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官方公共微信  突然想起来每天看的免费报纸上都会有一小段比较有趣的中英文对照的新闻(周日除外),写在这里,和大家分享一下,我会努力记得更新的~~没办法,本人记忆力不太好...有错字不要见怪~~  大家可以注意一下引号里面的词语~~      今天的~~    Airlines reduce size of spoons to save fuel    Airlines are reducing the size of spoons and dropping in-flight magazines to make planes lighter and save fuel during "the recession", according to the International Air Transport Association.(Daily Telegraph)    航空公司缩小调羹省燃油    国际航空运输协会称,航空公司正缩小调羹尺寸及抽走机上杂志,以减轻飞机重量,在“经济衰退”期间节省燃油。(英国《每日电讯报》)  
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
    谢谢楼上~~    Hummingbirds ’faster than jets’  Male hummingbirds, &swooping& in an effort to impress females, achieve speeds &faster than fighter jets&, according to a study. BBC    蜂鸟“比喷射机更快”  一项研究称,雄性蜂鸟为了吸引异性,从空中“俯冲”而下,达到的速度“比战斗机更快”。 英国广播公司  
    Man had broken leg for 29 years  A businessman has discovered he has been walking around with a broken leg for 29 years. Steve Webb, 49, broke his left leg in a moterbike crash when he was 20-year-old. But after suffering &decades of& pain he found it had never actually healed. Daily Telegraph    男子断腿二十九年未愈  一名商人发现自己二十九年来一直用一条断腿走路。现年四十九岁的韦伯,二十岁时电单车失事断了左腿,痛了“数十年”后,才发现断腿从未真正愈合。英国《每日电讯报》  
    Polish woman wakes up in morgue  An 84-year-old Polish woman woke up in a &morgue& after being decleared dead by her doctor. The emergency medical services became aware of the error when someone saw her body bag in the morgue moving, police said. (Daily Telegraph)    波兰妇人停尸间苏醒  一名八十四岁的波兰妇人被医生宣布死亡后,在一所“停尸间”苏醒过来。警方称,有人见到她的尸袋在停尸间移动时,紧急医护服务部门才发现摆了乌龙。(英国《每日电讯报》)  
    First ’anti-stab’ knife to go on sale in Britain   The knife has a rounded edge instead of a point and will snag on clothing and skin to make it more difficult to &stab& someone. (The Times)     首把“防刺”刀将在英国发售   这把刀边缘圆钝,而非尖锐,且会钩住衣服和皮肤,使它更难“刺伤”他人。 (泰晤士报)  
    2,000 fake colleges in the UK  Experts estimate there could be as many as 2,000 fake colleges in the UK, allowing tens of thousands of &bogus& students in to the country. (Daily Telegraph)    英国假大学两千所  专家估计英国境内的假大学可能多达两千所,让数以万计的“假”学生得以涌入英国。(英国《每日电讯报》)  
    Man shot up to 28 times with Taser by Australian police  Antonio Galeano, 39, an &amphetamine& addict, collapsed and died 15 minutes after being stunned by a 50,000-volt Taser gun during a confrontation with police. (The Times)    男子被澳警电枪电击28次  三十九岁的加利安奴是一名有“安非他命”毒瘾的人士,他与警员的一次对抗中,被五万伏特的电枪电晕,并在十五分钟后死亡。(泰晤士报)  
   First ’anti-stab’ knife to go on sale in Britain     The knife has a rounded edge instead of a point and will snag on clothing and skin to make it more difficult to &stab& someone. (The Times)         首把“防刺”刀将在英国发售     这把刀边缘圆钝,而非尖锐,且会钩住衣服和皮肤,使它更难“刺伤”他人。 (泰晤士报)    刀又圆又钝,要来何用?呵呵。
    咦?居然给了绿脸~~谢谢斑竹支持~~ :)  顺便问一句,绿脸红脸黑脸都是代表什么的啊...  
    作者:gunan1234 回复日期: 09:38:35 
     First ’anti-stab’ knife to go on sale in Britain       The knife has a rounded edge instead of a point and will snag on clothing and skin to make it more difficult to &stab& someone. (The Times)             首把“防刺”刀将在英国发售       这把刀边缘圆钝,而非尖锐,且会钩住衣服和皮肤,使它更难“刺伤”他人。 (泰晤士报)        刀又圆又钝,要来何用?呵呵。  ---------------------  巴晓得~~头条日报上墨有写,google了一下,下面是全文还有图片,不知道图片能不能显示    From Times OnlineJune 15, 2009    First ’anti-stab’ knife to go on sale in Britain    The first “anti-stab” knife is to go on sale in Britain, designed to work as normal in the kitchen but to be ineffective as a weapon.     The knife has a rounded edge instead of a point and will snag on clothing and skin to make it more difficult to stab someone.     It was invented by industrial designer John Cornock, who was inspired by a documentary in which doctors advocated banning traditional knives.     Mr Cornock, 42, from Swindon, said that the knife will cut vegetables, but will make it almost impossible to stab someone to death and will reduce the risk of accidental injuries.     He said: “It can never be a totally safe knife, but the idea is you can’t inflict a fatal wound. Nobody could just grab one out of the kitchen drawer and kill someone.”     The knife is expected to sell for around &40-50 and has been tested with “very favourable” results by the Home Office’s Design and Technology Alliance - set up to research products that can deter crime.       
    作者:gunan1234 回复日期: 11:23:51 
    开玩笑呢,我知道是什么刀,他们的中文翻译有些不地道,是不是?不过是尖头改圆头,边锋还是有的,不然钝刀买来干吗用?    ---------------  恩...还好吧,对于edge理解有点不同,看了图片才知道这里指的是刀尖,报纸上的翻译看上去觉得是所有的边缘。  
    呃...不好意思,又看了一下,才发觉确实翻译的有问题,英文里原文写的就是指刀尖部分~~    ps,今天星期六,拿了报纸翻了半天也没看见今天的英文新闻,估计周六墨有~~  
  蜂鸟那是速率。    speed 也表示速率的。蜂鸟不维持搞速率会挂,心脏功率太大了。
    作者:xiapei520 回复日期: 05:37:15 
    蜂鸟那是速率。        speed 也表示速率的。蜂鸟不维持搞速率会挂,心脏功率太大了。  ------------------  速率?这里应该不是吧,大家更关心的是速度...    google的新闻:  新浪科技讯 北京时间6月12日消息 据国外媒体报道,研究发现,相对于自身身体大小,蜂鸟是世界上速度最快的脊椎动物。每秒钟它们能够比其他脊椎动物飞过更多的身体长度。相对于自身的尺寸,蜂鸟甚至比战斗机和航天飞机都飞得快,而且能比战斗机承受更大的地球引力影响。      高速俯冲:蜂鸟求爱礼仪      加州大学伯克利分校的克里斯托弗-詹姆斯-克拉克是一名动物学家,他对雄性蜂鸟俯冲进行了高速拍照。他测量发现,蜂鸟每秒钟飞行385个身体长度,折合27.3米每秒。这是记录到的脊椎动物相对于身体的最高速度。相对于身体大小,比蜂鸟运动速度快的动物是一些昆虫,比如跳蚤。高速俯冲是雄性蜂鸟向雌性蜂鸟求爱的礼仪。      “行为展示是动物求爱的常见现象”,克拉克在今天的《皇家学会学报B》(Proceedings of the Royal Society B)上写道。“仅仅是雌性的喜好就会导致雄性夸张的体征(比如雄性孔雀漂亮的尾巴),雌性动物对雄性动态行为的喜好会导致雄性接近自己身体极限去完成高难动作。”      承受9倍重力的俯冲      在俯冲时,蜂鸟会承受9倍重力的负荷,这是记录到的脊椎动物在飞行时承受的负荷的最大值。而驾驶战斗机的飞行员在承受7倍重力的负荷时,会短暂性眼前发黑。俯冲飞行是许多鸟类求爱时喜欢用的动作,比如夜鹰、沙锥鸟等等。翠鸟和其他许多海鸟会借助俯冲来捕食。俯冲会使鸟类获得很高的速度。克拉克写道高速俯冲是蜂鸟求爱中的关键环节,而且它还会把尾巴羽毛张开,因为这能产生巨大的短暂的声响,以引起雌性蜂鸟的注意和好感。      蜂鸟的最大速度385身长/秒超过了捕食时游隼俯冲的最高速度200身长/秒和燕子的最高速度350身长/秒。克拉克还写道,蜂鸟的速度比速度最快的战斗机和航天飞机都快。在后然器开启的情况下,战斗机的最高速度可达150身长/秒,航天飞机达到207身长/秒。不过战斗机和航天飞机的绝对速度很大,比如战斗机可达每秒885米,航天飞机达到每秒7700米  
    今天的~~    Terrified postmen threaten to boycott house after attack by baby cat  They say that the six-month-old moggie once jumped up at the letterbox and delivered a painful scratch to a postwoman’s hand.  So fearful are they of a repeat performance that ehy have sent a strongly worded letter to Illy’s owners - warning them to &discipline& her or face a deliver ban. (Daily Mail)    邮差遣小猫袭击,威胁杯葛屋主  他们说,那只六个月大的小猫又一次跳上信箱,抓痛一名女邮差的手。  他们很担心它重施故技,于是向伊利的主人发出措辞强硬的信,警告他们要“管教”它,否则不再给他们派信。 (英国《每日电讯报》)    顺便查了下“杯葛”的意思:  杯葛:英语BOYEATT的音译,集体抵制之意。     Boycott(杯葛),原是一个在爱尔兰做土地代理的英国人的名字,他老不肯把地租降到被佃户认为合理的水平,在佃户交不起地租的时候就将佃户驱逐,整个就是一收租院里的刘文彩。     爱尔兰土改领袖查尔斯·帕默尔通过道德流放将Boy c ot t 搞成精神失常,他说:“如果有人通过把别人赶走占有一块土地,那么无论你们在路上、在商店、在公园里、在市场上,哪怕是在做礼拜的地方遇到这个人,都不要理睬他,把他从道德上进行放逐———把他和家乡的其他人隔离,就像他是一个老麻疯,你们必须把你们对他所犯罪行的憎恶表现出来。”     后来,“杯葛”这个词成了抵制的意思。有杯葛麦当劳的,有杯葛GAP牛仔装的,也有杯葛耐克的,因为劳工政策或环保理念或别的什么。  
  楼主别介意,再抓一次小辫子:    原文的“once&没有“又一次”的意思吧?    另外,关于蜂鸟,中文“速度”和“速率”有什么不同?  蜂鸟飞行时翅膀扇动频率很高,所以它们能像直升机一样停在空中,“速率”不是指的这个吧?
    作者:gunan1234 回复日期: 10:04:42     -------------  没关系~~欢迎大家指正,报纸上的翻译也不一定就是准确的,有错误大家挑出来,共同进步,不过希望不要在帖子吵架:)  
    Dog walker dies after being trampled by cattle  A police spokeswoman said: ’She was surrounded by a herd of cattle and calves, and as a result of dogs being present the cattle reacted in an &aggressive& manner.’ (Daily Telegraph)    溜狗者惨遭牛只践踏死  一名警方女发言人称:“她被一群大小牛只包围,由于有狗只在场,那群牛做出“侵略性的”反映。” (英国《每日电讯报》)    
    PE lessons are ’worst school memory’  Hours spent climbing ropes in the gym and running across fields in little more than a vest and underwear are most adults’ worst memories of school, a &poll& of more than 1,250 people found. (Daily Telegraph)      体育课是“最差的校园回忆”  一项超过一千二百五十人进行的“民意调查”发现,大部分成年人对学校最差的回忆是要在体育馆花多个小时爬绳,以及仅仅穿背心和内裤在草地上跑步。 (英国《每日电讯报》)    
    Cat survives crossbow attack  The veterinary surgeon who treated the pet ’know as Dave’, said its survival was &remarkable& as the 14 inch arrow went through its chest, missing its heart and lungs by just fractions of an inch.    猫中弩箭不死  治疗该只叫“戴夫”的宠物的外科兽医说,它不死实在“神奇”,十四寸长的箭贯穿它的胸口,距心、肺不到一寸。  
   1945年,一位非藉少女LATUALATUKA,乘坐一艘灰色小船由非洲漂到美国‧一位神秘男人杀死了她,而且在背脊割了 &LATUALATUKA&几个字母。一星期后, 这消息传到亚洲.现在你已看完这篇讯息, 她会在一星期后飘到你家中夺取你最重要的家人性命。解咒方法只有完成以下指示: 将此讯息贴在其他三个留言版的回应内                                     对不起,不小心看到的,没办法  
    Snakes and white rabbits: list of bizarre things that students leave behind  What have a snake, a giant white rabbit, a life-size &skeleton& and an inflatable outdoor pool got in common? They’ve all been left behind in their roons by British students.(Daily Telegraph)      蛇和白兔:学生留下的奇怪物品  蛇、大白兔、实物大小的“骷髅骨”和吹气室外游泳池有什么共同点?他们都是英国学生遗留在(宿舍)房内的物品。 (英国《每日电讯报》)    
    呃...今天这条看起来有点奇怪,google了一下整篇新闻:    Snakes and white rabbits: list of bizarre things that students leave behind   What have a snake, a giant white rabbit, a life-size skeleton and an inflatable outdoor pool got in common? They’ve all been left behind in their rooms by British students.   An audit by British student accommodation provider Unite has revealed that trophy traffic cones and road signs are no longer the must-have collectibles.     Instead, students are leaving behind a more eclectic group of items when they leave their digs at the end of the year.     Pets were among the most unusual items left behind, as well as the rabbit, Unite found a pair of budgies, and a six foot snake.     One person left frozen chicken feet.     Other items included the inflatable pool - which was filled with water - a scuba diving suit and a pole-dancing pole.     The audit actually reported a record low in the number of traffic cones, street signs and cardboard cut-outs left by students.     The most common items left behind were mobile phone chargers (24 per cent), while almost one in five (19 per cent) of the items found were text books and one in ten (11 per cent) were iPods.     Nathan Goddard, Unite sales and marketing director, said: &After a year of working hard and playing hard, it is no surprise that students forget to pack everything at the end of term - and what they leave behind never fails to surprise us.     &From the risque to the ridiculous, we often wonder how these items make it into their rooms in the first place.&     Unite, which has properties in 23 UK cities and towns said it tries to reunite students with their belongings. Unclaimed items are donated to charity or recycled and all pets are found a good home.     The 10 most bizarre items:     :: S     :: P     :: Life-     :: P     :: Gi     :: 10ft inflatable outdoor po     :: F     :: A whip and a copy of the Kama S     :: Scuba diving suit with a     :: Full-size air hockey table.   
    Women ’happiest at 28’    Researchers discovered women feel most &confident& and happy with their love life and boday shape shortly before they reach 30.  It is also the period in their life when they enjoy the best sex - but the happiness is relatively short-lived. (Daily Telegraph)      女性“二十八岁最快乐”  研究人员发现,女性快到三十岁之前,对自己的爱情生活和形体最感到“自信”和满意。  这也是她们一生中享受到最好性生活的时期——但这段快乐时光比较短暂。 (英国《每日电讯报》)    
    Skier saved from death plunge by Blackberry  A &skier& who slipped into a crevasse in the Swiss Apls was saved from falling 700ft to his death by his Blacberry mobile phone.  David Fizherbert’s half-inch wide handset in his breast pocket caused him to get wedged in a crack of ice, stopping him from falling further.(Daily Telegraph)    黑莓手机救滑雪者免跌死  一名“滑雪者”在瑞士阿尔卑斯山滑进一条冰缝,被自己的黑莓手机救了一条命,没有跌下七百尺死亡。  菲茨赫伯特胸口中半寸阔的手机,另他卡在冰缝中,阻止他进一步下跌。(英国《每日电讯报》)  
    Free wedding for quitting smoke  A charity in the Saudi capital Riyadh has come up with ’a novel incentive’ to encourage young men to quit smoking - an all-expenses-paid wedding.  In much of the Arab world, the groom alone bears the cost of a wedding. (BBC)    戒烟换免费婚礼  沙特阿拉伯首都利雅德一个慈善团体,想出了一个“新颖的方法”鼓励年轻男子戒烟——费用全免的婚礼。  在阿拉伯世界,大部分新郎要独自承担婚礼的费用。(《英国广播公司》)  
    Indian court: Gay sex is legal  An Indian court on Thursday ruled that consensual sex between adults of the same gender is &legal& in the country, attorneys said. (CNN)    印度法庭:同志性爱合法  检察官表示,印度一间法院周四裁定,同性成年之间的两愿性交,在印度属“合法”。 (《美国有线新闻网络》)  
    Woman dials 999 to report missing hamster  A woman dialed 999 to say her &hamster& had escaped from its cage, police said, as they asked the public to only use the service for genuines emergencies. (Sunday Telegraph)    英女打999报称不见仓鼠  英国警方说,一名女士打九九九报称“仓鼠”逃离笼子,他们要求公众遇到真正紧急情况,才使用九九九服务。  
    BBC’s massive & 14m bill for taxis  BBC staff &ran up& a massive &14 million bill for taxis last year - more than & 38,000 a day. (Daily Mirror)    英国广播公司1400万镑巨款的士账单  英国广播公司的员工去年“积欠”了一千四百万镑巨款的士账单——每天超过三万八千镑。 (英国《每日镜报》)  
    Spider builds life-sized decoys  There is a species of spider that builds models of itself, which it uses as decoys to distract &predators&. The spider may be the first example of an animal building a life-size replica of its own body. (BBC)    蜘蛛制造实物大小的假蛛  有一种蜘蛛会制造与自己相似的模型,以诱骗“猎食者”,转移其视线。这种蜘蛛可能是首次被发现,会以实物大小复制自己身体的动物。(《英国广播公司》)    
    ’Already boiled’ eggs go on sale  Pre-boiled eggs have gone on sale in super-markets for Britain’s laziest cooks. The firm behind the cooked treats says there is a market for people who find &boiling eggs& too much bother - even though it takes only three minutes. (The Sun)    即食煮(原文是一个“火合”字,实在不认识,网上查也查不到,问同事,同事说就是用水来煮的意思,音有点类似&sa&,谁认识帮忙细说一下,谢谢~~)蛋上市  超级市场为英国最懒煮食的人推出了“即食煮蛋”,推出这种熟食的公司说,尽管“煮蛋”只要三分钟,但还是有人认为太麻烦,所以仍然有市场。 (英国《太阳报》)  
    Australia town bans bottled water  A rural town in Australia has voted overwhelmingly to ban the sale of bottled water over concerns about its environmental impact. Campaigner say Bundanoon ’in New South Wales’ may be the first &community& in the world to have such a ban. (BBC)    澳洲城镇禁售樽装水  澳洲一个乡镇关注樽装水对环境的影响,以大笔数投票赞成禁售樽装水。环保人士说,新南威尔士州班达农可能是全球首个“社区”有这种禁令。(《英国广播公司》)  
    作者:你真咸 回复日期: 14:11:16 
    哈哈,跟到这里来了,姐姐我后天就出发咯~~~不过不知道能不能从香港直接去澳门。    -----------------  呃...你是怎么找过来的阿~~  香港可以过澳门,不过先看好的你的通行证上面有没有澳门的签注,以前是港澳通行证,香港和澳门是一起的,现在分开了,要分别办理签注。还有,注意一下你有几次进入香港的签注,因为如果你从澳门回香港的话,又要用一次进入香港的签注,从深圳进入香港要用掉一次,我记得旅游的签证一共有两次吧,如果在澳门的时候没有的香港签注话,就只能从珠海回去了...过关的时候,如果可以,你问一下签证官  祝mm玩得开心~~  
    Elephant carwash raises zoo cash  A &wildlife safari& in Oregon, USA, has come up with an unuaual way to raise money in the tough economic climate. For $20, visitors can have their car washed by the zoo’s elephants. (BBC)    大象洗车助动物园开源  美国俄勒冈州一个“野生动物园”想出一个另类方法,在恶劣经济气候下开源。游客付二十美元,便可请动物园的大象替他们洗车。(《英国广播公司》)  
    mark   坚持下去应该能大大扩充知识面  lz加油丫
    谢谢楼上~~  -----------------    Value of love is & 163,424, study finds  Hearing the words ’I love you’ is worth & 163,424 in "monetary value", research has discovered. A new book has attempted to work out our real worth by putting a value on those priceless moments in life. (Daily Telegraph)    研究发现:爱情价值163,424镑  研究发现,听到“我爱你”三个字,在“金钱上价值”163,424镑。一本新书给生活中的无价时刻定价,试图计算出我们真正的财富。(英国《每日电讯报》)    
    呵呵,谢谢楼上~~    ps 原来英镑的符号是显示不出来的啊,我还google一下英镑的符号,然后复制粘帖过来,没想到显示不出来,大家看见那个&&&知道什么意思就好了~~  
    Cats’ purr to get what they want from owners’  The urgent, high-frequency sound is difficult for the human ear to ignore. It is normally included within a normal purr, &heightening& the impression to pet owners that there is something wrong. (Daily Telegraph)      毛无误叫想向主人获得它们所需  紧急而高频率的声音,令人类耳朵难以忽视。这通常在正常的呜呜叫声中出现,“加强”宠物主人对某些事出了问题的感觉。(英国《每日电讯报》)    
    为啥标题错的这么离谱啊    更正,应该是:“猫呜呜叫想向主人获得它们所需”  
  speed 也表示速率的。蜂鸟不维持搞速率会挂,心脏功率太大了。
    谢谢楼上二位~~    Botched bouquet toss causes plane crash in Italy  Isidoro Pensieri threw &bouqet& from plan but flowers flew into engine causing an explosion and landing him in hospital. (Guardian)    意国笨汉抛花束致坠机  彭谢里从飞机抛下“花束”,但花朵飘入引擎,引发爆炸,导致他被送入医院。 (英国《卫报》)  
    German blows up apartment while trying to fix airbed  A German who tried to fix his &leaky& air mattress blew up his apartment instead. The 45-year-lod man used tire repair solvent to plug a hole in his airbed. But it blew up when he went to inflate it the next day. (Daily Telegraph)    德人修气垫床
竟炸毁寓所  一名德国人尝试修补“漏气”床垫,结果把自己的寓所炸毁了。改名四十五岁男子,用修补车胎的溶剂填补气垫床的洞。但翌日为床垫充气时,床垫突然爆炸。(英国《每日电讯报》)  
    Fruit and veg from Downing Street on sale  Fruit and vegetables are being grown for the first time in the back garden of &Number 10& and sold in one of the canteens used by government staff.(SundayTelegraph)    唐宁街种植的蔬果有售  “唐宁街十号”的后花园首次种植水果蔬菜,并于一间政府职员饭堂出售。 (英国《星期日电讯报》)        google唐宁街十号    唐寧街10號(10 Downing Street),位於英國首都倫敦西敏市內,西敏區白廳旁的唐寧街,一所喬治風格建築物。傳統上是第一財政大臣的官邸,但自從此職由首相兼領後,就成為今日普遍認為的英國首相官邸。其設計樸實的黑色木門,綴上白色的阿拉伯數字「10」,成為了人所共知的標記。    唐寧街10號除了是首相的官邸和首相的辦公室外,首相的秘書、助理和顧問都在首相官邸內工作。首相每天都會在唐寧街10號與閣僚和智囊制定政策,而一般的機要部門,如國會、財政部和外務部距唐寧街10號也只有數分鐘的路程,所以首相很容易便能夠取得情報和聯繫。另外,君主所居住的白金漢宮就在附近,好讓首相定期前往白金漢宮,向君主匯報政事。首相官邸內有不同的會議室和晚宴廳,首相會常常在那裡接見社會各界和各國領導人。因此,唐寧街10號象徵英國政府的中樞、也是英國政治的權力核心之一。  現今的唐寧街10號,原本是由一所「宮殿後的房子」和唐寧街10號本身所合併而成的。「宮殿後的房子」是一所大約建於1530年左右的樓房,而最初的唐寧街10號則是一所修建於1685年的小市區宅第。在1732年,英皇乔治二世將上述的兩座房屋一併賜予罗伯特·沃波尔(即後世通稱的第一任英國首相),以表揚他的功勞。然而,沃波尔不願以個人名義接受獎賞,而代之以其官銜,即第一財政大臣的名義接受,結果「宮殿後的房子」和唐寧街10號就成為了每任第一財政大臣的資產。自1732年至1735年,沃波尔委託了知名建築師威廉·肯特將兩座樓房連接在一起,這就是今日所知的唐寧街10號。    雖然唐寧街10號是君主的御賜禮物,但由於它面積狹小,長年缺乏維修,又建在沼土之上,歷史上不少的首相都不願意入住,有些首相甚至有意將之夷平。此外,由於英國首相一職至19世紀仍然未有明確的確立,因此唐寧街10號以往常常由其他官員入住,在當時不可算是真正的首相府。可是,時至今日,唐寧街10號已漸漸確立成為英國首相的象徵,在倫敦更加是一座極具歷史價值的地標。前首相玛格利特·撒切尔就曾在1985年說過,唐寧街10號已經成為「全國的遺產中,最珍貴的珠寶。」    
    Japanese fishermen brace for jiant jellyfish  Giant jellyfish descends on the Sea of Japan, causing untold &devastation& to coastal villages and leaving a trail of destruction and human misery behind. (CNN)    日本渔民防备巨型水母  巨型水母突袭日本海,对沿岸村庄造成难以言喻的“蹂躏”,留下破坏痕迹和为居民带来苦难。  
    ’I’m proud it cost police 10,000 pounds’, says teenager whose Facebook party became a riot  A teenager whose party became a roit after it was gaecrashed by 150 &revellers& who saw it advertised on Facebook has boasted about how much it cost to break up. (Daily Mail)    少年开Facebook派对变骚乱:“耗警方一万英镑,我感到骄傲”  一名少年在Facebook宣传他的派对,吸引一百五十名“寻欢作乐的人”擅自出席,引发骚乱,但少年仍吹嘘花了警方多少钱才结束事件。(英国《每日邮报》)  
    UK ’is losing 52 pubs each week’  UK &pubs& closed at a rate of 52 per week in the first half of the year - a third more than the same period in 2008 - the British Beer & Pub Association said. (BBC)    英国“每星期52间酒吧消失”  英国啤酒暨酒吧协会称,在今年上半年,英国每星期就有五十二间“酒吧”关闭,较二零零八年同期多三分之一。  
    Quake moves NZ towards Australia  A masive earthquake last week has brought New Zealand closer to Australia, scientists say.  The &7.8 magnitude quake& in the Tasman Sea has expanded New Zealand’s South Island westwards by about 30 cm. (BBC)    科学家说,上周的一次大地震令新西兰更接近澳洲。  该次在塔斯曼海发生的“7.8级地震”,使新西兰的南岛向西扩展了约三十厘米。 (英国广播公司)  
    Nasa finds monster black hole  Nasa has found a monster black hole 100 million times the mass of the Sun "feeding off" gas, dust and stars at the centre of a galaxy 50 million light-years away. (Daily Telegraph)    太空总署发现巨型黑洞  美国太空总署发现一个巨型黑洞,质量是太阳的一亿倍,在五千万光年外一个星系的中心,“吞食”气体、尘埃和星体。(《每日电讯报》)  
    US pets treated with acupuncture  US pet owners and their &vets& are turning to acupuncture to treat animals for a wide range of medical problems. Almost 1,000 vets in the US are now using acupuncture in a country where the pet industry is worth $49 billion a year. (Daily Telegraph)    美国宠物接受针灸治疗  美国宠物主人和“兽医”开始利用针灸,为动物治疗各种不同的健康问题。美国有约一千名手以正是用针灸疗法,这个国家的宠物业每年价值四百九十亿美元。 (英国《每日电讯报》)  
    Dairy for childredn ’extends life’  Children who eat plenty of &dairy foods& such as milk and cheese can expect to live longer, a study suggests. (BBC)    奶制品为儿童‘延寿’  一项研究发现,儿童吃充足“奶制品”,如牛奶和芝士,可望延寿。 (英国广播公司)  
    昨天不知道怎么了,发了一天也发不出来,今天补上~~    昨天的:  Swinging arms as we walk ’helps preserve energy’  The mystery of why we swing our arms as we walk may have been solved, after scientists discovered that it is more &energy-efficient& than holding them still. (Daily Telegraph)    走路摆动双臂‘助保存能量’  我们走路时双臂为何摆动之谜或已解开。科学家发现,走路时双臂摆动比静止不动更“省力”。 (英国《每日电讯报》)  
    今天的:    Strong perfume hospitalises 34 in Texas  When scores of workers at a Texas call centre started feeling sick and dizzy, it was feared that &carbon monoxide& or another toxic substance had leaked into the building. However, ti later turned out that a particularly strong brand of perfume was to blame.(Daily Telegraph)    强烈香水导致德州34人入院  德州一个电话中心有多名员工开始感到不适和头晕,大家害怕是“一氧化碳”或其他有毒物质漏入大厦造成。不过,后来发现肇事者是一种特强气味的香水。 (英国《每日电讯报》)    
  谢谢,挺有意思的。    mylifeinhk是每天记着以后默上来的吗?
    回楼上  当然不是,报纸就在手旁,照着打的  
    India pays couples to put off having children  Thousands of couples in India who agreed to put off having babies for at least two years after their weddig will collect cash payments this month as health officials attempt to &curb& the country’s rapidly growing populations. (The Observer)    印度现金奖励夫妇推迟生育  印度卫生官员设法“遏制”人口迅速增长,将于本月向数以千计同意婚后至少推迟两年生儿育女的夫妇,派发现金奖励。(英国《观察家报》)  
    Lost dog Muffy found after nine years apart from owners  A dog that vanished nine years ago has been found alive and well 1,200 miles away.  Inspectors from Australia’s RSPCA were investigating a possible &animal cruelty& case at a home in Melbourne when they found the dog, called Muffy, sleeping outside on a scrap of cardboard. (Mirror)    失踪够莫菲与主人失散九年后寻回  一只九年前失踪的狗,在一千二百英里外被发现仍然好好活着。  澳洲皇家防止虐待动物协会调查员在墨尔本一个住宅,调查一宗可能是“虐待动物”的案件时,发现这只叫莫菲的狗,睡在屋外一张纸板上。(英国《镜报》)  
    Housework ’makes British men more attractive’  British men make some of the best husbands in the world because they are more &willing to& do housework, news research suggests. (Daily Telegraph)    家务‘令英国男性更吸引’  新研究显示,英国男性进占全球最好丈夫之列,因为他们比较“愿意”做家务。 (英国《每日电讯报》)  
    谢谢楼上~~    今天早上没拿到报纸,在报纸的网站上搜了半天找到了~~    Australians urged to eat camels    Australians are being urged to eat &camel meat& to help tackle their population explosion. Daily Telegraph    澳洲鼓勵國民吃駱駝  澳洲鼓勵民眾吃「駱駝肉」,以協助對付駱駝數量爆炸性地激增。《每日電訊報》  
    Only one elderly man in the village  Les Harrington, an 86-year-old man is the only resident in a £6 million luxury retirement village which has fallen victim to the &recession&. Mr. Harrington blames the recession for his lack of neighbours and says he relies on the cleaner, handyman and housekeeper for company.Daily Telegraph    村裏只有一個老人   八十六歲的萊斯‧哈林頓,是一條六百萬鎊豪華退休村莊的唯一住客,該村莊是「經濟衰退」的受害者。哈林頓先生歸咎經濟衰退令他沒有鄰居,說自己只靠清潔工人、雜工和管家為伴。英國《每日電訊報》  
    Paraguayan man finds his baby son alive after opening his coffin  Paraguayans have hailed a miracle after a grieving father opened his baby son’s coffin and discovered that the &infant& was still alive hours after doctors pronounced him dead. Sunday Telegraph    巴拉圭男子開棺發現新生兒仍活?   巴拉圭醫生宣佈一名嬰兒死亡後數小時,悲傷的父親打開棺材,竟發現「嬰兒」仍然活?,民眾嘖嘖稱奇。《星期日電訊報》  
    Cuba runs out of lavatory paper  The state-run company that manufactures the island’s supply has warned that the economic crisis and a series of devastating &hurricanes& has left it unable to guarantee it will be able to produce or import sufficient supplies again until the end of the year.Daily Telegraph    古巴廁紙快用光  為古巴生產廁紙的國營公司警告,經濟危機加上連串毀滅性「風災」,令該公司無法保證再有能力生產或進口足夠的廁紙,直至本年底。英國《每日電訊報》  
    Tumours ’killed’ by bee sting  Microscopic &nanobees& are being used to sting cancerous tumours to death, scientists reported yesterday.The Sun    蜂螫「殺」腫瘤   科學家昨天報告,用顯微鏡才看得見的「納米蜂」被用來螫死癌腫瘤。英國《太陽報》  
  可以做翻译练习,也可以做阅读练习.楼主记得天天来一段。你的用户名是My life in HongKong?
    回楼上    我已经很努力的记得只要有报纸发行,我就把报纸上面的这个资料拿来分享~~    没错,用户名就是这个的缩写  
    Salmon return to Paris  Efforts to reduce pollution from pesticide and bacteria in the Paris river have been rewarded as &migratory& fish reappear in Seine.The Times    三文魚回歸巴黎   當局致力減少塞納河由殺蟲劑和細菌造成的污染,這項工作得到了回報,「遷移的」魚再度現身這條巴黎河流中。英國《泰晤士報》  
    5 Year Old Saves Mom  A five year old from Jamaica, Queens was honored today for thinking quickly and possibly saving his pregnant mother’s life. Tahlique Garay’s mother was on the floor so he called 911. He kept his &composure& as he told operators what they needed to     五歲幼童救母   紐約市皇后區傑梅卡的一名五歲男童,其敏捷思想可能救了懷孕母親一命,今天獲得當局嘉許。加拉伊的母親跌倒地上,他於是致電九一一報警。他保持「冷靜」,告訴了接線生他們需要知道的事。  
  mark again
    Prince Harry passes helicopter pilot’s course with flying colours  Royal aides say the Prince is &delighted& to have passed stage one of his course, while other informed sources say he is now likely to opt to fly Lynx support helicopters, rather than Apaches or Gazelles, the two other helicopters used by the Army Air Corps. Sunday Telegraph    哈里王子出色完成直升機師課程   皇室助理說,王子對於完成第一階段課程感到「高興」。其他消息人士透露,他現在可能選擇駕駛「天貓」支援直升機,而不是陸軍航空兵使用的另兩款直升機——「阿帕奇」或「小羚羊」。《星期日電訊報》  
    Prince Harry passes helicopter pilot’s course with flying colours  Royal aides say the Prince is &delighted& to have passed stage one of his course, while other informed sources say he is now likely to opt to fly Lynx support helicopters, rather than Apaches or Gazelles, the two other helicopters used by the Army Air Corps. Sunday Telegraph    哈里王子出色完成直升機師課程   皇室助理說,王子對於完成第一階段課程感到「高興」。其他消息人士透露,他現在可能選擇駕駛「天貓」支援直升機,而不是陸軍航空兵使用的另兩款直升機——「阿帕奇」或「小羚羊」。《星期日電訊報》  
  楼主这方法不错  赞一个
  不错!顶le ~
    谢谢楼上两位~~    今早差点忘了...记忆力衰退...    Plant that eats rats  A deadly plant that eats rats has been discovered by British experts. The giant plant - believed to be the largest &meat-eating shrub& - lures rodents into its slipper-shaped mouth and dissolves them with enzymes.The Sun    食鼠植物   英國專家發現一種吃鼠的致命植物。這種巨大植物相信是最大的「肉食灌木」,它引誘齧齒動物進入其拖鞋狀的口中,以酵素把牠們溶解掉。英國《太陽報》  
    谢谢楼上两位~~    今早差点忘了...记忆力衰退...    Plant that eats rats  A deadly plant that eats rats has been discovered by British experts. The giant plant - believed to be the largest "meat-eating shrub" - lures rodents into its slipper-shaped mouth and dissolves them with enzymes.The Sun    食鼠植物   英國專家發現一種吃鼠的致命植物。這種巨大植物相信是最大的「肉食灌木」,它引誘齧齒動物進入其拖鞋狀的口中,以酵素把牠們溶解掉。英國《太陽報》  
  Prince Harry passes helicopter pilot’s course with flying colours中的“colours”应该是course吧?  
    作者:爱的风向 回复日期: 10:53:51 
    Prince Harry passes helicopter pilot’s course with flying colours中的“colours”应该是course吧?  ---------------------  flying colors指的是什麼事情做得很出色  
    搜了一下有关新闻,不知道图片能不能显示  ps为啥这位王子越长越难看啊...    Prince Harry passes helicopter pilot’s course with flying colours   The Prince, 24, is to begin his advanced flying training at RAF Shawbury in Shropshire having now successfully completed 40 hours of flying.     Royal aides say the Prince is &delighted& to have passed stage one of his course, while other informed sources say he is now likely to opt to fly Lynx support helicopters, rather than Apaches or Gazelles, the two other helicopters used by the Army Air Corps.   Prince Harry appears to prefer the Lynx. In June, at a photo call at RAF Shawbury also attended by Prince William, the younger royal brother said: &I think the Lynx is more challenging, it’s more my cup of tea than the Apache.     &That’s how I feel but that might change halfway though.& However, he added: &I’ll fly wherever I’m told to fly.&     Prince Harry secretly spent ten weeks serving in Afghanistan early last year and has spoken of his desire to return to the war-torn country.     But the Lynx has only had a limited role in Afghanistan. By opting to fly the Lynx, Prince Harry may reduce his chances of serving again in the war zone: typically, there are only five in theatre at any one time.     Britain announced in April that it is buying 62 new Lynx Wildcat helicopters from AgustaWestland at a cost of &27 million each, but they will not be available to for use by troops for a few years.     During his first 40 hours of flying, the Prince has covered take-off, landing, basic helicopter handling and some advanced handling, which is mainly to do with emergency situations.     He has also successfully completed advanced ground school, which he found a struggle earlier in the summer.     Advanced flying training will see him undertake a further 40 hours or so of flying, covering the more advanced aspects of flying such as night-flying, ’instrument’ flying in bad weather, more emergency drills, and more advanced handling techniques.     The advanced stage of his course will take him into October. If he passes this stage, he will then move from RAF Shawbury to the Army Air Corps’ base at Middle Wallop, Hampshire.     If Prince Harry completes his training, he will be awarded his &wings& in March before he is assigned to either the Lynx, Gazelle or Apache for final instructions.     A spokesman for St James’s Palace said last night: &Prince Harry has successfully completed basic flying training at RAF Shawbury and now moves to the advanced flying course.&     Prince William, 27, who already has his &wings&, is training to become an RAF search and rescue pilot.     
    Ghosts roaming haunted Parliament House  Anyone who claims there is no spirit left in the NSW Parliament should try spending a night there alone. Once a hospital completes with a &morgue&, Parliament House is giving up its ghostly secrets for a new history project.Daily Telegraph    鬼魂在議會大樓遊蕩   誰說新南威爾士議會沒有鬼魂留下,他應該在那裏獨過一夜。議會大樓曾是一座設有「停屍間」的醫院,現將為一項新的歷史計劃,公開鬧鬼秘聞。澳洲《每日電訊報》  
     Looking at cakes helps women eat more healthily  Looking at &tempting& pictures of cakes and sweets helps women to eat healthily, according to new research. Prof Kroese suggests that people who are trying to lose weight should try sticking a picture of unhealthy snacks on their fridge door to stop them from eating unhealthily.Daily Telegraph    望?蛋糕有助女士吃得更健康  根據最新研究指出,望?「誘人的」糕點和糖果圖片有助女士吃得健康。克勒澤教授建議,想減輕體重的人應嘗試在雪櫃門上貼一幅不健康小食的圖片,藉以阻止他們吃得不健康。英國《每日電訊報》  
    作者:别停别停 回复日期: 22:06:59 
    第二句翻的对吗,觉得有问题。    ----------------------  google了一下全文    Ghosts roaming haunted Parliament House   By Gemma Jones From: The Daily Telegraph August 18, AM   THERE is the ghostly man who walks through the floor, a silent horse drawn carriage out the front and down the road a baby cries at night.     Anyone who claims there is no spirit left in the NSW Parliament should try spending a night there alone.    Once a hospital complete with a morgue, Parliament House is giving up its ghostly secrets for a new history project.    Most staff have a tale of a shadowy figure in the corridor, lights flickering or a strange tap on the shoulder out of thin air.    And down the road at Government House the stories are even more terrifying.    The most common include a baby that cries in the night from under the building, shadowy soldiers out the front on misty mornings and an old woman in a rocking chair in one room.    The old morgue under the theatrette at Parliament, which is preserved but bricked up, is considered by some to be the source of the ghosts.  Education staff will compile the tales in a new bulletin named The Ghosts And Ghost Stories of Parliament House    One parliamentary staffer said: &A guy was here late one night and there was a hand on his shoulder, he turned around and there was no one there.    &The ghost stories are worse at Government House, the most common one is that a baby cries and no one can find the baby.&    Another said: &You hear about people in old fashioned garb mysteriously appearing, walking down stairs or even walking through the floor.&    Do you believe in ghosts? Or is this all just hogwash? Tell us below    Parliament education officer Daniela Giorgi wrote in the latest Legislative Assembly newsletter that the bulletin would &explore the strange phenomena that have been reported throughout Parliament for many years&.    &The building has housed the legislature for over 150 years but disembodied spirits nursing unrequited civil passion are not the only ghosts that wander these corridors of power,& Ms Giorgi said.    &Once the building housed the Rum Hospital and morgue.&    Long-serving MP Chris Hartcher said ghosts included a man who died in his office.    Mr Hartcher and fellow MP Paul Gibson said they had never seen a ghost.    是一个澳大利亚网站上的新闻,网址:  .au/news/ghosts-roaming-haunted-parliament-house/story-e6freuy9-2  ----------------------    头条日报把 &complete&改成&completes&  问了一下一个澳洲的朋友,朋友说complete在这里指的是“有,带着,附加”的意思,也就是上面所翻译的意思,“設有「停屍間」的醫院”。但是朋友说,这里应该是&complete&,也就是报纸不应该改原文。问朋友为什么,他也说不清楚,只是感觉这样是对的...  
    谢谢楼上几位细心阅读,并欢迎各位指正    ps 如果我把这一贴改成“大家一起来找碴”,人气会不会高一点? : P  
    作者:别停别停 回复日期: 15:26:21 
    搜原文的时候正好是晚上,吓坏我了,还附一张带人影的图片    ---------------  那张图还好阿,感觉是电脑作出来的~~    


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