able to和will be able to有什么区别呢? 为何要加个ever
还有ever具体要怎么用呢? 用比较容易理解的方式告诉我 谢谢 不要复制那些一大堆的啊
你问他”你有没有被问年龄“这样的情况就不要有ever,比如你要对方去买酒.It&#39,注意是问而不是”问过“,他回来,自认为理解能力是有的,也就是说你问这个问题的时候加ever是问对方以前有没有这样的经历,第二句没有ever:Have you ever been asked if you were 18。具体怎么用还是得靠积累?“,所以才很难知道It&#39,多看看美剧会有帮助,加一个ever的用意基本是强调和质疑他们到底有没有可能达成这个目标。我个人理解带或不带ever最重要的目的就是质疑,不过托福第一次还是很幸运地考了111。并不是所有ever都是质疑的目的,于是这个hard to know可能是因为我们对他们的情况不了解(资料不够等等),但是说这句话的人可能还抱点希望?你有没有被人问过你满18岁了没有;s hard to know if they will ever be able to achieve that goal?在这里如果没有ever,我英语学的并不是很系统。希望不算太难理解.用这个句子举个栗子吧,没有ever的话就更像是问最近有没有被问过这样的问题,就更近似于“你有没有被人问你满18岁了没有;s hard to know if they will be able to achieve that goal,主要是通过平常积累
谢谢 大概明白了
出门在外也不愁ever since的用法
ever since的用法
ever since 用法详解,谢谢帮助!
&提问时间: 11:37:22
回答:级别:二级教员 12:54:55来自:APNIC
1.ever since 的结构:(作为连词)=since 完成时态---- ever since +主+动词简单过去式
例:I have known him ever since he was a child.
这种用法同since 差不多,不过 ever since 比 since 用得少。
再如:We have lived in Shanghai ever since we came to China.(自从我们来到中国之后就住在上海。)
2.以上所说的 ever since 作为连词。
ever since 也可作为副词,解释“此后”(就一直...)
例:1)He fell ill at Christmas and has been ill ever since.
他在圣诞节生病了此后就一直不适。(has + be ill)
2)He left home last year and has been away ever since.
他去年离家走了,此后一直在外面。(has + be away)
3)He fell off his horse a week ago and has been in bed ever since.
4)He went to Turkey in 1950 and has lived there ever since.
3. has not been able to 这实际上就是 be able to 加上 have 罢了。所谓 be able to 就是“有可能”不是“能”(can)。如果一直,始终没有可能就是has not been able to ,这很简单。
如果 it has not been easy. 就是“那件事一直不是轻而易举的。”完成时态不一定都解释为“已经”,有时要解释为“一直”。
have trouble with sb. 与某人发生了纠纷
return home 不可用 return to home
at night 不可用 at the night
because of 由于
even once 即使是一次
have effect 产生效果
turn ... to 把···变为
No Parking!
Jasper White is one of those rare people who believes in ancient myths. He has just bought a new
house in the city, but ever since he moved in, he has had trouble with motorists.
When he returns home at night, he always finds that someone has parked a car outside his gate.
Because of this, he has not been able to get his own car into his garage even once. Jasper has put up
&No Parking& signs outside his gate, but these have not had any effect.
Now he has an ugly stone head over the gate. It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen. I asked
him what it was and he told me that it was Medusa, the Gorgon. Jasper hopes that she will turn
motorists to stone. But none of them has been turned to stone yet!


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