
signatureDark dream, most can "current" and "soul" involuntary "for" and "love", the "description" and "depicting" still face, lush, for ideals, clearly the fate of the eye, forcing it heralds the life FengRen mature and 4, dream of remembrance and thinking...introductionAt night, I slept very comfortable, even if the dream is green, the "nature" heard subtle, like a friendly hand gently in the breeze, my cheeks, And like a guit of slowly blows my mind.textDream, the dream of the enchanted aloes,Bearing the tree of life and enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained,My feet from the cool and refreshing feeling to dream.A familiar voice, a kind of face,Bring me the atmosphere and fantasy,Let me sink rhyme memory, also let me with love.Every nerve, each feeling,Every tear, each expression,I like the dreams into elegant.Trace, I see the roomDear teacher,Dear classmates.And it streamed moonlight, still limpid bright,The mottled old hang bell, ringing jingle chains still.I like dream.I saw a dreamThe teacher taught the tireless,Students that self-purity and really call.Let me see the dawn and make me tomorrow for future life is full of hope.Hence, I have a quiet, brave and self-confidence.I started thinking,With the era, re-examine analyzes his own soul.The ChaoWen "feeling, can be" of Pennsylvania death means, open-minded,Buried in ZhongLing, delicate civilization.The WoXinChangDan deep fear,With the male.All my dreams of traction to shore drew near,Roughly FangFei coveted daydream.I am familiar with turning pages,Like sipping nectar way his poems didInhalation inexplicable enjoy to differentiate fate tremolo.A tree hip perspective,I baptized in the sea of knowledge.Where can raise the ideal sailboat, establish the fate of the mast.Since then, my life than a consolation.And dream, also endowed with sounds, smells, emotion and perception.Gradually, dream became my friend,And I together at the world, with the world,A dream of my feiends, The success or failure of me.But I also watched the dream, the dream with breath...Through the heart of the long view, I perceiveSo that the clean and relaxed embellish.In the square, shade, the shade under, playground,Everywhere I figure and set,Smile, or playing or whisper, or holding book and read, or come running swings.I dream of a youth, lively adornment is tonal, and dream for me, and leftBright, pure still.I was surprised to the sounds of nature ","Seems the hubbub off screen,Only a god made clear. Forget the existence of ego forget the time and space.I like strolling in the dream mall yuli,Free thinking, liftingIs it not affects my soul brigade of thought.I think the house, think love my mom.I ChenGuai her, because she no longer carrying my dream,But I love her more, because it makes me more without her...First listen to heart that dejected, prolongs the echo,The air in the silence of the atmosphere,However, my foot on this rough resolutely land,This is the soul of dream and wish land...The rays of the setting sunIf I saw yesterday that heavy footsteps,It is simple easy smile. Yes, from my eyes and cheeks, peep out of expression. My heart began to tide, passion, My blood boiling, in my body in the expansion.I can feel the progress of The Times and dedication,With the development of heavy that dream.Air moving in, the heart also.The body and mind is intense longing,A grand and great confidence,A kind of conquest and the power of faith,Once again, my life refresh accompany me.Heaven means what?Isn't it a selfless intoxicatedSweet "destruction," happiness "fall".In the dream, full of hope and the image - bah.I only closed his eyes quietly,In the heart of a bright light into hill-shading warm heart...As night, general moisture to enrage,It and green vegetation leaching of life melts into the mix together,Slowly, I understandAutumn is the season of harvest, heavy.A man can not grasp their thanks to him, how can the night alone,No part of cultivation, without a little guilty.People live, mountain means sublimation, drop, persistence, BaiSiBuXie and perfect.Recall, south to panic, I out of platform.The process of city, solemn, urged the bell, I like tears into the bright light, the night, QiuLiang ancient wind.I like to extinguish the lamp of hope.And the bare changan avenue, in my heart has no longer wide.Stay only my miserable and for the future of confusion.However, it is in this lonely abstruse land, I found a dream and direction.I found it is cold, but full of love and tenderness.The style of ancient sink,As the blood vessels, natural blueveined concavo-convexLead me dream forward extension,History is tonal,Deeply embedded in my heart pound.Make me with confidence again, pick up the points of the strong desire.All day long to indulge in the illusions of elegant and richSend this to heart poetic occupation.Gradually, I understandLearn to remove the heart is not very clear, Canon, teachings, and theory.I know theLife CongSu, ups, and pitch.Way streched endless ahead, I'll search with my will unbending.Far, far away from the noisy humiliated.Through the lamentation of haze,I like to see past,Through the veil of the pastI like to see the future.Don't get bogged down in the character of float, only wish to indulge in high templar.Regardless of time, space,...I feel cool breeze,I found the youth movement.This is the dream of the tune,This is the dream of desire.It is wrapped around myLet I always feel relaxed, infinite.Wearing a bright, the heart is a persistent.Here I sweat, comments and infuse the dream and hope I.The soul of life forever in the pursuit of thirsty and waits,All the fragrance of growth and bred,Chewed through the former days, perhaps what all don't,Let the super my heart, leaving blank...conclusionAlways feel like a breeze, like rain wandering, like the romantic light shining, like the purity of the flower fragrance.The sun always rises in place of a dream, a dream in place of the moon, but I always in the dim dream place smile, because it makes my heart full of passion, make me clear bright eyes...This is my university - an ideal paradise of dreams and expectation.
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Our campus is peaceful in the morning.In a while,students come to school,most of them walk to school,some ride on bicycle and a few by car.The campus liveliness now.Look,a few junior students clean the path of lawn.The reading begins at 7 o'clock,in corridor and classroom,students all read their books serious in teacher's tutorship.After second class,it's time for morning exercise.Every class all line orderly in playground,they start exercise in the music.Nine-class students also start their long-distance running exercise on the raceway,look,how they bouncy!But it's different for break exercise time on Thursday,the school hold "Sunshine English" activity usually at that time Because our school is good at English.Students all very happy when this time come,they listen the host explanation in fluent English in the English music one playground,then they begin active communicate each other,some of them will be invite to singing or dancing,smile appears everyone's face."Sunshine English" make us learn more in the laugh,improve our ability and make our campus life become rich and colorful.I like our campus and like our campus life more.翻译:校园生活 早上,我们的校园是恬静的,不一会儿,同学们就陆续来了,大多是步行,有的骑自行车,少数乘着小汽车.校园开始热闹起来.看,草坪边的小路上,几位低年级的同学拿着扫把打扫着,7点左右校园里响起朗朗的读书声.走廊上、教师里,同学门都拿着课本在老师的辅导下,认真的早读.第二节课后是早操时间,只见各班排着整齐的队伍,来到操场,在音乐声中,开始做早操.而跑道上,九年级的同学们也开始了他们的场跑锻炼,瞧,他们个个多有精神.但到了周四,课间操时间就不同了,通常这个时间我校举办“阳光英语”活动.因为我校以英语见长,每当这一天,同学们都很高心.在操场上同学们在阳光英语”让我们在笑声中获得了知识,提高了能力.是我们的校园生活变得更加多姿多彩.我喜欢我们的校园,更喜欢我们的校园生活!
请仔细观察下图,根据下面的漫画.用英语写一篇短文.内容要求:1、描述漫画内容;2、分析漫画所反映的现象:3、提出你的看法;注意:1. 词数120左右;2.考生可适当发挥,使文章内容充实、连贯;3. 文中不得出现考生的具体信息。4. a water vat 水缸
We can see in the picture that a child has dropped into a water vat and the old is too anxious to know what to do.Many people around the vat feel surprised and fresh about it. Instead of saving the child hurriedly, they are busy taking pictures by using their mobile phones to send the amazing news to the micro-blog. They are happy to find the fresh thing.It is true that with the development of the technology, many people’s life have become easy and comfortable. However, with their advanced instruments used, some people have changed their outlook on value, laying too much emphasis on nothing but personal interests and care about nobody. At one time, helping the people in trouble was glorious and responsible, but now it gradually has changed to some people.In my opinion, spiritual civilization is as important as material civilization. Nowadays, the government advocates setting up a harmonious society. If everyone does a little bit for others and the society, our world, will be a much better one. After all, helping others is helping ourselves.采用三段成文法。第一段简单描述图画的内容;第二段揭示图画所反映社会现象;第三段阐述自己的观点和看法。时态:用一般现在时;人称:一三人称;注意使用一些高级词汇、短语和句型,以提高文章的档次;恰当使用一些连词和插入语,使文章表达自然、流畅。
图画作文就是根据给出的一幅或几幅图画所提供的信息写短文。此类题的体裁较广泛,可以是 记叙文、说明文,也可以是议论文。图画式书面表达特点:
1. 仔细审题:包括文体,人称,时态.// 理解到位:整体把握一组图的连贯性理解及题目要求。2. 归纳要点:保证文章内容的完整.// 基础到位:用简单句写出每幅图的主题句。3. 扩展成句:注意英语表达的习惯,根据提纲扩展句子.// 细节到位:注意每幅图的次要内容(时间,地点,方式,原因等)4. 连句成篇:利用一些表示转折,因果,选择等关系的关联词和过渡句,把句子连接起来.// 表达到位:按情节发展先后,承上启下整理成文。5. 全面检查:格式文体要点语法字数等,检查到位:对照各幅图,检查全文定稿。写作说明:   
要想写好图画式书面表达,同学们应注意以下几点:  1、仔细审题。确定文体、时态及人称。&&&&& 看图书面表达以图画提供信息,但在汉语提示及“注意”中也蕴含着很重要的信息。如短文词数、文体及写作本文的原因或意图等。因此,在答题前一定要仔细审题,弄清文体、人称及所用时态。  2、找全要点,兼顾图内图外内容。&&&&& 在动笔前,要认真读图、明确图示内容,把握好图中人物与人物、人物与地点、人物与画面以及图画内各部分的关系,以便做到既准确全面又详略得当。以多幅图作提示的,要注意图与图之间的关系,并注意图画内容的连续性及统一性(为统一主题服务,人称、时态等也要前后一致);若是以一幅图作提示,则要弄清楚图画中所有内容的联系,明确哪些与主题有关,哪些与主题无关,从而确定哪些该详写、哪些该略写或不写。  3、准确表达,尽量避免语法或拼写错误。&&&&& 把要点列出后,要善于把分散的要点用正确、简明、地道的语句进行表达,并按一定的逻辑关系连接。正确用好时态,单词拼写正确,避免汉语式英语等。同时注意调整好要点的出场顺序。4、仔细检查、修改。&&&&& 核对图中要点是否遗漏。时态、语态是否正确。文章句、段、篇是否连贯。单词大小写、拼写、标点符号是否准确无误。书写工整、美观,一篇好的作文不但要内容写的好,字迹也要美观、工整、漂亮。英语图画作文(Writing through Pictures)写作技巧:
一、看图作文的命题特点:看图作文就是依据图画所表现的情景,按照规定和要求进行写作。一般的看图作文就是就图说话:要求考生按照所给图画,通过合理的联想将一组画面的内容正确地表达出来。看图作文的命题形式可以多样化,即根据图画,要求学生写一篇日记,一封书信,一则通知,一篇记叙文或一篇说明文等;要求学生把一幅或几幅内容连续的图画有条理、有层次地再现出来。此题旨在考查学生的观察能力、分析能力、想象能力、创新能力以及遣词造句、组句成篇的书面表达能力。二、看图作文的准备过程:1、正确理解提示和要求。一般情况下,看图作文在提供图画的同时也附带有简要的文字提示,我们可以利用文字提示去正确地理解图意,得到要点。切忌孤立地看图而忽视文字提示。2、确定体裁格式。根据图片内容确定好题材与体裁,弄清是写人还是写景,是说明还是叙事,是书信还是日记或其他应用文体。3、确立人称。清晰把握作文的人称线条,切不可上下矛盾,混淆不清。4、确定时态和语态。弄清所要叙述的内容事实是已然、未然还是正在进行,从而确立主体时态。5、看懂图意;切中题意。正确理解图画的基本事实,并根据每幅画之间的联系,弄清要表达的主题和梗概。6、展开想象。仔细观察细节(图画中的人物、事件、地点、环境、时间、动作等),依据图画细节对画面的内容加以想象、扩充或补充。三、看图作文的基本步骤:1、列出要点。明确写作的具体内容,仔细寻找全部要点,做到要点无遗漏。2、依据内容要点,选择确立可供自己使用的熟悉词汇、短语和句型。做到“不求难,不求异,只求准”。3、将要点译成基本句子。尽量用熟悉、简单的结构表达,避免因用大量的长句和复合句而造成的语法错误。忌用汉语思维生造句子。4、按一定的时间、空间及逻辑顺序或情节发展对基本句子进行有序的排列组合。5、适当增加细节,运用适当的连接过渡词将句子连接成文。6、细心检查错漏:检查人称和主谓是否一致;检查时态和语态是否正确,检查语句和措词是否恰当;检查拼写和标点是否无误;检查内容要点是否齐全。四、看图作文切莫违犯以下八忌: 1、格式不对;2、要点遗漏;3、时态混乱;4、单词错误; 5、离题发挥;6、中式英语;7、标点滥用;8、书写马虎。五、常用句型:1、描述图片:As(正如)we can see in the picture, ...2、谈到现象:Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern that...3、陈述理由:The reasons are as follows.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& In the first place / to begin with, ...&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& What's more / Inaddition, ...&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Last but not the least, ...4、陈述自己的观点:As far as I am concerned,...&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &In my opinion, I hold the view that…&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &Based on the above reasons,...&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &From what has been discussed above, we may arrive at the conclusion that...


