antraffic accidentt on my w...

你可能喜欢I saw an accident happen on my way home 改句子改成:An accident ___ ___ ___ happen on my way home.(三个空格)
that I saw
was seen to
that i saw就是转换为定语从句啦
so happened to
精彩栏目推荐I saw an accident on my way to the college three days ago.I was waiting for the bus at the but stop. When the bus came, I got on the bus and sat on the window side. The bus started to move. After about five minutes, the bus stopped to wait for the signal(信号灯). I looked outside and saw an old man crossing the road. There were not many people on the road. A boy was riding a motorbike very fast form my side. It seemed that he did not see the signal. When the boy took notice of the old man, he tried to slow down his motorbike but there was no time. He collided with the old man very badly. The old man was thrown far away The boy also fell down. His head hit the road but it was saved because of his helmet(头盔). Both of them lay in the pool of blood. Many people gathered(聚集) around them and gave their ideas. I got afraid because I saw the whole accident. Then a woman stopped and called the ambulance( 救护车 ). It came quickly and rushed them to hospital.The next day I read the newspaper. The old man died in the ambulance but the boy was saved in time. This was the most terrible accident I saw ever in my life.小题1:Where did the writer see the accident?
A.In the college.
B.On the way home.
C.At the bus stop.
D.On the way to the college.
小题2:What was the old man doing when the accident happened?
A.He was crossing the road.
B.He was getting on the bus.
C.he was waiting for the signal.
D.He was talking with the writer.
小题3:What does the underlined word “collide” mean in Chinese?
小题4:What can we learn from the passage?
A.The bus stopped because it was broken.
B.The accident happened three days ago.
C.The writer helped them call the ambulance.
D.Both the old man and the boy died in the accident.
小题5:Which is the best title(标题)for the passage?
A.A Nice Woman
B.A Terrible Accident I saw
C.How to Help People
D.What to Do When You Meet an Accident
试题分析:本文介绍了作者三天前在去大学的路上看到的一场交通事故。事故发生在信号灯旁,一个老人在过马路,突然一个男孩骑摩托车飞跑过来,把老人撞飞了,自己也受了伤。后来老人死了,年青人被救了过来,这是作者见过的最可怕的一次事故。小题1:细节理解题。根据短文第一段I saw an accident on my way to the college three days ago.描述,可知作者是在去大学的路上看到这场事故的,故选D。小题2:细节理解题。根据短文第二段I looked outside and saw an old man crossing the road. 描述,可知,事故发生时老人正在过马路,故选A。小题3:词义猜测题。根据短文第二段A boy was riding a motorbike very fast form my side. It seemed that he did not see the signal. 描述,可知这个男孩摩托车骑得飞快,并且没有看到信号灯,所以一定是撞到了老人,故选C。小题4:细节理解题。根据短文第一段I saw an accident on my way to the college three days ago.描述,可知这场事故发生在三天前,故选B。小题5:标题归纳题。根据短文第三段This was the most terrible accident I saw ever in my life.描述,并结合上文可知这是作者见过的最可怕的一次事故,故选B。
试题“I saw an accident on my w...”;主要考察你对
1. —他就是昨天我在大厅里看到的那个人。
—That’s the mall I saw in the hall yesterday.
—______ you ______ ______ that?2. 他同意和我一起去那里。 He said yes ______ ______ there with me.3. 我爸爸自去年退休后体重增加了。My father has ______ ______ ______ since he was retired last year.4. 最重要的是,我们必须保持身体健康。______ ______, we must keep fit.5. 有人认为将来人们会很经常地到月球上旅行。______ ______ that people will travel to the moon quite often.
1. 午饭时分,房间里撒满了阳光.(be full of sunshine)
_____________________________________________________________________2. 你能帮我搬一下这个很重的箱子吗?(give sb. a hand)
_____________________________________________________________________3. 在放学回家的路上我碰到了一位来自于澳大利亚的外国人.(on my way home)
_____________________________________________________________________4. 顺便说一下,我找到了你在寻找的那本书.(by the way)
1. 阅读是学习英语的好方法.
Reading is a good way ______ ______ English.2. 记住离开房间时要关灯.
Please remember ______ _____ ______ the lights when you leave the room.3. 最近我几乎没有时间和朋友在网上聊天.
These days I hardly ______ _____ _____ _____ with my friends on the Internet.4. 图书馆对学生们来说是阅读的好地方.
Library is a good place for students ______ ______ books.5. 我的同学已经散发了许多宣传单号召人们为贫困地区的儿童筹款.
My classmates have handed out many leaflets _____ _____ people __
___ money for the children in
poor areas.
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