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北京甲醛空气净化器家用除甲醛 办公室
  The two presidents will exchange views on bilateral ties, their respective domestic and foreign policies, and regional and international situation, to ensure that the new model of major-country relationship between China and U.S. further develop on a correct track.
  Bloomberg was one of 94 CEOs who wrote to Obama and Xi on Sept 15 urging them to prioritize discussion of the Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) during their summit in Washington. The letter was sent to the two presidents by the Paulson Institute and the US-China Business Council.
  Abraham Lincoln once said: &The best way to predict the future is to invent the future.& China and the US are dest they must ensure that they do not adopt the path of conflict but pave the way for cooperation since unity is strength.
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  &The industry was still weak, but the downward movement has slowed somewhat,& he said.
  &The Square Kilometre Array, the SKA, is the next generation of the radio telescope, a much big version of the telescope you see behind me, much more capable. It will be fundamentally the instrument does science, exploring the true nature of gravity, looking at the universe is like around us. We want to try to understand the formation of planet, and even to detect signal from extraterrestrial civilization if they exist,& Professor Philip Diamond, director general of SKA, said.
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时间 17:43:00
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文章编辑: 郑州兴华植发


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