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Miyazaki is a famous Japanese animation director, January 5, 1941 Born in Tokyo.
Miyazaki has no substitute
替代的 in the global animation industry status, Disney called “animation industry Akira Kurosawa”, he was received numerous awards . 宫崎骏是日本著名动画片导演,日生于东京。宫崎骏在全球动画界具有无可替代的地位,迪斯尼称其为“动画界的黑泽明”,更是获奖无数。
Now,let's enjoy some pictures from his works. Every time I heard his music, I would want to see his movie again 这句话翻译的对不对 * Each work of Hayao Miyazaki, subjects are different, But it contains a dream, environmental protection, life, survival and other information . He was the [,d?d?‘ke??n] , not only resonate 共鸣 with the global one, but by paying attention to the world, even the United States Kingdom of Disney animation, Hayao Miyazaki‘s animation should be referred as appropriate film distribution rights
excluding Asia . Hayao Miyazaki has been commented: "There was no moon in the night sky can be, but Hayao Miyazaki animation world can not do without." He can obviously see the importance of the animation industry 宫崎骏的每部作品,题材虽然不同,但却将梦想、环保、人生、生存这些令人反思的讯息,融合其中。他这份执著,不单令全球人产生共鸣,更受到全世界所重视,连美国动画王国迪斯尼,都要斟介宫崎骏的动画电影发行版权 亚洲地区除外 。 曾有人如此评价宫崎骏:“夜空中可以没有月亮,但在动画界不能没有宫崎骏。”足可见他在动画界的重要性
1984年:风之谷 英文名:Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
英文名:Laputa:Castle in the Sky 1988年:龙猫
英文名:My Neighbor TOTORO 1988年:萤火虫之墓
英文名:Grave of the Fire flies 1989年:魔女宅急便
英文名:Kiki's Delivery Service
Japanese animation master Hayao Miyazaki will accept an honorary Oscar on Saturday at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' Governors Awards. Miyazaki, 73, who won a competitive Oscar for his 2002 animated fantasy &Spirited Away,& announced his retirement from directing last year.在上周六的第六届奥斯卡学院主席奖现场,日本动画大师宫崎骏被授予终身成就奖。今年73的宫崎骏曾因2002年的动画电影《千与千寻》获得奥斯卡最佳长篇动画奖,去年他宣布退休。
In an interview through a translator, Miyazaki discussed the future of his Tokyo-based animation company, Studio Ghibli, his latest creative project and the
future of hand-drawn animation.在翻译的帮助下,记者Rebecca Keegan对宫崎骏导演进行了采访,期间,宫崎骏谈到了他在东京的动画公司吉卜力工作室、最近的创作计划,以及手绘动画片的不可知未来等问题。
Congratulations on receiving an honorary Oscar. What do awards mean to you at this point in your career?首先祝贺您获得奥斯卡终身成就奖,这个时候获得这个奖项对您而言意味着什么呢?
I would never want to be on a
to choose somebody to receive an award. I don't like to rank things. I do have a kind of distaste for that sort of thing.&我不想作为评委去评判某人是否可以获奖。我不喜欢对事物进行排名。这类事情对我来说真的很难。&
The last time we spoke, your film &The Wind Rises& was just about to open in the U.S. and you had recently announced your retirement. How are you spending your time now?上次采访时,是您的电影《起风了》即将在美国上映的时候,之后您宣布要退休。那现在您是如何安排您的时间呢?
I'm very busy. I go into my atelier every day, and a lot is requested of me, so I work on those items. It's a bit of a problem for me. For example, I have a friend who has gone to Fukushima to help out with children there, with getting them a play area and a place that they can spend time in. I'm asked to make a graphic for that location, to draw up plans for that kind of facility, and also for the Studio Ghibli museum. We sometimes make new pictures for the displays at the museum. And my own hobby, I haven't been able to finish it, so I'm pulled in all different directions.&我现在也非常忙。每天都要去工作室,那有许多事情都需要我来处理。这对我来说是个难题。比如,我有个朋友去日本福岛县帮助那里的孩子们,并在那里给孩子们建了一个可以玩乐的场所。他请我去给那个地方画画,还得给此类场所以及吉卜力博物馆制定计划。我们有时候还会制作一些在博物馆中放映的动画。而我个人的爱好是画一本手绘漫画,可现在也没法完成,我要忙的事情太多了。&
Earlier this year some people got the impression that Studio Ghibli was going to stop making new movies. Is that the case?今年年初有人说吉卜力工作室以后可能不再制作新的电影了,事实是这样的么?
At this point, we're not making a new film. I think we will not be making any feature films to be shown in theaters. That was not my intention, though. All I did was announce that I would be retiring and not making any more features.&这点上来说,我们确实不再制作新电影了。我想我们不会再做那种在影院放映的电影了。但这并不是我的本意。我的意思只是想跟大家说,我要退休了,不再做电影了。&
Is there not a next generation at the studio who could continue after you and your partner, Isao Takahata?在工作室里有接替您和您的搭档高畑勋下一代制作者么?
That will depend on their efforts and whether they'll have the fortune, the luck, to be able to make films.&这要由他们的努力程度决定,还跟运气有关,看他们是否有好运能够制作电影。&
Do you think the medium of hand-drawn animation will continue, if not at Studio Ghibli then somewhere else?您认为,如果不通过吉卜力工作室,手绘动画片这种形式有可能在其他地方继续下去么?
If creators have the intent to do hand-drawn animation, there certainly will be opportunities for them to do that. But what might be a difficulty will be the financial considerations. I do think the era of pencil, paper and film is coming to an end.&如果制作者们有意制作手绘动画片的话,那么他们一定有机会做下去。但是有一个困难就是经济上的考虑。我确实认为用铅笔、纸张做电影的时期已经结束了。&
Can you tell me about the manga you're working on?能否告诉我们您目前正在画的作品么?
It's something I wanted to do when I was a student. It's about samurai in the 16th century, wearing full , battling it out with each other. I was very dissatisfied with the way that era was
in fiction and film, so I wanted to draw something that would reflect the way I thought that era should look. ...&是我还是学生的时候就想画的东西。是有关于十六世纪的日本武士的,他们全副武装,相互决斗。我对小说和电影里对那个时代的刻画十分不满意,所以我想画出我自己所认为的那个时代应有的样子。&
When was the last time you were here in California?您上次来加州是什么时候呢?
I've been several times, but it wasn't necessarily on my own initiative that I went. I was always requested to show up. One was when &Spirited Away& was released in the U.S., also I went around the time that &Ponyo& was to be released in the U.S. This time [Disney executive] John Lasseter has invited me to go to his house. He's a very valued friend of mine, so I'm looking forward to visiting him.&我来过这几次,但都不是因我自己的意愿而来的,总是因为工作而需要出席某些场合。一次是《千与千寻》在美国上映的时候,还有一次是《悬崖上的金鱼姬》即将在美国上映时我来过这儿。这次来,迪士尼的约翰&拉塞特邀请我到他家。他是我非常珍贵的朋友,所以我非常期待能够拜访他。&
When I interviewed your son Goro a couple of years ago, he found it
that so few people go for walks here in California.几年前采访您的儿子宫崎吾朗的时候,他说加州这里散步的人很少,觉得很奇怪。
I also feel the same way. John Lasseter's yard is so large. Maybe we'll walk there.&我也有这种感觉,约翰&拉塞特的院子非常大,也许我们能在那里散散步。&


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