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Patricia talks of spring and early summer and regales us with poetry and fragrance.
Spring always sneaks in with an edge, as noted by T. S. Eliot in The Waste Land, “April is the cruelest month.” April promises, then takes away, tantalizing us with a hint of green shoots pushing through the hard earth and following up with a snowstorm. I always crave green fragrances during early spring and none more so than the late, lamented , created in 1997 by . Notes of hyacinth, lily-of-the-valley, rose, and jasmine are surrounded by a strong green presence that has always said spring to me.
I still have half a bottle of Envy from my original purchase, but in the search for an alternative that is currently produced, came upon . Debut, created by , starts out with a sharper green than Envy, but then goes more floral in the dry down with notes of ylang-ylang, linden, and cyclamen. Although I prefer Envy, Debut has a permanent place in my collection as a well-crafted floral green fragrance.
Another perfume in the same category, , has also long been a favorite. The Eau de Toilette, created by
and launched in 1970, provides us with a dry green opening followed by rose and iris. Vetiver, oakmoss, and leather give us an austere dry down worthy of its opening. If you are looking for warm and fuzzy, this one is not for you. The Eau de Parfum was added in the eighties and is warmer and richer than the EDT. I love them both.
In May, I always think of Walt Whitman’s pastoral elegy for Abraham Lincoln, “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d.” The first week of a New England May always brings the heavy, scented lilacs whose short blooming season reminds us of the shortness and sweetness of our own lives. , created in 2000 by
and produced by Frédéric Malle, is a realistic lilac, filled with watery and green notes, melding into a honeyed dry down. Its very name tells us that we are just visitors passing through our time on earth.
Another lovely floral spring fragrance is , which was created in 2010 by . It is light and fresh, filled with violets and violet leaves, its opening sweetness tempered by cedar and patchouli. I think of the beautiful varied faces of pansies every time I wear it.
’s 2009 creation for the small French perfume house MDCI Parfums, Un Coeur en Mai, is filled with geranium, rose, and mimosa. Its floral intensity brings a warm day in mid-May directly to anyone who wears it. Although sweet, it is never cloyingly so.
Robert Herrick’s exhortation to “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,” always makes me think of brides and June roses. A favorite rose fragrance is Peoneve by Penhaligon’s, created in 2012 by . It is a fresh floral rose and peony perfume with violet leaf, jasmine, musk, and cashmeran, all balanced with a whopping dollop of vetiver to bring the sweetness quotient down a notch or two.
White flowers can’t be forgotten, and my favorite for a realistic gardenia is Van Cleef & Arpels’ Gardenia Petale, created in 2009 by . It smells like a gardenia bush right after a rainstorm, the green of the leaves cutting through the sweetness of the flower.
Lastly, the iris plays a stately and important part in the spring garden, and lately my favorite iris fragrance has been , created in 2004 by
for Acqua di Parma. There are two versions, the more citrusy EDT and the warmer and deeper EDP, brought out in 2006. They are two very different fragrances, so be sure to try them both.
Please also see lists made by
What are you wearing this spring?
Photography by Bois de Jasmin
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Cornelia Blimber: After your article on Jacques Guerlain, I am wearing L’Heure Bleue and Liù. Guerlain forever!
Cornelia Blimber: After Victoria’s article, I mean. Sorry, Patricia!
Patricia: No worries! Guerlain sounds lovely for this time of year.
Gaye: I agree: Guerlain forever! In spring, Chamade () is my favourite from the Guerlain house. The divine friend who introduced me to Bois de Jasmin site recently gave me a bottle of vintage Diorissimo EDP, which makes a beautiful change from the slightly heavier Chamade. I like the sound of En Passant Patricia: shall put it on my to try list!
Patricia: Gaye, you truly have a wonderful friend, as a gift of vintage Diorissimo EDP is to be treasured. Enjoy it!
En Passant is just lovely and quite realistic in my opinion. Please let me know what you think of it once you have the opportunity to give it a try.
Gaye: Although it’s midsummer and long past lilac season, I finally got to try En Passant yesterday and loved it. Fresh and spring-like, but also deep and warm. Many thanks for your enticing description! A new perfume discovery is a pleasure indeed.
Patricia: Yes, it is, Gaye! I’m so glad you liked En Passant ?
Nataliya: What a beautiful article Patricia. During this unusual hot April in Rome and I am wearing Iris Nobile EDP.(just got a tester and seriously thinking about a purchase) I wonder why I did not notice this beautyful scent years ago. It is just so perfectly made, with its powdery and iris notes. Another favorite is Heliotrope by Etro, bitter almonds and vanilla are so suitable for still cold evenings but just right for the beginning of spring.
Patricia: Thank you, Nataliya! Iris Nobile is a beauty, isn’t it?
I haven’t tried Heliotrope, but will put it on my list of samples to order.
James1051: Love spring fragrances. Some of my favs are: No 19 EDT, Chypre Mousse, Slumberhouse Mare, Ashoka, Iris de Nuit & Dans Tes Bras.
Patricia: What lovely choices, James! Chypre Mousse sounds especially intriguing.
Lynley: I first tried Iris Nobile of a beautiful May day in Verona and it stayed in my mind for four years before I bought it- I don’t know why it took so long!
Patricia: Do you have the EDT or the EDP version, Lynley?
I have a partial bottle of the EDT but only a few samples of the EDP. Once they are used up I will purchase a full bottle of the EDP, which I slightly prefer for its greater depth and warmth.
Lynley: I have the edp, as I’m pretty sure this is what I first tried. I’m actually not too familiar with the edt or the sublime, so I might have to go and sniff.
Patricia: The EDP is my favorite :).
Anka: Hi Patricia,
thank you for taking me on your poetic perfume journey! I love Eliot’s quote, April is cruel indeed. Today, here in Berlin, it feels almost like winter although all of the lilac bushes are already budded out. So in defiancy of this cruelness I went for Osmanthe Yunnan and still wear Vétiver Tonka a lot these days.
From your list I would like to try “Un Coeur en Mai”.
Patricia: Hi Anka, Our lilacs bloom in early May here in my part of New England, and one year we were surprised by a rogue snowstorm, weighing down the heavy blossom-laden branches and snapping many of them. Nature’s pruning, I guess.
I like your choices for spring. I just recently bought a small decant of Vetiver Tonka and am enjoying its warmth and sweetness very much.
I think you would like Un Coeur en Mai…springtime in a bottle!
: What a lovely juxtaposition—of poetry and perfume. Aside from samples, I always end up wearing my beloved Grey Flannel a lot in the spring. I do love lilacs, so for a quick fix I have Yves Rocher Lilas, which ranks closely for me with the more gourmand Pacifica French Lilac. On special days, when I have time to slow down and relax, I’ll treat myself to a few drops of No. 19 extrait, and once we reach the hot, moist days in June, I think Fils de Dieu will be so perfect to get me in the mood for summer. By the way, Iris Nobile sounds so great!
Patricia: Hi Andy, I love lilacs, too, and will have to try both Yves Rocher Lilas and the Pacifica French Lilac.
This morning I reached for my Iris Nobile without my glasses on, grabbed a half-filled Acqua di Parma bottle and sprayed. I was quite surprised, as the bottle I sprayed from contained the lovely chypre Profumo. Not at all what I expected or really wanted for a spring day. Still, I’m enjoying it :).
Ashley Anstaett: Thanks for this lovely article, Patricia! Your spring picks have given me so many new things to look forward to smelling.
For this spring, I am very much loving Chanel No. 19 and Balenciaga Paris. Paris is a violet delight!
Patricia: Thank you, Ashley!
I’ve worn No. 19 for years, but Balenciaga Paris is a relatively new discovery for me, and I’m enjoying it very much this spring.
Here in New England, spring is just beginning. I think that one of my favorite aspects of spring is listening to the birds singing again.
rainboweyes: Yes, the singing birds! I love them too – even if they wake me up at 5 a.m. ?
I lived in New England (Connecticut) for nearly two years and I remember spring and early being my favourite seasons of the year. The summers were unbearably hot, though (except for Boston, I was freezing there even in July ? ).
Balenciaga Paris is one of my favourite mainstream scents. Have you ever tried Sous le toit de Paris by Atelier Cologne? It’s a lovely violet scent too.
rainboweyes: Spring and early fall, I mean
Ashley Anstaett: No, I will have to try it, because I absolutely love violet. It will be added to my to-sample list!
Patricia: Mine, too!
rainboweyes: I’ve found a decant of Patricia de Nicolai Violette in Love among my samples and I’m wearing it today. Do you know it? It’s a lovely combination of violet, cassis, raspberry, rose, pink and black pepper. It’s really worth trying!
Patricia: That sounds good enough to eat!
Ashley Anstaett: It sure does! It has been on my to-sample list for awhile now. I guiltily bought a splash of Marc Jacobs Violet on ebay the other day. I hope that it’s good…
rainboweyes: What a wonderful read. Your poetic article makes me enjoy spring even more. I love spring! It’s the time when I awake back to life again, after a long period of winter lethargy. European winter with its long periods of gloominess, rain and cold makes me depressive. My winter scents provide a bit of comfort but I’m happy to put them away in spring!
We seem to have the same month wise approach to perfume ?
My spring scent season usually starts in March with earthy, rooty scents like Lutens Iris Silver Mist, AP Iris Pallida, No. 19 and also the lovely, icy Bas de Soie. As soon as temperatures rise a bit, I move on to Hermes Hiris, Parfums DelRae Mythique and Chanel 28 La Pausa. There three are my favourite spring staples. Every now and then I also need a non-iris scent for a change. Then I wear scents such as Atelier Cologne Sous de Toit de Paris, AP Mimosa Pour Moi or TDC Sublime Balkiss.
When we finally reach late spring/early summer I switch to Impossible Iris.
You’ve just inspired me to revisit Iris Nobile. I remember that I was quite disappointed as I tried it years ago but maybe my taste has changed since then. You never know… And Un Cour de Mai sounds lovely, too! I love MDCI scents but they are quite high-priced…
Ashley Anstaett: Rainboweyes, I wanted to tell you I finally wore my sample of ISM a few days ago, and whoa, it was wild! I’m in love, the weirdest kind of love. When I first spritzed it on, it was like biting into a cucumber wrapped in aluminum foil, but in a good, very weird, way. Then it settled into what, to something cool and austere. It was a trip, and I loved it. It also made me really want to watch the movie Solaris, which is also weird, but excellent! Thanks so much for your iris recommendations.
rainboweyes: Cucumber in aluminium, hihi! For me it was rather like grated frozen parsnips ?
ISM is very special, that’s true. But I’m glad you liked it!!!
Patricia: Thanks so much, rainboweyes :). And thanks for adding your favorite spring fragrances to the mix: what a nice selection you have!
Do try Iris Nobile again. You may find that you like it, although with all the great irises already in your rotation, you may not need another.
I agree about the MDCI prices. A few years ago I was fortunate to be gifted the discovery set by a generous relative and have found that the 10 ml sizes of the samples have lasted me quite awhile. (Enlevement au Serail is also beautiful for spring). I can’t imagine buying a full bottle, though, not even one of the plain bottles without the resinous bust!
Annikky: I wear ISM all year, but I agree, it’s best in March.
Liz K: I have been wearing CBIHP Under the Arbor. I had put it away for the winter and because I have read so many bad reviews comparing it to grape koolaid that I wondered if everyone around me was secretly gagging. As I raked the billions of live oak leaves in my yard this spring I realized that the reason I love it so much is that it smells exactly like my garden in the spring with the Mountain Laurels blooming and tilled garden soil. To heck with the koolaid haters, I now know why it appeals to me and will wear it proudly (which I know I should do anyway).
I also love No. 19 and keep putting off a full bottle for no reason but my samples have run dry so I may splurge…
Patricia: Hi Liz K, Good decision to wear and enjoy Under the Arbor! It sounds delightful.
I’m so impressed by you gardeners. My husband has the green thumb in our family, and he enjoys his time “puttering around the yard” so much.
If your samples of No. 19 have run dry, you should splurge on a bottle. I can’t imagine a more full-bottle-worthy fragrance (though I must admit to only having minis of the various concentrations myself!).
: Envy is irreplaceable! It’s NEON green.
Really love this poetry spin on perfume and can’t believe you beat me to it ?
Patricia: Hi Elisa, Envy is the greenest ever, except perhaps for L’Heure Vertueuse III Cartier, which is almost a toxic green! A kind swapper sent me a sample, and it really cleared the sinus passages.
Have you ever tried it?
: I haven’t! Now you have me intrigued. I’ve actually missed that whole Cartier collection somehow.
Figuier: What a great selection – the quotations and the perfumes ?
I’m loving En Passant also at the moment, it’s dewy but still comforting. For sterner moments in tune with ‘stirring/ Dull roots with spring rain’ there’s Sycomore (cos Eliot was obviously talking about vetiver, right, that common European species…)
Patricia: Hi Figuier, Yes, I think that Eliot must have been referring to vetiver, and oddly enough, I just found my small decant of Sycomore this afternoon. It has been mysteriously missing for months. One more reason to keep my samples and decants in better order!
Sandra: How lovely! What a great article!
I am a June bride, and I was just fishing through some poetry yesterday to put on our wedding program. I went with Rumi:
The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere,
they’re in each other all along.
I also have a poem for my dad, that I lost 3 mos ago. Poetry is in the air.
Though I settled on Nahema for my wedding day fragrance, your choice of rose sounds worth sniffing if I can find it!
My spring scents are Juste en Reve, Amyris, Apres l’ondee, Carnal Flower, Ashoka..there are probably a few more..
Oh..Noa! have a great weekend!
Patricia: Dear Sandra, Best wishes on your forthcoming nuptials! Nahema is a lovely choice for a bride.
I like Noa very much, too, and think it would be great on a man as well.
Happy spring, and happy life!
: What a gorgeous, moving poem! I love Rumi. One of my favorite poems by him is:
“Don’t think but let yourself dream
Thoughts are veils that hide
Moon’s bright face…”
Congratulations again, Sandra! How exciting the preparations must be. ?
Annikky: Lovely article, lovely choices. I used to wear Envy when I was in university, long before I became seriously interested in perfume. I’d love to own a bottle now…
We also have No 19 and En Passant in common – I’ve just returned from Tallinn to Brussels and discovered that lilacs are already in bloom. I’m glad to see Gardenia Petale on your list, too, it’s so pretty. Although I think if pressured, I’d prefer Un Matin d’Orage for a light, spring gardenia.
Others I’ve been wearing: Iris Silver Mist (always), Cristalle, Eau de Narcisse Bleu, Un Lys, Le Temps d’Une Fete, Jasmine et Cigarette and a sample of by Kilian Imperial Tea. I’m also very curious about Magnolia Grandiflora Sandrine.
Patricia: Hi Anniky, Cristalle (EDT and EDP) is also a great favorite of mine and a wonderful spring and year-round fragrance.
What do you think of the by Kilian Imperial Tea?
Annikky: I liked it a lot. I think it’s really well done and smells beautiful – everyone interested in jasmine tea fragrances should try it. Price is an issue, of course…
Patricia: Yes, those Asian Tales fragrances are not inexpensive :(. I have a decant of Water Calligraphy, and that’s all.
Annikky: If you like Water Calligraphy, I suspect you might like Imperial Tea, too. Not that they smell the same, but the style is similar and I enjoy both.
Patricia: Thanks, Annikky, I will try them!
rainboweyes: I’ve never tried a magnolia-themed perfume. What do magnolias smell like? There have been a few new releases which I’d love to try – both Magnolias by Sandrine and by Michel and also the newest Frederic Malle magnolia scent.
Patricia: I love the scent of a magnolia blossom: rich, creamy, powerful and smelling of the sun and the earth at the same time.
If you try the new magnolia fragrances, please let us know what you think!
Annikky: I’ve tried Gucci’s Glamorous Magnolia, but this didn’t seem very close to the real thing (I didn’t like it at all). But I’ve been lucky enough to smell magnolia absolute and that was wonderful, so I hope these three you mention will capture that scent better. NST had a favourable review about Sandrine’s magnolia, so I’m very excited.
Cornelia Blimber: Here in Amsterdam I can smell many magnolia’s, and I have two perfumes coming
L’Instant de Guerlain
Wanted, Helena Rubinstein.
On the other hand, Magnolia Pourpre MPG is lovely, but does not smell of magnolia.
Alicia: Beautiful post, Patricia1 March was very cold here in Upstate NY, I wore my usual Chanel #5, on occasion 31 Rue Cambon, and often Guerlain L’Heure Bleue, which I find very comforting. At the first sight of the
snowdrops I dream of muguet, and wear Diorissimo, and this year a new discovery, a very green muguet, Tauer Carrillon pour un ange. May will bring my beloved roses (not to the garden alas, but to my soul), this year it will be Tauer, Phi: une rose de Kandahar, F. Malle, Portrait of a Lady, with my usual staples YSL, Paris and Rive Gauche, Guerlain’s Nahema and Amouage Lyric for the evening June is iris indeed, Chanel #19, and S. Lutens, Iris Silver Mist.
Patricia: Many thanks, Alicia. What lovely spring perfumes you have listed above!
Amouage Lyric is such a beautiful rose fragrance and is on my short list for a full bottle once I’ve used up my sample. I can’t seem to have enough roses these days.
Alicia: How could I have forgotten two very beloved fragrances I wear -for years now- starting in the spring and going into summer? Caron Farnesiana, and Guerlain’s Apres L’Ondee. Come June I also start with Rochas Tocade. From time to time Miss Dior is very welcome, and Lauder Tuberose G her Private Collection I wear through the year. As for violets, I adore Lutens, Bois de Violette.
Patricia: Miss Dior has been a constant presence in my life, I have a bottle of Apres L’Ondee, and enjoy my samples of Tuberose Gardenia though it’s unlikely I’ll ever buy a full bottle.
Just too many other things to use up first!
Emma: My spring favorites this year, Guerlain Chamade parfum, Serge Lutens La fille de Berlin, Bois de Violette and De Profundis, Chanel 31 Rue Cambon, I think I want to get Guerlain MUGUET 2014, the bottle is so pretty this year and I love Guerlain’s LOTV, it’s pretty, feminine, so springlike, never goes into cleaning household territory, has the right balance between fresh, green and creamy base to please me.
Patricia: The Guerlains sound so tempting. Guerlain is definitely underrepresented in my collection, and there are many that I haven’t even sampled.
Enjoy your spring favorites, Emma!
Heather Hart: Thank you Patricia for writing a lovely post, and giving great Spring recommendations.
I just finished a decant of Amoureuse, and
a decant of Debut is on its way. I want to buy a full bottle of a Parfums DelRae, but I am having trouble deciding which one.
I guess it doesn’t matter, because I just blew my beauty budget on Rose Velours by Van Cleef, but they did give me a generous sample of their gardenia.
So I can’t wait to try it after you mentioned it today.
Happy Spring!
Patricia: Rose Velours is one that I’ve been wanting to try. I hope that you enjoy the Gardenia Petale sample that VC&A gave you, Heather.
Thank you for your kind comments and Happy Spring to you, too!
rainboweyes: Parfums DelRae is such a great perfume house. I absolutely love Panache and Mythique and Coup de Foudre is one of the loveliest roses I’ce ever smelled (and I’m not a rose fan!).
I can’t wait to try Wit, their newest release.
Patricia: I didn’t know about Wit…must try!
Parfums DelRae is one of my favorite houses as well, and Coup de Foudre my favorite fragrance (to date) in it.
Elena: 19 is perfection in spring (I wear the EDP) and I also wear Iris Nobile quite a bit. You and other commenters have hit pretty much all of my other spring favorites. Does anyone else wear Salvatore Ferragamo pour Femme? It’s the one in the tall twisty bottle. I love it, but it was one of my very first perfume loves and I honestly can’t tell if I love it mostly because of my nostalgia for it and the fact that it’s always at Marshalls/TJ Maxx for no money, or because it’s actually really good. It’s got a great green opening, and then some nice soft floral notes. Even some spiciness and citrus. The opening is really beautiful.
Jennifer C: That sounds really nice.
I can’t remember if I’ve seen it at Marshall’s/TJ Maxx before, but I’ll be on the lookout for it next time I go.
Elena: Don’t blind buy it because of me, though! You can never sample stuff there, which I guess makes sense for them, but it’s too bad. I did just blind buy a small Fancy Nights, and I’m happy I did.
Patricia: The Salvatore Ferragamo pour Femme sounds very nice, Elena. I’ll have to look for it at my local TJ Maxx and Marshalls (both are close by so I have no excuse for not stopping and checking them out).
I’d love to find a bargain for a change!
Elena: If you try it, I’d love to hear your impressions. I always read reviews here and elsewhere and think “That’s EXACTLY it,” but when it comes to describing things myself I’m at a loss. My nose is just not that trained (yet).
: ByKilian Asian Tales Collection is spring for me. Imperial Tea and Sacred Wood is both very good and I’ve rediscovered Flowers of Immortality earlier this week and liked it even better than last spring. Water Calligraphy is a calming fragrance for me and the refreshing Bamboo Harmony is like a more refined version of Dior Escale a Pondichery.
Patricia: I have a decant of Water Calligraphy, and you have reminded me of how much I like it. Since I haven’t applied perfume yet today, WC will be my choice.
I’m very curious about the two new ones: Imperial Tea and Sacred Wood. Glad to hear you like them, Parfumista.
Amber: Perfumes and Poetry, my two favourite things, thank you for a lovely article Patricia!
This Spring I have been enjoying two edt’s from 1000 Flowers, Love Is Sweet- which has two kinds of rose, Bulgarian and Turkish, plus violets, iris, cinnamon, opoponax, Tonka, vanilla, patchouli and more…it is sweet but not too much…it has that rose violet lipstick/cosmetic vibe and is very feminine, has become one of those growing on me loves.
Also a floral green/aromatic green- Fleur no1 which has very crisp green notes, galbanum, hyacinth, magnolia, iris, narcissus, violet, if you enjoy chanel no19 or Jacomo Silences its worth sampling.
I am eking out a sample of Guerlain’s Apres L’Ondee, such a beauty.
One of my favourite spring poems is Patrick Kavanagh”s The One:
Green, blue, yellow and red –
God is down in the swamps and marshes
Sensational as April and almost incredible the flowering of our catharsis.
A humble scene in a backward place
Where no one important ever looked
The raving flowers looked up in the face
Of the One and the Endless, the Mind that has baulked
The profoundest of mortals. A primrose, a violet,
A violent wild iris – but mostly anonymous performers
Yet an important occasion as the Muse at her toilet
Prepared to inform the local farmers
That beautiful, beautiful, beautiful God
Was breathing his love by a cut-away bog.
Patricia: Thank you, Amber for sharing that lovely poem. Not surprisingly, I first read “performers” in the fifth to last line as “perfumers,” which also fits!
1000 Flowers is not a line that I’m familiar with, but these two sound well worth sampling. Onto the order list they go :).
Amber: Glad you like the poem Patricia, that is funny, perfumers does fit very well! It seems according to Eliot and Kavanagh April is cruel and sensational!
I would love to hear your thoughts on Love is Sweet and Fleur no1, I can’t find many reviews and am a newbie so it would be great to hear another’s experience of them.
I really enjoyed your chypre article too, I read it last night and had to wear my sample of Rochas Femme (newer version) today.
Patricia: Glad you enjoyed the chypre article, Amber. I have Rochas Femme new and old and happily wear both versions.
If anyone reading has tried either Love is Sweet or Fleur No. 1, we’d love to hear your opinion!
Austenfan: Great choices! I’m especially pleased to see a mention of Début. Such a great green fragrance.
I’m not much of a seasonal fragrance wearer though I do not wear my rootier irises in summer much. Same goes for Patchouli heavy fragrances, they are somehow unpleasant in the heat.
Green florals do make for great spring perfumes. I like Le Temps d’une Fête and Odalisque for this season as well.
Patricia: Hi Austenfan, I fairly recently bought a bottle of Odalisque and haven’t even taken it out of the box yet. Such a beautiful citrussy floral!
johanob: Great article!I did not realize Envy was discontinued,but then again,it takes a while for discontinuations to filter through to my neck of the woods!(luckily)(South Africa).It’s supposed to be Fall over here,but our days are still bright summer!Love it.Fleur du Male is my favorite First days of Spring perfume,it also reminds me of childhood holidays on my grandmother’s farm( where the Sweet Peas made their own little forest in the garden!)Currently rotating Iris Poudre and Amouage Lyric,as well as a recent discovery Montale Dark Purple.Happy Spring Northeners!!
johanob: Afterthought:Just put on some DelRae Debut.It really says SPRING!lovely.
Patricia: Thank you, Johanob. I’m glad you are enjoying the DelRae Debut.
So far Lyric is my favorite of the Amouage line, though I haven’t sprung for a full bottle of any of them yet.
Happy Autumn to you, though I’m glad you are still enjoying summer-like weather!
Linda: What a lovely article! To me, April is full of promise, and my favourites for this time of the year are Chanel No.19 and E.L. Private collection. A poem which to me sums up this monthe is by Laurie Lee:
If ever I saw blessing in the air
I see it now in this still early day
Where lemon-green the vaporous morning drips
Wet sunlight on the powder of my eye.
Blown bubble-film of blue, the sky wraps round
Weeds of warm light whose every root and rod
Splutters with soapy green, and all the world
Sweats with the besd of summer in its bud.
If ever I herd blessing it is there
Where birds in tress that shoals and shadows are
Splash with their hidden wings and drops of sound
Break on my ears their crests of throbbing air.
Pure in the haze the emerald sun dilates
The lps of sparrows milk the mossy stones,
While white as water by the lake a girl
Swims her green hand among the gathered swans.
Now, as the almond burns its smoking wick,
Dropping small flames to lig
Now, as my low blood scales its second chance,
If ever world were blessed, now it is.
Patricia: So beautiful, Linda! Thank you for sharing this
poem, whose imagery really engages all the senses.
Linda: A pleasure! Just to ask – what is your opinion of Calyx (reissued by Clinique)? I’m wearing it today and it’s very gently green!
Patricia: Hi Linda, I like Calyx until the drydown, when the fruit notes go all sour on me. Does this happen to you? I love the guava opening.
Linda: I think I understand what you mean, Patricia! That is something a little “slightly old flowers which need their water changing” about the drydown,,,
Patricia: Sometimes I put it on just to enjoy the opening, then take a shower once it gets to be too much!
Amber: Beautiful! I love his book Cider with Rosie.
Linda: Yes, it’s a wonderful book, isn’t it!
Tamatha Grad: I don? even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was good. I do not know who you are but certainly you are going to a famous blogger if you aren? already
Patricia: What a nice thing to say, Tamatha! I’m so glad you enjoyed the article.
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in : I smelled Daphne Odora for the first time yesterday here in Portland. Divine! I wonder if it’s ever used in fragrance.
in : or in your hair!
in : and rum. giggle!
in : I’m a bit late for the discussion but wanted to ask you Victoria (and congratulate you on your blog and beautiful writing) what do you mean by… a whole year&
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