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How old is planet Earth? | A conversation
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How old is planet Earth?
My understanding from Science is that planet Earth is about 4.6 billion years old.
The current universe is about 13.6 Billion years.
Some claim Earth and the universe is between 6,000 and 10,000 years old.
This is not a trivial difference.
My understanding is the young earth theory is the view of some creationists. Other theists take a less literal approach to holy books and are comfortable with an older universe and even evolution.
Do YEC have it right and various radiometric dating techniques are completely flawed or are they relying on a few bogus results and ignoring what is valid science on the whole.
Is this a huge blind spot for science? Or a conspiracy? Or a bit of both?
I have to admit that it would surprise me if radiometric dating was completely misleading. I would have thought these issues would have been worked through, that there would be continuous improvements in techniques and methodology and more accurately estimating the age of the Earth.
What do you think?
Closing Statement from Obey No1kinobe
Thank you everyone who contributed. You'd think the age of the earth is something we could follow the science and agree on. Apparently not.
Science indicates 4.6 Billion years. Bible inspired young earth creationist below say between 5700 and 13000 years. This is a huge difference.
To believe this you need to ignore or disagree with the science in many fields:
Geology - plate tectonics, sedimentary rock formation,
Astronomy - star and galaxy light distances
Physics - radiometric dating
Also each different creation myth or interpretation conflict.
Some of the science is ignored based on divine intervention which could make a world that looks 4.6 billion years ago 6,000 or so years ago.
Looking into some of the Christian materials, they state up front that the bible is the truth. Any apparent conflicts between the bible stories and science, then the bible trumps.
I guess no one has changed their minds. But the discussion has helped me better understand some of the issues.
I'm going to stick with science. I see no evidence for any god or that the bible is anything special.
Bible literalists want to stick with the apparent mythology of a post Canaanite tribe as described in the bible, that is their choice. I would suggest the bible is not a great scientific resource - it says pi is 3, bats are birds, whales are fish and that displaying striped patterns to a pregnant cow will make it give birth to striped cats. Burning bushes and talking donkey's.
Science has proof without any certainty. Creationists have certainty without any proof. But I almost admire the creatively and arguments developed to counter the science. Although the ones I looked at appeared flawed or relied on supernatural intervention of the type we never see now that we have mobile phone cameras.
Thanks for the discussion.When amphibians first appeared on Earth millions of years ag_答案_百度高考
When amphibians first appeared on Earth millions of years ago, the amount of ultraviolet radiation penetrating Earth’s atmosphere was much greater than it is today. Therefore, current dramatic decreases in amphibian populations cannot be the result of recent increases in ultraviolet radiation penetrating Earth’s atmosphere.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends
A.The eggs of modern amphibians are not significantly more vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation than the eggs of the first amphibians were.B.Modem amphibians are not as likely as the first amphibians were to live in habitats that shield them from ultraviolet radiation.C.Populations of modern amphibians are not able to adapt to changing levels of radiation as readily as populations of early amphibians were.D.The skin of amphibians is generally more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation than the skin of other animals is.E.(E) The skin of amphibians is less sensitive to ultraviolet radiation than to other types of radiation.
第-1小题正确答案及相关解析114网址导航He pretended to be a pilot and got free rides on international airlines to countries around the world. He wrote fake checks and stole several millions of dollars from banks, hotels, and airlines. He lied and got jobs by impersonating a doctor, a lawyer, and a university professor, all before he was twenty-one years old. Does this sound like the story to movie? It is. But it is also tree. This is the story of Frank Abagnale’s life of crime told in Abagnale’s book Catch Me if You Can and in the movie by the’ same name. Although the movie is based on the book, there are several important differences between the two.Probably the one thing that really sets apart the book from the movie is the point-of-view of the story. The book, co-written by Abagnale and a professional writer, is told in Abagnale’s own words. In the book, he tells the reader, “I did this. This is how and this is why.” But in the movie, the story is told from a third person’s point-of-view. This point-of-view limits the details available to viewers of the movie.Because the writer of the movie could not include many of the details about Abagnale’s crimes and motives, the writer had to change things to make the story understandable for viewers. For example, Agagnale explains in the book how he used his knowledge of the banking system’s number codes to commit fraud (诈骗). In the movie, Abagnale has detailed knowledge of printing and check design, like a kind of criminal genius. The movie’s writer never tells the audience how Abagnale got all of this knowledge.Another key difference between the book and movie has to do with the people trying to catch Abagnale. In the book, there are only a few references to an FBI agent named O’Really, the man in charge of Abagnale’s ease. However, the movie gives viewers a lot more information about how an FBI agent, renamed Hanratty, cracks down Abagnale and finally catches him.There are a number of other major differences between the book and the movie about Abagnale’s life, some of which seem to make the book more interesting while others make the movie more interesting. In the end, it all comes down to the question, “Which is better?” Like many other books that have been made into movies, the book is better in this case. The fictional parts of the movie may help create dramatic scenes for the movie and help viewers understand the story quickly, but they are fictional. There is an old saying, “Truth is stranger than fiction.” And in this case, the truth is both stranger and more interesting.1. Why is Frank Abagnale most famous?A. He directed a movie about his life.B. He stole a lot of money from the FBI.C. He talked his way into many different jobs.D. He was trained as a pilot, a lawyer and a professor.2. Which is true about the book and the movie?A. Both were not use.
B. Neither was very popular.C. There are several major differences.
D. They were written by the same person.3. What did Abagnale know about in-real life? He knew ____________. A. how to fly a plane
B. the number system used by banks C. how to direct movies
D. the working system of the FBI - 跟谁学
在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:He pretended to be a pilot and got free rides on international airlines to countries around the world. He wrote fake checks and stole several millions of dollars from banks, hotels, and airlines. He lied and got jobs by impersonating a doctor, a lawyer, and a university professor, all before he was twenty-one years old. Does this sound like the story to movie? It is. But it is also tree. This is the story of Frank Abagnale’s life of crime told in Abagnale’s book Catch Me if You Can and in the movie by the’ same name. Although the movie is based on the book, there are several important differences between the two.Probably the one thing that really sets apart the book from the movie is the point-of-view of the story. The book, co-written by Abagnale and a professional writer, is told in Abagnale’s own words. In the book, he tells the reader, “I did this. This is how and this is why.” But in the movie, the story is told from a third person’s point-of-view. This point-of-view limits the details available to viewers of the movie.Because the writer of the movie could not include many of the details about Abagnale’s crimes and motives, the writer had to change things to make the story understandable for viewers. For example, Agagnale explains in the book how he used his knowledge of the banking system’s number codes to commit fraud (诈骗). In the movie, Abagnale has detailed knowledge of printing and check design, like a kind of criminal genius. The movie’s writer never tells the audience how Abagnale got all of this knowledge.Another key difference between the book and movie has to do with the people trying to catch Abagnale. In the book, there are only a few references to an FBI agent named O’Really, the man in charge of Abagnale’s ease. However, the movie gives viewers a lot more information about how an FBI agent, renamed Hanratty, cracks down Abagnale and finally catches him.There are a number of other major differences between the book and the movie about Abagnale’s life, some of which seem to make the book more interesting while others make the movie more interesting. In the end, it all comes down to the question, “Which is better?” Like many other books that have been made into movies, the book is better in this case. The fictional parts of the movie may help create dramatic scenes for the movie and help viewers understand the story quickly, but they are fictional. There is an old saying, “Truth is stranger than fiction.” And in this case, the truth is both stranger and more interesting.1. Why is Frank Abagnale most famous?A. He directed a movie about his life.B. He stole a lot of money from the FBI.C. He talked his way into many different jobs.D. He was trained as a pilot, a lawyer and a professor.2. Which is true about the book and the movie?A. Both were not use.
B. Neither was very popular.C. There are several major differences.
D. They were written by the same person.3. What did Abagnale know about in-real life? He knew ____________. A. how to fly a plane
B. the number system used by banks C. how to direct movies
D. the working system of the FBIHe pretended to be a pilot and got free rides on international airlines to countries around the world. He wrote fake checks and stole several millions of dollars from banks, hotels, and airlines. He lied and got jobs by impersonating a doctor, a lawyer, and a university professor, all before he was twenty-one years old. Does this sound like the story to movie? It is. But it is also tree. This is the story of Frank Abagnale’s life of crime told in Abagnale’s book Catch Me if You Can and in the movie by the’ same name. Although the movie is based on the book, there are several important differences between the two.Probably the one thing that really sets apart the book from the movie is the point-of-view of the story. The book, co-written by Abagnale and a professional writer, is told in Abagnale’s own words. In the book, he tells the reader, “I did this. This is how and this is why.” But in the movie, the story is told from a third person’s point-of-view. This point-of-view limits the details available to viewers of the movie.Because the writer of the movie could not include many of the details about Abagnale’s crimes and motives, the writer had to change things to make the story understandable for viewers. For example, Agagnale explains in the book how he used his knowledge of the banking system’s number codes to commit fraud (诈骗). In the movie, Abagnale has detailed knowledge of printing and check design, like a kind of criminal genius. The movie’s writer never tells the audience how Abagnale got all of this knowledge.Another key difference between the book and movie has to do with the people trying to catch Abagnale. In the book, there are only a few references to an FBI agent named O’Really, the man in charge of Abagnale’s ease. However, the movie gives viewers a lot more information about how an FBI agent, renamed Hanratty, cracks down Abagnale and finally catches him.There are a number of other major differences between the book and the movie about Abagnale’s life, some of which seem to make the book more interesting while others make the movie more interesting. In the end, it all comes down to the question, “Which is better?” Like many other books that have been made into movies, the book is better in this case. The fictional parts of the movie may help create dramatic scenes for the movie and help viewers understand the story quickly, but they are fictional. There is an old saying, “Truth is stranger than fiction.” And in this case, the truth is both stranger and more interesting.1. Why is Frank Abagnale most famous?A. He directed a movie about his life.B. He stole a lot of money from the FBI.C. He talked his way into many different jobs.D. He was trained as a pilot, a lawyer and a professor.2. Which is true about the book and the movie?A. Both were not use.
B. Neither was very popular.C. There are several major differences.
D. They were written by the same person.3. What did Abagnale know about in-real life? He knew ____________. A. how to fly a plane
B. the number system used by banks C. how to direct movies
D. the working system of the FBI科目:最佳答案小题1:C小题2:C小题3:B解析
关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心Several ago.our country was covered by thick forests.A.million of yearB.million yearC.millions yearsD.millions of years 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
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Several ________ ago,our country was covered by thick forests.A.million of yearB.million yearC.millions yearsD.millions of years
来源:福建省泉州五中年高考模拟考试 英语试题
  April 6, 2005 BERLIN-It has led to numerous expeditions, several mysterious deaths and plenty of books.But 60 years after Nazi officers hid metal boxes in the depths of Lake Toplitz, a new attempt is being made to recover the Third Reich's fabled(传说中的)lost gold.The Austrian government has given a permission to make an underwater expedition to the bottom of the lake.
  Groups of treasure hunters have been racing to Lake Toplitz ever since a group of diehard Nazis escaped to this picturesque part of the Austrian Alps in the final months of the Second World War.With U.S.troops closing in and Germany on the edge of collapse(垮台), they shipped the boxes to the bank of the lake, and sunk them.
  Nobody knows exactly what was inside.Some believe the boxes contained gold stolen by German troops throughout Europe and carried back to Germany.Others think that they contained documents showing where possessions confiscated(没收)from Jewish victims were hidden.The state company that controls the lake, Bundesforste AG, has signed a contract with Norman Scott, an American treasure hunter, who hopes to solve the mystery.
  Later this month, Scott will begin a detailed underwater expedition of the 350-foot-deep lake, though there is official doubt that there is anything left to find.“I really don't know if there is anything down there, but we want to resolve the mystery once and for all,”Irwin Klissenbauer, a director of Bundesforste AG, told the Guardian Tuesday.“The aim at first is to measure the lake.”He added:“This is a beautiful area.You have heard of Loch Ness.For Austrians this has been a bit like Loch Ness.Lots of people come here.And whether there is gold down there or not, the mystery has been very good for tourism.”
  Klissenbauer said that under the terms of the deal--which allows the to dive for the next three years-any treasure found will be divided between the Americans and the Austrian state.“Obviously if they recover anything which has a recognizable owner, under Austrian law we have to give it back.”
Which is the best title of the passage?
Unsolved Mystery
Treasure Found
Mysterious Lake
New Discovery
What can we infer from the passage?
Many books about mysterious deaths have been written so far.
Treasure hunters never risked searching the lake for gold until now.
Many books have been written about mysteries hidden in the Lake.
Norman Scott is sure there is nothing left to find in the lake.
Norman Scott will make the underwater expedition mainly to ________.
find evidence proving Nazi Germany's cruelty
help measure the beautiful lake
uncover the mystery in the lake
help people get back their possessions
According to Austrian law and the deal reached by the Americans and the Austrian government, ________.
the is to solve the mystery in the next three years
both sides will take part in the underwater expedition
any treasure found will go to either the Americans or the Austrian government
people might get their treasure back if there~ re proofs of their ownership


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