Can I put some suga shikao...

请问下面这段话是什么意思I will put some pictures on the internet for you.I am coming to Wuhan this month.Can you come to Wuhan?We will not be staying in the same place.I will find you a different hotel,perhaps not far from where I live.Is_百度作业帮
请问下面这段话是什么意思I will put some pictures on the internet for you.I am coming to Wuhan this month.Can you come to Wuhan?We will not be staying in the same place.I will find you a different hotel,perhaps not far from where I live.Is
请问下面这段话是什么意思I will put some pictures on the internet for you.I am coming to Wuhan this month.Can you come to Wuhan?We will not be staying in the same place.I will find you a different hotel,perhaps not far from where I live.Is that possible.I am coming with my colleague from England.
我会在网上给你几张我的照片,我大概会在这个月某天来武汉。你到时能来吗?我们大概不会住同一个酒店,不过我会帮你找一个酒店的,不会离我这里太远。到时 我会和我英格兰的同事一起来
我会在网上给你传照片.我会这个月来武汉.你也可以来吗? 我们不会在一个地方住.我会帮你找另一个宾馆,当然不会里我住的地方太远.有问题吗? 我会跟我的同事一起来.
我传些照片到网上给你.我这个月要到武汉来.你能去武汉吗?我们不在一个地方呆,我会替你另外找个酒店,可能离我住的地方不远.如果可能的话,我和我的英国同事一起过来.请问这句英语表达的是什么意思?Thanks for your reply.I put an order through for the Black & White Silk # yesterday and can't wait to receive it.I am still deciding on the other colours - I am wanting to make a Kaftan so need some_百度作业帮
请问这句英语表达的是什么意思?Thanks for your reply.I put an order through for the Black & White Silk # yesterday and can't wait to receive it.I am still deciding on the other colours - I am wanting to make a Kaftan so need some
请问这句英语表达的是什么意思?Thanks for your reply.I put an order through for the Black & White Silk # yesterday and can't wait to receive it.I am still deciding on the other colours - I am wanting to make a Kaftan so need something appropriate.
感谢你的回复.昨天我下了一个订单,订单号是#黑白真丝,我已经等不及收到它了.我真正考虑要不要其他的颜色.我想要做一件长袍,所以需要点合适的东西.翻译几个英语句子1.When he looks round,he sees some old peopleput eye glasses on before reading their books.2.If I can read, do you think I come here to buy glasses?3.He goes into a restaurant and sits down at a table._百度作业帮
翻译几个英语句子1.When he looks round,he sees some old peopleput eye glasses on before reading their books.2.If I can read, do you think I come here to buy glasses?3.He goes into a restaurant and sits down at a table.
翻译几个英语句子1.When he looks round,he sees some old peopleput eye glasses on before reading their books.2.If I can read, do you think I come here to buy glasses?3.He goes into a restaurant and sits down at a table.
1.他看了看周围,见到一些老人在看书前戴上眼镜. 2.要是我读得出来,你会认为我是来这里买眼镜的吗? 3.他走进一家餐厅,然后在一张桌子前坐了下来.I can ______ some noise while I’m studying, but I can’t stand very loud noise.A. put up withB. get rid ofC. have effect onD. keep away from_百度作业帮
I can ______ some noise while I’m studying, but I can’t stand very loud noise.A. put up withB. get rid ofC. have effect onD. keep away from
I can ______ some noise while I’m studying, but I can’t stand very loud noise.A. put up withB. get rid ofC. have effect onD. keep away from
答案Aput up with 意为“忍受,容忍”;get rid of 意为“摆脱,消除,去掉”;have effect on 意为“对……有影响”;keep away from意为“远离,不接近”.英语翻译A crow wants to drink,but he can't find water.He looks here and there.At last,he cries,“I can see a jar and there is some water in it,”He tries to get the water,but he can't.“How can I get the water?”he cries,“I can put my bill _百度作业帮
英语翻译A crow wants to drink,but he can't find water.He looks here and there.At last,he cries,“I can see a jar and there is some water in it,”He tries to get the water,but he can't.“How can I get the water?”he cries,“I can put my bill
英语翻译A crow wants to drink,but he can't find water.He looks here and there.At last,he cries,“I can see a jar and there is some water in it,”He tries to get the water,but he can't.“How can I get the water?”he cries,“I can put my bill quite close to it.”But still he can not drink.“What can I do?I want to drink.”He looks here and there,and then he picks up a small stone in his bill and carries it to the jar of water and drops it into the jar.“Soon the water will be high in the jar,and I can drink.”says the crow.So he begins to do that until the water is high enough to drink.1、what is the crow looking for?A:a jar B:water C:food D:meat2、why doesn't he drinktight now?A:he isn't very thirsty.B:no water in the jar.C;he doesn't want to drink it .D;the water isn'thigh3、dtop...into...=4、why does he pick up the stone?A:he is hungry.B:he wants to put them into the jar.C;he wants to make his beak strong.D;he is playing a game.
1.乌鸦在找什么 罐子 水 事物 肉 选B 乌鸦喝水的故事哦 在第一行2.它为什么不立刻喝水 他不是很渴 罐子里没有水 他不想喝 水不够高 选D 第二行3.put/throw into 把什么扔进4.他为什么捡了石头?他饿了 他想把它们放到罐子里 他想让他的嘴变强壮 他在玩游戏选B 乌鸦是把石头放到罐子里喝到水的哦 在倒数第三行
首先。。。这是乌鸦喝水的故事。。。1B2D3put into4B
1,b。乌鸦在寻找什么?第一句话写着2、d。为什么它不马上喝水?he tries to get the water, but he cant。3、放进去4、b。为什么它捡起了石头?把石头放在杯子里,水位升高,就可以喝了。第四,五行写着。希望我有帮助到你,你可以追问我如果有什么不明白的~^_^如果满意,请选为满意答案~~不好意思,已经有满意回答了……...


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