this is lovea well 安排 o...

Tracy Wong是一位著名的美籍华人作家。其写作技能(skill)是自学的。后文大部分谈到了她的技能与技巧。skill技能,技巧;experience经验,
体验, 经历, 阅历;practice实践,实习;method方法。
disabled children和对立项a part-time writer for
three of her stories to a publisher 有所暗示。A.
they were interested;Encouraged的逻辑主语应是Tracy,而不是出版商;anxiously(忧虑地,
that既然,表示原因关系;;even though即使,即便,表示转折关系;just
because就是因为,表示因果关系;except that 除了……之外,
used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago.”有所暗示。make
up弥补, 虚构, 缝制,
整理;connect with连接,
解释, 说明。
no reason)地,而非碰巧(by accident),从远处(from
a distance),作为礼物式(as gifts)地发生在作者身上。由后文中的Once,
she was wondering how to…有所暗示。
in a more comfortable home 说明unmoved不妥。Excited和determined与文意不符。
wasn’t just writing不形成对立关系。
writing skill,a part-time writer for IBM,writing
stories was simply a personal interest的相一致。reporting,luck和fun与文意不符。
来源:高中课程新学案 高中三年级、英语
  In my third year as a high school athletics coach, I gave a speech telling students and parents about the benefits of football.I gave the same   1   each year, aimin g at recruiting(招收)new team members.I talked about   2   football wasn't just for   3   athletes and how everyone could   4   from it.This year, a   5   looking couple approached me after my speech.They said their son really wanted to play football.They had tried to   6   him out of it, but he had his heart   7   on joining the team.
  When they told me his name, my heart sank.Michael was five feet and ten inches tall and weighed about 108 pounds.He was a   8   boy, the constant target of other kids' jokes, and as far as I knew he had never   9   sports.I knew he would never   10   it through football practice, let   11   as a player.But we told them we could give it a try.
  On the opening day of practice, Michael was the first player on the field, we did 30 minutes of warming-up   12   starting a one-mile jog around the track.I   13   my eye on Michael.At 50 yards he fell, and I helped him to his feet.“Michael,”I said,“Why don't you just   14   the mile?”He said in tears that he wanted to run with the others, so I let him go on.  15   he fell, but each time   16   himself up.
  The same thing happened every day for weeks, and Michael gained strength both   17   and physically.By the last week of practice, Michael could run the mile without falling, we had   18   only one game that season,   19   the team cheered louder for Michael's run than the victory they had, Afterward, Michael approached me, and I told him how   20   I was of him.
participated in
  Some people do not like anything to be out of order. They are ___1___ late for work. They ___2____ the books to the library on time. They remember people's birthdays, and they pay the bills the moment they ____3____ Mr Dodds is ____4____ a man.
  Mr Dodds works in a bank, and lives ____5____ his own. The only family his sister lives there with her ____6___, and her son ___7____ Mark. Mr Dodds doesn't see his sister, or _____8__ family, from one year to the next. He sends them Christmas cards, and he has not forgotten one of ____9____ seventeen birthdays.
  last week Mr Dodds had quite an incident. He drove home from his office at the ____10___ time, ____11___ neither too slowly _____12____ too fast. He parked his car where he ___13____ parked it, out of the other cars, and he went ___14____ to make his evening meal. Straight away, there was a ____15___ at the door. Mr Dodds _____16___ the door, to find a policeman ____17____ on the doorsteps.
  “What have I done ____18____?” Mr Dodds asked himself. “Have I ____19___ on the wrong side of the road? Has there been some trouble at the bank? Have I forgotten to pay an important bill?”
  “Hello!____20___,” said the policeman, “my name is Mark.”
(1) A.oftenB.usually
&&& C.quiteD.never
(2) A.borrowB.return
&&& C.lendD.keep
(3) A.goB.come
&&& C.arriveD.leave
(4) A.soB.rather
&&& C.suchD.quite
(5) A.inB.on
(6) A.husbandB.wife
&&& C.uncleD.aunt
(7) named
&&& C.namedD.who named
(8) A.hisB.its
&&& C.herD.these
(9) A.Mark'sB.Mr Dodds
&&& C.his sister'sD.the girl's
(11) A.workingB.driving
(12) A.notB.nor
(13) A.alwaysB.sometimes
(14) A.outsideB.down
(15) A.voiceB.knock
(16) A.shutB.watched
&  C.repairedD.answered
(17) standing
(18) A.wrongB.well
(19) A.stoodB.stayed
&  C.walkedD.driven
(20) A.BrotherB.Uncle
来源:黄冈重点作业 高一英语(下)
  Three men came to Dover Station at about nine o'clock one evening. They asked the assistant what time the next train was for London. The assistant said, “You've just
one. They go every hour. The next one is at ten o'clock. ”“That is
,”they said, “we'll go and have a drink.”So they went to the nearest bar. A minute or two after ten o'clock, they came
and said to the assistant, “Has the train gone?” “Yes,” he said, “it went at ten o'clock
I told you. The next is at eleven o'clock.”
  “That's OK,” they said, “we'll go and have another
.”So they went back to the bar.
  They missed the eleven o'clock train in
way, and the assistant said, “Now, the next train is the
If you miss that, you
to London tonight.”
  Twelve o'clock came, and the last train
of them came out of the bar running as hard as they
. Two of them got into a carriage just
the train was leaving but the third one didn't run
, and the train went out leaving him
. He stood there looking at the train and
a train was the best joke (玩笑) in the world. The assistant went up to him and said, “I told you that this was the last train. Why didn't you come
  The man couldn't answer because of laughing. He laughed
the tears came into his eyes. Then he said, “Did you see those two fellows
into the train and leave me here?”
  “Yes, I saw them,” said the assistant.
  “Well, I was the one who was going to L they only came
to see me off!”
A.soB.too good
C.all rightD.a pity
A.runningB.laughing time
C.anotherD.the same
A.wouldn't goB.won't get
C.must walkD.aren't going
A.had startedB.had gone
C.had leftD.was starting
C.threeD.the three
C.atD.while enough soon as possible
C.wanderingD.laughing miss
C.fasterD.with your friends
  One afternoon just before Christmas, an old gentleman was wandering through the city center. The shops were packed ___1___ good things and ___2___ with cheerful shoppers. The children were gazing in wonder at all the toys on show in the ___3___. Suddenly in the middle of the crowd he saw a dirty little boy sitting on the pavement ___4____ bitterly. When the kind old man asked him why he was crying, the little boy told him that he had ___5___ a ten penny piece that his uncle had given him. Thrusting his hand into his ___6___ the old man pulled out a handful of coins. He ___7__ a shiny, new ten penny ___8___ and handed it to the boy. “___9___” said the little boy , drying his ___10___, he cheered ___11___ at once.
  An hour ___12___ later the old man was ___13___ his way back the same route. To his
___14___ he saw the same dirty little boy in the same spot, crying just as bitterly as before. He went up __15___ the boy and asked him if he had lost ten pence he had given him. The little boy told him that ___16___ he had not lost the ___17__ coin, but he still could not find his first ten pence. “If I ___18____ find my own ten pence,”he said___19__,“I'd have___20___ pence now.”
(1) A.atB.for
(2) A.crowdsB.crowded
&&& C.fillingD.full
(3) A.windowsB.kitchens
&&& C.wallsD.doors
(4) A.laughingB.smiling
&&& C.weepingD.shouting
(5) A.lostB.thrown
&&& C.gotD.stolen
(6) A.clothesB.trousers
&&& C.sleevesD.pocket
(7) A.picked upB.picked out
&&& C.picked forD.picked at
(8) A.moneyB.bill
&&& C.pieceD.note
(9) A.Not at allB.Thank you very much
  C.I beg your pardonD.Don't mention it
(10) A.eyesB.nose
(12) A.and soB.for so
   C.or notD.or so
(13) A.doingB.putting
(14) A.joyB.surprise
(15) A.forB.with
(16) A.naturallyB.completely
(17) A.firstB.third
(18) A.couldB.can
(19) A.frightfullyB.tearfully
(20) A.thirtyB.forty
  When I was a little girl, every Sunday my family of six would put on our best clothes and go to Sunday School and then church.The   1   in elementary school would all meet together to sing songs, and then later divide into   2   based on their ages.
  One Easter Sunday, all the kids   3   with big eyes and big   4   about what the Easter Bunny(复活节小兔)had brought.  5   all of the kids shared their stories with   6  , one young boy , whom I shall call Bobby, sat   7  .One of the teachers , noticing this, said to him, “And what did the Easter Bunny   8   you?”He replied, “My mom   9   the door by accident so the Easter Bunny couldn't get   10   because he hadn't got a key.”
  This sounded like a   11   idea to all of us kids, so we kept on going with the stories.My mom knew the true story,   12  .Bobby's mom was a single parent , and she suspected(怀疑)that they just couldn't   13   the Easter Bunny.
  After Sunday School was over, everyone went off to   14  .But my mom announced that we were going home   15  .At home, she explained that to make Bobby feel   16  , we were going to pretend(假装)to be the Easter Bunny , make a basket of our candies for him and   17   it at church.We all donated(捐赠)some to the basket, and   18   back to church.There, mom hung the basket over the hanger(挂钩)and attached(附上)a(n)  19  :
Dear Bobby,
  I'm sorry I   20   your house last night.Happy Easter.
The Easter Bunny
immediatelyOh LJ, your days are certainly numbered now!&I just packed up all my random crap and I'll admit, it's not packed well by any means.But even without a few random things in my room, it seems pretty empty. It's weird.Poor Koda.&She's gotten all nervous. She doesn't know what's going on but she knows I'm going somewhere.&I'm gonna feel HORRIBLE leaving her.These past few months it's pretty much just been me and her in the house, this last month especially.&We wake up together, we watch Will&Grace and eat breakfast together.&She sits on my lap after I get the mail, she eats the second half of my lunch, we play hide&seek/tag at random,&I egg her on while she tries to catch that dang fly, she tries to steal my balls when&I'm 3-ball juggling...I taught her how to eat off a fork, she's had many fleas.&My poor baby :(As much as I'm gonna miss my family and friends (and yes I will miss you guys&LOADS), I'm gonna miss my Koda bear.&She's literally become like my second half. We follow each other around, I carry her around, we cuddle.:(&:(&:(I just gotta keep thinking about how excited she'll be when&I come back for Thanksgiving. My little flea bag&:)Anyways it's late.&I should sleep so&I'm well rested for fun and more packing tomorrow :D
This is heaven. I've just listened to the entire album in one sitting. bril&liant&&&/'br?ly?nt/
- [bril-yuhnt]
&adjective 1. lustrous: the brilliant lights of the city. 2. illustrious: a brilliant performance by a young pianist. 3.having or showing great intelligence, talent, quality, etc.: a brilliant technician. 4.stro bright: brilli the brilliant sound of the trumpets. 5.splendid or magnificent: a brilliant social event. God I can't wait to see them again!&&Just got to hold out til next spring when they come out for their second album tour.&3 &3&&3
I'm starting to really wonder...How do you pack up your entire life?
....she doesn't care.As much as I hate the circumstances, it was nice to talk to Brett again.I really thought he was gonna be one of the people I never saw/talked to again.Anyways,I really believe Lauren and what she says.It's just a major shame that while she gives good advice and has a lot of insight, she's truly unable to use it on herself.I'm exhausted.My dog projectile vomited today like 4 feet, I fought with computers, I 'fought' with friends, I listened to the shit Michelle's going through.On the plus side, I finished my blogger.Oh and here's one for you Kelly.Cheers mf's.I'm gone. I still love Enter Shikari though. Brilliant :]
I'm so stoked!I set up and customized my new blogger yesterday and let me say, it's lookin pretty good!It's still not ready for the public though so no links just yet!Here's a little taste though...:D
Too bad Beck's old.He was hot :]
Holy Taquitos!I leave in 11 days! :OTechnically I move in 12 days but still!I'm all in a tizzy.Haha.Guess I should start prepping that blogger ha.Oh well.I'll do that later.But cheese fries and toast! I'm so nervous and so excited it's mixed together in some nasty big emotion that consumes me!!Anyways...Pineapple Express was hilarious. It was one of those movies that you just feel stupid/stoned watching and cracking up to.And James Franco as a totally stoned drug dealer who loved his "bubbe"? AMAZING :)HahahahahahaSide note: Happy Birthday Kelly!WellI guess that's it for my pseudo exciting life.Gonna hit up CVS, Wal-Mart and/or Target, the thrift store and Charlotte Russe before I leave.I need me some pictures, coffee mugs, Sherlock Holmes wear, and a scarf :DCheers x
It's past midnight and I'm starving haha.Random.Not being in school/not having a schedule has totally messed with my sense of time/sleep/hunger.Anyways.I'm thinking of getting a blogger, but I've devoted so much time to this old thing that I don't think I can discard it just yet.Actually, I think I can.It can be the ultimate step in my search for self.Come September 21st, or whenever I get online after that, this thing will close down.It will still be here, but I'm not going to update it. Never again.I'll get a blogger and use that and strictly that for my blogging needs.When I create it, I'll post the link here as my last livejournal entry.It's high time I throw out some of the negative crap this thing holds. Sure life isn't always gonna be happy happy sunshine.But it's like a tree. You can't expect the tree to flourish and grow if you don't trim back the dead parts every so often.Wow, I'm getting my life philosophies from books I haven't read in ages [Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson I think, though I'm probably wrong]:]
I wish&I could bottle creativity and drink it later on.&That'd be brilliant.I'm beyond excited and beyond nervous for September 21.&God, I hope I like it there. I can just transfer if I don't..right?[hey, i can keep , right?]
&I can ride my bike with no handlebarsNo handlebarsNo handlebarsI can ride my bike with no handlebarsNo handlebarsNo handlebarsLook at me, look at mehands in the air like it's good to beALIVEand I'm a famous rappereven when the paths're all crookedyI can show you how to do-si-doI can show you how to scratch a recordI can take apart the remote controlAnd I can almost put it back togetherI can tie a knot in a cherry stemI can tell you about Leif EricsonI know all the words to "De Colores"And "I'm Proud to be an American"Me and my friend saw a platypusMe and my friend made a comic bookAnd guess how long it tookI can do anything that I want cuz, look:I can keep rhythm with no metronomeNo metronomeNo metronomeAnd I can see your face on the telephoneOn the telephoneOn the telephoneLook at meLook at meJust called to say that it's good to beALIVEIn such a small worldI'm all curled up with a book to readI can make money open up a thrift storeI can make a living off a magazineI can design an engine sixty fourMiles to the gallon of gasolineI can make new antibioticsI can make a computer survive aquatic conditionsI know how to run a businessAnd I can make you wanna buy a productMovers, shakers, and producersMe and my friends understand the futureI see the strings that control the systemsI can do anything with no assistanceCause I can lead a nation with a microphoneWith a microphoneWith a microphoneAnd I can split the atoms of a moleculeOf a moleculeOf a moleculeLook at meLook at meDriving and I won't stopAnd it feels so good to beAlive and on topMy reach is globalMy tower secureMy cause is nobleMy power is pureI can hand out a million vaccinationsOr let'em all die from exasperationHave'em all healed from their lacerationsOr have'em all killed by assassinationI can make anybody go to prisonJust because I don't like 'emAnd I can do anything with no permissionI have it all under my commandBecause I can guide a missile by satelliteBy satelliteBy satelliteAnd I can hit a target through a telescopeThrough a telescopeThrough a telescopeAnd I can end the planet in a holocaustIn a holocaustIn a holocaustIn a holocaustIn a holocaustIn a holocaustI can ride my bike with no handlebarsNo handlebarsNo handlebarsI can ride my bike with no handlebarsNo handlebarsNo handlebars&"to me, that first lyric pans out to represent an arrogant and scary attitude of America towards the rest of the world."....Agreed.


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